Transcripts For WCVB Matter Of Fact With Fernando Espuelas 20160228

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For the republican opposition. In an effort to keep a campaign promise, he announced a plan to close the Guantanamo Bay detention facility. President obama this is about closing a chapter in our history. Fernando then, he agreed to a temporary truce with his russian counterpart, vladimir putin, to halt all hostilities in syria. It could save lives. Fernando the Republican Leadership in congress and gop president ial candidates were quick to reject the president s initiatives. Senior senator lindsey graham, who until recently was a president ial candidate himself, is a member of the Armed Services and Judiciary Committees. He joins me from capitol hill. Senator graham, thank you for joining me. Sen. Graham thank you. Fernando sir, the president has announced a new plan to close guantanamo. What s your reaction . Sen. Graham it s not a plan, it doesn t designate where they would go, what legal status they or the house. Fernando and sir, do you have an alternative plan . What s the vision of your party for guantanamo . Sen. Graham keep it open and use it. We are at war. We haven t had a place to put highvalue detainees in seven years. The appetite to close it has passed. Six years ago, i presented a proposal to the president to close the facility, move the prisoners back into a facility in illinois run by dod, understanding that they would be lawaboard detainees. He never reacted to my proposal, so here we are now where the world is falling apart, 30 percent recidivism rate. There s no appetite by the congress, republican or democrat, to shut down gitmo. There s a growing appetite to use it. That s my position. Fernando and moving to the sort of the bigger problem in the middle east, isis and syria there is a plan now for a cease the hostilities. Do you think this a good approach . A first good step . Sen. Graham well, i hope we can have a cease fire, but we basically lost syria to the russians and the iranians. Secretary kerry was at a hearing this week with me, asking if it was true that the russian president has ordered the bombing of the people we ve trained in syria to replace assad. And he said, that yes, the russians and the iranians are all in for assad. We ve abandoned the free syrian army. There is no way to get a peace negotiation now that doesn t allow russia, iran and assad to dominate the negotiations. And it is really sad. But i don t think the cease fire will hold because isil and alnusra, the terrorist groups that we are all threatened by, are still alive and well. Fernando is it too late, you think, for an american nofly zone . Sen. Graham john kerry took that off the table. Not to create one five years ago. We ve screwed up syria every way you can screw it up. 4. 6 million refugees have syria left syria to other countries. Lebanon and jordan are tremendously comprised. Obama has allowed russia and iran to walk all over in syria. Fernando so, looking forward obviously in an election year, it seems mr. Trump right now leads the fight for nomination of your party. How do you stop him . Sen. Graham i don t think you will stop trump unless something changes. The only way you can console is to consolidate the field where rubio, kasich and rubio cruz worked together. If they don t do that, then he will be the nominee. And his Foreign Policy is worse than obama s, believe it not. He he doesn t have a Foreign Policy. Within 30 days, he said it s not our fight, let isil fight it out with assad. And when that wasn t working because of paris, he said let the russians deal with isil. Well, the russians are not going homeland. And now he has a Bombing Campaign with an expletive i can t use on tv, so donald trump has no idea of this war and how to win it. The last thing you want to do is alienate every muslim in the world, because we are going to need them as allies. So i ve never been so depressed that i am right now, because there are so many threats. And so many threats. And our choices are going to come down to Hillary Clinton who will be more of the same of obama and donald trump who doesn t have a clue. Other than that, things are great. [laughter] fernando and, senator, today the Washington Post published a poll that said 8 out of 10 hispanics have a negative views of donald trump. You ve been at the forefront of trying to bring them into the Republican Party. Do you think this deals a very heavy blow on the future of the Republican Party should he be the nominee . Sen. Graham a death blow. Who are the 20 percent of hispanics that like donald trump . They re obviously not listening to what he is saying. It s the Fastest Growing re wonderful people hardworking, prolife, mostly catholic, very entrepreneurial, join the military higher than any percentages, higher than any other Minority Group in america. They should be republicans, but when they listen to mr. Trump, how can they come to our cause . He said most Illegal Immigrants are rapists and drug dealers. They re not. He says he s going to deport 11 million immigrants, including their u. S. Born children, which