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Days the deadline I'm Carmen Roberts Fox News the White House must surrender documents about the president's phone call to Ukraine today or face a correctional subpoena but the president has other plans I think by. Going down part of the president's strategy is to send a letter today to Speaker Nancy Pelosi and else in his White House will not comply with any pitch went request until she takes a formal vote on the House floor fixes David spawns the next part of the president's strategy involves China. Because it. Is a President Trump wants China to investigate Hunter Biden's time on a corporate advisory board and whether he profited from his father then Vice President Joe Biden cited campaign says the president is lying and desperately clutching to conspiracy theories Fox says Richardson China is the 2nd foreign country the president has asked to investigate the Bidens late last night House Democrats released text messages provided by Kurt Volker the former special envoy to Ukraine that were given during his private testimony on the Hill Democrats claim the messages between u.s. Diplomats and aides to the Crimean leader offer more evidence the president tried to pressure Ukraine to investigate his rival energy secretary Rick Perry's expected to resign next month according to Politico as the investigation into the president's dealings with Ukraine grow deeper lawmakers are also questioning Perry's travels to Ukraine where he met with President well Tamir Zelinsky Wilko says however Perry's departure does not appear to be connected to your crane and Hong Kong Leader Kerry Lam bans protesters from wear masks as the territory Harden says stance on pro-democracy protest they are the most disruptive crisis since Chinese rule began in 1970 America is listening to Fox News. To discuss tomorrow's People season is here but you could miss it this. . Right. Central travels to Florida to sign an order titled protecting Medicare from socialist destruction the president noting that during his term more seniors are enjoying better healthier and more prosperous retirement President drop flew out of Washington and the ongoing impeachment inquiry into more friendly territory you Norm is Villages Retirement community in Florida where he won 68 percent of the vote in 2016 he signed an executive order for protecting and improving Medicare for our nation's seniors an issue of priority and anxiety among many retirees try promise that as long as you say president he'll never touch Medicare benefits retiree Al ballers says he's just concerned about what happens to his Medicare after 2020 the fear factor is the unknown and Tom a resident who showed up to protest the president's visit said he's skeptical of his promises and worries Trump will force people into privatized health care plans that the Villages in Florida filk eating Fox News. A military training exercise at Camp Shelby Mississippi leaves $23.00 paratroopers injured after wind conditions blew the soldiers off course Commander of the Spartan 4th Brigade Combat Team Colonel Christopher Landers describes what happened during the night drop exercise current exercise about 10 days and is a force on force training event where we fight against a a local resource Mississippi Army National Guard element trained as an enemy force challenger brigade and prepares as we go on to the sea in general for soldiers remain hospitalized with injuries after landing in trees and just days after Stormy Daniels reached a $450000.00 settlement with the city of Columbus Ohio over her arrest of the strip club last year her former attorney Michael of a Madi going after that money he just filed a lien against Daniel seeking more than $2000000.00 for services rendered. The technology credit union our mobile app is specifically made to keep up with the modern family. 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Toll free 806-1882 find fun of to reach George via Skype use Skype named George 97313 send George a text message any time at 818-298-6521 This is coast to coast am with George Noory and welcome back to coast to coast this hour we'll take your phone calls your dog stories as well Clive when with us His book is called Dog is love his web sites are linked up and coast to coast am dot com And if you have the capability of getting to Twitter take a look at the Tommy's dog Freddie and we'll be back in a moment with your calls on coast to coast am. 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Come back live when with us as we talk about his work dog his love water people get your book live. Our anyway go books are solid as they say you can get it at Amazon or any of the other online bookstores or all the brick and mortar bookstores too I have all the links up my website dogs love Book dot com not tell me about the canine cognition and Behavior Laboratory that you formed well right so that was the group I had when I was at the University of Florida we started all aspects of the dog human relationship with a particular interest in situations where dogs get into difficulties so I mentioned we did a number of studies looking at dogs in animal shelters trying to help them try to help them get out of the shelters trying to help them have better lives if they have to be there and we also did studies looking at dogs that caused problems in the homes like we did one study where my students are part of a part of a. Look to dogs the box when they're left alone so this is a common problem and a lot of dogs get into difficulties