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He says he is all mad at everything. Fox. Megyn kelly you are a deal maker. Make a deal. Youre making a big mistake. Trumps feud takes center stage. I was not treated well by fox. They came out with this ridiculous p. R. Statement and it was like grown up by a child. Donald is a fragile soul. He is not coming to the debate but i have a 20 dollar bet hell show up. A lot of people tried to take the out before but im still tanneding. Sanders and clinton in a dead heat in the iowa polls. Three men arrested by the fbi in that wildlife refuge occupation in oregon, turning themselves in after reaching a checkpoint. U. S. Scientists believe the zika virus has potential to become a pandemic according to the World Health Organization. American Airlines Flight is forced to make an Emergency Landing in london after six people fall ill. A Flight Attendant collapsed in the aisle. Two people inside when a i watched the propeller stop. Wide tornado damage. The twister lifted vehicles. All of a sudden,ive up in the air. You look at the escape and capture of El Chapo Guzman produced by the mexican government. All that. A handcuffed suspect steals an oklahoma states trooper car while the trooper searched his car for marijuana. If you break out in New Hampshire you think you can go all the way . I do. If you dont break out . I probably will cry a little bit. What is your super bowl pick . Broncos or panthers . I think its a great forstory for Peyton Manning but carolina looks tough. Its going to be a close one. People are very upset because there is going to be a new movie and in that menksovie, Michael Jackson will be played by a british white man. The producer said we didnt want to cast a white man, but we would like to get nominated for so you do what you got to do. Announcer this portion of cbs this morning sponsored by toyota. Lets go places welcome to cbs this morning. Donald trump says his mind is made up and he will skip the last Republican Debate before monday iowa caucuses. Trump calls his boycott of tonights fox news debate an eye for an eye. He plans a campaign event. While seven of his republican rivals share the stage in prime time. A new poll out this morning shows 32 of likely Republican Voters in iowa support trump. Ted cruz is in second place with 25 . Only one other candidate, marco rubio, is in double digits. Major garrett is in des moines where crews take center stage for the first time in a debate. Major, good morning. Reporter good morning. The boycott and art of the deal maneuver is playing out hourbyhour. The fox and trump camps continue to negotiate, but, for now, the gop frontrunner has an event university at the same time as the debate. The purported purpose . To raise funds for veterans organizations. Trumps republican rivals either dont buy it or find it farcical. I got a fair question for somebody but we dont talk about that. Reporter in South Carolina wednesday, donald trump portrayed his boycott of the debate his textbook negotiating ploy. I was not treated fairly. You know that . Does everybody agree with that . You know in life, when with i fight with you, im fighting the same way. You have to be treated fairly. Reporter ted cruz dropping in some polls but betting on a ground game in iowa said trump is a coward. Not that he is afraid of me. He is afraid of you. Reporter cruz who will likely become the number one debate target tonight proposed a final time and place for a debate with trump. How about the two of us in a oneonone debate manomano . We have a venue, we have a all we are missing is a candidate. Foxs prime time king bill oreilly urged trump to reconsider. Here is it is what. Bill, let me tell you. Youre taking this much more seriously than i am. Who is . I want you to consider, all right . Think about it. Say, look. I might come back. Forgive. Go forward. I dont like being taken advantage of. In this case, i was being taken advantage of by fox. Reporter trump simplified his tactics in terms familiar to his supporters. If im representing the country as president , i wont let our country, because its a personality trait. Im not going to let our country be taken advantage of. Reporter trumps gop rivals frustrated at being frozen out of another media moment, fumed. I got a 20 dollar debate hell show up. I went up a couple of points, i would say. Interesting side show. Greatest show on earth this is not a show. Reporter a super pac to put up 1. 5 million if he accepts the texas senators debate challenge. Two organizations said they will not accept any donations from trumps event here tonight. Thanks, major. Wall street journal kim strassel is with us and writes a column that appears weekly in the newspaper and please to have you. Welcome. Nice to be here. Could this be a big mistake for donald trump . I think it is. This is the key moment for iowa voters. They are tuned in. They are paying a lot of attention to this one debate, because by the way, the rnc cut back on the number of debates so there is a lot of focus on this one. We know 4 out of 10 of those voters still say they could change their mind. Donald trump is going to be up on that stage and all of his competitors as you can see, are going to be leveling charges at him and he will be not be there. Do you there is an empty chair . I think a possibility. Fox and rnc said they wont have an empty podium there. Do you think as karl rove made enough to blow his lead, that it is a small enough lead in iowa that can could be the margin of difference . The problem is we dont really know what his lead is. The number one question that everyone has out there in iowa is how devoted are donalds supporters . Are they devoted celebrity watchers . The kinds that will stand in line five hours to get a ticket or the kind of people go out on a cold night to a caucus and those could be very different people. You believe big turnout numbers at these rallies doesnt translate into the votes at the end of the day . Thats what nobody knows. In the past, you can have about 120,000 people who are regular caucus goers to the republican caucus. Registration has not necessarily changed a lot in iowa. So has donald trump actually taken some of those voters or not . Could marco rubio benefit from all of this . He has been very strategic. He was a big believer that you the past week and polls are coming out showing he is moving up. He has the endorsement of the des moines register. And sioux falls newspaper as ernest. So he has a lot of momentum. The New York Times makes the point that the fight is between the leading republicans and roger ailes of fox news network. What do you make of that and trump appeared with oreilly last night and one of their biggest stars begged him to reconsider . I think the toughest thing for the media you want a donald trump on, good for your ratings, but, you know, at the same time, republicans love to bash on the media. But is this donald trump taking on fox . Because he thinks fox has too much power . It could be. But it also just could be because most republicans think it plays to tell their voters that the media is bad. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Certainly still more to come. Kim strassel, thank you for joining us at the table this morning. Washingtons biggest sanders this morning. The Washington Post editorial says the democratic candidate is running a, quote, fictionfilled campaign. It labels the vermont senator as not a brave truthteller and a lot like many other politicians. Sanders and Hillary Clinton are making Campaign Stops today ifn iowa today and nancy cordes is there. Good morning, nancy. Reporter good morning. That editorial primarily took issue with sanders plans to dramatically expand government. They say he has not adequately explained how he would pay for all of that. Its the same case clinton has been making, but it doesnt seem to bother his supporters. Another thousand of them showed up for him last night. I give you bernie sanders. Reporter stumping with Susan Sarandon in mason city, sanders blasted clinton for leaving the state. My opponent is not in iowa tonight. Philadelphia investment firm. Frankly, i would rather be here with you. Reporter sanders had just returned from his own trip to washington for a 45minute sitdown with the president. Issues. We talked about foreign policy. Little bit. Reporter what kind of politics . The president knows something about iowa. Reporter earlier at a Bowling Alley in adele, iowa, clinton argued she is best to equip the president s gains especially when it comes to obamacare. If they get a republican president , it will be gone and the first week. Reporter in mason city, her husband insisted shes a transformative candidate. There is only one person who is a proven change maker. Who is the change maker here . She is