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Lets bring in john dickerson, cbs news political director and face the nation. Trump campaigning in traditionally democratic states. Like michigan, and wisconsin. Why . Well, he is trying to break the lines, the democratic lines, the states the democrats traditionally vote for, historically voted for. Wisconsin, michigan and minnesota. And, the challenge is, the reason he is doing that. Bluecollar voters there he thinks he can grachblt the challenge with the states when you talk to republicans, worried about the strategy. A republican candidate can get close. Because the it is really democratic tougher, democrats can turn out the vote quickly. You see two president s in michigan. And the, the nominee in michigan turning out the vote at last minute. Now, for our viewers, tomorrow night. What should they be looking for . As anthony pointed out. You know, 31 states are sort of out of the conversation a little bit. Historically they vote, historically the states go to the democrats or republicans. Thats been their pattern. We focus on the battleground states. Early in the evening, virginia and North Carolina, will be coming in early. And well look there to see if Hillary Clinton is able to add to Traditional Democratic states. If able to add, virginia, North Carolina, the end of it. Or thats likely she will get to 270. Excuse me, scott. If donald trump does well in those he has to win twice as many up for grab states. Looking in virginia and North Carolina for signs that he is oing to be able to do that. Unother state to watch is pennsylvania. Because that its a state he can take away from traditionally democratic states. In terms of arithmetic, trump has a taller hill to climb. Yes, win twice as many as she. Thank you very much. Coverage with our entire campaign 2016 team, will begin right here, 6 30 eastern time tomorrow with a special edition of the cbs evening news. And well then continue all through the night. The fbi shook up the race again, yesterday, when it cleared clinton for a second time in the investigation into whether she received classified information on her private unsecured computer server. Fbi director james Comey Told Congress that discovered emails did not contain anything that would change his opinion. That what clinton did was in his words extremely careless but not criminal. Here is jeff pegues. Reporter fbi agents used a especially designed Computer Program to scan and sort hundreds of thousands of emails found on a laptop used by clinton aide huma abedin. To finish before election day. After less than two weeks they determined most emails were personal or duplicates of messages they had seen. Officials realized the case was back to where it was in july. When fbi director james comey decided not to recommend charges against clinton for mishandling classified information. No reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case. Reporter on capitol hill, republican members of congress, are still not satisfied. s there was potentially the largest breach of security in the history of the state department. No matter who wins this election we got to clean that up and make sure it never happens again. Former u. S. Attorney, Roscoe Howard has known the fbi director for 20 years. What kind of man is he . Tremendous integrity. Howard says comey was wrong to go public with renewed investigation. Trying to stay out of elections as best we can. So that, the democratic process can run its course. Reporter fbi directors are given ten year terms. So that theyre seen as independent and above politics. Scott, comey has been on the job three years. Which means he will likely be working with whomever wins the election tomorrow. Jeff pegues in our washington newsroom. Thank you, jeff. Well, stock prices soared today in an election eve rally. The dow gained 371 points. The standard and poors 500 was Anthony Mason is with us now. Anthony. Calling it the hillarally on wall street. Stocks began soaring after the news broke yesterday that the fbi had cleared the latest batch of clinton emails. The rally broke a ninesession losing streak for the s p 500. Its longest losing streak since 1980. Markets hate uncertainty. And wall street had an anxiety attack last week when polls tightened. In cash the most since aftermath of 9 11 back in 2001. And Foreign Investors have been even more skittish. Foreign based fund pulled more than 500,000 out of u. S. Stocks last week, the seventh time in eight weeks, a net outflow as investors chosen to play wait and see on the side lines. Stocks werent alone in bouncing back today. Mexican peso rallied on the fbi news. When whatever wall streets thinks of viewed as the status quo for the Financial Community which prizes predictability. A clinton victory would simply come with fewer unknowns. Thank you. A fun fact it was 100 years ago today that the first woman was elected to congress. Montana sent janet