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. She loves you yeah, yeah, yeah . She this is the cbs evening news with scott pelley. Pelley less than 50 hours after the first explosion, Police Arrested a suspect today in the bombings in new york and new jersey. He is Ahmad Khan Rahami of elizabeth, new jersey, a afghanistan. A fingerprint on an unexploded bomb led to a manhunt, and rahami was captured after a shootout in linden, new jersey. Rahami faces five charges of attempted murder in that shooting, and federal prosecutors are preparing terrorism charges. We have a team of correspondents covering the bombings. First well go to jeff pegues. Reporter about three hours after police sent out a massive cell phone alert with the rahami was spotted on the streets of linden, new jersey. [gunfire] you can hear the gunfire during a shootout with police. The 28yearold suspect ended up on the rainsoaked pavement, bleeding from the arm, as he was taken to the hospital. The arrest brought an end to a weekend of terror. [explosion] on saturday evening at around 8 30 p. M. , a bomb exploded on west 23rd street in manhattan. The force of the shrapnelpacked bomb was enough to destroy a metal dumpster and sent residents racing for cover. 29 people were injured. There was an explosion. There are you nilts saying there was an explosion above a garbage pail. Reporter another Pressure Cooker bomb was found four blocks away, but it did not explode. Surveillance video showed rahami in the manhattan neighborhood, plain as day, as one investigator put it. More Surveillance Video from that night appears to show rahami walking down the street, contained the bomb. Law enforcement say hits fingerprint was found on one of the bombs, and both bombssed a flipstyle cell phone as a trigger, the same as a pipe bomb that had blown up 11 hours earlier at a charity race in new jersey. Police now believe all three are connected. [explosion] by sunday evening five more explosive devices were found in a trash can near t turn station in new jersey. Elizabeth was rahamis lastknown address, butsahe hado traveled to least three times where his family is from. Investigators are still trying to determine the motive for the attack and whether he was acting alone. F. B. I. Assistant director in charge william sweeney. I have no indication that there is a cell operating in the area or in the city. The investigation is ongoing, so as we develop more information, we continue to go, but i have no indication that there is a cell traveling to afghanistan, sources tell us that rahami went to pakistan, as well. Investigators also tell us the phones used as a triggering device were bought in new jersey last year. Scott, so far investigators have not uncovered any direct links to isis or any other terrorist organizations. Pelley and at this hour we understand his injuries do not appear to be lifethreatening. Jeff pegues, thank you very much. Michelle miller is at the scene of rahamis arrest in linden, new jersey. Front of my bar. Reporter harry bain, owner of merdies tavern, called police when he saw man who appeared to be drunk sleeping on his stoop. I called the cops and said, there is this guy. You need to come and check it out. He doesnt look good. Reporter two Police Officers approached and woke him. As soon as this gentleman picked up his face, he saw the beard, and he said to himself, ordered Ahmad Khan Rahami to show his hands, but instead, police say, he opened fire, shooting one officer in the vest. That ignited a gunfight. A second officer was also hit and rahami was shot several times. He was conscious with a visible wound to his arm when he was wheeled into an ambulance. The net was tightening, and unfortunately it came down where there was shooting at officers. By the grace of god, nobody was seriously injured or killed, but someone. Reporter in elizabeth, the next town over, rahamis father owned this restaurant called First American chicken. The family lived upstairs. Mayor Chris Bollwage told us the business patrons caused trouble after hours. It was open 24 hours causing problems in the neighborhood through noise and Code Enforcement problems. Reporter so they werent a Good Neighbor . They werent a Good Neighbor to the people here. Reporter the city passed an ordinance ordering the the rahamis allegedly refused and filed a lawsuit against the mayor and 20 Police Officers, saying they were being targeted because they were muslim. Today neighbors were in shock. Theyre very friendly. You would never suspect anything like this. Reporter so while its no secret that Ahmad Khan Rahami had a troubled relationship with the city of elizabeth, scott, it does not explain a motive for his alleged attacks on manhattan or seaside park, newse pelley Michelle Miller reporting for us. Michelle, thank you. Well, one of those first new jersey explosions was along the route of a marine corpsps 5k ra. No one was hurt because the race had been delayed. Anna werner has more on the explosives. [explosion] reporter sources tell cbs news that the Pressure Cooker device that exploded in manhattan contained residue of a material called tannerite, a legal explosive made up of powder. Former f. B. I. Agent manny gomez. It was a very cuda, simple device. Put in some metal device, whether its ball bearings, screw, nails, et cetera, it turns into a huge detonation that could hurt, kill or maim many people. Reporter gomez says the bombs are similar to those used in the Boston Marathon attacks. Experts say terrorists commonly use the crude bombs overseas, but a former f. B. I. Bomb specialist told cbs the use of them has ramped up substantially in directions to make them can be found on the internet. Those devices use hardtorace, easily obtained explosive packed into cheap containers. All thats required