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Into one of those categories. Ahead this sunday morning, mining the movies with a meaning of true. Pauley elton john is a music legend not to mention a legendary Oscar Night Party host. Hes talking this morning with anthony mason. Sir elton john has been writing hit songs with lyricist Bernie Taupin nearly 50 years now. Never had an argument. Ever. Why . Theres no point. Hes getting ready for his big oscar party tonight. Guess who will be performing . Sir elton john. Later on sunday morning. In a world where studios constantly try to dazzle us with their coming attractions, movie sometimes even an art form. As lee cowan will show us. We come to the movies to see. Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water. The legend continues. They can get us back to the movies in a hurry. The all new jaws 2. Cutting edge of the movie trailer later on sunday morning. Pauley among those waiting for the envelope please tonight, is a young actress with a distinctive name which she very patiently helped me learn. I have two movies. Yes. Even if the first is disaster. Pauley best actress saoiorsse. Coming up. Sore a ronan. Elizabeth palmer meets the film buff behind the imdb movie website. Tavis smiley weighs in. David edelstein shares his oscar picks and more. First, the headlines for the sunday morning the 28th of february, 2016. Hillary clinton handily defeated Bernie Sanders in yesterdays South Carolina democratic primary. She enjoyed overwhelming support from black democrats. Republican candidates ted cruz and marco rubio both released several years of tax returns yesterday. Both then called on billionaire businessman drum to to do same. Cease fire seems to have gone into effect in sear california the Islamic State isnt observing the cease fire. A Virginia Police officer was killed responding to a call last night in subject you are an washington. It was her first shift after being sworn in on friday. Shes the 10th officer killed in the nation so far this month. They gave out the razz hes last night in los angeles. And the win are of the golden raspberry for the worst film, the movie, 50 shades of grey now the weather. Snow is likely in the Northern Plains into the break lakes. Pacific northwest. Everywhere else warmer than usual temperatures. Showers are forecast for many areas of the start of the new week but sunny in the southeast ahead movie trailers. Coming soon to a tv near you. And later, music legend sir elton john. Im Hillary Clinton and i approve this message. Her lifes work has been about breaking barriers. And so would her presidency. Which is why, for every american whos not being paid what theyre worth. Whos held back by student debt or a system tilted against them and there are far too many of you she understands that our country cant reach its potential. Unless we all do. Together. donkey sound elephant sound theres a big difference between making noise, tapping sound and making sense. elephant sound donkey sound when it comes to Social Security, we need more than lip service. Our next president needs a real plan to keep Social Security strong. elephant noise hey candidates. Enough talk. Give us a plan. Jane based on a true story, its a boast that can be a plus for a whether the claim holds up is quite another matter. Our cover story is reported by martha teichner. We are pleased to announce the film selected as the best picture nominee. Of the eight nominees for best picture, see if you can guess what four of them have in common. These four, the revenent. Bridge of spies. Spotlight. And the big short. In other words, half the nominated films this year claim to be based on a true story, or inspired by true events. Last years best picture nominees, same thing. Four out of eight. Six out of nine. Including 12 years a slave which won. Hollywood tends to trot these stories out right around awards season. How true are they . How true should they be . When you hear the words based on a true story. Inspired by actual events. What goes through your mind . Hack on to your hat. Anne is chief film critic with the washington post. Generally if you see based on you tend to assume that the film maker is sending the signal that everything happened. When you see inspired by you get the signal that some more liberties are going to be taken. What happened was true. It wasnt true, thats how the chain saw massacre was more recently 2013 best picture winner argo was he about the actual rescue of u. S. Diplomat from iran. You are cleared for take off. But the nailbiter scene where they are chasing their departing plane. Didnt happen. Some of the things were so over the top, had not had people corroborate. But even so, screen writer deviated from finance from the memoir. For example, he changed his unfortunate car from a mercedes into a lamborghini. To think i can look at the story say, this is germane to this is in the spirit of what actually happened. And i can mix and match facts. If its not a documentary, nothing that ive worked on has ever purported to be i have the latitude to say, this is an entertainment. Welcome to afghanistan. The new tina fey movie out this friday is based on reporter kim barkers experiences in afghanistan. More or less. Today the first licensed driver hits the road. Shes much shorter than i am, i am 510 but her name in the movie is kim baker not kim warker. In the movie she is a tv journalist. Just part of the experiencing her life and her book about it. My reaction during the entire movie was, please let this be over, please let it not embarrass me. At a certain point