he can t. But if i were hispanic, i would find that offensive. Fernando, here s my view, that i m not going to vote for a party that would deport my grandmother, who is a good, decent hardworking woman, no , matter what your tax policy might be. Fernando senator graham, thank you so much for joining me today. Sen. Graham thank you. Fernando senator graham and fellow republicans on the Judiciary Committee have also agreed not hold hearings on a court. Coming up, the congressional standoff with the white house. The senate will withhold it. Is the republican establishment losing its base . This could end up benefiting donald trump. We ve gotten poorer. A democratic city in a republican state. The black and white realities of the partisan divide. Then, nearly a million twitter i feel like i ve lived my hi, im Henry Winkler and im here to tell homeowners that are sixtytwo and older about a great way to live a better retirement. Its called a reverse mortgage. Call right now to receive your free dvd and booklet with no obligation. It answers questions like. How a reverse mortgage works, how much you qualify for, the ways to receive your money. And more. Plus, when you call now, youll get this magnifier with led light absolutely free when you call the experts youll learn the benefits of a governmentinsured reverse mortgage. It will eliminate your monthly mortgage payments and give you taxfree cash from the equity in your home and heres the best part. You still own your home. Take control of your retirement today fernando super tuesday. It s one of the single most important days for a president ial candidate in an election year. A dozen states and one territory will caucus or cast primary votes. More delegates will be up for grabs at one time than on any other primary date. On march 1st, Democratic Candidates Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders will battle it the nominee will need 2,383 to win the nomination. On the republican side, ben carson, ted cruz, john kasich, marco rubio and donald trump are fighting for 595 delegates. The nominee will need 1,237 clinch the top spot. Is it possible that clinton and trump emerge as their Party Nominees by next weekend . Amber phillips is a political reporter at the Washington Post. Thank you for joining me today. Amber happy to be here. Fernando thank you. So, can anyone stop trump . Amber i don t know. Right now it doesn t look like it. Donald trump has just dominated nevada, south carolina, new hampshire, and you know in the recent contest in nevada, he won nearly every single demographic that came out, possibly even although polls are shaky on this latinos. So going into super tuesday, he has the upper hand. I think the best chance that him on super tuesday is possibly ted cruz, if he can win texas, his own home state. And that fact that we are even talking about that may not even be a possibility for ted cruz says something about donald trump s dominance. Fernando and what about marco rubio . He s positioned himself as everyone that doesn t make him any body s it s not shown in the voting. What s his strategy . How does he potentially compete . Amber well, his strategy, iowa where he wasn t expected to do well among social conservatives, climb the ranks to do second in new hampshire, that hasn t happened for marco rubio. He has not won a single state thus far and so i think his strategy is totally thrown out the window. Quite frankly, the best chance he has right now is for everyone to drop out, especially some of the more establishment candidates still in the race like Ohio Governor john kasich. Fernando but what about trump s basically the idea that all of these candidates dropping out would suddenly throw their support to one candidate and not him, that he will in fact attract these voters. Does that make sense . Is there enough support for trump among those voters . Amber trump has a very strong case to make that that s what s going to happen. When people drop out, perhaps voters will go to him. And i say this because, ted cruz originally was, even when donald trump was still topping the polls nationally, seen as kind of the evangelical, social conservative candidate. Well, we ve seen donald trump pick up those voters. Marco rubio is arguably the more establishment candidate. In nevada, we saw donald trump win among moderate republicans. I think donald trump has a very strong case to make that more and more people will choose him as other people drop out of the race. Fernando what do you think will be the impact of the Supreme Court nominee conflict right want to have a hearing the president will nominate someone . Amber well i think this is game theory in real life, right now. I think both sides are kind of stuck. They ve put their heels in the ground where Senate Republicans we re not going to listen to anyone, even a republican governor who president obama floated this name of, a moderate republican governor in nevada, governor brian sandoval. That being said, everyone s playing politics because look what is up for grabs in this confirmation battle. The white house, potentially the ideological swing in the Supreme