Well three manhattan high rises divested themselves of the trump name today. The gold letters were taken down from apartment buildings that he built but sold a few years ago. Hundreds of teed off tenants signed a petition trumps name. The current owners say they simply want a neutral building identity. Democra identified their new leadership in the senate today. The new minority leader is Chuck Schumer of new york. The team ranges from the progressive Bernie Sanders of vermont to the moderate joe manchion. Dick durbin, minority whip. Patty murray of washington moves into third position. Will be commanding troops in comb battle for the first time. With u. S. Forces fighting and advising in syria and iraq. We asked war correspondent, Holly Williams to compare the campgn rhetoric with the campaign against isis. This new isis propaganda video shows the the treacherous urban battlefield in the fight for mosul. Narrow streets that isis car bombs can slip down unnoticed. Deadly blasted. President elect trump threatened to bomb the hell out of isis. But with around a million civilians in mosul, indiscriminately air strikes are impossible. I know more about isis than, than the generals do. Believe me. During his campaign, mr. Trump said he would send in up to 30,000 u. S. Troops to take on isis. Before backtracking and saying countries to fight instead. I would hit them so hard your head would spin. There is nobody bigger or better at the military than i am. Reporter on the ground in iraq, the u. S. Spent two years of careful diplomacy, building a fragile colegislation to fight isis. Which the Trump Administration will now inherit. Across the border in syria, aleppo is again being bombard by air strikes on rebel held areas. Killing civilians and hospitals. Russia says it is now launching strikes from its Aircraft Carrier in the mediterranean sea. Despite international condemn nation of russias actions, the president elect suggest heed will Work Together with moscow and would end american support for syrian rebels. In syrias multisided conflict, scott, that could benefit russias ally, the Syrian People for more than four years. Holly williams reporting from istanbul tonight. Holly, thank you. In another important story, a saint anthony, Minnesota Police officer charged with manslaughter today. For fatally shooting a black man during a traffic stop. The girlfriend of the victim, live streamed the aftermath on facebook. The use of deadly force by officer reporter prosecutor john choi said that Fernando Castillo was shot seven times by officer, Geronimo Yanez less than a minute from being pulled over. Oh, my god, please dont tell me he is dead. Castillo then calmly and in a nonthreatening manner, informed officer yamez, sir, i have to firearm on me. According to the criminal complaint, officer yanez responded okay. But then pulled his gun and reached into castiles vehicle. He told castile dont pull it out. Castile responded im not pulling it out out. Moments later, officer yanez started firing. Castiles girlfriend, Diamond Reynolds tells us, she is glad officer reynolds was charged. God wants us all to definitely. I could forgive anyone. But, will i forget, will i not be hurting . Absolutely not. The Police Union Says it is disappointed with the charges but does respect the judicial system. Scott, officer yanez will be in court friday. He likely wont go to trial for months. Jamie yuccas in st. Paul. Thank you. Federal investigators are blaming air Traffic Controllers year that killed seven people. Kris van cleave has been looking into technologies designed to prevent these collisions. That happen in the blink of an eye. It happened that fast. Did you see it . This is an ntsb animation simulating a midair collision. A method of flying that teaches pilots how to avoid midair collisions. By the time the pilot of cessna was able to spot an f16 fighter. He had only second to respond. The planes collided over South Carolina in 2015. The two people on board the cessna died. Weeks later another midair collision in san diego, killed five. In both cases the ntsb believes available Collision Avoidance systems could have prevented the crash. Traffic. By giving warnings like these. They are not required in general mmercial airliners. Rusty amer is a retired captain. Must have had in my career, at least five or six of those warnings that saved us. Since 2011, there have been 44 midair collisions in the u. S. Killing 47. Mark roseenker is former head of the ntsb. Deadly accidents. When you can use this kind of technology to prevent them from happening it is decision to go out and install it. Reporter starting in 2020, all general aviation aircraft will have to have new technology to belter communicate with air Traffic Controllers. Scott, those systems stop short of being