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Well you know it's all about new game poker action Well you've just found it in Orange City racing in card club it's Mississippi stuff and I mean what are you actually played now with the lowest table minimal games in central Florida with a $5.00 minimum there's all time a Texas Hold'em Fortune 5 or a one in 3 card poker and now Mrs 50 stars and Orange City racing and card club just off I 4 exit what 11 b. And a 22 sex symbol of our There's never been a game like Mississippi stuck Ok it's time Terry this is where Orlando turns 1st for breaking news weather and traffic News 965 w. D.b.o. . Weather brought to you by Tuffy Tire and Auto Service today see some rain break out during these late evening hours with a better opportunity for some moderate rain by tomorrow morning your lows in the mid sixty's will then see a squall line of strong to severe storms move into central Florida for the late morning into the afternoon along that squall line storms could produce winds of over 60 miles an hour in an isolated tornado risk as well make sure you stay weather aware will have some heavy rain and highs in the mid seventy's I'm Channel 9 meteorologist rusty McRae. Thanks so much security triple team traffic to find a crash heading southbound on Greenway and Orange Blossom Trail and with Guy construction on the beach line east and westbound from Jetport drive to Consulate drive a couple lanes blocks on the turnpike overnight road work north and southbound between the parkway and take a couple of team traffic I'm Richard Lewis newest 96.5 w. . It's Brian Kilmeade join me weekday mornings after all endos Morning News for all 3 hours of the Brian Kilmeade show now weekdays 9 till noon on News $96.00 w d b o so much Listen everybody is going to be a big hour we're going to be joined by Congressman Jim Jordan a bulldog of the house or somebody who actually believes what he says and tries to get it done and then Brandon Steiner one of the most successful self-made multimillionaire is out there who changes life around because he said money wasn't everything and he's got a talk. About not only what he said In sports the interactions how people from Mark Cuban of Mohammed Ali but also around his life became better person so that be a pretty good message and it's all in his brand new book Living on purpose get it meanwhile I hope to see everybody in New Canaan Connecticut that's my last appearance of this year seeing exciting Andrew Jackson the miracle of New Orleans go to Brian Kilmeade dot com to find out more so we have a lot to discuss including the breaking news that the president looks like he is looking to pull our troops out of Syria as quick as possible I am not thrilled with that I don't want to troops over for overseas but the last time we pulled out we got Isis let's get going now with the stories you need to know Brian big 3. We work long hard on this. Police groups prosecutors civil liberties groups all of carefully reviewed this no one is getting what they want to completely This is a product of compromise. That is. Senator Dick Durbin on the Senate floor talking about the bipartisan bill that talks about criminal justice reform 2nd Chance Act you can just say we can get along sometimes we demonstrated criminal justice reform is a reason to think did you get 80 votes on something that has a massive impact will go over the details of why some conservatives are nervous. The end of the day we don't want to shut down the government we want to shut down the border from illegal immigration and make sure we know who's coming and why they're coming and that's what the president is focused on and he's not going to back down until he gets what he needs to make sure the people of this country are. Right he is backing down 3 days and counting looks like the president has to cave and knock at the wall in order to keep the government open will he pay the price for his party's problems because it's not him he has never wavered it's his party that left him waving in the wind. Or won this is a cranky sometimes ornery church for. Those of office government very seriously. David Ignatius says respected as of foreign policy guy in journalism today talking about what we saw yesterday with Judge Sullivan Mike Flynn was lambasted in court and his freedom is its stake and hearing thought to be routine was anything but what went wrong I'll do my best to explain Plus I'll bring you the highlights from the Komi transcript so let's get started I was stunned Michael Flynn for the prosecution listen to Michael Flynn for the last year they saw the countless interviews he gave either in well into the double figures and they said he's given substantial help in the investigation of the ball a probe fine we recommend no jail time fine Moses take 0 to 6 months fine taking 32 years of military background what he's given to the country great he had a transgression with this Turkish foreign policy thing writing a column to say this guy Google from Pennsylvania should be extradited out to early on in Turkey he was paid $500000.00 for that nothing to do with him as national security adviser he did not deserve the verbal lambasting he got today a couple of things jump out at me if the if his legal defense was yeah I'm gay he's guilty but he was not treated not treated well for the by the Moeller probe and by the f.b.i. Well that gave a mixed message to the 71 year old judge who was all over the place yesterday made almost no sense as if he no one even told him the parameters of the deal that the turkey contract was done before he became national security adviser that he was not done cooperating with them all appropriate is not wrapped up yet with all that said he said well yeah I know I was recommended no incarceration but I'm telling you if you want to go forward with the sentencing there might be incarceration Well you want to take some time so fine thanks 30 minutes because Baucus says I guess I'll take more time so now he can't go 50 miles from his home for the next 3 months he can't earn a living for the next 3 months he has to sit again in a cooler for the next 3 months. As The Wall Street Journal writes as one of our guests later in the hours will lie right Eli Lake Michael Flynn believe it or not is owed an apology so the judge