Transcripts For WCBS CBS Evening News With Scott Pelley 20151106

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over egypt last weekend in which all 224 on board were killed. the cause of the explosion at 31,000 feet is not definite, but that is little comfort to travelers who are heading into the holidays, the busiest time for the airlines. jeff pegues begins our coverage with late-breaking news. jeff. >> reporter: scott, sources say the sound of an explosion can be heard on the cockpit voice recorder, although that still does not conclusively point to a bomb. security is being stepped up at overseas airports with direct service to the u.s. everything brought aboard a jet will be subject to extra screening from checkd and carry on luggage to possibly even catering and other items loaded on to planes. homeland security will also conduct an airport assessment of passenger and baggage screening procedures at about 10 airports across the middle east and north africa. today, russian president vladimir putin ordered the suspension of all flights between his country and egypt. at an antiterrorism meeting in moscow, russian officials revealed they have taken samples from the crash site that will be tested for traces of explosives. that forensic analysis could help confirm evidence that is pointing to the possibility of a bomb. the u.s. has satellite images that show a series of heat flashes at the time the plane went down, although it is not clear whether the flashes were from a bomb explosion or mechanical failure. and u.s. and british intelligence have intercepted chatter from isis talking about the crash but has not verified its credibility. former t.s.a. administrator john pistole says if isis did get a bomb on board, it's a game changer in the battle against terrorism. >> if they are now active, then that does raise significant concerns because of their capabilities, their wide geographic distribution. you're not just talking about a singular airport here. you're talking about perhaps dozens of airports that they might have access to to bribe an unwitting airport employee. >> reporter: the russian government remains tight-lipped about the ongoing investigation, but, scott, we've learned tonight that it has requested support from the f.b.i., most likely for its bomb analysisser expertise. >> pelley: jeff glor, thanks. the victims were mostly vacationing russian families, leaving the egyptian beach resort sharm el-sheikh. today, thousands are stranded there, and alan pizzey has that. >> reporter: they came in hordes, thousandsed of tourists facing seemingly endless lines and unprecedented security, at least for this airport. the egyptians are making a serious effort to show they're on top of the problem but it will take more than patting down a four-year-old to repair their image. british tourist nathan hazelwood has been trying to get out of here for three days and claimed he saw officials taking bribes. >> we saw people paying, like, you could pay 50 egyptian pounds and be fast tracked through without having your bags checked. >> reporter: that's about $6 several airlines refuse to accept checked baggage, claiming 120 tons of baggage had piled up and they'd run out of space, egyptian authorities restricted charter flights comes in to bring tourists home. only eight british planes landed today, and commercial flights are a diminishing option. by nightfall, would be travelers had checked back into their hotels to rest up for another check-in ordeal here tomorrow. and it may well get worse. russian officials have announced plans to bring back an estimated 40,000 of their citizens from egypt, scott. they said that did not imply that the plane was brought down by a bomb. >> pelley: alan pizzey, thanks. in another important story tonight, republican presidential candidate ben carson had to revise part of his life story air, claim that he turned down a scholarship to west point. the latest poll has carson neck and neck with donald trump. marco rubio and ted cruz are in here's nancy cordes. >> i just always wanted to be a doctor. >> reporter: carson told the west point tale in his autobiography and dozens of times since: he repeated those very words with charlie rose last month. >> i was offered a full scholarship to west point, got to meet general westmoreland, go to congressional medal dinners but decide, really, my pathway would be medicine. >> reporter: the story was meant to illustrate his rise renowned neurosurgeon. the trouble is the u.s. military scholarships. tuscission free in exchange for military service. you now acknowledge that you didn't actually get an offer because you didn't apply. >> well, i think that's a matter of semantics. it is-- it is an offer if they say, "we can get you into west you." >> reporter: okay. >> that's not a non-offer. >> reporter: do you think that words on this issue improperly? >> i don't think so, no. i think there are a lot of people who would like to try to characterize it that way because they want to, you know, try to character assassinate someone. do you think i'm a pathological liar like cnn does. >> reporter: he is also under scrutiny for his longtime claim that he overcame a "pathological temper" in his youth. >> stabbing, attempted stabbing incident occurred when i was 13 or 14. the-- what's another incident? give me another one. >> the punching. >> trying to hit my mother in the head with a hammer. that was around the same time as the stabbing incident. >> reporter: but when cnn reached out to carson's childhood friends, none could recall a violent side, prompting rival, donald trump >> reporter: carson once said his temper problem was known far and wide, but now, he says only his victims would have seen it. scott, the problem with these inconsistencies is that carson's unique life story is what put him in the public eye in the first place and led him eventually to seek the presidency. >> pelley: nancy cordes in washington, thanks, nance. carson and trump will be interviewed by john dickerson this sunday on "face the nation." today, president obama denied permission