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The game. He has now been evacuated from the stadium and is at the interior ministry which runs the French Version of the fbi. He is apparently meeting with all of his Emergency Response heads there at the interior ministry. As we unroll this video for you of various scenes in the central part of paris. This is in the tenth and eleventh [ nonenglish language ] for those who are familiar with the city of paris. That would be north of the river seine and just a little bit to the east. We are also told at this hour there has been gunfire at a third location. Killed. We dont know what the casualty numbers could be. All of this has been unfolding over the last hour or so in we have our cbs News Reporter back now cbs 2 news here in new york. We are going to continue to follow that chaotic disturbing situation in paris as it unfolds here tonight on this broadcast. If we have any new information within the next hour or so well surely pass it along to you but in case you are just joining us and you only caught the tail end of the report, these are some pictures coming out of paris where multiple shootings have been reported at different locations. There are reports as you can see on the bottom of your screen of at least 26 people dead but right now, there is a lot of chaos. There is a lot of confusion and authorities are just trying to get a handle on what exactly is happening there. We will continue to follow this breaking news out of paris. In the meantime, we need to touch on stories here at home. Breaking news on Staten Island where a brush fire was threatening homes there. Cbs 2s lou young is live in the Oakwood Beach section and the fire were trying to find out whether its still burning or not right now, lou. Reporter well, its close to out. But not quite. The worst of this lasted about 2. 5 hours and the fire was as wide as it was long. A threequarters of a mile end to end. It was a big one. It threatened houses on two sides. Take a look at what we saw earlier today. Fire started behind some homes on Oakwood Beach under what could be considered suspicious circumstances. The Fire Marshals Office has been called and threatening homes on two sides of it as it was pushed by the wind. This was a fivealarm brush fire at its peak bringing in 200 firefighters at oakwood and new dorp beaches. Bay and oddly, the wind was both a help and a hindrance. Listen. The wind was blowing toward the water but then swirled back. Thank god the firemen were here to control it to keep it away. Cant depend on the wind. It looked like the wind was knocking it down and it was coming up back up really high so it looked worse at times. The fire started on the block behind us up this road and went into an area here. Because of the wind. Reporter as we said, its not quite under control but you can see firefighters out in the weeds there knocking down hot spots. Theres a lot of dry brush. A flareup is probable. Theres lots of houses here. They dont want to have to come back. They are keeping an eye on it. Live in Staten Island, lou young, cbs 2 news. Lonnie quinn now in the Weather Center taking a look at the weather and the wind as of now the winds are blowing from manhattan to Staten Island about 26milean hour gusts. An hour ago it was 37mileper hour gusts. At 11 p. M. , everybody with gusts over 30 Miles Per Hour. Up to 41 Miles Per Hour on portions of the island are possible. The winds are fanning the flames and pushing the smoke. Looks like a little bit of rain out there. Thats not rain. Thats smoke in the radar picture. It rolls over say the rockaways or so. The winds are going to stick around for tomorrow. Well talk about that forecast later. Back to you. Thank you. Ncis actress Pauley Perrette is speaking out following a frightening attack. Police say a homeless man punched and threatened to kill her. Perrette spoke to entertainment tonight. Andrea grymes has the interview. Beckys private reserve. Reporter forensic specialist abby helps her team but in real life, fan favorite Pauley Perrette became the victim of one a terrifying assault near her home in hollywood hills. She spoke with Kevin Frazier from entertainment tonight. He punched me in the face like my clearly my face is a little swollen and my nose is a little red. Um, and pinned me down and not down, but by my arm and told me he was going to kill me and i know that he was. Reporter he ultimately let her go and perrette says she immediately drew a sketch of him which helped a friend and police track him down. This man attacks you and you have compassion for him. And youre more concerned about him. I i have been crying all night clearly and, you know, im really part of it is, uhm, just to be really super grateful to be alive but the other part is that, like, my heart breaks for that guy and it breaks for every, Single Person thats out there on the streets. Reporter here in Hells Kitchen perrettes picture hangs at donna bells bake shop which she owns with two friends. He is glad she wasnt seriously hurt. Scared, frightened, but she is tough. Thats why we love her. Reporter the lapd has identified perrettes attacker as 45yearold david merck. He is charged with aggravated battery. In Hells Kitchen, andrea grymes, cbs 2 news. And despite the attack, perrette wrote on social media, quote that we need full Mental Health care along with housing and help for the homeless. You can see more of Kevin Fraziers exclusive interview with perrette on entertainment tonight at 7 30 right after the insider here on cbs 2. There was another attack by a homeless person here in manhattan. The owner of