rankin to the house two years after the state granted the right to vote how to women. It would be another four years however, before women nationwide under the 19th amendment. Janet reno was the first woman to be u. S. Attorney general. Appointed by president bill clinton. It was reno in 1993 who ordered the raid that brought a fiery end to a siege at the Branch Davidian compound in waco texas. More than 80 people died. Reno called that the worst day of her life. Janet reno died today, of parkinsons disease. She was 78. Coming up next earthquake close to the countrys im here in bristol, virginia. And now. Im in bristol, tennessee. On this side of the road is virginia. And on this side its tennessee. Hundreds on Car Insurance by switching to geico. Look, im in virginia. Im in tennessee. Virginia. Tennessee. And now im in virginessee. See how much you could save on Car Insurance. Or am i in tennaginia . Hmmm. coughs that cough doesnt sound so good. Well i think you sound great. Move over. Easy booger man. Take mucinex dm. Itll take care of your cough. Fine ill text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. Ah david, please, listen. Still not coughing. Not fair you guys waffles are my favorite ah some cough medicines only last 4 hours. But just one mucinex lasts 12 hours. Start the relief. Suddenly, oklahoma seems to be the countrys earthquake capital. There was a strong one last night, in cushing, west of tulsa. And Omar Villafranca is there. Nick tanner says his entire apartment shook violently. Looked like the skreelg was about to collapse. Walls shaking. Ceiling moving. Tanner was home when the 5. 0 earthquake tore a hole in his ceiling. His apartment was damaged as were many of the Historic Buildings in cushing. Steven spears is the city manager. It appears there is numerous buildings 40, 50, that have substantial damage. According to the u. S. Geological survey, this is the second major earthquake to hit a quake near pawnee, oklahoma, registered 5. 8. The largest in the states history. Building owners like dan whinny are nervous. Any bigger than a five. What will happen to your building. If it hits again. Maybe not my building. Some of these will be on the ground. In recent years, oklahoma has been hit with thousand of earthquakes. Since 2006, the number of magnitude of 3 or greater from two or three a year to almost 900 last year. Some gee some gists have linked increased seismic activity to highly pressurized injections of waste water into the ground, byproduct of gas and fracking which can create faults underground. Cushing is home to the largest Oil Tank Storage facility in the country. Despite destruction here. The agency that oversees drilling in oklahoma shut down 770 waste water sites linked to the quakes. Thank you. The fiery tissue left her nose sore and red. So dad slayed the problem with puffs plus lotion, instead. Puffs have pillowy softness for dakotas tender nose. With lotion to comfort and soothe when she blows. Dont get burned by ordinary tissues. A nose in need deserves puffs, indeed. Now get puffs plus lotion in the squeezable softpack. . Gaviscon is a proven heartburn remedy ief. It immediately neutralizes acid and only gaviscon helps keep acid down for hours. For fastacting, longlasting relief, try doctorrecommended gaviscon. Florida the fourth largest state in terms of electoral votes. But a tossup tonight. Both clinton and trump are Mark Strassmann is in miami. We are going to do great with the africanamericans, we are going to do great with the hispanics. The choice in this election could not be clearer. It really its, between division or unity. Florida has 4. 5 million minority voters. Divided about clinton and trump. She is 22. She is cubanamerican. A conservative group. That is warming to democrats. In 2012, barack obama won 49 of their vote. But, she despises Hillary Clinton. Shes extremely corrupt. She is a liar. She says one thing and does another. She is twofaced. Reporter whereas you think, trump is a genuinely attractive candidate . He is. Demographics are shifting. Puerto ricans the states Second Largest Group lean democrat. Hillary clinton. Clinton relying on a big turnout from floridas 2 million africanamerican voters. Early black voting is down 7 from 2012. A grassroots drive yesterday called souls to the poles bused people straight from churches to voting booths. Will and val medine, retired Union Auto Workers also vot early for clinton. What have you got to lose . What would you say to him . Let me see how clean i can keep this. He is desperate now, okay. So he going to say anything. Do anything. To try to get that black vote. Get that message a chance . No. Reporter in early voting here hispanic turnout was way up from 2012. Tomorrow, how hispanics vote could decide who wins the state this . Is americas 58th president shl election. Bob schieffer covered 14. None two the same, none like this. No, scott. I have seen a few. I have