Orlando police say approximately 20 people are dead, at least 42 injured, after a gunman walked into a popular gay nightclub called pulse. Witnesses describing a scene of terror. Some running from the scene, others held hostage inside. The gunman has not yet been identified, but we do know he is dead, killed by police. Investigators, again, describing a hostage situation and thats when they moved in. Authorities say the gunman was armed with an assaultstyle rifle, a handgun and some sort of device on his person. The fbi saying this will be investigated as a domestic act of terror. Weve got complete coverage this morning, beginning in orlando with sarah dallof. Good morning. Reporter a tragic scene just south of downtown orlando where Authorities Say just after 2 00 this morning the shooter entered the nightclub. He exchanged gunfire with a uniformed Orlando Police officer who was working in the club off duty. The shooter retreated back inside the club and that is when he took hostages. We were being contacted by people in the bathroom, nearby, at least 15 people that were in a separate area, and our biggest concern was future loss of life. We want to save those people, so we did an entry and exchanged gunfire with the suspect again after some explosive devices were used as well as our bearcat was used to get through the wal wall. Reporter the suspect was shot and killed. An Orlando Police officer also shot. However, Officials Say that his kevlar helmet did save his life. Now, as this was all unfolding, people in the nightclub who were able to escape were helping others and helping treat the wounded. We were across the street and you could still hear the boom, boom. It had to have been more than one person too because it was just too continuous. Its like youre at a gun range and all you hear is just boom, bang, bang, and it was just i cant even describe it. It was i mean i am, but it was really difficult to see in real life a horrible situation. Did people realize what was going on . No. I dont think anybody really knew what was going on until they saw people on the ground bleeding and heard people screaming and heard the commotion, because you didnt know. When youre in a bar like that, you really think that its music because theres three different places, theyre playing three different music. Theres the sounds on the pat yoerks sounds inside where the main area is and another area where they were dancing, so there was three types of music playing at the same time. So how would you really know whats what. And it was just reporter 42 people were taken to area hospitals to be treated and this morning were seeing survivors being loaded on city buses and taken to the Police Department to give statements. Meanwhile they do not believe there is any credible threat to the city of orlando but a lot of shock and a lot of sadness here. You listen to those eyewitness accounts of those inside its just chilling stuff. Pulse nightclub posting at 2 00 in the morning on its facebook page, everyone get out of pulse and keep running. What else did you hear . Youve been on the ground there for several hours from people streaming out of that club, many running for their lives. As you heard the police chief, some contacting police and loved ones trapped inside bathrooms waiting for this to pass. Reporter and that is the most difficult part for people right now, the waiting. I met with one young man who had fled the nightclub and he had been separated from his friend during his escape. He had been calling her repeatedly, not able to reach him and he just kept saying you dont understand, you dont understand, the bodies, the bodies. So people are trying to process what they have seen, theyre trying to track down their friends and loved ones inside that nightclub who they havent been able to get ahold of. Its a horrifying situation all around. All right, sarah, well come back to you shortly. Youre looking at a live Helicopter Shot over pulse nightclub in south orlando where again police are saying approximately 20 people are dead. They dont have that number exact yet but as much as they were willing to say publicly, approximately 20 dead, 42 more victims transported to three area hospitals. This all began at 2 00 in the morning when a man walked in with an assaultstyle rifle and a handgun and was engaged by uniformed Orlando Police Department Officer working security at the time. That instance, exchange of gunfire, turned into a threehour hostage situation. At 5 00 local time, Orlando Police said the decision was made to send in the s. W. A. T. Team and engage the shooter, at which time he was shot and killed. Lets go to jim cavanaugh, an nbc news Law Enforcement expert. Jim, good morning. We heard in this press conference the sheriff saying this is being treated as an act of domestic terror but then you have the fbi saying we always look into these things as potentially terror and obviously this is terrorism in some form but theyre not willing to go that far yet. As you listen to them speak about this crime, what did you hear . I heard them, it looks like the motive might be domestic terrorist related. In other words, hate and