a walking, breathing change agent and she a born reporter that is the case zoe wagner is making between now and caucus night. The High School Junior is a precinct captain for clinton in beaverdale. Are you old enough to vote . No. Im 20 days too young to vote. Reporter you can still be a presingt captain . Yeah. That is the cool thing. Even though i cant be there to stand in her corner on caucus night, i can help in other ways. Reporter the democrats are still locked in their own debate fight over whether to hold another one in New Hampshire next week. Sanders is playing hardball saying he will only participate in clinton agrees to three more debates, in march, april, and may. Gayle, he wants as many chances to be headtohead with her on stage as possible. We will see how it turns out. Thank you, nancy. Cbs news will bring you a debate with the republican candidates next month from South Carolina. You can see it february 13th at 9 00 p. M. Eastern, 8 00 central right here on cbs. The World Health Organization is meeting this fight the zika virus. U. S. Scientists are warning the disease has a potential to become, quote, an explosive pandemic and it has been linked to birth defects. The cdc this week added new areas to the advisory warning pregnant women to avoid places where the virus is spreading. Ten cases have been reported in the u. S. This month. Dr. Anthony fouchy took part of in a briefing with president obama this week on the zika threat and with us this morning. Gooch, dr. Fauci. Thank you. Reporter we have 4,000 cases of babies born with suspected defects in brazil. Could this affect the u. S. . We do not believe there will be a major outbreak of zika in the United States. We dont want to be cavalier about it and take it very seriously. Types of viruses that are mosquito mosquitoborne we have experience with, we will see mini outbreaks in florida and texas that can be wellcontrolled with mosquito vector control. Hopefully, we will not see anything worse than that but we have to be very vigilant. We dont expect a major outbreak in the United States, despite the fact that there is considerable problems in south america, particularly in brazil with a widespread outbreak of reporter what is the Emergency Response that is necessary at this moment . Right now, the urgent response is vector control, namely, to make sure that the mosquitos veckettor are controlled and try to eliminate them with insecticides. What we spoke to president obama in our meeting was the kind of countermeasures, better diagnostics and being able to understand the virus better and control and everything he was interested in. Let me ask you, doctor. Spread by mosquitoes but i know the cdc has reported one case that is spread by other means. Are you concerned about that . We do not believe there is major ways of spreading this apart from mosquito bite. Right now, the considerable thing that we are concerned about as youre well aware is the devastating in pregnant women who get infected while they are pregnant and the reason the cdc has come out with their guideline telling pregnant women or women who think they are pregnant or getting pregnant to avoid unless absolutely necessary travel to those regions where you have the local spread and the outbreak of zika. Important information. Doctor, thank you. Youre quite welcome. Three more members of an armed group who took over a federal wildlife refuge in oregon are in custody and their surrender came as their leader bundy urged the followers to end the occupation. He made a Court Appearance wednesday in portland. Bundy said in a statement, go home and hug your families. This fight is ours for now in the courts. In all 11 members of the group have been arrested and face felony charges. Some holdouts remain inside the malheur wildlife refuge. Carter evans is in burns, oregon. Reporter locals here want the occupation to end as soon as possible. Even after the arrest and death of one man, as many as ten antigovernment protesters remain hunkered down and vowing to make a last stand. This is a free for all armageddon reporter that is the message from one man still inside the malheur wildlife refuge and he is calling for reinforcement. They stop you from getting here kill them reporter he and others are refusing to end the armed occupation which began as a protest over federal land ownership. This, even as their jailed leader, ammon bundy, urges them to go home. Remember that somebody died and this is not just about him right now. Reporter bundy and several others were arrested tuesday when Law Enforcement stopped them on a road about 20 miles from the compound. Bundys brother ryan was injured and the Group Spokesman Robert Lavoy Finicum was killed and he had recently told reporters he would rather died than be caged. Im going to not spend my days in a cell. Reporter supporters are calling him a martyr. Clive bundy she said they cold blooded shot him and she figures at least six times. Three or four of the times after he was on the ground dead. Reporter but authorities put the bame squarely on the protesters. Let me be clear. It is the actions and choices of the armed occupiers of the refuge that has led us to where we are today. Reporter 11 people, including bundy, now face felony charges of conspiracy to impede intimidation, or threats. This cant happen any more. This cant happen in america and it cant happen in harney county. Reporter the fbi has blocked off all roads into the wildlife refuge and the federal criminal complaint revealed that the occupiers are believed to have had explosives inside their compound. Wow. Carter, thank you very much. Our cbs news investigation into the Wounded Warrior project is sparking strong reactions. Former employees told us that the charity spent lavishly while not always delivering enough help to veterans. Now a branch of the u. S. Military is weighing in. The acting secretary of the army tells cbs news we need to make sure no soldier falls through the cracks when our ethos is we leave no one behind. It is our sincere hope that any organization dedicated to our veterans conducts themselves in a manner worthy of their service and sacrifice. We have also heard from the tough mutter company which partners with a charity to endurance races around the world. They told us, quote, we recently put our partnership with the Wounded Warrior project under review and we are now in the process of evaluating our Charity Partners for future event. The Wounded Warrior project has strongly rejected several of the claims made in our report. Its ceo has declined multiple requests for an interview. Five people are in custody this morning in connection with a Southern California jail break that gained national attention. The Orange County sheriff is not describing their link to the escapees. She says the prisoners got help and none of those in cust did are jail employees. The three inmates have been on the run for almost a week. They were gone about 16 hours before guards noticed. More than 250 officers are searching for them. The reward is 200,000. South florida is cleaning up this morning from the damage from a tornado outside ft. Lauderdale. The ef1 twister touched down Miles Per Hour it tore down trees and damaged roofs. The storm tossed cars in the parking lots and caused several crashes along the florida turnpike. Winds picked up one vehicle from the southbound lane and dropped it in the northbound lane at least one person was reported hurt. Michael jackson famously saying it dont matter if youre black or white. Now a white actor has been chosen to portray the pop music legend. Ahead, the growing outrage over the casting decision. First, it good morning, everybody. Its a beautiful morning out there right now, but the hidden risk is the ice. Its cold and weve got some black ice out there. Watch it right outside your front door. On some of those sidestreets too. 34, winds out of the south at 3. It feels colder than that. Look at these readings. 2028. Chilly start, then a pretty a few snow showers tomorrow. Announcer this portion of cbs this morning sponsored by kay jewelers. Every kiss begins with kay. A Mysterious Illness hits an american airliner across the atlantic. Ahead how the crew handle the emergency 30 thousand photo,000 feet and how they handled it after one of their own passed out. Morning. Announcer this portion of cbs this morning sponsored by nationwide. Nationwide is on your side scanner rescan item. Rescan, rescan. Rescan item. Vo it happens so often you almost get used to it. Phone voice main menu representative. Representative. Representative. Vo which is why being put first. Relax, we got this. Vo . Takes some getting used to. Join the nation. Nationwide is on your side representative. Fact. When emergency room doctors choose an otc pain reliever for their patients muscle, back and joint pain. The medicine in advil is their 1 choice. Nothing is stronger on tough pain than advil. 