Reporter a gunman on a rampage at a Community College in oregon. Ten people killed, seven wounded. Were exchanging shots with him. Hes in the classroom. The campus terrorized. Family of survivors saying he targeted christian students. Samantha is down. Before officers kill him in a dramatic shootout. I have never been more terrified for my life ever. An angry president obama demands action. Somehow this has become routine. We collectively are answerable to those families who lose their loved ones because of our inaction. This morning full Team Coverage, all the latest on the shooter, the victims and a Community Left reeling. And good morning, america. We have two major stories this friday, the east coast on alert from florida to maine. As youre looking live at states have declared states of emergency. Theyre worried about floods from this storm stuck over the carolinas right now and the impact of Hurricane Joaquin as it moves north in the atlantic. We, of course, also on the ground of that deadly shooting on a College Campus in oregon. At least ten people dead, seven others wounded. Amy is standing by on the scene. Well get to her in a moment but well get to the other major story, ginger starts us off, two storms right now, ginger, causing lots of problems. Yes, two storms in two different places. If in the mainland usa it is now joaquin. It is this low pressure system already causing rain, wind and coastal flooding. Its going to be around for the weekend. This deal did imminent, joaquin, on the other hand still stuck in the central bahamas and so its going to stay there for another 12 hour, its been there for 24. Some of the winds 2k3wu69ing well above 100 Miles Per Hour. The only pictures weve gotten out of this island so far because a lot of communication there but heres the great news i have for you. The track now trending far east, away from land meaning no u. S. Landfall. This has been the trend with some of the other computer models that we like to look at and if it comes to fruition all it would mean is rougher surf. Remember we have that one storm imminent happening this weekend, very heavy rain South Carolina, north carolina, coastal flooding all the way up to coastal new england. Two storms, well have much more coming up on the imminent one this weekend. Our rob marciano is in Virginia Beach and hell have the latest. Yep. Thats right. Going to cover it all for us coming up all right, thank you. Turn to those kills at umpqua Community College in roseburg. Roseburg like newton, columbine, another american town shattered by a mass shooting. Amy is there. Good morning, amy. Reporter good morning, george. This is a sleepy Remote Community about three hours south of portland, oregon, and it is simply devastated this morning. Me the road is closed. This is Umpqua College road, it is the only road leading in and out of campus and you see the police tape lining the streets. Remnants of a day of terror and this morning there are more questions than answers as to why a 26yearold man terrorized this campus here. At 10 38, the first emergency calls start flooding in. Somebody is outside one of the doors shooting through the door. Reporter the 26yearold gunman chris mercer enters a classroom in snyder hall and orders the students to get on the ground and stand up one by one asking each their religion. Are you a christian, he would ask them and if youre a christian, stand up and they would stand up and he said, good, because youre a christian, youre going to see god in just about one second and then he shot and killed them. Reporter as police raced to the scene blocking the only road in and out of the school. Dispatch as many ambulances as possible. Reporter the other students at this campus of 4,000 flee their classrooms fleeing for places to hide. We thought it was a desk or somebody thought it was a firecracker. It sounded like a fight was breaking out. It was intense. You dont think of it as a possibility. Reporter at 10 44, eight minutes since the first reports of a shooting officers confront the gunman. We do know that we have at least two heroic officers who responded into the building within minutes and exchanged gunfire with the suspect. Reporter at the scene they find four weapons including one Assault Rifle. The gunman killed, unclear if by his own hand or police. Tactical teams and bomb squads have cleared all the buildings on the campus. Evidence teams from the fbi and from the Oregon State Police are working to process the crime scene. Reporter overnight, many in the tightknit Community Gathering for Prayer Services and candlelight vigils in honor of the victims and for those and we expect victim identifications later today as this Community Still tries to get a handle on what happened. As one faculty member put it, this is not going to be our defining moment. We will not be terrified. Rockin. Good for them, all right, amy, thank you. Well get back to you in a few mens. Moments ago we spoke to cassandra welding, a student in the classroom next door to the shooter and talked to her mother lisa who was on the phone with her during during the rampage and began asking cassandra what she saw and heard. At around 10 30 i heard a really loud kap ochlt ow noise like a moon popping. We all jumped. We didnt know what it was. We knew something wasnt right and so a classmate of mine went to go open the door to see what was happening next door to where opened the door and unfortunately she got shot twice and fell down and collapsed and we huddled in the right corner of the classroom and were all calling 911 and, you know, its a busy line and i just called it repeatedly trying to get a hold of 911. Hurry up and get here because we classroom. What was the condition of your classmate that was shot . I though that she was shot in the left arm and she was also shot down in the lower abdomen area by her rib cage. And you all were just trying to help her as best you could, i would imagine. Her friend that was sitting right next to her during the class ran over to her and was doing cpr trying to resuscitate her. You said that you attempted to call 911, you got through then you called your mother. Lisa, when you got the call from your daughter, what the emotions you must have felt and what did you tell her to do . Well, first i couldnt understand her because she was crying hysterically and i finally then realized i heard shooting and i said, okay, wait a minute. Somebody is next to you shooting and she said, yes, in the room and i said, first thing, i said make sure all the doors are secured and make sure you start barricading. If theres anything there, i dont care how make sure you guys are safe to keep somebody out. But its not a call that you ever want to get from your child. Lisa, how did you know like you said its a call no parent wants to receive. You stayed so calm and gave her such great instructions. Where did that come from . How did you know to do that . I have no idea. I guess its called being a parent because at that point, everything i thought of was being safe and everybody there, so my first instinct was i knew i had to be the calm person here and the adult, so i was trying to calm her down and in the meantime, just saying, you know, all i knew was barricade. Is that what you did, cassandra . We tried to as much as we could. We were all just terrified to even get up at this point because we were heard continuously gunshots. I heard maybe about 35 to 45 rounds that were shot. Did you ever see the shooter . I did not see the shooter but i witnessed my classmate getting shot. And what were your other classmates doing at that time in the room . You know, a lot of tears were shed. I heard i love you i love yous on the phone. Crying, gasping for air, just a lot of that was heard. And how comforting, cassandra, was your mother on the phone with you . Oh, it was amazing. I knew that either this was going to be my last time talking to her or i was going to see her again and at this point i was just praying i would see her again and my dad. Lisa, what advice do you have for parents who may be watching and they know that this is a scene thats being played out unfortunately . What advice do you have for them if they should get a call from their child like you did . The best advice is, you know, just try to be calm and use your head and use your instincts. Thats what you did. Lisa and cassandra, thank you thank. We are thinking of you and others in your community. All the best going forward. Thank you. Thank you. Take care. Really got me when she said its called being a parent . So clear in that moment of crisis. That was really something. As we mentioned seven people wounded in the shooting. Three of them in Critical Condition fighting for their lives. We are learning more about the victims and the shooter this morning and abcs Neal Karlinsky is at the hospital in roseburg. Good morning, neal. Reporter george, good morning. This is a Small Community and the sheer scope of this shooting initially overwhelmed them. Seven people fighting for their lives this morning, among them heroes including one very brave army veteran. This morning, 30yearold chris mintz out of surgery recovering from seven gunshot wounds, witnesses say the student and army vet charged straight at the gunman trying to save who he could telling others to run. He ran