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Jumping into action. Incredible rescue caught on camera. A car with a woman and her baby inside plunges in the water. And more bad blood . Another kanye west taylor swift feud this morning over racy music. She says she gave her blessing. Her team says not true. It doesnt look like she is ready to shake it off. Today, saturday, february 13th, 2016. Because we got bad blood we used to be mad love from nbc news, this is today. Live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. Good morning. Welcome to today. Im erica hill. And im craig melvin. This is a record. Not a person on the plaza. We have a bunch of hand warmers ready to hand out. And a bunch of airplanes. He needs to get somewhere quickly. We do have folks over here. We will see them in a bit. Look at the temperatures around the country. Minneapolis, 6 below zero right now. That is just the temperature. That is not how it feels outside. It is understandably chilly here. Dylan checked the temperature in new york. Its what . Its 21 with the windchill of 11. That is it. It will not warm up. It will get colder. We got our fire pit here. Ill hunt some rascaly rabbits here in a bit. This bitter air affecting 65 Million People. Sheinelle has more on that. It is the middle of winter and it is supposed to be cold, these temperatures are out of the ordinary. They are not just inconvenience, they are dangerous. Officials are warning people to take every precaution to stay safe. Reporter its a dangerous freezing, wind driven, record mashing, sub zero cold. Tens of millions of americans shivering from icy wind blowing from the plains to new england and down to the southeast today. You should take this weather very, very seriously. Reporter the National Weather Service Calls it life threatening. Dangerous driving in tennessee and North Carolina on friday. Conditions worse in michigan. I94 shutdown all afternoon friday after two crashes involving ten big trucks and 17 cars. Four people were injured. Sub freezing temperatures led to a pair of water main breaks in pennsylvania as the water shot up, it turned to ice. The windchill in upstate new york may fall to a mind numbing 50 below zero this weekend. I have half my wardrobe on right now. Reporter the thermometer is expected to dip below zero. And on a window in maine, a frosty heart just in time for valentines weekend. Snuggle up by the fire. Valentines day weekend. This cold weather should not last long. Thank you. We will focus on that. Thank you, sheinelle. Dylan, what are we looking at this weekend . Sheinelle said it will not last long. It is the polar vortex. We will see the coldest temperatures we have seen all season. Temperatures today will not warm up in the northeast. In fact, we are most likely hitting our High Temperature right now. You go to the midwest, minneapolis at 6 below. This afternoon, temperatures will sink into the Single Digits and teens. That is running 20 to 25 degrees below average. Tomorrow morning is the coldest well feel. We are looking for boston to start off in the morning at 4 below. The record is 3 below. That was set back in 1954. We are looking at perhaps recordbreaking temperatures sunday morning. As we go into sunday afternoon, temperatures will be in the teens. It is still about 20 to almost 40 degrees below average for this time of year. We will see temperatures warming up on monday. We have to get through the weekend. As we go into tuesday, we will see temperatures above average. It is just the weekend. It is valentines day. We should snuggle up anyway. Good reason to stay inside. Dylan, thank you. Turning to politics where fireworks are expected on the South Carolina stage. That is the site of the next republican debate. With the attacks getting more heated on the campaign trail, anything can happen. We have coverage for you with nbcs Hallie Jackson covering the republicans. Hallie, good morning. Reporter good morning. This morning, the candidates are getting ready for the debate. The stage is the smallest with six people left in the race. South carolina has a reputation of being a rough and tumble state. Dont expect tonight to be different with republicans already looking ready to rumble. Reporter in front of a rowdy crowd, donald trump taking aim at jeb bush. He has a vicious streak. Reporter online, a different target as trump warns ted cruz on twitter, if he doesnt quote clean up his act, stop cheating and doing negative ads, trump will sue him for not being a natural born citizen. There is more than a little irony than donald calling somebody nasty with the insults and vulgarities. Reporter cruz and trump battling for evangelicals in South Carolina. And on the air waves, ad wars intensify. This one from trump on illegal immigrati immigration. His killer, an illegal immigrant. Reporter and this from cruz hit not a republican rival, but Hillary Clinton. The ad spoofs the movie office space but a different kind of film that has cruz explaining why he yanked this off the air. Vote for a pretty face next time. It happened with one of the actresses who was there had a more colorful film history than we were aware. Reporter the actress the star of adult movies who says she has no hard feelings. I have no ill will against ted cruz. He has a job to do. Im a middle class working girl. Reporter the job tonight for marco rubio, prove he can bounce back from New Hampshire. Rubio says he is ready. We have to have perspective here. I had one answer i would have done differently. Reporter Rubio Campaign aide tells me he is eager for tonight and ready to take on attacks directly rather than pivot to president obama. Watch for jeb bush to try to land