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The woman behind sean penn and the drug lord taking on to be alone with the kingpin and told us about the moment she wanted to die. The canadian Prime Minister comes to washington charming justin fever takes over the white house. Good morning, iday. A little bromance between the president and canadian Prime Minister. A romance going on with america, i think. Yes, absolutely and Justin Trudeau and sasha andlso attended and the president got choked up as he talked about his daughters and how much theyve grown up. Well have what he said. His daughters lookedo grown up. Really remarkable. Oh, no, it happens like that but we have a lot more coming up on that state dinner. First right to the debate over night. Candidates taking each other on ahead of the critical primary votes tuesday. Trump racking up another big karl starts jon. Reporter good morning, amy. Last night may have been the last big chance to takeut for the most part they didnt even seem to try. Trump kicked off the debate by touting another big endorsement from one of hisrivals. Tomorrow morning. Reporter his debate with his tame. I cannot believe how civil its been uporter personal insults, interrupgs and vulgarities of the last debate disappeared. Donald trump tried to loan like the unifier this time. The republicanor whatever you want to call it should embrace whats happening. Were having millions of extra people join. We are going to beat the reporter one place trump was controversial comments about muslims. Last night you told cnn, quote, islam hates us. Did you mean all 1. 6muslims . I mean a lot of them. I mean a lot of them. Reporter marco rubio said talk like that is alienating americas muslim the world. If you go to any National Cemetery especially arlington youll see crescent moons there. In large mosques all over the have people chanting death to the usa. Reporter some of the strongest criticism came over his praise for brutalarian regimes including Vladimir Putin of the russia and the china government that mowed down protesters in tiananmen square. That doesnt mean i was endorsing it. S a strong, powerful government that put it down i think that the Chinese Government butchered those kids and when that guy stood in build a statue of him over here when he faced down the Chinese Government. Reporter ted cruz ended with what seemed like a dig at donald trump. Redible nation we have that the son of a bartender and the son of a mailman and dishwasher and a successful businessman can all stand on this stage competing and for your support. Reporter afterwards donald trump called the debate elegant. A reflection perhaps on the fact that it didnt appear to do anything to change his position as theunner for the republican nomination. George. Okay, jon, thanks. Lets take it to senator marco rubio who joins us from palm beach. Ng us. Youre getting a lot of good reviews last night but did you do anything to slow donald trump down . Well, i dont know if itsonald trump down. I think its like any debate an opportunity to convince people that im the right choice to be president. Number of undecideds acrossn illinois and ohio and North Carolina and the other, missouri and other states in play but also in florida so i think its an opportunity to do that and an opportunity to get other candidates to give you a second look and also an opportunity to supporters. About. Thats what it was about the night we have, see if it pays dividends. Anything you wish you would have said . Well, look, i give credit to it was a policy debate. It was very policy oriented and a lot of topics we could have talked about that we didnt get to, twohour debate. I give them credit. E debate and aim good it was. I wish i would have given out my website according to most of the polls ive seen over the last several days still down by double digits in florida. One report that youre not even in the final four days . Well, were not down by double digits. Ive always ack going to be a tough fight here in florida. But were making real progress. I love all the trends that are happening and i think a couple of things are happening. Number one is there is a of voters that are now making up their minds and i think theyll head our way, i hope so anyway and feel strongly they will and a lot of kasich and cruzt realize neither of them have any chance to win and florida and if they dont want donald trump to be our nominee voting for them in florida is a vote for even if you win florida on tuesday night, get every single one of the delegates by our calculations youll need to win 78 of the remaining delegates to get t be done. Your best hope is a contested convention. How do you answer Donald Trumps argument whoever has the most delegates going to that veng should be the nominee. The majority, almost republicans do not want donald trump to be our if you have someone your frontrunner and nominee who has a significant percentage of the party rejects you wont win a i think im the only candidate left in the race who can unite the Republican Party and also grow it and so i think that is the reason why ultimatelyhe nominee. Its not going to be a traditional way. Will take a long time most people anticipated to get there. But its important and i feel really good about it,day when we win florida what it is going to mean for our campaign. Senator rubio, thanks for joining us this morning. Thanks, states on the ballot tuesday. A lot at stake. One of the questions talked about last night in the debate, the physical violence seen at some of Donald Trumpsne reporter is saying she was assaulted by Trumps Campaign manager. Abcs tom llamas has that story in palm beach for us. Tom. Reporter amy, good morning to you. In just a couple of hours donald trump will receive dr. Ben carsons endorsement here at his maralago several incidents involving violence. Overnight, donald trump on the defense at the Republican Debate grilled on this violent rally in North Carolina wednesday night. When they see protests in some cases, youree i vance seen, i heard about it which i dope like, when they see whats going on in this country, they have anger thats unbelievable. Reporter the ugly moment going viral. Get out. Reporter as trump is speaking a demonstrator walking out gets sucker punched. Police say the man who threw the elbow, 78yearold john mcgraw. Hes now charged withd battery. But before getting arrested, mcgraw said this to inside edition. The next time we see him, we might have to kill him. Reporter the protester speaking to abc affiliate wtvd. It feels ugly around. Reporter this morning student attending that same student attacked by another trump supporter. Hey, hey, hey. Reporter the Trump Campaign saying they discourage this kind of behavior and ensure the and all attendees but it follows weeks of trump suggesting to his supporters they get violent. Were not allowed to puncho if you see somebody getting ready to throw a tomato, knock the crap out of him, would you . Seriously. Id like to pump him in the face, ill tell now trump also dealing with accusations his Campaign Manager, Corey Lewandowski assaulted lds a conservative reporter with breitbart. You dont grab a female reporter the way he grabbed me. Reporter fields showing us the bruise wheregn manager grabbed her. If you had a chance to talk to donald trump right now, what would you say to him . I would just ask him to just put himself in my shoesf i was his daughter. Out denying it happened but this is an audio recording of the incident. [ bleep ]. Yeah, you down. I cant believe he just did that. That was so hard. Reporter i asked trump about it after the debate. Your Campaign Manager has been accused of assault. Your campaign has flatly denied o you say to that . I wasnt there. I dont know anything about it. I can say this, i was walking and we have tremendous secret service around and he was grid and the secret happened. Reporter