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At the pharmacy counter. Look close, werthers is making sugar free caramels, classic hard and deliciously chewy. That are so smooth, rich and creamy you wont believe theyre sugar free. Im billy, and i quit smoking with chantix. I decided to take chantix to shut everybody else up about me quitting smoking. I was going to give it a try, but i didnt think it was going to really happen. After one week of chantix, i knew i could quit. Along with support, Chantix Varenicline is proven to help people quit smoking. Chantix definitely helped reduce my urge to smoke. Some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. Some had seizures while taking chantix. If you have any of these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away. Tell your doctor about any history of Mental Health problems, whichcould get worse or of seizures. Dont take chantix if youve had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it. If you have these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away as some can be lifethreatening. Tell your doctor if you haveheart or blood vessel problems, or develop new or worse symptoms. Get medical help right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack or stroke. Decrease alcohol use while taking chantix. Most common side effect is nausea. Being a nonsmoker feels great. Ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. Ahead, we are at Niagara Falls where there is plan to tomorrow, super bowl 50s connection to the California Wine country. Your local news is coming up next. Right now youre watching cbs this morning. Good morning. Thursday, january 28. Im chris wragge. John will have your forecast coming up. A health alert responding to the zika virus, well be joined by experts to discuss the effects of the virus after a county resident contracted it. The cdc is advising everyone to reconsider travel to territories with zika virus outbreaks. Five people have tested positive for the virus. A sanitation worker who claimed he was mugged has been told police he was pistol whipped early yesterday on liberty avenue. He claimed they stole his phone and 25. Hes now charged with filing a false report. No comment yet from the Sanitation Department or union. Today, president of brooklyn residents get to vent about the shutdown of the l train, suspended entirely. The mta can repair underwater tunnel damage. The mta says they are looking to partner with the city on enhanced bus service. Now lets get over to john with your forecast. Hi, everybody. It is a pretty morning out there. Its colder and that cold air in concert with the melting we saw yesterday has led to more icing. 34 in the city, south breeze. Wind chills retreated more than air temperature readings. Out the door. And let the kids. Later today, in good shape. Upper 30s, around 40. Tomorrow, a little challenging. Weve got a clipper system thats going to bring in thats no. Even around the city we could see a little bit of accumulation. Better chance for that coating, have an itch north and west. That will be slippery and then a left over fleury before we warm up saturday. Were back with another minutes. In new york state, we believe tomorrow starts today. All across the state the economy is growing, with creative new business incentives, and the lowest taxes in decades, attracting the talent and companies of tomorrow. Like in the hudson valley, with world class biotech. And on long island, where great universities are creating next generation technologies. At business. Ny. Gov legally, ben has to give churn time to each of the candidates by making a flavor for each of them. We are bernie is yearningy, why not Martin Omallomar . Hillary is whatever flavor you want this to be. How about jeb bushs double vanilla. For some strange reason, it is still bright organic for donald trump. Very clever. Very clever. Some of these jokes just write themselves for stephen colbert. Welcome back to cbs this morning. In this hour an upcoming movie about Michael Jackson is sparking controversy over choosing a white actor who was chosen to play the iconic pop star. Why the actor says he was surprised to be cast in this call. A transatlanta flight hours into the journey, how passengers helped the victim and why the pilot returned to london instead of diverting to the nearest airport. Time to show you some of the mornings headlines from around the globe. The New York Times says president obama will take the first step today in a moonshot effort to cure cancer. He will sign a president ial memo to create a task force. Vice President Biden will be appointed to lead it. Wall street Journal Blood Testing Company seranos and found jeopardy for patient health. In november they found deficient practices and they have a plan to fix the problem next month or face losing certification. The company says a plan will be submitted within days. A huge Fourth Quarter earnings for facebook that doubled to 1. 5 billion and the first Time Facebook posted more than a billion dollars in quarterly profit. Mobile ads made up of 80 of total ad revenue. St. Louis post dispatch reports the city of ferguson reached a tentative deal with the Justice Department on reforms and they would contain control of their police and municipal court. The plan requires extensive additional training for officers and requires them to wear working body cameras. Ferguson council will vote on the proposal february 9th. Is now permitting its 18 sororities to hold some events following the hostile waking of a student. A Sorority Member was sent to the hospital in Critical Condition but is expected to fully recover. Backlash over a white actor playing Michael Jackson. British actor Joseph Fiennes is cast for a new movie for british tv. Vladimir duthiers is here with how this is adding fuel to the entertainment industry. Reporter when the oscars win a second Straight Year without nominating a person of color for a major acting award it sparked widespread criticism. Legendary black entertainer blade by a white actor. Even fiennes admits he was shocked by the casting. If youre black or White Reporter it appears one British Tv Company may have of pop to heart. Actor Joseph Fiennes has been cast to play Michael Jackson in an upcoming tv movie. He is best known for playing William Shakespeare in shakespeare in love. He admitted he was surprised when he was considered for the role. Im a white middle class guy from london and im as shocked as you might be. Reporter he spoke with our partners at entertainment tonight about the controversial casting. Definitely had an issue, a pigmentation issue and that is something i do believe it was probably closer to my color than his original color and its not in any way malicious and endearing and the more i looked at my goal and its great as an actor to have so much to copy to look at interviews, the more i kind of fell in love with him. Reporter the decision has raised eyebrows from those both confused and upset by the casting. It also comes at a time when the scarcity of roles for minority this after the oscars kneeleded no nominations for persons of color in the major actor categories for the second year in a row. In 1993, jackson spoke to Oprah Winfrey about a rumor involving jackson wanting to be portrayed by a white actor in a commercial. There was a story about you wanting to have a little white boy play you in a pepsi commercial. That is so stupid. That is the most ridiculous horrifying story ive ever heard its crazy i mean, why . Number one, its my face in a child in a commercial, me when i was little. Why would i want a white child to play me . Im a black american. Im proud to be a black american reporter this isnt the first time the choice of an actor has sparked controversy along racial lines. Emma stone was cast to play a role in aloha and the director eventually apologized for. John wayne playing kahn and natalie wood. And rita moreno. These are all people love iconic roles but not the first time. Im surprised but not insulted by it. When you look at Michael Jackson, you had very white features at the time that he left this earth. And many people said he looked very much by a white person so im not offended or insulted or outraged by this. I just want to know can he dance like Michael Jackson . Thank you, vlad. Americanairlines this morning is investigating a mystery illness on a transatlantic airliner. At least six people became sick wednesday on flight 109 from london to los angeles. Witnesses say the jet turned around after a passenger and Flight Attendant fainted. Shows us how one passenger called the fly surreal. Reporter passengers said it was a routine tenhour flight and two and a half hours after the