some punches tonight. South carolina hoping its the comeback state for bush. Look for john kasich keeping up momentum after the second place finish in New Hampshire. His tactic is different, guys. He is looking to stay positive and stay above the fray. Well see if that works. Hallie jackson, thank you. Elise jordan is a political adviser. Thank you for being here. Thank you for having me. There are six candidates left. What advice would you give the candidates . Given this is the ninth debate, we know the patterns with each and how they project themselves. People havent done well trying to attack. You look at what Chris Christie did with marco rubio. It was a very effective attack and really harmed rubio, but christie is out. He was a suicide bomber on stage and took rubio out. That is the fine balance these candidates have to navigate between being too nasty and showing a positive vision and keeping in the race. You mentioned marco rubio. There will be an extra focus on him tonight. Yes. He really needs to have a really strong performance. He needs to show he can go off script and not a robot candidate. There is a focus on that emphasizing that part of his political background. He needs to show he can be more off the cuff and intelligent. Donald trump in South Carolina at last check, he was up around 16 points, i believe. Primary voters in that state are not just evangelical. Nearly 70 of the voters are evangelical. Donald trump did well with evangelical voters in iowa. How is a guy like donald trump doing well with the socalled god voters. It is interesting he is navigating that balance so well so far. I think part of what cruz knows with the opening there, when he did the new york values attack, that was not sailing in the wind. He knew that was effective. What im looking for tonight is trumps use of the foul language. This is the bible belt and polite culture. That language in front of children is not going to go well. A lot to watch. Elise jordan, thank you. Turning to the democrats where president obama is a major talking behind for Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders after thursdays debate. Nbcs Kelly Odonnell has more on that. Reporter good morning. Hillary clinton and Bernie Sanders will spend part of the day in nevada hoping to get out the vote for the nevada caucuses next weekend. Both spent the night and they were there to help out the state party to raise money for the Humphrey Mondale dinner. It was a record turnout. Bernie sanders spoke first. His Campaign Sees minnesota with a history of electing more liberal candidates as a place where he could challenge clinton. But both spoke differently when they referred to president obama. We have got to be honest and to acknowledge we still have a very, very long way to go to create the nation that i know all of us believe we can create. Better off because of his presidency. So i, yes, will build on the progress hes made because i am a progressive who actually likes to make progress. Reporter more and more Hillary Clinton trying to wrap herself in the legacy of president obama. And nevada is that next big showdown and clinton has changed her schedule to spend more time there. So on monday, she will be in nevada and former president bill clinton will take over for her at three fundraisers already scheduled for florida. Back to you. Kelly, thank you. Pope francis is spending his first full day in mexico today arriving last evening to fanfare. Today, the pope travels to areas plagued by drug cartel violence. Later, a special mass. Nbcs Anne Thompson is in mexico city. Good morning. Reporter good morning, craig. This city is buzzing from the rousing welcome given to pope francis last night. He arrived in darkness, but greeted with light as thousands held up the portable light sticks and chanted his name. Children rushed the pontiff on the tarmac reaching out to welcome him to mexico. While dancers in traditional dress performed for the pontiff. There was a mariachi band as well. One offered his sombrero and he put it on for a moment. Earlier in the day on the flight from rome, this sombrero was offered to him. On the flight, he said he was excited to come to mexico. I had a chance to ask him about whether he is concerned about the zika virus that is so prevalent here in latin america. The pope told me no. Earlier, he stopped over in havana for what turned out to be an historic meeting with the patriarch of the Russian Orthodox church. The first time the two leaders of those churches met. Pope francis described it as a conversation between two brothers. These institutions had been separated for centuries. Today is official business for the pope. He will meet with the president and give a speech to the diplomatic corps. Then we are expecting the highlight of the visit when he holds mass at the patron saint of guadalajara. Craig. Thank you. An announced ceasefire will really take hold in the country torn apart by civil war. Nbcs keir simmons is in tod damascus this morning. Reporter good morning, erica. A peace deal is set to come into place. A cessation of hostilities next week. Already it is coming apart. Secretary kerry criticizing the russians for the bombardment around aleppo. President assad of syria saying he intends to keep fighting until he takes back the entire country. This morning, Syrian Forces backed by the russians and iranians are continuing to advance around aleppo taking new villages. The rebels, telling news organizations saying they dont plan to end the bloodshed. Isis and Al Qaeda Al Nusra still trying to hold the country. People in damascus say why should we stop fighting when they dont plan to stop. All of the distrust. The u. N. Trying