a laundromat says he was seriously beaten by a man after he asked him to leave today. It was all caught on camera and you will hear from the coming up, pit bulls have a vicious reputation but one could actually beat that rap. The local Police Department training her to be on the force. Is that what you would want your final resting place to look like . Why this new jersey cemetery says it cant keep the gravesites clear. How stupid are the people of iowa . how stupid are the people of the country . to believe this crap . And a battle unfolding in the republican race. To Donald Trumps statements. [muted singing throughout] these girls have waited 62 days for this concert tonight. So far ive counted 32 omgs, 75 lols, 13 yolos, and im super tired tweensfun age, huh . You have places to go. [girls squealing with delight] let us worry about getting you there. Bp gasoline with invigorate. Fuel the journey. Back to our top story these are live pictures from paris the chaotic emergency situation right now. More than 35 people are dead in a series of Violent Attacks that have broken out in the city of light. The Associated Press reporting 100 hostages have been taken in one case at a theater. There was a shooting inside a restaurant. And there were explosions near a soccer stadium. Frances president was inside that stadium when those explosions happened. He has been evacuated. He is now holding an emergency meeting with the French Version of the fbi as we speak. Rit now, there is no confirmation as to whether these incidents are linked but they certainly have all the earmarks of terrorism. The timing , nature of them taking place, at places where lots of people congregate on a friday evening in paris there. Of course, we are trying to get as much of this as we can but the numbers wilchange and the information changing rapidly as we speak. Right now we are getting some more pictures in from paris. These are pictures inside the football stadium where a match was being played against germany and you can see the stunned expressions on peoples faces. You can see them on players, you can see them on the faces of fans gathered in the stadium. Of course, officials are trying to get a handle on things. We dont know whether or not these petoto evacuate or if they are actually holding these people inside the stadium because of possible explosions that may have happened outside. We do know that there are reports of hostages that maurice was mentioning inside for that theater, 100 hostages reported there. [ loud voice in french in the background ] this is a chaotic situation in paris, france right now. It has had a history, unfortunately, of Violent Attacks in the past year. Back in january, al qaeda operatives in yemen took responsibility for shooting a office called Charlie Hebdo which is a satirical weekly paper in paris and also after that attack at the Newspaper Office they then attacked at a jewish market. And then of course, that train attack that happened in late august where u. S. Soldiers happened to be on that train and foiled that attack sparing lives. You look at these pictures, you see the peoples faces, stunned looking faces. You think of the french psyche right now. This has been a year ofry. You start in january with Charlie Hebdo and then the subsequent days of two hostage sieges, 17 People Killed in those instances. And then in that train attack that was thwarted by three americans in august and now this. The french got to be wondering, whats going on . The country is also known for having a number of people leaving the country and going to other countries where islamic terrorism is, um, is supported and coming back and roaming freely throughout france. Thats a major concern. And now this. There in europe also known for some of their native citizens leaving and, um, joining these al qaeda type of, um, um, groups isis also related. In fact, yesterday, there was word that, um, the pentagon did strike an area in syria targeting this man known as jihadi john. He was a british citizen who appeared in videos beheading videos of several people. [ continuing person speaking in the background loudly in french ] we dont know whether thats related to that. We know jihadi john was targeted yesterday. The pentagon confirms that and they were fairly certain they were able to get that particular british citizen. And now these attacks here in paris. U. S. Officials say they are monitoring the situation obviously in paris. They say it is too early for no detected threat to the United States at this point. But as we said, more than 35 people are dead in a series of Violent Attacks in paris. Its believed 100 hostages are taken at a theater according to the Associated Press. There was also a shooting at a restaurant, and explosions near a soccer stadium. Obviously, the french president has is right now meeting with all of his, um, officials trying to get some plans in place to figure out who is responsible behind rather, who is responsible for these attacks and then also, securing the area in and around paris not knowing if there will be more attacks. So their main priority is to gather as much information as they can, gather as many clues as they can to try to figure out maybe a pattern here, why these particular places. We do know that french the french president was in attendan at that soccer match. However, we dont have any word if any official was inside that theater or if any officials were inside that restaurant. So we dont know the connection to these three locations. And im sure officials there in paris are trying to figure that out right now. At the stadium people heard