>> "bbc worlnews" is presented by kcet, los angeles. nding for this presentation made possible by the freeman foundation of new york stowe, vermont,nd honolulu. the wman's own foundation. the jo d. and catherine t. macarthur fodation. and union bank. >> union bank has p its financial stngth to work for a wide range of cpanies, from small businesseto major corporations. what can we do r you? >> annow "bbc wld news." >> this is the businessdition of "bbworld news." debate on how to py for combat ing imeit chge. it will pa for it remai unclear. bp has to pay for expsion at airchecktexas wer fired -- refinery. l marketsfall. breaking downt the language barrier. and als comingp -- secrets of thsouth. we need a journalist on the trail of the civilights killers. -- we meet a joualist. $75 llion toombat climate cnge -- that is the figure european lders have agreed to. they say the proposal kes the eu in the lead for the flight -- fight to coat climate change. not everody believes that. the eupean union has included developing nations wleed billis of dollars t combat climate change by 2020. they have agreed to pay into a $74 billionund to meet those costs, although no figure has been set. accordg to the european unn, the contributions wi be share there is no word on who coributes what. it will lead the pusto the global deal struck at copenhagen. we have thiseport. >> as euopean leaderseaded to the summit, theynew that the prospects for the world climatogist at copenhagen were hanging in the balance. ny environmentalists warnedf yodo notnto money coming you areot serious about helping poor compan-- countri ights climate change. today, gordon brown claimed to breathrough. >> we have had a very successful discussionon climate change this morning. weere awar if did not, a europe, come together to make offers about how weould resolveome of the impasses th exists for getting our copenhan deal, but the possibility of the deal would be less likely. >> it is on worth beingautious about the sums mentioned today. europeaneaders failed to put a figure their own contributions, and as regards it promises made -- theyre dependnt on what her countrs do. not surprisingly, there was a cauous response tooday's annncement. >>it spoke for global funng for developing countries, but they did t put tir money where theimouth is. >> one of theain obstacles to agreement with poland, and other easten euroan countries with coal-based enomies. they agreed today that europe had t act togeer, but tre is no deal over how much they would actual pay. >> look, brazi is richethan ross us, and we had to tell european leaders it was not there to have a deal where poor eupean countries likes are financing bral. >> the temperature could be limited to two degrees centiade. the developing wor would have to adopt netechnologies. european leaders pledged to pay their fair sha, but didot say how mh. it just sws how difficult negottions will be athe world clima talks in cophagen. bbc news, brussels. >> now bp has been fed a record $87illion for failing to corct safe hazards at a texas oil refinery. bp's itill contest the findings cause it has done good faith practice. >> i was america's worst indurial accident in year it killed 15orkers and injured 0 others. after a six-month investigation, t u.s. regulator has imsed a cord fine on dp for failingo fix sety concerns raisedy the -- bp fo failing toix safety conces raised by the explosion. bp eviously paid mo than $21 million to the regulator. 0 million in penalties and $2 illion to compensate victi. the newind is for $87 million. u. officials say bp did not live up to a 2005 settlement ageement. the comny dsagrees and intends toontest this latest fine in a statement bp insiste its efforts to prove safety performance at its texas ty refinery haveeen a strenuous and corehensivehe industry has ever seen. but this nothe first time bp has runinto trouble in america. leak in alaska lead to a congressional inquiry. this friday a fine will do little toelp it restore its reputation in the u.s. bbc news, new york. >> let's stay in the unite states. it has been a bat into the wee for global sck markets. -- of bad into to be weakor global stk markets. we ha some good gdp number yesterday. and now today the disastrous consumer spending figures. how badere they? >> they were in line wit expectations,ut the important ing that consumer spending has debt by the larst amount in th last nine nths. of course, csumers are very important to thu.s. econo. tha has worriednvestors. there was good news on the economicrowth front yestery, but all the gains in the d jonesere wiped out today we have the do jones down by 250 points. 500 companies fell by 2.5%. invesrs are worried about how the consumer will far in the monthshead. >> we've been talki about those numbers. when y look ahead, presumably wecould be for more of the same because t unemployment rate is -- we're probably going forward into next quarter. >> in the numbe out today, th some personal income was also flat, and that is a indicator how much money people are going to be making in the uture. unemployment, as you say, is a key factor, too. the unemployment leveln the u.s. is 9.8%. it could top 10% byext year. somere saying there are even me millio who are under- mployed because they have gen up oking for wrk or they had cepted a part-time job, and that is a concern about how the u.s. is ging to continue to build on their recovery it's so many peoe are out of work and without enough means to go out and buy things. >> tha