run out of ways to say i have never seen one like this. What should we expect next . That it will rain frogs . I wouldnt bet against it. We tend to all every election the most important of our lifetime, but this one might well be. To those of you who are voting for the first time, take it from me, this election is not business as usual. This one is different. And not in a good way. Most americans believe we are headed in the wrong direction, the world is a more dangerous place, and yet the government is congress longer to approve money to find a vaccine for the zika virus than it took the founders to write our constitution. Most americans neither like nor trust either of the major party candidates. And 82 of americans find the campaign disgusting. The country seems at a turning point, but the divide over where to turn seems wider than ever. The first task of who ever is elected must be to repair the damage thats been done by this campaign to the good name of our country. The insight of bob schieffer. Bob, thank you very much. Thats the overnight news for this election day. Be sure to check back with us a little bit later for the morning news. Do not miss cbs this morning. Well have Live Team Coverage all through the night as the numbers come in. Beginning with a special election evening news at 6 30 eastern. From the Broadcast Center in new hi, welcome to the overnight news. Im demarco morgan. After what seemed like eternity of primaries and Convention Speeches and debates, and even an fbi investigation, its finally voters will choose either Hillary Clinton or donald trump to be the 45th president of the United States. The latest and last cbs news poll shows clinton with a fourpoint lead nationally. But will that translate to the ballot box. Major garrett with the Trump Campaign begins our coverage. If we win, all of us, honestly we have wasted our type. I will be honest. In raleigh, North Carolina, donald trump confronted something rarely seen in the country. A venue with plenty of room to spare. Trump drew thousand on a monday afternoon. But brooded over a possible defeat as National Polls and early vote turnout in battleground states suggested the republican nominee will need a surge of voters tomorrow. You have one magnificent chance. Honestly. In four years, its over folks. There has never been a Movement Like this. Trump had been bouyed by fbi director james comeys decision to investigate emails found on a laptop usedy aide. Comey said yesterday, agents sorting through the messages found nothing to change his decision, not to recommend charges against Hillary Clinton. The fbi, the director, was obviously under tremendous pressure. So they went through 650,000 emails in eight days. Yeah, right. So sad what is going on. Earlier in the day, trump told a packed house in sarasota, florida he had done all he could do to win. In one day, we are going to win the great state of florida. And we are going to take back the white house. This is it. Good luck. Get out there. I did my thing. I mean, i worked. Trump lightened the mood by reaching into the crowd for a flimsy likeness of himself. Nice set of hair, i will say that. Campaigning in pennsylvania, trumps runningmate an extraordinary journey. That man its ready. Whether she catches the white house or not, Hillary Clinton made history. The only first lady to ever serve an elected office. New york senator, and she is the first woman to head a major party ticket. Clinton is pushing now for the trifecta, the oval office. Nancy cordes with the clinton her bid. Clinton wrapped it up with a simple message. Vote. If the lines are long tomorrow, please wait. Unlike trump spent the day bouncing between two key states. Pennsylvania and michigan. This election is basically between vi didivision and unn our country. [ applause ] between strong and steady leadership or a loose cannon who could put everything at risk. I think i have some work to do to bring the country together. Ize hatch beas i have been sayie speeches the last few days i really do want to be the president for everybody. People who vote for me. People who vote against me. Reporter her confidence based on ape get out the vote operation, two years in the making. In battleground states knocked on 6. 2 million doors this weekend and made 8. 