him itself and says he's asked he would it would you like to rescind your guilty plea when he said no this guy seemed to go off he asked if he was done cooperate in the answer was No he speculated that he might have committed treason dancer by the way was no and he later kind of apologized then he walks back to treason question so it was like dismayed as if he could not believe this happened as if we haven't heard about this for the last year and a half how these f.b.i. Agents came over to attend as if he was their buddies he knew they had Listen he didn't remember exactly what took place with a call he got when he was in the Dominican Republic from a bass or a kiss Lee AK of Russia and then this thing just fell downstairs. So they tried to split the baby admit that they were treated right but also say technically I lied but as ambassador Dershowitz told us if you don't lie and it doesn't have an interesting to do if you lie and it doesn't have anything to do with the case for example you knew this stuff already menus you let this guy go cut 14 Here is David Ignatius this is a cranky sometimes ornery judge who does take oaths of office government responsibilities very seriously when some words were said to have been happy when he was named to preside over the sentencing hearing because he has a history of pushing back on the government when he thinks government has exceeded its authority influenza lawyers must have hoped that they could appeal to church so Evans did indignation by by arguing that these f.b.i. Agents who came in the interview for when they hadn't to warn them hadn't told him that he was. Alive the f.b.i. The opposite happened the judge just blew a gasket the language they use it was extraordinary I'm not hiding my disdain I'm not hiding my disgust I think you want a little too far in it accusing the fun of treason and he got to one day badly wrong implying the fun of dumb things after becoming our security advisor he actually did before I'm not going to take too much time away from Jim Jordan I'm outraged by this guy I mean what are we watching smoking the bandit some crazy judge in the middle of nowhere just starts ranting and raving I mean this guy even sober we know the Michael Flynn case backwards and forwards maybe his defense should have been he was ambushed by the f.b.i. But he'll take the guilty plea maybe that's not working you know in terms of a legal defense will probably have lawyers over the next 3 months telling us that was a mistake has now they do with the judge Judge to say listen yes or no you guilty or not plead guilty Fine give me sentence if you know if I'm feeling and I've already been through very. Tough circumstances throughout my career whether it was Korea Iraq or Afghanistan you look in a 06 months we're going to get 2 weeks. You were to give it up so much and you got at some point tell your story. On the shutdown before we go and this is where I'm going to lead up to with Jim Jordan Yeah and you know he's in the House he's going to be a minority shortly so I don't know how much power he has but man he's got a loud voice and he certainly respected but the president wants 5000000000 for the wall but he's got no leverage the minute he said that in the Oval Office Nancy Pelosi knew and so Chuck Schumer this is not something you want to deal with because Democrats don't have to deal the continuing resolutions would bring them into a democratic year 21000 where Democrats have the house but they lost some ground in the Senate Chuck Schumer got this offer from Mitch McConnell says listen we've got a $1000000000.00 It's going to go to General border security let's put that 1000000000 in there plus the $1.00 already promised and let's call it a day he was Chuck Schumer's response cut 17 Leader McConnell proposed a bipartisan Senate d.h.s.s. Bill which has $1600000000.00 for border security plus a $1000000000.00 slush fund for the president to use for his radical immigration agenda and I called Leader McConnell and told him we would not accept their $1000000000.00 slush fund and that our offers to fund the government remain the president's got to be more strategic will win the Oval Office he's got to have people whispering in his ear saying when to doing it when not his choice was diggin now and just take these people and they got to get their money was going to be furloughed right before Christmas if you're not willing to do it you shouldn't say I totally agree with the president it's a disingenuous pushback by the by the Democrats they don't even believe what they're saying There's nothing radical about what the president is doing they used to agree to do that they've done it with George Bush and Barack Obama but they don't now they want to pretend as if it's outrageous. Donald Trump it's not it bothers me but when the president said last week build a wall or give me 5000000000 to build a wall or else now we're at the or else at is all Rove says to keep the government open 186-640-8766 times I think Republicans about the president down back in a moment you won't poll or to anything listening Brian does all day if you lift your Brian Kilmeade. The face you need to dream some Republicans are critical of president trumps the citizen to withdraw troops from Syria Senators Lindsey Graham and Marco Rubio calling the move a colossal mistake filled Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is pushing a bill that would have a partial government shutdown this week Bill would push it until February 8th was last seen as really after the Federal Reserve's decision to boost interest rates sparked another big selloff the Nasdaq dropping 147 points and the s. And p. 500 lost 39 points hey in the days ahead we could have some rough weather across central Florida down the News 96.50 apps are not your app notifications that way even if you're away from the radio tomorrow will notify you in the event of severe storms and of course keep your radio set right here on News 96.5 w d o. 