explosions, two of them. It was louder than the fans this was a huge soccer match. This was france against germany. The president was there. Other dignitaries were there. People were cheering expecting a good robust competition. Instead, it turned into this kind of chaos and madness on a friday night in paris. Helicopters circling, police everywhere, people just trying going on. But we can say that it appears its limited to these three locations a theater, stadium and the restaurant. And French Police trying to now. An apparent hostage situation involving 100 people in paris right now. They have sadly had experience with this over the past year. With the Charlie Hebdo shooting in january in paris and the two hostage situations that took place after that. Just absolute confusion and that look right there says it all. Panic, and disbelief. The nypd is mon authorizing and the United States. This and the United States, as there are no credible reports of terrorism on this side of the atlantic. We do know that the restaurant that was targeted here this evening, um, is located in the general neighborhood as the Charlie Hebdo offices targeted back in january. So this is an area that has experience violence before. [ very loud speaking in french in the background ] we dont know if theres any connection to todays attack and also Charlie Hebdo attack back in january. It was a soccer game many residents in both countries were looking forward to and then in the middle of that explosions. We do see that people are we dont know if they are being held there for safety reasons or in fact if they are being told to evacuate. So much unknown. Of the february i had the opportunity to visit paris in june and having been there in the past and comparing it to this past , methe kind of police state it lt like. An recalled encampment athe rpt thtre ions anrmament he airport the train staons, especially the tourist sites, armed to the teeth really with French Military and Police Officers. In the next couple of weeks they are supposed to have a Global Climate conference. They are concerned about violent protests for that an potential terrorist attacks surrounding that. But here we are two weeks before that and we have this kind of madness taking place. A friday night in the city of lights a place where people go to enjoy a good evening. People come there from all over the world and its such a fun place to be. And to have it marred like this is really devastating. We see here from the pictures we are getting from the city of paris you can see police monito the treets there. And those streeton a friday night are empty. You can see how quickly everyone has cleared this area just out of safety and caution in regards to what is happening there. News from france. There have been three searatattathree different locations in paris tonight. One was at a stadium where a soccer game was being played in france and ny. Tharof multiple People Killed inside that theater and also 100 hostages being held inside that theater. Then there was an attack inside a restaurant in the same place where an office the newspaper is located. Now, Charlie Hebdo may ring a bell because back in january, there were attacks on that office. Several people were killed after the islamic extremist attacked that office, they then attacked a jewish market there is that same area. Steve langford joins us. He is familiar with paris at neighborhoods. E pas. These two other locations, the bataclan is a music hall which dates back to 1864 in the east end of paris not far from the place de la bastille. Cambodian restaurant. The music hall, um, and the restaurant a not far from each other. The streets would be crowded. Its empty now. Police out there armed with machinery heavy machinery. A connection between these three locations . Unlikely other than plain old grimry. Because the football stadium, soccer, they call it football of france was there. We dont know whether or not present there. He is now in a safe location. Got him out of there. Right. But as for paris itself, place. These two other locations, not the stadium but the two other locations are in the east end of paris and not far from each other. Have you been popular with tourists. Popular with people locally. I mean its more locally because tourists dont tend to go into that area as much. Its not the Champs Elysees which is in the west part of paris or the left bank, which is, you know, not that far but separate. Have you been inside this music hall . No. But its well known. And its been around for, you know, more than a century and a half. So one could almost presume that if you are going to make a statement, this is the type of place that a terrorist could obviously do such a thing. Reports of hostages. Right. When you were there, steve, what was security like there . Even back in the 80s, there were soldiers with machine guns back then. So paris is not unfamiliar with terrorism even going back into 30, 40 years. Even in june, july when i was there. It was far stepped up from there. Machine guns, vehicles, barricades from the airport to the train stations in ways i hadnt seen it in the past. That was in the wake of the Charlie Hebdo shooting obviously. And yet still this. I think sometimes living in in somewhat of a bubble when it comes to what life is like, uhm in europe and having spent some time there because of my fathers military background, there is just a different way of life there. And things that they have to think about, um, every day that i think as americans were somewhat, um, you know, sheltered from. Reporter and yet it is the city of light with wonderful culture