to the library and pulled all the alarms and he was telling people to run, grabbing people telling them, you just have to go and he actually ran back towards the building where the shooting was and he ran back into the building and i dont know what happened to him. Reporter seven people this morning still in the hospital. Three in Critical Condition. Overnight police and fbi swarming this apartment complex in winchester, oregon, where the man allegedly behind the carnage, 26yearold Chris Harper Mercer lived with his mom. Dogs at the scene examining every inch. An officer pictured questioning mercers mother outside. They thought he was an odd guy. Reporter abc news learning he was allegedly armed with three pistols and an assaultstyle rifle and that he left behind writings. An official describing them to abc news as rambling utterances with overtones of racial and social hatred. Neighbors in torrance, california, where mercer lived before moving to oregon saying they had seen him with guns in it. I did see him at the time walking or leaving his apartment and coming home with what looked like gun cases. Him and his mom both and he actually did say that he used to go shooting at some range. I dont know where it was. Reporter mercers father this morning saying he and his family are reeling. Obviously its been a devastating day, devastating for shocked. Shocked is all i can say. Reporter no known motive this morning. Officials tell us there is no known connection to International Terrorism but they continue to pore over the suspects background. The friend of one of them told me he was actually shot in the hand drying to escape and is alive, george. Ill bet. Okay, neal, thanks very much. This was the 15th time president obama has been called to speak out after a mass shooting and when he took the podium late yesterday he condemned the ritual. His voice etched with anger. Somehow this has become routine. The reporting is routine. My response here at this podium ends up being routine. The conversation in the aftermath of it, weve become number numb to this. Jon karl at the white house. Jesse palmer, the tenth fatal School Shooting this year alone and the president being very clear he is now politicizing this issue. Reporter george, he was explicit on that point. I have been in the White House Briefing room with him for several of those statements i have never heard him angrier or more political as he blamed gun violence in america on congress inability or un unwillingness to pass more gun control laws. He said that thoughts and prayers for the victims are not enough. Somebody somewhere will comment and say, obama politicized this issue. Well, this is something we should politicize. It is relevant to our common politic. Reporter and no comment from the nra. They said their policy is to gather the facts before making a statement on Something Like this. Jon karl, thanks very much. All right there, george. Back to amy and our team in oregon throughout the morning but now were going to turn to the other big story this morning, the potentially lifethreatening weather. The east coast bracing for major flooding. Youre looking at live radar of that storm, five states declaring a state of emergency and abcs rob marciano is in one of them in Virginia Beach. Good morning, rob. Robin. You know, this area over the past couple of weeks has been getting hit with a lot of this, seemingly endless wind and this surf that has just been pounding this shoreline, plus the inland flooding and we got joaquin just out there and this new coastal storm developing. Theyve got more of it coming. This morning, parts of the east coast reeling from over a foot of rain and bracing for an additional foot this weekend. The potential for dangerous flooding across much of the eastern seaboard threatening 50 million americans wreaking havoc in South Carolina, trees down and this road collapsed because of flooding. One man rescued from the massive opening. This storm front fatal already possibly to blame for at least two deaths in the carolinas. All of this as joaquin makes its way up the atlantic. We are dealing with two situations, a major, major severe event of rainfall. At the same time, having to deal with this potential hurricane. Reporter five states already declaring state of emergencies. Now is the time for you to begin to prepare for hunkering down and dealing with the storm. Reporter crews working along the shore building barriers on the new jersey coast and laying sandbags in north carolina. A hurricane does not have to go directly over your town, doesnt even have to make landfall to have an impact on you especially if youre along the coast. Reporter scientists taking to the skies to track joaquin. Air force Hurricane Hunters collecting data for the National Hurricane center flying directly into the storm calling us as they were gathering that vital information. Each time we go through the storm were passing through the eye wall, the center of the storm, outside the window it kind of looks like shattered glass. This storm has been intensifying. Reporter and this coastal storm at this hour is intensifying going to tap some of that tropical moisture from joaquin so we have inland flood watches. We have weigh got coastal flood warnings not to mention this relentless wind. To say the least, robin, no one in this area of the delmarva, czar beach will rest easy until both of these are well out to sea. I can imagine that being the case. Hurricane joaquin may miss us but hitting the caribbean hard battering the bahamas with extreme wind and rain and linzie janis on the scene in nassau. Good morning. Reporter Hurricane Joaquin has been battering the central and eastern bahamas for the last 24 hours and it looks like itll be at least another 12 before there is any letup. The small thinly populated islands getting lashed with 130mileperhour winds, 30foot waves and 2 feet of water in ared frommed. There are widespread power down. People here in nassau say they are worried sick about their george and robin. Thank you. Military plane crash. Six American Service members have been killed in the crash of a c130 cargo plane in afghanistan. The taliban claiming responsibility. Abcs chief Global Affairs correspondent Martha Raddatz in washington with the details. Good morning, martha. George. This happened just after midnight at the jalalabad pakistan. On board the big turboprop aircraft not only the sixperson crew but five contractors supporting the u. S. Military who were also killed. The military says the c130 went down just after takeoff and that all of the wreckage is contained on the airfield and even though the taliban claims to have shot the aircraft down, the military says there is no indication that it went down because of hostile fire. But theyre obviously trying to figure out what did happen, george and robin. Thanks very much. Incredibly busy friday morning and we have much more ahead. The latest on the tragedy in oregon. As Hurricane Joaquin barrels north millions brace for lifethreatening floods. What to do to protect yourself and your home. Scary moment. 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Its this low pressure system affecting northeastern georgia up to the d thats that storm system all the way up to the delmarva peninsula. Good morning to you. Im meteorologist Cindy Fitzgibbon. We are waking up to rain right now. Parts of the south shore, the cape, the islands. Over the course of the day, the rain is going to lift up to boston by lunchtime and near the New Hampshire border by this evening. It turns wetter as the day wears on. Cool, raw, damp day. Temperatures in the lower mornings. Wonderful, crazy mornings. We figure you probably dont have time to wait on hold. Thats why at xfinity were hard at work, building new apps like this one that lets you choose a time for us to call you. So instead of waiting on hold, well call you when things are just as wonderful. [phone rings] but a little less crazy. Were doing everything we can to give you because we should fit into your life. Randy good morning. Im randy price. Another death from west nile virus. The victim, a woman in her 90s from suffolk county. A man arrested for abusing a 7monthold baby. Chase mariscal grabbed the baby from his former girlfriend and dropped the baby to the floor. The baby is expected to be okay. As we look out across the skyline, rain in some areas this morning, cindy. Cindy mostly south of boston. It is cool and raw everywhere. Winds gusting up to 30 miles an hour along the coastline. Minor flooding at the time of high tide along the coastline. Rain is confined to southeastern massachusetts. Over the course of the day, it pushes into boston by lunch time and farther north by this evening. You. Cool, damp, and raw today. Showers taper off to just areas of drizzle on saturday. Sunday looking like the drier day of the weekend. Olessa and the friday morning commute. Olessa delays and an accident on the northbound side of 93. 128 southbound side slowed down to the leverett connector. Westbound side of the pike by the Police Barracks, still a crash. 