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Yeah casting from the w a c b m say 4 tyrants solution studios call robber Roee 410-266-1120 safe for a tyrant Solutions dot com The following w.c.p.n. Program has been prerecorded at this time hello there and thanks for tuning in to this week's show I'm your host Chris McKay and I'm really happy to have you along today as we explore and discover the secrets to health wealth and better living and if you're a longtime listener of the show Welcome back we appreciate it and if you're just joining us for the 1st time nice to have you along today I want to start by sending a big thank you out to our sponsor Dr Newton's naturals they're one of the best sources of high quality nutritional supplements at discount prices you can visit them online any time at Dr Newton's dot com and I want you to check them out when you have a chance because they really have some great products to improve your health and a healthier family Ok On today's show we're talking about vitamin d. Sometimes referred to as the sunshine vitamin but folks he hears the problem many of us aren't getting enough sunshine lately between slathering on those powerful sun screens and spending more time indoors and what it really comes down to is this vitamin d. Deficiency that's out there is causing an avalanche of health problems for 70 percent of our population ranging from pain loss of balance muscle weakness depression increased blood pressure arthritis memory loss and even a compromised immune system and I have Dr Michael Pincus with me today to talk about the most effective way to get vitamin d. Dr Pegues it's good to talk to you again Chris it's great to be back thank you you know many of you know that Dr Pincus is a nationally recognized authority on natural and alternative health he's a successful chiropractor he's worked with top Hollywood celebrities professional in pick athletes and he continues to be very involved in some of today's top health concerns and let's kind of start at the top Dr Pincus and talk a little bit about. What are some of the warning signs that you may be deficient in vitamin d. Ok Well part of it is how you feel and one of the things Chris is being tired for no apparent reason Ok but on the reverse side of that I've seen that of lack of vitamin d. Affects your sleep Ok another big sign is that your bones ache there's a lot of people listening who have been diagnosed with furrows the list is a thinning of the bone but again a vitamin d. Deficiency a big one is muscle weakness so you try to get up from a couch you get in and out of a car you're finding it more and more difficult and that is leading to the high high prevalence of people falling and injuring themselves Ok all right which is the huge problem right exactly Another one is you tend to get more called Especially operetta the Tory problems Ok problems with blood pressure cardiovascular problems that just the problems constipation bloating gas it's very very common and if you're a diabetic there's all kinds of data being decision in vitamin d. And the list goes on and on is a huge problem what does vitamin d. Actually do in the body what is it used for well when we would use the word vitamin it's actually kind of a misnomer because vitamin d. Is actually a hormone Ok regulate thousands of genes in the Vavi everything from pain blood sugar immune system blood pressure bone strength plus Vitamin d. Has been linked to maintaining colon health breast prostate and ovarian health but I'll tell you what the way we're taking vitamin d. Is all wrong it's all math well why do you say that why is it messed up well 1st of all you go to your doctor and they say I'm going to put out a vitamin d. Supplements and it's like 400 international units which is totally worthless God forbid if you're listening right now on your cake you know multi-vitamin and you think your poverty that's why you're on 638 or 10 different prescription drugs I'll tell you that. Right now because your body is not getting enough the other thing is that vitamin d. Isn't all you don't absorb oils in your body they're very difficult to digest Ok I've come up with my own vitamin d. Which I call Dr focused the vitamin d 3 formula so Dr pink is what makes your fast melt vitamin d. Formula so unique Well Chris 1st of all I put $5000.00 units of Vitamin d. 3 per serving in each tablet so you can actually feel the difference I want to give you enough dosage so it really goes to work 2nd I use the right type of vitamin d. In my formula which is superior and readily available so your body can digest it and this is known as vitamin d. 3 and 3rd my formula is a fast milk tablet that's available for immediate absorption you know you mentioned the vitamin d. As an oil so how were you able to make your formula into a fast meld Well good question Chris here's what I've done I work with an advance team of scientists and these guys they know their stuff and they're using this technology to convert vitamin d. Which is an all it all into a dry powder and once they do that they put it in this vast dissolving mouth for immediate absorption and quick result that you can feel what some of the feedback that you're getting Dr Pincus from people that are taking your fast melt the 3 I'm getting tons of feedback you know I've got people that e-mail me here's an e-mail from Betty and she writes I was diagnosed with a severe vitamin d. Deficiency and she said she tried many other vitamin supplements Ok and then she discovered my 3 and she said she went back to her doctor had her blood test and her blood tests on back into a normal range just within weeks wow. All right folks I want to take a moment here to let your listeners know that if you want to try Dr Pincus is vitamin d 3 formula there's a special toll free number for you to call it's 180-467-0053 you know Dr Pincus is vitamin d. 3 formula is a fast dissolving melt there's a vailable for immediate absorption by your body for rapid results and by getting vitamin d. 3 into your body you're going to have a bolster immune system improve balanced stronger muscles and fewer aches and pains and just see you know Dr Pincus has arranged a very special offer that's only available to your listeners so when you call be sure to mention this program and you're going to get a risk free trial of Dr Pincus is vitamin d. 3 again this is only available to listeners and only if you call this toll free number it's 180-467-0053 plus if you call right now you'll also qualify for an extra free supply with your order to keep for yourself or share with a family member or friend but you must call now because this special radio offer is not available in stores or online so that number to call is 180-467-0053 remember folks you have absolutely nothing to lose here because Dr Pincus says vitamin d. 3 formula is guaranteed to be safe and effective or your money back and when you do call an order you will not be automatically enrolled in one of those monthly subscription programs this is a one time order so the number to call