when I left home alone and boxing is a particular the mess the program to deal with because you don't even know you have the problem until you get home and then maybe 10 or 20 minutes later your neighbor comes around and knocks on the door and says Did you realize your dog was barking away in your home all day while you were out you're going to have to do something about this and so Sasha set up a remote control dog feed and she hid in the bathroom the owner left the house and then she would by remote control magically make a treat appear for the dog if it would just keep quiet and so she started out giving it a treat I think every 5 seconds because this dog was barking about every 5 seconds so she started fairly easy but then she gradually lengthened it and lengthened it and lengthened it until she was able to keep the dog silent for 20 or 30 minutes at a stretch so just one example from many different studies that we carried out looking at trying to help dogs who got themselves into difficulties of one kind or another. And it is truly remarkable the potential of these animals that they are training them now to sniff out cancer victims. Well. So George it's a really interesting story about the dog can live dog's nose because the dog's nose has been helping people have thousands of years I mean that's how. That's how dogs started making themselves useful to our ancestors who were hunting in in the thick forests that sprung up at the end of the last ice age and then just in the last move 150 years I suppose people have been taking modern techniques of. Learning and training dogs and getting them to find things that we want them to find so yeah to my mind the most amazing ones are the sniffer dogs find explosives I mean a lot of us who live with dogs and who love dogs we say you know all my dogs saved my life and we mean that in some sort of emotional kind of a way that you know I don't think she had a stop in that kind of thing but but you think about it these dogs that are working for the police for the military for homeland security at airports faced up to quite literally saving lives you know there are people who would be did if it weren't for the ability of dogs to sniff out. Explosives and so on and it's a very challenging thing to do and becoming ever more challenging because once upon a time we were primarily training sniffer dogs to find explosives that have been manufactured in factories and those explosives you know say what you like about the old Soviet Union they made their explosives and they made them in factories that meant that they had very characteristic smells and they were explosives coming off a production line to everyone smell the same and you could get some. Samples also mean you could train the dogs exactly what to find where is nowadays the wealth that we've moved into in the last 20 or so years we have more concern about improvised explosives about homemade explosives that some crazy person has cooked up in his kitchen in his garage and no 2 of those ever have precisely the same ingredients in the same proportions so you're never going to get exactly the same smell so the task that we're asking dogs to do now is even more challenging so it's a it's an amazing amazing thing and it's it's possible I think because dogs have to know they have the the perceptual apparatus that they can perceive what we're asking them to find and we can't do it ourselves on those isn't all sensitive enough and then dogs have this great desire to please them masters and mistresses to help people and to get along with people and then the people bring to the bring to the party an understanding of principles of how to teach analysts things and tremendous patience because we should never underestimate how long it takes a very slow process to train a dog to do those kinds of things let's go to the phones now let us go to John and Mary Ville Tennessee east of the Rockies Hey John go ahead hey. Can I got a comment or question sure regards to the compassion ability of the dogs . I brought in a little Chihuahua mix I already had a cat who was head of the household. Survey sort of grew up together that were similar in age in the time that I got. When the cat ended up taking it with chronic renal failure. He actually lived longer than the vet thought he actually survived for 2 years but you know that was with a lot of medication and prescription 3rd which I think existed until that but the dog took all of them and there she made like attitude towards that cat when he became ill she was constantly it was obvious that she was trying to take care of him and then after I had to have open heart surgery. I noticed that she was doing the same sort of thing with me you were talking about dogs sniffing out cancer and illnesses and things like that she sensed and knew that I was not that my health was not the same as what it was when I had left her and gone into the hospital. My question is this Are there any other species of animals that display the sort of cross they see compassion. Wow John want to know what an amazing. Calendar events are that's really really touching I can't think of any other species that I've heard of reacting that way now I have a feeling that the phone lines are going to let up we've kept people who are going to have about the whole you have or as I don't think so and the the particular experience you've had John is is is really striking but the general a Fank that dogs are concerned about things that happen to their people that's actually that's actually very easily demonstrated