yo let's take a lookt some of our other top stories. worry over t iranian nuclear program seems to be fading. tehn wts the french nuclear fuel for the pl is put into place which is unacceptable according to western pors. the kiappers of the british couple have issued are ransom demand. they he demanded $7 million or the retur of paul and rachel candler. there were tan when pirates ceased their yacht. tre is celeation in hondura the oust present manuel zelaya has welcomed an agreement that reinstates him as prident. it is the result of weeks o internationalpressure. according to the world health organizatio the total mber of deaths reported from swine flu since apl has had a significant rise. since its invention four yes ago, theñ world wide web will be made try global. unl now, all inrnet adesses had toe written in latin script, b soon it chinese, indn, and the other language groups will be accepted. from seo, we have ts report. >>more than one with 5illion peopl have internet access, but iseems they are not al equal. for many members of this grt global network, there is a langua barrier. >> y will find, of course, everanguage in theorld out theron the internet. millions of web pages written in chinese, arabic, indeed. but there is one very important area - the addressar. e internet to main names or web address can be created in any script you like, but only as faas the dot. from then on words, te latin alphabe haso be years. it is simple rule. .or .com, .china. that is all about to change. he organization that oganizes the gbal internet has been holding as latest board meeting here in seoul whe ithas approvedor the first time the use of non-lin-based scripts, making the intert easier for millions o users. >> we know it is awkward for peoplto change their keyboard mode. why should they have to go though it? they can use or processors in their native scripts. why can they not doheir with their ma in their nativ the script? it is consistent. > not far fromheonference nue, these pensioner are learning to use the intnet. it is a struggle. imagine that every european web address contained a few character of caribbeanand you get theicture. -- of koan, you get the cture. this woman tells me- i am having to go back decades to learn the english o learned -- i learned in school. many technological challenges ha been rsed in the debate. for supporters, it marks the moment whenhe world wide web lives up to i name. bbc ns, seoul. >> th is the business edition of "bbc world news. comg up in this hour -- a new report from mississippi on african amerans long battle for equal righ. in reliving the pas-- a former victim of the stasgoes ck, by choice. first, before -- the foer french president chirac is se to stand trial for corruption. >> it goes back to when he was rving as paris mayor. it is alleged he gave members of the conservati party bogus and bs in the city hl office in a scheme to fince his party. it is also alleged he authorize millions of dollars of fees and wages to be id out, but chirac deniedany wrongdoing. in a statement, the 77-year-old said he was serene and determined to prove s innocence. it is the first time former head of state has been asked to stand trial a pokesmanor sarkozy's righ wingparty said it it did n give frce good image. in ather ial ather former prime minister was accused of tring to spite sarkozy' chances of becoming pre minister. president chirac's and has alwas be named in corruption investigations, but up ti now he has been otected by his office. when he stepped down, and he had the lowest popularity o the officever. the public appetite bring him to justice is not que so acute. bbcews, paris. >> this is the business edition of "bbc world news." these are the da man -- name headnes. theuropean union has authorid a deal to help developing nations fight global warming ahead of a conrence this summe bp has be fined $87 million for failing to correct safet breaches at its texas refinery. sony has posted a fourth straight quarter loss, but it lost lessoney than previousl xpected. theapanese electronics giant got a bot from the sales its plstation 3onsole and michael jackson and's at new -- michael jackson's new album we have this rept. >> nostalgi for michael jackn. the stars that may have bee a blow this fans,utony's revenues we favorably pacted. good news for a company battered by thelobal doturnsaid the strong japanese yen, and a shorge of blockuster products. the compy lost $289 million, its fourth straight quarter in the red. but it was less than ess of a loss than expecd. it cut the price of its consoles playstation 3. the game machine has osold its rival niendo wii for the first time. in flat scen television sony continues to suer from pre copetition. in trying to turn arnd sunny, in yr management team h been brought in ahey're cutting 16,000 jobs. the companyxpects to lose less mon next year. they are forecaing a loss o $1 llion by march 2010, better tha the $1.3 billion it predicted earlier. bbc ne, tokyo. >> there was better news from south krea. it reported record netrofits anxpects global demand fo computer pructs to get back to double digits next yer. the company s also been helped by a plunge in the vue of the korean currenc. unployment across the 16 countries that use the euroas risen to the highest lel in a decade. unemployment in t year rose un has soar more th 20%. andconomists expect to continue rising into next ar. retail sales for -- thretail sales fellfor the second nsecutive month iseptember. the federal statistics