is 180-467-0053 give it to you again it's 180-467-0053 all right for those you're just joining us I have Dr Michael Pincus on the line with us today we've been talking about Dr Pincus is fast melt vitamin d. 3. Formula and this vitamin d. Deficiency is really an epidemic now causing all kinds of health concerns but the issue is even if you're trying to get vitamin d. Back in your body your most likely taking the wrong type or the wrong form of vitamin d. The wrong way maybe not even getting enough of it and doctor makes one we start here by talking about you know why is this deficiency such an epidemic despite all of the awareness and the products that you see on the store shelves containing vitamin d. Well you know that's a good point 70 percent of us in this country are deficient in vitamin d. The fact is that your body needs vitamin d. This is a hormone that should be there and it's not there and the statistics show that back in the seventy's when we started getting cable networks and of course with the Internet we're not going outside and most of us get no vitamin d. From the Sun What makes your fast smell the 3 formula a much better choice Well Chris 1st of all I put $5000.00 units of Vitamin d. 3 per serving in each tab like so you can actually feel the difference 2nd I use the right type of vitamin d. In my formula and 3rd I worked with an advance team of scientists and they're using this technology to put it in this vast dissolving melt for immediate absorption and quick results that you can feel now is your fast milk vitamin d. 3 formula manufactured here in the u.s. Dr Frank is absolutely my formulas manufactured right here in the USA Chris in fact we have a facility that is c g m p certified lab which means current good manufacturing practices and this is an f.d.a. Mandated stead a rules that we follow as a matter of fact just recently after the came in and did an inspection and they said hey guys keep up the good work now you mentioned earlier that there's a. Strong connection between vitamin d. And diabetes talk a little bit about how your fast Mel d 3 formula could help folks that are dealing with diabetes or even at risk of getting diabetes or diabetes is a huge problem and in type 2 diabetics what we find is that there's plenty of insulin in the bodies but the insulin is not recognized by the cells and so what vitamin d 3 does is it takes that problem and it seems to fix it now they've studied vitamin d. Story and it didn't prove this insulin signature by 60 percent and just to give you a comparison the most popular diabetic drug improves at 13 percent Wow Now let me ask you this Dr Pangloss How can your fast meld these 3 formula help boost your immune system in vitamin d. Is responsible for 200 different chemicals that your immune cells produce to fight off bacteria and viruses listen if you're some of the susceptible to having any type of called flu I would start right now taking one of my vitamin d. 3 every day and one of the nice things about this is that the side of your immune system being better you'll find your energy better you'll find less pain less arthritic type pain more mobility flexibility and better muscle strength and if you're someone who's concerned about falling you'll have better balance and a better sense of walking which is so important that so and how do you take a doctor because you can take it in the morning you can take it at night you don't need water then you put in your mouth and you know maybe the 30th gone wow and maybe you can share again for those that may have just joined us some of the responses that you get from people that have been taking your formula and what kind of results of they seen let me tell you my own story so over the summer I didn't take as. Much of my Dietrich is actually traveling and I ran out of it so what happened to me you know I'm basically pain free but all that said I started having pain in my hand and on what is this is weird but then I realized that I had run a life these 3 formula and I went off of it for several weeks and the minute I started going on it it took about 7 maybe 8 days the pain went away Wow Crazy isn't it that's how you know something's working right if you stop and the health issues come back well there's your answer that's the best test that anyone can listen to the special if you're on the fence you go I wonder if this is really for me and what I would do Chris is the next time you get out the number to have people orders is go ahead an order it I know you mentioned it's a risk free offer and go ahead and try it yourself and stay on it for 5 or 6 weeks and then if you're still down and then go off of it and see if anything gets worse and again post I want to take a moment here to let you listeners know that if you want to try Dr Pincus is vitamin d 3 formula there's a special toll free number for you to call it's 180-467-0053 then we've been talking about Dr Pincus is vitamin d. 3 formula is a fast dissolving melds that's a vailable for immediate absorption by your body for rapid results and by getting Dr Pincus is vitamin d. 3 into your body you're going to have a bolter immune system improve balance stronger muscles and fewer aches and pains and keep in mind folks Dr Pincus has arranged a very special offer it's only available to your listeners so when you do call be sure to mention this program and you'll get a risk free trial of Dr Pincus is vitamin d 3 again this is only available to you listeners and only if you call this toll free number it's 180-467-0053. Plus if you call right now you'll qualify for an extra free supply with your order to keep for yourself or share with a family member or friend but you must call now because this special radio offer is not available in stores or online so the number to call is 180-467-0053 keep in mind you have absolutely nothing to lose here because Dr Pincus says vitamin d. 3 formula is guaranteed to be safe and effective or your money back and when you do call an order you will not be enrolled in any of those monthly subscription programs this is a one time order folks so the number to call is 180-467-0053 give it t. Again it's 180-467-0053 so what do you think folks are you one of the 70 percent of people listening most likely taking the wrong type of vitamin d. Supplement joining us today is our good friend Dr Michael Pincus and we've been talking about his fast melt vitamin d 3 formula and Dr biggest what you're saying is that most of us are deficient in vitamin d. And because of that deficiency it's causing health issues like pain muscle weakness and mune problems and that most vitamin d. Supplements are not the best form and more importantly it's not the right amount of vitamin d. To really make an impact is that what you're saying yes exactly what I'm saying for instance a multifaceted problem or one we're not getting enough vitamin d. 3 in our system by them indeed trees are responsible for activating 2000 different genes in the body controlling everything from diabetes to hormone production to muscle strain heart beating