i started breathing more. I felt like, this is okay, this is actually a movie. Its good. In the end she felt the liberties taken were okay. Like these are the things that happen with movies. I dont think it takes away from the fact that the narrative in the movie and the book are pretty much the same. Thats what i cared about. Its not exactly true but its sort of true. What is the story being told is history. Think of oliver stones 1991 still controversial because it explores the Conspiracy Theory version of the kennedy assassination. Why was kennedy killed . Who benefited . Up. There are many people who saw oliver stones jfk who absolutely believe the version of events that they saw in that film. Thats where they get the history. I think for sophisticated viewers he makes the very clear that this is an almost visionary interpretation of events on his part. But i take your point that has inherent danger. Responsibility lies with the viewer as well. If schools arent teaching history thats a problem. But they should be teaching Media Literacy at this point. Want to win a gold medal film. Race about runner jessie owens were given practically no opportunity to fudge the facts. The fastest sprinter jessie owens. Owens won four gold medals at the 1936 berlin olympics and hitler watched. Reviewed the script page by page, line by line, made a honored. And the reason that was important was so that history wouldnt be rewritten. And that the facts be right. Owens daughters, marlene and approval. There was a theme that they thought, no, that doesnt need to stay in there. It was there some was nudity and we just didnt think it was needed, necessary or appropriate. People who make movies exercise artistic license. But this is also our life. This is our life. Accuracy also matters to the Los Angeles Press club. Which thursday handed out first ever veritas award for the best film based on or inspired by real events or people. Is spotlight. Boston priests. Judged equally on fidelity to the subject matter and artistic excellence. The winner spotlight about the boston globes investigation about pedophile priests. Envelope is opened tonight, will the winner be the truth . Pauley coming up. He said, thank you, i love imdb. Pauley we check it on someones hacked all our technology. Technology. Say, have you seen all the Amazing Technology in geicos mobile app . Mobile app . Look. Electronic id cards, emergency roadside service, i can even submit a claim. Wow. Yep, geicos mobile app works like a charm. Geico. Expect great savings and a whole lot more. Pauley tomorrow, february 29, we celebrate that anomaly blame the earth awkwardly paced journey sun. Takes roughly 365 and quarter days to complete the loop. The ancient roman calendar tried to fix the problem by adding a leap year day every four years. Close, but slightly too often. By 1582 the roman calendar was 24 days out of sync with the seasons which is where pope gregory comes in. That year he had new calendar called the gregorian, naturally. Which eliminated leap year days in any century year not divisible by 400. For example, in 1900 there wasnt a leap year day. In 2000, you may remember, there was. None which resolves the nagging question. Celebrate his birth. On february 28th . Or march 1st . Woman its been a journey to get where i am. And i didnt get here alone. There were people who listened along the way. People who gave me options. Kept me on track. And through it all, my retirement never got left behind. So today, im prepared for anything we may want tomorrow to be. Every someday needs a plan. Lets talk about your old 401 k today. Your body was made for Better Things than rheumatoid arthritis. Before you and your rheumatologist move to a biologic, ask if xeljanz is right for you. Xeljanz is a small pill for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well. Joint pain and swelling in as little as two weeks, and help stop further joint damage. Xeljanz can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections, lymphoma, and other cancers have happened. Dont start xeljanz if you have an infection. Tears in the stomach or intestines, low blood cell counts, and higher liver tests and cholesterol levels have happened. Your doctor should perform blood tests before you start and while taking xeljanz, and monitor certain liver tests. Tell your doctor if you were in a region where fungal infections are common, and if you have had tb, hepatitis b or c, or are prone to infections. Xeljanz can reduce the symptoms of ra, even without methotrexate. Ask your rheumatologist about xeljanz. Pauley imdb the internet movie database. Is the goto website for movie fans which recently marked its Elizabeth Palmer found its creator. Where else, at the movies. Think back to the fall. Its Opening Night for a movie called suffragett, theres meryl streep. And here is gina davis. The biggest hollywood insider here this evening is with his wife completely unrecognized. Walking movie encyclopedia the founder of imdb. The internet movie database was one of the very first website is now one of the most popular, its focus may be hollywood, but it was born here in rural england where he works, if you can call this work. Can you call up any film. I have 11,000 bluray dvds i can start any of them from just the press of a button. His alltime favorite is hitchcocks vertigo. When did you see it first . 