or you have to do is sit down and pretend to cry and your dog will be very very upset to find you pretending to cry and this is been done this is been done by scientists in England who made an experiment out of it and you can find really your music videos on You Tube where people are pretending to cry and that dog comes over all concerned so so it's done your experiences is unique and quite wonderful but the general phenomenon of dogs caring about people and obvious species that they're concerned about is definitely widely. Ok thanks once go next to Reba on the set of Washington Reba Thanks for calling go ahead call hi and greetings to you both you Tom I tell you I've I've had 3 Chowchow some my lifetime my 1st child my parents gave me as a puppy when I was 3 and we grew up together and I was raised at the mountains. Of comic pass and on the east side of the 4 mile tunnel and there was no one up there for the man that used to. Relieve my father on his days off and. That dog knew exactly what I was allowed to do and what I was not allowed to do and if I was headed towards the railroad tracks or to do something I wasn't supposed to that would grab me by the seat of the pants and start walking back for it I mean you know it was my babysitter and it was my clothes on it never a thing when it got tired it would just walk off like a child's or very loving animal that you have to socialize them you take them everywhere with you and they meet people and other animals and and I'll tell you they are just really warm loving animals I've also had golden retrievers. I had a golden retriever that one of the ladies that drove Starr else the dog was that making up near the top of the driveway and our cat was laying over its middle and it was asleep on top of the dog in the drama of the sleep shell muskrat up the road she had never seen anything like that before and as far as other animals go. You know what the man was just saying about you know crying or being upset I remember something it happened here my house and least show D'Errico and. The so. Rossley that I had she was a lead I remember going down into the pasture I just needed to have a good try and I didn't want to upset my my 2 daughters and I went down and I was I was literally crying and she came up and she was so concerned she was rubbing her head and neck on me and and everything so animals I think really are I had a horse Also I have their doubts at the horse and I remember one day going out in the pasture and. I rode the horse Lady May and that was something I'd never done before I'd always ridden Lexi and Bapi And anyway that era Mapi got so upset that she bought into the corner and she heard her ears were flat against her head and tubes lookin straight back at me and she was acting a Santa backing us in and I knew shoes got a kick and ball I drew my foot as high as I could get it and I'll tell you she still nailed me and she ripped my foot wide open that was that was the week before I was due to start high school you know needless to say I missed like the 1st week of my school because there had some much to get off my foot but I still wear that scar but I love that horse that horse obviously and I was externally possessive I never knew that and but yeah all my dogs have been very expressive it's absolutely heartbreaking when I've had put a dog down. With them and I did this. Like your kids yeah they're they're family there's you know I would do everything in the world. You know. They heal them so you know there is a limit. Yeah well I mean it's it's certainly true that they they care about us they really care about us. It's it's it's it's an absolutely life enriching thing to share one's life with with animals and especially with dogs my own point dog is so confused I'm in my office in the middle of the night here that she keeps getting up from this little bed and nudging me as if she knows that there's something not quite right about our arrangement why is she still awake right exactly exactly the pull thing because she's just going to sleep all the way through tomorrow now if she doesn't have any appointments Next up let's go to Larry driving and I offers time Caller Hi Larry go ahead well George you know I don't. Recall if. I'm single divorced number years like I got a dog or raised a miniature swells or if you go in interest now it's about 11 years and years later I was dating this girl she came over one night in her and we're watching a movie I just gotta make it out on the couch a little bit well during commercial Well look over and. On That's the she would have looked on our face like she was broken the law. Was low. I just don't feel anything like that or if you're out in there you know you have not seen that before my wife and I have to be very careful where even even even a family discreet How can the dog immediately want generally and the is jealous and wants to wants to jump in between us and she's such a such a nuisance for him when there's anything like that I mean I certainly have observed it myself but I can't say that I know any Because sense. What it means it's just there just their affection for us I think. Just so connected to us because it varies between between dogs how well they tolerate your interest even you know in other dogs for example some dogs get terribly upset if you pay if they see you petting another dog or anything like that generally speaking I think dogs are fairly. Open hearted with their affections but they can certainly be jealous as can come out favorite breed what is for you I don't judge I don't