is an electrical trigger, like a cell phone, to set them off. In this case it was an oldfashioned type of flip cell phone that the caller simply called. It sends an electric shock through the wires, and it explodes the Pressure Cooker. Reporter one other thing about those Pressure Cooker seen in other american bomb incidents. Scott, the use of common, everyday Christmas Lights as fuses inside those homemade devices. Pelley anna werner on the streets of manhattan for us. An narcotic thank anna, thank you. President obama made phone calls today to the two Police Officers wounded in linden, new jersey. He also called a Minnesota Police officer who stopped a stabbing rampage in st. Cloud that left nine people wounded over the weekend. Are not linked. Dean reynolds is in minnesota. Possible gunshots. Possible knife. Multiple victims. Reporter as a knifewielding assailant roamed the walkways of a Shopping Center black male. They say he had some type of uniform on but they dont know what kind. Reporter his violent episode was brought to a sudden end by offduty Police Officer happened to be at the mall at the same time. St. Cloud mayor dave kleis. The officer fired. Three times this took place before the officer actually had the blow that took him out. Reporter the assailant was identified as dahir adan, a 20yearold naturalized american from somalia who has been in this country since he was a baby. Minnesota is home to 25,000 immigrants from somalia, the largest somali pola country. And one where fears of radicalized youths have increased recently. The Islamic State or isis claimed responsibility for the attack and called adan a soldier of theirs. A statement that baffled authorities here. You have not turned up any reason for them to say that so far. I cant think of a reason for most of what isis does, to be honest with you. Have anything to make that connection. Reporter the investigation is proceeding and adans family is cooperating. But for now, scott, the police chief says this looks like the work of a lone attacker. Pelley dean reynolds, thanks. Today Hillary Clinton cast herself as the only president ial candidate who knows how to take terrorists off the battlefield. Our Campaign Coverage begins with nancy cordes. This is a fastmoving siio College Students in philadelphia and reporters in new york that dangerous times call for steady leadership and experience, arguing she is armed with both. Im the only candidate in this race who has been part of the hard decisions to take terrorists off the battlefield. Secretary clinton, as you know, donald trump has had a lot to say about your record on this issue over the weekend. Heres one example under the leadership of obama and clinton, americans have experienced more abroad. Time to change the playbook. Whats your reaction to that characterization . Well, its like so much else he says. Its not grounded in fact. You know, its meant to make some kind of demagogic point. And the facts are pretty clear that, you know, we still have challenges. I am prepared to, ready to actually take on those challenges, not engage in a lot of irresponsible, reckless rhetoric. Reporter clinton called today for what she described as an intelligence surge and said she would be discussing the need for more Foreign Cooperation in oneonone meetings with the leaders of egypt, ukraine and japan at the United Nations General Assembly in new york tonight. Scott . Pelley nancy cordes, thanks. Major garrett is on the trump campaign. We cannot let this evil continue. Reporter donald trump labeled the attacks islamic clintons characterization of Trump Supporters as irredeemable deplorables. Hillary clinton talks tougher about my supporters than she does about islamic terrorists, right . Reporter this was trumps initial assessment of saturday nights explosion in new york city. Made less than an hour after the blast. A bomb went off in new york, and nobody knows exactly what is going on, but, boy, we are living in a time, we better get reporter trumps remarks jumped the gun on investigators, who had not yet determined a cause. Still, trumps first take was vindicated, a point he celebrated. I should be a newscaster because i called it before the news, but what i said was exactly correct. And everybody says, while he was right, he called it too soon. Okay. Give me a break. Reporter trump said if elected he would temporarily halt immigration from countries with extremist violence. Mistakenly granted citizenship moves the Current System is under stress and must be strengthened. Pelley Major Garrett reporting for us tonight. Major, thank you. Well, the ceasefire in syria has collapsed. The Syrian Military announced its return to battle today, and within hours air strikes were hammering the city of aleppo where we find Elizabeth Palmer tonight. Just after the armys announcement, as we watch the Student Party from a the war officially restarted. Those are syrian army rockets falling on the opposition side of the city. The collapse of the ceasefire will hurt civilians on both sides. While it lasted here in governmentcontrolled aleppo, doctors could once again concentrate on routine injuries. Mommy. Reporter like this little one who was in a car accident. But now people maimed by mortars, or like this patient, flood in again. The ceasefire limped along for a week in spite of poisonous rhetoric on all sides, and then the atmosphere got even worse when american warplanes bombed the syrian army by mistake over the weekend. And now another air strike gone horribly wrong. The syrian red crescent tweeted earlier today that it was sending an aid convoy into the Countryside West of aleppo. But when the air strikes by russian and or syrian planes exploded in a fireball. Activists say 12 humanitarian workers are dead. Scott, there is fierce fighting