now, ben terrace who you heard in that is a reporter for the washinays he saw the whole thing go down and says michele fields george. Okay, tom, thanks. To matthew dowd in austin, in the debate last night that Donald Trumps opponents did not lay this at his feet. But is this any kind of a danger, these incidents of violence to Donald Trumps well, it seems like a danger to a lot of people at the i dont think its actually going to be a political danger in the course of this. Said last this. There is some accountability he and his campaign have for creating anthese things happen. I think Going Forward they have to do Everything Possible to stop this kind of thing from happening. Sometimes it does, george, as you know, these things happen but not going to hurt donald trump right now going into tuesday. He praised that debate as an civil. His opponents mostly pulled their punches last night and theyre responding to the criticism of last weeks debate. Was it an overcorrection . I was fascinated. We went from some combination of a Comedy Central roast to Downton Abbey this week in the course of seven days we saw that i think what youll see out of ump in the category of the bar isnt very high, this was donald course of this. He stayed restrained. He stayed the course of this even when this way. I think its good for donald trump going into tuesday and this, george, we dont know if another debate after this. This may be the last debate. Good you got all of amys favorite shows in one answer. So true. Way to go, matthew dowd, thanks very right. Flooding down south. Six states under flood watches this morning. Both louisiana and mississippi. In states of emergency as mor the way. Abcs Steve Osunsami is in greenville, mississippi, with the very latest. Good morning, steve. Reporter good morning, to you, amy. The forecast calls for as muchh of rain and if you take a look all around me youll notice that that is an inch that families dont need. This is one of severalderwater here and adding insult to injury are the storm of this is going nowhere fast. The south are waking up to a fifth day of historic floodwaters surrounding their homes. Since monday five people have them drowned. The water now stretches over several states. This is new video thursday evening of what it looks like near shreveport, louisiana. Ll soaking in the water. We got you. Reporter this morning the National Guard is sharing these pictures of their excellent work this week. Theyve helped rescue more than 3,500ne point using black hawk helicopters to rescue drivers caught in the flood. In mississippi the governor declared a state of emergency. Here is a driverhave turned around and didnt and when she finally woke up to the floodwaters she ended up driving deeper into them nose first. D this is worse than a hurricane. Last time we had water this is that the water here was a foot higher last night. But many of these homes like this one behind me are built on wooden foundations and theyre ruined. Its just a horrible situation. Steve osunsami, thank you. Rob is tracking the storm. Not good news . More rain coming and historic event in monroe, 20 inches in 48 hours, 1 in 1,000year event. Hattiesburg and north of greenville 1 to 2 feet of greenville. This is a mayan express fromo waters filtering into this area of the gulf of mexico and in through the midsouth. More flash flood watches and warnough the middle of next week. How much more do we expect ask even parts of texas will see more rainfall today. 2 to 4 mississippi. Thank you, rob. Headline about el chapo and the actions that brought sean penn. Kate dell castillo is here to speak out. Shes speaking out about sean penn too. Er about writing an article until they were already in front of el chapo telling the new yorker she thought they were making a movie. Overnight kate del castillo, thetar who facilitated that meeting between sean penn aen nd Joaquin El Chapo guzman talking about how she and penn into the jungle to meet him. I want to make clear that this interview reporter according to the contacted the weeds actress and guzman reached out because he wanted to do a boo he to star in it. I immediately said yes, the continuing for months and sending a o dest l castillo from prison saying i hope to say hello to you in person someday. Hopefully soon. N a year later guzman got his wish and del castillo traveling with penn and two others to meet with him while on the run from mexican according to the article the drug lord doted on the actress even escorting her to her bedroom at the end of the night. Del castillo saying she beliehapo might assault her when they were alone. Instead he said thanks for giving me one of the best days of my life and left. In january when the druglord was they claim they tracked him down following actors and producers and when del castillo heard that she wante he said it was one of the best days of his life. The celebration of Nancy Reagans life. So many lining up to honor the former first lady who will be in just a few hours. Former president george w. Bush and first ladies including Michelle Obama will be among the friends and Family Gathering at thential library and abcs matt gutman is in simi valley, california, with more on the story, good morning, matt. Reporter good morning, lara. And to celebrate her life nearlyled by her casket today at her funeral at the reagan library. A thousand expected to be in attendance, a former t lady, celebrities, even diane sawyer will be here to read from the bible and mr. T. Will be on hand. Who could for get those iconic sitting on his lap planting that kiss on his d by firefighters and saluting the woman who helped and this incredible devotion andh other. Former canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney will be here reading from Ronald Reagans love letters to nancy reagan. In fact, the romancee very end. One of Nancy Reagans last dying wishes, an important one for her, she be buried so physically they would be as if they were holding hands. That is beautiful. Thank you so much, matt. And george will be anchoring of the eastern. Be. To rob and serious f days, recordbreaking, do some sunning and bikers and taxi drivers out, as well. 82 for a record incooler the next few days but no more rain for us today. We are left with clouds. So were off to a cloudy start but i can assure youll theyll move out of the way giving way for some sunshine. You can expect temperatures to reach i think a few of us willnt have to worry about any rain for your friday. It does night intove a great day. Or the first time. A key witness. A terrifying Home Invasion. Escaped Prisoner Holding a family hostage. How they masked tofight back. Lowes presents how to find the perfect match. Wow, theyre so perfect together. Its like they were made for each other. They were, by the experts right. And primer in one seresto to help protect your dog or cat from fleas and ticks. With the performance you expect from a monthly topical fleas and ticks for 8 continuous months. Seresto urst taste so juicy . They use wicked small fighter jets to shoot the juiciness into every starburst. [ pilot ] its about to get juicy. Whoo i feel so aliii. It takes guts. Male announcer ] starburst. Unexplainably juicy. 