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The widow who hired her allegedly locked out. And, freeway shooter. A gunman firing at random cars on the interstate. One woman struck and killed. Plus, the moment a k9 helped police take the suspect down. Good evening. Thanks for joining us on this sunday. Im tom llamas. We begin tonight with the 23day sprint to election day. And donald trump sharpening a new line of attack. A brandnew abc News Washington post poll showing Hillary Clinton with a fourpoint advantage over trump, but thats within the margin of error. The poll also shows enthusiasm for trump fading, and twothirds of registered voters rejecting his claim that he did not make unwanted sexual advances to women. Election is rigged. And Clintons Campaign facing some tough questions. After a ninth day of wikileaks emails. More on that in a moment. But we begin with mary bruce, covering the trump campaign. Reporter tonight, donald trump is lashing out. Saying the election cant be trusted. The election is being rigged by corrupt media pushing false allegations and outright lies in an effort to elect Hillary Clinton as president. Reporter without evidence, trump is increasingly saying in less than 48 hours, trump claiming a rigged election more than 20 times, even suggesting saturday night live is in on it. Tweeting, time to retire, boring and unfunny show. Alec baldwin portrayal stinks. Media rigging election. Some Trump Supporters are already bracing for a fight. Reporter trumps running mate trying to reassure the public. Im ready for a revolution, because we cant have her in. Reporter trumps running mate tried to reassure the public. But the Clinton Campaign says trump is using scorched earth scare tactics. He knows hes losing. Reporter trump is ramping up his attacks as more women accuse him of sexual misconduct. Kathy heller saying that trump mothers day event. Trumps campaign denies the allegation, saying it would have been the talk of palm beach for the past two decades. False stories, all made up. Lies. Lies. Reporter trump going after his accusers, like jessica leeds. Who says in the 80s, trump groped her for 15 minutes on a plane. A claim hes mocked. 15 minutes . With the ladies in this place, it would be one second, and it reporter and with the final debate just three days away, trump has a new unfounded theory. Clinton may be on drugs. I think we should take a drug test prior to the debate. I do. Because i dont know whats going on with her. But at the beginning of her last debate, she was all pumped up at the beginning. Reporter and tom, despite the controversy, our new poll shows Trump Supporters are sticking with him,ut enthusiasm is waning, down 12 points since last month. Tom . Mary, thank you. Meantime, Hillary Clinton holed up with her debate prep team. The third and final showdown wednesday night. But the campaign also facing questions in emails revealed after more than a week of wikileaks. Heres devin dwyer. Clinton is in seclusion to prepare for this weeks final debate. No Public Events scheduled for five days. This, as wikileaks released hundreds of emails believed stolen from John Podestas account. The daily drip becoming a rolling october surprise. One podesta email claims to include transcripts of private speeches clinton gave to goldman sachs. Critics show clintons tough talk about wall street is public is a lot less tough in private when paid a 225,000 speaking fee. Clinton appears to have told goldman bankers in 2015, theres nothing magic about regulations. Too much is bad, too little is bad. One message last year, close clinton aides express frustration with clintons inability to do a National Interview and communicate genuine feelings of remorse or regret about her email server. That was a mistake. Im sorry about that. Reporter in another, an advisor suggests a joke, saying, laugh at yourself. A highlyscripted campaign parodied on snl. Let me start by walking over to you, just as i practiced. Right, left, right, left, right, left. Plant, speak. Reporter the Clinton Campaign wont confirm or deny the veracity of the emails posted by wikileaks. A spokesman calls the alleged hack and release a crime reminiscent of watergate. And challenges donald trump to condemn it. Devin, thank you. And the third and final president ial debate, this with complete coverage right here on abc. Next to california, where authorities are revealing new details about the driver in a frightening accident. A pickup trunk plunging from an overpass over a motorcycle festiv festival. This driver somehow survived but as eva pilgrim reports, hes now in trouble with the law. Reporter tonight, the driver of this demolished pickup truck, a member of the u. S. Navy, charged with four counts of vehicular homicide and dui. It almost sounded like gunfire, and then you see the vehicle come down. The vehicle is on its side, an so we need fire to come brace the car. Reporter this cell phone video shows the chaos and panic at a crowded fair in san diego after that truck flew off a bridge and plunged 60 feet onto a vendor at a packed motorcycle festival. When they arrived, they did find the vehicle on its side and on top of four