targeting a minority community, the lgbt community. Maybe this was latin night, latin community. This is an unusual target for an internationally inspired actor late at night at a club like this. Now, we did have the bataclan at paris but this is not the typical target of internationally inspired terrorists. So when theyre turning it over to the fbi as a lead, it looks like they have indicators that this was targeted for this particular club and he came with the Assault Rifle as you described. Thats why we have so much carnage inside there because the velocity out of those rifle, its just awful. So you have 42 wounded and maybe 20 People Killed. If it wasnt for orlando pd engaging him immediately, boxing him up, keeping him static until s. W. A. T. Could get to him and rescuing everybody with entry and the bearcat, it could have been even worse. This is a coordinated effort between local police, state and federal authorities obviously that started at 2 00 in the morning in orlando, jim. What would be the protocol there. This turned into a hostage situation. Over the course of about three hours they decide then at 5 00 in the morning to send in the s. W. A. T. Team. What would that decision be like to send in s. W. A. T. . Its the onscene tactical commander. The orlando s. W. A. T. Theyre going to make the decision reading the escalation and deescalation of the event whether they can stay negotiating or make a move. The chief said they had to make a move to rescue people, 15 to 30, who were in a bathroom and they used explosive entry, they used a bearcat Armored Vehicle and they punched in there and engaged the subject when he came out in the hallway. Of course s. W. A. T. Officers are well trained, great shots, and they were able to take him out but he wounded one of the orlando pd officers, hit his helmet and maybe wounded his eye slightly. But they were able to stop any more killing by that decision to make the entry at that time. And we dont know the exact layout of the nightclub but you look at that space, 320 people in a relatively tight space, a shootout in there obviously would have huge ramifications and has this morning. The decision by the police there to engage him, pretty quick, i imagine. Yeah, you know, its hard to get a killer pulls his trigger first, its hard to get there before he does that, but orlando pd had an officer there working an extra job and he engaged the guy pretty quickly once he heard gunshots. By then he might have unloaded a magazine into the crowd. And then there was a gun battle and more shots. So, its an awful, awful case and there will be a lot of heartache in orlando tonight. Orlando police saying the suspect walked in, quote, prepared and well organized. Were getting some new tape, jim. I want you to listen along with me of sounds of gunfire early this morning in orlando. Lets listen. [ gunfire ] jim, we dont know exactly what time or at what stage of the operation that was, but obviously automatic gunfire there. What did you hear . Thats a gun battle because you can hear the guns going the rounds going each way. So thats the Police Engaging the suspect at some point in the event. Rounds going each way. Jim, as we look at this now in the bigger picture, where will the investigation go . Again, domestic terror incident is how its been investigated according to the Sheriffs Office there. The fbi says theres no suggestion of a further threat to the city of orlando or to anyone else but they will be looking at this as an act of terrorism first. How do they proceed with this investigation as we sit here this morning . Very large forensic footprint. Going to go real slow through that scene, probably today, maybe even a couple of days. A very aggressive white collar investigation thats going on right now by detectives and agents. You know, basic 101, youre going to get the guys wallet, cell phone and see who he is and why hes there. Then youre going to get to his car at the scene, make sure it doesnt have a bomb or explosives in it and get to his house or his apartment and see whats there. Youre going to get on his computers. Why did he do this. Hes going to have it all written down likely. His motives are going to be there, its going to be clear, and theyre going to uncover that. And then of course the thing thats also of import, is there anybody else planning it with him, helped him, encouraged him, facilitated with him or is planning yet another attack. And thats an important point. Police saying at this point eyewitnesses gave no account of a second gunman. It was just this one suspect. Jim cavanaugh, always great to have your perspective. Well have much more on this ahead. A recap so far. Approximately, according to police, 20 people dead, at least 42 others injured. The gunman killed by police after taking dozens of hostages in a threehour standoff. Police were able to save, they say, as many as 30 hostages. Well have much more good sunday morning. We are waking up to warm temperatures this sunday morning. We are going to be hot and steamy. But then were going to decrease our humidity later on today. 