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Where quality healthcare will be a birthright of every citizen. Od job is not a wish, where women receive equal pay is paid to all. An america where after a lifetime of labor, there is time for rest and grandchildren. A natind our values, but no longer carries so much of that burden alone. I know we can create that americaen to our conscience and our hearts and not to the pundits and the naysayers. Im Bernie Sanders. Essage, and i ask for your vote. Good morning. More than 100 first merit locations will close next year. Dollar deal was announced to buy akronand were told all employees in Good Standing will be offered a job within the combined company. The deal is expected to be finalized in theck in with weather. All right. So we were in for a lot of wet weather overnight. You saw the rain coming down all day yesterday. It starts off kind of cloud coverage but give it some time. Heres a look at the hour by hour forecast. Highs today were looking at the mid to 7day forecast showing rain over your weekend plus the good news is were in for a warm up over the weekend. The clocks do go forward on watching for a cool down next weekend. Were seeing that normal volume building on 71 northbound so youll see some delays there but the big problem i want to7 north in richfield. I just spoke with cleared at mile marker 145 but still major backups. You can see just how far the delays go. Stopped or moving about 5 to 10 Miles Per Hour here. So checking out drive times look at that 77 northbound to 90 going to73 minutes. Heres a look outside from the scene of that previous accident 77 northbound at 271 you canays there. Well, if youre near a computer join us on facebook in about two minutes. And we need voters and who are disappointed in ay to remember come election time. I share president obamas outrage. Leaders with the courage to stand up to the nra. In the senate, ill fight for commonsense gun safety,und checks, i approve this message because Ted Strickland will never stand up to the nra. I will. You are flooding. The mayor of mississippi says this is worse than a hurricane and tracking the latest all morning long. Right now the republicanovering from a fairly civil debate as they prepare for crucial votes tuesday and donald trump responds to new questions about violence at his rallies. And then a the cdc on the mosquitoborne virus zika. The director saying the risks to pregnant women are greater than previously thought and he increase dramatically in both puerto rico and the united states. Those warnings keep on growing. This morning some fun at the president obamaPrime Minister Justin Trudeau. Yeah, they were its fair to say bromance. I think so. Joking, its the u. S. Lets face it and then president obama also had quite an emotional speech about his beautiful daughters. Well talk about that coming up. Cannot wait for begin with the latest in battle. A small part of that sex tape in question was played in court for the very first time as the now grills a journalism expert arguing they had a First Amendment right to post it. Linzie janis has all the latest. Linzie. Reporter good morning, amy. Thats right. Lawyers for gawker pointing out that at least one local tv station aired a non explicitape in its coverage of this lawsuit claiming that just like that station, its initial posting was newsworthy. In court, twot center of the hulk hogan trial played for the first time. Let us take a look at a clip from an october 15, action news broadcast. Reporter this as gawker tried to body slam one of team hogans expert witnesses. You were a reporter for only threeght. Not been a reporter since 1973, correct . Approximately mike foley a journalist professor saying gawkers featuring the sex tape featuring terry bollea, n wasnt justified and wasnt journalism. The defense hammering his credibility suggesting the professors views on what is newsworthy is from a bygoneas no facebook, right . Thats correct. Okay, there was no youtube, right . That is correct. Reporter at points the agreeing that celebrities like Kaitlyn Jenner and madonna who talk publicly about their sexuality deserve less privacy, also agreeing thatsomething may seem unethical to some doesnt mean it is necessarily illegal. Gossip columnists, they too are protected under ourendment even if you dont think theyre doing a good job, right . Freedom of the ut the hulk not breaking a sweat. So many people understand the case now that its really, really neat that peopletand why were here. Discredit your witness. If you listen to the questions, everything they were asking him, nothing to do with this case. Reporter hoganssaying they do agree with gawker on one point, the internet is the wild west when it comes to media but all journalism outlets joining us is dan abrams, and lets talk about that journalism expert after crossexamination did he have no, it was not effective for hulk hogans team. Not only was he sort of outdated and not only did he get blasted on crossexamination. Not only did they use his own him but keep in mind that hogans team had previously had a really good day, right . Theyre coming off of a day where they have the founder of gawker and editor in cheever seeming callous about the impact of the things they do talking about the fact that they certainly would run stories about pictures of celebrities naked, et cetera. Of itself tells the jury what they need to know. You dont need a professor saying and thats not good ethics. You know, it speaks for itse they detracted from some of the progress that they had made. Perhaps some progress that they made, though, calling in gawker to talk the website profited from the sex tape. This is a critical issue, right . What gawkers position is there were no ads on this so we effectively didnt make this guy is saying, they were celebrating the fact this tape did so many views, they gave out bonuses and its not just the number, its the celebratory skwors saw a portion of it. Thats right for the first time. Very small snippet. Dan abrams, more to come, thank you. Terrifying Home Invasion for mississippi when an escaped prisoner held a family hostage in their home and turned the tables when the wife sneaked away and grabbed a gun. The story. Reporter good morning. It all started march 2nd when Rafael Mccloud escaped from jail after overpowering a guard withknife. They warned residents they believed he was still in the area. No leads and now believed he may relief in mississippi this morning after police say this man, an escaped prisoner was killed during a terrifying Home Invasion thursday. The hunt for Rafael Mccloud is now over. Reporter police say Rafael Mccloud facing rape and murder charges for the disof ilson broke out of jail last week after holding an officer at knifepoint. Consider him dangerous armed with a homezhang shank when he left theter it sparked an intense manhunt around 4 a. M. Thursday less than a mile from the jail police say mccloud forced his way into a home. The man at the house and his5yearold son were heading to the garage when they were approached with a man with a knife and forced them back inside the knife and tied them in the shoulder and held him, his son and wife all hostage in a bathroom. We believe that was a struggle ensued inside the home 30yearold male stabbed in reporter after being held there for hour, the wife was somehow able to leave and came back with a gun and shotr freeing her husband, he then fired more shots killing mccloud. The man was taken to the hospital with minor injuries. His wife and 5yearold son wereut how about that wife and i dont know if it was adrenaline or fight or flight magazining to get out, getting the gun, shooting and freeing her husband. Just thenk you, linsey. Coming up here heroin in america. David muir is on the front lines going oneonone with children trained to drug. A chemical in some of your Favorite Foods including frefrnl and coffee. Resents how to put your foot in your mouth. Looked like yours. Hey, the grass is always greener on the other side of the. Sorry. off all stagreen fertilizer, at lowes. Announcement this storm pro the decade. With total accumulation of up to three feet. Roads will be shut down indefinitely. 