I was on the telephone. Jorge just moment after car hung um the phone, a bullet smashed through the kitchen window. It hit the chair right here, went across and hit here and then ended up on the floor. Jorge. She lived with her sons family. The 30 caliber bullet shattering a picture frame two feet from where she had been standing. I could not think. I could not believe it was happening. Jorge. Their home in the live fire of two outdoor fire ranges. I ams rifle and pistol and the stoughton fish and game club. Has the collection of bullets to prove it. Oh, we think they are hunters. You cannot hunt with these. Not in mass unless you are north of 495 and hitting bear. Jorge the stray bullet once hit the house. Police are still trying to determine where it was fired from. Both clubs existing long before over this years, stray bullets struck other homes as well. Legally, who is in the right sneer. Well, i think i have a right to live without having to worry about my mother being shot and the guest quarters upstairs. No one from either two rifle al club was available for comment. Scott says over in stoughton, where he live, the town promised a finer solution and if they dont soon enough, he is ready to take action. Jorge quiroga, Wcvb Newscenter 5. Heather a new arrest tonight in the california shooting rampage. The shooters neighbor now faces terror charges. Tonight, were learning chilling new details about the fatal friendship. Phil lipof is here with what he knew and what else they may have been planning. Phil . Phil he persuaded to convert to islam and radicalized him by showing him online videos from al qaeda and the pair had after ten days of questioning at a secret location, Enrique Marquez was brought to federal court to face terror charges. Within hours of the terror rampage, the fbi figured out two assault rifles were bought by marquez in part because he called to tell them so. Marquez placed the 911 call we are hear fog the first time told the dispatcher my neighbor he did the shooting. He was the shooter. Farook, he used mice gn the shooting. Charges revealed late t. The 24yearold and his longtime friend syed farook planned to use the weapons to attack the cafeteria of a come in the college then later, rush hour terror take ob the california freeway in late 2011 and early 2012. The plan was for farook to throw pipe bombs on the freeway then agly planned to move among stopped vehicles shooting into them while marquez shot into vehicles in a position. Security team. Security team. The president spoke at the nations Counter Terrorism center again saying there is no credible pacific threat at home. The threat of lone wolf look the couple in california remains very real. Because they are smaller, often self initiating and self motivating. They are harder to stroke. Lenny marquez agrees. S the people did not fit any ones profile before and parents of a young child and deployed ap then all of the sudden, this happened. Phil federal prosecutors say buying the riffal ofs had deadly consequence. If convicted, marquez could spend the next 35 years. Heather . Heather new tonight, weve learned a sixyearold girl was home alone as this house went up in flames. Milton firefighters tell us her mother was at the store when the threealarm fire started tonight. This girl managed to get out. Nobody was hurt. The cause of the fire is under investigation. Total loss. Also gnaw at 11 00 more trouble for chipotle. The first boston lawsuit afans the restaurant. Andrea says her 16yearold son alexander was one of 142 people who pot the virus after eating at the Cleveland Circle low and now seeking damages for the days her son was sick in a statement, chipotle says its our aim to work with customers to see if these issues are received. Ed just after 11 00. Take a live look. Heather the roads are still wet around boston as we look live at the zakim bunker hill bridge. But the rain is moving out. Harvey is here with whats coming next for the morning commute. Meteorologist well, you know, get used it to. More of it. There is going to be interruption in that. We will talk about that. Right now, you right. The rain bea hin it is starting to move out. However, lis still areas of fog around. Not that many areas are dense fog, but a few getting down there like down on block island. Half mile in man ticket. Still areas of fog around early tomorrow night and early tomorrow morning. I dont think we have widespread dense fog. A little bit more rain down the coast. That is in they aring for tomorrow. Evening to the first batch of rain moves out. Toward midday tomorrow into the afternoon, a little band of rain may skirt the coastline southeastern mass and the skype a little bit of additional wet weather and still lingering at the of the dy over the cape. Hover the thing i want to pint out to you. It is mild. 50s to the south. 