495 to 128 is a half hour. More delays on the expressway, 30 minutes braintree to boston. Red line, minor delays. Randy if youre heading out the door, you can watch the latest newscenter 5 news cast right now on any time on the new and how do you start the day brighter . Make the ride smoother . And finish with a smile . You ve got this. R you ve got t. J. Maxx. Welcome back to gma. We are on two big stories this morning, that deadly campus shooting in oregon where a shooter went on a deadly rampage killing at least ten people. And injuring several others. Were also following that big storm impacting everyone up and down the east coast. Thats a live look at the radar. Five states under a state of emergency on alert for potentially lifethreatening floods and ginger has been talking about it and rob marciano is there in Virginia Beach for us. Good morning, rob. Reporter good morning again, robin. Things have really picked up the past couple of hours. This surf behind me, the seafoam coming on shore going on and off the past couple of weeks and sand. This state among five that have a state of emergency because weve got more wind and rain coming, potential flooding too and this is all really for the most part independent of joaquin which as you know is a major storm down in the bahamas. Here is the latest track. The east coast breathing a little sigh of relief that the track now is forecasted to keep it offshore and out to sea but nobody here is going to rest easy until both of these storms are through and that will take at least through the weekend. Weve already seen a foot of rain in some spots in the carolinas, robin and could get a foot more and that could cause catastrophic flooding so the next 48 hours here especially will be critical. Yeah, and ginger has been talking about it too. These are two separate systems were talking about. Two separate systems. If it is raining for you that is not joaquin. Joaquin is in the bahamas and should with the latest trend stay out to sea. All right. You can see the wind pick up on rob in just the last half hour. Back to amy in oregon on the scene that have deadly campus shooting. At least ten people dead others fighting for their lives. Good morning, amy. Reporter thats right, george. It is an eerie scene right college. The road is closed, the only one that leads in and out and police tape behind me and remains throughout the weekend into monday but the big mystery here happened . Why did that 26yearold chris mercer walk in with four gun, one an Assault Rifle and ask students to stand, according to the father of one of the victims, he asked each person as they stood up, are you christian . And then told them, good, youll be meeting your god soon so a lot of questions as to the motive as to why he felt so motivated to terrorize this small Quiet Community just about three hours south of portland. A few molts ago we spoke to the governor of oregon. Governor kate brown to ask her about the Campus Response to those fired shots. The umpqua Community College had an incredible plan in place. I believe they did Everything Possible to be prepared, but the reality is in circumstances like these it is very difficult to deal with. Reporter there are reports of two heroic officers, specifically, and within eight minutes of the first reported shots, those officers were able to neutralize mercer, pretty incredible, unclear, though, whether or not they took him down or he killed himself. A lot of questions still here in this community and many people looking for answers as they continue to grieve and pray for those who are still fighting for their lives here in oregon. Robin, back to you. We are thinking of those that are still fighting for their lives. Youre right about that, amy, thank you. We turn to a frightening flight on a miamibound American Airlines jet, the plane experiencing severe turbulence, five people were sent to the hospital. Abcs david kerley has the latest, joins us from reagan national. Good morning, david. Reporter good morning, robin. It was sudden and severe for the passengers on this flight to miami. Passengers tossed around when they hit the turbulence. An ambulance on the tarmac, passengers loaded, one with a neck brace injured during their flight from grenada hit by turbulence which flew them from their seats. Gentlemen a couple rows ahead were sleeping and didnt have on his seat belt either and his head damaged the aircraft. Reporter thats the damage caused by that passenger after flying out of the seat. In all, five passengers were taken to a local hospital for minor injuries. My hands were shaking afterwards because it was terrifying. Reporter in a statement American Airlines says the seat belt sign was illuminated at the time and that pilots did not have any indication of severe turbulence in the area. The plane landed without further incident. One possible cause for scenes like this, clear air turbulence which pilots cant see. It happens when a fast and slowmoving jet stream pass alongside each other. The air between those streams are disturbed and if a jet passes through it can get very bumpy very quickly and radar cant detect i now, robin, this is the second incident in a couple weeks we reported on where passengers didnt have their seat belts on. This is why the aircrews tell you, this is why when youre in your seat keep your belt on. You dont know when youll hit turbulence. Thank you so much. To abcs tom llamas in for amy with the mornings other top stories. Crisis building in syria. Huge crisis, good morning. Thats where we start in syria. Escalating fueling new tensions between the u. S. And an old enemy, russia. Overnight, the u. S. And six allies condemn russian air strikes in syria claiming moscow was attacking moderate opponents of Bashar Al Assad instead of attacking isis. But the kremlin is Standing Firm saying just this morning, that 12 isis targets were hit in the latest air strikes. And this morning we have new details about the popes meeting with kim davis, the kentucky clerk who refuses to issue samesex marriage licenses. Today the vatican released its first detailed statement about the visit. Heres what they said. The popes meeting with davis should not be considered a form of support of her position. And back here in the states, another major consumer data breach. This time 15 million tmobile wireless customers may have had their personal information compromised including their Social Security numbers and addresses. Hackers got the information from a Credit Reporting Agency that tmobile uses. And two Las Vegas Casino dealers have been arrested accused of running a lucrative cheating scheme. Theyre charged with skimming a Million Dollars from crap tables at the bellagio. The alleged scam involved bets that came in late or were uncleared during those games. Called phantom bets. Dealers and their friends could face decades in prison. Forget the eighthour workday. How would you like a sixhour workday. Theyre experimenting with the idea and companies say, get, this, the workers are fresher, more focused and bosses report fewer arguments. Our executive and senior producers looked into this for a hot minute and then they just laughed and said never ever is that going to happen. But, thanks, tom. We appreciate that. I dont know about you guys, ill take an eighthour workday. Ill take that. I was thinking that. That works. Some is 14. Instead of the 14 wee do. All right, coming up, Clayton Sandell shows us how to prepare for a hurricane and floods. Good morning, robin. Were about to show you how to protect yourself from debris flying at you with the force of a category 4 hurricane and heres something. Did you know youre not supposed to tape up your windows. [music] defiance is in our bones. New citracal pearls. Delicious berries and cream. Soft, chewable, calcium plus vitamin d. Only from citracal. How much protein does your dog food have . 18 . 20 . Nutrientdense purina one true instinct with real salmon and tuna has 30 protein. Support your active dogs whole body health with purina one. Daddy gator couldnt push the throttle on his little boat any harder if he tried. Hes beached here, gazing out on an unforgiving landscape. For while the people who come in here use quilted northern, a toilet paper that works so well they completely forget their experience. Daddy gator sees all and forgets nothing. Ive got to motor out of here, he thinks. This is no place to raise a child. Quilted northern. Designed to be forgotten. 