breed I don't do breed I'm. You know I'm. And I think I think there's something beautiful in every breed I'm as there's plenty that's beautiful and animals that are of no particular no particular breed I'm my you know by number one dog's f. OSs she has her own chapter in the book. She's she's you know a Heinz $57.00 she's a complete optimist and there's a total and just just knowing an individual knowing a dog is an individual just like I like to have people as individuals let's go to Judy in Paducah Kentucky to the rocky side you'd go ahead times already and Ok great I was just going to tell you about my little baby dog here already what kind of Marie do you have well his mother was a sure well why and his father was a traveling salesman. That's great movie by worked in dog rescue for years and somebody threw at a little Chihuahua out of a moving car. And so I took her in foster and exactly 63 days after Cher arrived at our house saying laughing. All. The 1st papa she hauled so we ordered out the little itty bitty plane that was lost. That weighed about 3 or 4 ounces and. He didn't have an issue with the labeling but I had to take her to the vet to get some. While we are at the vet I was looking at the little one that I had in my hand and noticed that he had a. Cleft lip so the vet a gram and then meant well kind of skeptically if you can get him to live for 6 weeks we can with Arafat well. I did I had never having me things to do with raising one that little but I thought I'll take a go at this and. I had to couldn't create him with a bottle consumed right now Sokrates live so I had to feed him with a surrender. Now I don't go to hospital I say you know unbeknown to the hospital this puppy was raised to you because of course he had to be fed every couple of hours and he literally. He really thrived after Easter I don't think we were ever going to get up to 8 ounces but after we got up to that weight we sang the take off but this man and his wife called me snake in the mob I knew early one morning. That man was a paraplegic. And he thought oh what are they all can for example I've always wanted a little dog my our Pro I probably you give me your name and number of the prime. I'll get your call when they're all over now so he wound up. Well what's worse. That's great you got him one we're going to come back with a final calls in a moment on coast to coast am never miss a detail on a show or a guest sign up for the coast zone e-mail newsletter available for free at coast to coast am dot com. President turns may be on a collision course with Congress today is the deadline the 3 House committees gave Secretary Pompei to turn over documents related to the impeachment inquiry or face consequences for obstructing Congress but the White House is expected to send a letter today to Speaker Pelosi arguing it doesn't have to comply because the house never took a vote on it with Palosi rejecting that premise saying there's no constitutional requirement or president for a vote Fox's Chris tank inside Washington and in Hong Kong. Democracy demonstrators marching angry over a new government ban on wearing face masks they've been wearing those mass to protect themselves from tear gas the government is cracking down after widespread violence in the city Tuesday that marred China's National Day celebrations one protester was shot and killed by a police officer America is listening. 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Right to defend itself and it's the Glenn Beck program that's a natural right on us radio $1410.00 telling the d.o.b. to talk to George Norry call the wildcard line 881-850-1410 extension 9 the 1st time caller line is 818-501-4721 extension 2 talk toll free from east of the Rockies 808255033 from west of the Rockies told 3 call 806-188-2552 reach George via Skype use Skype named George 97313 send George a text message any time at 818-298-6521 from the City of Angels this is coast to coast am with George Noory on our next coach the culture program Rich martini joins us to talk about his work in the afterlife followed by those Friday night in the Saturday morning. Lines beyond belief that's hard television program and you can watch them by going to the website beyond belief dot com Tommy absolutely beyond belief dot com is the place you want to be this week's 3 episodes exposing g.m.o. Agendas with Jeffrey Smith I remember when we did that show a lot of useful information in the show and you can see all of the beyond belief shows just go to beyond belief dot com That's beyond belief dot com lot of people in the control room kind of gathered around when Jeffrey was on great information Oh yeah absolutely memory brought the cookies on stuff yeah sure do beyond belief dot com looking for ways for stem cell technology to change the way you look listen to this the best scan of your life starts here stem cells are now playing an important role in the look of your skin Dr Nathan Newman has been seeing many Hollywood celebrities and top athletes for years and this encouraged him to develop a stem cell based product for the rest of us luminesce works wonders on the appearance of skin fine lines wrinkles and more Dr Newman explains unique superiority of luminaires the combination and the synergistic effect of $200.00 and you know it's that it is like Asians the vitamins the sun protection and the moisturizers they work together we send our products out to 3rd parties to get confirmation of the fact that it can work scientifically so they tested it using the latest technology that we have in terms of measuring wrinkles and pigment they showed us that it is the men are now percent of the people showed improvement in the wrinkles for pigment spots we had more than 50 percent improvement was amazing to me is when they asked would you recommend those to your family would you recommend to your friends 100 percent recommended to their families and friends thought that's how much they liked it and that was a big compliment to try luminesce today. 