dedicated Collision Avoidance. Kris van cleave for us tonight. Ahh. Still sick, huh . Ill take it from here. Im good. I just took new mucinex clear and cool. Ah whats this sudden cooooling thing happening . Its got a menthol burst. You can feel it right away. Wow, that sort of blindsided me. And it clears my terrible cold symptoms. Ahh this is awkward. New Mucinex Fastmax clear cool. Feel the menthol burst. Start the relief. Ditch the misery. Lets end this. Whoa, this is awful, try it. Oh no, that looks gross what is that . You gotta try it, its terrible. I dont wanna try it if its terrible. Its like mango chutney and burnt hair. No thank you, i have a very sensitive palate. Just try it guys, i think we should hurry up. If you taste something bad, you want someone else to try it. Its what you do. I cant get the taste out of my mouth you want to save fifteen percent or more its what you do. Shhh dog, dog, dog. It judgment day. Back seat chefs peer inside your oven. But youve cleaned all bakedon business from meals past with easyoff, so the only thing they see is that beautiful bird. Go ahead. Let em judge. Jon stewart left the daily show before, almost a year before the election. So he has been on the sideline for most of this time. But today, stewart gave his first postelection interview to charlie rose for cbs this morning. Your reaction to this election . Uh surprise. It all ties together. Fear . Fear, you know, heres what i would honestly say. I dont believe we are a fundamentally different country today than we were two weeks ago. Or than we were a month ago. The same country with all of its grace and flaws, and, volatility, and insecurity and strength and resilience. Exist tuesday. As existed two weeks ago. The same country that, that elected donald trump, elected barack obama. And, those contradictions are this election, to me is just another extension of the lo argument we have had from our founding. Which is . What are we . On a philosophical, theoretical level i feel badly for the people for whom this election insecurity. But i also feel like this fight has never been easy. You can hear muc more from jon stewart on the election and his new book about the daily show on nbc this morning. My cold dicines wearing off. That stuff only lasts a few hours. Or, take mucinex. One pill fights congestion for 12 hours. Guess i wont be seeing you for a while. Why take medicines that only last 4 hours, when just one mucinex lasts 12 hours . Casualty of the war for the white house. And today, the oxford dictionary chose post truth as the word of the year. Post truth describes those times when Public Opinion is influenced more by emotion than the facts. Use of the word is up 2,000 this year. Were in washington tonight because we are covering the transion. But not the one you are thinking of. Bill no. Bill is not here. Thats shocking. It certainly is. But after 52 years at cbs news, senior White House Correspondent bill plant is calling it a career. And what a career. The past half century. From the civil rights movement. Have all the activities of the past weeks in selma come to fruition now . To the election of americas first black president. Tomorrow they will go into training. Vietnam. Did you make a mistake in sending arms to tehran, sir . No. And i am not taking any more questions. And covered the administrations of four president s. That was very impressive. Politics, general assignment, writing, editing, reporting, air work, you nape it. I would look to do it. Bill plant came to cbs in 1964. And like a fine wine, he just seemed to get better with time. Great lovely light. Fruit taste. So, tonight, we will toast our friend and colleague, you will be missed, bill. Missed by millions. This portion is sponsored by voya financial. Changing the way you think of . motor revving past . brakes and crash sounds this winter, pay attention, go slow, and stay in control while driving. There is quite a celebration here in washington tonight. Michelle miller reports the library of congress is honoring one of the finest singer songwriters with the gershwin prize. So heres to you, mr. Robinson. . I dont like you . . But i love you . Reporter smoky robinsons lyrics are as smooth as his voice. Smiling in the public eye . . But in my loany room i cry the tears of a clown . Reporter creating the motown sound along with cofounder barry gordie. The word became the sound track for generations. . Youre gonna fly away, glad youre going my way for frz i love it when were cruising together . In an interview with cbs sunday morning. Gordie explained how it all started. He was a wonderful poet. He couldnt write. Didnt know how to write songs. They would go on, on, and on and on. So i really taught him how to write a simple song. Front to end. . I guess youd say . . For the next