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We wanted to save those people so we did an entry and exchanged gunfire with the suspect again after some explosive devices were used as well as our bearcat was used to get through the wall. Lets bring in nbc analyst former fbi profiler, clint van zandt. Hes on the phone with us. Clint, good morning again. Lets talk about what we heard in that press conference from local police, the Sheriffs Office, federal authorities as well about the decision to go in with the s. W. A. T. Team. Again, a hostage situation that developed when a uniformed Orlando Police officer engaged the shooter who was armed and well prepared according to police. He had an assaultstyle rifle and a handgun but the hostage situation lasted three hours. As youve dealt with these situations before, clint, talk with me about the decision to send in s. W. A. T. As you know, willie, part of my background is as an fbi Hostage Negotiator and ive been involved in these decisions before, whether to go tactical, send in s. W. A. T. Obviously the first thing that Law Enforcement would rather do would be to get a Hostage Negotiator and talk the shooter out, get him or whatever we have to lay down their weapons and surrender. If at the same time youre doing or attempting to do negotiations and yet youre getting information from inside that there are shots still being fired, people still being injured, then Law Enforcement is moving toward that tactical resolution. But we dont have s. W. A. T. Teams on the scene all the time, even though im sure there were a number of patrol officers ready to go in. S. W. A. T. , thats their job, their fulltime job. So a decision was made to get s. W. A. T. On the scene, let them see what they have to deal with. The onscene commander made a decision between himself or herself, the s. W. A. T. Team, the negotiators, now is the critical time to do it. The best way, willie, is for a negotiator to be talking to the subject when you go through. As youve heard from the police, they used a bearcat, an Armored Vehicle, to burst through the wall. Part of the reason you go through the wall is because there is probably concern that the subject may have put a booby tr trap, on explosive device on the door and they didnt want to get Law Enforcement officers killed going through to get the hostages. So they go through the wall and use tactical diversion devices, called flash bangs, to make very loud noise, smoke, a flash, to get the subject to look the other way and then Law Enforcement engages him. Were told at least nine tactical officers entered, engaged the subject in a shootout. At that time he went down. But of course by that time were also told that 20 had been killed, 42 had been wounded over this approximately fourhour time period. And, clint, i would think this location presents some unique challenges to Law Enforcement. You have a nightclub that was crowded with police say about 320 people. Some of those had escaped during this hostage situation and before it. Dark, perhaps. A lot of nooks and crannies in a place like that. What were the specific challenges youd think as an fbi investigator here . Well, youve hit on a number of them. Number one, theres a high likelihood that the lights had been turned off inside. Number two, were told that there are multiple various size rooms, so its not like youre going into a big auditorium and its wide open. When the Tactical Team breached the wall and went in, they had to not only consider but probably by briefing know how many different little rooms there were, and then they had to individually go in each of those rooms. And, willie, if you can imagine those conditions. Its dark, now its perhaps smoky because of the diversionary devices that have gone off. Some of the doors are locked because hostages are wounded or simply hiding. The subject may have been in a main room, he may have been in a side room and officers had to go through every door and in every room with the full understanding they were going to engage someone with an Assault Rifle and a pistol. So it was a terrible situation for the people inside to go through, and obviously a very tough situation for Law Enforcement. They did what they had to do. But we saw this terrible loss of life and a number of wounded. One more time, we see these shootings across the United States where someone goes in heavily armed. In this situation, willie, with that type of weaponry and likely ammunition, were told this individual whos likely been identified by the fbi already is not from the local area, so that suggests some type of preplanning, pretargeting that went on to carry this out. Yeah, and again the police saying that this guy was prepared and well organized when he entered that nightclub. As the investigation goes forward here, clint, lets talk about how its been classified so far. The Sheriffs Office in that press conference saying its being treated as a domestic terror incident. The fbi saying theres no suggestion of a further threat to orlando or anywhere else. Certainly they always have to consider some form of terrorism. What did you hear in the language that Law Enforcement used in that press conference . I think the language was very guarded. We