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Kelly on News 96.5. I'm Marsha Taylor it Henri computer a mandatory evacuation orders now in effect for some folks and county Here's Governor to Santas you really need to seriously consider heating that and evacuating you know when the water gets high there's not a whole lot you can do about that and given the uncertainty of the a storm it's better to err on the side of safety 13 shelters will open in 5 tonight including pet friendly shelters you can find a list of those shelters that provide County Don us in Volusia County this morning a reporter Elizabeth her is talking with leaders in Daytona Beach where business owners are watching the storm where mandatory evacuations are already in place for certain communities police have set up checkpoints to make sure that visitors people who don't live there and don't belong in those communities do not get access to where they should be and speaking of those unwanted visitors of emergency officials and Lucia county of ordered a curfew for people who remain beachside that includes all the unincorporated areas east of the Halifax River everyone's expected to stay off the streets starting at 6 o'clock tomorrow night until 6 o'clock in the morning on Wednesday I'm sure and I'm Jamie home soon as I'm 6.5 the media continuing our team coverage News 96.5. Spoke with a woman who's seen her fair share of storm some your perspective as an 83 year old native Floridian Are you worried about this one. Not made because I'm not going to be there siege advice from a woman who has no interest in staying on the coast it's too much there's too much clothes there are too many. Here boy it's damage too close for her salary so big day it's scary that woman like many of us praying Dorian makes that turn to the north sooner than later keeping the worst of the Category 5 storms winds for off shore reporting from Palm Beach County on Darryl moody News $96.00 w d b o. Good morning it's 9 o 4 here on News 96.5 w d.b.o. Osceola County officials are now updating everybody on what to expect out of Osceola County let's see if we can listen in on this. Monday routes will be collected on 30 city of St Cloud also do the regular pickup for today and suspend services but. The slow track for hurricane Dorian confirms that this will be a sustained water and wind event please again if you are in a low lying flood prone area consider securing your property. In some difficulty with the signal right now from Osceola County officials but we'll continue to monitor this and bring it to you live as we are able to learn more from Osceola County it's 9 o 5 at News 96.5 w d b o. Updated weather Dorian has slowed down which is a sign it's thinking about taking its turn and it should take its turn a little more to the north west as expected with that said we're watching for any changes whatsoever in a in along the coast again hurricane conditions are going to be likely tropical storm conditions in Orlando winds will be gusting over 50 miles per hour especially tomorrow and again on Wednesday Wednesday we could have some of our highest wind gusts from channel not out when it's news I mean are all just brined she'll now it is sunny and warm 80 degrees at Orlando severe weather station safe touch curity triple team traffic. Looking for the drive on turnpike all yourself Florida expressways are looking great at this time but closer to the coast you've got a crash on I 95 northbound of county and state road 442 and I have a record there on the scene hopefully going to get it cleared up shortly but you got to right lanes blocks they've left to get by no delays to speak of in the area there's traffic by cure spot urgent care. Urgent Care has 11 Orlando locations hope and 8 to 8 every day right now school and sports physicals are 20 bucks for ages 18 and under care spot is affiliated with all in their health with travelers every 6 minutes in the morning or helping you get to work on time I'm 96.5 w. D.b.o. Let's go back to Osceola County there are emergency managers are now having a news conference at this moment let's listen live once we move in to when speeds and those things to keep it rises and formed we have now moved to love one after vacation nothing mercy operations center here and working 247 with our shifts here 12 hour shifts going on continue your preps and play right now and continue with monitoring our our web pages and also with. One death date for the shelters because we also have decided to open harmony high school today at noon which is another pet friendly shelter. Place near ours. You're listening to a news briefing from Osceola County. Oh so you want to go you don't get it wrong all right is there updating everybody in Spanish we will go ahead and continue to monitor this for you and bring the latest as we learn more out of Osceola County Good morning it's 9 o 8 You're listening to the special edition of Orlando's Morning News we're tracking Hurricane dory when your power goes so does your leg 6 t.v. And internet then your phone but with the battery powered radio news $96.00 w. D.b.o. Will be there with you every step of the way before during and after a hurricane and stay connected and informed with News $96.00 d.b.o. AAA Auto Insurance isn't just about protecting metal and glass it's about the people inside the car did you check the tires. That's why AAA insurance offers the benefits of a AAA membership like roadside assistance we're again unaided Yes we are and the ability to we knew your vehicle registration that most AAA branches even better plus member savings when you bundle your auto and home insurance I could use AAA right now joined today a AAA dot com get great auto insurance and more to outsmart the road AAA Smart life drowning in i.r.s. Debt if you can't afford to pay your i.r.s. Debt due to economic hardship you can now be free of virus collection efforts by taking advantage of a special i.r.s. Tax hardship program this program allows Americans who own the i.r.s. To resolve their delinquent tax debt once and for all in some cases maybe even reducing what you owe significantly an open phone line has been established by community tax for consumers to call and see if they qualify simply dial 804857220 if you all back taxes to the i.r.s. And cannot afford to pay them back or have years of on file tax returns help is standing by just call the community tax helpline today at 804857224 the help that you need don't take on the i.r.s. Alone they can attack your wages savings pension home and even your social security check call 804. 