Transcripts For WCVB Newscenter 5 Eyeopener 20161008

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mike: a beautiful october morning. we had a gorgeous day yesterday. today, the sunshine is going to be fading away. we're also keeping an eye on matthew. look at that eye now. about 20 miles off of hilton head island. you can see spiral bands. it's a powerful category 2 storm. wind gusts at hilton head, 81 miles an hour. you'll also notice this has a lot of rain trying to work its way in. some of that moisture may try to get into our forecast tomorrow. the main storm will stay to the south. it will become a later tonight and loop its way out into the ocean, and this may actually make a run at florida as a tropical storm or a low-pressure system as we talk about later next week. around here today, this is what we're dealing with. sunshine this morning. fading away to cloud cover this afternoon. about 68 degrees for a high temperature in boston. however, i have some rain coming in the forecast late tonight and talking about especially tomorrow morning, mainly the southeastern part of the state. i'll have much more in a few >> anyone who knows me knows these words don't reflect who i am. doug: breaking overnight -- donald trump issuing a video apology for a lewd conversation that was recorded on a bus. shayna: that chat was about women, and it was caught on a hot mic more than a decade ago. abc's brian clark has donald trump's new word to voters. reporter: a hot mic and blast from the past. i tried to [bleep]. she was married. reporter: a conversation between donald trump and "access hollywood's" billy bush, the billionaire talking about trying to sleep with a married woman. the chat took place months after marrying his wife, melania. he said his celebrity status helped with women. >> i'm going to use some mints i start kissing them. when you're a star, they let you do it. you can do anything. grab them by the [bleep]. do anything. reporter: then trump emerges from the bus. >> hello. how are you? nice seeing you. reporter: trump insists this was locker room banter, a private conversation that took place many years ago. bill clinton has said far worse to me. i apologize if anyone was responded. trump responds. >> i've never said i'm a perfect person nor pretended to be someone i'm not. i've said and done things i regret. the words today are one of them. anyone who knows me knows these words don't reflect who i am. i said it. i was wrong. and i apologize. reporter: brian clark, abc news, new york. shayna: trump says he's preparing for tomorrow's debate and our own emily riemer will be in st. louis. tomorrow night. doug: right now, boston police are investigating a stabbing near emerson college. this happened at around 11:00 last night near tremont and boylston streets. a witness says he saw a stranger try to help the victim who had been slashed in the throat. >> he was bleeding. there was blood dripping. and the man was fully conscious, and there was a homeless man on the side there in dunkin' doughnuts. and he took off put it around his neck. doug: boston e.m.s. tells us the victim has nonlife-threatening injuries. there's no word on any arrests in that attack. but "the globe" is reporting neither the victim nor the suspect had any ties to emerson college. meanwhile, this man is behind bars as police in new hampshire investigate the death of a toddler. leo witham is facing child endangerment charges. the 19-month-old died wednesday investigation. witham charged with falsifying evidence. shayna: georgia and south carolina are bracing for hurricane matthew as it spins away from florida. the storm has weakened a bit, but heavy rain and winds still moved into savannah, georgia, last night. those conditions and heavy flooding are expected to keep up through this morning. many homes in the area have been evacuated. and waves were rolling in folly beach, south carolina. the waters there with winds still over 100 miles per hour. forecasters say a storm surge of up to nine feet is possible in places. north carolina is also bracing for impact this morning. people in wrightsville beach spent part of yesterday putting down sandbags ahead of the storm. up to 15 inches of rain could be headed for the area, and that has north carolina's governor concerned. >> this has the potential for in 1999. shayna: we will be watching the storm's path all morning long. doug: meanwhile, matthew is still moving out of florida, but it looks like the storm may already be to blame for more deaths. firefighters in st. lucie county say an elderly couple appears to have died from carbon monoxide poisoning while using a generator. property damage could be extensive. you see flooded piers in f pierce. check out brevard county. you can see the winds did damage to the roofs of buildings there. a real mess! air travel starting to get back to normal this morning with flights resuming in south florida's airports. but at least 5,000 flights were canceled between wednesday and today, including some over at logan. travelers we talked to were dealing with the inconvenience. but more importantly