correctly digestion immune system it's a really long list and. Honestly it surprised me because in medical school we learned that vitamin d. Was necessary for the ball and we get enough being outside and in our milk and end of story right for the 1st 20 some years I practice I never prescribe vitamin d. I just didn't think it was necessary and then in the early 2000 the studies started coming out and now there's over 2300 studies that just show that vitamin d. Is absolutely necessary and it's not just a good idea it's absolutely necessary it's a hormone that should be in the body and it's not there and you share some of that research Dr Pincus and more importantly what's the conclusion of the research related to vitamin d. Well one of the biggest studies ever on vitamin d. Were from the u.s. Navy Ok so I think it was like 145000 men and women were studied and they found that the number one non-combat reason that people died in the Navy was due to melanoma so skin cancer so I'm reading this study you know I kind of pot is right there and I went Yeah it makes sense you know people are out on the decks of ships in the equator and all over the world and they're getting in the harbor you know she was young raised and they're developing skin cancer but then I read on and it said most of the victims were office workers like Clerks and people in hangers in inside and then went home. So it was a link going back to vitamin d. Deficiency in the body what about muscle and bone strength can your d 3 formula help with that critical like if you're someone that's over 50 especially if you're seeing a progression of the core muscles in your body starting to slow down 1st it's kind of a clumsiness that people kind of feel like they're getting clumsy physically and then it's a lack of flexibility so you start to stiffen up and you feel it at night especially if you're in bed. When from side to side you wake up with your knees hurting your legs are restless your shoulders hurt that sets this in a setting in that's associated with a lack of this violent history in my formula so if you're someone listening right now and you're having a lot of joint pain bone pain muscle pain fiber my I'll jump. Start on my formula like immediately and start taking one or 2 of my vitamin d. Threes a day for the 1st week or 2 to get your doses up quickly so let me ask you about these gummy vitamins does that work can you put enough vitamin d. Into a little gummy bear and is that the best way to get it in your body course not Chris you know they'll go to any type of lengths to try to market things that seem good but you're taking a lot of sugar and gelatin waxed my thing it's not what you take it's what your body absorbs when I want to talk more about what happens when people start taking your fast melt the 3 formula or that's a really good question because the 1st area that vitamin d. Seems to affect is your energy your sleep your outlook your mood and then after being on it for a while your core strength will come back so for those of you who have slowed down you're going to feel more energy like physically so it's kind of like feeling a little bit younger Chris and who wouldn't want that and maybe you can share again for those that may have just joined us some of the responses that you get from people that have been taking your formula and what kind of results of they seen Well one of the surprising one was I gave it to my brother in law who had gone to his doctor and was very concerned about his cholesterol and blood fats and is the weight and I put him on my vitamin d 3 and he went back in 3 months later and his blood profile was perfect all right I want to take a moment here to let you listeners know that again if you want to try Dr pink this is vitamin d 3 formula there is a. National toll free number for you to call right now it's 180-467-0053 you know as we've been talking about here Dr Pincus is vitamin d. 3 formula is a fast dissolving melts which makes it available for immediate absorption by your body for rapid results and by getting Dr Pincus is vitamin d 3 in your body you're going to have a bolstered immune system improve balance stronger muscles and fewer aches and pains and again keep in mind that Dr Pincus has arranged a very special offer that's only available to you listeners today so when you do call please be sure to mention this program and you're going to get a risk free trial of Dr Pincus is vitamin d 3 again this is only available to listeners and only if you call this toll free number it's 180-467-0053 plus if you call right now you also qualify to receive an extra free supply with your order today to keep yourself or share with a family member or friend but you must call right now because the special radio offer is not available in stores or online so that number to call is 180-467-0053 keep in mind folks you have absolutely nothing to lose here because Dr Pincus says vitamin d. 3 formula is guaranteed to be safe and effective or your money back and when you do call an order you're not going to be enrolled in $1.00 of those automatic monthly subscription programs this is a one time order so I encourage of the number to call is 180-467-0053 give it t. Again it's 180-467-0053 so how about of folks me what it really comes down to here is we're not getting the right form or another vitamin d. Delivered the. Right Way which is why we have so many of these health concerns that you probably can't put your finger on and Dr Pincus I want to start just recapping here that there are a couple different forms of vitamin d. And maybe explain why the typical form that you would find in most off the shelf the formulas is different from what you've put together here well there's vitamin d. 2 and there's vitamin d. 3 and the 2 is the type of vitamin d. That has to be activated by your body has to be converted into vitamin d. 3 vitamin D's 3 is the activated form so it's ready to go to work now the vitamin d 3 that I use in my formula I think it's the best because I've seen the best results with myself and my family with my patients plus I've worked with the lab where the people in the lab of taken this and they they test their blood every day to see how the deal is going and it's gone up and out through the roof where it should be Wow So Dr Pincus I mean who should consider taking your fast melts my to Mindy formula Well I would definitely start with kids for development and the munity obviously young adults in their twenty's need vitamin d. To keep their immune system strong men and women in their thirty's you're talking about higher health immunity cardiovascular problems start to turn around but it's also the child rearing years and vitamin d. For pregnant women is very very important people in their forty's when you start taking more of those aches and pains like you never felt before you think you're getting older and again it's important for your hormones and to keep yourself physically active when you're in your fifty's you start feeling you can't golf example a tennis you know you start