three days, robinson wrote top of the chart hits for everyone from the temptations. Reporter to the jackson five. . And i wonder whos loving you . Reporter he told cbs this morning it came naturally. There is really no art to it. I think it is a gift. God gives everybody a gift. Reporter the gershwin prize is named for george and ira gershwin. Awe tau awe. To be mentioned in the same breath with the incredible. His fans second that emotion. Michelle miller, cbs news, new york. . Lifetime of devotion . Thats the cbs overnight news for this thursday. For some of you the news continues. For others check back with us a little later for the morning news. And be sure not to miss cbs this morning. From the Jones Day Law Firm overlooking the u. S. Capitol, hi, welcome to the overnight news. Im demarco morgan. Donald trump is fighting back over news reports that his transition is in disarray. The president elect wrote on twitter it smoothly. The state department, Justice Department and pentagon all say that no one from the Transition Team has contacted them and the white house says it has briefing books stacked so high, with no one to give them to. Major garrett begins our how did the meeting go . Reporter mike pence and wife visited their future home and ate lunch with current residents. Then the sitting Vice President offered this assessment. No administration is ready on day one. We werent ready on day one. I never met one. At the u. S. Chamber of commerce, pence in a closed door session, reassured Business Leaders about the president elects economic plans. Responding to reports that his transition is in disarray, mr. Trump tweeted. The process is going so smoothly and i am the only one who kns who the finalists are for key positions. The president elect spent more than an hour at trump tower reviewing potential Supreme Court nominees. Campaign manager kellyann conway. Roughly a fifth of voters, 21 said the Supreme Court was the most important issue. As for personnel announcement, conway said, mr. Trump sets his own timetable. You dont form a federal government overnight. These are very serious, use, very serious appointments and considerations. President elect trump made no cabinet announcements but not behind the schedule set by modern president s. Appointments came three weeks after the election. Choices for other top departments, a week later. In 2000, george w. Bush did not begin his formal transition until mid december. After a protracted recount in florida. Under tight deadlines, bush announced top positions in two weeks. In 1992, bill clinton waited seven weeks before announcing cabinet nominees. Former House Speaker and trump confidant, newt gingrich. The beginning of any transition like this has turmoil, the nature of the process. Very decisive. Reporter pence signed the key legal document placing him in charge of mr. Trumps transition. Other paperwork according to the white house remains incomplete. Scott, the pentagon, state and Justice Departments all report no outreach yet from trump and there are a lot of them. As the president elect told lesley stahl on 60 minutes. Politicians. Because they give them money. You admitted you used to do it yourself. You have a Transition Team lobbyists and specialists. You want to get rid of all that. You dont like it. But your own traition team. Filled with lobbyists. The only people you have down there. Verizon, oil, gas industry, food lobbyists. Everybody is a lobbyist down there. On your Transition Team. Fry try to clean up washingt. Everything down there. Theyre all people that work, thats the problem with the system. The system. Right now were going to clean it up. We are having restrictions on foreign money coming in. We are going to put on term limits. Which a lot of people arent happy about. We are putting on term limits. We are doing a lot of things to clean up the system. Everybody that works for government. They leave government. They become a lobbyist essentially. Lobbyist. Basically saying you have to rely on them. Even though you want to get rid of them. I am saying they know the system right now. But we are going to phase that out. You have to phase it out. President elect trump has business interests around the world. And some of them appear to represent a con flflict interes. Most glaring is china. President elect trump threatened a trade war with china. We cant continue to allow china to rape our thats what theyre doing. Reporter yet he bragged about his great business relationship with the chinese. The thing they most want. One of the top ten things, anything trump. You believe it . My apartments, my cars, they love me. Reporter mr. Trumps web of financial interests in china adds to the unprecedented conflicts posed by his Global Business which will be run by his children who are also