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Mint is any indicator we think this is only the beginning of another historic run and how was Silver's performance docking up against the stock market well over that same past year the Dow was basically flat and what does that tell us I think it tells the smart money is growing more uncertain about the stocks in the economy profits are being taken from record high stocks and some of them money is going into safe havens like silver it's that combined with growing industrial demand especially for solar that has some experts predicting silver over $100.00 an ounce has silver ever been $100.00 an ounce or in 1980 it hit $54.00 an ounce but if you adjust for inflation in today's dollars silver would have to be around $155.00 to equal that high we explain that in our latest report Kevin as a silver investor you've got me excited again can you send our listeners that report absolutely George the report is titled. Guy Hi Silver It's a 20 dollar value your listeners get it for free just by calling 180-299-7400 that's 180-299-7400 folks good liers sky high silver reports silver prices are moving so don't miss out the report is a $20.00 value but our friends at leer hard giving it away free with no obligation simply call now with 1802997401802997400 Here's a number again for you 180-299-7400. And welcome back to coast to coast George Norry with you Clive when with us our final segment here is we talk about his work dog is love why does some dogs bite Clive Oh Joy Jacka I call it it's not possible. To at their every question about every dog. It's just that in any any situation I mean people have loving relationships with people and yet people still hurt other people. So just because dogs can have loving relationships with people doesn't mean to say the missed understanding is cannot arise and that's an individual just have rough a tough a personalities the not as. Though they are there at their it too many reasons for why the relationship can go wrong to be able to give a simple quick answers of that but I think we as the dominant pot as in the relationship kind of ways to strive to try and find gentleness and leadership and in the lives that we create without Oaks next stop let's go to some final calls we go to very in Rock Hill South Carolina Hello Barry Hello there George arm so glad to get through tonight and I told Tom a while ago are you say that we're ready would see it come and he'd go around like us and then yes she would still does. Not yes it was 2 years always means that the best ram buried as it were you cherish him and here's a great story for you George I've had 3 black labradors and 2 yellows and when I told Time me then why were they scared I said or you may. Well there were you know . Those 10000 comedians I hear out of work you're trying to make and you'll never become one Yeah but anyway at night Jay where do you say I'm done I'm me at Rocky my all time favorite black Lab loaded up in my 14 foot aluminum John. Had a ball here on North Carolina and it was waiting for me but I wanted the 3rd it to go if it came to. 2 or 3 I'm down and Rocky was out there and brought him right back to me and George after about an hour and had a great head mounted gave him by jail and I shot him over a war us to get Iraqi he was out there like dynamite and he came back and laid bring it amounted to. Lay down like you normally did and go alone take a little nap and then 30 minutes later. Another name and I said Rocky and. George and I looked down and George and within 3 seconds I knew he had that. Heart because then and Georgia went to my daughter but I got a little shovel I had in there dug a hole buried in red. Lined a load up my big toe it went back that much went home and never what then now you must of been broken hearted on that one Berry and I was going over to put a 1st or go to cry like a baby and then it was like he has met with mine and said Don't go. Out had a great line and I'll be waiting no one knows when you get there. Good story Barry thanks for sharing that with us thank you it's it's heartbreaking when you have to take your dog to the vet to get put down my goodness or both Yeah yeah yeah yeah no I mean the end of that relationship is. It's too painful it's too painful it's the price you pay for roll of all the good times you had comes back and stings you with and it's painful our dogs off off a breed of wolves Yeah absolutely Joe it's all of our dogs of every breed. That have ever lived they're all descended all descended from a certain triangle that decided they would move in with human beings how did we get so many different breeds of dogs. Well we still don't know for sure George I talk about it a bit in the book but we're still really waiting there are people who can get the genetic material out of the logical remains and they're beginning to do this now with dogs and so they'll give us a They'll give us a fuller picture within the next year or 2 but right now most likely answer is that dogs lived in different parts of the world developed somewhat differently. So there's a