becoming aware of your body not functioning and then people over 60 I just wish that every seniors that would go on the. Formula imagine living in your senior years where you have confidence in your balance and you're able to have the energy to get things done and clarity this is more and more important as we go along because people are living longer but the quality of life is not great you know is it ever too late Dr Pincus such that your fast Mel d 3 formula wouldn't be a worthwhile investment if you can see the breath on the mirror in the morning then you know that you're a candidate for this because a lot of the things that people suffer from They're suffering from a lack of those vitamins in their body so it's never too late to try something like this and the sooner you can get on my formula the better eyes you're going to have of having a really healthy high energy high mobility life from here on out well makes a lot of sense and Dr thanks look can someone expect when they start taking your ass melts d 3 formula Well you're going to notice within the 1st several days that something is changing in your body because the kick start so many different cycles in your body that you'll start having less pain having more energy and having better mental clarity better sleep your mood can be affected by this vitamin d 3 is necessary to get these things running Well Dr Frank a small portion will have a few minutes left anything else you want to share with our audience here in our final minutes for those of you listening we've covered a lot of ground there working with the body is tricky as you know and we're talking to your listeners of your show you know there are of all walks of life with all the various conditions and so I'm trying to give some good health advice here Chris the point is get yourself out of it get yourself on a formula and see for yourself it's not against the law for you to try something to see if it works that's just an interesting thing to do we're talking about nutrition we're not talking about rocket science here. A lot of science behind what I'm talking about the key is to get this formula and give it a month or 2 every day take one of these say and start to see improvements in your pain your blood pressure your blood sugar your energy your sleep this is my appeal to your listeners to get this formula and try it themselves well Dr Frank is again thank you for taking time to to be with us today thank you Chris All right folks well here is your final opportunity if you want to try Dr Pincus is vitamin d 3 formula there's a special toll free number for you to call it's 180-467-0053 you know as we talked about on today's show Dr Pincus says vitamin d. 3 formula is a fast dissolving melt that makes it a vailable for immediate absorption by your body for rapid results and by getting vitamin d. 3 inch your body you're going to have a bolstered immune system improve balance stronger muscles and fewer aches and pains and keep in mind that Dr Pincus has arranged a very special offer it's only available to listeners so when you call be sure to mention this program you're going to get a risk free trial of Dr Pincus is vitamin d 3 again this is only available to you listeners and only if you call this toll free number it's 180-467-0053 keep in mind if you call right now you'll also qualify to receive an extra free supply with your order to keep for yourself or share with a family member or friend but you must call right now because the special radio offer is not available in stores and it's not available online the number to call is 180-467-0053 remember you have absolutely nothing to lose here because Dr Pincus says vitamin d. 3 formula is guaranteed to be safe and effective. Or your money back and when you do call and place your order today you're not going to be enrolled in one of those automatic monthly subscription programs this is a one time order so you can try Dr Pincus says vitamin d 3 formula and see the benefits for yourself so the number to call is 180-467-0053 I'll give it to your one more time it's 180-467-0053 Well that's all the time we have for today thanks again to our sponsor Dr Newton's naturals you can visit them online at Dr News dot com for all your supplement needs and be sure to join us again next week for another great show following w.c.p.n. Program has been prerecorded at this time Hello and welcome to another edition of discoveries in health I'm your host Chris McKay and I'm really glad you're with me today because today we're going to be talking about an issue that affects each and every one of us and that's stress and believe it or not whether it's job stress financial stress family stress or even the little things that we're told not to stress about any form of stress takes a serious physical toll on your body but don't worry because there is something you can do about your stress and joining me today on the phone is Dr Michael Pincus and Dr Pincus is going to talk about stress and give us some great information on things that we can do to reduce or even a limb and ate the negative affects that daily stress has on our bodies for those of you that may not know Dr Pincus he is a nationally recognized authority on natural and alternative health he's worked with top Hollywood celebrities professional and Olympic athletes and he continues to be involved in the latest research into today's top health concerns and Dr Pincus thanks so much for being with us today thanks Chris great to be with you so let's get right into this whole stress issue you know stress is such a normal part of our daily routine these days but why should we all be concerned about it and more specifically what's going on in our. Bodies and one of the warning signs that we should be looking for well you know there's 2 ways to look at stress one is what we call mental stress the other the other is how stress affects your body as a doctor I'm more interested in how it affects your body Sure so the way stress affects the body is this one of persons under stress the body transposes the stress into tension and your muscles end up contract and everyone feels that in their in their upper back and neck you feel a tightness right as a doctor I'm more concerned about the muscles that you don't feel such as the muscles in the arteries. In the month those the heart is a giant muscle in the muscles in and around your digestive tract because these are the things that are resulting in heart disease digestive difficulties and I want to talk a little bit in your show today about nutrition because there are 2 nutrients that completely handle the body in terms of stress Ok according to the research that I've been involved with is that it's as simple as calcium and magnesium calcium and magnesium right Ok when you're deficient in calcium and magnesium a lot of things can happen calcium magnesium for example is needed in order to go to sleep at night and how many people do you know they just don't sleep well you wake up tired your body hurts more pretty soon as there is to wear you down and pretty