40 tee the north and wont change much tonight. Tomorrows will be steady in the 40s to near 50. However, there is winter cold on the way to let you mow when it get heres and how long it last. That is part of the weekend forecast and few mince. Heather this crash in whitman has a 68yearold man in the hospital tonight. He was crossing the street on south avenue when he was hit. You can see there is significant damage to the car. The victim has serious injuries. No charges have been filed. Ed tonight ash new age minimum for big cigarettes in boston. The boston board of health voted to in crass the age of big cigarettes. Ecigarettes are also included. The age for admission to adults only Retail Tobacco stores and smoking bars will jump to 21 and those changes take effect february 15th. Heather hitting the streets in the name of peace. Dozens of residences marching there the neighborhood tonight. They are being in joked by police and come continuity leaders. Their goal to stop violence after five shootings the neighborhood in seven days. I understand why the people are alarmed. Look i say, one homicide is too many. Believe me, this neighborhood is a safe neighborhood and very viable. Rye lens is actually down in the city from year to year. Heather a second suspect in a violent Home Invasion is locked up. William mackin turned himself in to quincy police. He is one of two men accused of breaking into a home last week. A pregnant woman inside was tied up. And call 911. One suspect was caught shortly after the attack. Ed tonight, ted cruz on the defensive over the immigration policy. He stum pell ofbeled on fox news when shown a clip from 2013. I dont want Immigration Reform to fail. I want Immigration Reform to pass. Sound like you wanted the bill to pass. Of course, i wanted the bill to bass. My amendment to pass. What my amendment did. Take the citizenship off the table but it doesnt mean what it doesnt mean that i supported the other aspects of the bill which is a terrible bill. Ed the issue is to pass lellization something that senator cruz criticized for support and today, he responded. Not tell the truth about his position be the psst on legal eye glacial. Raw bu yo and cruz are both identifying to be seen as a republican alternative to the nice at 11 00. New poll shows trump with Comfortable Lead in new hampshire. Take a look. He has 26 of the vote in the poll. That is more than twice second place with 12 and on the democratic side, vermont senator Bernie Sanders clinging at 48 but million ryanton is close at 46 . Ed the democrats hit the debate stage this saturday night in new hampshire. You can watch it live right here on Wcvb Newscenter 5. Our coverage starts at 8 00 p. M. Heather a new controversial. Secretary of Defense Ash Carter admitting used the personal email for official business. Particularly someone in my position with a sense of ty about this issue should have known better. Dip doe the right thing. This is entirely on me. A carters actions a direct contradiction to white house policy. He has apologized and says he never sent classified members of congress now promising an investigation. Ed right now, this Pharmaceutical Company executive is free after putting up 5 million bail. First vilified for jacking prices on a life saving drug. New tonight, he is denying using other peoples investments as personal piggy bank. This is ren lated to that price hike coenure tros have four the current drug company. The charges involve just alleged action as Hedge Fund Manager at another drug company where he was c committee o were 2012 to 2014. Forcally, ran the company and like a ponzi scheme, where we used each subsequent dop pay off the defraud investigators are the prior company. Hes been at the center for months buying a parm suit call company and k jacking the price of a life saving drug more than 4,000 . 13 per foil 700. Called a spoiled brat by donald trump. Dubbed the most hated man in america and shock relly depending 78s. They have a foundal misunderstanding of the way farm suit companies operate. We agreed to low the he price to appoint that is more affordable. Tonight charged with lying to investigators after losing millions in bad trades. Prosecutors say kreli as a personal biggy bank to payback shareholders. On the conditions that not release it publicly. They did not seize it but they are not sure how he raised the machine no i about it. School officials in exeter confirming all are canceled they blame the highly publicized case. The super tint dep says he spent years trying to diminish dancing but many say is sexual in nature and some students reported with theness did aing. That helped drive the cancellations. Students today offering up support and criticism. You like to think some people would have respect for personal boundaries and things like that. It is just a bad thing, i think. Nothing came out of it at 6 00 exeter high school. Heather junior and senior proms will be allowed. Heather open night for the new star wars reporter and we got reviews are the first bost joins to see it. Ed a runaway truck and the officers risky move to stop it. Meet e. Meteorologist timing the arrival of the feel of winter ed an incredible moment caught on camera along a nebraska highway. Thats sheriffs deputy running across traffic and leaping into a tractortrailer to bring it to