there's a role of biology that cold climates tend to produce larger individuals and warm climates produce more individuals within the same species and we see this even in the case of our own species human beings and so it seems quite likely that that acted on dogs and was one of the factors that led to dogs in different parts of the world having different physical characteristics and then at some point our ancestors started to find this interesting so some somebody would accidentally stumble across so why dog in a place where most of the dogs with dark colored and they would find this interesting and so if they could find a male white dog and a female white dog they might put them together and produce a whole whole population of white dogs that would then become the basis for for breed. But yet we're still we're waiting for the what they call themselves the paleo geneticists I think they call themselves we're waiting for the period of this to tell us what happened in the genetics of ancient dogs interesting let's go to a Democrat in Florida welcome to the program Hi there Democrat. Right here as I don't know you remember me but we laid out for Lauderdale Yeah exactly and you know we do the special lead and George I gotta say probably the hero and so are you I love you guys so much but you said you had to talk about a special dog. Story Yeah as you know we we rescued especially dogs about 8 years ago we rescued a German Shepherd and she was in the middle of a tree 20 people broken as a nobody doing anything she was hit by a car according to the vet it was a u v and we rushed there at 4 am on April 1st 8 years ago and she had a broken pelvis a ruptured bladder I'm like and they had that belong to get the air out and you know it was either pay $10000.00 a letter or die we chose to say the truth the whole thing fellowman good not a lot of people are crying and you know Joy when you have a person you know you know might be able we just wanted to save her we couldn't let her die and now we've had this German Shepherd for a long time now you know we really have to she was she was supposed to have nerve damage and not walk she ended up walking we do that you remember I don't know if you remember we talked about the blue green algae and all those things spiritual healing and George remember that that Hemingway cat with the 6 toes on the 2 broken legs I told you about last month I don't know if. He'd be in our yard but one month ago a little over a month a little black cat with 2 broken legs ended up in the front of our yard and Jasmine a German Shepherd picked up like a mommy and looked at me and said we need to do something about Judy. And she had you know like I said she's a heavenly Kitty and they know that the good luck sailor long ago used to bring back for good luck and take them with them on their journey anyway we took the key to the surgeon you know she was with the surgery we did the blue green algae our dog you know concurring that her mom you know and this dog because of all our rehab . We didn't need surgery as a surgical let's let this dog heal and this that's right. Out of the choice and I just feel like you know my dog who we saved a little had a broken leg saved. Hemenway kitty with 2 broken hind legs and now or rehabbing her doing the book we now see the spiritual healing the Ricky healing and George the cat is walking or running climbing you are like a miracle person. You know I don't know I don't know should be to talk to you you know get oh my God what a great show thank you so much for being on this show and not America I learned about spiritual healing I did for you Democrats sounds very intrigued and excited about what they were able to do after you know full well you need stories I would guess how many people are out there who just adore animals I would guess a lot of my goodness yeah. But we know we know that nearly half of all households in the United States share with a pet of some kind I don't know that we do I don't know that we know is a scientific fact what fraction of those households love their pets but I'm guessing it's most of them. We to Joe in Boston go ahead Joseph Good morning George thanks for taking my call hi there morning Clyde I hope you know this book you is in our audio for some of us it can't read print I have through a story a couple comments to say I had 3 seeing eye dogs and sometimes they don't make it you know dogs are like kids Clyde I think you know the reason George and I wanted to say why the dogs miss you so much is because they have no concept of time there when you're gone this they don't know if they'll ever see you again that's why in a way I don't like leaving dogs alone therapy dogs and prisoners and seeing eye dogs are constantly with their owners you know and they're bonded but I just wanted to say that I'm glad if it 3 of them but they didn't make it because they're a problem but they they seem to understand in their own way and they don't know but sick to say just know that you aren't right and I wish people would treat people the same way we treat animals and animals they only live for a few years I think each year is what 7 years something like that but I just wanted to say that and I hope if things get better to get and maybe another dog but the people must learn to understand yelling at a dog isn't going to help you need training or yeah or yelling at a kid safe raising training and lots of encourage me and training and no no pity because dogs don't understand fear when they're afraid you have to snap them out of it they just