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If you're interested in it Brian's talking about if you're with Brian Kilmeade they continue to be obstructionist if you look at where the Democrats have gone with their hard left turn in terms of how they're campaigning some of them even want to eliminate ice immigration immigration customs enforcement and that's how irresponsible they are Nancy Pelosi called a wall immoral well but the president is describing his includes physical structure but also you need the technology the manpower the enforcement all of those sorts of things at the border to keep us safe yeah that was some of the remarks from Tom Barrasso yesterday I think this is we're a situation now with the president absolutely no leverage Joining us now Congressman Jim Jordan if he had his way or the president have 20000000000 for the wall it would be done Congressman you don't have your way that is the president. Oh I didn't know that I thought Jim Jordan was there. My fault he's going to come up in 10 minutes 186-640-8766 extension 9 that was Tom Barrasso weighing in Sarah Sanders weighed in for the administration saying they're disappointed she's disappointed but is anyone paying attention the 21 you know this point doesn't turn out a lot of ideas were disappointed in the fact that they've yet to actually vote on something and pass something so when they do that will make a determination on whether or not we're going to sign that. They're going to sign nothing and the president will get absolutely nothing out of this and they got to take it made money out of the administrators excess in budgets including defense budget and try to get that passed and then Democratic House is going to try to stop the present for spending extra money they find different agencies so either the president shut to down or he totally gives in and fight for another day and he said listen the Paul Ryan's house did not get me close to what I needed even to say the Senate let me down they didn't get to the Senate so Nancy Pelosi proved to be right on this which is. It's stunning the president digest this and he was right when he said I know you're trying to become speaker and you're very have very little maneuverability here next I just want to go over some good news and that is what is happening with this 2nd Chance Act There's got 80 plus votes in the Senate it will send $4000.00 prisoners home by increasing the amount of time inmates can cut off on their sentences allow more Mitt more male and female inmates to serve time in house arrest or halfway homes instead of prison cells with the exception of high risk inmates like violent ones require the prisoners to be placed within 5 miles of their family shackling them during childbirth will no longer be allowed reduce the mandatory penalty from wife to 25 years for a 3rd conviction of certain drug offenses and from $25.00 to $15.00 for 2nd conviction and give judges more discretion and giving less than mandatory minimum for certain low level crimes and also allow be great for prisons because some of these men and women are hopeless they have nothing to lose a day night somebody they kill somebody they don't listen they beat up a guard I got like what does it matter I got 25 years it doesn't matter he got to build in good behavior for all this now there is push back on it but the administration is Fort This is Jared cushion or who is one of shepherd this through and it's not going to get the present going to get the proper do neither will the president but Van Jones talked about this because he wanted to get this done with President Obama but it gets done believe it or not with his arch enemy President Trump the 26 a Christmas miracle to happen since 1988 when George h.w. Bush put out that Willie Horton ad both political parties then rushed to build prisons and be tough on crime and we've been trapped for decades now in this dynamic that you just can't do anything to move in a smarter direction that nightmare began to come to an end tonight $87.00 senators both political parties came together to do some. Thing to try to begin to reduce the number of people behind bars for too long well listen I know the 1st time one of these men or women get out and commit a murder they say oh this is bad the they're going to probably put it on the president and I think it into invariably somebody is going to commit a crime again and there's some people that should get out but there's just got to be especially for drug offenses when it comes to addiction has got to be treatment over jailing because basically you go behind bars and he gets traded you get worse and everyone loses his cause to us a ton of money to jail you you don't get better you break up families and so many people out of the drug addict start with prescription drugs coming off surgeries his specially Today's with the plethora of these opioid epidemics Here's Dick Durbin and I really play his sound bite and feel better but this one I do 29 we've worked long and hard on this. Police groups prosecutors civil liberties groups all of carefully reviewed this no one is getting what they want to completely This is a product of compromise but that's how you pass a bill in the United States Senate least that's my experience this is the strongest bipartisan bill that I've seen in terms of Democrats and Republicans working for final passage to go. On Sirius in Illinois. A couple things here I've been listening to your show and I love their tune into. The liberal station and your station I'm somewhere between in the middle so I guess maybe that makes me the voice of reason here. I think when why no doubt about it. Well you get trapped into it he said or someone you know you tell the truth and we've all been there before we probably haven't been under oath or whatever we've said some lies we shouldn't have what were white or whatever but when you get caught you get caught some some are more serious some are not and you know when you when you're under oath you can't lie so that So I think there's there's no way out for him you know at this point if you've done some wrongdoing you need to serve a time you go different I mean you couple of things he also served 32 years and everybody time somebody gets a sentence they always take the ballot to who that person is so this is nothing new 32 years in the military if you read his book and listen to other people talk about him he was one of the finest soldiers of this entire generations and finest leaders and what he's done for the country already most people won't get close to in a lifetime the guy still in the prime his life Number 2 he's said did something