22nd of november, 1989. How do you know . I have a diary where i recorded it. I know every i have the day ive seen every movie ive ever seen since the first of january. Thats a bit nerdy. It started in 1990 when carla young computer engineer posted his film diary to share with other movie fans. Very simple. What did it do . Well, it had basic you could search. You could search for a movie. That was then. This is now. Imdb was bought in 1998 by amazons ceo as a powerful tool to help amazon expand beyond books and into movies. How much did he pay you . Thats not a number that weve ever disclosed. The home cinema thats hoot way of saying, a lot. Decided to stay on as ceo carl became a player. In charge of site that now offers everything from actors biographies to place fan can share. Like the time traveling iphone in true story. Theres an iphone, advanced model iphone that didnt make it at the time. Oops. Fans can click to rate who is hot and who is not. The actor robert pat in son got so many clicks he was invited to audition for twilight and landed the heros role. I met rob, we have smiled about this. Even Steven Spielberg uses imdb, when they met at the oscars. He grabbed my hand he said, thank you, i of love imdb i use it all the time. Ive used the app, join the ceremony. It was just wonderful. Then i got to tell him how much i love jaws. And he does. Really, really loves jaws. Carls passion is pure as ever. Lets go to the first movie you ever saw. I do have that. How old were you . I was five. That was the beginning i was in love from that point. Fast forward to imdbs 25th anniversary celebration not long ago and intimate dinner for his british staff. Its remarkable to have come from something that was just my little online film diary to something that has 250 million month. Cheers. Happy 5. And later a starstudded gala when the party is over, you know exactly where carl is heading. I get dizzy. Pauley next. Is its in the bag. An join for free. Hurry, join by march 3rd and get 1 month free. When cigarette cravings hit, all i can think about is getting relief. Only nicorette mini has a patented fastdissolving formula. It starts to relieve sudden cravings fast. I never know when ill need relief. Annual look at the oscar swag bags. By the numbers. The gift bags are put together by one company, Distinctive Assets. Los angeles marketing film being offered to 5 nominees in five categories. Reputedly included are, a vaporizer worth 250. Slimware plates at 30. Theres toilet paper, priced at 275. Something called a vampire breast lift for 1900. A slew of travel packages, everything from a threeday, resort and spa. A tenday, 55,000 all expenses paid trip to isreal. And much more besides. Something you might want to consider is that the estimated value of each bag is said to be some 232,000. Which brings us to one last number of note. Zero. Zero being the connection between gift giver and Motion Picture academy. The academy actually filed suit against Distinctive Assets accusing the company of falsely using the academys trademark to create an impression of affiliation. Still to come, Actress Saoirse Ronan from brooklyn to the red carpet. For my dearest darling whom i worship with respect to grath taught. Pauley shared a moment in the 2014 film the grand Budapest Hotel tonight shes waiting for the envelope please at the oscars. Which she traveled to by way of brooklyn. Im not irish. You dont sound irish. Pauley with her ross cover familiar nature role in the film brooklyn Saoirse Ronan is making a name for herself. Its tough to pronounce and harder to spell. Saoriose . Almost. Its saoirse. Its on irish word it means freedom or liberty. We need irish girls in brooklyn. Stop feeling that i want to be an irish girl in ireland. At 21 shes the youngest two timous could car nominee since Angela Lansbury in 1946. Her first when she was just 13 for supporting actress in atonement. Ive done nothing wrong. Never had an oscar nomination. Mia farrow. Never . Really . What are you chasing meryl streep or something . Thats the girl. Awful lot is luck. Was brooklyn big film . And no one expected us. Passport please. Maam. Young woman who leaves her family and friends in ireland to come to new york for work and finds a new life and love in 1950s america. Dont know. Best food in the world. I like italian food. How much practice did it take you i turned up the day, had read in the script she has a bit of difficulty eating spaghetti, i thought, okay, ill act that one then. Im going to see just splashed his mother, his father and the world. Hands down the most difficult thing i have ever done in any film. The movie resonates for saoirse in deeply personal way as a child of irish immigrants. I came here to work, they home. And the bronx was an area that had quite a large irish population. You are an american citizen. Yep. In fact saoirse was born in the bronx and used to come to this diner with her parents. You have been here for awhile. I havent been here since i was three. It was so weird. I remember everything. I remember where we used to sit. What the outside looks like. The sounds are the same. Everything. Pauley even her favorite grilled cheese. The family moved back to ireland when she was three. Her father had become an actor and introduced saoirse to his agent. I was quite imaginative. Accents. Breakfast . Known for her skill with accents, shes gone from an american teenager in the lovely bone. That guy looks pauley to a teenage german assassin in hanna. I cant want to hurt anyone any more. Pauley the role opposite cate blanchette brought her to the attention of theater director. I happened to get in touch when she was making that movie. Im working with a fabulous young actress. I went to see the movie, i was blown away by her performance. Pauley he cast her in the starring role of