Court, the senate. If things go either party s way with this, you could end up having a trifecta of control of all three of those essentially, those chambers of government. So i think right now everyone is testing the other side to see how they re going to respond and therefore how their bases respond, because when it comes down to voting in november it s all about the bases. Conflict and there s this impasse, and this log jam again in washington, do you think that could actually help trump . In other words, by showing dysfunction in washington and disgust with both parties, could that motivate people for him . Amber yeah, i think you re absolutely right. Quite frankly, anything that happens in washington, politicians on the campaign trail, especially outside of washington like donald trump can shake a finger at and say that s not the way i would do business. And you re absolutely right that american disgust of congress right now is high. Approval ratings of congress is low, this doesn t help Congress Case at all to make the argument that they can function. And someone like donald trump and possibly only donald trump at this point on the campaign trail, can say, you know what, i m going to be the one that is going to come in and shake all this up, get great people on the Supreme Court, the best nominees only, the hugest people, the senate is going to agree to them, they re going to be so happy to vote on my nominee. People like those, arguments and i think you re absolutely right, this could end up benefiting donald trump more than any other race. Fernando thank you amber thank you. Fernando in two weeks, almost 60 of all republican delegates will be committed to a candidate, with primaries in florida, illinois, missouri, North Carolina and ohio. Up next, birmingham, alabama. What are some of the issues that make birmingham the blue heart of a red state . Has Political Polarization become a black and white issue . And, newspaper endorsements. What s the track record of this timehonored tradition . P its called a rigged economy, and this is how it works. Z most new wealth flows to the top 1 . Its a system held in place by corrupt politics r where wall street banks my campaign is powered by over a million small contributions, people like you rwho want to fight back. P the truth is you cant change a corrupt system by taking its money. R im Bernie Sanders. I approve this message. Join us for real change. Slow. My friends said i should get but i thought it would be too expensive. Whos that, jenny . Deal that cost me even less than and its 100 megs. I just downloaded 600 photos in 60 seconds. Thats seriously better. Were out of 2 then i thought, maybe other things could be better. I heard that. Switching to Better Internet is now easier than ever. Internet and wifi available. So you can send files up to 5x faster than cable, with capacity to handle all of your devices. Now get something that only fios offers 100 meg upload and download speeds plus tv and phone for a price weve never offered before just 69. 99 a month online. And there isnt even an annual contract. Just go to getfios. Com or call 1. 888. Get. Fios. Thats 100 meg internet speeds, tv phone for our best offer ever. Switch to better. Switch to fios. Fernando welcome back. In the president ial election of 2000, journalist tim russert coined the term red stateblue state to describe the nation s now the color coding vividly reflects the partisan divide in the nation. Yet, left leaning and right leaning constituencies must coexist. Matter of fact correspondent scott maulden examines the challenges for the blue hearts that beat in red states. He reports from birmingham, alabama a democratic stronghold in the reddest of the red states. Scott 1963, birmingham, alabama. Police dogs and fire hoses turned against Young African americans when they marched for equality. Ku klux klan bombings of black churches. A haunting past, and struggles tied to the political struggles of today. Birmingham mayor william bell walked us through a Memorial Park of the civil rights struggle. How does that history play a role in birmingham s political Politics Today . Mayor bell it plays a tremendous part. This park and so many other locations around the city represents the struggles that civil rights. But what i don t want to see is that define our future. Scott today, birmingham is alabama s biggest city. 75 africanamerican, a democratic stronghold in a red state. What are some of the issues that make birmingham the blue heart of a red state . mayor bell well, after we had the out migration of citizens who left because of the racial conflict, birmingham became poorer. It increased in the minority population, and that, for a long time, probably 40 or 50 years, played a role in the direction the city was going. Scott the city is in a battle with the republican statehouse for the right to raise the minimum wage, and is embroiled in an ongoing fight to increase the number of sites where citizens can get voter id s, battles made harder by the merval in local and state races there have been gerrymandering by the parties, with solid democratic districts and solid