thinking of those in the hurricane's path. haiti has taken the worst impact from matthew with the death toll we're going to take a look at how local relief agencies are trying to help. of course, you can track the storm in realtime no matter where you are. just download our wcvb mobile news app for your phone or tablet. shayna: new information this morning on a deadly crash in middleboro. state police have identified the victim as robert keith iii of west bridgewater. the 58-year-old was killed late thursday night when he veered off 495 south. the car crashed into trees and police are still trying to figure out why the car went off the road. doug: health officials confirming three more human cases of the west nile virus in massachusetts. the department of public health says all three patients live in middlesex county and are over the age of 70. two are both women were hospitalized but have been discharged. the third, a man, never required hospitalization. 5 investigates learning two new place at the state department of conservation and recreation. the move comes after governor baker tried to control damage after highly publicized problems. matthew sisk resigned when this video surfaced showing him using lights and sirens to cut through traffic. that was in a state vehicle. in august, sisk and his boss, leo roy, were suspended when 5 investigates started asking questions about a vip party on july 3 where guests were driven to the hat shelf in three other high-ranking members of d.c.r. or environmental affairs resigned or were fired this week. shayna: drivers can find out exactly how much it will cost to use the mass pike when a new tolling system goes into effect. mass d.o.t. approved new rates after feedback from the public. drivers with a massachusetts e-z pass transponder will get a discount. other drivers will be mailed they're expected to cause a $7 million decrease in revenue, but other changes are expected to absorb that loss. the obama administration turning up the heat on russia. doug: the action the white house is openly accusing the russian government of doing. also this morning -- another possible setback for samsung. mike: i'm tracking our next chance for rain, the timeline, any of our outdoor plans. shayna: the sox get shut out in cleveland. the early trouble for joe plaia: every three days, someone in new hampshire is killed with a gun. mothers, sons, friends. when she has the chance to strengthen background checks, she voted no, backing the washington gun lobby instead. then - on a bill to keep suspected terrorists from getting guns, ayotte flip flopped. kelly ayotte's become another typical washington politician and that puts us all at risk. narrator: independence usa pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. kelly ayotte: let's be honest - clinton are far from perfect... and i'm not perfect either. i've worked to find solutions to new hampshire's heroin epidemic. and i've crossed the aisle to protect new hampshire's clean air and clean water. i've been called a problem solver by independent groups, and ranked as one of the most bipartisan senators. i'm kelly ayotte - and i approve this message, because whether i'm working with republicans, democrats, or independents, i'm standing up for new hampshire. (coughs) thsound so good.'t well i think you sound great. move over. text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. one pill lasts 12 hours, so... looks like i'm good all night! ah! david, please, listen. still not coughing. not fair you guys! waffles are my favorite! ah! some cough medicines only last 4 hours. but just one mucinex lasts 12 hours. start the relief. ditch the misery. let's end this. we dance on the salsa team together, and it's like a lot of power in what we wear. when we're practicing if i don't feel good in what i'm wearing i don't look good. t variety. i can get a lot for my money. it's like "yay t.j.maxx!" if you're feeling it, just go for it, don't wait. could force samsung to issue another recall. this one would be on the phones that were supposed to replace dangerous galaxy note 7's. federal regulators want to know why a replacement phone caught fire on a flight. samsung has replaced two million phones because the lithium batteries can catch fire. the maker of the epipen is paying for allegedly overcharging medicaid. settlement with the government over questions about classification of the allergy treatment. the justice department had claimed mylan improperly called the epipen a generic drug, leading the government to spend more than a billion dollars on it. mylan says the settlement does not imply any wrongdoing. doug: logan airport is working with federal aviation officials to try to reduce noise from planes flying over neighborhoods. we may tap into a little bit of that tomorrow. that's good news. we need the rain, but it means hope for. today's not bad, but tomorrow we have rains in the forecast. here's where it's at right now. it is a category two hurricane with maximum sustained winds of 105 miles per hour. you see it twirling just off of hilton head. a big swirl right here. that's the