and great food and so in many respects its easy to forget about concerns like this. On a friday night it all happens. Well, of course, thats the main goal for terrorism is to scare the general public and to have people have doubt in their minds about their safety and we cant let that happen, that we have to heal and move on but right now the situation in paris is obviously very frightening. And as we watch that Marcia Kramer is here with an eye on what measures new york has been taking and how they are reacting. Police even as we speak are having a meeting to evaluate the situation and to evaluate the intelligence that they are getting out of paris. You know, we have detectives a detective based in the area and so they are getting information as it happens in real time. But as a precaution right now, they are sending Police Officers to the french consulate not because theres happening. But they want to make sure that they have police in place just in case. They are also evaluating other situations as get more information in from paris to see if they have to take any other action here. That we could be sending some of our antiterrorism people over there because we have a lot of expertise in the area. Which is often the case but in terms of any perceived threats to the United States, to the city of new york, the last reporting i saw said no such thing. Im hearing no such thing but, you know, in a city like new york which is a number one terror target in the nation, they never take a chance. So they are evaluating everything. There have been no direct threats. But they also again as a precaution will go to the french consulate. Will they step up to the next level of security . I think what im hearing is that they are still having a protect. Specific buildings and landmarks they know to be like that, i dont know whether were at that level yet. They were meeting at one police plaza to determine what to do but also evaluating the intelligence they are getting out of paris from their own people there. That would probably be entertainment sites, landmarks, if they get to that level. Reporter if they were to get to that level, what the nypd normally does is they protect certain landmarks, certain bridges, transportation hubs, buildings, if they are trying to evaluate if theres any religious component of whats going on at the present time. Marcia kramer thank you so much are you just tuning in its 5 32 in new york. We are following breaking news from the top of the hour from earlier this evening from paris at least 35 people are reported dead. A series of Violent Attacks. Theres a report from the Associated Press that 100 there are being held at a theater there. A shooting inside a restaurant explosions near a soccer stadium where the french president was watching a big germany. He was whisked away to safety. Evaluating the security situation with the countrys equivalent of the fbi and plotting out his next move. But the pictures coming in from paris disturbing tonight as we see French Police, French Military, trying to get a handle on this thing. Right now, it is around 10 30 p. M. Paris time. We were getting first reports of this just about an hour ago. And we can tell you that the a former Homeland Security Department Counterterrorism coordinator. His name is john cohen. And although it is way too early to say this is a terror attack, although all indications do suggest it, he does say that the presence of multiple attacks scenes at the same time does suggest a coordinated effort to, quote, send a message. So we can only tell you what we know so far and thats that three separate areas in and today. Two bombs went off outside a football stadium located out of the city of paris. Two other separate attacks, one at a theater, an historic theater very popular for a very beautiful building. There were shots fired in there and multiple deaths are reported and 100 hostages. Multiple killings reported from the scenes. The french president was at the football stadium. He was taken to a secure location. We dont know whether or not there were any french officials or any other european officials inside the theater or even inside the restaurant to suggest any sort of connection and why those particular places were targeted. These attacks happened at the same time on friday evening. Paris is 6 hours ahead of us as we fell back an hour so its 1 35 paris time. You 11 35 p. M. Paris time. You wonder, one of the top stories of the day is the u. S. Drone strike on jihadi john. The terrorist british born is believed tonight man who beheaded at least 7 people including americans. And that drone strike attack was confirmed today as best the United States could tell that they took this guy out. The question being, might this have any reaction to that . Thats a question for a later dade. Steve langford is with us. Describe a friday night in paris. This is an International City where people love a good time. There are so many great restaurants. There are so many great things to do in paris especially on a friday night. She Subway Service in paris stops around midnight or 1 a. M. So this is going to be even more chaotic in the east end of paris. The two incidents are in the east end of paris. We also have what happened at the stadium outside paris. So the traditional areas that people think of that most americans go to, the Champs Elysees in the west end of the central paris and the eiffel tower is in the west end as well so this is away from there. The three scenes are probably five or 10 minutes way from each other so very close. Islamic extremists took responsibility for the Charlie Hebdo