hear domestic terrorism. Well, whenever you have this many People Killed and wounded, it rings terrorism to all of us. Theres no way to get away from that preliminary definition. Then the question becomes was it an act of domestic terrorism that was simply centered on that bar because someone had a problem with it . Was it an act of foreign terrorism where individuals have come in and were prepared and because of the because it was a gay bar, for example, they made a decision they were going to attack and make some type of statement against america or against that type of establishment. We just dont know. What we do know is that there are a number of individuals in the United States who dont like other peoples lifestyle, and this could very well be just some angry person for whatever his or her reason that carried this out. But thats the challenge for Law Enforcement. If the fbi thinks they know who this guy is, whos sho the shoote believe male, is, theyll quickly run him down through his cell phones, through his emails, through his automobile. Today is the day that if we find this guys car and determine theres no explosive devices or anything else in it, theres chips in the car that can tell us where that car has been. So technologically the fbi and the other Law Enforcement agencies are going to have a lot of information to work with. The challenge right now is to gather that very quickly and find out if there was anybody else involved either in the shooting or who supported the shooter. Clint van zandt, stick with us. Well talk with you much more throughout the morning. 20 people dead approximately according to Orlando Police, 42 more transported to three area hospitals. A terrible night in orlando. Well be keeping you updated on all the details when s music pretty woman with roy orbison of course you go all out for date night. Even if youre just staying in. Walgreens has all the Beauty Products you need for whatever makes you feel beautiful. Walgreens. At the corner of happy and healthy. Now buy two select skin care products, get the third free. In stores and online. So we know how to cover almost alanything. Ything, even a stag pool party. party music splashing destruction splashing destruction burke and we covered it, october twentyseventh, 2014. Talk to farmers. We know a thing or two because weve seen a thing or two. We are farmers. Bumpadum, bumbumbumbum camden wasnt an easy place to grow up. But teachers like mr. Elliot saw something in me. Made a connection with me. Now im a teacher myself, right here in camden. Im just passing it along to my own students and making those same connections my teachers made with me. Now thats some beautiful music. Im jamal dickerson, and im proud to be a new jersey educator. Good sunday morning. Its just a few minutes before 8 30. Already a warm one out there. Lets get more on the forecast from karen thomas. Good morning, everyone. Yes, a steamy start to our sunday morning. Temperatures closing in on the 80degree mark just about everywhere across the delaware valley. We have beautiful sunny skies out there. Temperatures will be bumping up with all that sunshine. Were going to hang onto the sun. Few clouds around later on in the day. What well notice later on, not only the warmer temperatures, but well notice less humidity. We are expecting a decrease in humidity. However, the winds will be increasing. Thanks for that, karen. This morning, as fans mourn the death of singer christina grimmie, were learning more about the investigation into her murder. Kevin lobe l drove across florida specifically to attack the singer from voice. Loibl was carrying ammunition and a hunting knife. He shot grimmie on friday night. Grimmies brother tackled loibl. But the gunman took his own life. Lets take a look at the ben franklin bridge. Not quite, but somewhat in that direction. The bridge had been shut down earlier this morning for a Charity Bicycle ride. Well see you back here at 9 00. Well have more on that shooting at the nightclub in orlando. Were back on this dark sunday morning, june 12th, 2016, as we follow a breaking story overnight. A mass shooting at a popular gay nightclub in orlando, florida. Orlando police say approximately 20 people have been killed by a gunman. Another 42 taken to local hospitals. The gunman killed by police after a s. W. A. T. Team stormed the nightclub. It all started around 2 00 this morning local time. Thats when police say they first heard shots fired. The scene of terror began to unfold both inside and outside the nightclub. Then at around 5 00 in the morning local time, police began to move in with a s. W. A. T. Team. By 6 00 a. M. Orlando Police Tweeted the gunman had been killed. A chilling Facebook Post this morning when the shooting started from that club, pulse orlando, that just reads everyone get out of pulse and keep running. The eyewitness accounts have been equally terrible. I heard 20, 40, 50 shots. The music stopped. It was around closing time. Everyone was drinking their last sip, said one man who was in the club. Another woman was outside the club trying to find her 30yearold son named eddie. After she heard what had happened, he had been texting his mother. Told her to call police. He said he ran into a bathroom with other patrons to hide. He then texted her hes coming. The next text says he has us, hes in here with us. She went on to say that was the last conversation as she still looks for her son. We also have some new videotape we want to play for you here. Listen closely to the audio. 