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Neliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. Dont take eliquis if you have artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. R while taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily. P. And it may take longer than usual for any bleeding to stop. Nseek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding,ruising. P eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. P tell your doctor about all planned medicaledures. R i accept i dont play but im still bringing my best. And going for eliquis. V plus less ask your doctor. If switching. To eliquis is right for you. Weve all seen the startling headlines about heroin addiction, an epidemic in so much of the country and david of that crisis for ial breaking point heroin in America David muir with a first look tearing families america. Weve been at this for more than a year and there are no boundaries. Think about this number this morning. 129 people die every day in america from drug overdoses, theelated to prescription pills and heroin. More deaths than from Car Accidents and guns and some very brave families are about to sound the alarm. New hampshire, theyre already on track to have the deadliest year yet from heroin. All good . Reporter for more than a year cracking it iny were with the s. W. A. T. Team about to go out on a bust. In this apartment Authorities Say a young couple youngling to get the money for their next fix. And if you think thats not my parents, families, blindsided. Football. He loved to play. Reporter doug griffin. Courtney was a lot of fun and would bring a smile to every reporter four out of five heroin users begin with prescription pain pills. He got hurt in a game. The r rich, poor, the middle class, pills then heroin. Spencer switched over to the police came to my door at 1 00 in the morning and said my son was gone. In so many communities across this country, the needles are man shows us the needles and tool kits they show, families discovering them. You have families calling saying there are needles on the Little League field which is why chris is now Teaching Middle School students, 11 and 12 years old someone back from a heroin overdose. The students have seen the needles everywhere. I saw one just like on the sidewalk and i was like, what is that for and my mom t i was like, whoa. Reporter and some of the children reveal its in their own homes. These kids are 11 and 12 years old. Thats where we are . Just look, this young girl practicing how to administer the drug to save someone practicing on a teddy bear. Wow, what a stunninghorities are now tracing new heroin use to prescription prils, especially among younger users. That incredible number you heard. Four out of five new heroinith prescription drugs, an injury on the football field, soccer field or leftover pills in the medicine cabinet you might find from your parents so thats where they believe it begins and we track theseore than a year and even they could not have predicted where this would turn in their own families. Its heartbreaking but we look eyeopening investigation thank you, david, so much. See more of breaking point heroin in america at 10 owe ctern on abc. Must see. Coming up here, president obama choking up about his daughters. More on that in a minute. Ill wn my remarks. Hot blooded, check it and see. Got a fever of 103. Ngry . How bout a donut . Im hot blooded. Im hot blooded whether its 30years old or 30days old,aise it in as little as 30 minutes. And then your only concern will be how to spend the cash. Wait. Perfect. At del monte, corn is packed at the peak of freshness with just water and a dash of sea salt. And delicious. 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We know a thing or two because weve seen a thing or two. E those who say we cannot defeat a corrupt political system and fix a rigged economy. But i believe we need to lift our vision above the obstacles in placehe american horizon. To a nation where every child can not only dream of going to college, but attend one. Where quality healthcare will be a birthright of every citizen. Od job is not a wish, but a reality. Where women receive equal pay and a living wage is paid to all. Where after a lifetime of labor, there is time a nation that defends our people and our values,rries so much of that burden alone. I know we can create that americaour conscience and not to the pundits and the naysayers. Im Bernie Sanders. Essage, now with justin fever and not talking about the pop star but canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau a huge hit at the white house and the other huge stars, malia and sasha whose dad got a little more than choked up when he talked about his little girls. From the country that brought us Justin Bieber brings us justin leave it to a canadian to get International Fame with a song called sorry. Reporter their bromance, a display at the state dinner overnight. Were actually closer than friends. Were more like siblings. Reporter the first lady is also making waves withg in a floral jason wu. And Sophie Trudeau in purple and first state dinner recommend nicing about how much theyve grown. When i first elected to the office, malia was 10 and sasha was just 7 and they grow up too this fall malia heads 0 of to college and im starting to choke up. Reporter canadian celebrities michael j. Fox, mike myers andolds acop company ied by his wife blake lively accompanied by sara ba bareilles bareilles. To me, came in at a much slower rate than yours has. A little teasing. A little pressure goes with the job. I like that justin all right. Sorry, right. Coming up, jessica alba and her honest brand are now under fire. New claims that one of theay to avoid is actually in their laundry detergent. Oops. Lowes presents how to put your foot in your mouth. Man, wish my yard looked like yours. Hey, the grass is always greener on the other side of the. Sorry. Now get 20 off all stagreen fertilizer, at lowes. If youre running a business, legalzoom er the last 10 years weve helped one million Business Owners get started. Visit legalzoom today for the legal help you need to start and run your business. Al help is here. Moderate to severe Crohns Disease is tough, but ive managed. Was all i was doing. My doctor, he said humira is for adults like me who have tried other medications but still experience the symptomsto severe Crohns Disease. And that in clinical studies, the majority of patients on humira saw significant symptom relief. And many achieved remission. Our ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. 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This gap between when we should start savinge actually do is one of the reasons why too many of us arent prepared for retirement. Just start as early as you can. Y if we all start saving a little more today, well all be better prepared tomorrow. Prudential. Bring your challenges. Welcome back to gma. Skiers and riders check it out. Steamboat, 10 to 1 inches. A couple of feet from tahoe down vail and aspen and millions of good jobs lost. Communities devastated. The jobs moved overseas. Te for president has consistently fought trade deals that ship ohio jobs overseas. Bernie sanders. Sanders opposedeal. Opposed special trade status with china. Now hes opposing the transpacific trade deal. While others waffle,ting hundreds of thousands of new job losses. For jobs. For us. Bernie. Sanders im Bernie Sanders and i approve this message. Good morning america is brought to you by the makers of non nondrowsy claritin. Breaking overnight a man sent to the hospital after being shot at a bar in cleveland in of rockwell avenue. Two men were treated at the scene here. The shooting victim taken to metro health, his c second person treated at the scene for an apparent arm injury. Well, we are less than a week away fromon here in ohio. And candidates will make stops in northeast ohio this weekend. Tomorrow donald trump is planning to rally at 2 p. M. At the ix center. And kasich will be at strongvilles rec center. Pretty good for the look right now at the radar. You can see the rain has moved out just some clouds left for today. So the clouds will give way to some sunshine temperatures reaching the 40s this afternoon. Some of us could be