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Americans are expected to spend, on average, about 147 on valentine valentines gifts this year. Thats up about five bucks from last year. But how and what were spending that money on is changing. Thats our cover story. Red is the color of valentines day, but retailers should be seeing green. The National Retail federation predicts americans will spend a record amount on the holiday of love this year. Nearly 20 billion. Almost 2 billion of that on flowers. Another 1. 8 billion on candy, and even more on jewelry and going on that special evening. Much of that spending has moved to the internet. 28 of americans will shop online, an increase of nearly 12 since 2010. And consumers are also going mobile. More than 17 plan to use their phone to shop for valentines day. But how we celebrate is also changing, and its not just chocolate and roses. While the percentage of americans buying candy has remained relatively stable over consumers buying greeting cards has fallen off nearly 15 and the number buying clothing has increased by more than 5 . Many couples now celebrate the couple with a night out, which may include dinner to a restaurant or tickets to a show. 30 years ago, jim mccann was a disrupter before we ever knew what that term meant. He changed the name of his flower stores to a 1800 number. Today he leads the company with more than 1 billion in sales. Jim mccann is 1800flowers. Com founder and ceo, and jim, thank you for joining us. Good to see you. Good to see you, becky. Jim, ive known you for a lot of years, and ive never really known how you got started in the flower business. Is it true you were moonlighting as a bartender and heard about a flower shop for sale . It was across the street from the place i worked at here in manhattan on friday and saturday nights. One of my cheers who would stay later into the evening owned the flower shop and said he was i thought, thats an interesting business. I was a social worker during the anytime. I thought, retail, working at people with nice times in their life, maybe ill give it a try. So i bought that flower shop and another and another and another. That was a long time ago, as you say. Were calling you a disrupter, because you were the original disrupter to the flower industry category, but youve reinvented yourself several times over. First it was the tollfree number, 1800, and added dotcom to the end when it came to online. Now youre into mobile. How do you keep changes with the times and whats the next wave . Its a multiheaded wave. Everything about local, everything about social. I think the best way for us to stay connected is to be, is to be paranoid about whats going to come next, the change. If you look at the essence, becky, of why we embrace all the new technologies, its all about being convenient, and its all about being accessible. And if we do that, we can really help our customers to act on their thoughtfulness. The more convenient and thought like, oh, its valentines weekend, and geez, i ordered in my case, i want to make sure im sending those boxes of butter cream cookies to my grandkids for valentines weekend, im more likely to act on that if its as convenient as picking up my smartphone and placing an order in just a minute or so. And we still have stores, we still have the internet, we still have telephone access when its appropriate. And most of our customers are multichannel or omnichannel. They come to us whichever way is convenient or appropriate for them at the time. I know your Company Earned more than 1 billion in revenue last year, but less than half of that came from flowers. I think it was 55 or something came from gourmet food and gift baskets that were out there. Is that the trend that you expect is going to continue . What were seeing, becky, is exactly that. Our flower business continues to grow. Our food business is actually growing at a faster base. And now, more and more thoughtful, nonperishable gifts as well. Valentines day falls on a sunday this year. That the worst time it could fall for you . From a delivery point of view, its actually a little easier for us, because we have a network of florists around the country, around the world who are set up to make those deliveries. More people are going to be home friday, saturday, and sunday than they normally would be during a workweek. So it retards demand a little bit, but it gives us a better delivery opportunity. So business on the topline will be challenged a little bit. But on the bottom line, in terms of being able to deliver a lot of gifts, a lot of smiles, and do it more conveniently than we can on a busy friday, so its a balance. We actually dont mind it falling on a sunday. Jim, thank you. 1800 flowers and ftd are the established online players, but new startups are also shaking up the industry. Kate rogers is in new york city and joins us now with more. Kate . Reporter hi, becky, thats right. If youre in a panic over lastminute flowers for valentines day, its not too little. Theres a whole new crop of are promising to make your lover happy in two hours or less. Rachel ciao is busy fulfilling sameday orders for the booth company. Theyre sourcing flowers from ecofriendly farms in south america and the states for nextday delivery, and theyve recently added Sameday Service to artisans like rachel. Their leaner supply chain cutting out the middle man leads to lower costs. One of the things youll see thats very different for us versus competitors is that pricing, especially this time