plane took off, the crew turned on the cabin lights and asked if there was a doctor on board. It was probably as tense as anyone wants to be 30,000 feet in the air. Reporter eric winter was one of 172 passengers on americans flight 109. I saw an older gentleman. , you know, unfortunately he had thrown up all over himself. Reporter british boy band race the horizon was also on board and says a flight aisle. It was just a shock, really. Like, she was walking down the aisle and i dont know. She just started faint in front of me. Reporter the 40yearold to los angeles. Once in the air two passengers and several Flight Attendants and according to witnesses two people appeared to faint. They say a medical student and doctor volunteered to help. They owned that cabin and made sure everyone was as safe or as comfortable as they needed to be. Reporter according to maps, the captain decided to turn around miles from icelands Largest International airport. The pilot came on and spoke to everyone and said, listen, the three of us are safe up front, we have zero problems, we are taking us back to london. Reporter teams of first responders, including a hazmat unit, met the aircraft at the gate. Londons Ambulance Service says it treated and released six patients at the scene who were not feeling well. Winter commended the pilots and crew for their professionalism. In the absence of information, your mind can go crazy. But i think they did a tremendous job. They communicated to us every step of the way and here we are, we are sitting on the ground and we are fine. Reporter american says plane and all of the luggage. Maintenance crews also inspected the entire aircraft. So far, no sign anything was wrong but the plane is being thoroughly cleaned. The decision to return to london instead of diverting to iceland would be up to the captain. Returning to london would make it easier to reaccommodate passengers. That was a very scary scene up in the air. Thank you, kris. Going with the flow at Niagara Falls could mean a big detour. Also showed you how the repairs may sidetrack the mighty land mark. Its nice to hear repair pronounced both ways. If youre heading out the door, guess what. Take us with you and watch us live through the app on your digital device. How barbie is getting a big makeover. Is my life is pretty plane give it to me im worth it baby im worth it uh huh im worth it gimme gimme im worth it give it to me im worth it baby im worth it lowes presents how to be a good listener. This new pedestal sink just screams elegance. It also whispers, this guy to install it for you. Now get a delta lorain stainless Bathroom Faucet for only 79 at lowes. Feel a cold sore coming on . Only abreva can heal it in as few as two and a half days when used at the first sign. It penetrates deep and starts to work immediately to block the virus and protect healthy cells. Dont tough it out, knock it out, fast. A roaring American Icon could temporarily become a quiet trickle. Most of the Niagara Falls on the u. S. Side. The state says it needs to temporarily block the water to replace two historic bridges. Vinita nair is at the falls with the incredibly engineering feet that may be untapped. Good morning. Reporter good morning. You know, when you see and you hear these roaring falls behind me, its hard to imagine that anyone could divert this much water. This is only 15 of the water. The canadian side has 85 of it. But this plan could affect that side as well. Its a view that will take your breath away. More than 750,000 gallons of water gush over the edge every second. But for the millions of tourists who come to see Niagara Falls each year, they could soon be in for a big surprise. What makes us a little bit nervous when the feature attraction, the American Falls has to be turned off even for a short period of time. Reporter yes, turned off the new york state parks niagara riff to the canadian side so it can replace two 250yearold bridges and they have been closed to the public since 2004 and rotted and rusting from a century next to the falls. Either with we replace them or they crumble into the river and if they crumble into the river we have an environmental mess to clean up. Reporter damming the river would make the american side nonxistentnon nonexistent. The dewatering could lead to more visitors seeking a once in a lifetime opportunity. The potential is huge for us to really build a successful and strategic and directed Marketing Campaign around this activity. Reporter but this isnt the first time the iconic falls have stopped flowing. In 1969, the u. S. Army corps of engineers diverted water away from the American Falls for months to study the effects of erosion. Ultimately the temporarily dam was removed along with millions of coins people had tossed in. They can freeze during the winter, or appear to. In 2014 and 2015 during the polar vortex huge ice formations grew out of the falls but underneath the water kept rushing. For locals seeing this powerful icon waterless is a step in the right direction. This is such a beautiful area. Its one of the wonders of the world, and finally, they are putting a money back into this place. Reporter if the project is approved, it will take several years for the work to begin and we are talking about 2019 and they need to get funding. One piece of advice for the engineers is dont start the work in the wintertime. It does look cold there when you hear they want to shut it off, you go no then when you hear why, you say, please shut it off. None of us have been. What does that say . You would say that. All by myself. Its really nice up here you would be talking to the fish. Thanks, friend, thanks. Have you heard Online Ticket brokers face a new challenge. How new yorks attorney general is targeting business price markups. Up next, tom brady sends a handwritten thank you to Patriots Fans. Thank you, tom. Thank you, i cannot believe that none of them have been to Niagara Falls. Shocking. Gail, ill go. Ive been to Niagara Falls. Jen and phil and alex have been to Niagara Falls. A guy from sparta just called. Hes been. 34, right now, it is called. We do not want to fall. Some icing going on out there, bright but cold today. This morning sponsored by lets go places james drove his rav4 hybrid into the frozen wilderness. The scent of his jerky attracted a hungry wolfpack behind him. To survive, he had to remain fearless. He would hunt with them. And expand their territory. Hed form a bond with a wolf named accalia. 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Slice it. New, handcarved slowroasted sirloin. Perfectly paired, perfectly served. And starting at just 10. 99 . its dinner time at outback. I dont want to live with the uncertainties of hep c. Or wonder whether i should seek treatment. I am ready. Because today theres harvoni. A revolutionary treatment for the most common type of chronic hepatitis c. Harvoni is proven to cure up to 99 of patients whove had no prior treatment. Its the one and only cure thats one pill, once a day for 12 weeks. Certain patients. With harvoni, theres no interferon and there are no complex regimens. Tell your doctor if you have other liver or kidney problems, hiv, or other medical conditions, and about all the medicines you take including herbal supplements. Taking amiodarone with harvoni may cause a serious slowing of your heart rate. Common side effects of harvoni may include tiredness, headache and weakness. I am ready to put hep c behind me. I am ready to be cured. Are you ready . Ask your hep c specialist if harvoni is right for you. You cant blame tom brady if he needed a little love after his new England Patriots failed to make it to the super bowl. He gave some of that love to Patriots Fans wednesday on social media. Brady posted this hands written note in facebook said, in part thank you. To all of the fans the us this season. Im proud to call new england my home and have the privilege for playing for your team. That is a class act to do that. Very nice move. The blizzard created huge challenges for the national zoo. Jan crawford goes behind the scenes. Reporter you think we have a hard time getting ready for a big snow . Imagine what its like when youre hunkering down with more than 3,000 wild animals. Coming up on cbs this morning, we will show you what happened when snow zilla hit the national zoo. We got to live together see me. See me. See me to know that psoriasis is just something that i have. Im not contagious. See me to know that i wont stop. Until i find what works. Discover cosentyx, a different kind of medicine for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. Proven to help the majority of people find clear or almost clear skin. While the majority saw 90 clearance. Look, the wolf was huffing and puffing. Like you do sometimes, grandpa . Well, when you