the warrer this miller play the crucible. Such a strong man with a sickly blackened my name. In rehearsal to open next when they say this is your first play, really . Like first ever. Ive never apart from pauley what was your biggest role in school . One year i played the local principle. Which was really new for me. It was a stretch after the tree season. Pauley can you do a rock . Hold on a sec. Youre putting me on the spot here. Pauley youre a professional. A rock would be like this. A rock is a rock. Would be like that. Pauley oscar nomination and broadway debut could make anyones head spin. But saoirse stays grounded and keeps ireland close. Speaking with her mother every day. I remember reading that early is a particularly challenging thing for young women. Im not surprise that it affects young women more. Theres more pressure. Not only, of course, when it comes to the way we look, the way were all compared to each other, what we wear and compared to what someone else may wear on the red carpet even beyond that it comes to success. Its almost that you have to be apologetic about. Yet there she is as the crucible abigail williams, Saoirse Ronan graces one of the what did you think of it . Its very weird to have your face plastered all over theater. But i have to say even though i do get quite shy about that sort of stuff, there is something about seeing your name or your face attached to a broadway theater that makes you go, oh, wow, this is a bit of a dream. Pauley except that its real. Next, some coming attractions. Ga i wanted to put the odds in my favor. So my doctor told me about botox , an fdaapproved treatment that significantly reduces headache days for adults with chronic migraine, 15 or more headache days a month, each lasting 4 hours or more. Its shown to prevent headaches and migraines before they start. Effects of botox may spread hours to weeks after injection causing serious symptoms. Alert your doctor right away, as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness can be signs of a lifethreatening condition. Side effects may include allergic reactions, neck and injection site pain, fatigue and headache. Dont take botox if theres a skin infection. Tell your doctor your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions, and medications including botulinum toxins, as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. Put the odds on your side. Visit botoxchronicmigraine. Com to learn how to save on your treatment. Talk to a headache specialist today about botox. For the past 27 days, four men have outlasted authorities by making their getaway in a prius. This game ends now. To catch a prius, youve gotta be a prius. Guys, whats that . Pauley now for some coming attractions. Compliments of lee cowan. The great Alfred Hitchcock certainly knew how to make a movie. Here we have a quiet little motel. He also knew how to sell a movie. This young man you had to feel sorry for him. After all being dominated by an almost maniacal woman was enough to drive anyone to the extreme lets go in. This was his trailer for psycho back in 1960 it lasted remarkable six and a half minutes. Perhaps most remarkable is that in all that time hitchcock didnt give away too much. Big difference. You should have seen the blood. Todays trailers. They are exquisitely edited. But also heart warming and funny. That is a wellknown fact. Trailers are all sales pitches. How do you say no to god. But as alluring as they can be. Not going to be able the finance. What do you mean . Movie trailers still suffer from one recurring criticism. Why do they sell everything in the movie trailer. Gets that complaint a lot. He works for Entertainment Marketing company called, trailer park. One of dozens of firms that specialize in producing movie latest mad max film. The job he says to dazzle, collaborate with both studios and film makers to showcase the best film has to offer and that often means inching within an eyelash of a spoiler. Ever worry that sometimes the trailer will be better than the movie itself . No. Thats the goal. Really . If the trailer is better than the movie that will get people at least to the theater. It used to be we only saw trailers in theaters, originally they ran after the feature presentation. Thats how they got the name trailer. In the silent era they were filmed with silence like this exhausting to read. But that over the top salesman ship. City of hope and despair. When youre advertising the same kind of product again and again i dont think unfair to say that formula will creep into the equation. A film historian, he says not everyone loves having to market their films in such a brash way. Orson welles, for example, practically made fun in his for citizen kan,. How do you do, everyone. Im speaking from the mercury theater in what follows is supposed to advertise our first Motion Picture, citizen kane is the title. Hopefully a coming attraction. He did it in an artful and decree at this timetive way with tongue well in cheek where he of balle hoo. These days trailers are more than that. They are big business. Trailers are under such microscope now. You constantly of a have to out do yourself. In fact they become their own genre so much so that trail trailers have their own award show. Like this one. Appropriately called, the golden trailer award. Few have won as many. I see every little shot, frame, moment of dialogue, that were trying to reassemble into our twominute puzzle. Creating those puzzle pieces, pretty unique. To watch entire film with the sound off. Sometimes watch it all backwards. Looking for the moments, the