of year, around valentines day. Armed with sleek apps, vc dollars, and a focus on sustainability, competitors in the ondemand ecofriendly space include bloom that, which wraps its flowers in compostable burlap, and urban stems, using its own inhouse bike couriers for delivery. While spending on flowers for valentines day has remained stable in the past two years at about 2 billion, the more traditional florist industry has decade, going from more than 9 billion in 2006 to less than 6 billion last year, as Grocery Stores and online players have increased their market share. Which is why savvy florists like rachels are turning to the booths. As a booth customer, they keep growing, because they retain their customers, as well as theyre reaching out to, you know, many different people, and the demographic. Its not only valentines day, theres birthdays, and anniversaries, and gifts for their parents and things like that. So theres a lot of opportunity to keep buying flowers and just making somebody happy. Rachel is expecting a very busy weekend with some very happy valentines. Kate, why are these companies so heavily marketing the ecofriendly Ondemand Services . Becky, when i talked to john tabt, hes saying a lot of people that work for him and a lot of the customers he currently has and hopes to have stand for anything less than a company thats committed to that ecofriendly sustainable product. And if you go on those websites and those apps, its a really seamless user interface, and thats something that speaks to the millennial generation and it seems to be something that all three of those companies are trying to market heavily towards. Kate, thank you very much. Up next, we are on the money. A year ago, cvs quit smoking, removing all cigarettes from its drugstore shelves. Has it hurt the bottom line and does the chain have other changes in store . And later, your money, your marriage. What you need to ask before popping the question. And as we go to a break, take a look at how the stock market ended the week. May not always be clear. But at t. Rowe price, we can help guide your retirement savings. For over 75 years, investors have relied on our disciplined approach to find long term value. So wherever your Retirement Journey takes you, we can help you reach your goals. Call a t. Rowe price retirement specialist or your advisor. To see how we can help make the most of your retirement savings. T. Rowe price. N heres a look at whats making news. As we head into a new week on the money. If youve never heard of negative Interest Rates, well, you are not alone. The Federal Reserve chair janet yellen says that they are not off the table. In her semiannual testimony before the house and congress. Negative Interest Rates means that the central bank would charge banks interest for some of the money that they keep at the fed. That could encourage the banks to actually lend more money, instead of paying the fed to keep it. Its never been tried before in the united states, but it is being used right now in japan world. That did stocks no favors. The dow falling 250 points on thursday, after an incredibly volatile and negative week. The s p 500 touched the lowest level its seen in nearly two years. Stocks rebounded on friday. But all is not lost. Burger king is going to start selling hot dogs right along side the whopper, flame grilled and everything. Thats the biggest change in its menu in decades, and it comes mcdonalds with its all Day Breakfast menu. There are changes ahead at your corner drugstore. Cvs, the nations second largest chain recently changed its name to cvs health. Part of the move to add that word was removing all tobacco from its stores. David doorman is cvs healths executive of the board. Great to see you. Thank you. I know this change went through a year ago, and some experts say it probably cost you about 2 billion to remove tobacco from the stores. Was it worth it . Absolutely. It was just inconsistent with our mission to be a Health Care Provider to sell tobacco. What we didnt expect, frankly, is to get as much credit as we have. People have responded, the view of the brand is better than its ever been, because they said, heres a company that made a decision to affect their sales and bottom line, and move forward with the right answer. Lets talk a little bit about one of the headlines that we hear so frequently. And that is the high cost of drugs. The media at this point. Largely because of Martin Shkreli being called in front of congress. Is that representative of the drug industry, overall . So to generalize it, based on the behavior of a few bad actors is not fair. But at the same time, drug costs have gone up. And theres a cycle here, generic drugs, which have been a huge benefit to consumers the last three years, Something Like 90 billion of previously Ethical Pharmaceuticals on patent have come off, and those prices have fallen 60 or 70 . So for consumers, thats a 50 billion to 70 billion windfall. But at the same time, new drugs come on that are narrow in application, you know, they affect a fewer number of people than, say, statins have done and the prices are higher. But if youre someone who benefits from that drug, lifesaving drug, the price is, you know, less material to you. We have a situation where consumers are paying more out of too. So maybe its something thats hitting the consumer a lot more in the face than it used to. Well, as obamacare evolves and people make their own Health Care Insurance decisions, less made by their company and more about