5 15 a. M. When s. W. A. T. Moves in to engage the shooter. [ gunfire ] again, a situation that began at 2 00 in the morning, ending right there at 5 15 a. M. Approximately local time, as local police make the decision along with state and federal authorities. The fbi on the scene as well to engage the shooter. He was killed, but not before approximately 20 people also lost their lives. 42 more injured. Nine Police Officers from the Orlando Police department engaged this suspect. One of them shot in the head, injured but saved, police say, by his kevlar helmet. Lets go back down to orlando. Thats where we find nbcs sarah dallof. Sarah, good morning. Reporter hey there, willie. You know city buses have pulled up and loaded some of the survivors in those buses presumably to take them to the Police Department to give their statements to police, issuing a public plea for anyone who was inside that nightclub to please come downtown and give them their statement. They say all of their information, anything anyone saw is going to be very key to this investigation as they look into the possible motivations of this shooter who they say walked into the nightclub just after 2 00 a. M. With an assaulttype style rifle and a handgun. They say he engaged in gunfire with a uniformed Orlando Police officer who was working at the club off duty right now trying to find out more about who he is and why he may have done this. One of the important things that obviously well get to the bottom of is do we have any indicators before this event happened today. We will have some more information, im sure, forth coming to all of you about who this individual is. Was he a lone wolf, does he have any associates. These are things that will be looked into as part of our intelligence and investigative activities. Reporter now, after that officer engaged in gunfire with the suspect, the suspect then retreated back inside the nightclub taking hostages. Officials say they were prompted to act because about 15 other people were trapped in a nearby room by what had happened and they were reaching out to authorities. They made the decision to make an explosive entry into the nightclub. This all happening just a couple of hours after this began. They believe by doing so and engaging in gunfire yet again with that suspect and killing him, they believe they saved about 30 lives. Now, as this was all unfolding, people were fleeing the nightclub, they were helping one another and helping treat the wounded. Lets hear from one of those eyewitnesses. A person who was on the ground, who was shot in the back. When i walked by him, i didnt know if he was dead or alive. I was just like hey, hey, hey. I did hear a moan. I threw his arm over mine and carried him out. When i realized he was all bloody and his blood was all over me, it wasnt my blood, i took my bandana off, died it and put it on the hole to make sure that whoever was coming to help us could help him. Reporter 42 people injured, approximately we are told 20 people dead. Now begins that terrible wait for friends and family who had loved ones in that nightclub who have not been able to get ahold of them. Hospitals asking them to go to specific locations, immediate family members, so they can begin the difficult task of trying to identify or help them find their loved ones, willie. I suspect well hear more and more accounts like the one we just heard, which is just staggering. A young man taking off his bandana, to fill in a gunshot wound for someone who was inside the club. Lets bring in nbcs justice correspondent Pete Williams. Pete, at that press conference about an hour or so ago, the Sheriffs Officer said were looking at this as an act of domestic terror. The fbi following up saying were absolutely investigating the possibility of terrorism. What more are you hearing, pete . Well, lets take those statements apart. First of all, what the Sheriffs Officer said is any time you have a mass shooting like this, you obviously think its terrorism, so on its face they were saying that. What were told by authorities is that some early indication, and i dont know what that is, suggests that this person whose name they know but are not releasing had some interest or some exposure to radical influences, but thats very vague at the point and theyre still trying to run that down. So what youve got is sort of three scenes of investigation right now. The first is at the nightclub itself. That will that process will play out over several days because when you have a mass shooting like this, you try to reconstruct these events, trace the ballistics and thats going to be a very slow process. Secondly, the hospitals where the victims were taken, authorities will try to get statements from them about what happened. That will be an important part. Thirdly, trying