857220 to see if you qualify that's 804857220 Labor Day babies are now at poor to clear my name or if you join next struggle as you began to get my go to mit dot com for blues the Internet can make you feel on a time board apply pay more come discover Lake rates winery Florida's largest premium wine or join us for complimentary winery tours and tasting daily shop our unique wine shops and enjoy feeling fast the poles each month you can also purchase our wines in your local supermarket or wine shop this is a rule run president his stuff window if you need new windows or doors your home heads up this message is for you whose house is having a one day factory sale this Saturday only in our factories are up 40 percent off high performance award winning windows 40 percent off interview Fisher windows and patio doors 40 percent of our factory direct products installed in your measurements are on the spot pricing for call today one day only this Saturday from one to 4 new South wonders are made in Florida for Florida homes by Florida workers and we guarantee them for life please visit us had new software to dock up just the danger from the Danish out there listening to Orlando's news at noon with Scott Inez that we need to back to the office after lunch check back in a mill catch up on the latest current news you may have missed the Danish show started to right after the news that one on News 965 w. Davies. Good morning it is 910 you're listening to this special edition of our land as morning is and if you think it wait a minute I want to hear Brian Kilmeade today keep in mind 2 things one there is a massive hurricane off our shore too it's Labor Day and they're all best Obs or fill in hosts today so I promise you you're not missing anything not today it's 910 on our land as Morning News Omri computer and I'm Marsha Taylor and breaking news in California up the coast of Santa Cruz Island Box 11 in l.a. Reports that the ter County Fire Department reports 34 deaths in a boat fire this is a big boat 75. Feet the Coast Guard is responding with multiple boats to help in the rescue k t t v confirm the fatalities 5 people were rescued in Senator Rick Scott says Governor to c.n.n. Is working with a good team and prepared for dory and I've been a theme I was there with the president yesterday I was a Camp David with the president on Saturday getting briefings if you look at it we've got great people but you know what it starts with a search with you if you decide that you're going to sit through this and no one can come and save you Rick Scott was on Fox news this morning he's urging residents to pay attention and not take any chances and you know I asked on the air if you think that that Rick Scott is undermining Rhonda's Santas by going out there during a hurricane and speaking to the media as if he were still the governor Joshua tweets me at Talk Radio Joe he writes it absolutely undermines the governor having him going around on a hurricane tour he isn't he isn't the head of the Florida executive branch anymore if I was the governor to Santas I would have some words with him now I will say that later on in his interview he did compliment the governor you know Rick Scott said the governor Governor to Sanchez has a very fine crew and everything's prepared blah blah blah so yeah that's good that's good that's not undermining I think your mileage may vary I suppose on that one it's 913 You're listening to Orlando's Morning News. All right Joe The countdown begins here as we start watching for Dorian to make that slow turn toward the north it was a historic storm of course last night incredibly powerful even through this morning still expected to gradually get a little bit larger as it goes through what I call eye wall replacement cycles where the eye can kind of terrets self apart and redevelop usually that can expand the wind field and sometimes bring it down to Category and wind speed but it's so powerful right now don't expect much immediate drop we're going to continue to monitor the storm track should be at its closest point within about 40 to 50 mile. The center off our east coast by tomorrow night but will get out of squalls starting later today tomorrow especially dangerous same for Wednesday could see tropical storm force gusts all throughout the listing area of the extended 5 day forecast 4 times an hour we're watching Dorian on time Terry one of the things they just announced in Osceola is that a curfew will be in effect tomorrow night starting at 11 pm 11 pm tomorrow night curfew in Osceola County don't plan on being on the roads after 11 pm tomorrow night now it is sunny breezy and $79.00 at Orlando severe weather station touch curity triple team traffic Ed Torrance is checking our Labor Day drive around town you know if you are on the roads right now things are looking good for the drive on I 4 up to speed in both directions as well as on 4294 way and the turnpike reminder that tolls have been suspended on the turnpike and other central Florida told expressways we've got a crash in Volusia County a 95 northbound and state road 4422 right lanes blocks there so stay to the left with traffic alerts every 6 minutes in the morning or helping you get to work on time I'm at Torrance News 96.5 w d b o. I coming up next here in Orlando as Morning News this special edition we've got a reporter that is is on is at Marsh Harbor in the Bahamas we'll get an update from him coming up next on our land Morning News Christmas lights in July bug zapper is in December 5th the C.R.'s d.v.r. Anything with an r. Waffle irons electric can opener foot massage or face massages those strange contraptions that remove wrinkles what do these things have in common they should all be unplugged when you're not using them remember save every bit of energy because it all adds up keep it golden California learn ho energy upgrade california dot org We'll unplug ourselves. Let's say you just bought a house bad news is you're one step closer to becoming your parents you'll probably most along and skip anybody noticed you mowed the lawn told people to stay off the lawn compare it to your neighbor's lawn and complain about having to mow the lawn again good news is it's easy to model home an auto through progressive and save on your car insurance which of course will go right into the home progress of casualty insurance company affiliates and other insurers has come out of Illinois state or situations hurricane during and is expected to cause significant power outages make sure you download the News 96.5 w d Vo and listen to continuous hurricane coverage even when your power goes out this is a special edition of Orlando's Morning News with Yoko News $96.00. Going to play a little bit of us of for you but a.t.c. Is Marcus Moore is at Marsh Harbor in the Bahamas and he just checked in with George Stephanopoulos on a.b.c. And here's part of his report I say part because it keeps cutting out real bad in this report so we don't get it here warning it has then and incredibly were up 30 hours or so here in Mark hard to tell you that this is a catastrophe like nothing I have or with my with