a stop. Ed the driver was unresponsive and the truck was closing in on a busy intersection. Thats when the deputy made his move. Taking another look at the critical moment. This happened along u. S. Highway 81 near norfolk, nebraska. The deputy calm in the face of danger later talked about what happened. Listen. The driver was sitting there and responded later. Was a die biettic. His blood sugar was le at the time. Dangerously low. Ed the driver was taken to the hospital and is expected to be ok. Heather this is happen along the main highway. First responders spent three hours rescuing the man after the van went off the road. That van was teetering on cliff overlooking another 30foot drop. Firefighters just trained what over at the site of that crash. Ed you know what tonight is. I he is Opening Night for star war fans. The film they have been waiting for for years is finally in theaters. Heather and watch were getting the first reviews from fans here in boston. Newscenter5s mary saladna is live on the common tonight. Mar. Mary as you mow, i am a star wars fan myself. So i sought out other serious fans to get their honest row action. We promise no spoilers. Finally, the longwaited moment is upon us and if you are a true star wars pan, admit it. You are a little nervous. I am a little worried wilt not live up to the hype, but overall, i am stoked. To be 100 honest, i is scary. You hope they do the right thing. I think we are fine. Mary. Here at lowes boston common, 19 most of them soldout. For sure, this early reviews have been positive. But star wars has always been about serving the fan base, so we asked local fans to give us their honest opinion tonight as they left. It was fantastic. It is better than expected. More. I waited so long. We have been disappointed before. This time it was not. It was everything it was everything it was supposed to be ap more. Like 8 out of 10. Put empire strike before it then this one second. There was spins. I am not going to say anything about it worked. The originals from so good. I was great. It had soul. Had reality ty. It had intelligence. Like being a 7yearold again back at the first movie. It was amazing. Cant wait see it again. And you are look now at the line for the midnight and the 12 30 showing here at the common lows. I would tell. Who are buying tickets to site gain. You into ed to go online and reserve your k tickets because the reviews are pouring in and they are awesome. Back to you. Ed vow not seen it yet, right . Reporter no. Saturday. Saturday. Ed very good. I know you love star wars. I want to hear what you think about it. Heather felt like a 7yearold again. I want to go see it to feel like a 7yearold again. Ed harv, that that that is the fountain of youth. I have no problem acting lake 7yearold. Meteorologist it is amazing to see the loons at the hour. Look at the horse we work and we still function kind of the next day. Anyway, look at the rain that has fall son par. The second significant rainfall of the week. A third of an inch well to the north and west. Half inch listening the pipe and two thirds of an inch down southeastern mass. Bridgeport picked up over to inches of ran heavy downpours. Still some light rain or drizzle. The heaviest rain moved off that is the pattern during the overnight. Area in boston. 52 degrees. Gentle breeze around to the northnortheast. The 40s north and west. To the 50s. A little storm is ready to move off the coast. We have a light northerly wind take over. There you see the northerly wind. Notice the wind out of the suth and the cape. This is where a little circulation is and it is moving steadily to the east. There is a second batch of rain. I think you can see that a lot of this is going to miss us out to sea and actually going to builds tom a little bit as it moves northeast were may graze the coastline tomorrow. We start the day with cloud and late morning. Mid die this afternoon. Some periods of ran may get as far north as boston and southeastern mass during the midafternoon hour then moves off. Wint moves off, the gates will be open for 36hour spell of chilly air. Chilly enough so that the berkshires, the worcester hills could get snow flurries on saturday. Then there is going to be wind to go along with it. Lets back it up to overnight tonight. These are temperatures to start out tomorrow. The day tomorrow. It mayinch up a degree or two. There is this winter cold in the middle of the country for plains for now. That will overspread our region beginning tomorrow night and lasting into sunday morning. I wont show you temperatures as we go out in time. You will see what i am talking about about the drop in temperature so it is only in the upper 20s and low 30s slate. Windy so we could have windchills to consider most of the day saturday. Most of the area will be spent with temps in the 30 he a. If look at whatp heaps. Pack we go on the warm side of the jetsam. We see how this works now. The record high temperatures for Christmas Eve and christmas day. Inwise, he 57 and 6. 