soon you get sick and you have a condition that people are suffering from pain and active process and fibromyalgia and cramped in their legs and weird illnesses so there is something wrong with this picture and it has to do with not how much calcium someone taking in their diet or how many cows and supplements or how many and acids if you it has to do with simple absorption is that calcium getting absorbed in your body with calcium being something to do with stresses in calcium for building bones Well yes Ok And it does build yours too but is the one percent of the calcium actually circulates in your blood when that one percent started. Rock it could affect your heart your brain your kidneys your organs in your body shut down actually dies Wow So one percent of the calcium always has to be in your system. And there's 2 sources of calcium one is in the diet Yeah and 2 is from the bones themself the body will exist it will absorb it back from the bones if it needs it that's right I think and what you just discussed right now leads to one of the major causes of a condition that the 2nd 25000000 Americans right now which is called Last year process right which is the weakening of the bone now and it's due to the body deriving the calcium from the bones instead of from the nitrogen Yeah Ok And so what we have to do is we have to find a way to put calcium back in the diet now you think that would be really easy sure just drink milk just drink milk or do you know you know a lot of green leafy vegetables and that sort of thing but 1st of all people don't do that right and 2nd of all the the quality of the calcium that comes from our diet has been decreasing in the last 50 years really Yeah because things like pasteurization food they're irradiated the calcium is weak from the soil and people are taking medications that block it so the actual calcium is not being absorbed in the body Ok and then you see people taking Tums and calcium supplements you know they buy the health food start right or right but these calcium don't absorb in the body that's I think for a couple reasons. One when you take I had let's say an antacid that has the calcium in it like a Tums 1st of all calcium does not absorb in the body unless it's in an anesthetic environment but see what happens when you take it from it's an antacid Oh Ok so you're if you're getting calcium in the in the antacid itself is that been absorbed I see because it has to be in a in an acid environment for it to be absorbed exactly Ok we have a product called the Cal Max formula my comics formula is natural the difference is that the powder and what happens if you put it have water and you mix it up and you drink it down so it's in a liquid instead of a pill and it absorbs into your system Wow So that solves that problem of well yeah because when calcium magnesium are in a liquid state it absorbs 10 times better than in any other state Wow that's great man effect as I'm reading the can right now says a fancy absorbing calcium and magnesium beverage powder Well it comes down to your action one of the ways to tell if you're not observing calcium is take a look at what drugs you're taking are you on high blood pressure medication you need something for your kidneys are you want pain medications you need sleep in the calcium and especially the magnesium being absorbed you're not going to suffer from all these things my count my formula does absorb incredibly in the body the thing is that when you take my comics formula but not like well well I feel better I have thousands of people write the doctor pages I can't wait for 30 minutes after I took the count back the pain in my wrist one way where I was able to sleep for the 1st time in years I mean this is really amazing I want to take a moment here to let your listeners know that if you want to get a free book about calcium and magnesium and try Dr pink this is Cal Max formula there's a special toll free number you can call it's 180-823-8219 not Kelm x. Is a unique blend of calcium and magnesium that gets absorbed into your be. Stream so you can replace those vital nutrients that your body burns up when you experience stress and I want to let you know that Dr Pincus has arranged a very special introductory offer it's only available to you listeners so when you call be sure to mention this program and you get a risk free trial of Kel Max again this is only available to listeners and only if you call this toll free number it's 180-823-8219 so if you're feeling the symptoms of stress the lack of sleep the low energy pain and stiffness in your muscles and joints your body is telling you it's lacking the calcium and magnesium it needs to handle the effects of everyday stress you know if you're concerned maybe about bone health or osteoporosis if you want to improve your heart health your digestive health and even reduce or eliminate the effects of stress I encourage you to try the cow Max formula all you have to do is pick up the phone and call 180-823-8219 when you do call today you're also going to get that free book it's called the user's guide to calcium and magnesium and folks this book is packed with vital information about why your calcium needs change with age calcium is rolling cardiovascular health osteoporosis diabetes depression fatigue it's all in this very informative book Oh yeah and Chris listen I'd like to do something very special for the listeners today so I'm going to give away an extra 3 vinyl of my family formula to the 1st 100 dollars Well thank you for doing that Dr Pincus I really appreciate it folks this just keeps getting better and better so you get to try cow Max absolutely risk free and if you're one of the 1st $100.00 callers you're going to get an extra free bottle plus you're going to get that free book so the number to call is 180-823-8219 remember you have absolutely nothing to lose because you can try cow Max absolutely risk free so that numb. A call is 180-823-8219 extension 0 gravity again it's 180-823-8219 if you're just joining us I've got Dr Michael Pincus on the phone today and we're talking about something that we're all too familiar with these days and that stress and we're finding out about the damage that every day stress can do to our bodies the warning signs that we should be aware of and what we can do to alleviate and even a limb in 8 the effects of stress and Dr Pincus you were talking earlier about calcium and magnesium and how we need these nutrients in our bodies to fight the effects of stress and how your kill Max formula can help us in this battle against stress I'd like to talk for a minute about how the magnesium factors in I mean. I'm starting to understand about the calcium but what does magnesium or we're talking about stress and we're talking about stress affects the body 1st of all in order to function at all your body needs Magnesium is probably of all the vitamins I could list Magnesium is probably the most important vitamin on the planet right now and I've not heard a whole lot about magnesium and why is magnesium so important