my own eyes. We are getting our 1st look at the the the damage and the destruction here as hurricane Dorian has continued to move toward the north and the building where we rode out this storm really is the only one of the media area that is still standing in the all that was just swept away. We are at a resort complex and there were. People who were inside their home who get caught in the storm surge. It was during the I working to calm down that we were able to go out. Why for the 1st time and being people start to hear what he's saying there that's Marcus Moore he's in Marsh Harbor Bahamas and there's video of this that everything is just destroyed there is there's 5 feet of water there on parts of the Bahamas we're told that the airport is under 5 feet of water and boy there are some $13000.00 houses that have been completely destroyed at least one loss of life there it is now $918.00 My name is Joe Kelly at Talk Radio Joe this is the special edition of our land those Morning News and our reporter Katrina scales is joining me now and Katrina you are much much closer to Cape Canaveral What is it like there this morning so I'm at the beach I'm at Sherri down hard and the wind has definitely picked up I spoke to a lifeguard who said it's a lot windier than it was yesterday and but the biggest factor is the tie it has already come up within about 5 or 6 feet of the sand dunes and that's kind of partially attributed to the hurricane and partially attributed to king tides which is or spring tides what's it's also called it's kind of a season where the sun and moon gravitational pull are the strongest So that really for the waves on top of the hurricane so it's it's kind of turning into a perfect storm the waves are really big and frothy and numerous lifeguards have those double red flags up asking nobody to get in the water and swim However I saw and I talked to a couple of surfers from east Orlando came over just to board in these waves and that without is actually going to my next question is that other people out there other other people getting into the water I was in Cocoa Beach yesterday there was a lot more people hanging out maybe because it's a work day or so holiday weekend but there certainly less people out now only a couple of people in the water they told me they got out start to feel the rip current most of the people I saw and talk to you are walking along the shore and just taking pictures and just kind of looking around and talk to other people who. Are either locals or people just visiting to see what the ocean looks like we're talking to Katrina scales she is out near Cape Canaveral this morning are you seeing signs of of any effort underway to clean things up to get rid of debris to make sure that things are going to become airborne flying around that everything else like that well certainly the lifeguards have already taken that step all of those satellites powers that are the ones that are the big ones that have doors the ones that are just big tall chairs they have already moved all of those in lands cars you know those can wash away pretty easily I'm still I don't see as many trash cans I think the city might have come in and told those in as well I mean otherwise I just from my a few glasses to the condos that are on the beach side people seem to have pretty much boarded up all the way here I don't really see any debris on the side of the road or any miscellaneous items so I think it least on our coast in the space coast people seem to be really getting it together however you know we still have one more day to go so it could be even more desolate if we don't what's become back tomorrow slowest hurricane ever right all rights that is Katrina's scale she is joining us live this morning part of our team coverage out towards Cape Canaveral stay safe Katrina out there will continue to check in with you here this morning on news 96.5 w. D.b.l. It's 921 now on and those Morning News let's look ahead to that full 5 day forecast the 5 day forecast brought to you by us heating and air conditioning as we're joined by our chief meteorologist Tom Terry good morning Tom Joe the next 24 hours are critical as we watch Dorian start taking that northerly turn there's a big high pressure ridge we're expecting to continue weakening and that will slow it down start stalling it out perhaps late today and turn it north that's the plan we're going to keep close eye on it any way it could be within 40 miles of our east coast will be watching how physically large the eye wall is will be on the western side which is the better side to be on but this is such a huge storm we're still expecting widespread tropical storm squally conditions starting a little bit late today I'm. Likely tomorrow Wednesday behind us a quick drying trend for Thursday Friday it's going to get hot and dry after the storm passes but we saw a lot to watch Tropical storm warnings will be needed and we'll continue to keep you have to date on the latest on Dorian extended 5 day forecast 4 times in our time Terry some say time now lots of sunshine a little bit of a breeze 80 degrees at Orlando's severe weather station say Touch charity triple team traffic a a blow job cleanup continues of this crash on I 95 Lucia County northbound and state road for 42 still got to right lanes blocks data left to get by no delays in that area and still looking great for your drive closer to home in Orlando I 4 up to speed as well as the turnpike for away from the 417 traffic alerts every 6 minutes in the morning we're helping you get to work on time I'm at Torrance News 96.5 w. AAA Auto Insurance isn't just about protecting metal and glass it's about the people inside the car did you check the tires. That's why AAA insurance offers the benefits of a AAA membership like roadside assistance we're again unable Yes we are and the ability to we knew here vehicle registration at most AAA branches even better plus member savings when you bundle your auto and home insurance I could use AAA right now joined today at aaa dot com get great auto insurance and more to outsmart the road AAA Smart life Christmas lights in July bug zappers in December 5th V.C.R.'s d.v.r. Anything with an r. Waffle irons electric can opener foot massage or face massages those strange contraptions that remove wrinkles what do these things have in common they should all be unplugged when you're not using them remember save every bit of energy because it all adds up keep it gold in California learn ho energy upgrade california dot org will unplug ourselves no. Say Metro but t. Mobile got the best deal in wireless and it's all for you all phone meet just which quickly because Metro has to Lance but 82 Samsung Galaxy j 7 stuff phones for each place Amazon Prime included that's the way while it should be only admit show. An activation fee $50.00 plus replaying