eye. look at all this moisture coming in. i tell you, there are plumes of moisture up and down the east coast tropical in natures because this system was working its way up the coast. here's what we have right now. hilton head, wind gusts at 81 miles per hour. very, very gusty winds. wilmington. this is the area that will have hurricane force winds. watch what happens through the day. it works its way right up along the coast. we may hear about more damage in the carolinas than we did in florida from this because the winds are really more inland than anything else. this is where the map is at 4:00 this afternoon. the whole thing veers offshore. and no one will have any big impact from it. we're going to have a couple of things. this is turning at the ocean. if you go to the ocean, you'll there's a second system to the west, both of these churning up the ocean. a lot of wave action in new england. tropical storm nicole is out here. that's matthew right there. it's a very weakened system. it popped up yesterday and is falling apart. it looks like it's going to track north as a tropical system. bermuda may get rain. there's a cold front to the west. there's a lot of tropical moisture trying to work its way in. this cold fron little bit. today you start with sunshine. there will be fading clouds or fading sunshine as the clouds work in as we head to the afternoon, and we've got a bit of patchy fog this morning. visibility in a few spots as we've seen the last couple of mornings way down, 1/4 mile visibility at plymouth airport. pockets of patchy fog this morning. be cautious about that. it's 54 degrees right now. the dew point is at 51 degrees. those two numbers very close together. always an indication that you get some fog forming. we have a few temperatures into the 40's this morning. so today, morning sunshine, some afternoon clouds. 66. i like today. it's really nice. tonight, we start to put rain in. that's also something to think nicely about, because we need the rain out there. 54 to 60 degrees. so what's going to be happening? today we've got high temperatures very close to 70's inland. we have a chance of showers. tomorrow, as far as worcester is concerned, less of a chance. however, as you head towards the cape and the islands, this is where we have a better tomorrow. let me break it down for the next seven hours. showers tonight. fading sunshine throughout the day. tomorrow, chance of rain. best opportunity is the southeastern part of the state. a few scattered showers. see that plume of moisture? if you're west of there, probably not going to see too much out of the whole thing. that rain will be out there most of the day, it looks like, and then behind it, the skies clear little on the chilly side. that is beautiful fall weather. highs in the 60's, sunshine. crisp fall mornings, and no humidity to speak of. the best opportunity for rain is on your sunday and perhaps a few scattered showers as we look at thursday of next week. shayna: other stories we are following right now on the eye -- the u.s. is accusing russia of trying to interfere with a presidential election. doug: two intelligence agencies releasing a joint statement yesterday officially russia for a recent hack. that included the democratic national convention. shayna: braintree police chief russell jenkins is on the job as of yesterday afternoon. he announced his retirement in the wake of an evidence room scandal. 5 investigates first reported in august that a review of the evidence room turned up missing three sharks off of cape cod and nantucket. ocearch made the finds. the expedition continues this weekend and will wrap up on monday. announcer: now here's josh brogadir with sportscenter 5 powered by xfinity. >> indians had all home. this had to be a win for david price. already down 1-0 in the second when he served one up to lonnie chisenhall. a lefty in the lineup batting ninth. three-run homer. cleveland after the big start the sox needed but didn't get. the ace on the other side, corey kluber didn't show any rests. focus. dustin pedroia didn't get this one. another sox bat hasn't been working. xandar bogaerts flies out to end it. cleveland wins 6-0. that's going to do it for the red sox. game three sunday, clay buchholz on the mound. shayna: i'm still keeping the faith. anything can happen. halloween is just a few weeks away. doug: how you can help a child in need celebrate. also, y york city officials are locking out symbols of love. the reason they're clipping locks off the brooklyn bridge. shayna: you are looking at live pictures of the city of boston. c'mon in, pop pop! happy birthday! i survived a heart attack. i'm doing all i can to keep from having another one. and i'm taking brilinta. for people who've been hospitalized for a heart attack. i take brilinta with a baby aspirin. no more than one hundred milligrams cking together and forming a clot. brilinta reduced the chance of another heart attack. or dying from one. it worked better than plavix. >>don't stop taking brilinta without talking to your doctor since stopping it too soon increases your risk of clots in your stent, heart