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Forecast here for us. Some areas could see another inch of rainin, we are emphasizing mostly south of i4 as a cold front is draped across the area. Showers and storms will come to an end later on tomorrow afternoon. Then we bring a cold front through here bringing chillier tetemperatures. As we have seen, the showers haveve lifted from south to north, but the bulk of them being to the south and d the greatest Severe Weatherer threat has been across south florida. You can see a couplele of tornadado reports. These are storm reports result of the tornado. This is the e initial discussion about a rotating storm. That is what occurreded earlier todaday. Asas for our local radar, you can see showers continuing. This is doppler radar, heavy rain around north port. Southern sections of De Soto County and sarasosota county lifting from south to north. If you u tatalk heavy or better rarain chances,s, we are talking south of the front which is anchored about halfway across the state of flflorida. Areaeas north of the front drier and a wiwind shift occurring as wewe will talk more about that forecast andnd look ahead d to gasparilla ofof course. That big event saturday coming up. Thank you steve. You can n track the weweather time on our weather r max app. P. It is a a big brbreak in a strange mystery. Sarasota detectives haveve been remains. They only had a few clues. A a cell phone, a belt buckle. Now theyey know who this guy isis but they have no ididea how hehe dieded. Joins us now. Reporter not much to go on, if you look where we are, where the remains were found, it was very difficult to get to this point. Nowhere. It was found in this wooded area off of cattleman road and it took a lot of detective work to determine who he is. Two workerers ststumbled upupon a but frankly they were at a loss. Thananks to a 2,012penny found in his pocket, they knew the body had d been there a couple of yearars but thatat was s it. These were the only clues they had. A cecell phone and this uniqique belt buckckle. Detective david tuck and his team did some good old fashioioned investigationive work. Itit was a lengthy project. Reporter anthropologists are examining the remain. It is very tedidious and memeticulous work. Hundreds of hours on one skeleton. Reporter dedeputies visited homeless camps carrying araround this picicture of the belt buckle. Surprisingly, sosome folks recognized it. After months of trying, a man was able to identify the belt buckles owner. Fernando valasquez. How remarkable is it that you can identify this personon it isis rare to get to that point, but everythihing fell intoto police. Reporter dedetectives are trying to track down his family members. One mystery is solved. But many other questions remained so someone out there knows something that could help this case. Detectives are also in touch with authorities in miami to trtry to track down some of valasquezs family in his native guatemala. So a lot of work lies there ahead of them. If you know anything abouout him oror how he ended up dead here, some speculate this migight be a murder, but that has not been confirmed yet. What do we know . Reporter they are still looking into this. It all depends on the forensic work and the tips coming in from the publicic. John rogers, thank you u john. Well, tampa leaders stararted working on a plan to potentialllly move the e rays to their siside of the bay. Saint t petersburg leaderers reached an agreement for the rays to look outstside sasaint pete fofor a a new locacation. Rod d carter joins us witith momore on this continuing to develop story. Rod . Reporter thats a great way to put it. Good evening to you. This is one area that has been the subject of a lot of conversation. When we talk about where to put the rays stadium channel side. But we are a a long way from knowing exactly where ththat potential stadium site would be. But i can tell you the group put together to look at this held their first meeting since the vote was taken in saint petersburg. Today, a team from tampa sat down to hammer out a plan to lure the rarays to totown. We have met as internally as a committee to whatat our next steps would be. We would be meeting with the rays in the not too distancece fututure. Reporter r that group involving bob buckhorn has the task of hitting a home run location on this side of the the bay. We are in listening mode. Their neneeds are. How big is the stadium . Urban, sububurban. Alall the other thinings that go alonong with this. S. Reportrter the mayor saysys he is not at all surprised the sasaint pete mayayor came to an agagreement to allow the rays to seek a new home. But he tells me they are all in thing. The oututcome should be that the rays stay in the region. It is important that we compete,e, but it is more important they stay. Reporter bubut will we truly be able to scream playay ball in tampa . How feaeasible is it that the stadium could end up over here . It is a decent shshot. Ultimately, that will be the rays call. Reporter and again, that meeting wrapped up a couple of hours ago. This is s all still up in the air. We dont know exactly where that stadium will be, if i it will end up on this side of the bay, if it will end up in another location on the other side of the bay. Definitely in the talks