individuals, there is more choice. And sometimes those choices have higher costs than people ever realize, because their employer was paying for it, or the government. How has it changed your business from the care prescription side of the situation to realize that more and more people are selfinsuring and going through the Affordable Care act, obamacare . In our business, we see increases in Medicare Part d medicaidfilled prescriptions, which are negotiated very hard. Right. And tend to be very at the very bottom of the pricing stack. And individuals, at least, who are selfinsured, you know, who have not just copay, but total pay, you know, theres sticker cvs also just bought 1,600 pharmacies inside target. Hows that Partnership Working out . Target is a terrific brand. Our brand will bring more foot traffic into target stores, so they win, and our Health Partners who look for convenience, they have 1,600 more locations where they can pick up prescriptions. And with our maintenance choice product, we allow our Health Care Consumers to pick up in store, mailed to their home, or to a pharmacy within the network of chair choice. You not only sit on the board of cvs, but several other boards, including yum brands. Where do you think we stand right now . How are americans feeling . With Energy Prices as low as they are, everyone who has a car feels this directly. So theres been a gas price dividend. Its hard to find where its shown up, you know, ive heard some people say that, you know, casual dining and dining in general is maybe up a little bit. Its hard to see that from where we sit with yum. Clearly, auto sales were up. Think, from that dividend. But on the other hand, you know, were not in a robust economy, in this country, you know, given the recent economic numbers. Its a confusing time, because you wouldnt think we would be as linked to chinas problems as we are as a consumer of their goods, which theoretically should be going down in price, based on supply and demand. David, thank you so much for your time today. You bet. Up next, were on the money. Planning to tie the knot . The conversation you need to this is a body of proof. P proof of less joint pain. And clearer skin. This is my body of proof that i can fight Psoriatic Arthritis with humira. Humira works by targeting and helping to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to both joint and skin symptoms. Its proven to help relieve pain, stop further joint damage and clear skin in many adults. Doctors have been prescribing humira for 10 years. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Before treatment, get tested for tb. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if youve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. Want more proof . Ask your rheumatologist about humira. Humira. 9 million americans are expected to get engaged this weekend. It will be valentines day, after all. But before you get a ring on it, you better get financially intimate. I spoke to Sharon Epperson about what questions you should ask before you commit to someone else. So you really want to have an idea of what you want in the future. What is your vision for the future. What will your financial future look like . And heres a really key point. And its hard to kind of have this conversation. But you need to know this. What do you owe and what do you own . You know, thats a conversation thats hard to have, but first, you have to see for yourself where you stand financially. And then, what is your style . How do you address money . Do you pay all your bills as soon as they come . Do you wait until the due date . Or do you pay them late . What is your style and kind of understanding what your own style is will help you then have what sort of questions should you be asking your spouse or your future spouse about money . Well, its not romantic, but you need to be a bit vulnerable. Explain what your worries are. What are your concerns about money and being able to reach your financial goals. What is holding you up in getting there. What do you think may be a challenge for both of you going forward. And every question that youve asked yourself about money, you need to ask your spouse or your partner about that. And then, also, think about what their responses are, and listen carefully. Respect their positions. Dont just jump on them, because they said something that you dont agree with. You want to really respect where they stand. And especially where theyve come from. A lot of people have reasons the way they are. Theres a reason why theres a lot of student loan debt. You have two graduate degrees, sometimes thats going to happen. You need to understand where theyve come from, and what the potential is then to get on solid financial footing in the future. What are some of the dos and donts when it comes to one of the big things you dont want to do is you dont want to hide debt, you dont really want to make sure that you dont label each other as a spender or a saver, but you want to make sure that you dont just automatically say, you know, youre no good with money, youre a total spender all the time. Some of the things that or youre a cheapskate. The main thing you really want to do with your partner is have that conversation. You want to make sure that you have the conversation and that you are open about having that money talk. You want to make sure that, also, when youre having it, youre talking about what your goals are, what your dreams are, and that youre also being very realistic in reaching those. There