attack, stroke, and even death. brilinta may cause bruising or bleeding more easily, or serious, sometimes fatal bleeding. don't take brilinta if you have bleeding, like stomach ulcers, a history of bleeding in the brain, or severe liver problems. tell your doctor about bleeding, new or unexpected shortness of breath, and all medicines you take. >>talk to your doctor about brilinta. i'm doing all i can. that includes brilinta. if you can't afford your medication, mike: a cool morning. patchy fog as well. keeping a close eye on matthew 50's right now. thick fog especially in the plymouth area. 47 degrees. so what can we expect today? well, the sun will come out. we'll have lots of sunshine this morning. then it will fade as we head to the afternoon. high temperatures in the upper 60's and lower 70's out there. a delightful day of the weekend. then we go to what's going to happen tomorrow. tomorrow i've got rain in the southeastern part of the state. what's happening is a little plume of moisture, not directly from matthew but kind of associated with it, starts to work its way up along the coast. us most of the day. lots of sunshine coming back monday, tuesday, wednesday, as we have refreshing morning lows into the 30's and highs rebounding into the 60's. doug and shayna? doug: thank you. in this morning's 5 for good, a call to action. shayna: it's an opportunity for you to help some local kids have a great halloween. interfaith social services in quincy is asking for new or gently used costumes for kids to be donated, and they need a lot. 300 kids have already asked for a costume this year. you can donate those costumes to the organization's office at 105 adams street in quincy. that address is also up on the national guard and massachusetts state police descend on an 81-year-old woman's home. doug: the bust they're looking for and to make the surprise they found in her home. the unusual way the federal government judges the severity how the waffle house factors in. shayna: and take a look outside. it is 5:24 on this saturday morning. hope you're having a good morning with us, everyone. stay with us. >> this is an editorial by wcvb channel 5 president and general manager bill fine. >> last week, "5 investigates" shed light on the systemic inequality in public education of students with special needs across the commonwealth. at the core of their report, in the way school districts negotiate private settlement agreements family by family to pay for the education of students with special needs. the vast majority of these settlements are found in the wealthier school districts. although the funds are provided by public tax dollars, these school districts fight hard to keep the information private. leading the battle for some, one parent spent three years and almost $100,000 in a legal battle with the town of weston their private settlement agreement should be part of the public record. the massachusetts supreme judicial court agreed. when the settlements were opened, it was revealed every agreement was different and some parents negotiated a much better deal for their children than others. a free appropriate public education is guaranteed by federal law and shouldn't be closed in secrecy. while the plans may be personalized, some parents have 100% of the costs covered while others pay out of pocket. some families have an although individual differences and needs explain disparities to some degree, public disclosure allows transparency to have that discussion and examination. most important, tax dollars are legislated to educate all of our students, not just those whose families have more information, fight, and financial might to pry precious dollars from their school district. the outside corporate interests bankrolling question two are trying to deceive you. here's the truth: that's 400 million just last year - according to the state's own data. which means real cuts to our kids - in arts, technology, ap classes, pre-school, bus service and more. that's why question two's opposed by the massachusetts pta and school committees all across the state. join them in voting no on question two. fios is not cable. we're wired differently. we guarantee to make switching easier. we'll show up on time. nny, jemma and jasmine need on their birthday. thank you. for all their new devices. you can't break me. you want a piece of cake? switching to fios is easier than ever. now get 100 meg internet, plus tv and phone for just $69.99 per month online. look at this steak, just sitting there, taunting you. what's worse? it's not alone. are you gonna do something about it? if not? good luck sleeping tonight. you can't fake steak. longhorn steakhouse. tonight's special: great steak pairings. a center cut sirloin with a choice of bacon-wrapped shrimp, baby back ribs, or parmesan crusted chicken. eyeopener. doug: breaking news, a late-night apology from donald trump. the video released hours after a recording was uncovered of trump making crude remarks about women. shayna: new details on a home invasion that left an elderly man dead and his wife seriously injured. right now