wrong no doubt about it but upon further review after a year if you look at the circumstances any thought it was worth bringing up tactically Eddie It was a bad move especially with this judge I mean what the heck to do it does anybody listening right now want their fate in that judge's hands ill prepared to he barely even knew the case he said 23 things were blatantly wrong the prosecution had interrupt him and let him know you know we're not done questioning nobody's going to cooperate Won't you come back later that really oh we just wing in this thing the whole country is watching but listen if that's a big standard I mean we have President Obama behind closed doors James Komi is taking questions said you know when you were talking to Clinton or do you think it matters and Barack Obama when they found her e-mails it turns out through a private server Hillary Clinton was e-mailing through a to a private account of President Obama's He had he said he had no idea she had a private server that he just why did she lie did James Komi just lie to Congress saying it's no big deal never brought it up to the present. So did he make a mistake yeah good luck with that standard he take your year the National Security Adviser take a call from the ambassador Russia and 100 percent candid as he admits now with what took place but the bigger question is why David feel like you had to bend the truth I got a call for an ambassador one of the 5 most important nations under Security Council of the United Nations why would I take the call. But I don't think you need to go listen to both sides be the voice of reason you could just stop here. This is Newsnight the 6.5 w d b Orlando turns 1st for breaking news. 24 hours a day is a good start it's now. 30 a News 96.50 our top story President defense is this isn't to withdraw all troops from Syria in a video posted to Twitter the presence of opponents and some of his allies are criticizing the decision in the video Mr Trump declares victory against ISIS A.B.C.'s Kenneth mono reports from Washington we do know the president has campaigned on getting rid of ISIS he has also promised that u.s. Troops would not be involved in the wars of other countries for long periods of time he's been itching to get out of Syria and now he's making that move we're told he made the decision yesterday days after speaking with Turkey's president about the withdrawal. News 96.5 guilty d.b.o. Orlando turns 1st for severe weather channel 9 b. Roll just rusty to create a much more of the opportunity for severe weather tomorrow coming up and I'm taking Dixon taking a look at the interactive radar we've had rain all night but we're seeing that push closer to the west side has been light and it's going to 6 begin to be 60 degrees in downtown Orlando $58.00 in Kissimmee if you know our coverage of the nonprofit out of the University of Central Florida making affordable prosthetic arms for kids has a category of new designs coming out inspired by popular. Video games next year you see limitless solutions will debut its latest devices League of Legends and Halo interchangeable sleeves that attach to the prosthetic arm with magnets these new artistic sleeves are completely interchangeable kind of on a magnetic rail system narrow is a used alum and co-founder of limitless solutions he says the kids will even be able to pick out their favorite colors and then go in and actually custom paint some of the different arms since 2014 the company has engineered 3 d. Printed prosthetics for kits and are set to take part in the 1st u.s. Clinical trial of its kind in 2019 Katrina scales News 96.5 w. And I'm here Jim Dixon It's 1032 a News 96.5 w d b o this is Dr David Klein thanks Sean Hannity and you are listening to News 965 w d b o where Orlando turns for breaking news weather and traffic 24 hours a day. Whether you want to buy Tuffy Tire and Auto Service rain will continue across the area during the overnight hours picking up a little bit as far as intensity goes by daybreak with morning lows the mid sixty's then we'll see some strong to severe storms across central Florida during the late morning through the afternoon so those storms could produce winds of over 60 miles an hour and an isolated tornado risk make sure you stay weather way for Thursday it's 100 percent chance of rain overall in a high in the mid seventy's I'm gentle 90 to roll just rusty McRae. Things like security triple team traffic to find a crash with a road block on the highway 7902 at Greenway after traveling on the 4 await westbound approaching the Greenway going to find rolling blockades due to construction road work on the turnpike north and southbound between Osceola Parkway and Orange Blossom Trail multiple lanes will be closed triple team traffic I'm Richard Lewis News 96.5 w d b o it's Brian Kilmeade join me weekday mornings after all endos Morning News all 3 hours of the Brian Kilmeade show now weekdays 9 till noon on News $96.00. That makes you see these He's the. Last all objectivity with regard to former Director Comey in part because I was one of the folks that was defending him 2 years ago when all of this stuff started to happen but he's turned out to be every bit as duplicitous and sanctimonious as folks told me that he was so you know we're just asking questions we're trying to get a transcript of what really happened so that folks are treated equally under the law and I think folks looking at this objectively and fairly see that. Hi Dad is John Radcliffe He is out when it comes to coal me giving him the benefit of the doubt what about Congressman Jim Jordan who's been outspent I guess 12 hours with them Congressman are you more or less impressed with comi. Obviously. With Jim Comey it's all about him coming in and you know Brian it seems the rules just just don't apply to him time after time wait you know going back he took that decision away from looking at a Lynch and decided he was going to determine whether Clinton was prosecuted or not he doesn't tell President Trump when he's in a meeting with him 3 days after the f.b.i. Has interviewed Mike Flynn and the president and James Comey are talking about Mike Flynn and he doesn't tell anything to the president about Mike Flynn lying to the vice president and not being honest with the f.b.i. Agent So this guy just as