around 50 as we head closer tounties. We are going to be seeing some weather pretty good, thats saturday, however, sunday we do have rain moving into the forecast. A nice warm up on the way. Over to you. A couple of accidents i want to bring to your attention to. First in lorain this is route 2 eastboundther accident northbound at 480, zooming you in you can see that we are dealing with some backups on 71. Elsewhere we had an earliere marker 145 that has been cleared but were still seeing some delays for you on 77 northbound but things definitely improving. Drive times around area much improved a 48minute roads. Heres a live look outside right now, 77 at 271till see the delays there. Big difference yeah. Still a headache but less of one. Doing everything right but find it harder and harder to get by, youre not alone. While our people work longer hours for lower wages, almost all new income goes to the top 1 . Wall street banks and the ultrarich pay their fair share of taxes, provide living wages for working people, ensure equal pay for women. Rs. I approve this message because together, we can make a Political Revolution and create an economy w. Good morning, america. Its 8 00 a. M. And jessica alba and her honest brand under fire this morning. New claims that one of the primary ingredients the brand the Honest Company is firing back. Oprah, fit, fabulous and showing it all off. Her brandnew weight loss hes inspiring people to live their best and healthiest life. Why she says shes over wanting to be health alert before you touch that toast and coffee, even french fries, the chemical in it that could cause. Besser breaking them down. All that and house of here with us live as weg, america. Morning, america. Happy friday. Great to have Neve Campbell with us today. Take a look at what we have outside. Theres a bat signal made out of legos in times square. Ask . Because were counting down to the brandnew informant Batman V Superman all the stars joining us next week. Are you sure they updated the theme . Like the 1970m west is not going to be here. All right, we also have a parenting alert about posting online. Does your family have rules for what you share on socialll, it turns out kids who are more concerned about their parents whats online definitely true perhaps in my house. Not my house. Im concerned with what you cannot put that picture on. My son has a blanket no stand up. Not allowed to post and. Anyway, thank you for that therapy session. Also this morning, star wars Actress Daisy Ridley already a role model to so many little setting an example with the way shes fighting body shaming. How shes using the force to stand up for all women. Thats coming up. She is a role model forirls and women right there. Now to amy with the morning rundown. Good morning, everyone. We begin with donald trump picking up a major endorsement. Expected to announce his support for him today. The candidates took on a friendlier tone explaining their immigration and social security, even trump remained low key but stood by his statement islam hated us speaking a n rubio. Up by Trumps Campaign manager and another one a punched during a rally in North Carolina. The historic floods in the south. Two feet of rain forced thousands from their homes and another 6 inches could fall in louisiana and far, four deaths are blamed on those storms. Well, a manhunt under way for a convicted killer and another violent felon who escaped from aw mexico. Both were shackled and wearing white jumpsuits. They were later spotted on Surveillance Video in clothes. And the ceo and another top at the Wounded Warrior project have been fired. Theyre accused of spending millions of dollars in donations on extravagant travel and staff retreats. One watchdog claims less than aritys money programs. Investigators near cleveland are looking into what sparked construction site. They had to let it burn itself thankfully no one injured. Two Police Officers in maryland will be awarded medals of valor for this burning car. One officer used his baton to break into the car and then his partner arrived to help drag the man out saving his , a major food recall this morning. Nearly 3 million boxes of s la sanaa and lean cuisine mealsd after pieces of glass were found in them. Boxes affected. Oprah winfrey is showing off what she calls her best body in the new issue of she appears in a formfitting dress, dresses, actually, there you go. Winfrey says its not about being thin but healthy. She shares the cover withho she calls regular jane, oprah says they are all on a journey to make health their priority and get rid of some of the baggage in the process. Take a look. While covering storm damage, yep, she spotted this dog sitting perfectly on aower ready to cut the lawn, start cleaning up the yard. Thats awesome, she said, as she saw the dog while she was on Live Television and we agree on its awesomely funny. And hardworking dog this morning in never too soon after a storm. Important health alert. Dr. Richard besser is here. About a chemical in your Favorite Foods called cause cancer and theyre issuing guidelines on how the Food Industry can reduce it. Heres the foods it can be contained in. Acrylamide forms ws are cooked at very high temperatures by frying, roasting and baking. A sugar that combines with an amino acid found in high lives in potatoes, and coffee and estimate 40 of our acrylamide in it. If its a danger why is the fda just putting out guidelines to reduce it rather it. In 2010, the World Health Organization said this chemical could be potentially risky to humans based on animal they have more data they cant set a level or threshold and feel voluntary guidance will be effective. Most of the guidance is for industry so our food will havelamide but for bread, instead of toasting your bread very dark brown go with a light brown, much less acrylamide. French fries, this one is hard for me. They have higher levels follow the instructions on the frozen fries and cook them to a golden yellow, okay. Coffee, light host more acrylamide than oh, good. I was going to go the other way. Main way to reduce it, if be fine. Diets that are rich in fruits, vegetables, lean tree teens, why in coffee. Early in the roasting process youll get some acrylamide forming but with the longer darking roasting it breaks it down so dark coffee iully the way to go. Thank you, rich. Youll take questions all morning long on twitter . I will. Lara. Heres whats coming up on ournu. Daisy ridley firing back at body shamers. Her message for real women this morning. Actress Jessica Albas company is in a bit of hotts show it wasnt quite honest about a chemical in one of its products. A lifeshattering moment for this woman. Her incredible comeback story oday live, house of cards star, Neve Campbell outin times square. Hi, neve. Ful. Gma. Here, so french. Gmas morning menu is brought to you by new centrum. The new vitamin you enjoy like a mint. More you know social side. Ight mind promotes alertness and mental sharpness in dogs 7 and older. ray it was shocking. Aware. jan she loves the food. ray she wants to learn things. The difference has been incredible. P vo purina pro plan brightv the flame is out. Ugh. Today the flame is out, tomorrow my attitude. Your mother. Ntonio. The stove. Its not working. Campbells microwaveable soups. Made for real, real life. [engine revving] magnetic. Tarburst taste so juicy . They use wicked small fighter jets to shoot the juiciness into every starburst. [ pilot ] its about to get juicy. Whoo i feel so aliii. It takes guts. [ female announcer ] starburst. Unexplainably juicy. Get 30 off every guestthe caribbean but hurry, this offer wont last long come seek the Royal Caribbean book today at t fair, he should give you your rollerblades back. Storm coming . Ese storm. So you have 20 more bags. Mhm. My Yoga Instructor calls it the death spiral. I call it living the dream. Sents the blue cash