Transcripts For WCBS CBS 2 News Sunday 20160110

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he met him for the first time back in october. i supply more heroin, meth, cocaine and marijuana than anybody else in the world. i have a fleet of sub marines, airlines trucks and boats. the nearly seven hour conversation came after el chappo's escape from a maximum security prison in mexico. after the initial meeting the two spoke again through phone and video messages. rolling stone posted some of that video on line. [speaking spanish] >> penn asked about the escape questioning if he wanted his freedom at any cost. he responded i never thought of hurting anyone. all i did was ask god and things worked out. everything was perfect. i am here, thank god. he was acaptured again on friday after the mexican this house. he was hauled back to the same prison where he escaped. they covered a number of topics, his childhood. how he got involved in drugs. i know one day i will die. i hope it's of natural causes. the meeting between guzman and penn was brokers by kate del castilo. a man was shot in the ankle while responding to a huge fight in the bronx. surveillance video shows people running away after the shooting began in motte haven around 2:00 yesterday morning. the violence started in an illegal nightclub. commissioner bratton says the 25-year-old officer fired at his alleged shooter food stamps four times. a man who worked at the party claims it was legal but it got out of control. >> it was a group of guys that came from the development get into the party and the situation spilled outside. he had been crossing the intersection of cedar and leaving the scene of a fatal car accident. police are hoping that new video leads to the arrest of five men accused a gang rape of an 18-year-old woman in a brooklyn park. the men can be seen inside the surveillance video inside a store just before the attack. the woman and her father were walking in osborne park thursday night when one of the men put a gun to the father's head and told him to leave. that's when the five men her. the men took off. the father returned a short time later with two officers. a former new york city firefighter was honored to help extend health benefits for 9/11 responders. he fighted for the city and was at ground zero for eight months after 9/11. diagnosed with reasonnal they spent weeks convincing congress to extend this act which it did last month. >> we are still dying and sick from terrorists. they start teed get it. >> now you have the key to the city obviously some ways i have the key to the city. [laughter] >> free parking for life. >> extending federal health monitoring and treatment for thousands of federal responders through the year 2090. time now 6:09. kicked out for taking a stand. hear from the muslim woman removed from donald trump's rally and find out who is calling on him to do damage control. plus road side assistance. how officers jumped into action for a special delivery on the lia. and cruising for the next round. wild card show downs including this game. here's vanessa murdock with >> soggy start to your sunday. in fact the whole day is going to be pretty damp. warm wet and windy in the weekend and then we talk snow. first a check on the calendar from cbs 2 and [ music ] i drive a racecar. i have a driver. his name is carl. but that's not what we all have in common. we talked to our doctors about treatment with xarelto . xarelto is proven to treat and help reduce the risk of dvt and pe blood clots. xarelto is also proven to reduce the risk of stroke in people 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bleeding. tell your doctor before all planned medical or dental procedures. before starting xarelto , tell your doctor about any kidney, liver, or bleeding problems. xarelto is the number one prescribed blood thinner in its class. well that calls for a round of kevin nealons. make mine an arnold palmer. same here. with xarelto there is no regular blood monitoring and no known dietary restrictions. ask your doctor about xarelto . we have new information now in the shooting of a philadelphia police officer. the suspect has been arraigned on attempted murder charges. the judge denied bail for him. he fired 13 shots while the officer sat in his parked car. ashcher told them he was following al.a. hillary clinton is facing controversy from her e-mails from secretary of state. it was revealed she asked an advisor to go around a secure fax system to transmit a set of talking points on an unspecified subject. a state department official says clinton never received the paper by non secure facts but republicans and others have been challenging her for months over here use of a private e- mail account and private server during her time as secretary of state. a group is demanding an apology after a muslim woman was booted out. she was standing in silence when the presidential candidate suggested that syrian refugees are affiliated with isis. his supporters found appointed her out and booed and chanted. crowd mentality as i was being escorted. it was really quite telling and a vivid example of