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[jerry bell iii] deep couch sitting est text1 plain on the lookout and, of course, were tracking Hurricane Joaquin and this morning, we are telling you how to stay safe during a hurricane including one thing that a lot of people do when a storm is coming that you really shouldnt. Abcs Clayton Sandell is at Underwriters Laboratories in chicago with more on this. Good morning, clayton. Lara. Outside chicago. Theyve been nice enough to fire up their cannon for us this important to help us demonstrate one critical way to protect your home when the worst storms strike. Millions of people are bracing for impact. Oh my god. Reporter as Hurricane Joaquin churns north and flooding threatening the east coast. Stocking up and buckling down, all part of the exhaustive process of making your house hurricane safe. I kneed to get a generator in case we lose power for an extended amount of time. Reporter the biggest threat, wind, water and power. During a violent storm, winds can gust to nearly 160 Miles Per Hour. With debris and projectiles swirling all around you your homes most vulnerable points the window. The envelope of the house is breached and thats the walls, doors and windows. If its breached by flying debris. It could blow out other windows the. Reporter what to do, first that old advice tape your windows, experts say, dont. Watch as we shoot this ninepound 2x4 at taped up glass, it tears right threw. Experts say boarding up with plywood works better. But the best, impact resistant glass built to withstand winds up to 200 Miles Per Hour. The next step keeping torrential rains and floodwaters out as little as an inch of water can cause mold, sandbags and berms are common sites but even inland with duct could save a home. Once water enters your home it can cause problems simply because water and electricity do not mix. Reporter remember, being prepared doesnt end when the storm passes. Fallen trees and downed power lines are dangerous. Sometimes plunging entire cities into darkness. After Superstorm Sandy in 2012 some residents were without power for an average of six days. Then theres staying connected. Experts say invest in backup power packs for your cell phone and labtop. Even a solar charger for as little as 30 bucks. Okay, so here in o is the reason experts tell us you do not want to tape up the windows in your home. Were going to fire this cannon on the count of three, one, two, three. And you can see what happens. We taped up this window and you get these very large shards. Compare them to these, these are from a window that was not taped up that we broke earlier, this is from the window that we actually taped up. You definitely do not want these flying around your home. Lara. Yeah, definitely not. Clayton sandell, thank you. That was surprising. And slightly alarming. Thanks, clayton. Coming up, the ring bearer and flower girl walking down the aisle again, this time as husband and wife. How it all came to be. We love this story. You will too. Its coming up in our speed feed. He used car buyer p whos worried about getting taken for a ride. Dont worry. P the only rides youll get taken on at carmax are the ones you take yourself. But just in case p that absolutely 100 percent perfect choice. Turns out to be. Less than perfect. Nwe give you five days to change your mind. All of us have a spark inside. To be makers, creators, p to inspire beauty and harmony in our homes. Because diy is in our dna. P and now we can paint our way to perfection p without nicks, peels, chips, or regrets. R so with buckets out brushes loadedget in there. P let color flow from room to beckoning room. Be a maker. Be bold. And paint on. P hgtvhome by sherwin williams, p Dunkin Donuts smoked sausage breakfast sandwich. Savory. Smoky. And unmistakably flavorful. R get your day going with one today. America runs on dunkin. Rgood morning. What can i get for you . Va medium hot coffee, cream and two sugars, please . Pmedium hot coffee, cream, two sugars sounds good. P at dunkin, we make your coffee just the way you like it. P if not, well make it again on the spot. See you tomorrow. Thats the dd commitment. America runs on dunkin. Lics test text1 plain this should be a clue. Time now for the speed feed and, tom, you got a story we love. Thats right. Such a cool story. It all started when the couple was just 5 years old. So, here we go. Theres Brooke Gibson right there and Adrian Franklin walking down the aisle as flower girl and ring bearer and then check this out, 17 years later walking down that very same aisle in that very same church as husband and wife. So beautiful, but it was love at first sight for brooke, adrian not so much. Take a listen in a the speed feed speed dial. She was trying to chase after me. I was always trying to get away from her and so then having to walk down the aisle with her was definitely a thing i wasnt looking forward to. I through that he couldnt stand me and hated every minute but that didnt bother me a bit. Now the paths crossed over the years but it was in high speed youll end on that. He said he was being sarcastic. They were little. Thats when they were little. She was george. Heres some more good stuff. I didnt get the sound bite. They met each other again in high school when he was ministering at a church and they have been there ever since. Adrian serenaded hit bride during the ceremony, the song, of course, you are the love of my life. George is not buying it yeah. This is kind of funny. I have a daughter who is just a flower girl i didnt even think about keeping an eye on the ring boy. Ill hone in on them, interview them, make sure he has a plan. Come on, tom. Have to be on top of that. When we come back at the top of the hour the latest on the two big stories of the morning. Come on back. When cigarette cravings hit, all i can think about p only nicorette mini has a patentedr it starts to relieve sudden cravings fast. I never know when ill nicorette mini. If you have moderate to severe Rheumatoid Arthritis like me. Rand youre talking to a rheumatologist about a biologic,xthis is humira. This is humirat helping to relieve my p pain and protect my joints from further damage. R this is humira helping me reach for more. Doctors have been prescribing humira for more than 10 years. Humira works for many adults. It targets and helps to block a specific source of inflammation that contrubutes to ra symptoms. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Before treatment, tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if youve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. Talk to your doctor and visit humira. Com rthis is humira at work. R thats a firstrate queso dip t havent been this lost in years v gps recalculating shortest route t do i really look like this . Never seen this one before t chicken parm you taste so good i like it. Weve been so focused on the atlantic we have to go to the pacific. This gulf of alaska storm going to drop down into even Southern California meaning cooler weather, rain showers, mountain snows and quite a bit of wind. All that brought to you by essage test text1 underline Good Morning America is brought to you by nationwide. Randy hi there. Im randy price with Cindy Fitzgibbon and olessa stepanova. Off to a great start on this friday morning. Cindy a windy one as well. The winds gusting over 30 Miles Per Hour near the coastline. Rain right now plymouth on southward. Over the course of the day, that rain lifts north. Should be raining by lunchtime around boston. That rain may reach up into southern New Hampshire by this evening. Rain lifting north, stays cool and raw. 50 to 55 the best we do. With that onshore wind kicking up, were going to be watching for minor coastal flooding this afternoon. Showers may taper to drizzle on saturday. Sunday looks like the drier weekend day. Joaquin looks like its going to stay offshore early next week. Olessa were watching delays north of town, 93 southbound from spot pond down to the leverett connector. Also the westbound crash still out there by the Police Barracks on the pike, and the eastbound side is heavy. 25 minutes 495 to 128. Expressway still slow as well. An accident southbound by columbia road. Northbound side about 25 braintree to boston. Red line has minor delays. Randy boston mayor marty walsh is hiring the lawyer who helped convict James Whitey Bulger to lead the citys probe into the teamsters Extortion Investigation under way for local 25. Brian kelly will assess the citys role in the scandal. Five members of local 25 are accused of threatening violence or slashing tires as the production crew members for the tv show top chef. Light fit, 15 delicious flavors, each 80 calories. Good morning, america. Its 8 00 a. M. The latest on the oregon School Shooting at this hour. At least ten people dead. More fighting for their lives. Families around the country are reeling, huge new concerns about the safety of your children as they head to school this morning. And Alek Skarlatos, the train hero who took down a terrorist rushing to the scene in oregon overnight. Well tell you his connection to the College Campus and community. Also this morning, state of emergency, millions bracing themselves for two major storm, torrential flooding, high winds and waves set to batter the east coast. Full Team Coverage from the storm zones right now. And the ultimate fitness fuel. What should you be eating to supercharge your workout and when should you eat it . The keys to kicking your fitness into overdrive this morning. And good morning, america. On this friday, our whole team on top of two major story, storms heading for the east coast, so many bracing for a pair of storms and that School Shooting in oregon. Heres what we know right now. At least ten dead, seven wounded critically. The gunman dead of a shootout he wassing itting christians. Amy traveled there overnight to be with us there this morning and, amy, whats the latest . Reporter well, robin and george, good morning to you. Everyone here this morning, mourning those brave victims and also thanking all of those heroes who rushed in to try and help so many people who were vet, he charged at that 26yearold gunman and was shot seven times. We are so happy to report that he is out of surgery this morning. That is incredibly remarkable but at the same time there is a lot of anger and a lot of questions surrounding that 