I think everything wrong both of us a geisha now is out there talking about how it's wonderful every single day he's going out Republicans same what do you guys going to stop standing up to the president and going back to bad for the rule of law he called you guys. Yeah you know he one of the big things he talks about is how the f.b.i. Should be political but this guy's been since he's left the most political animal I've ever seen and I want to wonder if that if in any way some of the people who the hard working folks at the f.b.i. If they're a little put off by the fact that the guy that used to be their directors are being so political now. Yeah that's that's that's what is becoming out to what you say is never going to go for a Republican I think until it's as long as President trying to fill the president so he's gotten real political Well a couple of things you know on that case would you brought up with the president in telling the president had time you national security adviser might have had some dealings with Russia he says why would I ever do that I'm in the manner of a count of counterterrorism investigation would you answer that maybe well maybe because if you're so can. Testify to it the other day. He said they were so concerned because the vice president was saying something to be false as a lesson the kids react in my class conversation so they knew the vice president saying something false and vice president saying he was told by. Mike Flynn so they quickly get Mike Flynn in for an interview McCabe cause and we need to do it we don't want lawyers there let's do it now we don't alert justice of the White House counsel they go over 2 hours later interview Mike Flynn 3 days after that literally 3 days after that James Comey is in the Oval Office with the president having dinner at the White House and Mike Flynn comes up a different subject about Mike Flynn not about not about any investigation and Comey says in his number he says I did not comment at any point during this topic and there was no mention or knowledge going to any f.b.i. Interest in or contact with General Flynn said the president didn't bring up when I asked him since you bring it up you know I did it and I said why not if you're so concerned that you rush into it for an interview with Mike Flynn because the national security adviser to the commander in chief is saying things that are not true why wouldn't you tell the commander in chief why would you tell your boss and Jim Comey is all well you know one more example of komi keeping information to him self for whatever reason and not doing something I think everyone understand should be obvious you should tell the commander in chief if the national security adviser to him is not being honest well he just doesn't do that obviously I put the connect the dots he thinks the president's corrupt he thinks that there was contact with the president and and Russia so he puts him in the same key puts everyone is suspect even though he told the president he wasn't being investigated 7 times in his memos 7 different occasions in his memo he underscores the fact references the fact that the president's nominee or investigation but he lets the American people believe that the president is is one of the thing that drove me nuts about Komi he called the Clint investigation a matter when it was obviously investigation she was under investigation but he went out told the American people of the matter but when it came to President Trump who wasn't under investigation he allowed the American people to think that he was so he missed he misled this country on both investigations and yet somehow we're all supposed to believe he's a Boy Scout he's never done and he also says it doesn't matter he doesn't care where the dasi came from that it was paid for by the d.n.c. Or Hillary Clinton says it doesn't matter. How did. No matter. It does matter because it was the basis for the Pfizer warrant to spy on the Trump campaign and even the guy that was referencing the 5 application Michael Isikoff even he says the documents a piece of you know just a complete joke and not true so come on I mean when when a reporter certain of a conservative Porter when he when he says you know this thing is not true it's not accurate when and the director of the f.b.i. Doesn't even know about Christopher steel mill about the dots and all those things that he said. Again just underscores how wrong this whole this whole deal was from the get go and before we leave this I just want to use you to weigh in on what Michael Flynn experience yesterday as we read these transcripts essentially he wrongly this judge wrongly accused him of committing treason and selling out his whole country he later said Ok I got things confused and then when he got up there he basically said you know you want to delay this because you're probably looking at some incarceration even though the prosecutor didn't recommend any and the top half is 6 months what's going on here yeah I don't know I do know that you know I'm sure c.n.n. Is not going to correct the fact that the judge was you know talking about treason when frankly he's certain that Mike Flynn was not representing any any Turkish interest while he was in a say working in the ministry in ministration so I don't know. All I know is the way things were handled with General Flynn are not the way they're supposed to be handled and director coming knew that I understood that and yet they rushed this interview got information from and when you read that 3 o 2 and they you know the the notes taken when Peter struck another f.b.i. Agent interviewed General Flynn I don't think it's as clear cut as everyone is saying it is about the general plan misleading them about his conversations with the Russian ambassador so he pled to that. That you know General Flynn misled people he pledged that there's going to be some kind of some kind of action we'll just see how it shakes out in 90 days Ok last thing on the Russia thing you would think a document emerge that the president signed off to pursue a Moscow tower in 25th. That's not what we heard. Yeah I've not seen that document I just was a bit of speech last night and back in Ohio I have not seen Nat I'll take a look at the doctrine and find out what it but what's involved I did see the news break