for the keystone xl pipeline, a victory for environmentalists, after a seven-year battle. keystone would have carried oil from canada's tar sands more than 1100 miles to refineries on the gulf coast. the president said apriewchg the pipeline would have undermined american leadership on climate change. the labor department said today that the economy added 271,000 jobs in october, the strongest growth this year. the unemployment rate fell to 5%, the lowest since 2008. our senior national correspondent anthony mason has some insight into all of this. anthony. >> reporter: scott, this was the best month for job growth since last november, led by the strongest hiring in construction in eight months, hiring for august and september were revised upwards as well. there were a lot of encouraging signs in this surprisingly strong report, especially wages, which are now up 2.5% over the past 12 months. that's the strongest growth since 2009. >> pelley: so what does all this mean to interest rates? >> reporter: well, federal reserve chief janet yellin said this week a december rate hike is a live possibility. at 5%, the unemployment rate is now at levels many economists consider full employment so this could give the feds the confidence to raise interest rates when they neat mete next months mong. if they do, scott, it will be the first rate hike in nine years. >> pelley: amazing. thank you, anthony. in another story that was already shocking enough, we learned today that an illinois cop who staged his suicide to look like a murder was deeply troubled for decades. dean reynolds has that. >> reporter: around fox lake, many of the ribons that went up when officer joe gliniewicz died are still blowing in the wind this week, though many here now believe it was an unwarranted tribute. david zipp is a local attorney. >> i gotta tell you, i'm floored. i'm shocked. >> reporter: authorities say that glynn wits stole thousands of dollars from a local youth program for prospective police officers and staged his suicide to obscure his criminal activity. now details from the lieutenant's personnel file portray the 30-year veteran as a disgrace to his uniform. in 1988, after three years on the job, he was found passed out at the wheel of his idling pickup truck. sexual misconduct against a fellow officer. he was accused by a dispatcher in 2003 of threatening to shoot her, and an anonymous letter sent to the mayor by other fox lake officers in 2009 listed 20 complaints and claimed gliniewicz was destroying department moral. >> it's been surreal. >> reporter: anne marrin is the village administrator who was auditing the program which gliniewicz used as his personal piggy bank. she was shocked to learn that his deleted text messages suggested he considered having her killed. >> it's a very scary thought that an officer who was sworn to uphold the law would even attempt to think to do something like that to an administrator. >> reporter: joe ahearn runaise charity for families of fallen officers. it gave the gliniewicz family $15,000 after his death and now wants it back that must give you no particular pleasure, either. in 49 years, we never had this happen. >> reporter: and sources confirm that the widow and a son of gliniewicz are now under investigation, scott, for any connection they may have to his criminal activity. >> pelley: dean reynolds in chicago tonight. dean, thank you. an investigation by "60 minutes" has uncovered widespread failures in the system that grants top secret security clearanceto federal employees and contractors. at issue are the background investigations of people applying for the clearances. one example-- bradley manning, the soldier who posted thousands of national secrets online. his supervisor in iraq was astonished that his top secret clearance was granted. >> i pointed to the patch of our american flag that was on my shoulder, and said, "what does this flag means to you?" he said, "it means absolutely nothing to me. i hold no allegiance to this country and the people in it." >> pelley: how does he get a top secret security clearance? >> that is a good question. >> pelley: manning's security clearance investigation failed to check a complaint that his step-mother made with oklahoma city police. if they had, they might have heard her 911 call. >> pelley: if investigators investigators had checked his enlistment papers, they might have seen that he wrote he joined the military to "sort out the turmoil and mess in my life." before manning's top secret clearance was granted, he stabbed a soldier with a pencil and was ordered into counseling for fits of rage. >> i went directly to my superior. >> pelley: and told them what. >> i said he cannot be trusted with a security clearance. we can't deploy him and he is most likely a spy. >> pelley: she told us her superior said they couldn't afford to lose a man with a valuable top secret clearance. in iraq, she says that she confronted manning after he repeatedly violated the rules, including sneaking a camera and recordable cds into this high-security intelligence vault. >> and he screamed no at the top of his lungs and came and punched me right in the face and body slammed me at the same time. so i put him in a hold. and i asked him if this is what he wants? and he said he's just tired of everybody watching his activities. >> pelley: manning was sentenced to 35 years. this sunday on "60 minutes," we'll have our full investigation into how top secret clearances fall into dangerous hands. up next, a pregnancy complicated by cancer. what to do about chemo? and ominous clouds clear the continues. that was a leap. but i knew i could rely on american express to help me buy those building materials. amex helped me buy the inventory i needed. our amex helped us fill the orders. just like that. another step on the journey. will you be ready when growth presents itself? realize your buying power at if you have high blood pressure like i do, many cold medicines may raise your blood pressure. that's why there's coricidin hbp. it relieves cold symptoms without raising blood pressure. so