his key advisers. For us, there is a great future in china. Hotel projects, and mr. Trumps financial disclosure, lists companies such as trump china development, llc. Requests for more about entities went unanswered. In 2012, ivanka trump said they had a team based in shanghai. There is such interest in the brand being here. We are really ramping up our commitment to meeting our partners and finding the right opportunities. Reporter taking those steps is all but impossible without also doing business with the chinese government. According to Scott Kennedy of the center for strategic and international studies. The line between state and business is a lot fuzzier. And much more complex. They can open and close doors to individual deals in the way that you cant elsewhere in the along the heart of fifth avenue in new york city. That created a security nightmare for the secret service and serious headaches for people who live and work there. The nypd and secret service are working to protect all 68 stories of trump tower. On the ground, barricades. Police officers. And secret Service Agents line the building. From above, an faa mandated nofly zone for planes a unique situation. Obviously it is a public building. Former secret service director, says the glass skyscrapers size, location and accessibility are creating new obstacles for Law Enforcement officials. You cannot shut down trump towers. You have got to accommodate the citizens and the people who are in and around that building. The buildings main entrance is on new york citys iconic fifth and window shoppers. Tiffanys flag ship store on the same block as trump tower, told cbs news, they canceled their holiday window spectacular, due to post election related activity. The first 26 floors of the Building Made up of retail space and offices and Trump Organization headquarters. The top 39 stories are condominiums. The last few weeks has been absolutely crazy. Trump supporter, George Lombardi lives on the 63rd floor the president elect. He says things are slowly calming down. It is a little better than two, three days ago. The impact of the security effort stretch beyond the building perimeter to neighboring businesses. The restaurants manager says the heightened security its cutting into their sales. Nypd is telling us this is going to be the case until at least january. After that, they dont know what is going to happen. Nypd and secret service are inauguration. One thought is to completely close off fifth avenue in front of the building while he coughs that cough doesnt sound so good. Well i think you sound great. Move over. Easy booger man. Take mucinex dm. Itll take care of your cough. Fine ill text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. One pill lasts 12 hours, so. Looks like im good all night ah david, please, listen. Still not coughing. Not fair you guys waffles are my favorite ah some cough medicines lasts 12 hours. Start the relief. Ditch the misery. Lets end this. I had frequent heartburn, but. My doctor recommended prilosec otc 7 years ago, 5 years ago, last week. Just 1 pill each morning. 24 hours and zero heartburn, straight years, and its still recommended today. The world chess championship resumes today in new york city. Reigning champion of norway is battling it out against a russian competitor. The pair is playing best of 12 game series. The first four matches ended draws. Spending time with both contestants and filed this report. This is the room. It is glass enclosed. Allows crowds on the outside to see the action happening in here without disturbing the players. Check this out. The board is electronic. There are transmitters inside the chess pieces which allow people on line to watch all the action without disturbing the players. And any bed who knows chess, knows that Magnus Carlson is the we are headed to wasngton square park. There are a lot of amateur chess players. Before Magnus Carlson made his first move in the world chess championships. We asked hem to take on a few local chess sharks in new york. For 5 a game. Curious touris are offered a lesston in lesson in defeat every day. Every day but to day. Becae go the worlds top ranked chess player is you only need to see and dispense each of the three opponents. In under three minut. I feel i am still learning. I am learning all the time. I feel that i know just incompraably about six years ago. I did lets say my level of play know it that different. Carlsons level of play has been teenager. Here he is at 13. Playing gary kasparov, kidded to be the greatest chess champion of all time. The young, seemingly restless kid from noay, played the russian grand master to a draw. It is always about fighting for the key squares. As much as he reveals its history. Take the table for instance. The table, bobby fisher