office said retail sales declinedy 0.5%n august and went down by 3. on the year. social ntworking site facebook has mo th $700 llion in damages award f an internet sitcalled spankin judgment marked the cond largest antispam award ever. is almost one ye since barack obama was elected as the united states' first black present, but the culmination of a long struggl for civil righ. back in the960's, they were murdered for ev tryingo vote. philipp thomas has this report on cold cases against aging whte supremacists. >> jackson, mississipp is nearly 50 yea on it from the years of seggation and that truggle. that does not mean the old siness is entily gone. lisn to this. one of the dth threats received by reporter jry mitchell. >> i hope one day -- >> his work s put fourillers behd bars. his call to action, the case the fbi label "mississpi burning." in 2005, his rerting helped puthis clan leer -- klan ader away for life. >> is very much was conspicy. people were afra. afraid to say anything, to act, lest they be kill. >> today, he is still digging out e past. >> murder is e ultimate crime. theact that these guys got away th it and everybody nt and nodd and wenthe runway, everybody kw. that is the height of injusti and outraged meven more. >> d the parthat once polluted in theover-up -- >>b cook looks am ledger -- >> is no longer the mouthpie racist organizion. >> a lot of place it wants t move on and forget about thead things that ppened in mississippi. i just askhem -- what if it was your father? >> our 18-yeaold child, my mother woke me up. i had no ideahat was going on. all i knew washe house was on re. mydaddy was shooting. mother was telli me toet up, we had to get out. >> daddy was a burn in taylor, a community lear trying toreach -- vernon taylor, a community ader trying to reach the bck vote. >> we were seeping in shifts >> he died of the burns tha still marked his dollar -- his daughter. the famil still rarely tas about the incidt. >> whare you going to come to? they will say you should have been tending toour own business >> the man responsible was the imperial wizard of misssippi's to ck's plan- ku klu kl. he spent his fal years in prison. theournalist has been xamining ces in a different climate. ec cases like this, a bck female agent investigatingivil rights cases in the state of mississippi. that could not happen. > some contain these investigations a witchunts, including a lawyerho has elped defend the klan. >> they are old, sick, poor, tired. it is a travesty >>ot to jerry mitchell. he says that america needs to fac its pt in order to move on. >> some of them have already died >> they should be very wrried right now? >> i tnk so. >> eastermany ninth mmunist secret lice werehe ultimate symb of a cious regime. they wield theirpower ruthlely. now a former victimf the stasi has rerned to jail in berlin where he was impsoned and voluntily locked himself in a cell for onweek. alive feet of the ent will be brocast. -- a live feed of the event will be broadcast. >> he disappeared. he had bn protesting in east berlin athe arrests o polical psoners. he was locked in a secret jail by the stasi, east germany's secret police. here ia tiny cell, spent mons in total isation while his interrogars tried to break hi it was a place of constant nightmares. sohy has he returned? >> as werepared t mark the 20th anniversy of the fall of the brlin wal is important to remember the 2,000 political prisors -- which the were in east germany. these people dinot just appear in 1989 when e wall came down. they had en resiing since the ginning. >> to me germans remember, ka wolfgang is doing someing extraoinary. bongo his old prison clhes. and th he gos, back to ja. he was in seven days locked up in this cell. he hopes one man'ssolation wl spark a collective memory he will not see thoutside world f a week, but the world can seeim. a webcam ll tch every second his voluntary irisonment -- eve meal, every movent. it will be streamed live, line. this may look like some kind of big broth-style reality tv show, but for many political prisone, this was th harsh reality of life in east german locked away in a secret stasi ja and subjected to solitary connement and psychological torre. e prison was shut down 20 yearsago. it isow a memorial. other forme prisoners work here as to work guides. they share their ories of persecution with thostoo young to remember communm. he ha csen aifferent way to keep the memories alive, by reliving his ordeal. but putting himself bacd behind bars. c news, berlin. >> if you what to follow e web cast or send questns, just love wants you and other the links to the live web site. >> fding was made possible by the freeman fouation of new york, stowe, vernt, a honolul theewman's own foundation. the john d. and caerine t. macarthur undation. and union bk. >> unionank has put it financial stngth to work for a wide range of companies from small businesses to major corporations. what can weo for you? >> i'julia stil. >> i'm kevin bacon. >> i'm kim cattrl. >>hi, i'm ken burns. >> i'm lili tayl. i'm henry louis gates, jr., and public broadcastings my sourceor news about the world. >> for intelligent conrsation. >> for election covere you can count on. >> for conversaons beyond the sounbites. >> a commitment to jourlism. >> for ciding who to vote for. >> i'm kerry washington, and public broadcastinis my ource for intelligent connections to my community >> "bbc world news" w presented bkcet, los angeles.

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