this morning. Through you just pointed. Out well if they said one thing or something else about but again I haven't seen it so I just I just don't know anything about it and I'm not sure of what the president said or what is attorneys have said so I just I just don't know I think. That I do shut down looks like the Democrats aren't going to give it all in the president looks like he's starting to give when it comes to the 5000000000 for the war Here's Chuck Schumer on the proposal of taking this extra $1000000000.00 and putting it towards border security cuts 17 Leader McConnell proposed the bipartisan Senate d.h.s.s. Bill which has $1600000000.00 for border security plus a $1000000000.00 slush fund for the president to use for his radical immigration agenda I called Leader McConnell and told him we would not accept their $1000000000.00 slush fund and that our offers to fund the government remain so where do you stand now Congressman. We should do the 5000000000 we should do exactly what the president said last week in the Oval Office I thought the president was clear I thought particular when he told. Nancy Pelosi that you know Nancy we don't do this in private is called transparency it's a good thing it's good it's good for the American people to say this I think we should stand firm on the 5000000000 we should put in the House bill there are the votes there to pass it I believe in the house we should pass it send over there and let Mr McConnell and and Chuck Schumer work out whatever they're going to work out I don't think you know the Vote American people these lawyers are growing these losers in the lame doctors and the retirees aren't back evidently they're not coming back today. I like that term I never really never really got called lame duck session I never heard the term lame doctors Yeah thank you even the new chair and I suspect a hearing on the channel later. I do think members will come back after all their job even if they are retiring or even if they lost their Alexion And you know won't be back next Congress it's still their job they still represent the folks in their district and I do think we can get enough folks back and if we do I think the votes to pass the 5000000000 I hope that's what we do we're going to find out more I've talked with some of our leadership the last few days and this is what the American people elected us to do this is common sense so let's stay here and get it done Yeah the president without your country so much money has been poured down the drain for so many years but it comes to border securing the military the Democrats fight to the death we won in the military which is being completely rebuilt $1.00 way or another we will win on the wall just not yet I just don't know what leverage you have when you guys come back in the minority I how does this when we go and don't we don't have lead we we should we should we should go now you know why don't we do now what we're going to do when we get the majority back in 2 years made it think about that we've got the majority now for goodness sake let's do it this is that we should have done it back in March we all said this We should have done it back in March but our leadership didn't want to go there to do it now and we have to do it now do you blame the speaker or do you blame Steve schoolies do you blame Kevin McCarthy. No I blame our leadership. I mean so many of the so many times we're right on the cusp of victory and we're just afraid to go out there and actually play the game too often we just force it before the referee even blows the whistle so let's actually play the game have the debate after all we have a guy in the White House is pretty darn good at conveying a message to the American people why don't we use that advantage why don't we why don't we put the money on the bill send it over there let's have a debate let's have a debate and if they want to Chuck Schumer and Mitch McConnell can figure something out when the bill gets to them that they're all but let's do what we're supposed to do in the house of cards when your mission now is to find a way to fund the government if possible and have a great Christmas can you do both. We and you have a great Christmas too Brian thanks for everything Congressman appreciate it when we come back we're here to lift you up Brandon standers here a self-made multimillionaire entrepreneur founder of Steiner sports he's got a book out that will balance out your life it's called Living on purpose stories about faith fortune and fitness that will lead you to an extraordinary life a lot to bite off it's coming your way on the Brian Kilmeade show thieves for you kill made. The big things you need to treat the Hillsborough County sheriff's office starting today after one of their own killed 3 family members before taking his own life heartened that a deputy sheriff I Hillsborough County Deputy Sheriff what ever ever calls harm do another individual the 58 year old veteran deputy killing his wife daughter and 6 year old granddaughter still despite pleas for President Trump not to raise interest rates the Federal Reserve's raised rates today for the 4th time this year the stock markets selling off closing deep into the red once again and there will be no government shutdown with no agreement on money for a border wall Republicans did agree no short term spending bill to fund the government until February we had fun last week in St Cloud for Joe on the go but this week we're coming to San 1st watch Friends Friday morning at the living room restaurant at 1st and Park Avenue in historic downtown Sanford Join us Friday morning show on the go News 96.5 the video right now Omaha Steaks has a limited time offer from my listeners when you go to Omaha Steaks dot com and enter promo code Brian into the search bar you will get 74 percent off Omaha Steaks family gift package originally at $195.00 now you pay $49.99 order now and you'll get 4 hand cut age to tenderness tops or on steaks to savory premium pork chops for chicken fried steak sauce for. 