have copd, it can be hard to breathe. It can be hard to get air out, which can make it hard to get air in. So i talked to my doctor. She said. Symbicort could help you breathe better, starting within 5 minutes. Symbicort doesnt replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. Symbicort helps provide significant improvement of your lung function. Symbicort is for copd, and emphysema. It should not be taken more than twice a day. Symbicort contains formoterol. Medicines like formoterol increase the risk of death from asthma problems. Symbicort may increase your risk of lung infections, osteoporosis, and some eye problems. You should tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high Blood Pressure before taking it. Symbicort could mean a day with better breathing. Watch out, piggies children giggle symbicort. Breathe better starting within 5 minutes. Call or go online to learn more about a free trial offer. If you cant afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. You might even get help paying for it go to nystateofhealth. Ny. Gov or call 18553555777 enrollment ends january 31st. Good morning, thursday, january 28. The sun is out. Im chris wragge. First, new this Morning Police are investigating a merger overnight at a homeless shelter in east harlem. Police responded to a call of a man stabbed inside the boulevard on the shelter at 2027 lexington. The 62yearold victim was pronounced dead at the scene. His identity has not been released. Expected to be released after being mauled by a raccoon yesterday as a sixyearold, he was walking to school in elmwood park. A neighbor grabbed a poll and beat the raccoon to death to get him off the young man. Trash removal remove resumes in the city following this weekends storm. Residents should place their trash out according to their normal schedule. Make sure it is clear of any snow. John, what we hear about more snow . This clipper system taking aim at our area is your day on friday. Models right now, anywhere from 0. 1 to 0. 5. Lets focus on what we have lost. The time members of the weekend. I dont need to remind you of these painful memories. 26. 8 in the city. Over 30 inches at jfk. 28 in newark. Now as we measure the snow, as of yesterday, at the end of the melting, we were down to nine inches in the city. Only nine inches at laguardia. On average, 14 to 20 inches have melted. That is going to continue. After that snow chance tomorrow , were looking at numbers well above normal sunday into monday. Parts of the area closer to 50 degrees. Make sure you are ready for a chilly start to the day today. Were back with another local update in 25 minutes. Just a minute. It is thursday, january 28th, 2016. Welcome back to cbs this morning. There is more real news ahead, including a new challenge to ticket brokers like stubhub and Rikki Klieman looks at how one state will try to stop retailers who charge outrageous prices. First, heres a look at todays eye opener at 8 00. The fox and trump camps continue to negotiate but, for now, the gop frontrunner has an event scheduled at the same time. Could this be a big mistake for donald trump . I think it is. This is the key moment for iowa voters. Its the same case clinton has been making, but it doesnt another thousand of them showed up for him last night. How did does this affect the United States . We do not believe a major outbreak of zika in the United States. Reporter even after the arrests and death of one man, ten antiprotesters remain hunkered down. Passengers say it began as a routine flight. Then the crew turned on the cabin lights and asked if there was a doctor on board. When you see and hear the roaring falls behind me, its hard to imagine that engineers could divert this much water. This isnt the first time the choice of an actor sparked controversy along racial lines. Im not offended or insulted or outraged by this. I want to know, can he dance . That is the big question. A big party for your sons birthday, his 16th birthday, right . Yes. He is tall as well . He is about 610 right now. Oh, wow. Wow, youre so lucky he didnt come out of you youre right prudential. Im charlie rose with gayle king and norah odonnell. No one is backing down this morning in the feud between donald trump and fox news. Trump still plans to boycott tonights Republican Debate in des moines, iowa. He says hell hold a fundraiser for veterans instead. Trump appeared on Fox News Channel last night defending his decision to anchor bill oreilly. I have zero respect for megyn kelly. I dont think she is very good at what she does and highly overrated. Frankly youll a lot tougher than megyn kelly. It doesnt matter. People thought when you started to run that this was a joke that you werent going to fet getget anywhere and thought you were a buffoon. I dont think im that. What kind of a statement is that . Im not walking away. Will you do me a favor. Bill, im not. What happened is i bought you so many vanilla think about it. Say, look. I might come back, answers the questions and look out for the folks. Just want you to consider it. You owe me milkshakes and ill take them off the leather. Its not up to me, bill. Its up to fox. You owe me 17 milkshakes and i want them. Trumps main republican rival ted cruz proposed a oneonone debate. One of his super pacs pledged to give 1. 5 million to veterans accepts. Can you explain the milkshake thing . I took it they are friends and spend time together and bill oreilly has bought him a lot of i dont know a new poll this morning suggests former new york mayor Michael Bloomberg could have the support to compete as a thirdparty president ial candidate. The nationwide survey of 900 voters by republicans shows 36 for donald trump. 35 for Hillary Clinton. And 29 for bloomberg. Interesting. Could approve 28 Million Dollars to address the toxic water crisis in flint. A new poll shows Governor Rick Snyders Approval Rating plummeting. Fewer than 40 of michigan voters say he is doing a good job. Nearly 70 say he handled the flint water crisis poorly. Adriana diaz is in flint. Good morning, adriana. Reporter good morning. The Distribution Centers like this one are doubling up as recycling plants as the city continues shortterm solution of handing on out bottled water. Overall, the state says the Water Quality is Getting Better. You should not be drinking the water coming out of the tap. Reporter the amount of lead in flints water is decreasing. But its still not safe to drink. Nearly 94 of city homes that parts per billion of lead that is considered safe by the epa. 85 contain less. Is that good enough . The test results they released is actually very encouraging. The water is eating up the pipe from the inside. Reporter Civil Engineer marc edwards was the first to expose flints widespread lead contamination and overseeing the recovery. Edwards says flint needs to pass a lead and copper test to assure safety. Reporter do you think the people here are weeks away from drinking unfiltered tap water, months . You could be talking months. Flint residents should not have to pay for water they did not and are not using. Reporter mayor karen weaver is asking for 3 million in state funding to help prop up the waters utility. It makes us feel we are being made fun of. Reporter rose continues to we still have to flush the toilet and wash our clothes and bathe in it. Reporter money that was donated for a taxexempt fund that was created in 2013. I dont view them at dark secret funds. Reporter michigan Governor Rick Snyder talked about it on wednesday. Communication is a huge issue in this. Its not interest spending anything but getting the facts to people. Reporter in a statement to cbs news, the Governors Office further defended using donations to pay for pr firms saying that no state money is involved. And that every resource is being brought to bear on helping flint. That includes the additional communication help. Thank you. Carolina panthers quarterback cam newton is sounding off just ten days before super bowl 50. He will lead the panthers against the Denver Broncos in the championship. Newton explained yesterday why he thinks he a has faced so much call his overthetop celebrations. I said this since day one. Im and africanamerican quarterback that may scare a lot havent seen nothing that they can compare me to. People going to say whatever they want to say and if im in this world living for that person, oh, this person going to say this, this person going to say that, then i cant look at myself and say im cam newton or Cameron Newton to most people, because im not, im living for you. Barkley expressed criticism surrounding newton. There is a racial component, but i hate talking about that, because we, as black people, go to way more important things where race is a factor than something silly like sports. Man, let me tell you