to trace down the suspect and what exactly led up to this, reconstruct that timeline. What were told this morning is that this is a u. S. Citizen, someone from elsewhere in florida, but not from orlando. Where in florida we dont know. Right now theres a very intensive effort by the fbi and other investigative agencies to trace back that persons communications, look at social media, look at computers, emails, phone calls. Who was this person reaching out to. Were there some indicators early on that this was going to happen. Those are all things that are very intensively going on right now and were told that they dont have any good answers from that, but are aggressively following leads. So i think its safe to say they have a pretty good idea who this was, and now theyre trying to answer the questions that we have, which is why, what led up to this. They do say and they have been emphasizing this all morning that they believe this to be an isolated incident. You know, weve seen, unfortunately, in situations like this elsewhere around the world that when Something Like this happens, theres oftentimes more than one scene of attack or a sequence of attack. They say two things, number one, they dont believe its related to the shooting earlier of the singer. Secondly, they dont believe this person was involved in anyone else. They cant rule that out completely at this point, but they say they have found nothing to indicate there were other attacks planned or there were some other accomplices who had plans of their own. Thats all their initial assessment at this point. Just to echo what you said, police said at that press conference that none of the witnesses they spoke to identified a second shooter and they all believe it was one suspect. You mentioned interest and exposure to radical influences, obviously that could mean a lot of things. Right. Many people have speculated and your first instinct was a gay nightclub that it was targeted for that very reason. Yes, and i think they just dont know the answer to that question. They said this morning at the News Conference there was no obvious indication of that. Whether it was a target of opportunity, someplace in orlando where a lot of people were gathering at that hour. There are not many places where there would be a lot of people at 2 00 in the morning. Whether that was singled out because it was a gay nightclub, they just dont know at this point. Pete williams, well let you get back to the phones, thank you very much. Much more coming up on this terrible sunday morning, approximately 20 dead in orlando at a shooting at pulse nightclub. Sunday today bills family went to lowes to find him the perfect gift for fathers day. They have all the brands that dads love. Im last years. Gift. And i wish mikey put in a little more effort. Now get this charbroil® gas2coal grill for only 269, at lowes. Nuts, chocolate, pretzel. Theyre the snack patrol. Saving the world from bland snacks with new hershey and reeses snack mix. Snack patrol its snack justice. If youre just wake up this morning, were continuing to follow breaking news out of orlando where late last night, 2 00 in the morning, a shooting began at pulse nightclub in south orlando. Police say a gunman walked in with an assaultstyle rifle, a handgun and some type of device with him and began shooting. A uniformed Orlando Police officer was working security at the club, immediately engaged the man, but a hostage standoff lasted for nearly three hours. Sometime after 5 00 a. M. Local time, the decision was made to send in the s. W. A. T. Team. There was an exchange of gunfire. The gunman was killed, but not before police say approximately 20 people are dead. They have not released that full number. And 42 more were transported to area hospitals. Lets bring back former fbi profiler clint van zandt. Clint, lets get you updated on what Pete Williams was reporting to us talking to his Law Enforcement sources who say this man had interest and exposure to radical influences. Obviously as pete and i were discussing, that could mean any number of things. What does that sound like to you . Well, i think youre absolutely right, willie. Many times in todays date our minds go to some type of radical religious or political belief system but that doesnt necessarily mean it in this case. Were told that the individual is from florida, although not the local area. Previously discussed, to come to that location at that time of night with an Assault Rifle, a handgun and perhaps some type of explosive device, that would take a significant amount of preplanning to put together and targeting. What Law Enforcement will be looking at, of course, is to positively identify this person. Willie, a lot of times we get whats called psychological leakage. In other words, when someone is going to do this, even if they are a lone wolf, they bright about it on their blog if theyre young enough or tell somebody, gee, im angry at this group or that person. There would be some type of emotional or psychological leakage that the fbi and the other agencies and their investigation may welcome up with as theyre trying to determine a motive for this