individuals. Reporter Police Officers and firefighters rushing to help the nine injured. Authorities say the driver, 24yearold here being treated at the scene, was under the influence when he lost control. Theres no other thought but what you see, somebodys got to be dead. Reporter sepolio survived the crash and is in the hospital with serious injuries. He has not yet entered a plea. This crash could have been even worse. The truck came to a stop just feet from a stage where a band was playing. No word on how the injured are doing tonight. Tom . Eva, thank you. To kentucky where the daughter of an american olympian was killed in an earlymorning shooting. Trinity gay, the 15yearold daughter of sprinter tyson gay, killed in a shooting. It remains under investigation tonight. Overseas to iraq, where an allout assault to take back mosul is imminent. City is a vital stronghold for the terror group. Alex marquardt, reporting from the front lines tonight. Reporter battered humvees and trucks full of soldiers rolling out, as tonight iraq braces for an allout battle with isis that could begin within hours. Some 30,000 troops are massing around mosul, backed by u. S. Special forces advisors on the ground and american jets carrying out airstrikes. Isis has held the city for over two years and is digging in to defend its biggest prize. Burning oil and tires for cover, digging tunnels and setting forces. Today, we visited a base overlooking the frontline. The Kurdish Forces there manning a post, facetoface with the enemy. This base is the closest one to the isis positions in this area. In fact, we can see an isis flag on the next ridge over, just under a mile away. It routinely comes under mortar and sniper fire. These fighters have lost friends here. And they tell us they are impatient for this battle for mosul to get under way. Including farhang, who didnt he left a life in canada to fight isis. Isis is probably one of the worst terrorist organizations we have ever seen, in history i think, probably. And i think its very important for everybody that can do something to stand up and fight back. Reporter the Iraqi Military has dropped leaflets on mosul telling residents to stay away from isis positions. Around 1 Million People are expected to flee the fighting in what the u. N. Says may be the biggest humanitarian crisis this year. Tom . Alex, thank you. Meantime, more hostile activity involving a u. S. W warship off the coast of yemen. The Navy Destroyer uss mason firing, the navy is reviewing the incident, coming days after the u. S. Military launched retaliatory strikes which knocked out three radar sites in yemen. Back here at home, to some a powerful storm lashing the coast from Northern California to the canadian border. Knocking down trees and knocking out power. And then in nevada, a fire destroying 22 homes. And threatening 500 more structures. Rob marciano with the forecast in minutes. But first, Neal Karlinsky reports from the storm zone. Reporter the winds so strong, this man leaning into the blast of sand. Gusts approaching 60 miles per hour. The powerful storm packing a and strong winds from seattle to portland. This home outside olympia, washington, smashed when a tree blew on top of it. We all stood up like, whats that noise . And then it just crashed. Crashed right through the house. Reporter in portland, flash flooding swamped cars. One man forced to climb out his window to escape. I didnt realize it was going to be waisthigh. So i was pretty scared. Reporter again and again though, it was the wind wreaking havoc over two days of storms, bringing down trees on top of cars, across roads and power wildfires causing problems. Red flag warnings stretch from new mexico to south dakota right now, including parts of eight states. The winddriven wildfire north of carson city, nevada, has already destroyed 22 homes and continues to threaten hundreds more. This man evacuated along with his pets. Went outside and could see flames in the distance to the south of me. Reporter but tonight, here in the northwest, the cleanup is on. And a big sigh of relief, too. This storm, predicted to be as feared. Tom . Neal, thank you. I want to bring in rob marciano, the west still getting pounded, though. Yes, the jet stream that powered the storms is still hitting the west coast. Windy in california, rain showers getting down to Southern California as well. And the winds, critical fire danger. Red flag warnings from rapid city to amarillo. And tomorrow, look for a high of 90 in dallas, 82 in d. C. And into the 80s in new york. Hard to believe its the middle of october. Rob, thank you. Turning now to a deadly crime spree in las vegas. Beginning with random shots and ending with a tense standoff. Heres late details from ron claiborne. We do have two victims. Reporter a shooting rampage on interstate 15 in the middle of las vegas. Reports of a gunman driving down the highway, opening fire on other cars. Bullets hit three vehicles, including one with a husband and wife inside, causing them to crash into a road barrier. That woman, 48yearold tracy donahue, killed. Her husband injured. Two more people were also hurt. Totally random. Unrelated. I