acquired knowledge or numbers currently on t. Mobile network on Metro in past any days off are subject to change offer valid for new Amazon Prime members Amazon Prime as a 29 per month restrictions apply for details and terms and conditions as being set it has priced on space a letter. Which better than discovering the best books music and movies at Half Price Books saving 20 percent on everything you find that's right it's going on now get 20 percent off your entire h.p. Be home Euclid a new releases bestsellers your favorite classics even collectibles language you love and what you didn't even know you were looking for and save 20 percent on everything at Half Price Books and h b b dot com basically. But this is this special edition of our latest Morning News with Yoko a hurricane during impacting tens of thousands of travelers download the news many $6.00 w d b o f no and stay connected this is where Orlando turns 1st for severe weather news maybe 6.5. So there's this video going around Twitter this morning and it said it says Donald Trump's new Fema administrator Well it's not it's not Donald Trump's new Fema administrator but it's clearly a Florida man and it is this dude with a few Manchu mustache thinning salt and pepper hair and a really bright hoe I insured on but this guy wants to talk about the hurricane and ways to lessen the severity of the impact from the hurricane to get ready for this I'm ready all right here we go Hang on why don't I hear this guy how odd let's try this again. Did you see how they have come up with some kind of way to come come back the swamp yet they keep saying no 2 days ago 3 days ago and said. It was warm weather all this warm weather in warm water. We have a navy one of the Navy come and drop. In the warm water so if they can't get going as fast as it's gone I got to be ways to combat this is to just point at the thing and say well it's going to get worse the Navy should drop. What you tell us. Which the with what we have an Air Force. If was preserved around to get the winds going the opposite of course you know down in a clockwise bar is. You how. He he's certainly not the the new female administrator This guy clearly he's not the new female administrator every stable genius knows that ice won't stop hurricanes you know and what about you have to use nukes and want to know what about the fish How about the fish with the ice or the nukes that will both I do of the particular the ice it's cold you know yeah I don't think that they're going to but I think the idea I think fish like cold water don't thing. I'm sticking with my answer good for you not my 1st black in hiding 27 now on Orlando's Morning News during continues to pummel the Bahamas again it was the 2nd strongest hurricane on record in the Atlantic basin the strongest one of course for the northern Bahamas just some incredible stuff it has slowed which is a sign it's thinking about making its turn will watch for any changes in then that's my promise to you again most everything we have keeps the center just offshore which means tropical storm conditions hurricane conditions of the coast in Orlando winds gusting over 50 mph fall Tuesday and Wednesday it's best to stay indoors the next couple days and we'll be monitoring this together from Channel 9 Eyewitness News I'm meteorologist Brian shields right now it is partly cloudy mostly some. It's kind of nice breezy 80 other Lando severe weather station touch curity triple team traffic and still got crews on the scene trying to clean up the mess with the crash on I 95 northbound at state road 4422 right lanes remain blocked they love to get by no delays in that area no delays closer to home in Orlando I 4 turnpike for a way all up to speed with tropical or it's every 6 minutes in the morning or helping you get to work on time and it was 96.5. AAA Auto Insurance isn't just about protecting metal and glass it's about the people inside the car did you check the tires. That's why AAA insurance offers the benefits of a AAA membership like roadside assistance we're going to need it yes we are and the ability to we knew here vehicle registration at most AAA branches even better plus member savings when you bundle your auto and home insurance I could use AAA right now joined today at aaa dot com get great auto insurance and more to outsmart the road AAA Smart life Christmas lights in July bug zapper is in December 5th V.C.R.'s d.v.r. Anything with an r. Waffle irons electric can opener foot massage or face massages those strange contraptions that remove wrinkles what do these things have in common they should all be unplugged when you're not using them remember save every bit of energy because it all adds up keep it golden California learn ho energy upgrade california dot org We'll unplug ourselves. Say Metro bought t. Mobile got the best deal in wireless and it's all for you all phone just which quickly because Metro has to Lance but 82 Samsung Galaxy j 7 stuff phones for each place Amazon Prime included that's the way while it should be only admit show. Sales tax an activation fee $50.00 plus replaying acquired knowledge or numbers currently on t. Mobile network on Metro in past any days off are subject to change offer valid for new Amazon Prime members Amazon Prime as a $29.00 per month restrictions apply for details and terms and conditions as being set in price those big say let's. See what's better than discovering the best books music and movies and half price books saving 20 percent on everything you find that's right it's going on now get 20 percent off your entire h.p. Be home Euclid a new releases bestsellers and your favorite classics even collectibles language you love and what you didn't even know you were looking for and save 20 percent on everything at Half Price Books and h b b dot com basically. Bugs. You says news maybe 6.5 w d b a lonely Orlando turns 1st for breaking news traffic 24 hours a day it starts now to Good Morning it's 930 you might be tuning in right now thinking want to hear the Brian Kilmeade show well why would you want to hear Brian Kilmeade today sense it is a best of it is after all Labor Day today and all of the talk hosts are off so what better time for us to all be live and local to be able to talk about hurricane Dorian that is of course our top story Casper that turn occur just off the coast perhaps 30 to 50 miles off shore and bringing with it though tropical storm or hurricane force winds right up to the shoreline hurricane Dorian slows to a crawl and it is starting to take that northern turn that we hope will spare Florida from a direct hit this is a special edition of Orlando's Morning News but Joe Kelly the News $96.00 point bug . Double Duty video during the 8 o'clock hour we got the latest update from the National Hurricane Center Dorian is packing 165 mile an hour sustained winds