played, in havana. In 1966. At that time, he wasnt allowed to go to havana. The sanctions against the cubans. He played this table. Marshal chess club. And i think is very fascinating. When was the last time you lost. The thing is, Michael Jordan says he is the one who its missed the most shots. Chess games. And, most recently was you know, a few days ag on a game i played on the internet. Played a game anonymously . Anonymously. And lost to some random person. What country was that person in . I went say. I wont say. Magnus its beatable. Beatable. He played carlson 47 times. Won eight. Lost 1. When was the nirst time you played him . It was in 2005. I was 15. And he was 14. Back then it he had the edge. He remains the youngest player to be named the grand master which he did at 12. Carlson earned the title at 13. I always looked up to hip. Remember when i was like, 11 years old. I thought, well i am never going this will be the first time the two have met in the world championship. A match that will span up to 12 rounds over the next two weeks. Games can last up to sex hours. He may have lost a few games on line. Carlson is at his best in close proximity. Call it an advantage in intimidation. I feel look i had the psychological edge. I have wor him than he has within against me. I feel i have confidence i can beat hip. Also i have advantage of being a better chess player. The prize is 1 million euro. Its judgment day. Back seat chefs peer inside your oven. But youve cleaned all bakedon business from meals past with easyoff, so the only thing they see is that beautiful bird. Actor director warren bai gained fame and fortune in front of the camera and behind it. He is also well known for avoiding interviews at all costs. In hollywood, beatty did agree to take a stroll with mo rocka. You dont have a star. Why not . Well, you dont have to have a star if you dont want it. Come on. Reporter lets face it. At 79, warren baity doesnt need a star on hollywood boulevard to remind people that he is a this is the first movie role. You wont forget hit. He first movie part, opposite natalie wood, in splendor in the grass made him a household name. Are we going to the victory dance . I could think of things i would rather do. This, this theater. Yeah. What this theater was was the first theater we ever showed bonnie and clyde in. Parker. Beatty was 29 when he produced and starred opposite faye dunaway in bonnie and clyde. We rob banks. A movie milestone that forever changed the way hollywood depicted violence. Come back here the place to be now is russia. In 1981, he starred in and won an oscar for directing reds. Century. But it is not just his work that captivated the public for over half a century. It i also his love life. He has had relationships with julie christie, diane aton, leslie caron, and rumored to be linked with a lot of beautiful women. So much to talk did you have mentorsarly on . I got to meet producers and directors and screen writers. But, as we learned when we sat down with him at American Film Institute in los angeles, Warren Beatty isnt the easiest person to interview. Does any one spring to mind as, as somebody that really taught you somethg . Heres when you say, name somedy, i, always avoid that. Thats why i am such a bad billionaire, not millionaire. Warren beatty has a movie to promote. So here we are. In rules dont apply, he plays the famously secretive billionaire, Howard Hughes. Have you heard from peopl that i am crazy. Though the film centers on an aspiring actress from virginia, and her driver, both churchgoing, small towners. O struggle to keep their religious values intact in 1958 she Still Believes that once you have been intimate or gone all the way with a person that, in the eyes of god, you are committed to that person. For the rest of your life. I agree with sarah. Thats why i have never didnt. That they why i am waiting. Because i have to be sure. Beatty himself was raised Southern Baptist in virginia. Before coming to hollywood in the late 1950s. One of the characters in the movie says once you have been was that your understanding when you are growing up . Ta i dont want to pontificate on your show about this. Because you are editing. Im not. And so want to be very clear about what i say. And i have learned in my long period of being famous, or well known. Famous. I have learned that i that i if i want to Say Something i should say it myself. Especially when it comes to his new movie. At firsty thought is that it was a movie, mainly about Howard Hughes. Then my own self obsession took over. I thought, no, no. This its what i am mo, as interested in, is what, was hollywood like when i came here. Beattys Howard Hughes is a man obsessed with his privacy. Yes. Never trust anybod he very much wanted to sta out of sight. And he