something, as much as i love cam newton, if i played against cam newton, id put a hit on him, no question, because they rub it in pretty good. Narrative playing out at, quote, black versus white. On super bowl game day, we just want to see a good game. We do, indeed. On that field. Absolutely. Scalpers are breaking the law to sell overpriced tickets. Rikki klieman is in the toyota green room with the results of an investigation into Online Ticket sales. First on cbs this morning, barbie breakthrough. We are at the Global Headquarters of mattel, where you are getting a firsthand look at the next generation of barbie. Im Mireya Villarreal and coming up on cbs this morning, youre going to get to hear what kids think about these new toys and the brand. I know you want me you know i want you i know you want me you know i want you i want you. New information this morning about how scalpers take advantage of the Online Ticket sales. New yorks attorney general will release a sweeping report today. Brokers can sometimes buy a thousand tickets a minute and then they resell them at very inflated prices. For example, adeles six shows in new york city sold out in less than an hour her concert topped 9,000 dollars cbs news legal expert Rikki Klieman is here to explain how it all works. Good morning. Good morning. I just know it is frustrating. You hear the announcement and you get on the phone and go online and you cant get it. You cant get it. Frustrating is the word. And i think if its something you really have set your heart in, i wish the viewers could have seen you mimicking, adele, norah, it was just perfect. If we have singers or we have shows or we have sporting events that we really want to go to. What is the problem . We cant get the tickets and if we could, the prices are inflated. What eric snyderman, the a. G. Of new york has said which may become a National Example is this. Look. Ticketizing a fixed game. And we are going to change that now. Three years going into this report. So what we find is why cant you get the tickets . Well, the venue, if you look at it as a circle, the venue divides things up. Place in that circle that is going to say its going to the people who are involved, the promoters, the producers, the agents, our friends. Its all electronic and its all online. Why cant they find the people who are perpetrating this . Ultimately, they probably could. The difficult is this, norah. I say it all the Time Technology outpaces the law every single time. Back in 2007, the caps on what with tickets could be sold for, these prices on top, they were lifted and the reason for lifting them was because legislators thought that you would have more competition if there were no caps. So, for example, if you look at orbitz or speed ya for Airline Ticket you look across the top ill take this one, its cheaper and was the idea of lifting the cap. Now what they found is by lifting the caps, who wound up to help . Not the consumer. That was the purpose and now the the reason for that is because of technology. It soueds ironically the attorney general is sounds like the attorney general is stepping up for the consumer in a good way. What is he doing . Number within one, he said, look, the box that want to get a thousand, they are illegal so we are going after them. So you, the legislature, you men and women up in albany, lets ge a criminal penalty. Then what we are looking at is the future. What we are going to have is we are going to have caps. We are in the allow the tickets to go out of sight. Its going to be an example for the nation. Lets see if other people follow. Thanks. A business with less than a dozen workers gets a shot at the super bowl. See how this Little Company is getting ready for the national stage. That is ahead on cbs this morning. When your cold makes you wish. You could stay. In bed all day. You need the power of. New theraflu expressmax. What if there was another way to look at relapsing multiple sclerosis . This is tecfidera. Tecfidera is not an injection. Its a pill for relapsing ms that has the power to cut relapses in half. Imagine what you could do with fewer relapses. Tecfidera may cause serious side effects, such as allergic reactions, pml, which is a rare brain infection that usually leads to death or severe disability, and decreases in your white blood cells. The most common side effects are flushing and stomach problems. Tell your doctor about any low white blood cell counts, infections, any other medical conditions, or plan to become pregnant, or are breastfeeding or plan to breastfeed. Learn more about the most prescribed pill for relapsing ms in the us, at tecfidera. Com. Talk to your doctor about tecfidera, and take another look barbie dolls led the toy industry as a billion dollar business but in recent years, growing compression and conception problems hurt sales. Now mattel is announcing barbie is changing her look. The company is adding tall, petitepa pete and petite and curvy bodies. Mireya villarreal is here with a story youre seeing first on cbs this morning. Reporter since 1959, Barbara Millicent roberts, better known as barbie has a new name. Reporter at 11 1 2 inches tall, barbie has had more than 180 careers. Reporter she is a pop culture icon. But after decades of dominating the doll world and just weeks short of her 57th birthday, barbie is getting a makeover. We were hearing that, you know, many thought that barbie was out of touch. Reporter as a typically white doll with unrealistic proportions, some parents thought barbie was sending the wrong message about beauty. There are people who had turned away from barbie because they wanted dolls that more referable themselves referabled themselves. More in terms of their body type and more in terms of their skin tone. Barbies seemingly perfect appearance while promoting a new line of Action Figures for girls. Reporter last year, mattel introduced 23 new dolls with different skin tones and hair color. Reporter now they are adding three new body types, curvy, tall, and petite. I actually think this is one of the most exciting times for the brand, broadening girls choices and what barbie looks like, her body type, her ethnicity ethnicity, her career. This is part of the evolution of the brand and what we believe is the right conversation around the world to have with kids today. Reporter mattel is counting on it. Barbie not only faces challenges in an increasingly competitive market, she is also up against technologydriven toys. Lets talk about friends for a bit. Reporter the company took heat last year from parents and privacy advocates after announcing hello barbie. Oh, reading and writing . Cool reporter and interactive based on conversations with your child. Mattel says the recorded conversations are securely stored. Cant wait to talk to you later. Reporter in their last earnings report, barbie sales were down 14 , marking the eighth straight quarter of declining sales. There are various mistakes that were made in the barbie line. I think this is a change that was absolutely necessary. Reporter mattel also wants to remind customers its not just about what girls see, but what they learn and imagine while playing with barbie. Someone has to die. Ill die. Reporter the toy maker introduced the new dolls to a group of 4 and 5yearolds. They dont look like barbie. Reporter they dont look like barbie . The girls immediately noticed some changes. She has brown skin. Reporter her new body type wasnt one of them. Why did you choose her . Reporter the next step for mattel is changing parents perception. You have a long road ahead of you or dont you . We do. This is not the end. Im going to continue to work hard at being, you know, responsible and a better reflection of the world that girls live in today. Reporter its a risk for the plastic doll that mattel is hoping will result in a real connection. It would be more of a risk if we dont continue to evolve barbie, if we stay stagnant, if she looks the same and did the same thing. She has got to evolve with the times. Reporter for cbs this morning, Mireya Villarreal, in california. Im glad they are making that change. Me too. When youre a little girl, its nice to see a doll that looks like you. It would have been interesting if they had a black girl on that panel to say what does she think . I remember when i was a little kid saying to my mom, why cant i have blond hair and pigtails my mom said that couldnt happen but it can. I can have blond hair and bigtails. Tomorrow, charlie, ill show up with blond hair and pigtails. I dare you. From cars and atm good morning. 