1 million phone calls. President obama hit michigan and remined working class voters what his administration did to save the auto industry. So when i tell you that donald trump is not the guy who is going to look out for you you need to listen. Clinton made no mention of the Glass Ceiling she would be president. But there is one subtle reference in her final twominute ad airing tonight in primetime. So tonight im asking for your vote. And tomorrow, lets make history together. Im Hillary Clinton and one last time i approve this message. Clinton had been sliding in the polls. Ever since the fbi announced it found another trove of unsecured emails related to her time as secretary of state. Congress sunday they dont change his opinion she should not be prosecuted for mishandling documents. Reporter fbi agent used a especially designed Computer Program to scan and sort the hundred of thousand of emails found on a laptop used by clinton aid, huma abedin. While investigators initially said they were unlikely to finish before election day, after less than two weeks, they determined that most of the emails were personal, or duplicates of already seen. Officials realized the case was back to where it was in july when fbi director james comey decided not to recommend charges against clinton for miss handling classified information. No reasonable prosecutor would bring a case. On capitol hill, republican members of congress are still not satisfied. Utahs jason skrchltchaffetz. Information. We have got to clean that up. Make sure it never happens again. Former u. S. Attorney. Has known the fbi director for 20 years. Intelligence. Integri integrity. Comey was wring to go public with the renewed investigation. I think it is a mistake. Trying to stay out of elections best we can. So the democratic process can run its course. The world is watching this election. No country in who captures the white house than our southern neighbor. Manuel bojorquez reports from mexico city. Great concern here that a Trump Victory could cause an economic shock. Mexicos central bank is exploring ways to try to mitigate that. One example, the peso goes down when trump goes up in the polls. Much has to do with the cry against nafta, the Free Trade Agreement include the u. S. mexico. And trump says killing u. S. Jobs i have spoken with mexican Business Owners who say he is ignoring the fact that more than 1 million u. S. Skbrobz depend on trade with mexico. A lot of uncertainty. Mix kwan senator says he is drafting legislation that would seek to prevent a trump administration, mexico pay for the border wall. One of the significant issues. Before the election. It led to a battle of words between trump and the mexican president who nominee to visit back in august. But the deep dislike of trump here in mexico goes back to the very beginning of his campaign. When he labeled some mexican immigrants as criminals, and rapists. That led to protests here including the beating of trump pinanas. And unflattering cartoons. All of that makes Hillary Clinton the favored candidate. General feeling, donald trump made this election person for the people of mexico with much at stake for both countries. Hey team, i know were tight on time, but i really need a. Sick day tomorrow. Moms dont take sick days. Moms take nyquil severe the. Nighttime sniffling,sneezing, coughing, aching, fever best. Sleep with a cold, medicine. . Dry spray . . Thats fun. . Its already dry no wait time. This is great. Its very soft. Now in a dry antiperspirant spray. No matter who wins tonight most americans will probably be happy the election is finally over. A cbs news poll found that 82 of registered voters say theyre dite 13 say theyre excited. But just because it is a bad election doesnt mean the winner will be a bad president. Looking back to find the worst u. S. President ever. One name keeps popping up. Mo rocca. James buchanan was in this house when he was notified he won the election to the presidency. Betty nowman given tours of the lancaster pennsylvania estate of president james done early in his campaign. A gore just home. With one very special amenity. It has the two adult seats. Probably a seat for a teenager down there. Wheatlands director Patrick Clark showed us. Outhouse for five. You can have the Cabinet Meeting in here. The family that goes together. Hahaha. In the proverbial toilet where president. The worst. Worst ever . Worst president ever. Robert strauss wrote a book about buchanan. Here is buchanan. Also got a cigar box filled with president ial action figures. Jackson hated buchanan. Not everyone hated buchanan. After all he was elected but the northern democrats sympathies with the slave holding south exacerbated long simmering tensions setting the stage for the civil war. Yet at wheatland theyre not quite so hard on the guy. Where would you put James Buchanan in the ranking . Probably 42nd. He had an opportunity to write a book. Dont they all write a book. If buchanan is remembered at all, its for being thehe president. The only one never to marry. Lots just get this out of way right now. What was the deal with James Buchanan. He did have a bad relationship early on. Because he was gay . Maybe so. There is no evidence to say he was gay. There its no evidence off to prove he was a heterosexual either. But there its plenty of evidence that he knew how to inaugural ball, 6,000 people showed up. Buchanan seemed worth celebrating. Buchanan had quite a resume. Both houses of the legislature, both houses of congress. Ambassador to russia, ambassador to great britain. Secretary of state. There