there's over 325 biochemical reactions that magnesium is involved with it's almost like a hormone wound and you for example with that with the lower levels of magnesium your heart won't beat 2 very important factor in life yeah I would say so in fact let me just read a list of some of the conditions across the ocean with magnesium deficiencies Ok you have attention deficit disorder Alzheimer's anxiety asthma autism Chronic Fatigue Syndrome congestive heart disease because the patient diabetes fibromyalgia high blood pressure inside the migraine headaches multiple sclerosis muscle cramps Parkinson's costume per. Both this and the list goes on and on and on and it is this is associated with a lack of magnesium in the body simply a lack of magnesium too so it's nothing to really mess around with now what happens is that you need the magnesium in your body in order for the calcium to be absorbed Oh so it's it's a necessary thing in order to get the 1st component which is kill c m That's right they work in combination with each other now there's many more practical applications of this Cal Max formula 1st of all like I said you drink it so it gets into your system and one of the 1st things we use it for in our clinic is for people who are under a lot of stress and they can sleep well at night it works better than anything I've ever seen for people that have trouble sleeping me because it relaxes you're right and you do actually feel the relaxation ask you drink the after you drink a cup of the cal mix formula interesting Now the other thing that it's really really good for are people who are in pain Ok and I have a whole bunch of stories to tell you and case studies of people actually taking the Cal mix formula and getting rid of pain this is including arthritic type pain fibro my l.j. Which is a form of arthritis back pain muscle spasms migraine headaches there's a whole category of. Hello and welcome to another edition of discoveries in health I'm your host Chris McKay and I'm really glad you're with me today because today we're going to be talking about an issue that affects each and every one of us and that's stress and believe it or not whether it's job stress financial stress family stress or even the little things that we're told not to stress about any form of stress takes a serious physical toll on your body but don't worry because there is something you can do about your stress and joining me today on the phone is Dr Michael Pincus and Dr Pincus is going to talk about stress and give us some great information on things that we can do to reduce or even a limb in 8 the negative effects that daily stress has on our bodies for those you that may not know Dr Pincus he is a nationally recognized authority on natural and alternative health he's worked with top Hollywood celebrities professional and Olympic athletes and he continues to be involved in the latest research into today's top health concerns and Dr Pincus thanks so much for being with us today thanks Chris great to be with you so let's get right into this whole stress issue you know stress is such a normal part of our daily routine these days but why should we all be concerned about it and more specifically what's going on in our bodies and what are the warning signs that we should be looking for well you know there's 2 ways to look at stress one is what we call mental stress the other the other is how stress affects your body as a doctor I'm more interested in how it affects your body Sure so the way stress affects the body is this one of persons under stress the body transfer all of the stress into tension Ok and your muscles end up contract and then everyone feels that in their in their hour of AK and actually feel a tightness right as a doctor I'm more concerned about the muscle that you don't feel such as the month of the in the artery Oh Ok enough in the month of the heart is it must be over in the month of in and around your digestive track these are the things that are resulting in heart disease. Digestive difficulties and I want to talk a little bit in your show today about nutrition because there are 2 nutrients that completely handle the body in terms of stress Ok card in the research that I've been involved with is that it's as simple as calcium and magnesium calcium and magnesium right Ok when you're deficient in calcium and magnesium a lot of things can happen calcium magnesium for example is needed in order to go to sleep at night and how many people do you know they just don't sleep well you wake up tired your body hurts more pretty soon it starts to wear you down and pretty soon you get sick and you have a condition that people are suffering from pain and after prothesis and fibromyalgia and cramps in their legs and weird illnesses so there is something wrong with this picture and it has to do with not how much calcium someone taking in their diet or how many calcium supplements or how many and acids you chew it has to do with simple absorption is that calcium getting absorbed in your body with calcium being something to do with stresses and calcium for building bones Well yes Ok And it does build yours too but is the one percent of the calcium actually circulates in your blood when that one percent starts to drop it could affect your heart your brain your kidneys your organs in your body shuts down actually dies Wow So one percent of the calcium always has to be in your system. There's 2 sources of calcium one is in the diet Yeah and 2 is from the bones themselves the body will exist it will absorb it back from the bones of unease and that's right I say and what you just discussed right now leads to one of the major causes of a condition that the fact that in 25000000 Americans right now which is called Ask your process right which is the weakening of the bone now and it's due to the body deriving the calcium from the bones instead of from the nitrogen Yeah Ok And so what we have to do is we have to find a way to put calcium back in the diet now. You think that would be really easy sure district milk just drink milk or you know you know a lot of green leafy vegetables and that sort of thing but 1st of all people don't do that right and 2nd of all the quality of the calcium that comes from our diet has been decreasing in the last 50 years really Yeah because things like pasteurization food they're irradiated the calcium is leaked from the soil people are taking medications that block it so the actual calcium is not being absorbed in the body Ok and then you see people taking Tums and calcium supplements you know they buy the health food start right or right but these calcium don't absorb in the body that's I think for a couple reasons one when you take I had let's say an antacid that has the calcium in it like a Tums 1st of all calcium does not absorb in the body unless it's in an anesthetic environment but see what happens when you take a time with an antacid Oh Ok so you're if you're getting calcium in the in the antacid itself is that been absorbed I see because it has to be in a in an acid