right now, but nothing definitiveve at this point. T. What about this meeteting . What locations did they discuss and how long before we do know something . Reporter you would love to know the answer. So would i. Unfortunately, we dont know because it was a closed meeting so we have no idea what they really talked about beyond the fact they talked about the potential for ray stadium. There e is not a whole lot of pressure as far as time is concerned. Everybody wants to make the right decision. The agreement need to be that the rays stay somewhere in the bay areaea. So again, the saga continues. Yeah. I wish wewe knew too. Right now, it is inside baseball. Rod carter, ththank you for the live report. Appreciate it. Armed protesters still occupy an armed wildlifefe refuge ththe day after one ofof ththem was killeded. Officials have not commented much beyond saying it is not clear who fired firsrst. Today, the shereriff dave ward emotionanally called for r the rest of the armed protesters to leave the wildlife rerefuge. This has been tearing our community apart. This cant happen anymore. This cannt happppen in a america and in harney countyty. Eight protesesters were taken into custodody including the groups leader ammon bundy. Each will face a a felony conspiraracy to impedede the unitited states. And the lead p pipes in flint michigigan must be replaced but according to theieir governor, it is a long teterm option. Not an imimmediate one. They estimate it could cost as much as 1. 5 billion to fix the contaminated water system. Now, peoeople cant drink unfiltered tap water and tests have shown high lelead levels in a a push toninight for research on the zika virus. President obama is asking fofor the rapid devevelopment ofof research to diagnose, prevenent, and treat t the mosquito bornrn illness. They believe it is linked to a wave of birth defefects in brazil and d u. S. Officials are warning pregnant women about traveling to the caribbean and south america where there are reported outbreaks. While other r states are declaring Fantasy Sports illegal,l, florida is not. Reporter leagues are paying 75,000 a week. Nevada has said no to fantasasy sports. New w york thinks they arare illegal as well. Florida a is going thehe other way. If we have popotentially hundredsds of millioions of dollars paidid by floridians to participate in contests, we want to make sure that they are done properly. Y. Reporter operators would pay a 500,000 Registration Fee licenses every year. They must also post a million dollllars bond. The lelegislation carries a 5,00000 fine, but no crimiminal penalties. S. That would d make itit the only gagambling activity wiwith no crimininal penanalties at all. Real people, real coconstituents have emailed, called, texted me. Repoporter and in t the end the spsponsor says it would be impractical to make the games illegal. I dont think anyone wants to criminalize i it. Reporter the legalization of Fantasy Sports is not a sure bet because most gamingng intererests oppose it. I woululd like to see e some courts enter some rulings after hearing evidence. Repororter bubut the sponsor is in linine to be the next senate and that gives Fantasy Sportsts better ththan a 50 50 chance of being legigitimized. In tallahassee, mikeke, newschannel8. How donald trump is breaking all the rules of taking a page out of his art of the e deal playbook, donald trump is saying h he is not going to participate. Feud wiwith megyn kelly. She says he was unfair at the last debate. Political analysts like the rest of us are having a hard time predicting whwhat will happenen next especially when it comes to donald trump. Candace mccowan is here to talk to us a littlele more about that. Itit is like watching t the political game evolve. Reporter good evening. This is changing what most profesessors have seen as a trtraditional campaign and what theyey have always taught in their classes. Not mamany candidatates would miss the chance to be on a National Stage e runnining for presidident. But ththe rules of the past dont thank you reporteter they are the lines we are heard before. Wewe will be at hopefefully 700 years. I will keep your safe, secure, and free. Toes. Maybe those are the political rules of the past. You are donald trump. I like people that werent captured. The more he does this, you can bet that if he were the nominee for the general election, that all of these would be coming back in the form of a tv ad. Reporter but will it really come back to bite him . Nothing has seemed to hurt trump yet. Every political analyst thought by now he would have been out of the race. But even as he makes hihis own rules and goes a against the grain, he isis still in it. All six debates. S. He has won them all. Reporter his supporters arargue hehe will win tomomorrow nights debate without evenen showowing up. Tomorrorow rather than continuingng to give fox news highgher ratings, he is actually focused on a group ofof people. The veteterans, the wounded warriors. About him m not being able to umpteen poinints in ioiowa bubut he isnt. Reporter Chris Christie was s on megyn kellys show last nighght talking about him. Also, marco rubio getting on social media today talking, writing this long paragrapaph ababout, who o else . Donald t trump, but i thoughght this was one quite interestining if