head turns, the looks, little smiles, just looking for fractions of a second that are those are my trailer moments. Hes cut the trailers for the last two best pictures bird man and 12 years a slave. This year, he was hired to make the trailer for the oscar nominated the revenent. It was about trying to convey that feeling, this real experience of the movie. The revenent is full of grand cinema to go i cant fee but not a lot of dialogue. Had to find something else. Theres a constant thread that is carrying you through which is his breath. He blended his breathing with the sound of drums then with the gave. Grave. It all builds, sweeping the wouldbe movie goer along with the action. All the elements coming together to kind of create this feeling. Most of us still recall the days of trailers with the booming narration. Ever see a ghost . They catch the ghost that wont stay dead. Thats the voice of the late don lafontaine. Above grath am looms greatest heroes. Featured in more than 5,000 trailers, that deep baritone so recognizable he was dubbed thunder threat. The voice over for comedian the trailer for jerry featured another voice of god. In a world where laughter was king. Hall douglas made a little fun of himself. Just on the edge of space. A girl. No. Two girls. More than ever. Stop it. I hate you. The voice of god narraters are gone now. Most modern trailers let the films speak or joke for themselves. At least i wont die alone. They may give away too much and movie goers may grumble there are too many. Argument can be made that trailers are as much a part of oscars themselves. Chewy, were home. Pauley coming up. phone ringing you cant deal with something, by ignoring it. But thats how some president ial candidates seem to be dealing with Social Security. Americans work hard, and pay into it. So our next president needs a real plan to keep it strong. elephant noise donkey noise pauley at least one little girl in maine is enjoying a child birth thats just ducky, Steve Hartman shows us why. A lot of kids go to the park to seduction. But 5yearold kiley brown takes her duck to the park. Snowflake comes here to swim around the pond and then returns when called. Because snowflake truly believes that kiley is his mother. And the duck is not alone in this dilution. Not really his mom. Yes. How did you first find out. That he was a duck . No, that kile whyy is unbearably cute. Since i never did recover to ask that question again. Let me just tell you that kiley first noticed snowflakes attachment the day they brought her home. For whatever reason the duck imprinted by kiley no matter what the hour. When snowflake refused to stay in the back yard kileys parents say they had no choice but to give a diaper and make him ha house duck. He goes where ducks are allowed almost everywhere theyre not allowed i dont know if you ever had 2yearold or 4yearold that wouldnt leave home without its clang it. She would not leave home without her duck. And at that point nothing is negotiable. Snowflake goes to the beach been to soccer practice, gone on sleepovers, even went trickortreating as olaf the snowman from frozen. Over time because they both sincerely believe they belong together snowflake and kiley formed a bond like most of us will never know. Its special. Even at 5 i dont years old thats the type of person. She is really going to make a great mom some day. Mostly because she already is. Grow up go to college. What . Ahead. Sunday morning goes to the oscars here again is jane pauley. Pauley thats elton john with lady gaga performing live on the sunset strip yesterday. He of course is music legend who is about to throw another Oscar Night Party. But only after sitting down with our anthony mason. For nearly half a century hes been one of musics most flamboyant performers. Sir elton john was uneasy when he took the stage at the theater in los angeles last month. I was so nervous last night. I think its probably a good thing. He has more than 50 top 40 hits. But this night sir elton was you cant really play more than three or four because audience really doesnt want to know. What is that feeling like . Its like a ha. Ive written this song i like it youre going to spoil it. On wonderful, crazy night, sir eltons 3rd studio album the singer says he wanted to celebrate his wonderful life. You have a certain tone. I wanted a joyous tone. I want a 70s record that sounded like it was made now. His lyricist is same song writing partner for 49 years. Probably more important to me to writing songs because he has to write the words. So have warm hand for Bernie Taupin. When Young Reginald dwight answered this ad seeking songwriters. I look back on my little i cant believe i had the balls to do it but i did. The record label paired him with taupin they clicked, immediately. Decision. My life would have been completely different. Bunking together. We lived at my parents apartment in north london, he became the brother i never had. I love bernie, not in a carnal way but most emotional, beautiful way. Apart from a short separation in the late 70s, they worked together ever since. Becoming one of the most history. Do you ask him to explain it . No. Never. You dont know what levon is about . No. But i have my own idea. Every time i sing it i have this vision going on in my mind. Thats the magic of those lyrics. Every time you sing it you think about something different. I never get caught up in that. Its the most beautiful love song. Im thinking about david, my boys. So hard for song writing teams l to stay together. The thing with him and i we dropped our egos. How did you