know they're not right you know they don't understand what this is funny feeling I like your comment on this client Thanks George. Yeah well Joe 1st I can say my book Dogs law is available as an audiobook great Embarrassingly I haven't heard it myself yet apparently they found they didn't want me to do it but they found some other English guy British guy living in the United States a bit like me so playing the part of you sorry playing the part of you that's right playing the part of me and an actor dog playing the part of my dog No I'm just kidding don't doesn't say anything in the book. But absolutely you said you said you know about dogs having no sense of time and and your writing no way but there's also a way in which animals do have a sense of time and that is they do develop a sense of rhythm and routine so if you usually go out of time and come back at a certain time you'll definitely develop the expectation that you will respond around that time each day. So animals do have a fairly strong sense of all the time of day even though you're quite right across the when you leave they have nothing but the but the natural rhythm of life to lead them to expect you'll have a comeback and I sometimes worry when I when I have to go away on business is I will next week you know one of my dog make of this does she think I'm ever coming back but she'll have my wife and son and the and the cats I don't think she'll be too badly off let's go to Ed in California any go ahead Hi George. And Clive 1st comment a couple comments 1st one is Clive I think when you're about done with your career and you can afford to do so as a psychologist you oughta write a book on the psychology of research papers. With your comments on using big words or little words will do. The h.p. Sign to buy background as well as a psychic. I could only how. Your comments. And they come from there the voice of experience so keep that in mind for when you don't have to worry about tenure anymore. Thank you Eddie now and next thing next thing is when you mention the dogs that were trained for taking care of the penguins yet there is a wonderful movie if anybody has a pen ready it was made in 2015 and absolutely extraordinarily well done movie I think it's an Australian movie and the title of it is called oddball and the penguins oddball meaning the dog this dog who was a real misfit who was the 1st trial dog used in that in what you were talking about about training dogs to work with Penguin. And it's a wonderful movie is called oddball in the Penguins right yeah and I know that I know that the idea it's it's it's a moving account it's not it's not precisely no than a star ical event but it's a really touching a movie account and it's and it was actually filmed in the location which is a really beautiful oh isn't it fascinating because lives are really America mending it's just the stone issuing movie in so many friends now the comment I wanted to make was about wolves versus dogs I have the as a dog person I've had had the pleasure several years ago here to work with 2 wolves who were rescued and belong to a neighbor who was busy being in the system principal at the in the high schools in this area around here at the time and it was very extraordinary to see the difference between wolves and dogs in the sense that I found this I'm not sure this works well in your research world but I found that the wolves were extremely telepathic. That's interesting interested indeed Yeah yeah you know I have I my sense of the wolves I find it hard to pin down why why this is what I feel but I feel that wolves have a very considerable You know the ability they seem they seem somehow superior and especially with a full moon Well yes yes that's true to your Clyde we're out of time I want to thank you for being on the program keep in touch with us great book dog is love for Dan Delong to Tom Dan hisor Lisa Lyon like Sloane what Sean lot of sore stuff in the smith course Tim but all in Georgia now I'm George dory somewhere out there on coast to coast am We'll see you on our next edition until then be safer. In baseball These are the moments to bring us to Washington. To the point. Moment happens when you stand together united for great cars we once again join our partners Stand Up To Cancer in reaffirming their commitment to the fight against cancer since 2008 Major League Baseball its fans players and coaches have delivered a powerful determined message that we together will defeat cancer I'm Matt Damon I'm here to fight Joe Manganiello Jordan of Brewster Zachary Levi I'm going to do the cancer has in some way touched all of us so join Major League Baseball and stand up to cancer as we stand in honor of all loved ones affected by this disease is a Stand Up To Cancer dot org slash and stand up with us by the way this Charlottesville business lies in the news why did the cops stand down with it for what it really and with no effort to separate them from these other good ones on the right like no one else it was plain as day that violence was going to happen because that's what can't you. Can't define is rioters somebody wanted it to weekdays Nutri on use radio 14 to. Look at the situation and Norwegian ship Japanese ship King the Saudi Arabia u.a.e. . 15 percent of the world's oil flows through the Strait of Hormuz so we obviously need to make contingency plans should the situation deteriorate we also need to broaden our support for this international secure. Online it. Looks like Alexis. And I.

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