everyday card with no annual fee. Cash back on purchases. See you tomorrow. Ice and security of american express. E back to gma. There is star wars Actress Daisy Ridley playing rey in the force awakens and is using body shaming. And reena ninan has the latest. Reporter hey, good morning. It started with one online critic saying she doesnt shape of women. But its the way she fought back thats getting a lot of attention. Hold on. New face of the saga. Do you need this . I think i can handle myself. Reporter this year 23yearold daisy ridley fighting a new battle. This one in a galaxy not far, far net responding to this body shaming meme posted online that depicts her character rey with a false thought bubble that the un Unrealistic Expectations im setting for young girls. Who cast me anyway . Dont they know real women have curves . The english actress to her instagram saying real women are all shapes and sizes, all ethnicities, i am a real woman like every other woman in the the film her character is a superpowerful strong woman. That reels to daisy herself. We see her speaking out now and shes not afraid to stand up forelieves in. Reporter in a followup post the leading lady atting, im a normal girl thrust into like rey. I will not apologize for how i say anticipate how i live my life cause whats happening inside is much for important. Its true, all of she says shes more accustomed to positive messages depicting her and the character she portrays as powerful role models for young women as she told our robinou are front and center and its wonderful to see a female character in star wars being one of the major story lines. What do you think that saysl ideas. Its really exciting. The way i think about it, if i had a little sister i would be so pleased for her to see the eporter she removed the meme and is now encouraging kindness towards the creator of that original post. Writing it was not my intension for anyone to send that poor person that posted the original picture so please old saying if you dont have anything nice to say dont say anything at all andut kindness wont cure the withhold world but a good place to begin and shes rumored to in be the running for Lahr Kra Kroft series. I can totally see her in that. Thank you. We move on to another star jessica alba facing tough questions this morning, a force t company and now tests commissioned by the wall street journal says the laundry detergent has an idea they bromsed to avoid. The details. Reporter the Honest Company under fire again. Honest ingredients, honest results. Reporter the popular household empire cofounded by jessica alba nontoxic ingredients but the wall street journal their laundry detergent may not be so honest afterall. Arent. Ingredients to avoid a cleaning agent callede called sls and while the label says fry of sls. Two independent lab tests commissioned by thound a significant amount of sodium laurel sulfate in honests detergent. The Honest Company striking back. Standing behind their detergent and theire safe and effective products. A rep for the brand telling abc the wall street journal has been reckless in the preparation of this article, refused multiple requests on which they apparentry lee lied and has substituted junk science for it. Reporter a war of words continuing. Al telling us the journals report is accurate, fair and meets the journals established and trusted high standards. We took great care in relying on two tests last year the company felt heat after parents claim honest sunsive. But defended the product saying it was safe and effective. If sls is found within the product this mess may be a hard one to clean up. Et ideal is a so big, powerful organization and they wouldnt approach this casually. If its found out that there is sls in this product the going to have some explaining to do. Reporter for good morning america, rebecca jarvis. Abc news, new york. Yeah, well have to see what the next round of all right. We want to turn to that parenting alert about sharing on social media specifically a new study revealing parents may want to think twice before they post about their kids that in the New York Times and has us talking. No more counting. Reporter qualify you post that photo be sure to ask permission. To eye new survey thats the social media rule. Follow. Alex ks x research. They werent necessarily saying parents shouldnt be posting go them at all but wanted to have some control over their image relationship the young Scientific Survey s embarrassed and posting about them on social media. Windy bradford does her best to respect her wishes. When it comes to hitting the post button. Children for permission most of the tim and so aware is this going on facebook . It is a topic of conversation. Reporter social media and the role in the family evolvingre parents are on social media, the rules are changing. I think its great that parents share pictures of their family. I dont think its a bad thing. I think its a and as my children have become aware, they voice their opinions do you think you post too much about our kids on social media and 86 said no, not at all, 14 , say, we didnt ask the kids. I think 100 of kids would say, please, yes, you do. G us ericka souter. What do you think . I was surprised at first. This is a complete role reversal. We as parents are t to stop our kids from posting certain things but . We do. And we do. But, when the roles are turned and kids are horrified orel its negatively affecting their life its like an eyeopening moment. Tear whole identities are oneven and cant separate between reality and what they post. They want the world to know everything is cool, fashionable if this parent posts a goofycture or a throwback thursday. Thats such a beautiful picture. No, it isnt mom. These images can be horrifying and friends and enemiesn be horrible when theyve had a horrible picture online. How terrible for a parent if you think you caused it. Kids always getout their parents. I never knew what a dork i was until i had teenagers. The heart tv the issue, though, is really about trust. Right, its trust not theut it because kids know their parents dont hate them or want to hurt them but dont just our treatment. Were not cool enough to help them o true. Online persona. Part of the problem. What their social context is either. Were just posting pictures because its cute naked in thethtub. Dont do that, mom this dont do that. Were also not fully aware of the image he want to put out to you are when you have teenagers. They make you very byet to the tweens did you really need to respect their voice . You do. First step in that. Well get right outside t to at the gorgeous check it out. Here. Whos got a birthday, raise your birthday . Yes. All right. Welcome to gma. We have to check out some of the orleans. Flash flood emergency in hammond and north of lake pontchartrain. So vert there and heavy rain xpected across jackson, mississippi and out west, looking at a couple more storms coming in with heavy rain and mountain good morning. For us locally we are seeing dry conditions thankfully that rain as it continues to push out and see some sunshine work its way into our friday. Hour by hour highs reaching low to mid40s today. We will be seeing a chance for rain though as we headkend. Thats saturday night into sunday where we have the greatest chance for rain. Again even though its much cooler we will be seeing highso the 60s over the weekend rouble here. I think we need batman. Commissioner gordon, light it up. There it is. Check it out, 75,000 legos made this 6 feet by 6 waiting the new Batman V Superman. David making this happen. Your boy superman up there. Youre a little obsessed with superhero exhibition and lets call batman. I love it. Everybody loves legos and superman and bat man so we love this was waving at you . We went to see the new movie. We went to see it yesterday. I saw lara and she was so fee the movie she