do thaty did you do that . Because it was necessary. Weve never, on my childrens life ever had an argument. Ever. Why . Hes had harsh words with me myself. Hes told me the truth but its never been an argument. Elton went through an especially dark period in the 80s when he battled drugs and depression. When you were dealing with your going . I did. Thats what kept me alive. If i i stayed at home and not appeared for six months i wouldnt be here because i would kill myself. Music has been my friend since i was two or three years old. When my parents were getting listening to the root. The fact is music kept me alive. It saved my life. Feels like you traded it for an addiction to performing. Addiction to the performing was bigger than drugs, thank god. Piano is black or red. The 23rd annual oscar party hell throw tonight with his husband, david furnish. A benefit for his aids foundation. How intensive is the planning . Its amazing. Its got to be 9 0 people now. We started off with 10 people in a restaurant. In beverly hills. We raised four or five million dollars. Its hard work, because you have to go schmooze everybody. You dont get to watch the oscars sometimes the first half hour great then you are like you describe yourself once as the best known homosexual in the world. I think probably acceptable face of homosexuality which i realize in my later years can open a few doors. Responsibility comes with that as far as youre concerned . Responsibility comes with it. Responsibility to engage president who has spoken out against homosexuality . I had a call from president putin im going to meet him some time this year, im not straight away. Have you thought about what youre going to say . No. Im not going to say you have to do this, you have to do that. It. I have no expectations. If i can change things, it may take 50. May take five minutes, who knows. Unless you try. The singer is citizen of the world now with houses in england, france, atlanta and here in beverly hills. How much time do you spend out here . Quite a bit. When hes playing vegas its an oasis for his son, zachary now five and elijah is three. The boys love it here. They have a yard to play in. They love the weather. Can you keep up with them . Oh, yeah. I just love them. Said id be sitting in this house with two children, im married to my husband, you would have said you put razz it in my drink. The best decision in my whole life. Are you surprised how youve been as a father . Im totally i thought i would find it irritating. Im a neat freak. I like things to be i like objects, i like to be in certain position. The boys are brilliant. Fatherhood has changed the way elton john sees his future. They put everything in perspective. Its led to me looking what im going to do the rest of my life. Im cutting down on shows. Everything is arranged around their School Holidays now. I will still be working but i will be cutting down and in the end i will stop. I want to see them grow up. After four decades on tour, up ahead, sir elton can see the end of the road. Maximum strength medicines available without a prescription. To fight your worst cold and flu symptoms. So you can feel better fast and get back to the job at hand. New theraflu expressmax. The power to feel better. Tm hey dad. Hey sweetie, how was your first week . Long. Itll get better. Im at the edward jones office, like sue suggested. So i thought it might be time to talk about a financial strategy. laughing you mean pay him back . Knowing your future is about more than just you. So lets Start Talking about your longterm goals. Multiplied by 13,000 financial advisors. Its a big deal. And its how edward jones makes sense of investing. We brought you here today to get your honest opinion about this new car. To keep things unbiased, we removed all the logos. Feels like a bmw. Reminds me a little bit of like an audi. So, this car supports apple carplay. Siri, open maps. She gets me. Wow. It also has teen driver technology. It even mutes the radio until the seat belts are buckled. Im very curious what it is. This is the 2016 chevy malibu. And it sells for . It starts at twentytwo five. What . Oh wow. I mean with all this technology. Thats a game changer. Diversity among tonights ross cover nominees has controversy. Thats attracted the attention of author and pbs host travis smiley. Academy award nomination, myriad of protest and hash tags like oscar so white and calls for boycott of tonights telecast. Now, let me confess right up front here that i do intend to watch tonight for two reasons. Chris rock. Are you kidding me . This is a comedians dream, the jokes are practically writing themselves. But this years blackout is no laughing matter. How do we explain that black folk are winning in music but not film. Theres been Disruptive Technology in music that allows artists to record, promote and distribute their music. Not so much in film. But i do think that a change is going to come. Im ambivalent about this notion that black folk have been vic testimony maized by the academy. Sure, i see whole lot of black writing and directing, producing by hollywood. But black thespian arent the only victims. Hollywood loses out because lot more tall then could be delivering box office as well given a chance. Whats even harder is that industry as progressive as hollywood doesnt get that excellence in film comes in variety pack. Lets be honest, the Lgbt Community has grained more ground in hollywood over the past decade than black folk have covered in 50 years. Tonight in fact well see actors who have been nominated for kudos, why so slow to recognize