terrible incident. Pete williams also reporting from his Law Enforcement sources that was wan isolated incident. Witnesses telling police they saw only one gunman. They didnt have an account of any second gunman. Put those things together, how do they arrive at that conclusion so quickly in the investigation . Well, so far they havent come up with anything that suggests this is going to continue. Although that explosive device may, for example, have been intended for First Responders, be they Police Officers, medical, fire, Something Like that. We still have to determine that. And realize it was just friday night in orlando that a popular singer from the voice was gunned down as she was signing autographs. So Law Enforcement had to determine if there was any type of linkage between the friday night shooting and this shooting. And they did conclude, according to Pete Williams, that there was no connection between those two things. It seems to me this nightclub did what it had to do in terms of security, pete excuse me, clint, having a uniformed Police Officer standing at the front door. What more could they have done . Well, its going to be hard pressed to see. There will be an after action review, willie, but of course the purpose of that uniformed officer is for a number of reasons. Number one, its a deterrent. That uniformed officer standing out there in a complete uniform armed with a radio is a deterrent that we have a First Responder on the scene, so, you know, dont try anything here. Well, evidently this shooter as so heavily armed, that it didnt appear to make a difference. Either he wasnt aware of that First Responder or he didnt care when first one and then a total of three officers engaged him in a firefight. He then enters the bar, takes hostages, the shooting continues, Law Enforcement arrives at the scene and eventually makes the decision to go in. Now, the decision to go in is always a challenge, willie. We know like in school shootings, First Responders believe they have to go in and keep moving because people are dying at the time. The other school of thought says this is such a big building with so many rooms, its likely all dark, that we have to have some information about what were going into. How many rooms, how many people. And if they had a Hostage Negotiator talking to the subject, hope upon hope is that youll be able to talk him out. Somewhere in that time period between the negotiators, the onscene commander, the s. W. A. T. Team, the local authorities, a decision was made, and ive made those decisions before, and theyre not easy to do. But you have to do this cost benefit analysis. If we go in now, do we have a greater chance of saving lives or do we jeopardize more lives. Somebody makes that decision and then s. W. A. T. Has to go in, put their life on the line to try to end this. Youve got a unique perspective on this, clint, youve done it before. Youve been in these hostage negotiations. Were talking about a threehour window from 2 00 eastern time when the shooter was first engaged by the officer when he walked into the club and started shooting until 5 00 a. M. Eastern or shortly thereafter when we heard an exchange of gunfire. What is going on in those three hours, which for the people inside that building must have been utterly terrifying. What are police trying to do at that point and whats the trigger moment where they say this is not going to be resolved, weve got to go in. Well, it sounds like it was just absolute chaos, willie, inside with that many People Killed and that many people wounded, one can only imagine the number of shots that had to be fired to accomplish that. And realize again, as you and i are talking, this is not just one big auditorium or big open restaurant. This is multiple small rooms, were told, within this building. So not only does Law Enforcement have to have some understanding of what they were going into, realize they were going in likely under darkened conditions. They didnt know how many shooters, they didnt know when you reach a locked door, is that door locked because the shooter is right behind it with a weapon or a bomb or is it locked because there are wounded and perhaps dying hostages behind that door. You know, these are not movie scenarios, this is life and death for everybody involved. And to Law Enforcement to make that decision to go in, in a bestcase scenario the Hostage Negotiator may have engaged the subject. In a worst case that ive had happen to me too, you call and call and call and other people pick up the phone but the shooter doesnt pick up the phone. Its frustrating for the negotiator because number one, you want to talk this guy out. Number two, you want to help gather intelligence. In todays date with cell phones, people inside in various rooms calling in, but there comes to be that critical point where Law Enforcement says we cant wait anymore, there are people being shot and killed, lets go in. And they did that at about 5 15 a. M. Eastern time after a standoff that lasted more than three hours. Clint van zandt, were lucky to have your perspective, again, as someone whos made these calls. Well get back to you shortly. S