61 and 65 is not out of the question. That either Christmas Eve or christmas day, those records could be challenged. We are 10 degrees above normal this month and lubes like it could wind up going down as the warmest december ever before it is done. Theres the damp weather on the coast for a if you hours saturday. Check it out. As you watch the wind gusts and the windchills open there teens and 20 he a. We havent had to feel that cold very of tep. We start a little bit of a recovery and up to about 40 to 42 for the game. The wind about 10 to 15 miles per hour. Mild for most of next week. There will be a couple of episodes of rain timing is a little tricky but between tuesday and Christmas Eve, one or two bouts of significant rain but look at how mild those temperatures will be. Especially as we get toward Christmas Eve. Well coupe on top of that. To be sure. Heather . Ed we trust you shall, harv. Ed adele fans shut out heather but some lucky people are about to cash in. The scramble to get concert tickets. And how much they are now going for online. Heather and coming up on jimmy kimmel live, giada de praised as one of americas best mayors who governed as a pragmatist. Bernie sanders passed more amendments in a Republican Congress than any other member. Cracked the gridlock with john mccain to strengthen veterans healthcare. Bernie sanders. A consistent, principled, and effective leader. Building a future to believe in. Sanders im Bernie Sanders heather tickets for adeles u. S. Tour went on sale at 10 00 this morning. And soldout within an hour. Tonight, resale prices for the 56date tour are skyrocketing. Sites like craigslist have tickets priced at more than 7,000. One site listed four tickets on sale for over 48,000 and still climbing. Adele will play two shows at the td garden in september. The force which is this family today. It is jedi gracie. Ryker jedi joined them today. All bigtime star wars fans they are still getting used to the powerful name. Yesterday die. Oh. I keep forgetting that name. Oh, yes. Oh, yeah. That is good. It is god. He looks great. Born in a movie fashion coming out lake true jedi warrior. Looking great. All three of my children. There you go. Heather now you gat little jeed dy. Ed there is a little yesterday die. Speaking of hospitals, jason day, his wife, that is lebron james wiping her out. Wow. Hi, everyone. Lebron while chasing a lose ball, he reason over the life of pga champion jason day. It happened in the fourth quarter. The bron tried to hold. He did turn the back to her but tumbled. He went down. She he is under that pile. Lebron james just hustling for basketball going like he always does and some of the parrels of sitting in a courtside seat. Anyway, gets crashed by lebron james. They put her on a stretcher and tab liesed the neck and stabilized her head. She was taken to another part of the arein na and we are toll by craig who is a reporter on the scene she was smiling. And think of this. She delivered a child, the second bab bay week ago. She delivered a baby last friday. Speaking of hospitals, jason day, his wife, that is lebron james wiping her out. Wow. The story advances from there. Hope shes ok. All right. The force of tom brady was today, the force was ral dated. The force of tom brady was awakened much earlier this year. Today, the force was validated. And the top five vote gertz happen to be quarterbacks. The number six to receive a vote was nonother than gronkowski that shows you how he is thought of around the league. Whatever coach said. I mean, we practice throughout the whole year, so it is nothing different. No difference at beginning of the year or end of the area. More use anyway through the end of the area. So it is good to be headed. The min and body used to it p. So when game time comes, you are ready to roll. And it is putting everything you got into the opponent be a this week. You got concentrate on them and take them and we got focus and put all the work into think it week. Made the rounds to a number of supermarkets today pushing his wears. He announced 2016 between final season. Good have him around the holiday season. A lot of people we love to see then and that is not the case. You know . It doesnt work that way. I think wonderful career and working the fans and something nu and enjoy it. Boston is like home to me. I mistake him home. It ails god be back. What is the reaction. It is better. I am not so good with the cold weather. No hes not. All right. There you. We hope the best. Taking off and not taken to the hospital and or ridgely reported and taken to another area of the arein na to be mobber toed in. This is a larn man. Enormous. Yeah. Going at that speed. Yeah. Yeah. We are wishing her the bess. We are pushing the dam weather out. Meteorologist most of it it us out. It will actual i feel like winter on saturday. Ji for within day. Meteorologist but they look at whatp meaps as we get close to christmas. Doesnt feel like winter next week as all. Heather i am not missing winter. Meteorologist you are not . J a little white snow around christmastime. Heather you can buy snow ap

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