attack. There were over a dozen people offices and also at a jewish market that was located nearby. And then this country also dealing with the, um, sole attacker on the train in late august where three americans were able to subdue this man and basically foil that attack. Now, we do want to share this report that we just received from our affiliate cnn. They do have a reporter there on the ground. And we want to share what we know from this reporter. Reporter indeed, we have [ indiscernible ] [ indiscernible ] its impossible for us to see people running. People go out here on a friday night. Its popular for people in their 30s in paris going into those cafes, going into these concert halls, this is very, very popular. So basally right now the area is totally locked down by many, many police forces. Many, of the emergency trucks running up and down, also medical teams were hiding behind buildings it was not secure enough for them to move forward towards the concert hall to really whats happening now is total lockdown around one of the most busiest areas in paris over the weekend. You can get a sense of panic and desperation from the french reporter, in the moments after the explosion. Cbs 2s Valerie Castro getting new video now from paris. Apparently the moments after the explosions happened. Reporter the latest information is at least 35 people are dead. Thats reported by the Associated Press. Cnn reports that French Police officers are among those killed. As you mentioned, one of those incidents was an explosion reported at the National Stadium north of paris that was during a soccer match that was happening between france and germany and you can hear the explosion during the game. Heres that sound. [ applause and cheers ] [ explosion ] you heard that explosion. Again, that happened just outside of the capital of paris at the National Stadium. Two explosions were reported there. Again, that soccer match was between france and germany. The french president was also there at that time. He was there for the game. He was taken to a secure area happening. At the time right now theres also a hostage situation happening at the bataclan concert hall in paris. The Associated Press says at least 15 people are reported dead there as many as 100 hostages are being held there. Thats still an ongoing situation. Another incident earlier this evening in paris, a shootout at a restaurant where bfn television reports several people also dead there. Again, it is unclear if all of these events are related or could be part of a terrorist related attack. Here in new york, the nypd says it is watching the situation very, very closely. The u. S. Department of Homeland Security is also monitoring that but says right now, there is no known credible threat against the United States. Again, the Associated Press reporting at least 35 people dead at this point. Well continue to monitor this story and bring you more information as it becomes available. Okay, Valerie Castro in our newsroom. No known credible threat. Marcia kramer, when we hear that, thats in one sense somewhat comforting but in another, you know, most of these threats dont happen with telegraphing kind of, you know, here we come. So what is one to make of that when we hear that . What the nypd does in a situation like this, they have a massive internet process of evaluating threats. And so what they do is they will go into their vast Intelligence Network to see if there have been any chatter on the internet that would indicate some connection. You know a lot of times we have lone wolves to see if any of those people are talking about the attack in paris to get any clues that might be helpful to the investigators in paris and figuring out you know, we have a really amazing antiterror unit here in new york and they have many, many resources but in terms of what the nypd is doing here as Valerie Castro said, they are meeting, they are evaluating the information they are getting out paris but at the same time not taking anything for granted. They will protect the french consulate. They will decide whether they need to elevate what they are doing to protect various landmarks. A lot of times what the nypd says, its not what you see, its what you dont see. And there probably be undercover people doing protection as well. I think also because the nypd has a Good Relationship with french intelligence, anything that they would glean from their vast Intelligence Network they would be sharing with the French Police and hopefully, um, providing some assistance if thats necessary. That includes phone listening to phone conversations as well, right . Theres the nypd developed a huge antiterror and intelligence gathering operation. There are Something Like 1,000 people who do that every day 24 7 so they will be going back seeing if theres been anything that would hint at anything that they heard or saw in chatter and different chat rooms. They go on all over the world to see whats going on so its possible they may have picked something up and its also possible that people here who have some connection to whatever went on are talking about it either by phone or on the internet. We should point out were waiting president obamas remarks in probably less than a minute or so here. So well talk until then. So when you hear that number, 1,000 officers on this every comfort, right . Thank you, marcia. You can see the white house to get a handle on what the United States position on whats going on in paris. The president has been briefed by his Counter Terrorism adviser. He will be giving a brief statement taking no questions from the press briefing room. As soon as that happens, we will go to washington, dc live. In the meantime, steve you wanted to mention something. Im taking a quick look at what some of the major french media are reporting and one of the numbers coming from a paris newspaper is higher at this point and preliminary higher the death toll than what weve been reporting. They also mention a bar nearby the restaurant which was where apparently, the series of about 9 20 paris time. 9 20 friday evening in paris. 