the car police are looking for. doug: the devastation after matthew. the help for haiti local organizers are planning. announcer: you're watching wcvb, this is newscenter 5's eyeopener. doug: good morning, everybody. we're coming up on 5:30 on this saturday morning. i'm doug meehan. shayna: i'm shayna seymour with mike wankum. mike: good to be here. still tracking matthew. in many ways, florida escaped really quite well. it skirted the coast. we'll find out about more damage. we had all the devastation in haiti. let me show you where it's at right now. it's moving into the carolinas. this thing does not want to move inland. the strongest winds, you have the eye right through here. see how that circles? that's the eye. the eyewall is where you see your strongest winds. that's what's happening right now. right around hilton head island, the wind gusts now up to 85 miles an hour, and these bands as they work their way in, tremendous amounts of moisture all the way as you look almost to virginia beach. these are going all the way through the carolinas. they have the storm surge taking place. this is going to be a problem all day today. by late tonight, it is down to a the coastline. we're going to hear about flooding as well. down to a tropical storm by tomorrow afternoon. then the thing loops its way around, basically becoming a low-pressure system eventually. but it is working its way back to the bahamas, yep, to do one more sweep across the area. today we'll be dealing with fading sunshine as we head to the afternoon. we have the chance of showers in the forecast tomorrow. i'll have the timeline later on, and how it will impact your sunday. that coming up in a few moments. and i apologize. doug: breaking overnight -- donald trump releasing this video apology for a newly surfaced comment about women. trump making those remarks more than a decade ago. shayna: he's now pledging to be a, quote, better man after the conversation caught on a hot mic in 2005. in that same conversation wi with -- you can do anything. shayna: early this morning, trump said he said things he regrets and tried to move on. >> this is nothing more than a distraction from the important issues we are facing today. shayna: before the video apology came out, trump's rival, hillary clinton, tweeted this is horrific. we cannot allow this man to become president. doug: meanwhile, republicans -- or trump since that conversation became public yesterday. house speaker paul ryan was supposed to campaign with trump in wisconsin today, but those plans were scrapped. new hampshire senator kelly ayotte also releasing a statement, calling trump's comments, quote, totally inappropriate and offensive. shayna: meantime, hillary clinton's campaign is reacting to an alleged leak of some of her paid speeches to financial institutions. wikileaks put out the documents require cuts to social security. she also allegedly said it was an oversimplification to blame the 2008 financial crisis on the u.s. banking system and expressed a desire for open trade. the clinton campaign put out a statement saying we are not going to discuss the authenticity of stolen documents. emily riemer will be at the debate in st. louis. you can watch the showdown right he tomorrow night. doug: hurricane matthew moving up florida's coast aiming for georgia and the carolinas. already there right now. several major cities are now in the cross-hairs, leaving damage and the death toll rising in its wake. this morning, the storm's full impact has yet to be seen. reporter: hurricane matthew slamming parts of georgia and the carolinas. >> the best thing now is to just hunker down, stay in a safe move around. reporter: stern warnings after the storm claimed at least three lives in florida and left behind a trail of damage. the ocean pouring over dunes in jacksonville beach. the flooding extending for blocks. in downtown st. augustine, nearly two dozen people, including children, were at one time trapped by the rising water around this bed and breakfast. further south, roads washed away while wind gusts topped lines. transformers exploding and tr trees. in haiti, the death toll at 300. by one account, it topped 800 and is rising. meanwhile, hurricane matthew is weaker, yet 26,000 people in the carolinas are heeding the warnings and taking no chances, riding the storm out in shelters. right now more than one million florida. officials say it may be a week or so before it can be fully restored. shayna: as the floodwaters recede in haiti, the death toll is rising. more than 800 people have been killed. that number is expected to rise as aid workers sift through the wreckage. the impoverished nation is rebuilding from the devastating earthquake six years ago. here in massachusetts, local relief agencies are coordinating aid as members of the haitian community wait to hear from loved ones. >> the worst part, i got other people here. they look up to me and they want me to give them news about their loved ones, and i can't reach mine. shayna: relief agencies say haiti will need help for years to come. now, you can track the storm in realtime no matter