didnt even see me. I really thought im a batman girl. I just no, no, henry. Im a superman girl. Its great and we are not allowed to say anymore than because its i got a big ending. You know what else is big. Pop news. You hear this song, some sweet as sugar news for you, people matt revealing adamnd his new bride are expecting their first child. The maroon front man will marry in he was joking to Ryan Seacrest he plans to have more than 100. Good luck with that, the hottie. Meanwhile, congrats on the surely be genetically blessed. Real congratulations to you both. Your cat meowed in how you sayrp accent. Foe net tickets experts in sweden are researching whether cats meow differently depending on where theyre from. S about this study starting with why, but it will go on for the next five years as scientists break down what they refer to as and this is a scientific term, as the meowsic or melodic music they make and how they vary around we have three samples to interpret. Himalayas. Number two. [ ctober october ] and number three. Meow, meow, meow. Please send me your thoughts on this one. Sound of fluffy. Is that a girl . Doing this because they think that it could shed light on how cats in hospitals andld be talked to and treated. I am not making this up. Finally, may your weekend go o shoot. Oh, no. What could go wrong what could happen . Wait for it. Wait for it. Oh. Pop news. I bet youll have a better weekend than she will. Slomo. Nobody is going to give her a warning over , did you enjoy the video or not . I enjoyed the video. Well, okay. Thank you, lara. Youre welcome, george. Coming up reagan this morning with an exclusive look at the former first ladys life. And the gymnast overcoming her story coming up. Good morning. More than 100 first merit and Huntington Bank locations will close next year. Es two months after a multi billion dollar deal was announced. 20 first merit and 8 locations set tond we understand all employees in Good Standing will be offered jobs within the combined company. The deal expected to be finalized in all right. Well, this morning youre not waking up to any rain. Thats the good news. It was a very good morning me thursday. For friday the sun is. Evening. It is still going to be cool, much cooler than what we saw this week butill see some improvement with the temperatures. Heres a look at your 7day forecast. We are going to be seeing a chance for rain saturday night into sunday. And again, dont forgeth those clocks forward. Well, happy friday. Things looking so much better now that that earlier accident has been cleared but i want to let you know were still dealing with at 480 another accident coming in brook park route 237 northbound at snow road. So keep that in mind and w downs 71 northbound that is pretty typical at this time. My akron drivers you are looking great. Drive times notes 77 northbound. Afternoon speeds moving along at 44 Miles Per Hour. 90 a innerith a little traffic this is 90 at fulton. Welcome back to gma and look at those lovely pictures of ronald and nancy reagan all mrs. Reagans funeral later today and Roger Sandler is sharing photos from his personal archives and reflected on theseake a look. There were two sides to mrs. Reagan. First of all, shes have, very of public events. Mrs. Reagan had this uncanny ability to look down the road, to have a perspective that reagan had this kind of speech or pushed that kind of policy what the effect of it would be. She had great taste. Hat she told me that you couldnt help but have having gone through the heyday of old hollywood. It was a tremendous love affair. Touchy, feely, unabashedly so. Mrs. Reagan in my viewpoint accommodate the her husband. He loved the ranch but the ranch was an oasisn more so than camp david where he could kick back, relax, do work. She most preferred traveling with him and he home if you will on the road when his wife was with him. I mean, heres a loving wife whose whole life was devusband and her husbands wellbeing. I dont know how this woman existed once he was in the throws of alzheimers. Urally took a great toll last for those 12 years is i dont know. Nyone knows. What a touching look back and i will be coverage of it starting at 2 00 p. M. Eastern. Back to rob. What a crowd andnd excited its friday. Georgia bulldogs for amy. From all overody gorgeous weekend for a lot. Cooler across the northeast. Still above average, sunday morning chilly temperatures not the record setting 80 yesterday a decent look at the weekend. Rain and snow moving into the west. A marching right heres a look at your power 5 forecast taking hour by hour, temperatures thats going to feel coolerrlier this week but the good news is we will not be seeing rain today. A good amount of sunshine works into play thisuld be seeing dry overnight. For your weekend we are going to beght you said the for the first time the entire cast got together. We have the scoop. This would be the first gathering of this original cast, new cast, this core grouple making this movie and wanted to document but the most important thing was to hear it. Just as a fan of star wars to see them all together washrill. A long time ago when a galaxy far, far away. All right, whos feeling the [ cheers and applause ] we all are. Lara, juju, over to you. Thank you, rob. Of a young gymnast who has beaten the odds in a major wayn the balance beam after a battle with cancer. Nightline anchor juju chang is here with the incredibley. Any time any of us will say you cant do that, that is impossible, all we need to do is think about kate foster. She didnt just triumph over crushed it and single handedly or single leggedly defines what it champion. If you watch based on these images that kate is a talented gymnast, youd be right. Thats not thethe illinois teeven is not only extraordinary but able to stick picture perfect a prosthetic leg. Beginning. Time at the gym. I never found anything i t age 12 the unthinkable. Kate was diagnosed with leukemia and infection that ravagedary wleg and was forced between life or a limb. Youre not taking off my leg, i said. I need it for gymnast ticks. Bone Marrow Transplant wont work. Its your leg or life. She thought her life as a gymnast was over but herer ideas. My coach said something to me that really changed my mindset. She said that she had never coached a onelegged gymnast was willing to try if i was. Reporter so they set off on an uncharted course. She competes with her team and sanctioned gymnastic etitions, every single one of her chet tors last two legs, not one and held to the same standard sflths what shes trying to do is a very difficult thing. There are not any gymnasts out there. They dont change the rules for her and they dont say you tent have to do this 0 part or that part. A recent video her father posted of her competing on beam 5 million views in ray matter of days. Kate says she wants to beery doctor and somehow industry involved in world thats always inspired her and enabling her to inspire others . People tell me im an just kind of me. She is beyond inspiring. Hires her. Her dad created a motto. He said youre modified. Roken and always reminding her you can stilt do whatever you have on your mind. You just have to do it family are role models to otherson. A young swimming amputee credits encourage next time you think youre having a bad day, look at kate. Well head into real. Thank you for tauj about zootopia. It is breaking Box Office Records with its actionparked animation and big stars like eman who plays a very smart and sometimes sneaky fox. He talked about it all with rachel smith. Im here to ask you some questions about a should have gotten a real cop to solve it. Its Jason Bateman like youve never seen or heard him have sole him a very expensive wool rug that was made from the fur of a skunk. Lovable fox, the quietest disneys zoo. I see mostly these kinds of i have two little girls, 9 and 4 and wanted to work in