were high hopes at the beginning of his administration . I think so. Dashed pretty quickly. Reporter only two days after his inauguration, the Supreme Court handed down the infamous dred scott decision. Allowing that escaped slaves be forcibly returned to their owners. Buchanan backed that decision. Slavery could be the countrys and his undoing. Heap feared that if you robustly. It would be the create the end of the union. Thats what happened. After lincolns election before his inauguration. Seven states seceded. While a politically paralyzed buchanan pro sided. When the country is falling apart. What is his reaction. Friend are southerners. Reporter biggest reaction. Guys, thought we were all friend. The ensuing civil war would become known as buchanans war. What does buchanan get right . What he gets right is not much, to tell you the truth. Upon leaving washington, it is said that buchanan told incoming president , abraham lynn kon. Entering the white house as i shall feel on returning to wheatland. You are a happy man indeed. He said to friends and family alike, i could well be the last president of these United States. Now if you follow me. Still at 91, betty nowman doesnt plan on abandoning buchanan or his home any time soon. I think this hour keeps me young. The candidate did something right. Hahaha. Some places have probably fly the American Flagon a say in the president ial election. Puerto rico, guam and am cerica samoa. Mr. Chairman, hello, world. Hello, america. Of all of the delegations at the Republican National convention. Only one introduced itself to American Samoa, yes correct pronunciation, an often overlooked collection of islands in the south pacific. Its been a u. S. Territory since 1900. And yet, a lot of people there have no idea where this place is. He is a ranger at National Mark of American Samoa. Located over 7,000 miles from our nations capital. It is the only u. S. Soil south of from tropical fruit bats and colorful crabs, pristine coral reeves here are some of the best in the world. The islands remoteness helped preserve its way of life. Most important thing is our culture. Also preserve our all chur hecu. Samoa culture, cooking in an earth oven, and the island the capital city of pongopongo. Pay for fresh coconuts in dollars. The American Flag is everywhere. The preferred family run shuttle buses. In fact. Close to 55,000 people who live here may be the most patriotic in the entire country. American samoa, where per cap tarks more sons and daughters, wear the uniform of the u. S. Armed servicesha state or territory. Reporter the military has a big presence here. Despite participating in the primary process, american be c commanderinchief. Like puerto rico and guam, residents of American Samoa dent get any electoral volts. All we do now is true pray for a good leader to rise up and make a difference. Peter was born in small today. Not only has he never voted for president. He is also not a u. S. Citizen. The people of American Samoa are kidded u. S. Nationals. Born owing allegiance to the United States. But you are not a citizen. America doesnt owe its allegiance back. While the other major territories have achieved citizenship by birth through act of congress. It never happened in american sa mowa. Lawsuit arguing the 14th amendment which guarantees citizen to those born on u. S. Soil should apply to the territori territories. They have been raised in an american system. They served the american government. There is no reason why they should not be citizens. Because they are on sovereign u. S. Soil. Let us be United States citizens. One of the plaintiffs in the vietnam veteran. I have been discriminated against. I cannot be a United States citizen. If nationals move off island to. Say california, they still cant vote or hold certain jobs. Unless they pay a fee and apply. If you were a citizen by birth. Go to any state and establish residency. And as a u. S. Sit taen for voting purposes in the state. Cant do that in also a matter of personal pride. Feel like i dont belong. In june, the Supreme Court declined to hear his case. He is exploring other options. Worth noting not everyone here want to be a u. S. Citizen. I am pretty much good the way i am. Fine with being a national. Fine with being a national. Reporter the laid back sim ply team of life here stands in contrast to the extremely complicated system of local and place like this. A system that is on the brink of change. The federal government doesnt eech even own this park land. Leased from the local villages. When the runs out in 22 years, the future of the pocket of green in the distant pacific as ugh, its only lunchtime and my cold medicines wearing off. Im dragging. Yeah, that stuff only lasts a few hours. Or, take mucinex. One pill fights congestion with the shortterm stuff. 