where you are. just download our wcvb mobile news app for your phone or tablet. doug: right now, a small a deadly crime. an elderly man murdered, his wife clinging to life and still no arrests. the eyeopener's juli mcdonald has the latest on the investigation. reporter: a simple sign of sympathy outside this home in orange. the scene of a deadly crime on wednesday. police are still searching for the killer. >> terrible. it's just -- you know, you hear this on television, and you know it happens. but never this close. i mean,hi reporter: 95-year-old thomas hardy was killed. his wife, joanna fisher, is still hospitalized with serious injuries. no suspects have been named, but police believe the killer may have stolen the couple's car. they're looking for a 2003 toyota corolla like this one. the license plate on the gray or silver station wagon read m 99949. >> they did interview all of us around here, and i don't -- i know with the people i talked who would hurt the warm and friendly couple they've waved to for years. >> they were the nicest, the hardest working people that you would ever want to know. >> i have a lot of sympathy for them, being close to my own mother and my nieces and cousins and stuff. it definitely hits home. total nightmare. reporter: the attack happened here on wednesday evening at the couple's home. and police say if you think you may have seen that gray or silver station wagon, you are asked to reach out to orange newscenter 5. shayna: right now a woman is behind bars charged with murdering her husband in roxbury. she appeared confused when she faced a judge yesterday morning, even asking the court why she needed a lawyer. police say she stabbed her husband, collins edwards, after an argument in the home on wensley street. the defendant's behavior in court has prompted an in-depth roxbury court clinic did evaluate her, and it's her opinion that further evaluation must be done regarding the issues of competence. shayna: now, edwards is being held without bail. doug: here's an interesting idea. police in new bedford are asking for help in keeping tabs with surveillance cameras in the city. they've asked residents and businesses with cameras to consider joining a registry. police say the p voluntary and the information on the cameras will be kept secret. they say knowing where the cameras are will actually help people solve crimes faster even though they wouldn't have direct access to those cameras. shayna: two new england football coaches suspended with pay after a player claims he was assaulted. it happened thursday night as the team was returning from an away game. police pulled the bus over after a player called 9-1-1 and him. the newton superintendent says both coaches on the bus are now on paid leave. >> the police were called and investigated, and now we are doing our own investigation, and we take these incidents very seriously, and it's going to be done quickly, and we will follow up. shayna: it's not clear yet if either coach will face charges. doug: an 81-year-old amherst grandmother is speaking out after a marijuana plant was taken from her backyard. margaret holcomb, who goes by peg, says she medical purposes and believes it has helped her with glaucoma. she says she was out of town when authorities came to her property. her son says he heard a helicopter overhead, and a short time later, troopers were at the home. the massachusetts state police says it was part of a marijuana eradication operation. >> we supposedly different in a democracy, and i'm beginning to wonder about that now. >> you feel like this is a violation of your -- >> this is a violation of my constitutional rights, state police says it doesn't matter what the marijuana is used for. the law makes it illegal to grow it outside an unsecure area. shayna: the company behind plans for a wind farm in nantucket sound seems to be dropping the idea. cape wind associates have given their appeal to extend state permits. that would have given the company more time to connect the project to the electric grid. cape wind has faced more than announcing its plan more than 10 years ago. rating the severity of a storm. doug: one of the more unusual methods fema uses to judge how bad conditions really are. also, two women are accused in another clown scare. they're in trouble with the law. the action the judge is taking after learning the details of their alleged scheme. mike: a cool start to your long [ clock ticking ] time. you only have so much. that's why we wanna make sure you won't have to wait on hold. we should fit into your life. [ laughing ] not the other way around. [ clock ticking ] (coughs) thsound so good.'t take mucinex dm. it'll take care of your cough. fine! i'll text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. one pill lasts 12 hours, so... looks like i'm good all night! ah! david, please, listen. still not coughing. not fair you guys! waffles are my favorite! ah! some cough medicines only last 4 hours. but just one mucinex lasts 12 hours. start the relief. ditch the misery. let's end this. shayna: schools are putting out a warning about a kidnapping