still about 120 miles east to west palm beach and you know you said it right it's basically stalled right now moving it away back a mile an hour that's some good news for us that means it kind of indicates that it wants to do something and it's starting to do kind of a wobble dance and trending a little bit more towards turning which would be great because all day yesterday we were talking about the earlier turns the further off shore it will potentially stay which means our impacts won't be as great for our coastline and for interior zone so we're sitting here watching every little bounce and move around the center of that eye of it as of right now still expected to bring some significant impacts to our coastline now you've probably heard the term eye wall replacement plenty of times by now what does that actually mean hurricanes can be stressful and confusing enough then add in some of these meteorological terms and you can feel like you have 0 idea what's going on so Channel 9 Eyewitness News Media ologist Cassandra crummy explain what exactly I will replacement means I will replace them is kind of these storms get so big that they just kind of eat themselves up in a new i wall forms and when this happens the storm starts to sway between paths we'll see the strength and the intensity of the storm kind of bounce up and down just a little bit and when it's wobbling it's wanting to shift Typically I'm Laura Lee and you can find all kinds of weather terms defined in the hurricane guide in the News 96.5 w t b o app. This is news maybe 6.5 w.b. Feel we were led to a Turns 1st for breaking news weather and traffic. Not when it's news media are all just Brian shields the very latest on Hurricane Dorian in that impact specific time frame here for Central Florida and I 95 northbound at state road 4422 right lanes are blocked I mean at Torrance News 96.5 w. Give you a good morning it's 933 and you are listening to a special edition of our Lendl's Morning News with Joe Kelly on News 96.5. And I'm Marsha Taylor the devastation in the Bahamas this hurricane Dorian made history as the strongest storm ever to hit the chain of islands and it's not over yet the northern Bahamas is still getting a lash wind and rain prime minister Hubert minister spoke about the devastation to his island on C.N.N.'s t.v. This is probably the. Most worst day of my right to address the 1000000000 people. And I just want to say that as a physician I've been trained to fix them many things but never anything like this minister had this message for those who didn't heed the evacuation orders. This is going to the last time they were here might. Make good t.v. Now we've heard of one fatality a little 8 year old boy and we also understand that his sister is missing some central Florida school districts have updated their closure plans for this week Lucia County Schools are now closed the longest search shut down through Thursday Schools announced that they're now closed today through Wednesday classes could resume there on Thursday if it's safe Lake County and Paul counties are both closed for Wednesday and Seminole County Schools are closed tomorrow would have not made any decision or Wednesday just yet Kevin refused to sign the 6.5 w. D.b.o. This is a special edition of Orlando's Morning News tracking Dorian our live team coverage continues next we're also watching breaking news out of Los Angeles California. County a boat fire we're told it was a $75.00 foot yacht that caught on fire overnight and there were more than 30 guests on this yacht as it caught on fire and the Ventura County Fire Department reports that there are 34 fatalities 34 dead bodies on that luxury yacht off the coast of Los Angeles California a remarkable loss of life there overnight it's 935 now on our land as Morning News updated weather and traffic every 6 minutes. And has slowed down which is a sign it's thinking about taking its turn and it should take its turn a little more to the northwest as expected with that said we're watching for any changes whatsoever in a in along the coast again hurricane conditions are going to be likely tropical storm conditions in Orlando winds will be gusting over 50 miles per hour especially tomorrow and again on Wednesday Wednesday we could have some of our highest wind gusts from Channel 9 I want to. Brine she'll president just tweeted about the. Boat fire in Southern California he just tweeted about that and is retreating the Coast Guard's tweets about that which is good I guess it's such Now Sunny warm breezy 82 outer Lando severe weather station. Traffic hello and still following this crash in Volusia County I 95 northbound and state road 442 you got to rightly and flock to that area to get by it looks like there should be cleared up in the next few minutes as they're already starting to pick up the cones in the area I 4 turnpike for 17 all up to speed at this time the traffic by credit card to get your truly free credit scores and free credit monitoring from credit card a today download the credit card after now with traffic alerts every 6 minutes in the morning or helping you get to work on time I'm at Torrance News 96.5. Thank you Jack made we're going to be with you live in local all day kind of chillin with you today as we go through all of our hurricane prep making sure we get everything done on time already we don't need to be stressed out we don't need to be freaked out we don't need to be afraid or nervous when we got this man we're going to do this all together without freaking out I promise you we're all going to be fine it's $937.00 now at News $96.00 w. D.b.o. Hurricane Dorian watching it day by day needs together only just again what we do and how we go for it being your source for information we are delivering water to our stores helping each other. And keeping our promise to be with you before during and after the storm you come in and keep it is something this is where Orlando turns 1st for severe weather news 96.5. Triple a home insurance isn't just about roofs and windows it's about the people inside honey that Tony Lake not so tiny which is why you get a full replacement guarantee on everything we cover mom I dented the car and discounts When you bundle your home and auto insurance Mangini going all out plus when you pair your coverage with a AAA membership you get discounts on travel hotels and more Thanks AAA joined today at aaa dot com get great insurance and more to outsmart life at home AAA Smart life say Metro but t. Mobile got the best deal and why lists and it's all for you all phone just which quickly because Metro has 2 Lance but $82.00 Samsung Galaxy j 7 stuff phones for each place Amazon Prime included that's the way while it should be only admit tro. Activation fee $50.00 plus rate plan acquired knowledge or numbers currently on t. Mobile network on Metroid past any days off are subject to change offer valid for new Amazon Prime members Amazon Prime as a $29.00 per month restrictions apply for details and terms and conditions let's say you just bought a house bad news as your one step closer to becoming your parents you'll probably most along. 