environment for it to be absorbed exactly Ok now we have a product called the Cal Max formula my comics formula is natural the difference is that the powdered and what happens is you put it have water and you mix it up and you drink it down so it's in a liquid instead of a pill and it absorbs into your system Wow So that's also the problem of well yeah because when calcium magnesium are in a liquid state it absorbs 10 times better than in any other state Wow that's great man effect as I'm reading the can right now says the fast absorbing calcium and magnesium beverage powder Well it comes down to absorption one of the ways to tell if you're not observing calcium is to take a look at what drugs you're taking are you on high blood pressure medication do you need something for your kidneys are you want pain medications you need sleeping pills but the calcium and especially the menus and being absorbed. You're not going to suffer from Obviously my comment formula does the for incredibly in the body the thing is that when you take my comment formula but not like well well I feel better I have people write if the doctor think if I can't leave 30 minutes after it took to counteract the pain in my wrist find a way where I was able to leave for the 1st time in years I mean this is really amazing I want to take a moment here to let your listeners know that if you want to get a free book about calcium and magnesium and try Dr Pincus is comics formula there's a special toll free number you can call it's 180-823-8219 not Kelm x. Is a unique blend of calcium and magnesium that gets absorbed into your bloodstream so you can replace those vital nutrients that your body burns up when you experience stress and I want to let you know that Dr Pincus has arranged a very special introductory offer it's only available to your listeners so when you call be sure to mention this program and you get a risk free trial of Kel Max again this is only available to listeners and only if you call this toll free number it's 180-823-8219 so if you're feeling the symptoms of stress the lack of sleep the low energy pain and stiffness in your muscles and joints your body is telling you it's lacking the calcium and magnesium it needs to handle the effects of everyday stress you know if you're concerned maybe about bone health or osteoporosis if you want to improve your heart health your digestive health and even reduce or eliminate the effects of stress on encourage you try the cow Max formula all you have to do is pick up the phone and call 180-823-8219 when you do call today you're also going to get that free book it's called the user's guide to calcium and magnesium and folks this book is packed with vital information about why your calcium needs change with age calcium is rolling cardiovascular health osteoporosis. Diabetes depression fatigue it's all in this very informative book well yeah and Chris listen I'd like to do something very special for the listeners today so I'm going to give away an extra free bottle of my comic formula to the 1st 100 call it will thank you for doing that Dr Pincus I really appreciate it folks this just keeps getting better and better so you get to try count Max absolutely risk free and if you're one of the 1st $100.00 callers you're going to get an extra free bottle plus you're going to get that free book so the number to call is 180-823-8219 remember you have absolutely nothing to lose because you can try count x. Absolutely risk free so that number to call is 180-823-8219 extension 0 gravity again it's 180-823-8219 if you're just joining us I've got Dr Michael Pincus on the phone today and we're talking about something that we're all too familiar with these days and that stress and we're finding out about the damage that every day stress can do to our bodies the warning signs that we should be aware of and what we can do to alleviate and even a limb in 8 the effects of stress and Dr Pincus you were talking earlier about calcium and magnesium and how we need these nutrients in our bodies to fight the effects of stress and how your kill Max formula can help us in this battle against stress I'd like to talk for a minute about how the magnesium factors in I mean. I'm starting to understand about the calcium but what does magnesium for talking about stress and we're talking about stress affects the body 1st of all in order to function at all your body needs Magnesium is probably of all the vitamins I could list Magnesium is probably the most important vitamin on the planet right now I've not heard a whole lot about magnesium and why is magnesium so important there's over 325 biochemical reaction. That Magnesium is involved with it's almost like a hormone Wow and you for example with that with low levels of magnesium your heart won't beat you very important factor in life yes it would say so in fact let me just read a list of some of the conditions associated with magnesium deficiencies Ok you have attention deficit disorder Alzheimer's anxiety asthma autism Chronic Fatigue Syndrome congestive heart disease constipation diabetes fibromyalgia high blood pressure inside me a migraine headaches multiple sclerosis muscle cramps Parkinson's to prothesis in the list just goes on and on and on and it is this is associated with a lack of magnesium in the body simply a lack of magnesium too so it's nothing to really mess around with now what happens is this you need the magnesium in your body in order for the calcium to be absorbed . Oh so it's it's a necessary thing in order to get the 1st component which is calcium that's right they work in combination with each other now there's many more practical applications of this scale Max formula 1st of all like I said you drink it so it gets into your system and one of the 1st things we use it for in our clinic is for people who are under a lot of stress and they can sleep well at night it works better than anything I've ever seen for people that have trouble sleeping me because it relaxes you right and you do actually feel the relaxation ask you drink the you have to drink a cup of the cal mix formula interesting that the other thing that it's really really good for are people who are in pain Ok and I have a whole bunch of stories to tell you and case studies of people actually taking the Cal mix formula and getting rid of pain this is including arthritic type pain fibro my l.j. Which is a form of arthritis back pain muscle spasms migraine headaches there's a whole category of areas I'd like to discuss with you wow that's fantastic some of those things that you name seem to be age related or or things that we experience and as we grow older. Is there a link there yeah there's a vicious circle that I'd like to discuss what happens is that when a person has a magnesium deficiency spin cynically magnesium they don't absorb their foods well and so they go into what we call malabsorption fender which millions and millions of Americans have and it's not like you feel sick or you know this that you might be over time just starting to feel more tired