8 25 on thursday morning. Im mary calvi. Police are investigating a stabbing murder overnight. It happened shortly before midnight. Police responded to a call of a man stabbed inside the boulevard homeless shelter at 2027 lexington. The victim who had been stabbed in the neck was pronounced dead at the scene. The suspect is still on the loose. New jersey boy is expected to be released from the hospital today after being attacked by a raccoon. He needed nine stitches to close the wounds to his face. His mother in elmwood park yesterday when the raccoon began biting him. A neighbor grabbed a pole used by painters and beat the raccoon to death. I killed the raccoon. The kid was screaming. Crying. There was blood all over the place. Animal control testing the raccoon for rabies today. The results are expected tomorrow. Happening today, residents of brooklyn get a chance to vent about the coming shutdown on the l train. Service will be suspended as early as next year. Either on weekends or entirely. The mta can repair an underwater tunnel. The mta says they are looking to partner with the city on enhanced bus service and alternate subway service. The meeting is scheduled for a 11 00 a. M. Trash Service Resumes following the weekend snowstorm. Residents should place their trash out at the curb according to their normal schedule. Make sure it is cleared of any snow. Now lets find out about the weather. We had a cooldown today. What do you have to say today about the weekend, john . Just hearing a big collective , thank goodness that trash collection is back. Its cold today and tomorrow, 33 right now, around the area, still dealing with teens and 20s. In the shade, you could have a little icing. Its Getting Better with the power of the sun. In good shape overall weather wise, dont forget this clipper system coming on board tomorrow. Snow in the morning rolling in from the west. Afternoon could change over to mixed precipitation. Model is not very bullish on this. But thats enough to slow things down. You go, time for the weekend. A hint of a late flight on saturday, just a hint. The good news is, look at these numbers. A lot warmer sunday, warmer still on monday. Were back with another local update in 25 minutes. Just a moment. sheasstntnean favlae,wi sedfr 5to00eg wdewee nk hhe ctor tiacony peranno tre nbeerim g fs viz. Fo 799 mthnle,et50egioinrn, a onfoyo fstea tho nu ctrt. Orita ye aeentge 00ac d,llhereumov anlsorneea tgeiocooral 8. T. Os what is your super bowl pick . Broncos or panthers . You know what . I got to see a little more information, but i think it is a great story for Peyton Manning to be, you know, towards the end of his career in a super bowl again. And, you know, the defense of the broncos have, is unbelievable, but carolina looks tough. There is going to be its going to be a close one, a tough one. Youve been following along more han i have. Very clever. He still didnt say. Its something for you to followup when you interview the president. Im taking notes. President obama refused to say if he has a pick to win the super bowl when with asked by station kcac. Sounds like he is on top of the game. Very much so. Very much so. We do know the big game will be a win for one Small Business. A company was recently awarded an ad in the super bowl and worth 5 million. Only on cbs this morning, we will reveal who is getting this breakout moment. Plus this big guy has no idea how much the national zoo did to keep animals like him safe in the blizzard. Jan crawford shows us the ways that wildlife is protected in wild weather. That is ahead. Right now its time to show you some of this mornings headlines. Wired reports on Baby Monitors vulnerable to hacking. We have shown you how Russian Hackers can look into homes by tapping into live feeds from monitors. Yesterday, the new York City Department of Consumer Affairs sent subpoenas to four companies that make those devices. The four companies have not been named. The Washington Post says washington, d. C. Handed out tickets with more than a million violations after the blizzard. The district enacted a snow emergency on friday, banning parking on city roadways to make way for the plows. As of yesterday afternoon, more than 5,200 tickets were issued and 637 vehicles were towed. Usa today reports google used Artificial Intelligence technology to beat a human player at go. Go is a highly complex chinese strategy game. There are more possible moves than there are atoms in the universe. The software was able to learn from each game to improve its performance. The boston globe reports that a dancer who lost part of her leg in the Boston Marathon bombings will run the whole course this year. In 2014 adrienne ran the last few blocks of the marathon. This year she intends to run the whole course to raise money for charity. Right now, she is running up to ten miles on a carbon fiber blade. Boy, is that inspiring. Ill say. Just one leg and being able to do that. My hat is off to her. The New York Post reports that amazon will air an ad during the super bowl for the very first time. All right. Lets hear it. Cheerleaders. Cheerleaders . Marino again . I thought you were an expert at these parties. What about a snack stadium . Alex a, what is a snack stadium . A stadium built entirely of snacks. Brilliant. Marino, new list reporter amazon released that teaser of its ad yesterday featuring dan marino and alec baldwin and features on the wireless speaker and digital speaker alexa. A bank will soon offer a way to get cash without an atm card. Bank of america joins chase in announcing cardfree technology. New atms will allow you to get your money with your smartphone. The move is designed to save customers time. This is the latest Way Technology is changing how we in 2014 nearly 40 made access with their smartphone. How pronounced is this and what are the implications of it . Use your smartphone and get your money . Reporter yeah. All of the banks are getting in on this now. Chase and bank of america. The way it works instead of taking a plastic card out of your wallet and put it in the slot and punching in your code you use for a bunch of other things, take your phone out and log into the app with a fingerprint reader on your phone and it gives you a onetime use code then the code is no longer good. Its like a factor authentication everyone should have on their email you get extra layer of security. You still have to go to the bank you need to be there and punching in something. How is this better . Its more about safety than convenience . I think more about security machines you hear about skimmers. They put over the atm slots when you put your card in they steal the mag data there. Maybe a camera watching you punch in your code. You see People Struggle with the card and with this youll tap your phone using the chip in the phone itself. We are all using our smartphones now for more financial transactions. What are we seeing in terms of new methods . That is really what is happening. The phone is becoming the wallet and the key and lock system. Not only are you seeing apple pay and samsung pay where you go to the store and tap or slide your phone youre seeing persontoperson transactions. The younger generation, younger than me, do that almost exclusively. They owe each other money. If you and i went to dinner and you picked up the check i owe you my half of it but i pick up the check. Why doesnt charlie pick up the check . Its on me. Still made in cash. Do you see the day we wont do any transactions in cash . I feel its coming. If you go to a store and you dont get a cash register. You have ipad and square reader and nobody uses cash. When i went into my local coffee shop and tried to pay something with a 10 dollar bill and the young people didnt know what to make of it. Is this real money . Yeah, it is. Millennials are into this but is there a single downside . You dont have the ability to whip out your wallet and pay somebody in cash in a nontraceable way. Youre leaving a record everywhere. There are a lot of young people, especially who dont have Bank Accounts still. They dont have access, maybe they get paid in cash or maybe they are not part of the online connected generation, they will be left behind. Dan ackerman, thank you very much. If you could stay after the show to help me sign up for this ill log everybody in. Give me your password. The national zoo in washington is open again without getting hit with 20 inches of a lot of talk about the panda during the storm. Jan crawford is at the zoo how he and his neighbors were kept reporter good morning. It took the zoo four days to really weather the blizzard and during that time, the panda was a star of the screen. A bunch of his fans showed up to reminded us snow can be a lot of fun. With much of the east coast socked by a winter storm, this was a jolt of joy. A giant pan take having one heck of a snow day. That first snowfall, he goes crazy. Reporter the facebook video of the enthusiasm rolling in the snow throwing it on himself got nearly 60 million views. Brandie smith is in