scam that mostly targets the parents of college students. in most cases, those parents get a phone call from a stranger who to be wired as a ransome. if you get a call, the f.b.i. says to confirm your child's safety via phone or social media. two michigan women are accused of terrorizing teenage girls by dressing up as clowns. jaime salinis and elandra sledge were charged yesterday. they jumped out of the car to scare girls and the judge in this case did not find it amusing. >> it's extremely, extremely alarming about what's going on throughout the united states. shayna: police say the women told them they thought it would be funny. doug: what are you having for breakfast? fema has an unusual way to predict the severity of natural disasters. it's projecting a rough recovery after hurricane matthew. why, you say? the popular southern breakfast chain is known for staying open no matter what. so anytime that one shuts down, it suggests some rough times for the economy. so far, at least 25 waffle houses have closed across florida, georgia, and south carolina. other stories -- oh, hello, michael. newsi to use. shayna: i lived in georgia. people are serious about their waffles. doug: we should do a food story. mike: watching matthew. it was a category five at one point, four, three across flower, now a category two. it's still a powerful system we're talking about. let me show you where it's at. maximum sustained winds of 105 skimming right along the coast. it looks like it will scoop its way up to the carolina coast and then move its way offshore. but at this time, getting heavy rains down here and strong winds. wind gusts at hilton head 76 miles an hour. i saw one a few minutes ago over 80 miles an hour. we're getting wind gusts along the coast that are in the 80- to 90-mile-per-hour range. it's a very powerful storm. we talked a lot about it going through florida. th more of a mess. we have that storm surge plus torrential rains. anywhere between 10 and 12 inches of rain out of this. it's going to do a right-hand turn once it gets to north carolina and continues sweeping its way down through the bahamas again, eventually maybe even coming towards the florida area or maybe move into the gulf. at that point, it's down to 35-mile-an-hour winds. we'll keep a close eye on it. way out in the atlantic, we have tropical storm nicole. there it is. away from it. maximum sustained winds about 50 miles per hour. it looks like it will work its way toward bermuda and just a windy rainstorm more than anything else. we want to watch matthew. the reason for that, we have a cold front to the west. you can see there's not much rain with it. it will be coming in with a few light showers. this has enough moisture that it may be able to tap into that as we talk about tomorrow's forecast. today we're starting with clear skies except for the patchy fog. we're still seeing some of that reduce state where the moisture is higher. visibility down to 1/4 mile. in boston, it's 54 degrees. clear skies. southerly winds about 6 miles per hour. the temperatures warmer than it's been the last few mornings. last few mornings, we had a lot of places dropping to the 30's. this morning, it's mostly upper 40's to 50 degrees. so today it's sunshine this morning, some clouds this afternoon, and then later on tonight, we get a chance of some showers. there may be some patchy fog as well. let's talk about those showers. there's that front coming in. this moisture, not the main system -- it's way down here. but this moisture is throwing along the east coast, we may be able to tap into that. your day tomorrow could be wet, especially toward the cape. to the north and west, i don't think you'll see much rain out of this one at all. the main storm stays way down to the south. we're talking about a plume of moisture and we need moisture. in boston, over 10 1/2 inches dry so far for the year. so here's how it breaks down for the next seven chance of rain tomorrow primarily the southeastern part of the state. notice where the rain is. it's right here. the timeline on this, we're going to keep that threat going all day tomorrow, and it may even linger into the evening hours. if you're living to the north and west, you're going what rain? there's none out here. eventually, that sunshine does win out, pushes its way in here. if you have a long holiday weekend, chilly start to your columbus day, then we warm up a little bit every day until we get to a chance of more showers least we have a few more raindrops in the forecast. tomorrow, a sunday, you'd like to be dry, but we really need the rain. it looks like the southeastern part of the state may get most of that. shayna and doug? doug: other stories we're following right now on the eyeopener -- the ceo of an adult classified website could face 22 years in prison on sex trafficking charges. shayna: carl yesterday. he's accused of running an online brothel. even though he was arrested in texas, he's facing charges in california. he was expected to be flown there after his court appearance. doug: a new jersey train station will soon reopen after a deadly