and revel in the humanity and talent of black actors and actresses, that said, im not following this term snub, if you snub when you lose what are you when you win. You dont want mediocre to become the new excellent just for the sake of having black oscar nominees. That art is subjective. You must also accept that there is right and wrong, not just better or worse. Know it to be better not just on oscar night but every day. Pauley next bette davis, theyre like actress whisperer. Pauley Robert Osborne on his life in the movies. Etirement. Then we asked some older people when they actually did start saving. This gap between when we should start saving and when we actually do is one of the reasons why too many of us arent prepared for retirement. Just start as early as you can. Its going to pay off in the future. If we all start saving a little more today, well all be better prepared tomorrow. 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Hes been close personal friends to some of its biggest stars. Lana turner. You see how happy we would be together here. Lauren bacall. You know how to whistle. Just put your lips together and blow. Bette davis. Did you ever smoke a cigarette with bette davis . Oh, yes, many. You would buy your ticket for your dime or quarter or whatever we met him at the kings theater in brooklyn, splendid today as it was during the depression when movies offered escape and solace. Movie palace is the word for it. What better place to talk about the passion that has consumed osborne all of his life. You went to Movie Theater like this beautiful theater were sitting in right now, sitting in the dark. And those wonderful people out there in the dark. Osborne was raised in small town colfax, washington, he caught the movie bug early by college was obsessed. I spent every saturday in College Going through every copy of the New York Times over about 20year period. Made a list of every movie that played and how long it ran. They should have locked month me up long ago. He nicknamed his record book, blacky. This is your movie bible. Yes, it is. May 29, 42. Yankee doodle dandy mid for 20 weeks. Osborne knew he wanted to work in movies but he wasnt sure where he fit in. He moved to los angeles and tried acting. Now thats what i call coffee. One thing that i never liked or wanted to do is play somebody briefcase. Sorry to interrupt. The pilot of beverly hillbillies. In a suit. What happened. The struggling actor was put under contract by none other than lucille ball. She really was looking for i couldnt do either. She just liked me. The first young person that i laid eyes on and, boig, i said, wow, that young man. Lucy was impressed by osbornes deep well of knowledge about hollywoods golden era. She set him on a new course. Lucy ultimately encouraged me to be a writer not an actor. She said we have enough actors. So osborne began chronicling hollywood and oscar history. I wrote a book about the academy awards. It became kind of the focal point of any kind of discussion i had. At the same time he became an entertainment reporter. The hollywood reporter. Good morning. He wasnt entirely comfortable in this role. When hollywood insiders learned aids, osborne he refused to report it. You need to tell that story. I said, no, i dont. Hes not the president. Hes not government official. Not National Security issue. Hes an actor. He has a right to choreograph his own life. Osborne was interested less in exposing than celebrating his movie heroes. Some of whom had become close friends. Barbara stan wick, bette davis, the actress whisperer. I love those people. They were so interesting to be around. These were people that once ruled the world. Now they had no power any more. Nobody cared. But his friendship with bette davis got off to a bumpy start on one of their first meeting osborne had just seen 1977s biggest blockbuster. Star wars movie. I said, its really good. I think youd enjoy it. She turned to me with full volume said, i told you, i hate that kind of a movie. I said, i cant believe youd Say Something so stupid. She zipped around looked at me, i thought, shes going to kill me. Then i looked at her and i knew i had her. Thats what she was waiting for a challenge. We were friends from then on. By the time tcm launched 1984 there was no other contender for the host. Robert osborne had spent his life rehearsing for this role. I was preparing for my ideal job that didnt exist. His favorite interview, by the year 2000 had not appeared on camera in almost 20 years. How are you today . Im scared. She opened up to osborne. She was terrified she was going to disappoint people. They wouldnt remember her. The thing im proudest of. Because we had this vulnerable woman who had been such a big star tearing her heart out. My private life has been hell. Really hell. But my professional life was so wonderful. The audiences understood, i was working from my heart. For Robert Osborne, movies are life. Only better. I think we have to have we need a little carmen miranda. We need some of the dancing. You need gene kelly hanging off that lamp post. We need to be taken into a fantasy world not be afraid to go there. Occasionally. I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship. These feet were the first in my family to graduate from college, raised active twin girls, and trained as a nurse. But i couldnt bear my diabetic nerve pain any longer. So i talked to my doctor and he prescribed lyrica. Nerve damage from diabetes causes diabetic nerve pain. Lyrica is fda approved to treat this pain. Lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. 