what happens when you start using this hateful rhetoric. >> the council on american islamic relations has called on trump to meet about american muslim leaders to help stem anti muslim historiera. he has not commented on her being evicted. let's head over to vanessa murdock for the forecast. least. outside. soggy, warm, windy and snow on the way. this is exciting because there is a lot to talk about. let's start things off live outside. this camera shows you a whole a lot of nothing because that is what you can see high above the empire state building. it is so mild out there. east northeast winds at 21 miles per hour. so your headlines a soggy windy start for us and a windy end to your weekend. report warmth for--record warmth for today highs close to 60 then wintery cold we dive down into the 30s tomorrow tuesday night into early wednesday snow is on the way. not a lot but a little and i think a lot of people are going to be looking forward to that. as far as record breaking warmth for today forecasting a high of 60 degrees and the record is 60 set back in 1876 and to be honest i'm pretty impressed we've kept that record for this long. we think we are going to tie it into the shatter if. it will be warm wet andway. coastal flooding a problem. very warm today. nose diving temperatures tomorrow, 36 degrees. tuesday at 40 and tuesday night snow on the way. on the vortex satellite and radar picture right now. pockets of heavy rain at times. through the noon hour steady rain in the picture. through the afternoon showers it all wraps up this evening. this is a big area of low pressure lifting up in a northerly direction. also behind it very cold air. this is the cold air diving in for us tomorrow. could we see a few stray snow showers overnight into the city. i think the answer is yes but it's not going to be accumulating snow. this is a soggy end to your weekend. we'll take you through it for this morning steady rain until roughly the noon hour. steady stuff. from there on dealing with showers we are not done yet but we shouldn't be poured on repeatedly. we start to see the tail end of good. overnight skies clearing snow city. tomorrow morning it will be chilly and breezy and feel like the 20s tomorrow. this event from an inch to one and a half inches and isolated spots as much as two inches so yes it's a real soaker and we really do still need rain. it's always nice to clean up the earth. 60 degrees, record warmth, east winds gusting at 35 to 45 miles per hour. if you do live near the coast please be mindful that we already are seeing coastal flooding problems this morning. overnight temperatures start to drop. it is cold and windy. 32 degrees feels like the teens into the 20s and tomorrow a high of 36 under sun filled skies feeling like the 20s. winds gusting still tomorrow to 30 miles per hour. tuesday while 40 degrees seems a little bit better it will be breezy feeling like the 30s and a clipper system moves through overnight tuesday into wednesday and many of us haven't seen a coating of snow 32 your high on wednesday, 34 on wednesday cold sunshine, 36 on friday with lots of sunshine. normal high is 38 today record warmth and it will feel like winter again. >> definitely variety in there,. it was a wild win for both nfl teams in the wild card games. >> the steelers and the bengals are lated rivals in the regular season. last night's play off game had a few fights, personal fouls and classless acts by the fans. this was ben roethlisberger being carted off. notice the bottles being thrown in his direction. cincinnati came back to take the lead but it's remembered for the ugly finish. he made his way back on the field. cincinnati shot themselves in the foot with back-to-back personal fouls, a disgraceful those two personal fouls moving the ball 30 yards and now a chip shot for the win and that's how cincinnati hit the self destruct button. pittsburgh steels the victory from the bengals who have gone 0-7 under marvin lewis. meanwhile the chiefs started out the season 1-5. they have since won ten straight games. davis the opening kick off returned 106-yards. houston's defense is really their strength. j.j. watt was a non factor. alex smith makes it a 20 point game. kc wins 30-0. their first play off game since 1974. the rangers and nets lost on saturday. have a great day. still wondering what to do with your christmas day? people showed up at 30 chipping sites. the trees are chipped up and reused as mulch in parks and community gardens. we have more information on where you can find a mulch fest location near you and as we learned the hardaway no need if you put any within reach of our rabbit friend he will eat it even though mind you our tree is fake so we now have a bald spot. >> you got to get a real tree next year maybe. >> i'm sure he'll have fun with that. time now angel on the 1 train. see how a stranger was brought to tears. the heart warming moment coming up. and music for a cause. we are talking to the musician you can hear right here at the cbs 2 sunday morning will be right back. in new york state, we believe tomorrow starts today. all across the state the economy