republican districts. Scott a Political Landscape where political views collide. Birmingham, i guess, has a history of diversity and, you know, attracts all kinds of different people, not just red people, and i feel like that s a big plus. Steve french where you have a city like birmingham, where a predominant amount of people live off of government transfers, they tend to vote democrat. Transfers tend to vote republican. Scott in a city where civil rights memories remain strong, there s still a fight on, but black and white, to red and scott mauldin, birmingham, alabama. Alabama with a fortyyear republican it hasn t gone democratic since coming up next, money and endorsements. Are they the real predictors of who will win their Party Nominations . And, kelly and crew one year in space. Can their Mission Change the fernando over 150 years ago, the New York Times threw its support behind an illinois legislator, abraham lincoln. It marked the beginning of a longstanding tradition the newspaper endorsement. Historically endorsements have , mattered. But in this election cycle we re seeing a trend a seeming rift with the voting public or a decision to go silent. When iowa was center stage, the Des Moines Register threw its support to marco rubio. The Manchester Union leader picked chris christie. The voters went their own way. As we approach super tuesday, we saying endorsements only demonstrate a bias and undermine trust with their readers. T have enough direct access to the candidates. Most polls show a tight democratic race, though the endorsements appear weighted towards clinton. Governor john kasich, the republican underdog, picked up the nod from texas powerhouse, the dallas morning news. The boston globe went bipartisan, endorsing clinton on one side and john kasich on the other. The paper took the unprecedented step of a third endorsement stop donald trump. We also found a cartoon worth sharing. It s a commentary on the value of money and endorsements in this race questioning the return on investment for those supporting jeb bush. All of this made us wonder if social media is having a bigger impact on campaigns with candidates going directly to followers, and voters getting their positions reaffirmed by i d like to know your thoughts. Tweet me matteroffacttv, check in on facebook or connect with our video site to view and share videos from all our programs. When we return life after landing. How astronaut scott kelly s year in space could change your view. P im Hillary Clinton and i approve this message. Her lifes work has been about breaking barriers. And so would her presidency. Pwhich is why, for every american whos not being paid what theyre worth. Pwhos held back by student debt or a system tilted against them p and there are far too many of you she understands that our rcountry cant reach its potential. Unless we all do. Together. Fernando after spending an extraordinary full year in outer space, american astronaut scott kelly is about to bid farewell to his fellow crew members aboard the International Space station. But as a closing thought, we wanted to share a few of commander kelly s tweets from when commander kelly returns to earth, he ll see a far different political world from the one he left. I m fernando espuelas. Have a great week. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] t theyre one of the wall street banks that triggered the financial meltdown goldman sachs. Just settled with authorities for their part in the crisis that put seven million out of work and millions out of their homes. How does wall street get away with it . Millions in Campaign Contributions and speaking fees. Our economy works for wall street because its riggedt by wall street. And thats the problem. As long as washington is bought and paid for, we cant build an economy that works for people. And i approve this message. I do everything on the slow. My friends said i should get but i thought it would be too expensive. Whos that, jenny . Deal that cost me even less than and its 100 megs. I just downloaded 600 photos in 60 seconds. Thats seriously better. Were out of 2 then i thought, maybe other things could be better. I heard that. Is now easier than ever. Only fios has the fastest so you can send files up to 5x faster than cable, with capacity to handle all of your devices. Now get something that only fios offers 100 meg upload and download speeds plus tv and phone for a price weve never offered before just 69. 99 a month online. And there isnt even an annual contract. Just go to getfios. Com or call 1. 888. Get. Fios. Thats 100 meg internet speeds, tv phone for our best offer ever. Switch to better. Switch to karen today on cityline , a super tuesday preview, and what impact on today s result . Hello, everyone, i am karen holmes ward, welcome to cityline. We are will into the 2016 president ial year with several key states deciding on who they want in november. March 1 marks an important day for the candidates. Super tuesday is the egg is day of the primary calendar with hundreds of delegates at stake, 12 states will go to the polls

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