to get aid into the communities where people are starving to death. Secretary kerry when he announced this deal, he said it was ambitious. He is turning out to be very, very right about that. Erica. Keir, thank you. Authorities still trying to figure out what led a machetewielding man to slash his way through an ohio restaurant on thursday night. Mohammed berry became known to the fbi four years ago for his radical islamic views. At this point, it is not clear if those views prompted thursdays attack. Police say the tragic death of two teens in an Arizona High School were actually a murder suicide. The shooting of two 15yearold girls sparked a School Lockdown after gunfire reported near the cafeteria where the bodies were discovered. Eight shots with one bullet. A suicide note has been found. Detectives say the teens appear to have been in a relationship. Bonechilling cold here. Dylan is back with a check of the forecast. 90 Million People under a windchill advisory or warning this morning. This is the arctic front that is dropping temperatures. It crosses the great lakes and it is triggering the lakeeffect snow. We could see 1 foot of snow off lake erie. Temperatures dropping today. Highs in the teens a. Good saturday morning. Im meteorologist karen thomas. We have a first alert weather day for you. Patchy showers, isolated showers moving through the area. Big story wind chill advisory in effect. Bitter conditions out there with wind gusts up to 50 miles per hour. Dangerously cold. Take you all the way through our seven day forecast. Its going to be a first alert weekend as our weather is only going to get colder as we move saturday night into sunday and were tracking some snow monday. Both trapped inside. With the cell phone camera rolling, witnesses called amsterdams 911. Four brave people did not wait. Jumping in and swimming to the car. Inside, a mother and toddler running out of time. You can see one man struggling with the car door. It opens, but the car shifts. More water floods in. Air pockets disappear. Then the splashes. Another man trying to shatter the window with the stone, but its not working. The car is going under fast. Ruben abraham saw it from his office. He says he ran to his tool box and grabbed a hammer. Then jumped in to the river. At first, even that didnt work, he said. It was very scary. Finally they break through the back window. Pulling the child free and then the mother. Just as the rear bumper sinks below the water line. Police told us we were in the water for two minutes, he says. It felt more like ten. In just a matter of minutes, four bystanders becoming local heroes. And those men told local media that they just did what anyone else would have done in that situation. Really instinct kicked in. Mother and child were taken to the hospital and said to be in good condition. Gosh, erica and craig, incredible what force it took to break those windows. It really is. Scary. Thankfully a good ending. The surf is up on the west coast. The maverick surf competition with waves so big, it is like surfing down a fivestory building. Some are risking their lives for a shot at glory. We spoke with some of the daredevils about why they do it. Reporter half a mile offshore, 50foot waves. Mavericks is called the most treacherous surf competition in the world. Anything can happen anytime. Reporter these are the all stars. 24 big wave surfers. More women are expected next year. We are making our voice heard we want an opportunity at mavericks around the world. Reporter and prove they are fearless. Why do you do this . You just risk death. You get as close to it, but escape it. Reporter what makes mavericks different are the rocks and reeves under the water. They cause the waves to pick up massive speed, height and force. So powerful. Reporter made more intense by el nino. These mavericks surfers are still feeling effects of el nino which causes super charged waves in waters that are already deadly. How big are these waves . A fourstory building coming right at you. Massive wave. Reporter the waves are so big, spectators are banned from the shore. He says his job is just like yours. Feeds me and my family. Thats what i do. This is what i do. Theres a lot of risk, but the reward is great and the other thing is, its that or go get a normal job and be a normal person. Reporter you dont want that . I just dont know how to do that. Ive never done it. The deal is i do what i was put on this earth to do. Reporter which is ride the tide. A life long it gives you chicken skin talking about it. Reporter awesome or as they say here, gnarly. You say it is so intense they had to cancel it . At one point the waves were too big. To see what they postponed it for makes you wonder. Still to come, were going to get you caught up on the weeks big stories, including the mustsee valentines day treat from fabio. And also if you just arent in the mood for love this weekend, how you can celebrate the holiday in a very different way. But first this is today on nbc. Still to come, president s day weekend are full of sales. But should you wait and buy later . And the special good morning. Im rosemary connors. Dangerous cold weather makes this a first alert day at nbc 10. Cold blues are taking effect all across region. Volunteers are helping the homeless get off the streets during this extreme weather. Dozens streamed into josephs house in camden last night. The citys code blue emergency runs this evening until monday morning. Lets get to karen thomas who has more on the bitter temperatures. This is the arctic air, arctic plunge moving into the area. Were not used to these extremely cold temperatures so were calling it a first alert weather day