one. What did they think. The 9yearold is impressed. The 4yearold didnt see hit. Er notes when she gets into a flash shall flash, 100yard dash, buddy, its nice to see nice to see you. Hmm. Too. At its heart zootopia is a film about the two. This ends up being extremely timely with these messages of indelusion renn not being a fearmonger and letting people without carrying that theyre going to infripgs on your freeman do. Do you feel like you have the cynicism of nick your chou forget you saw me . Im a very sort of positive optimistic person. Good. I feel like theres a but in but i cover with a lot of snark. Ive got a hard candy shell. Inside theres a soft chewy you got to slick through me. You are not going to cut back that will be in. That will be the tease. Oh. Of course, this being you know know who will show up. Good to see you this morning. Hello. Hi, minnie. Great to see you, darling. You look gryou, baby. For good morning america, rachel smith, orlando. Coming up next house of cards star Neve Campbell is here live. We are back now with Neve Campbell, the actress famous for five now taking on the white house in house of cards. Take a look. I am not going to put myself in the cross fire between the president and first ill handle francis. And ill make sure he is. The point you misled me, miss what is it, you want, money. Or do you want pore to make a real mark . I dont have to choose. I can have both. I love it. Your character is so powerful. Its i am halfway through so i cant wait to see what comes next. My favorite season so far probably. I just finished it last night. What did you think . Im happy. Im very happy. Im excited to be a part of it. Leann, tell me about your shes a very strong, successful, intelligent, powerful political adviser and Campaign Manager and shes invited by the underwoods to come and help them with their when you were shooting this and we have a lot of political theater going on, was some of that still going on and finding yourself the character. Absolutely. Year. It feels like. And so its entertaining if anything and slightly scary. But certainly we were definitelys going on and beau willimom is aware of the political areason ma. I love seeing you back on something full time. Big fan of party of five. You went away and had ae and there. Whats it like being back in full swing and what went into that decision for you . Well, you know, i took time out and lived in england for a had a son and wanted to be present for my son and knew i wanted to be careful about the decisions i made and did mad men and and good quality roles and shows but choosing a regular role on a show, i didnt want to be doing in a good ensemble and here show fantastic, fan of it, great cast, great writing. Great choice. Ill say that. What would your character leann, what advice dowould have for any of the kurptsdz president ial candidates . Oh, my goodness. Thats a long conversation. I would imagine she wouldrump he apologize for some of the racist stuff going on instead of telling them this they should go back to their mother. He might apologize for some of the actions of the peoplewing him. Theres a lot of advice that koko go around for a lot of the candidates out there. Absolutely. So for your longtime screamu think is scarier, frank undered where or ghost face. Frank because unpredictable unpredictable. He has a knife and running around. You know what hes going to do. Underwood. You dont know his intentions. Scream, 20th anniversary when you start adding it up. I think were the same age so if youre coal were old. Did you know at the timeng to be so human, such a cult favorite . We had no idea. We knew it was a good script and new wes craven was amazing but when we started we wereta rosen and none of us were famous except for Drew Barrymore anymore and we joked about do you think it would be ame but had no idea there would be. And still are. Its crazy. House of cards is excellent. Love your character and love watching you back in full swing. Bell, season four of house of cards is streaming live on netflix. You still call me there are those who say we cannot defeat a corrupt political system and fix a rigged economy. Need to lift our vision above the obstacles in place and look to the american horizon. To a nation where every childly dream of going to college, but attend one. Where quality healthcare will be a birthright of every citizen. Where a good job is not a wish, but a reality. Ive equal pay and a living wage is paid to all. An america where after a lifetime of labor, for rest and grandchildren. A nation that defends but no longer carries so much of that burden alone. Can create that america if we listen to our conscience and our hearts and not to the pundits and the naysayers. Ders. I approve this message, and i ask for your vote. The multiplatinum rock group releasing their sixth studio album us and the night and making their bay but with their new single in the dark. Whenever the lights go down thats when she comes alive just something that you can only see in the light a pretty little vixen dancing out on the scene but the lights are shining so shes keeping it clean dont get too close boy dont touch her skin er feel the same if everything you see is what youre believing thenholding your heart and by the time the sun goes down you wont know who you are do it in the dark she likes to do it dark oh whenever the darkness comes shell have you right where she wants ooh ooh en you think its all over its where it all starts it sounds like an angel is and all her moves wont let you get away shes gonna make ome with you if everything you see is what youre believing then shell be holding your heart and by the time the sun goes down you wont know who you are ikes to do it in the dark she likes to do it in the dark oh do it in the dark f everything you see is what youre believing then shell be holding your heart sun goes are ou think you were leading but she had you and by the time the sun goes are he likes to do it in the dark she likes to do it in the dark she likes to do it in the dark oh oh she likes to do it in the ica is brought to you by the blue cash every day card from american express. [ cheers and applause ] much to 3 doors down. Ng us into the weekend. Thanks for watching, everyone. County sheriff asking for your help finding this missing girl, please call the sheriff if you have any information. We are less than a week away from the ohio primarys from both parties schedule today make stops in northeast ohio this weekend. Donald trump will plan a rally at 2 oclock on saturday and clinton is scheduled to speak on saturday too. Lets get you one more check of the forecast. All right. So were still dry. The radar not too long ago. Today. Clouds really taking this as far as the forecast for your upper 40s. Its still going to but the good news is we warm back up as please remember if you have any weekend plans rains is expected saturday night into sunday and clocks go forward. Things looking so much better now. A couple of issues one accident 90 eastbound at west 25th were getting reports of another accident, and you see still some volume for you 71 northbound as you make your way intoleveland. For my akron drivers you are looking great right now. You see all the green traffic moving along,thbound rockside to downtown. Ill leave you with a live look from our odot cam this is showing us i cant remember where theou know what, traffic looks great. 71, 71 somewhere. Thank you. Well enjoy your friday, a fantastic weekend, ts live with kelly and michael. Today abc world news tonight david mature and from the drama house of cardsbell and recording superstar enya. Also, were looking back at some of our favorite people on todays friday all next on live. [captioning made possible by disneyabc domestic television]g performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its

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