dont know why he would shoot 27yearold kenneth mcdonald, then drove to this drug store. Walking in, guns drawn. I seen a guy walking toward me and he had two guns in his hands. Reporter inside the store, police say he tried to sexually assault a woman. We need a rifle team on the Southeast Side of the business. Reporter Police Officers confronting mcdonald outside the store. The standoff caught on camera. When mcdonald refused to surrender, the police dog takes him down as officers swoop in to make the arrest. Mcdonald has been charged with murder and attempted murder. Police say they have no idea why he allegedly began shooting on the freeway. Ron, thank you. Theres much more ahead on world news tonight this sunday. Coming up, when the caretaker you hired takes over your home. Words of warning for every family. And, the deadly accident on the water. Speedboat soaring out of control. And the wild and unexpected crack of the bat bringing a smile to the windy city. Stay with us. Anything meant to stand needs a stable foundation. A body without proper foot support can mean pain. The dr. 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Reporter Fran Breslauer is talking about the woman she hired a year ago to care for her cheryl sherrell, featured here on a 2010 episode of hoarders buried alive, moved into breslauers home. But when she tried to fire sherrell, she refused to leave, even after breslauers husband passed away in january. She got to be very nasty after that. Reporter both women filing restraining orders against each other, sherrell claiming the widow punched her in the arm. My mother, shes 90 years old, in failing health. Reporter fran claims sherrell changed the locks. Her story recently brought to light by our san diego affiliate kgtv. We knocked on the door, we called sherrell, called her attorney. So far, no response. Across the country, other stories of homeowners locked out. This one in santa cruz, where airbnb renters caught on camera refused to leave. Experts say the best way to keep this from happening to you, do even a friends recommendation. Only use a bonded, insured caregiver agency. Tom . Adrienne, thank you. Up next, is Starbucks Coffee too hot . The coffee giant facing a lawsuit. What a customer said happened to her. And why the moon is putting on what scientists are calling a super show tonight. What to look out for. Eat more fiber. Flax seeds. Yogurt. Get moving. Keep moving. I know been there, done that. My chronic constipation keeps coming back. I know. Tell me something i dont know. Vo linzess works differently from laxatives. Linzess treats adults with ibs with constipation or chronic constipation. It can help relieve your belly pain, and lets you have more frequent and complete bowel movements that aasier to p do not give linzess to children under six and it should not be given to children six to seventeen. It may harm them. Dont take linzess if you have a bowel blockage. Or black stools. The most common side effect is diarrhea sometimes severe. If its severe stop taking linzess and call your doctor right away. 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To chicago now, and the historic eightthinning pinchhit grand slam from miguel montero, putting a Little Spring in the step of windy city fans. The cubs, now up 10 in the National League championship series against the dodgers. And look up tonight if you want to catch the last of the lunar super show. Scientists say get lighting up the night sky. When we come back, have you met sofia, the little girl with a big message thats going viral, and why shes america strong. Stay with us. Great deal. Saving the moolah. [ chuckles ] as you can see, sometimes progressive isnt the lowest. Not always the lowest jamie. What are you doing . Im being your hype man. Not right now. You said i was gonna be the hype man. No, we said we wouldnt do it. Im sorry, we were talking about savings. Chaching talking about getting that moneeeey talking about getting that moneeeey savings worth the hype. Now thats progressive. Savings worth the hype. You wouldnt believe whats in this kiester. A farmers market. 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Joining a family where her older brother, joaquin, also has down syndrome. Im able to give my son a sibling that understands him. That is like him. They can share their journey together. Reporter which puts the sanchez family in the Forward Society to be more accepting of people who are different. Shes being a self advocate of people with disability. They have a love of life. Reporter look how confident this little kid is. Meaning were closer to the day when acceptance will be total. John donvan, abc news. Tonight, we salute sophia and her family for being america strong. Gma first thing in the morning, david muir will be right im tom llamas. Have a great evening. Heres a sneak peek at tonights afv. We know youre gonna love it. . Ah keep going, keep going, keep going, keep going oh ah [ cat screeches ] [ cheers and applause ] welcome to americas funniest home videos. And now, here he is, the host of our show, Alfonso Ribeiro [ cheers and applause ]

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