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This is a special edition of Orlando's Morning News with Joe Kelly hurricane dory don't wait for Dorian to be on your doorstep prepared and make sure you have the news maybe $6.00 w d b o at download and you notifications turned up before during and after a hurricane we like the News $96.00 w t v. Damage identity again I have eaten all of my hurricane food already. This will be my 3rd 3rd round it buying more food well that they want to keep doing that they left us a nice spread over here so if you haven't seen it yet the licious look at all the food that I put aside I have now eaten most of it so I've got to go get more hurricanes but we've got to find a way to stop eating our hurricane food or it can get here it's 940 Katrina scales is joining us Katrina reporter she is out near Cape Canaveral this morning have you eaten at all right have you eaten all of your hurricane snacks Well thankfully we still have power so I've been doing cooking and. Packaged eating that's the strategy you know well my my entire diet consists of packaged food eating. Yeah you need to calm down I guess I do hey listen when we spoke earlier this morning we're talking about people and getting people off of the beaches and getting people into safe places but this is also the time of the year for turtles. That's right you know summer between March and November is the height of sea turtle season and I caught up with someone from the county who was going. Along the beach and checking on all the next because that's going to be a major concern with the hurricane it's really not the wind blowing over the sticks that protect the little area that they're in but it's the storm surge and unfortunately when the tide comes in really far these washed backs and the sea turtles emerge early and often times you know if you live in Bihar County you're on the coast you know this well you go out on the beach after a hurricane and there are hundreds if not thousands of washed Baxi turtles baby sea turtles trying to find their way I guess I'm the only Floridian who has never seen a sea turtle I've I've never seen one except in maybe I'm just to provide County and says just my you know way of life culture and in this part of the half of the state but still Katrina what are what are we to do with you know all I know about sea turtles is we're not supposed to touch them no matter what right avoid the sea turtles but let's say you happen to be a straggler out there on the beach even though most everybody else has left and if you see the sea turtle nests being destroyed flooded are we supposed to engage at that point are we are is a still hands off well the best thing to do is to call a professional but oftentimes after the hurricane when those people are accessible when the sea turtle Preservation Society is not really reachable the best thing to do is just leave them unfortunately what this person from the county told me is what a lot of people did is they pick them up and they you know in droves and buckets and they drop them in the court and that ended up being kind of. An end of their days for them because they can't really survive in those conditions unfortunately that's it's just not that situation for the sea turtle but he did tell me we are having an excellent summer season for them anyway and we've had this really big turtle births and hatchings before the hurricanes that's something to consider a positive out of all of this we're talking to Katrina scales she is out at the beach in Cape Canaveral this morning and are they making any plans to systematically walk down. The beach and just cleanup and get all those eggs pulled off of the beach before the storm hits Well that's what he was doing he was serving up and down and he sees any I guess if he sees any early hatchlings he's going to write it down who's going to take action I'm not really sure if he takes them to a facility or moves them or you know documents it but his job West says just check on it now because tomorrow and during the storm and even just after the storm he won't be doing those daily surveys that they normally do and again I feel kind of ignored about this as I've never seen a sea turtle before but it have you have you been out there this morning and seen see turtles I haven't seen any sea turtles yet but what I do know is in South were barred they are numerous I'd love to check out which on a vicar who is in Melbourne Beach and seeing if she's seeing any out there but so far he said he has at least seen any in the Cape Canaveral area where I am Cocoa Beach hasn't received any either but after the storm that might change all right that is a Katrina scales are reporters joining us live out of Cape Canaveral and you're going to continue to stay safe out there I trust I will be inside I don't be doing any kind of stunts or anything crazy Ok I can't be the next viral sensation I'm still I'm still reading into our insurance policy and I will go through it page by page line by line to make sure Ok I get back to me on that. Katrina scales 944 now at News 96.5. The 5 day forecast brought to you by us heating and air conditioning Hello Tom Terry All right Joe The countdown begins here as we start watching for Dorian to make that slow turn toward the north it was a historic storm of course last night incredibly powerful even through this morning still expected to gradually get a little bit larger as it goes through what a whole eye wall replacement cycles where the eye can kind of terrets self apart and redevelop usually that can expand the wind field and sometimes bring it down to Category and wind speed but it's so powerful right now don't expect much immediate drop we're going to continue to monitor this storm track. Should be at its closest point within about 40 to 50 miles the center off our east coast by tomorrow night but we'll get out of squalls starting later today tomorrow especially dangerous same for Wednesday could see tropical storm force all throughout the listing area of the extent of 5 day forecast 4 times an hour we're watching Dorian I'm Tom Terry Tom Now we've got sunshine it is breezy and warm $83.00. Weather Station. Triple team traffic torrents. County 95 northbound at state road 442 has been cleared. In that area and still looking great for the drive in Orange County. Up just being a reminder tolls have been suspended on the turnpike other central Florida toll expressways. Every 6 minutes in the morning or helping you get to work on time I'm 96.5. You got that 3 Labor Day sale is happening