and tired and tired and that's if the real gradual overtime type of thing and a lot of people justify that they're getting all them they just need more rest or whatever right that well that's what I would think that what happens is that one when you get less absorption you actually increase the deficiency in your system of magnesium When that and that starts to take the calcium out of the bones you start getting form last you start getting muscle loss because it also reduces the muscle mass and pretty soon before you know it you are feeling all yeah and your body is actually starting to manifest that wow all due to a simple lack of these nutrients calcium magnesium No let me tell you and it is a symbol of the problem in being a doctor a researcher is how do you get this into the system the formula that we have the Cal back formula is so fantastic because it did up our form you take out water and you make you you put it in a cob take a teaspoon of this power and mix it in yeah and you drink this cup down that's great like the option rate is really incredible because it actually goes right into your bloodstream and this is probably a good time folks if you want to get a free book about calcium and magnesium and try to Dr pink this is Tell Me x. Formula there is a special toll free number to call it's 180-823-8219 not Kell Max is a unique blend of calcium and magnesium that gets absorbed into your bloodstream so you can replace those vital nutrients that your body burns up when you experience stress and I want to let you know that Dr Pincus has arranged a very special in a duck. 3 offer it's only available to your listeners so when you call be sure to mention this program and you get a risk free trial of cow Max again this is only available to your listeners and only if you call this toll free number it's 180-823-8219 so if you're feeling the symptoms of stress the lack of sleep the low energy pain and stiffness in your muscles and joints your body is telling you it's lacking the calcium and magnesium it needs to handle the effects of everyday stress you know if you're concerned maybe about bone health or osteoporosis if you want to improve your heart health your digestive health and even reduce or eliminate the effects of stress I encourage you try the cow Max formula all you have to do is pick up the phone and call 180-823-8219 when you do call today you're also going to get their free book it's called the user's guide to calcium and magnesium and folks this book is packed with vital information about why your calcium needs change with age calcium is rolling cardiovascular health osteoporosis diabetes depression fatigue it's all in this very informative book and don't forget Chris I'm going to get when we have had for free but I don't like so much formula the 5100 dollars so it's really important for your listeners to pick up the phone and take advantage of that well thank you for doing that Dr Pincus I really appreciate it folks this just keeps getting better and better so you get to try Cal Max absolutely risk free and if you're one of the 1st $100.00 callers you're going to get an extra free bottle plus you're going to get that free book so the number to call is 180-823-8219 remember you have absolutely nothing to lose because you can try cow Max absolutely risk free so that number to call is 180-823-8219 give a t again it's 180823. A 219 Well if you're just joining us I've got Dr Michael Pincus on the phone today and he's telling us about stress and how important it is to ensure that you've got the proper nutrients in your system specifically calcium and magnesium and how much of an impact that has on our overall health so I guess one of the things that people should really be aware of is because this isn't an instant thing that triggers you to say Oh I'm sick but you know instead happens gradually over time it's very possible that people might not even be aware that there is a deficiency of calcium and magnesium in their body Well that's the thing is that deficiencies are not like you know he you know a water main break in where you have a real noticeable thing to write to their little drips a little leaks here and there and so what we have is a cumulative effect where a person starts to go downhill just a little bit at a time to the point where they don't really realize how bad they've actually gotten before it's too late. Dr Pincus you had mentioned his family and we talked about that a little bit what about back pain calcium magnesium is excellent for the back pain because the calcium goes into the muscles knees it actually helps the translators in the nerves and when you take this Cal Max formula many times it will calm your back pain Wow I know I have a couple years ago I heard needed a disc in my back and I was trying everything and I took out the Cal next formula and I drank it and I couldn't believe the difference within about a half hour I was functional again you know it wasn't completely gone but I I drank it over a 10 day period yet it completely alleviated the problem now what about heart disease or heart disease is something you have to watch out for both dietary only and going down the genetic line yeah and if anyone has any history of heart disease or you even had bypass surgery you should be on the scale next formula and I can't say that without enough emphasis because it's something that will completely give you a new lease on life is not amazing. We talked about arthritis what about joint pain well the arthritic joints really respond to this and I recently gave 5 a can of this to Lady who is suffering from fibromyalgia where she was having pain in just about every joint your body could be in or knew it could be Internet it could be in her album and yet and I gave it to her one week and I saw her the next week and I swear Chris I did not recognize her really just as a lady that was 64 years all in the 1st time I start she looked like she was 84 years old and the week later she was bright she had a beautiful smile her eyes were going to me and I cry out if we had to ask my wife who this lady was and and sure enough she was the one who took a week of the formula the count back formula and she said she got a really good week of sleep for the 1st time in years wow and that her pain was much better and she ordered 3 more cans for me to get it out to her friend that's amazing and when I use this with the professional athletes I would doctor for the u.s. The limbic team and I had a number of athletes using this before their event so they could sleep well and they wake up in their muscles were in real relaxed shape Wow you really wouldn't think that such a small component of your normal diet can make such a profound impact over the way that you feel was a what happened Chris is that in the last 50 years the American diet has greatly changed and the nutrition is greatly changed and add to that the medications many people are on blood pressure medications there are anti-anxiety drugs or heart medication.

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