3 20 our time. Okay. Thank you, steve. Again, three venues, these shootings and explosions taking place in paris. We have a restaurant, a soccer game, and a concert hall. Hostages being held. 100 of them were told. And some three dozen people are said to be dead. All right, president obama now lets listen in. Once again we have seen an outrageous attempt to terrorize innocent civilians. Its an attack not on paris not just on the people of france but this is an attack on all of humanity and the universal values that we share. We stand prepared and ready to provide whatever assistance that the government and the people of france need to respond. France is our oldest all the french people have stood shoulder to shoulder with the United States time and again. And we want to be very clear that we stand together with them in the fight against terrorism and extremism. Paris itself represents the timeless values of human progress. Those who think that they can terrorize the people of france or the values that they stand for are wrong. The American People draw strength from the french peoples commitment to life, liberty, pursuit of happiness, we are reminded in this time of tragedy that the bonds of liberty, equality and brotherhood are not only the values that french people care so deeply about but values that we share. And those values are going to endure far beyond any act of terrorism or the hateful vision of those who perpetrated the crimes this evening. We are going to do whatever it takes to work with the french people and with nations around the world to bring these terrorists to justice and to go after any terrorist network that is go after our people. Um, we dont yet know all the details of whats happened. We have been in contact with french officials to communicate our deepest condolences to the families of those who have been killed to offer our thoughts and prayers to those who have been wounded. We have offered our full support to them. The situation is still unfolding. I have chosen not to call president hollande at this point because my expectation is that he is very busy at the moment. Talking to him earlier today in preparation for the g20 meeting. But i am confident that ill be in direct communications with him in the next few days and will be coordinating in any ways that they think are helpful in the investigation of whats happened. This is a heartbreaking situation and obviously those of us here in the United States know what its like. Weve gone through these kinds of episodes ourselves. And whenever these kinds of attacks happened, we have always been able to count on the french people to stand with us. They have been been an extraordinary Counter Terrorism partner. And we intend to be there with them in their same fashion. Im sure that in the days ahead well learn more about exactly what happened and my team also make sure that we are in communication with the press to provide you accurate information. This point in terms of who was responsible for this. It appears there may still be live activity and and dangers taking place as we speak. So until we have more information, i dont want to speculate. Okay . Thank you very much. [ reporters yelling ] expressing his condolences and support for the french people for what they are going through. Interesting on one hand, he said were not going to speculate as to whats going on. But at the same time he called them terrorists. Whoever is behind this. Still not clear at least publicly what happened with these three apparent venues in paris where there have been explosions and shootings and gunfire and hostages. But the president using the word terrorists and saying that the bonds between the two countries are strong and we will do everything we can to respond and to help what he called our oldest ally that has stood with us time and time again. Now, we have on the telephone now manny gomez terrorism expert. As i understand it manny, are you there . [ inaudible ] manny, can you hear us . [ inaudible ] well try to establish that as soon as we can. You know, um, another quote that the president had is he labeled this an outrageous attack, not just on the people of paris but on all of its allies, as well. Our way of life. Manny, are you there . Yes, i am. Hi. How are you . Manny what can you make of this . Three apparently seemingly connected attacks. What do you make of whats happening in paris right now . Well, i mean, it seems to me like its utter chaos. They clearly didnt expect this. And these are obviously very highly planned attacks acting and it appears to me they were successful. This on the heels of the earlier attack. The parisians must be very scared. Its a situation that as the president indicated we are going to lend our full support in both our intelligence and our significant Law Enforcement resources that are embedded in paris both fbi, cia and nypd. Im sure here in new york the nypd is doing everything to protect what resources we have here. The Antiterrorism Division is on full alert. Were trying to figure out if there is a potential attack here, as well. Manny, when you think about the layers of security and the