he was very interested in controlling the image ofow he was seen. Now, iee a look on your face and you are going to say how was that in common with me . Title that most interested me in a long time was the christopher lash title of his book called the culture of narcissism. En my defense, i to call you a narcissist. You are a control freak. Wasnt going to call you a narcissist. Control freak is, im guilty. But ask anybody who work with me, i want them to give feedback. And i, and i i do collaborate with smart people. And Warren Beatty is friend with a lot of smart and famous people. In politics, and of course, in met jack nicholson. That booth is in oodho famed grill, one of beattys long time faimte i ever met jack was in 1964. I think. 65. By then h older sister was already a star. A lot of people watching us wont know until now that shirl shirley yeah. You never made a movie together. Another woman Warren Beatty will talk about. The way you were staring at me. I thought you would ask me for something a little more exciting. Look what . Use your imagination. Im using it. Let me know whe yre finished. He met actress Annette Bening during the production of 1991s bugsy. They have four children. This is the part of the interview where you talk about yeah. How much do you love your wife . It is the most intelligent thing that i ever have done. My life has completely flowered with annette and the kids. Im extremely proud of her. In every respect. What do you think your life would be like if you hadnt met annette . I try not to think a would you be on tinder . On tinder . Oh, im not very good on that stuff. You wouldnt be like dating a kardashian . Oh you would be. Okay. We dont know . It seems that after 58 years in hollywood, Warren Beatty is happy to talk about his movies, and his marriage, and let the st speak for itself. Reporter next march you will have been married for 25 years. That is correct. Shortage of drivers has trucking cull pae ining compani retirees. Some say they shouldnt behind the wheel. Kris van cleave has t story. For ronnie hooks it was supposed to be a day of he was about to become an elder at his church his family was arriving from oklahoma city. It a changed when a semidriven by a 76yearold rolled on three cars, killing ten including ronnies parents and two brothers. I was on the phone with them when it happened that day. The phone went dead. Reporter it remains the deadliest crash in oklahomas history. Highway patrol lieutenant, investigated the accident. O you think his age played into that at all . I do. Conditions that we were made aware of later on, played a factor in that. Reporter as the head of the state accident investigati unit he know tisd increasing number of crashes involving elderly commercial drivers. Industry is looking for truck drivers. A shortage in truck drivers. They wont self regulate. Only way that could be done is on the federal level. Reporter this august a new Jersey Transit bus w tboned by another bus driven by a 70yearold. Dayser 74yearold slammed into traffic in binghamton, new york. We looked at 12 states and found in three years there was a 19 increase in acciden involving older drivers. Many of them, in their 70s 80s and even about a dozen in their 90s. But with such a shortage of drivers, the industry is actively recruiting retirees. With a hidden camera rolling, we sent a retired texas state looking for work, to a road master driving school. Is there an age limit or anything . There is not. We had two ladies they were probably in their 80s. As long as you are physically and, physically able to get behind that wheelnd drive that truck. They need their goods delivered. Daphne jefferson is deputy administrator at fmcsa. We are not quite at the point yet we are ready to say one way or another if there need to be a changen say drivers over 65. For the hooks family it is already too late. We have all had to learn how to deal with it. Deal with it, recurring memories and the papa. Of not having them. One Trucking Association confmed, but when it comes to big rig crashes those are oft caused by other drivers. Thats the overnight news for thursday. For some of you the news continues. Morning. From the Broadcast Center in new york city, im demarco morgan. Captioning funded by cbs its thursday, november 17th, 2016. This is the cbs morning news. Trump tran circumstances. High profile meetings to determine who will help the president elect run the country are happening in new york city. Find o who has been spotted coming and going from trump tower. And Hillary Clinton makes her his public appearance since her concession speech. Ive seen my share of ups and downs, but i still believe that we can make the impossible possible. Good morning from the studio

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