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Welcome, the outrage over the all white slate of major nominees will be the subtext probably regular text, too. I sympathize with the academys top brass, they have an African American president. They gave honorary award to they picked chris rock to host. It was their mostly white, male, over 50yearold voters who let them down. Thats right, a lot of them look like me. I have voted to nominate creed and director instead of just the white guy in that movie sylvester stallone. I would have voted for idris elba. In beasts of no nation among others. So, who is in contention . Leo dicaprio nominated many times, no wins, always comes back harder. In the revenent he hauls his broken body over miles of frozen tundra, give him his oscar already. I hear the revenent will win, i found director alejandro, show off macho technique and bogus native american spirituality down right icky. The big short, all rub. For no other reason than bree larson. We have a hammock. Swing in the hammock. Who by the way a lock for best actress. I need to talk to my husband. I need to hold my husband. The supporting actress front runner with a transgender, the danish girl. Im rooting for Jennifer Jason leigh and her smile through broken teeth. Finally, i hear stallone will win for the aged rocky balance bow i cant in creed he was nominated for the original, but the movie won he lost best actor to peter finch for network. Too. Past omissions, thats what the academy does well given omissions this year they better get busy. You cant predict. The market. But at t. Rowe price, we can help guide your investments through good times and bad. For over 75 years, our clients have relied on us to bring our best thinking to their investments so in a variety of market conditions. You can feel confident. In our experience. Call a t. Rowe price retirement specialist or your advisor. To see how we can help make the most of your retirement savings. T. Rowe price. Invest with confidence. Only flonase is approved to relieve both your itchy, watery eyes and congestion. No other nasal allergy spray can say that. Complete allergy relief or incomplete. Let your eyes decide. Flonase changes everything. Pauley now to John Dickerson for face the nation. Good morning, john. Dickerson good morning, jane. Start with the top three republicans, donald trump, trusses and marco rubio then on democratic side talk to Bernie Sanders. Pauley good luck to you. News of our own now were pleased to report Charles Osgood had his knee surgery on wednesday here in new york. Hes now out of the hospital and resting at home. Charlie, speedy recovery to you. Morning. We get the news from holly hunter. Were going to george. One totally focused on whats next for your business. The True Partnership where people,technology and ideas push everyone forward. Accelerating innovation. Accelerating transformation. Accelerating next. Hewlett packard enterprise. Pauley we leave you this hollywood in death valley. Life ened up by what is known as super bloom of flowers. Pauley im jane paul ly, please join us here again next sunday morning. H irregular heartbeat that may put you at five times greater risk of stroke they can pool together in the heart, forming a clot that can break free, and travel upstream to the brain but if you have afib thats not caused by a heart valve problem, pradaxa can help stop clots from forming. And, in the rare event of an emergency, pradaxa is not for people who have had a heart valve replacement. Dont stop taking pradaxa without talking to your doctor. Stopping increases your risk of stroke or blood clots. Ask your doctor if you need to stop pradaxa before any planned medical or dental procedure. Pradaxa can cause serious, and sometimes, fatal bleeding. Dont take pradaxa if you have abnormal bleeding. And seek immediate medical care for unexpected signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. Pradaxa may increase your bleeding risk if youre 75 or older, have kidney problems, stomach ulcers, a bleeding condition, or take certain medicines. Side effects with pradaxa can include indigestion, stomach pain, upset or burning. The only blood thinner that lowers your risk of stroke better than warfarin and has a specific reversal treatment. Talk to your doctor about pradaxa today. Captioning made possible by johnson johnson, where quality products for the American Family have been a tradition for generations captioned by Media Access Group at Wgbh Dickerson today on face the nation can anything or anyone stop donald trump or Hillary Clinton from going all the way to their partys nomination. And super tuesday, well talk to the three Top Republican contenders, donald trump who super tuesday states and texas senator ted cruz. There. There is no doubt if donald steam rolls through super tuesday, he may well be unstoppable. I dont think that will happen. Dickerson hes not the only one vowing to stop donald trump well talk to senator marco rubio. I will do whatever it takes. Dickerson Hillary Clinton thunders through South Carolina with a big win. Well talk to her rival Bernie Sanders about his future plus brand new cbs Battleground Tracker numbers. Its all ahead on face the nation. Captioning sponsored by cbs good morning welcome to face the nation im John Dickerson. Super tuesday where there are primaries or caucuses in 12 states. According to our cbs news Battleground Tracker things are looking good for the front runsers. In virginia donald trump is at the top of the republican field with 40

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