sophistication that we know that we have in this city and this country when it comes to listening to terrorists, following them on the internet and then you see something what does that what does that reveal . How could that happen . Reporter lets keep in mind that other countries as resourceful as they are are not as advanced as we are. And not as aggressive as we are in protecting our own. The french have had problems for years. We have advised them as to how to better curtail their issues and they are still a work in progress. As you reported, they have had 12 attacks potential attacks that have been thwarted by the local authorities. And i have every confidence that the nypd and the local fbi will prevent anything potentially as an aftermath of this to happen in new york city. That said, the french have to really take a very close look at their intelligence and their Law Enforcement after this attack. Were watching the french president speaking right now addressing the nation there and the world. We are going to try to get a translation as best we can as soon as we can. I might add that according to one of the major french dailies, the Mayors Office in paris has asked the people, the residents of paris, to stay inside to stay at home and also according to the newspaper, the mayor of paris is now at the scene at the bataclan, the music hall, the theater where apparently hostages are being held. We are going to continue i do want to ask if maybe we can turn up the volume and steve give us a sense of what he is saying. [ french language by president hollande ] i dont have well try to translate as best we can when we can. Manny, i believe youre still there. And marcia, you have something for us. Manny, this i Marcia Kramer. I know you worked extensively with antiterrorism when were you in the fbi. I wonder what you make of the fact that one of the bombs went off at the soccer game where the french president was there. What kind of signal do you think these people were trying to send . The signal to me is at least in the u. S. , our events post9 11 sports events, et cetera, have a higher level of security than we did before 9 11. And here we have a sitting president of the country at the event, which should automatically trigger a much and clearly that failed because these attacks happened. So it concerns me that the french have apparently not figured out yet that this is a serious threat and that these people are real and they are not going to stop until they do something about it. Manny, do you think that this was an accident that the president was there or that the people who were responsible knew the president was there and were trying to send some sort of signal . Absolutely. This was an act it was a coordinated attack the, three sites at different similarly at the same time. And they knew that the president was there and the message, we can get you at any given time at any given place. Manny, how disturbing is this when you think of the Charlie Hebdo attacks in january . The train attempted attack in august . And now this. Its the way i read what youre saying. It sounds as if they dont have their act together, the it it it seems to me that they they i i hate to say it, havent really taken it as seriously as we have here in the states. They clearly have a problem. That was indicated by the earlier act. That should have been their 9 11. And apparently, they didnt learn their they didnt learn a lesson. They didnt take it as seriously as we did on 9 11. And here we are having yet another attack. And so they need to come on board with the International Scene in terms of fighting terrorism and, um, protecting themselves and their own people because right now, we have from what reports indicate 100 hostages thats still the story. Whats going to happen to these 100 hostages . How is that going to be addressed . This is something that they are not really, um, prepared and so thats going to be the ongoing story throughout the night. This is Marcia Kramer again. Why did they take the hostages instead of killing them, which was what they have done in past attacks . Are they looking for something . Are they looking for a ransom . Are they looking for Something Else . I dont think they are looking for ransom. I think they are looking to get their message out and i think that they are willing to give up their lives in order to get that message out. This is more about their movement, about money. They have the resources both in number of people and money, a lot of different means. And they have an excellent recruiting method in the internet. And so i believe more about getting their message out to the world that they are successful, they are here to stay, and they are a force to be reckoned with. Okay, manny, if you hang on, please, we are listening to the french president who is addressing the nation and the world right now in the wake of the three attacks happening in paris about 3 hours ago now, 2. 5 hours ago. Steve langford listening in and monitoring some of what he is saying. Le monde is reporting in paris that the french president just a few moments ago announced the closure of the borders. The french closing the borders not the city. No, the french borders. And that this is obviously rather extraordinary but not unprecedented in terms of european, um, policy. But that is what le monde is reporting that the french borders are closed. And the ap is already saying he deployed the military in paris which makes sense. Manny, quick question. Marcia touched on the hostage situation at the theater. Im just curious could it be

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