now for the best deals of the season 40 to 75 percent of everything plus door busters August 30th through September 2nd only to use from $499.00 from 699999 in sort of a. Dot com. Down to 3 days you need to know 33 we are following breaking news so we just got this word 3 minutes ago. Kind of public schools just releasing a tweet a moment ago saying that in cord nation with state and local officials regarding shelters all Orange County Public Schools and work locations will remain closed on Wednesday September 4th So not only are the schools out today Monday Labor Day but they're out tomorrow Tuesday and Wednesday in Orange County Public Schools I don't if you know this but part of the reason why they close these schools is because some of those schools are used as shelters and they don't want people going to school while others are sheltering still. Has stalled over the Bahamas right now where they have seen whole lot of wind and rain mud. Each of the island is destroyed we're told some $13000.00 houses have been completely destroyed by what hurricane Jorian the strongest storm anywhere on the planet this year the most powerful storm hit the Caribbean since they began keeping records has triggered more than a 1000000 evacuations in the United States the bulk of which more than 800000 evacuations ordered in coastal South Carolina we're tracking Hurricane dory when your power goes so does your legs a t.v. And internet then your phone but with a battery powered radio news 96.5 w. Didio will be there with you every step of the way before during and after a hurricane and stay connected and informed with News 96.5 d.b.o. Good morning I'm Or should Taylor a computer the following breaking news out of California not related to her team Dorian off the coast of Santa Cruz Island a yacht is on fire dozens of people on the boat are unaccounted for one news station they're reporting they could all be dead reports are 5 people have been rescued but at least 30 people are still missing the boat was anchored off the north side facing the mainland when it started to burn Ventura County Fire Department getting to the scene about 4 am local time the burning boat drifting toward Sadek Cruise Island the boat was burned to the water line again 5 people rescued off the coast of insurer County California but at least 30 are still missing after a fire the u.s. Coast Guard is assisting I'm Sherry Preston this has been a special report from a.b.c. News and we have. Parents listen up some Will County just sent out an alert they are canceling school for Wednesday so is Orange County so now no school in both seminal and Orange County on Wednesday seminal is picking up a couple of make up days in November this is a special edition of Orlando this morning news tracking Dorian our live team coverage continues next man my heart hurts 34 people dead in that boat Holy Smoke be a yacht a well yes I'd say yes it's a yacht it is for sure a boat. A 75. Vessels are generally going to be yachts and they're going to be big especially with 34 people otherwise you're talking about a working vessel a fishing boat of some sort and I know they're not going to be 34 crewmen on a fishing boat of that size we're thinking maybe somebody is laboring a party I think so they were sleeping on the boat and somehow the boat caught on fire and none of them were able to get out of the boat they were probably all sleeping in the corridors down below right or maybe they were drunk or whatever the case you know maybe they on drugs who haven't who knows who knows but it is horrible I can't even imagine what the firefighters are having to deal with right now and having 34 bodies in the whole of a boat it is 951 now at News 96.5. The 5 day forecast brought to you by us heating and air conditioning Good morning Tom Terry Joe the next 24 hours critical as we watch Dorian start taking that northerly turn there's a big high pressure ridge we're expecting to continue weakening and that will slow it down start stalling it out perhaps late today and turn it north that's the plan we're going to keep close eye on it any way it could be within 40 miles of our east coast will be watching how physically large the eye wall is will be on the western side which is the better side to be on but this is such a huge storm we're still expecting widespread tropical storm squally conditions starting a little bit later today but more likely tomorrow Wednesday behind us a quick drying trend for Thursday Friday it's going to get hot and dry after the storm passes but we saw a lot to watch Tropical storm warnings will be needed and we'll continue to keep you up to date on the latest on Dorian extend a 5 day forecast 4 times in our time Terry stay safe yet you got a time now sunny breezy 82 Lando severe weather station touch security traffic. Checking out the drive on I 4 still delay free in both directions as well as the turnpike for 20. 4 away and the beach line and a reminder that the tolls have been lifted for the Turnpike and the rest of your central Florida toll expressways with traffic. Every 6 minutes in the morning we're helping you get to work on time I'm at Torrance News 96.5. We're going to stay live in local with the all day today we're not going to go to any kind of syndicated programming we're going to be live and local We're going to do for 2 reasons one because today's labor day and all the syndicated programming is in the best of or fail in hosts anyway that that of course but but really the primary reason is because there's a hurricane coming and we want to make sure that our listeners are informed and know what's going on and so we're going to be live in local with you throughout the day today after this special edition of Orlando's morning news we're going to hear a special edition of Orlando's news it known Scott and as it's going to be in here in 20 minutes the then we'll have Tony Marino will have Sean clits Ner and of course we're going to live in local with the all day today as you make your final hurricane preparations It's now 953 on our land was Morning News AAA home insurance isn't just about roofs and windows it's about the people inside honey that Tony Lake not so tiny which is why you get a full replacement guarantee on everything we cover mom I dented the car and discounts When you bundle your home and auto insurance Mom can you go to ally Plus when you pair your coverage with a AAA membership you get discounts on travel hotels and more Thanks AAA joined today at aaa dot com get great insurance and more to outsmart life at home AAA Smart life Christmas lights in July bug zapper as in December 5th V.C.R.'s d.v.r. Us anything with an r. Waffle irons electric can opener foot massage or face massages those strange contraptions that remove wrinkles what do these things have in common they should all be unplugged when you're not