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And tips and fun facts from Kristen and Paula Total Wine and more the sweetness of the maple glazed ham paired with a bourbon barely its Cabernet and now my taste buds are humming I can help you press the boss with a great bottle of wine Here's to raising 2019 as you check off that gift list we love to share are always low prices and ridiculous selection at total one in more area locations now open in Daly City across from Sara Monte center on Boulevard near bed that and beyond shop online it's Total Wine dot com The good news if you want health coverage starting January 1st you now have until midnight December 21st to sign up with Covered California the better news they can also help you find out if you qualify for health insurance at a lower cost Covered California gives you a choice of health insurance plans from brand name companies they even have experts to help find the right plan for you life can change in an instant be covered when it does enroll today at covered ca dot com Remember for coverage starting on January 1st sign up by December 21st. Welcome back time to lift you up here's the great American success stories Brandon Steiner start out with $4000.00 and a pretty good idea of how to make a living and he ends up. Extremely wealthy successful guy but the bottom line is he didn't feel fulfilled and that's why I wrote this book Living on purpose Brandon Steiner these are stories about faith fortunate fitness that will lead you to an extraordinary life perfect time for this book to come out by the way I think so I will raise got their New Year's resolutions but through the best time is now no way to the beginning of the it no wait I mean setting goals and all that is exactly what this book is about and what not to do we are setting goals and finding a purpose by the way the purpose could be a money grab and doesn't have to just be you know I mean it really is a whole cumulation of everything but whatever can get you inspired and usually have purpose so you got out of college pretty determined to be successful like going to college or can find a job I mean I got a college and I get shingles and I got 200 rejection letters nobody wanted me and that was scary but I never lost faith. In the fact that I find my way and I think I tell a lot of kids that sometimes come and ask me like I mean every once I want to glory nobody wants the story and the reality of it is I say you want to go work in this business you've got to get off get up your butt and you may have to go move to another town move to another city or you want to do whatever it takes not the best you can you were you had this idea start with $4000.00 which you go Well I want to hire for management training and I think training and learning how our business gets done and working out a really good management is so important for younger people and it's great to get that nucleus and a foundation underneath of you I'm glad I did it went to work for the Hard Rock lucky break got that job and then soon after open up one of the 1st sports bars in the mid eighty's and had no idea what I want to do a hard rock but in sports nobody was doing it was all such things are really a sports bar back in mid eighty's or the nice one in Chicago in one Bobby Valentine . So sudden I started getting to the sports and I saw the memorabilia thing kind of take off from the Hard Rock and I kind of did some member 1000000000 a sports bar I was like wow I think I can make some money off this you know booking talent and memorabilia and and things started to pop up so it's time for sports and you start also booking people in speeches and things like that I mean I thought I mean back in the late eighty's early ninety's booking players was not as popular as what it is now I mean it was phone number and nobody was really using players for endorsements that much it was a kind of a little bit of a found art so I took them for a p.r. Tour and they had a commercial so you into your big break they got started sports off the ground. Probably in 91 I gotta Sanders it was the m.v.p. That Super Bowl to sign up with me and then 94 getting resumed Oh he's doing a Hall of Famer and he was 77 but he did it Hall of Famer with me let me sign him up and then Sonny Mark Messier was the moment when I started to collect all company right and then it ended up being well I was I was just when I was on the train a metro north going crazy trying to get off the damn train and I saw this picture of my. On the back page of The Daily News and I was like man I could source on of those and my purpose was really to go buy a car so I get off the train and I find track mark and we signed a contract that's our start the clock will business so people sat just outside of collectibles like I just want to get off the train just trying to buy a car and that's that's how I did but it really did lead to all kinds of crazy stuff obviously as I built our collectible you also got the Yankees right well when Mark Messier went to Vancouver a problem for a bridge to jump off of because sometimes you're versity you know you can't let it take you down bump in the road don't put on the side of the road and when Mark left to go to Vancouver I thought maybe I was done I go home every night I tell my wife I think the business is over but you know one door closes another one opens in for that and that case did open because I was on the Yankees came in and I got the Yankees and Tori Jeter Rivera the core 4 and really built a nice business around that very grateful you are the partnership with the annual such a great idea as a Yankee stadium was being torn down you selling pieces of it you still sell it today even sell Yankee Stadium dirt you sell dirt friends died when the margins are great but the opportunity to break down the old stadium very grateful the Yankees trusted me to do that with them and and what I love is the always walk the walk and talk the talk when it comes to their brand and they want to just democracy they knew you had to go get that state in respect to let me take it apart piece by piece and I did sell hundreds of thousands of pieces from that stadium you end up selling a company never have to work again the rest of your life but you wouldn't filled and that's what that's what's. Really spawned this book what did you learn you had success but you know everything you were ignoring you family you were joining you ignoring your friends you were well rounded well I was missing a few things I thought that money would solve everything and I still like the money grab I still