look for powerful cold medicine with a heart. coricidin hbp. it's the little things in life that make me smile. spending the day with my niece. i don't use super poligrip for hold, because my dentures fit well. and my gum and it was uncomfortable. even well fitting dentures let in food particles. just a few dabs of super poligrip free is clinically proven to seal out more food particles so you're more comfortable and confident while you eat. so it's not about keeping my dentures in, it's about keeping the food particles out. try super poligrip free. this is brad.his day of coaching begins with knee pain, when... hey brad, wanna trade the all day relief of two aleve for six tylenol? what's the catch? there's no catch. you want me to give up my two aleve for six tylenol? no. for my knee pain, nothing beats my aleve. >> pelley: expectant mothers agonizing uncertainty of what chemotherapy might do to their unborn child. now, a new medical study has an answer, and dr. jon lapook has one mother's story. >> reporter: in april, 39-year-old gina neri received a happy surprise-- she was pregnant with her third child, but she had symptoms that led her doctor to perform a colonoscopy. >> he said, "gina, you're looking at cancer." >> reporter: he used that word. >> he used that word. he knew right away. it was big. >> reporter: she was facing surgery and chemotherapy and the prognosis for her baby was grim. >> they wanted me to know that most likely the baby wasn't going to survive, and several doctors told us to terminate the pregnancy. >> reporter: the fear is that treatments like chemo will harm the rapidly developing fetus. dr. elyce cardonick studies pregnant women with cancer. >> during the first trimester, that's when the majority of the organs of the baby are developing, so if at all possible, we would like to avoid chemotherapy in the first trimester. >> reporter: this week's study followed 129 children in europe whose mothers were treated for cancer primarily during their second or third trimefters. although 79 of the children were born before full term, they had normal physical and cognitive development up to age three. research suggests the placenta can act as a protective filter, depending on the type of chemo. gina and her husband decided to keep the baby and aggressively treat her cancer. after undergoing colon surgery, she immediately asked for an ultrasound. you've just had an operation, you're in pain, and you're looking at an ultrasound of your baby. what's that like? >> i didn't want to lose her, so i was so happy to hear her heartbeat. it was the best thing, best thing. there's a good one. >> reporter: oh, yeah. but she still needed chemo, nine rounds so far. >> i just want to touch her, hold her, love her, count all her toes toes and fingers, and i want her to be healthy, like any other mother would want. >> reporter: and about three minutes ago, i got a text from the father mike says, "she's here." so baby girl giana entered the world looking healthy and ready for her closeup. >> pelley: the baby made our deadline. jon, thanks very much. "on the road" with steve hartman is coming up. and next, a full day on the job in space. song: "that's life" song: "that's life" song: "that's life" that's life. you diet. you exercise. and if you still need help lowering your blood sugar... ...this is jardiance. along with diet and exercise, jardiance works around the clock to lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. it works by helping your body to get rid of some of the sugar it doesn't need through urination. and although it's not for weight loss or lowering systolic blood pressure, jardiance could help with both. jardiance can cause serious side effects including dehydration. this may cause you to feel dizzy, faint or lightheaded, or weak upon standing. other side effects are genital yeast infections, urinary tract infections, changes in urination, kidney problems, and increased bad cholesterol. do not take jardiance if you are on dialysis or have severe kidney problems. stop taking jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of an allergic reaction. symptoms may include rash, swelling, and difficulty breathing or swallowing. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you have any medical conditions. so talk to your doctor, and for details, visit it's easy to love your laxative when that lax loves your body back. only miralax hydrates, eases and softens to unblock naturally, so you have peace of mind from start to finish. love your laxative. miralax. you know, just because your bladder is changing, it doesn't mean that you have to. with tena let yourself go. be the one with the crazy laugh. and keep being their favorite playmate. with tena's unique super-absorbent micro-beads that lock in moisture and odor. tena lets you be you. the cold truth is... if a cold keeps you up at night you can't just catch up on sleep the next day. new alka-seltzer plus night cold & cough liquid relieves tough cold symptoms and quiets coughs forup to 8 hours... help yousleep at night. >> pelley: today, the national weather service said it was a tornado that tore the roof off a bank in fort worth, texas yesterday. nobody hurt. there were record high temperatures today in the east. 73 degrees in boston, 74 in new york, 80 in roanoke, virginia. in australia today, it looked like an apocalyptic storm about to hit sydney. this is time-lapsed video of what's called a shelf cloud which resembleaise gigantic wave. the crowd on bondi beach scattered before a torrential downpour. for a spacewalk. american astronaut scott kelly and kell lindgren did plumbing work for eight hours outside the space station. there was some concern when flakes of ammonia leaked from a cooling line and kelly snagged the stitching on his glove. the panda cub at the national zoo had a checkup today. two expaifd-month-old bay bay, whose name means precious treasure in mapped rin has teeth coming in. skews me! the vet says his legs are getting stronger but he's not quite ready to walk. 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