are going to be some pitfalls along the way. How are you going to plan for those emergencies . Thats a very important conversation to have. And make sure you both get where you want to go in the future . Sharon, thank you. My pleasure. Up next on the money, a look at the news for the week ahead. And rock n rolls huey lewis. Well talk about the music business and how he turned down millions of dollars. I dont know. Because im an idiot, frankly. Rom the future dont buy makeup that settles from covergirl and olay. With b vitamins, and spf. It floats over lines and you look beautiful and now theres simply ageless liquid makeup it helps you look younger in three ways. So in the future when youre older you look younger. Simply ageless from olay. And easy, breezy beautiful covergirl why are you singing the end . This bale of hay almost derailed the ranch. When a wildfire raged through elkhorn ranch, the sudden loss of pasture became a serious problem for a family business. Faced with horses that needed feeding the owners were forced to place an emergency order of hay. Thankfully, mary miller banks with chase for business. She could control her cash flow, and keep the ranch running. Chase for business. For more on our show and on our guests, you can go to our website, otm. Cnbc. Com and you can on Twitter Twitter onthemoney. Here are the stories coming up that may impact your money this week. On monday, the markets are closed for president s day. And the 58th annual grammys will be taking place. On wednesday, well be getting a report on inflation with the producer of price index. Well also hear about whether theres any improvement in the Manufacturing Sector from the Industrial Production numbers. And the Federal Reserve will januarys meeting. On friday, the Consumer Price index for january comes out. Huey lewis and the news are entering their 36th year ago as a band. Theyre set to go on tour this spring. Earlier, i spoke to huey about the changing nature of the Music Industry and about how being on the road drove his love for golf. Golf is a great complement to rock n roll touring, because, you know, we spend a lot of time in the midwest, for example. And whats in the well, if you play golf and youre in ohio, youre in mecca. There are great golf courses everywhere. You get out of the hotel, no cell phones, no people, fantastic. You know, i read a little bit about when you did sports, when you did the algorithms. Every song on that you wanted to be a hit. Thats the way it worked with the radio stations. But how has music changed since then . Well, immeasurably. You know, whats really interesting is to watch the and im not sure its good. When musics free, whos we just lost glenn frei this year, which is a sad deal. What a great talent. But the eagles, look at a band like the eagles, who made these wonderful records, but they were notoriously meticulous, those records. Spent a lot of money on those records, making hotel california. Spent a lot of time and a lot of money. Whos going to do that when records are free . Its also a very worrisome free. I know that cocacola pursued you pretty heavily at one point, after Michael Jackson got signed by pepsi and they wanted you and were throwing millions of dollars your way. Why did you say no . I dont know, i was an idiot, frankly. Id never done anything. I still havent ever done anything for money, you know . And we just started selling out concerts and making more money than wed ever made and i thought, why would i do this for money . You know, im an artist. Would you change your mind today . Oh, yeah. Where do we hear real blues music. Muddy water blues music. Where do we hear it . On ads, toyota ads. The corporate world, which was sort of we our influences were bohemian in those days, but now people who are my age in the corporate world, theyre more bourgeois, can but their tastes are rooted in those 60s bohemia, and thats where we get all the a lot of its corporate driven. Even bob dillen. Exactly, exactly. Its okay to do. Yeah. Bob everything bob does is cool. I know that youre an investor and have you been kind of watching the stock market this year with the horrific start to the year . Yeah. What do you think . I think its looking for a bottom somewhere. Speculator. So, you know, i just sit tight, but i think we had an amazing run, so this is a correction of sorts. Know, blue chip stocks and the paid dividends and hang on, youre going to be fine. What kind of stocks do you buy . Well, i buy funds. I buy funds. I cant i cant watch if i was a stock if i watched the market every day, i cant do that. Im out playing harmonica and golf so i just buy funds. A nice little blend of funds and let it go. Huey, thank you so much for your time. Thank you. Thats the show for today. Im becky quick. Thank you so much for joining me. Next week, how to clean out your closet and make some money. The company that will take your gently used clothes and cut you a check. Each week, keep it right here. Were on the money. Have a great one and well see a piece of tri state history goes up in flames. The rabbit hash general store burns to the ground overnight. A live report coming up in just minutes. The longest serving judge on the Us Supreme Court has died. A look at is life, his legacy and the steps to fill his now vacant seat. Your valentines day is off to a chilly start this february 14th. We are tracking snow. So brace yourself. Good morning tri state wekeend starts right now , good morning. Im timyka

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