26yearold shooter, chris mercer. He lived nearby with his mother. Not yet known what his connection may be to this Community College. But there are those alarming reports that you just referenced that he asked students what their religion was, standing them up one by one and then if they said christian, he killed them. That is the report from one of those classrooms and we expect some of the victims who perished in this deadly massacre to be identified later today as families are mourning their loss, but so many questions remain as to why this happened and how we can prevent it from happening again. You saw and heard that angry president obama yesterday saying what weve been doing up till now is not good enough. I know when he said our enough. No. Lets turn to our top story, that potentially deadly storm now. Coastal flooding. More than a foot of rain expected in some areas and rob marciano is there in Virginia Beach for us. Good morning, rob, again. Reporter good morning, again, robin. The wind and rain picking up as this coastal storm intensifies. That will be a slow mover too and the tides are coming in, this surf has been relentless. We expect high tide again around 1 p. M. And during those high tides with this onshore wind they will see a tremendous amount of coasting flooding in the Virginia Beach area and onto that, the heavy rain that will fall tapping some of that moisture from joaquin, thats what were mosted concerned about as we go through the weekend. Speaking of joaquin in the bahamas a major storm at the moment pounding those islands. Here is the track. Flangefully for the u. S. It will remain offshore but no one here will rest easy until both are far out to sea and wont happen until after the weekend. Thank you very much. This doesnt surprise me at all because days ago you were telling us that could be the possible track but youd never know when were that uncertain thats what you have to keep in mind. Dont let your guard down but look at that and say this is the good news as far as joaquin goes. Not the other storm. To tom llamas who is here with the mornings other headlines. Tom. We begin with the economy and big news about the job market. The government releasing its Monthly Employment report this morning. Wall street expecting to hear that another 200,000 jobs were created in september. That steady growth could prompt the Federal Reserve to raise Interest Rates in the cominging withes. Well keep on eye on it but not enough now to lower the unemployment rate. Overseas we learned six u. S. Service members have been killed after a cargo plane crashed into afghanistan. Also among the dead. The taliban has claimed responsibility but u. S. Officials say theres no indication the plane came under any type of enemy fire. An unusual moment at the united nations, israels Prime Minister paused for 45 seconds staring, we should say glaring at delegates without speaking, the silence was to protest the Iran Nuclear Deal and says the u. N. Has responded to threats with a deafening silence. As retailers open earlier and earlier to get a jump on the Holiday Shopping season staples is doing just the opposite closing its stories on thanksgiving. Employees and customers should enjoy the holiday with family instead offering online deals on that day. Cats have nine live, they say but maybe dogs do, as well. Ask bonzo, a 12yearold dog with a little arthritis who usually spends had is day napping but the other day he got curious and squeezed his head owners 11th story balcony and plunged down 10 feet to the ground no. Yes, but amazingly bonzo only fractured a rib and landed on the grass and is expected to make a full recovery. Maybe hes part cat. Yes. Maybe he could be. Has to. 12 story, wow. Bonzo. Go, bonzo. Named just right. Thanks, tom. We have a lot baltimore coming up. As your kids head to school a safety expert weighs on what they should do if their school is threatened by a shooter. And Alek Skarlatos joins us live. He is the hero who along with his friends took down a terrorist on a train and also a former student at that Oregon School and hes going to talk to how do you stay on top of your health . Ahh. Ahh. Ahh. Cigna customers have plan choices and tools to take control. So theyre more engaged, with fewer high health risks and lower medical costs. Take control of your health at cigna dot com slash take control. Crisp garden vegetables. P p now weve added even more of them. R to philadelphia garden vegetable. Rich, creamy, and delicious. Only philadelphia heres whats coming up on your gma morning menu. We are busting one of the biggest fit myths. What should you really be eating before and after you work out . Johnson. He has a new project and what he really thinks about his daughters fifty shades of grey role. The simple mistake you could be making holding you back from meeting mr. Or mrs. Cite and Clinton Kelly and devyn weighing in. Hi, guys. Stay with us, wont you . How are you doing . Good. How are you . Stand out. By design. Charged up. By design. This is mineral build up it collects leaving gross germridden stains. Clorox toilet bowl cleaner with bleach is no match for that. But lysol power toilet bowl cleaner eliminates mineral buildup effortlessly. So why choose anything and off you go, and off you go, and off you go, for every step, every stride, every start, begin strong with the Lasting Energy of 100 whole grain quaker oats. And off you go. We welcome you back to gma. The campus shooting in oregon once again throwing the spotlight on an important question. Can we keep our schools safe . Abcs david wright is here with a look at that. Good morning. Reporter hugely important question. American phenomenon but they are a uniquely american epidemic. Every campus in the country is grappling with this issue, how do we protect our kids . This morning, those families in oregon are reeling from a threat all of our kids face. The challenge nationwide being able to prevent a crisis before it occurs. Reporter Daniel Carter runs a Safety Initiative formed after the deadliest College Rampage in u. S. History, Virginia Tech where a lone gunman killed 32 students and faculty members. Theres almost always some type of red flag in advance of they type of crisis situation. Reporter nearly 50 of advanced warning. Attention, this is a drill. We need to lock down. Reporter many schools run regular drills. Please go behind my desk. Reporter we witnessed one in colorado, the teacher locks the door, the students huddle. The teacher trying to strike a balance between calmness and fear. This is all very real to her. When you look at those kid, are you always thinking, somebody lives like that. No, no. When i look at those kids i think how great they are. I think how lucky i am to teach them and i think about i wonder what theyre going to be like when they grow up. Her school Skyview Academy is now taking the drills one step further teaching the teachers how and when to fight back. Youre steving a lot to be heroes who dont have the training who arent necessarily adduls. You bet. They dont have the training because we dont prepare them. Reporter when the gunman bursts in everyone throws something at him. Tennis balls but in real life it could be a hole punch or a desk chair or a dictionary. The question is, would this save you know, those active shooter drills are controversial. Many people worry they scare the pants off the teachers and the kids and the teachers there told us that they do feel better, though, having gone through that training because they dont feel like sitting ducks. Most campus violence occurs at the start of the semester as it did in oregon and most often in the transition points of the day, going to school, after school or during lunch. Interesting. Something to keep in mind. Yeah. Sure is, thank you, david. Back to amy in oregon. She is with Alek Skarlatos, one of the american heroes who stopped a terrorist on a french train. Attended umpqua Community College. Hello, amy. Reporter yes, george, and alek, you are here with us this morning. Its a tough morning for you. You called roseburg home for the past six years. How are you processing everything thats happened in the last few hours . I mean its just absolutely insane to be in a situation like this especially and my town roseburg, i mean this is a really Small Community and just something of this magnitude happening here is just very rare and just unheard of. Reporter there is an incredible twist of fate here to this story because six weeks ago you took down a terrorist on a french train and because of the response to that, that is the only reason why you werent on that campus yesterday. You had already enrolled for tuesday and thursday classes, correct . Yes, i was enrolled in the reserve academy on saturday and tuesday and thursday classes and i if i didnt get called for the dancing show i would have been on campus. Reporter so if you hadnt agreed to do dancing with the stars, you would have been on campus when the shots rang out and im sure you know what you would have done. I would have tried anyway. When you hear about the response that within eight minutes they had that shooter down, its not surprising in this community. No, its not. I mean the Law Enforcement here is excellent but i mean in any kind of shooting or situation where were you when you heard the