again in aleppo tonight. Three mortars landed very close to our hotel, and on the opposition side of the city, heavy air strikes, you may have heard that one, and shelling have killed and injured an unknown number of people already. Pelley Elizabeth Palmer in the besieged city. Still ahead on the cbs evening news, his hands are up. Why did Police Open Fire . The Prosecutor Says Chris Christie knew about a plot to create a monster traffic jam. And remembering when screaming beatles fans jammed shea stadium beatles fans jammed shea stadium half a century ago. Hi went tow safelitedotcom. And scheduled a replacement. In just a few clicks. Nderful thank you. girls sing safelite repair, safelite replace. Tired of redosing antacids . Try duo fusion its two in one heartburn relief. The antacid goes to work in seconds. And the acid reducer lasts up to 12 hours in one chewable tablet. Try duo fusion. From the makers of zantac. 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Reporter the newly released dash cam video shows 40yearold Terence Crutcher with his hands in the air walking to his vehicle surrounded by Police Officers. At the car, he suddenly goes down to the ground. Both the police say he was tasered and then shot. Shots fired. Reporter another view from a Police Helicopter shows the too. Reporter police say they were responding to a stalled vehicle in the road. Over the weekend, police said as officers approached the vehicle, crutcher was asked to show his hands and refused to follow commands. Tulsa police chief chuck jordan. There was no gun on the suspect or in the suspects vehicle. Reporter tulsa officer betty shelby fired the shot that killed crutcher and has been placed on paid leave. We ask for the facts. We ask for answers clearly got it through the video. And were truly devastated. Reporter Tiffany Crutcher is Terence Crutchers twin sister. Were demanding today immediately that charges are pressed against this officer that was incompetent, that took my brothers life. Reporter scott, today the department of justice announced it is opening its own civil manuel, thanks very much. When we come back, one of miamis hot zones is declared zikafree. Heartburn relief gummies. They dont taste chalky and work fast. Mmmm. Incredible. Can i try . She doesnt have heartburn. New alkaseltzer heartburn relief gummies. Enjoy the relief. . Theres a lot of places you never want to see 7. 95. [ beep ] but youll be glad to see it here. Fidelity where smarter investors will always be. . I dont want to lie down. I refuse to lie down. Only treatment for chronic migraine shown to actually prevent headaches and migraines before they even start. Botox . Is for adults with chronic migraine, 15 or more headache days a month each lasting 4 hours or more. Its injected by a doctor once every 12 weeks. And is covered by most insurance. Effects of botox . 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The most common side effects of viberzi include constipation, nausea, and abdominal pain. Stay ahead of ibsd. With viberzi. Pelley today is the 82nd anniversary of the birth of brian epstein, the legendary manager of the beatles who led them on the greatest road trip in rock history, now documented in a movie rolled out over the weekend. Heres anthony mason. Here are the beatles. . Its been a hard days night . Reporter arena rock was born in 1965 when the beatles played to 56,000 fans at shea stadium. Because that is the biggest thing wed ever doane, it was like far out. It was like, what . . Same old thing happens every day . Reporter the new documentary, eight days a week the touring years, follows the beatles on the road from 1963 to 66. . Shake it, shake it, baby now . It was a great little band. Reporter the two surviving beatles, paul and ringo, talked about those days at abbey road studios in london last week. I dont think we planned for anything. We just went on with what we had. The noise was con stand. Its just like, hear that. [screeching] after a while it was like, i cant hear you. Reporter you couldnt hear them . I was playing to his foot tapping, to johns bouncing, you know, when they went. I reporter was there a specific point you remember when you really started getting tired of it . Yeah. I felt personally i was not playing the best i could. Reporter paul was the last holdout until the end of their concert at Candlestick Park in San Francisco in 1966. Interior. And were sliding around in there. And then we all looked at each other, youre right, forget it, this is just stupid. Reporter their music would play on, but the beatles would never play a live gig again. Anthony mason, cbs news, london. Pelley and thats the cbs evening news for tonight. For all of us at cbs news all this is jeopardy here are todays contestants a phd candidate from chicago, illinois. An analytics consultant from bethel park, pennsylvania. And our returning champion, inia. Whose 2day cash winnings total. And now here is the host of jeopardy alex trebek [ cheers and applause ] thank you, johnny. And thank you, ladies and gentlemen, for tuning us in once again as we start another exciting week of competition here on jeopardy and two good challengers. Today, dorcas and seth. Welcome aboard. Lets see how well you guys do against the champ. Here we go. The categories in this first round of play today are. That sounds like fun. Next. Name the maker of the product for us. And finally, this one. Im eric garcetti, the 42nd mayor of los angeles, with clues about our great city. And a bit of information about the first category up there with the George Clooney films. You have to identify the motion picture. Siddarth, you get to start us. George clooney for 400. Seth. What is a perfect storm . Good. Clooney for 600, please

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