we can get over to it. Well, one e person, this guy sasaying the gop debabate without donaldld trump isis lilike watching the jackckson 5 without t michael. There would d be some people who o might agree with him. Keith . That is an ininteresting take ththere. But a lilittle footnonote here, i will be attending that debate in iowa anand covevering the caucuses liveve from iowa. In f fact, for thehe next several days w we will be in des moines reporting on how the tight races arare playing out on the republican and democratatic parties so stay tuned to f find out what all of this means for flflorida and the races going forwrward. You have bebeen doing a ton of homework so im excited to see yoyour reports from iowa. It will be an intereresting four or five days. But it is engaging and we are watctching the whole political process evololve. It is historical so it will be exciting. We will l see from ioiowa tomorrow. W. I hear the weweather is pretty gogood in iowa. For iowa. For r iowa ststandards . It will be in the 3030s. Iowa is a bebeautiful state. But thisis titime of year, you tend to get a little cool. Bundle e up. But it is bebetter than it could be. I covered those caucucuses in 84. Wowow. Thatat was a longng time ago. John glen wawas running for president. Remembmber that . . 68 degrees riright now. East winds,s, good downpopours herere. Not a very pretty sight. T. You can see e ththe Volleyball Court there e was a littttle obobscured. Got this camerara back. 67 degrees down in manatee county. East wind at 2 mileses an hour. Elsewhere, seeing g a lot of clouds. Hundredtdths here. 68 degrees. And we have seen rain in most locations south of the babay as we talked about. Now looking forward to the gasparilla pirate fest. Big changes in the weather. Temperatures 62 degrees. At 11 30, that means a a start to the day in the 40s so it willll be very cool early in the day. By noon, it should warm back up in the 60s. Should make for a gorgeous day. Eight day forerecast, the tempmperatures will continue to take a jump back on monday, tuesdaday, above the average line of 71 degrees but severaral days you can see temperatures running below our averages. Rainin continues. Heavieier rain and all ththat is lifting to the north and northeast. T. Right now, mostly rain free to the north as the shower activity is ouout there at clear water beach. Furtrther south, you can see some good downpours from lake placid. Englewood. De soto county. That is s lifting to the northeast. Moderate rain as the movement contininues in that direction. Temperature ins the 60s. Rain chances throughoutut the overnight peperiod, we have an ararea of low pressure developing out to the west. We will keep the rain chanance in there. As t the day goes along, we w will see the rain chances fall later into the afteternoon and evening hours. Temperaturures now and they will stay that way. Dew points are high. The cold front is stretched about halfway across the state. Highgh pressure set to movove in behind that. And the upper level trough will swing on through and a surface cold front will move on through wiwith cooler temperatures. The Severe Weather that did occucur. Probably the bebetter chance of a marginalal risk of seeing some weather here. Low pressure will travel along unusual when yoyou see a cold front hung up here. Here is the rain chance for the early part of the afternoon. Most of this should clear the ararea and we see the clearing tatake placace. Wind shift fufull out of the north, that will tap into the cooler air and make ouour forecast cooler. 68 degrgrees thursday. 63 friday and 63 saturday. Note the rain chanance is gone. Partly cloudy skskies there as we head throughout gasparilla itself. Nice on susunday too. Warmining to 73 degrees. S. We have seen big changes in the feel of the air. Very cold and d very dry to warm and kind of humid feeling in just a day. Pirates are taking over newschannel8 will carry the gala paradede of pirates lilive. Ly be cohoststing our coverage. Reporterer on the street. We posted d everything you need to know on wfla. Com. [ singing ] you just want the e march along with the music there. You know we are on tv right . . Yeah. [ laugughter ] it was silver, sleek, futuristic at the time. The car made famous in back to the future has not beenen made for decades bubut that is changing. The delorean is going back into productition. The e future. But the last time it was built soon that is all going to change. The Delorean Motor Company has the stock to make a few hundred. They will go for 100,00000 each. Waking up and d getttting out of bebed can be especicially difficulult on cold winter mornings but there is an app that could help you out. Alarming. It brags about being the mostst annoying alarm. You have to take a picture ofof the room you u are in and register that. In order to turn off the alarm, you have to geget upup and take a a picture of the registered room to match the one you took a pipicture of. If you dont, it will keep going off. That will just mess wiwith yoyour head. That is what it does. S. Josh benson, what is coming up in 5 30 . Who investigators say committed this crime in the silver thorn community. And lawmakers arare looking to provide alternatives that are nationally recognized for

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