news . Walk me through what the moment was like. I was actually in the studio with lindsey dancing and i got a text from one of my friends telling me what had happened so i looked it up on the internet to confirm it and i was just in total shock and i just sat down for a second and then hid in the bathroom so the cameras couldnt see me. And then you booked a flight in yeah, almost within an hour i decided that i would come here and be with my community. And your friend, your family all safe and sound this morning . Yes, as far as i know, i mean everybody that ive contacted has been fine, so im really grateful for that and i just i mean my heart really goes out to the people who cant say the same. I know it does and your support here im sure means everything to them. Alek skarlatos, thank you so much for being with us this morning . Thank you. Appreciate that. George, back to you. Thanks to both of them. Shatter the entire community. Lets go outside to ginger. George, were out here on a in new york city. This, though, not moisture from joaquin. Joaquin now we have an update, separate storm from the coastal storm thats going to drench south and north carolina. Joaquin is still in the bahamas moving very slowly northwest at three Miles Per Hour. Its going to take more of a northnortheasterly track. At this point the trend is for the cone of uncertainty to sway out to sea. That would be good news just kicking up big surf. 41 in marquette. That is the big pict cindy good morning to you. Im meteorologist Cindy Fitzgibbon. A wet start here down along the south coast and the cape this morning. That rain lifting towards boston around lunch time and continuing up towards southern New Hampshire by the time we get towards this evening. Along the coast, watching that its a cool, raw, damp da well have updates on the coastal flooding and how much rain to expect in the southeast in a couple of minutes. Lets head back inside. Thanks. We switch gears and we have more fit myths. I cant say that right. You had all week to work on it. Focusing on nutrition, when and what to eat before and after you work out. Mara schiavocampo on the case again. Good morning, mara. Reporter good morning. You know theres a saying that Healthy Bodies are made in the kitchen, not the gym. Everyone from Fitness Instructors to nutrition ifs noting what you eat is one of the biggest factors in weight loss and muscle gain. Fit foods, everyone from celebs to professional athletes sharing photos all over social media. The rock posting this, egg, turkey bacon and muffins, even lebron james drinking a Peanut Butter smoothie. How important is nutrition to someones fitness goals. Die set a huge factor. What you eat will end up dictating where your results come from. Reporter knowing exactly what to eat and when can be confusing. So we asked sports nutritionist Jason Mccuskey to break it down. What to eat an hour or two before hitting the gym. You dont want to start out starving or stuffed. So youre going to want to look at about 150 to 250 calories of food. Kind of comprised of carbohydrates and protein. Reporter as for postworkout, if youre trying to lose weight, time your workout so its right before a meal. When you have to eat anyway. Lean protein, lots of veggie, you know, having a lit bit of a a complex carb, whether it be a starchy vegetable or fruit. Reporter looking to build muscle use that postworkout period to refuel, 300 to 550 calories of preteen or carbohydrate. Jason suggests not waiting more than two hours to eat. If you go much longer most tend to get really hungry and leads to becoming ravenous and make poor food choices. Reporter no matter when you eat the quality of the food is key. Lean tree teens and vegetables, the whole grains, healthy fat, they have nutrients in them that love us back. And, of course, hydration is also really important. Jason recommends drinking about 12 to 20 ounces of water in the hours before your workout so you dont get dehydrated part of the way through. Keep your power up. Lets go through preworkout, what you do during and after. Starting out with the pre. There is an idea you have to carb load, right. But really unless youre training for a marathon you dont need that many carbs. This would be an exam of the carb loading preworkout that you dont need. Instead. Mix it up, complex carbs and protein so the milk and oatmeal and we have berries in there, a super food and this will give you lew. During the workout a lot think we have an edge with a sports drink. Again unless youre training for a marathon and doing hours of training all this will do is giver you calories you dont need. All you really need during your workout. I know what this is going to be. Good oldfashioned water. Stay hydrated make sure youre drinking throughout and you dont need this unless youre training for something major. I love the tip eat right after. Important not to wait too long. Also your body is looking for fuel after the workout so this is a protein shake. The headache is a good option especially if youre on the go you have the time, real food is always better. You want to try to prepare a meal that will replenish, repair and give you the energy you need to refuel. Something like a complex carb, a sweet potato will refuel. This is kale, antiinflammatory and the protein, its going to help you rebuild thats why its a good idea to move your workout up to meal time. Because youre not adding in a meal or smack. If you plan it before a workout youre going to need a meal anyway. Good advice all week long. News. Get over here. It is time for pop news friday edition. Are you ready, tom llamas. Im pumped. Ready. Ooh, look at george. Like your own personal runway. Work it. There we go. There we go. He was strutting, wasnt he . Come on. Come on. We need you. Who else is going to look at me incredulously. Ready. We begin pop news on this friday edition with this, weve had plenty of time dissecting the candidates for next years president ial election but we havent heard from a huge group of american about the contenders, children, so jimmy kimmel sat down with them to get their take. Whos this guy, do you know . George clooney. George clooney, no, that is not George Clooney but hell be very happy to hear you say that. I hope donald was watching. Hell love that. Focus on that. When he asked about democratic hopeful Hillary Clinton, listen up. Her husband used to be the president. Yes, edie. Is it martha washington. It is martha washington. Trump did a lot better than hillary. I mean, she is a former first lady so not too bad. We thought that was great. Thank you, jimmy, for that. And skwoets sweet caroline robin. Kneel diamond still has it. Crank up the volume so good spotify has run the numbers on the alltime most popular tunes to belt out in the shower and 1969 sweet caroline still making the good times feel so good, so good, so good. That tune came in at number eight, also making the top 20, the supremes baby love proving we all possess a little diva inside of us, at last by etta james. The number one a little boom, boom into your morning. Wake me up george, look at your face. Im incredulous again. No. Leave it go. By wham. Have lets get to know tom better. Your number one go to song in the shower. And if you could demonstrate pretend youre holding a shampoo bottle. This is embarrassing, pointer sisters jump. I love you. It gets me going. So is robs is that your song. Definitely. Wow. That is really something. Kind of weird too. No. Youre in a whole different light. I love drake too. Different drake songs . Pointer sisters, i have a whole new you in my head. Finally another reason dog is mans best friend because when youre short one person to play jump rope, rover helps a hand or snout. I mean look at this, you guys, i love this video. Thats great. Perfect rhythm. He even pauses to let another kid take a turn. Now we dont want to leave anybody out. Usually we see dan harris sometimes fill in. He loves cats. I didnt though it was you. So happy to see you, miss pointer sister, anyway, this one is for you dan wherever you are. So this video we thought was funny. This flowery fedora. Look at this cats reaction. Theres nothing else to say. Get that off my head. One more time, one more time. One more time. [ laughter ] if cats could talk and that is pop news on this friday. We needed that this morning. We did. We have don johnson in just a little bit. I bet my life i bet my life i good morning. Im erika tarantal. Right now. A second person has died after contracting the west nile virus. The victim is a woman in her 90s from suffolk county. An arizona man is being held on bail charged with abusing a 7weekold in New Hampshire. Merrimack police say chase mariscal grabbed the baby from his former girlfriend and dropped the infant to the floor. The baby is okay. To the weather now, taking a live look outside over boston. Its a chilly day, not rainy at the moment. Cindy not yet in town. Look at the wind. It is raw and chilly everywhere. The rain is down in southeastern massachusetts. Its moving north, reaching boston by lunchtime and the New Hampshire border as we get towards this evening. Temperatures stuck in the lower 50s with the northeasterly wind. Were watching the high tide for minor coastal flooding this afternoon. Notice your weekend. Saturday is the wetter day. Should be drier on sunday, but very cool. Hurricane joaquin likely staying offshore on monday. Olessa the commute is not too bad. Were watching some volume if youre traveling south of town. There is an accident on the southbound side of the expressway near columbia road. Northbound side 25 braintree to boston. 