is growing, with creative new business incentives, the lowest taxes in decades, and university partnerships, attracting the talent and companies of tomorrow. like in utica, where a new kind of workforce is being trained. and in albany, the nanotechnology capital of the world. let us help grow your company's tomorrow, today at caring for someone with alzheimer's means i am a lot of things. i am his sunshine. so i asked about adding once-daily namenda xr to his current treatment for moderate to severe alzheimer's. it works differently. when added to another alzheimer's treatment, it may improve overall function and cognition. and may slow the worsening of symptoms for a while. vo: namenda xr doesn't change how the disease progresses. it shouldn't be taken by anyone allergic to memantine, or who's had a bad reaction to namenda xr or its ingredients. before starting treatment, tell their doctor if they have, or ever had, a seizure disorder, difficulty passing urine, liver, kidney or bladder problems, and about medications they're taking. certain medications, changes in diet, or medical conditions may affect the amount of namenda xr in the body and may increase side effects. the most common side effects are headache, diarrhea, and dizziness. he's always been my everything. now i am giving back. ask their doctor about once-daily namenda xr it started as a birthday party but now it's one of the biggest concerts in asbury park, new jersey. it's a good time and in the name of a great cause. the musician garland jefferies is here to tell us about it. what does the organization do? >> it's a fantastic organization. i mean i identify with it in my family because my mother-in-law has parkinson's. and bob benjamin is a person who has dealt with parkinsons for aer of years now is kind of like the godfather of the event each year. because he's the inspiration for it. >> we have a shot of bob i actually want to put up there. >> he's a parkinson's sufferer. he's a person who has been into the illness for a number of years. he stands up to it in an amazing way i think. >> and he's been a huge inspiration for this event but i know the foundation has also raised lots of money and not just for park everyone reasons. how have you evolved over the last few years? >> that's exactly what happened. it's been an evolution with bob being the inspiration. a number of us, joe and bruce spring steen himself being a big support to it. lending his name and interest. and bruce is caring for bob. bruce and bob are very tight. it's one of these things that sort of like a spark happened and a bunch of people gathered you know it there were a number of people involved and then some of these people had other relatives who had problems with this. >> and the whole thing took off. you even have a world tour now. >> right it's in australia and other countries. europe of course. we go over to europe from time to time and we have connections in a lot of places. >> and so now for the winter fest event which is here at home i know it's a ten day event with more than 30 concerts. walk us through what the over view is. >> the main one is in asbury park. that's where most of the shows are but it goes to italy. some real devoted people here. >> you played in north philly and new jersey and now you have >> we are playing in the city as well. we are doing a manhattan show. each year we do the same thing. we expand, we bring new people into the fold. we spread the message. we try to help out others who were suffering. we lend a hand in the sense of being inclusive. we allow people to see that they can be part of this in a sense. >> and in rumors of a boss sighting in asbury park. >> you never know. i think that he generally showed up on the last few of them and we are happy when that happens because it's an electric situation. >> luckily tickets are still available for lots of the other events so we do want to tell people you can learn more about winter fest and the light of a very special delivery on the long island suppressway. two nypd officers helped a mother give birth. this is a photo of mom, dad and the two officers after the baby boy was born. they got a call about a woman in labor on the lie in queens yesterday. by the time officer anthony barton got to the car the baby's head was crowning. he radioed a trained paramedic and he provided instructions and arrived to help with the delivery and everyone is doing okay. we have a heart warming moment. a good samaritan gave the shirt off his back to a man. he noticed the man was sitting in the train car with no shirt on so he walked over and gave him his. shortly before the video ends received the shirt wiping away a tear.

Related Keywords

United States , Mexico , New York , Staten Island , Australia , New Jersey , Osborne Park , New South Wales , Asbury Park , Philadelphia , Pennsylvania , Brooklyn Park , Utica , Houston , Texas , Syria , Cincinnati , Ohio , Italy , Mexican , Syrian , American , Alex Smith , Arnold Palmer , Sean Penn , Vanessa Murdock , Anthony Barton , Al A Hillary Clinton , Bob Benjamin , Cindy Hsu ,

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