like making money but I think you know you spend so much time figure out how to make money build your career get you know be relevant in the business world but you don't put the same kind of energy in learning in time and to be irrelevant at home being the. Best Dad you could be being the good friend you want to be so I figured out a way to go meet some of the top top people that would advise me and help me cultivate the rest of myself so I was a little more well rounded So now you have this is just a business and a successful purpose you know to have a successful life is exactly like this at the end I mean being divorced or having my kids not like me or not love me and I think I was a great dad would have been me show me a really wealthy person whose kids hate them and found out that successful and that's going to what the book brings out is like you can have great financial success and do these other things but you've got to respect them there's no such thing as work life balance don't play catch tomorrow play catch today right well do so much good as you can not do well and hope to do good you know when a quarter is over then I go and have a catcher event I'm going to go on the diet and then I'm going to go and get more sleep and eat better the more good you do it will lead you to doing well and I do as much well as you can and one day I'll do good and brain Steiner How well is this book doing. Is my 3rd book and we got our ball is obviously a big hit but we've been sold out there's the 2nd so it's actually we're telling people to go buy this book but unfortunately committed a wait because we sold out which I'm very grateful you know I'm after literate barely going to college I'm at my 3rd book and 2000 blogs by the way people love him or whatever I'm saying I guess people like him but I'm very grateful and I know all the kids love talking at Syracuse with my son went to brain decided with me all the questions more than anybody else he has the most to give when it's time to Congratulations on living on purpose to have you back to talk more about this brand of Steiner dot com pick it up France many questions and I'll be happy to sign books for you as well go get read. It's time to join the Kaiser Permanente we're always looking into the future but we're not using a crystal ball we're using science and technology to see what's coming for health take something preventable like heart disease it's the leading cause of death in this country because only half of us manage our blood pressure correctly so we. Added to focus the result more than 83 percent of Kaiser Permanente members have their blood pressure under control we may not be able to tell your fortune but will happily work on improving your future Permanente Together We Thrive visit k.-p. Dot org slash thrive pollinate tips and fun facts from Kristen and Paula Total Wine and more the sweetness of the maple glazed ham paired with a bourbon barely its cabernet we went there now my taste buds are humming I can help you press the boss with a great bottle of wine Here's to raising 2019 as you check off that gift list we love to share are always low prices and ridiculous selection at total one in more big bay area locations now open in Daly City across from Sara Monte center on Boulevard near Bed Bath and Beyond shop online it's Total Wine dot com auction friends of the morning in the Fox News Channel which you may not know is on the radio show right here and I really respect your diversity is diversity and viewpoints your viewpoints and political positions even when we disagree and sometimes we do so I want to hear from you Orlando each and every day in the brain Kilmeade show weekdays 9 till noon news 96.5 w d b o. Did you just look down at your phone and you did it again Dania you know you're flying down the road in a 3 ton hunk of steel and attacks take your eyes off the road for an average of 5 seconds at $55.00 mph that's long enough to travel the length of a football field and cause some serious damage to turn it off Trust me whatever it is you'll live learn more it stop tax stop wrecks dot org brought to you by the Ad Council the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration uses News 96.5 w d b o or Orlando turns 1st for breaking news traffic 24 hours a day it starts now. From a.b.c. News. On Dariel they are clearing the 1st hurdle in favor say aye. Those opposed no. The I's appear to have it the eyes do have it. The motion is agree to listen it has approved a bill to temporarily fund the government and avoid a shutdown over President transporter wall funding Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell broke with the proposal he will still be in session to all you have to say what the House doesn't but we just shot them under the bill the government would be funded until February 8th and President Trump would get border security funding at the current level but not money for a wall the president hasn't said if he'll support the measure President Trump is pulling all u.s. Troops out of Syria because he says ISIS has been defeated very saddened when I have to write letters or call parents or wives or husbands of soldiers who have been killed fighting for our country it's a great honor we cherish them but it's heartbreaking but on the Senate floor Republican Senator Lindsey Graham says the move makes everyone less say I know it must be tough as a commander in chief to write a letter to the family of the fall and I know that's a hard decision for any president to make the put people in harm's way but I just want the president to understand the troops who do this embrace their mission Graham says he wants a hearing on the decision police in Cedar Rapids Iowa arrested a man for the 1979 murder of an 18 year old using a method called d.n.a. Phenotype ing it predicts the suspects physical appearance based on d.n.a. Evidence found at the scene a man is facing 2 felony weapons charges in connection with the deaths of 2 Chicago police officers who were struck and killed by a commuter chain while they were train rather while they were chasing him police say Edward Brown was arrested by other officers a gun was found You're listening to a.b.c. News it's happening to you all Arab Spring are you calm one snores and the

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