charge of animal care at the zoo. He is a 19yearold bear but acts like a cub the first the second or fourth snow he is a little less interested. Reporter sure enough, by wednesday the snow was old hat and the panda was focused on finding his bamboo and even that delighted his fans. Hey there hey reporter when they came facetoface with an online sensation. We showed the video to these three. Snow is panda time. Its their natural habitat, like panda keeper nicole reminded us last time around a big storm. This is the best stuff for pandas and their best time of the year. As much as we hate it, they are enjoying it. Reporter they are not the only ones. As the snow piled up past week, other animals joined in on the fun. Niko, a river otter took a photo. On wednesday, wilma was time with a friend. Like our humans, not every animal appreciates the white stuff like these flamingos. It could be cool enough but it cant keep them from freezing. Reporter during the blizzard the birds moved inside, a perfect opportunity for a zoo biologist to snap a selfie with a flock of flamingos. Others got the snow brought to them. These monkeys and this ferret tested it out in their warm houses. All part of a balancing act to protect the animals and still let them have a little fun. We have to be here and there is on no margin for error so we have 3,000 animals and all of them have to make it through the storm. Reporter and did they . They did. Reporter now nearly a hundred zoo employees spent the weekend here overnight just to make sure the animals made it out okay. And listen to this. I mean, we think its a pain when we have to shovel the sidewalk, you know, in front of our house. To shovel all of the passes for us people but they have to shovel paths for the animals. You could have a second job now, jan. You could be a panda keeper. Im a panda correspondent. Thats what i like youre good at that too, jan. Its so fun so fun you can tell. Thank you, jan. Do you remember this Ground Breaking Super Bowl Ad . Come on get your toys girls make some noise girls make some noise. I remember that. It was a Small Business that went big two years ago. Coming up, only on cbs this morning, we will meet the next audience that day of reckoning is upon us my brother what is life . If you die . A glorious death yea wow. That is a taste of an ad headed to the super bowl 50. Youre seeing it first on cbs this morning. Youre welcome. The commercial is part of a campaign to highlight Small Businesses during the big, big game. Michelle miller met with a Small Business owner recently awarded this opportunity, one that could pay off bigtime. Michelle, good morning. Reporter good morning. What an Incredible Opportunity if you could afford the 5 million for 30second spot during the super bowl, youre probably not a Small Business. Well, this year, quick books sought submissions from Small Businesses nationwide for the chance to get big business exposure and, this morning, that dream came true for the makers of death wish coffee, a company that recently expanded to 11 employees just to take on what will likely be its greatest challenge. We started in a unit 500 over here and only 1,500 squarefoot warehouse. Reporter every year youve taken on another one of these puppies . Yeah. Next year moved into this one. Reporter something has been brewing at death wish coffee. Call it a taste for success. Smooth. We started it in 2012. Every year, year after year, since then, we have doubled in size in revenue. Reporter Michael Brown small upstate new york shop in 2008. My qerscustomers came in, mike give me a cup of your strongest coffee and that got the gears turning. Although we had strong coffee, you know, the dark roast werent the most caffeinated. Reporter fast forward to 2012, and the birth of death wish coffee. Its kind of like mikes baby. So to watch that baby grow and develop, you know, its kind of a cool thing. Reporter michael hired his childhood friend john swedish as the production manager, because that is what Small Business owners do. What did you know about coffee before you came on board this venture . I know i like it. Reporter you like coffee . Yeah. Reporter with a team he could trust and a knack for promotion, death wish became a quick hit in the online marketplace. And is now a best seller on amazon amazon. I started with just selling a bag about a bag of coffee a now we are selling upwards of a thousand pounds a day. Reporter and that was all before this. Congratulations for real . Reporter winning a Small Business contest for a Super Bowl Ad sponsored by intuit quick books. Its going to fast forward us about ten years down the roued road in 30 seconds. Reporter literally. Literally 30 seconds. Reporter here is the big question can you handle it . On my own with my small nineperson staff . Probably not. Reporter while michael ramped up production, which included enlisting more roasters in the region. Got a little bit of edge to it. Reporter a team from intuit quick books and rpa advertising set out to produce the 30second Super Bowl Ad. Death wish coffee is really a revolutionary brand. The ad brings to life the spirit of that brand. Reporter after this coffee i do expect to sell . We are attempt to go get about a quarter Million Pounds in our Distribution Centers ready to ship for the day of the big game. Reporter with roasting operations now going 20 hours a day, Michael Brown is feeling good about meeting demand. This is a big moment for mike and his team. Reporter so is his Small Business sponsor. We are very confident that death wish can handle this. They are really on the cusp of this huge moment and they have been preparing for this for years. They have been very handson. Pretty much every step of the way. I get emails daily. They dont want this commercial business. They want it to help business. My brother what is life . If that you die a glorious death reporter this Super Bowl Ad will be seen by more than a hundred Million People and for the team at death wish, a good amount of coffee drinkers are welcome, death death wish coffee. Fiercely caffeinated wow thats great oh, yeah. The Super Bowl Ad comes with a high price tag but so did death wish coffee. About 20 bucks a pound. Wow. Its a premium coffee and comes with a guarantee to be the earth. Thats why they call it death wish which is a little catchy and a little scary. Did you try it . Oh, yes. Let me tell you. Not bitter. Smooth as all getout. You liked it. I did. But strong . It is strong but a lot of folks like strong coffee out there. What ive heard. No bitter. Off to a good start. Thanks, michelle. You can see the game one week from sunday, february 7th. Before the super bowl, please watch our interview with president obama and First Lady Michelle Obama live from the white house. We will be right back. Youd be surprised how easy it is to get a good lowcost health plan you might even get help paying for it go to nystateofhealth. Ny. Gov or call 18553555777 for news in my opinion d at n gd r siss anul, swcho e10 ferpt nwo o rin os a itas kpevytngovg t rit reio thioyoge99 twk liily d e stt f aibl wi uoa afa a wnad t u soetomhi mo. A twk atanovasfa ayo bins esrit w,pgdeo os0meorigr teetndpheange 2 bk. Llr ointoy. Good morning. 8 55 on thursday, january 28. The sun is out, im mary calvi. First, a health alert. Responding to the zika virus, Nassau County executive will be joined by experts to discuss the effects of a virus after a the cdc is advising pregnant women to reconsider travel to brazil and 21 other countries. Area have now tested positive a sanitation worker who claimed he was mugged while clearing snow has been arrested. Michael morelli told police he was pistol whips by pistol whipped yesterday. Morelli claimed they stole his phone and 25. He is now charged with filing a false report. Happening today, residents have a chance to vent about the coming shutdown of the l train. A townhall is being held this morning. Service will be suspended as early as next year either on weekends or entirely so the nta can repair an underwater tunnel. Forecast. Here is john elliott. Thank you, mary. Pretty skies are there, colder than it was yesterday. Not much wind, but its the cold temperatures leading to a little bit of leftover ice in those shaded spots. Especially here in the city, crosswalks and sidewalks, to take care. Teens and 20s north and west. It is pretty. Why . Well organized clipper system. The front pushes through during the course of your day tomorrow. Snow and wind tomorrow, it will feel colder tomorrow. Wind chills could stay in the 20s for parts of the area tomorrow. 25 to 35 in the city. Tomorrow is more of a challenging day, a winter rewind, not a blizzard. Just a little bit of snow and colder. Thanks so much. Were always on at cbsnewyork. Com

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