12 hours . Guess i wont be seeing you for a while. Is that a bisque . I just lost my appetite. Why take medicines that only last 4 hours, when just one mucinex lasts 12 hours . Start the relief. Ditch the misery. Lets end this. Jack be nimble, jack be quick, jack knocked over a candlestick onto the shag carpeting. And his pants ignited into flames, causing him to stop, drop and roll. With renters insurance. Because all his belongings went up in flames. Jack got full replacement and now has new pants he ordered from banana republic. Visit geico. Com and see how affordable renters insurance can be. I had frequent heartburn, but. My doctor recommended prilosec otc 7 years ago, 5 years ago, last week. Just 1 pill each morning. 24 hours and zero heartburn, use as directed were going to prove just how wet and sticky your current gel antiperspirant is. Now were going to show you how degree dry spray is different. Degree. It wont let you down. . Living well . Rise above joint discomfort with move free ultras triple action joint support for improved mobility and flexibility, and 20 better comfort from one tiny, mighty pill. Most people over 18 have cast at least one ballot in their lifetime. Why is it called a ballot . Jane pauley has a look for sunday morning. . . Welcome to hooray for politics at the Smithsonian National museum of American History in washington. Where we learned that ballot, come from ballotta, italian for little ball. Colored balls being an earlier and simpler way of as harry rubenstein, head of the division of political history explains. The way it works the you put the ball in the little hole. Different people come and do it. Open it up. And you get your you know where the expression blackballed comes from. The ultimate, no vote. Onto the paper ballot. This maryland ballot for Electoral College believed to be 9. By the mid 100s, voters were given partisan ballots with candidate pictures such as this one featuring grant from 168. Come the 1900s, states were using large ballots including all the candidates. So big they were called blanket ballots. At the same time in big cities. Technology was taking over. Though paper ballots can still be found in some today, and then there is the 2000 president ial election in florida. Remember those hanging chads. So, which artifact from this Years Campaign will rate a spot in a future experience. Like the election itself, stay tuned. Todays election tore the nation apart and done a number on families. Steve hartman found one shattered household on the road. Reporter the serrated edge of our election divide runs through a townhouse in raleigh, North Carolina. Right through the family of joyce woodhouse. Here they are together. Joyces two sons, brad and dallas grew up side by side. Your mom was on medicare, brad. Wound up on opposite sides of a split screen. Dallas is executive director of the North Carolina republican party. While brad runs a proclinton super pac. That is an insult, brad. Perhaps you have seen them before, biting each others head off on cable news channels. You make this up . One from a familiar voice. You are right i am from down south. My god its mop. Das gri disagree. Must have raised them differently . Rocked in the same rocking share. One on your right and one on your left side. Must have been. Their relationship is a circus, some one did a documentary about it. At least in the film you could tell much banter was good natured. This was all shot before trump versus cln. You know it is a girl, right . Yeah, whatever. Im used to them getting angry and debating. But, this has been the most difficult election. The first time that i had just got very sad about it. Yeah. This past summer as the election boiled, joyce says her sons stopped talking to each other altogether. And for two Many Americans i did. This is what our election has come to. It has driven us apart and muddled our minds. Today we may think we hate the other side, but the fact is, more often than not, we actually love a lot of those people. And in some cases, with all of our hearts. But here is the good news, the brothers are talking again. I pray that all families n and love each other. And reallyize that, family is the most important. I think we can all vote for that. Steve hartman, on the road, in raleigh, North Carolina. Thats the overnight news for this election day. Be sure to check back a little later for the morning news and cbs this morning. And well have Live Team Coverage all through the night. As the numbers come in. Beginning with a special election edition of the evening from the Broadcast Center here in new york city, im demarco morgan. . . Its tuesday, november 8th, 2016. Election day. This is the cbs morning news. This is it. This is it. Good luck. Get out there. I did my thing. I mean, i worked. Here is a clear choice in this election. A choice between division or unity. Finally decision day as voters head to the polls the candidates make their final pitches in a battleground blitz. Remember, its not just my

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