good sunday morning. Im meteorologist karen thomas. We are waking up to warm temperatures this sunday morning. We are going to be hot and steamy, but then were going to decrease our humidity later on today. Winds will be increasing later on this afternoon, but its not looking like a bad day at all. Plenty of sunshine today. Youre going to need your sunglasses as well as the sun block. Just the strong winds. Thats going to be noticeable as we move through our sunday. Enjoy. Our bright, bold ocean spray craisins® dried cranberries transform everything. To show you, were doing a taste test. But dont i need a fork . Not for this taste test. Which salad tastes better . B. And which oatmeal is bursting with flavor . Obviously b. And. B, b, b, and. Mmm. B. Add a bright, bold taste to every bite. Craisins® dried cranberries. Flavor you can see. Mmm. I wake up and i just feel like i sleepsticky. Ely hot. Have the windows open, the ac on id close it in the middle of the night. Hed open it in the middle of the night. It was a nightmare. My new tempurbreeze stays cool to the touch. Not cold but cool. It naturally adapts to your body and somehow creates the perfect temperature for you. I feel like this was made just for me like they had me in mind. I dont know how they do that. vo sleep cooler, wake more refreshed. Discover the new tempurbreeze. My son was at the nightclub with his boyfriend and other friends. And i know that his boyfriend has been shot multiple times and is in the emergency room, but i dont know where my son is. No one can tell me where my son is. A mother looking for her son outside an orlando nightclub where theres been a terrible shooting. Early this morning, 2 00 eastern time, a man walked in with an assaultstyle rifle and a handgun and some type of device on him and began shooting. He was engaged immediately by a uniformed Orlando Police officer who was working security at the nightclub at the time but it led to a threehour hostage standoff. Police saying approximately 20 people have been killed. They dont have an exact number yet, but they were saying its approximately 20. 42 more sent to local hospitals. Heres another eyewitness account from inside pulse nightclub. We were across the street and you could still hear the boom, boom. It had to have been more than one person too because it was just too continuous. It wasnt its like youre at a gun range and all you hear is just boom, bang, bang. It was just i cant even describe it. It was i mean i am, but it was really difficult to see in real life a horrible situation. Did people realize what was going on . No, i dont think anybody really knew what was going on until they saw people on the ground bleeding and heard people screaming and heard the commotion, because you didnt know. When youre in a bar like that, you really think that its music because theres three different places. Theres the sounds on the patio, theres sounds inside where the main area is and then theres another area where they were dancing, the gogos, so theres three different types of music playing at the same time. So how would you really know whats what. Thats christopher hansen. He was inside the club at the time of the shooting at 2 00 in the morning. They say it was around closing time. One eyewitness saying people were taking their last sips but obviously a chaotic environment with music. It was dark and then the shooting. Well be right back. I will change you. Change your goals to get you home earlier every day. Sometimes i will give you superpowers. But sometimes, ill make you feel like the weakest man in the world. I will test your patience to make your heart softer. And your limits to make you tougher. But i promise dad, it will be the greatest journey of your life. Tthe whitenessmy wasnt there as much, my teeth didnt look as healthy as others. My dentist said that pronamel would help protect my teeth. Pronamel is giving me the confidence to know that im doing the right thing so its nice to know that it was as simple as that. Were back on this sunday morning. Orlando police say approximately 20 people are dead. Thats the language theyre using. They dont have a number yet. Approximately 20 dead after what theyre saying was a lone gunman opened fire inside a popular gay nightclub called pulse. At least 42 people were taken to local hospitals, three of them in all. The gunman is dead, killed by police after the s. W. A. T. Team stormed into the nightclub. We will have much more throughout the day on this station, that breaking news is out of florida. At least 20 people are dead and dozens are hurt during a shooting at a nightclub in orlando. Investigators are calling this domestic terrorism. What were learning about the gunman coming up. Back in our area, an Apartment Fire forces dozens out of their homes in west philadelphia. Well get a live update from the scene. A south Jersey Community is coming to grips are the loss of a rising star. New information in the killing of voice contestant christina grimmie. Good morning, this is nbc10 news today. Its 9 00 on this sunday. A lot to cover. Before we get to our breaking nele

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