using them remember save every bit of energy because it all adds up keep it gold in California learn ho at energy upgrade california dot org We'll unplug ourselves no. This is a special edition of Orlando's Morning News with Joe Kelly hurricane dory don't wait for Dorian to be on your doorstep prepare and then make sure you have the News $96.00 w d b o at Download and your notifications turned on before during and after a hurricane we like the News 96.5 w d morning it's 955 here on News 96.5 w t v a we do have some showers make its way through the our land area right now Cassandra Criminy joins us meteorologist to China and I would just use those showers were seeing right now Cassandra I mean those are far outer bands of Dorian Yeah exactly so we'll start to see them kind of drift towards the south and west pretty quickly we can see him pushing through Volusia County and into parts of like in Orange County almost along the I 4 corridor just a little bit to the west of it and this is something that over the next couple of days we're going to continue to see these brief moving showers that come in with them we could get some gusty winds looking for wind gusts anywhere to 4045 miles per hour even in interior Volusia seminal like an Orange County with this weather have have we seen the turn the bend or not is it has it switched directions you know what's funny is right and I were just looking at the path we can take a look at some of our graphics and old show us exactly like a pencil line of where the storm has gone and there was definitely a Northwest turned away but still the information coming out of the National Weather Service has it listed at around one mile per hour to the west so we're waiting for updates from then to see if they updated to a north westerly flow but that's what we've been seeing from our computer system is that it has turned to the north and west now do I think this is the turn that we're making to the baby No but I think it's the start of what is going to be the turn it's it's wobbling it's doing its thing and it's getting ready to and I think we're going to see that throughout the day today but maybe later this afternoon or evening all right Casandra Criminy from Channel and Eye Witness News thank you so much of course says she and the rest of meteorologists the challenge will continue to be a part of our team coverage here. Until the storm threat has completely passed by the end of the week it's 956 now at News 96.5. During continues to be home again it was the 2nd strongest hurricane on record in the Atlantic basin the strongest one of course for the northern Bahamas just some incredible stuff it has slowed which is a sign it's thinking about making its turn will watch for any changes in that that's my promise to you most everything we have keeps the center just offshore which means tropical storm conditions hurricane conditions on the coast in Orlando winds gusting over 50 mph both Tuesday and Wednesday it's best to stay indoors the next couple days and we'll be monitoring this together from Channel 9 Eyewitness News I'm meteorologist Brian shields Brian now it is partly sunny partly raining from the outer bands of Dorian it is now $82.00 and breezy at Arlanda severe weather station take such purity triple team traffic at Torrance what's up and you're going to drive on I 4 still very lightly traveled overall I mean granted it's a holiday today but you're also actually going to see a lot less traffic because of the impending hurricane so enjoy that drive and if you're an evacuee just note that tolls have been suspended on the turnpike and all other central Florida toll expressways at this time which travelers every 6 minutes in the morning we're hoping to get to work on time I'm sure it's News 96.5. You got that 3 Labor Day sale is happening now for the best deals of the season 40 to 75 percent up everything plus door busters August 30th through September 2nd only to use from $499.00 from 6099 and jeans from 1999 in store to day I got back before I got back to dot com Christmas lights in July bug zapper is in December 5th V.C.R.'s d.v.r. Anything within our waffle irons electric can opener foot massage. Those strange contraptions that remove wrinkles what do these things have in common they should all be unplugged when you're not using them remember save every bit of energy because it all adds up keep it golden California learn ho energy upgrade california dot org We'll unplug ourselves. Say Metro bought t. Mobile got the best deal and why lists and it's all for you all phone just which quickly because Metro has to Lance but 82 Samsung Galaxy j 7 stuff phones for each place Amazon Prime included that's the way while it should be only admit troll. Activation fee $50.00 plus replaying acquired knowledge or numbers currently on t. Mobile network on Metro past any days off are subject to change offer valid for new Amazon Prime members Amazon Prime as a $29.00 per month restrictions apply for details and terms and conditions as being said that price goes big say let's. See what's better than discovering the best books music and movies at Half Price Books saving 20 percent on everything you find that's right it's going on now get 20 percent off your entire h.p. Be home your clue the new releases bestsellers and your favorite classics even collectibles language you love and what you didn't even know you were looking for and save 20 percent on everything at Half Price Books and h b b dot com space alien. Bugs. News 96.5 is w d b o f m w d b o h d one Orlando powered by New 1000 Windows solution Cox Media Group station. This is news maybe 6.5 w d b o Orlando turns 1st for breaking news coverage traffic 24 hours a day and it starts now it's 10 o'clock your News 96.5 w d b o our top story very latest on Hurricane Doreen the storm is a powerful cat 565 mile an hour winds it's now starting to show signs of making that turn to the north which all of Florida is hoping for Channel 9 Eyewitness News Media ologist Cassandra Comey explains that there's a bunch of factors pushing and pulling hurricane Dorian including high low pressures by nature these storms want to go towards the poles that's how it is and there's high pressures there's low pressure systems There's frogs all around the globe that kind of drive the direction of these storms they'll block it the kind of give it an alleyway to move and so this they want. To go north but it's been blocked by this high pressure system and it's potentially now seeing that alley where we're going oh wait a sec it is this my path north she continues that because these precious can be stronger or weaker from time to time makes the storm's path hard to predict I'm Laura Lee and we will keep you updated on all of Dorian's latest movements right here on News 96.5 w d b o.

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