128 down to the leverett connector, 25 minutes. Minor delays on the orange line. Erika were back at 8 56. If youre heading out, watch the i want to see you smile welcome back to gma on this friday morning. And don johnson, hot new series, blood oil, a revealing oneonone with don johnson just ahead. He sat down with sara haines. You see her right there, talked all about that iconic role. Going european there. Miami vice and the look that made him. You always are awkward because you dont know if theyll do the double kiss. The triple. Triple. Thats a lot of kissing. Lets go to ginger. The triple would totally confuse me, george, but now i know how were going to go in for one. Time for our new series modern romance and the quest to find love online. Research shows that one in five adults ages 25 to 34 have given it a try but now a new show is trying to help people find love at first swipe by transforming their online profile one person at a time. Meet tara udot. She spent the last ten years concentrating on her job and now she has her sights set on a new goal. I made a great career for myself and im really ready to settle down. Reporter the problem, the whole meeting mr. Right thing is easier said than done. Off and on ive been doing Online Dating for five years and i havent had Great Results with any of them. What is your ideal guy. Reporter who are you going to call, Clinton Kelly and devyn simone, the hosts of tlcs brandnew dating show love at first swipe. They met tara for a love intervention. Step into our office right over here. Looking at taras dating profile they had some ideas. You like movies, you like sports. Reporter devyn and clinton say the number one mistake tara is making being too general in her profile. Not putting herself out there. Vanilla. Very girl next door, bordering on average. Ive been hurt before so im kind of safe in terms of what i put out. Thats exactly what this is. This profile says, im playing it safe. Taras profile was un uninteresting. Its not because she isnt an interesting woman. She wasnt highlights specifics about herself. Reporter as for taras appearance, clinton had ideas too. Hair, youre open to color. Thats interesting and clothes. She says taras first date wardrobe needs a little bit of an upgrade. This kind of top always says to me a woman is just looking to camouflage her body. Reporter he introduced her to bold new looks. Find out right now. Oh, we cant wait to see Clinton Kelly and devyn simone here with me now. Before we talk about mastering the dating po file, we are so ready to see the final results of taras makeover. Her new look and profile. Lets get one more before picture so we remember before and tara, drum roll, please. Come on in. Ah, you look great. Hi. Look at this. Bombshell. We love it. Thank you. You look outstanding. How do you feel . I feel fantastic. I love everything they did. The hair, makeup. My dress, you know, i just person. Im so excited. Clinton helped you but, clinton, what did you do specifically that can help our viewers with their pro file profile. You want to look like version. You might think youre playing it safe. You dont want to do that. Go bolder with your online profile. Its like fishing. You want to entice the fish to take the bait then also add color, color goes a long way when it comes to making you pop off the page. Thats what you want. You want to pop and not look like everybody else online. With your eye, i see it. Devyn, i know you revamped her profile. What did you do . She was hiding behind the profile, bad lighting and grainy and important to celebrate yourself so find your light. Make sure you really stand out and pop much dont play it safe in your profile photo. Thats whats going to get you the guy. Secondly, be descriptive so you have friend, you have family. How about i have great friends. I love my niece and nephew. I love football as opposed to sports and really tell them about your interests so you will potentially have a match. Guys use online po files too. Clinton, what is your number one tip for a man. Party. Most women want a man, not a boy. So true. Secondly id have to say dont take photos with a bunch of friends. We get it, you have friends but we dont know which one you are yourself. So the guys tend to do that more. Yeah. Them and their buddies. Im so popular. Look at all my friends. You are feeling good. I feel fantastic. Im so happy. Are you getting hits already . Well see. Im hoping to, yeah. Im ready. Clinton kelly and devyn simone, thank you for being here. Best of luck. The new show love at first swipe premieres tonight 9 00 eastern on tlc. She looks great, thank you. It is time now for gmas yahoo your day and this morning yahoo beauty editor in chief Bob Bobbi Brown is sharing her secrets on making eye shadow pop the great thing about eye shadow it makes your eyes stand out. You want richer and true colors. Im going to teach you the basics. A light, a medium and a dark. Light goes all over the lid and what this does, it creates a nice surface for putting the rest of the eye shadow on. It also lightens up any kind of darkness, the medium color with a fluffy brush also makes sure the powder is off it and that starts the lower lash line and outside. Darkest, a shadow or a gel pot or a pencil and then you line the eye starring at the outside all the way across so its eye shadow as eyeliner. Lay iring is really fun and playing with different textures. A little bit of shimmer, a little bit of sparkle, super, super pretty. All right. Thank you. Im just going to admit robin and a were dancing to that music. Outside to ginger. Im having a lipstick moment. I have to apologize if advance. Sparky is behind me, National Fire awareness, right . Its National Fire Awareness Month and sparky is here to and families. Always a great idea so sparky, were happy to have you. Has a little bit of rain on his visor because of that coastal storm and put on the futurecast so you can see rounds of showers and storms heaviest in north and South Carolina and thats why we think we could see epic flooding independent of joaquin. Joaquin is still out at sea. The flash flood warnings part of boy, a rough weekend. Look at some of the numbers, 6 to 10 inches almost the entire state of South Carolina. It will come in pockets, though. Cindy and good morning to you. Ill meteorologist Cindy Fitzgibbon. Raining right now down along the south coast, the cape, and the islands. That rain is going to be lifting northward as we go throughout the day. It gets wetter as the day wears on. Cool, damp, and raw. Sho all that weather brought to you by ford. Lara, i want to get in and dance with you guy. Get in here then, ginger. Always room for you. And coming up, robin going oneonone with queen rania in a revealing new interview. Dont go anywhere. It is time to deal with skyrocketing outofpocket costs. Commentator the 32yearold head of a Pharmaceutical Company traised the price of a lifesaving drug overnight by 5,000 . Im announcing a detailed plan to crack down on these abuses. T commentator he may be lowering it after Hillary Clinton blasted him out of the water. The outofpocket costs p should have to choose p between buying the medicine they need and paying their rent. Im Hillary Clinton, and i approve this message. Andrew p the one thing about soccer that i like the most is when i put my uniform on, the age just leaves me. The ages leave all of us. We simply become kids again. R i think all of us play for that very reason. T it makes us the child we once were. P the years just glide away, and im back to where i was. P you are that little andy guy who used to be down in me, and i get to be that person all over again. My name is andrew, and Bluecross Blueshield has me. Queen rania of jordan has been speaking out about the refugee crisis in europe. It is not a new crisis to her country. Over the past five years refugees have come to make up 20 of jordans population. I sat down with her this week when she and her husband King Abdullah were here for the u. N. General assembly. Your majesty, thank you very much. Been looking forward to spending this time here with you. Its an absolute pleasure, thank you, robin. The one issue that is finally made it here to american shores, the refugee crisis and this is something that you and your country, you have been dealing with, taking in refugees for the last five years like 600,000. Absolutely. This is the syrian refugee crisis is a true humanitarian catastrophe. I think people dont realize the magnitude of the numbers. 