crash. the new jersey transit says the hoboken terminal will be back to business on monday. it's been closed since last thursday when a commuter train crashed, killing one person and injuring more than a hundred others. investigators say the train was shayna: the ncaa is making a big move to oppose north carolina's so-called bathroom bill. it's moving seven championship events out of the state. the association is protesting north carolina's law that requires transgender people to use only the bathroom that correspondence to their gender at birth. last spring, the ncaa adopted a requirement that all host cities must provide an environment that is safe, healthy, and free of discrimination. doug: faith, you have to have faith. the red sox need to win three in a row or the season is over. yesterday in cleveland we go. already down 1-0 in the second inning. david price left one over the plate. lonnie chisenhall dings that one 354 feet. that was enough. two runs score. price only lasted 3 1/3. red sox only managed three hits in this one. sox get shut out in cleveland 6-0. us. we go home down 2-0. clay buchholz on the mound on sunday. with an attitude of no tomorrow. doug: turning to football now, number 12 makes his big return. our ed harding will be there. look for him on the eyeopener. live from cleveland after the game on newscenter 5 and sportscenter 5 o.t. shayna: big day. how are we doing? doug: i was trying to take a selfie. shayna: hey now. doug: a take a lot of selfies. shayna: psychologists say the excessive snapshots could be a sign of loneliness. the study judged the personalities of 300 people and how often they snapped pictures of themselves. researchers in thailand found those who take selfies often and post it to social media do it to seek approval from others. it could be a sign of relationship trouble or mental health problems. "journal of psychosocial research on cyberspace." well, some tough love in new york city. doug: the tradition city officials say must come to an end. plus helping a local boy heal after a big operation. the thank you for the special help from big papi. shayna: you're looking at live pictures of the mass pike this morning. the sun is still not peeking through, but it's coming. fall is joe plaia: every three days, tsomeone in new hampshire is killed with a gun. mothers, sons, friends. and yet kelly ayotte continues to play political games instead of making new hampshire safer. when she has the chance to strengthen background checks, she voted no, backing the washington gun lobby instead. then - on a bill to keep suspected terrorists from getting guns, ayotte flip flopped. narrator: independence usa pac is responsible for the doug: it's the columbus day weekend. a lot of you like to check out fall foliage. it's running behind schedule. we're seeing nice colors toward the north. peak color especially with elevation. moderate colors in the southern part of new hampshire and patchy colors around here. weeks before the colors move in. the other thing we're watching moving in today, cloud cover and a chance for rain tomorrow, especially the southern part of the state tomorrow. much needed rain. i know it's a sunday, but we could use the rain. after that, sunshine returns with cool temperatures in the morning, rebounding nicely into the afternoon. doug and shayna? doug: we'll be inside watching baseball and football. officials in new york city are cracking down on a popular way couples have been declaring their love. shayna: so many couples have been attaching that it's causing safety concerns. since 2013, crews have clipped 34,000 locks of the bridge. the price tag, more than $100,000 a year. recently, there were so many locks on a wire that it snapped dangerously dangling over traffic. >> it's heavy. imagine it falling onto a roadway, a motorist, a windshield. it will kill somebody. shayna: new signs are warning people of a $100 fine for more than 8,000 locks have been removed this year alone. doug: they do that over in paris. there's another location where they first started it. they had to do the same thing. it was causing major problems to the bridge. shayna: i love the idea, but -- how much will you have to drive on the pike? doug: new rates approved and when you'll have to pay up. and we're tracking hurricane matthew. the damage the storm has already done and the areas hunkering down right now. shayna: all right. morning. 47 degrees. you're taking a look at the >> monday morning on the eye, cutting your breast cancer risk in the kitchen. >> three foods you should have on the list. >> matthew moves out, a chilly announcer: now on newscenter 5 eyeopener -- >> i said shayna: breaking overnight -- donald trump releases a late-night apology. is reported statement after the release of cruise statements about women. doug: a man is recovering after a stabbing near boston common and just steps from emerson college. a witness' disturbing account of what he saw. shayna: and hurricane matthew continuing to barrel up the coast. where it is now and the destruction it's left in its path.

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