250,000 syrians have lost their lives as a result of this conflict. Half of the population of syria of them are displaced and 4 million have become refugees and often hear people say why arent the countries in the region doing more. We are doing quite a lot and this you know, jordan is a small country thats quite resource poor so its really been a major issue for us. Puts a strainen 0 the whole economy. It puts a huge strain we do need assistance from the international community. When you talk about the numbers, president obama just said that we, the United States, will accept 10,000. Is that enough . It isnt though for the United States or for europe alone to soldier the burden. I think we all have to Work Together to try to find a cohesive and comprehensive and a unified approach to this. Do you think part of the problem here in this country and understanding. When you say refugees and when you talk to these people theyre like everybody else. They had jobs. They were providing for their family. Now theyre being misplaced. Is there are there misconceptions we have to get a better understanding. Yeah, i think the first thing we heed to do is put ourselves in their shoes. These people are not leaving by choice and thats the difference between migrants and refugees. Mike grants choose to go to another country because they want a better job or an education but refugees are running for their lives. When i look at a country like the United States, it baffles me that people dont understand it because this is a country that where immigrants have done so much and can you imagine what the United States would have been like without the contribution of the valuable contribution of so many immigrants. I dont know why we look at it, your majesty, so differently now. I think it might having something to do with the fact that these refugees are arabs and muslims and there has been a stereotype now thats been festering for so many years because the extremists have really dominated the agenda and have shall think caused a lot of fear and mistrust and intolerance towards arabs and muslims. Religious extremism, has it gotten worse and is there more that moderate muslims can do in helping in this fight to end the war and to end what isis is doing . The truth is that, you know, the groups such as isis, ill refer to them as daesh, they are building and broadcasting a brand of global terror implicating islam, muslims and we saw a part of this, and i know you recently met with him and he was we interviewed him on our program, thedown man from texas, ahmed mohamed. The outpouring from people who stood up for him and said, no, this is unacceptable. How does his story help and hurt . Well, you know, i think it kind of woke us all up to the fact that some of these stereotypes can seem into our subconscious without us knowing and make us make grave misjudgments of people. Sometimes causing a great deal of unfairness and injustice. Finally, what do you want to say to this big, wonderful, we all share . You know, when people look at some of these crises that we see like the refugees and ask what can we do, it begins with empathy but then you have to act and acting doesnt just mean you just click like and move on to the next post because you assume that somebody else will do something about it. You are that somebody else. Youve got to act on your values because if you dont, they just slip away. They strrt to erode and that wouldnt be a good thing for he of us so i think my message would be, you know, remember what matters and i think the pope really reminded us in the last few days and act on it. Always a pleasure to spend time with queen rania. Always an enlightening conversation when shes here. Coming up oneonone with don johnson, miami vice star is back, big new show and revealing what he really thinks about his daughters shoulder in i had no idea snhu had this amazing campus. R even the walk to class is amazing. R i love the sense of community. R people actually hold the doors open for you here. R all my professors really know who i am here. R they genuinely want you to succeed. R ive made so many friends here. R friends i know ill have for life. Snhu is the place for me. Don johnson became a superstar on miami vice and now hes back on tv in blood oil. He talked all about it with sara haines. Hey, sara. Good morning, lara. Yes, we did talk and we laughed and talked some more and not much was offlimits as youll see. Heres a man who has created a career that spans the decades how are you . Im good. Meeting actor don johnson is meeting with television royalty. In the 1980s he wowed us with miami vice in the 90s he starred in nash bridges, now hes back in blood oil. You dont change. Oh, yeah. We sat down at feinsteins 54 below to discuss his new character, oilman hat brigs. Hes a wildcatter in the oil business sittingen 0 the biggest now youre the patriarch. Youre still a leading man, its just you are the guy giving the advice. Youre overseeing the chace crawfords. I know what its like to be in their position and i can go to them and let me tell you how i handled this situation badly and what not to do. If anyone is in a position to give advice about how to handle the limelight, its johnson. In the 1980s he soared to superstar dom as miami vice sonny crockett. Women wanted to date him. Men wanted to be him. Did you ever think youd be such a trendsetter . Your tshirts with your jacks and no socks and your shoes. That was kind of a surprise. I was doing it out of function of the heat. Id go to work in july and in miami and it was so hot that i just kept taking off clothes. So you were accidentally doing this. Oh, yeah, i took off the bell, the socks, anything that added heat i took it off. I mean ill stop there. But things came off, okay. Commando. I would go commando quite often. But its not acting that makes johnson light up the most. Instead, its family. Johnson is the proud father of six. His daughter with actress melanie griffith, Dakota Johnson who famously starred in fifty shades of grey. Im an stash that steele. Did you watch fifty shades . Oh, no, i was foreboden. Good. Ill watch for both of us. There are images that you just dont need in your head. Thats one of them. I have to do a lightning round with you, okay . Okay. This is kind of would you rather, okay. You got to pick one. Mountains or the beach . Beach. Beer or champagne . Champagne. I like you. Send a text or pick up the phone. Send a text. Boxers or briefs or c, miami vice. Commando. No, ill have to say boxers on that. Now im going to go just a little 80s. Would you have taken a spin in dukes of hazard general lee or magnum ferrari. I had my own ferrari. That. You are good at this game. You were fast, you were decisive except when you rocked my answers with i had my own ferrari. Okay, i came in as a fan of don johnson, now im kind of smitten with him. This man was so amazing, so if you want a little piece of don johnson this series that i just saw, its exactly what you want from him. Hes like all cowboy and amazing but that guy sings, he performed with barbra streisand. Yeah, hes cool. Hes so chill. You are so smitten. I am so i immediately called my husband and i was like, baby, i hope this okay but i love don johnson. I mean, its don johnson. And the show is blood oil. Its really good, right . It is good. So check it out, everybody, sundays, 9 00, 8 00 central here on abc. That was great. Cc1 test message what do george, shaq and the president , not that president , this one all have in common . Their favorite job is being a dad. Monday theyre in the gma dad council hot seat giving fatherly advice to your questions live. Mom, you wont want to miss this. Good morning, america. Good morning america is brought to you by quaker, off you go. Dad council, right . We can learn so much from promos. I know what im doing monday. Now we know. But before we go on friday we want to tell you about disney, choose kindness campaign. In support of National Bullying plea vengs month working with pacer, stomp out bullying and dosomething. Org to put an end by to bullying to inspire others to kindness. Every Single Person has their own thing. Be strong, be kind. Be daring. Be awesome. And together we can stop bullying. And to find out how you can make a difference go to abc. Com beinspired. All month long share words of encouragement using choosekindness and be inspired. Have a good weekend. Erika good morning. 8 56. Im erika tarantal. Looking live over the city. Kind of a gloomy, chilly start, but not terrible. Cindy it is cool and raw. Going to stay low to mid50s all day long. Notice by lunchtime were bringing in rain. That rain in southeastern massachusetts. Going to lift up towards the boston area by lunchtime and continuing on to the north. Also watching the high tide for minor coastal flooding. Looks cool and damp on saturday. A little drier on sunday. Joaquin looks like its going to stay offshore. Erika lets see how the roads are looking. Olessa theyre not too bad. Watching some delays south of town. The expressway is 20 to 25 from braintree to boston. Pike 15 minutes 495 to 128. 93 south from 128 to the 20. Erika . Erika Six Lowell High School students have been suspended after a racially fueled group text went viral. School leaders tell the lowell sun the conversation started after the student body elected a black senior as class president. A screen shot was posted online. Right now the u. S. Attorney general is in massachusetts. Her mission, tackling the growing Opioid Crisis here and around the country. Shes leading a summit in waltham. Join us for newscenter 5 at noon. If youre heading out, watch the latest newscenter 5 newscast right now or any time on the wcvb mobile app, and you can also track joaquin on that app. Have a great friday and a great

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