for sure, simply because you see the sunshine in the live shot but dont be fooled. We got a brutally cold air mass thats really just moving into place, near record cold with dangerous wind chills. We have a wind chill advisory in play for, tonight into early tomorrow morning. Wind gusts today could get up to 50 miles per hour. Right now we feel the winds picking up out of the northwest. Heres a great scale showing you from 8 00 a. M. This morning all the way to, through overnight tonight in tomorrow. What its going to feel like. Were talking subzero temperatures. Now is the time to download the nbc 10 app to keep track of this weekends brutal weather. Youll find first alert forecast plus Severe Weather alerts sent to your smartphones. We have new information about the mystery illness at the college in Montgomery County. Health fiofficials inspected th schools cafeteria. All activities on campus are cancelled this weekend. Thats it for now. Im rosemary connors. Now back to the today show. So, what moves me . Its the journey. The feeling of doing. Its making choices for a healthier me, a healthier us. Im on my path and i love it. The path to a healthier you starts with natures path pumpkin flax granola. Crunchy clusters of delicious organic oats, flax and pumpkin seeds, with all the goodness to nourish you and your family. Natures path granola. Enjoy your path. Roses are red, violets are blue, you are the president and i am your boo. As we come back on a saturday morning, february 13th, 2016. A little love from the first lady to her boo. President obama on this valentines day weekend. Coming up, what the president had to say to her and how it involves the situation room. Outside our studios here at 1a, a very small crowd, although, before we came on at the top of the hour, no one was there. Now we have a few folks who are layered up. Layered up out there. We will head out. Oh, a big bear out there. A big teddy bear. We will get out in a bit. This bonechilling cold is making headlines today. The coldest air we have seen. In the northeast, we have actually hit our highs today. It is only expected to get colder throughout the day. For the First Time Since that deadly shooting in Columbine High School 17 years ago, Dylan Klebolds mom is speaking out. Sue says she thinks of the victims every day. You will hear from her in our next half hour. And it is a lifetime ban for mets reliever jenry mejia. The third time he failed the drug substantial rules. And we have sheinelle with the recap of the weeks biggest headlines. From the war of words in politics to the zika virus. Here are the stories that caught our attention. Frontrunner donald trump won big in New Hampshire. The republican race heating up ahead of the debate tonight in South Carolina. We dont need a president that thinks its a victory to go bankrupt. I dont need to start the fight. If someone starts one in the future, we have to bring out the differences. The Cruz Campaign doing damage control yanking the attack ad against marco rubio. Maybe you should vote for more than a pretty face. After reports that woman appeared in adult films. And Bernie Sanders trounced Hillary Clinton in the granite state. The people want real change. The former secretary of state facing a big challenge embracing president obama and turning on senator sanders at their thursday night debate. The criticism we heard from senator sanders about our president i expect from republicans, i do not expect from someone running for the democratic nomination. Madame secretary, that is a low blow. My price tag is about 100 billion a year and again, paid for. Secretary clinton, youre not in the white house yet. Come out with your hands up. No, were not. After negotiations, a peaceful surrender after a 41day standoff on the wildlife refuge. Armed occupation of the federal property of the crime is not a peaceful protest. Zika virus concerns are growing with the summer olympics six months away. If i had to decide today, i would not go. Its a race against time. Wiping out zika carrying mosquitoes that pose a threat to pregnant women. Researchers believe they can use knowledge of a similar virus to begin a Zika Vaccine Trial as soon as the summer. Passengers called it a cruise from hell after the Royal Caribbean ship sailed right into a powerful atlantic storm. 30foot seas and winds of 150 miles an hour. They were right in the middle of it. The scariest day of my life. Royal caribbean is promising full refunds and credits to a future cruise. 50 off is not enough to get me back on a ship. Snoop is now featuring burger kings latest item. One dogg to another. D. J. , grill that. And could this be the perfect valentines day date . So, tell me about your day. Straight off the cover of the romance novel, fabio listens and throws in compliments. I just went through your instagram and i really like your photos. I really like your photos. It is awesome. He has not aged. When i was a little girl, my grandma had romance novels. Grandma . He looks exactly the same. Somebody else who is aging pretty well. Snoop i dont think there is not a product out there that he wont pitch at this point. Its true. You know the commercial is hilarious. It is so good. All fluffy and whatnot. The guy who gets vaped so much and now promoting something grilled. No, no. This is probably a good time to check the weather. Okay. Moving on. Lets talk about california. That is where the hot temperatures are. Springlike warmth. Rainy and below average out west that we are finally going to see temperatures above average. San francisco, 65. Los angeles should get into the 80s today. Normal high is about 13 degrees below that. We will stay above that. San francisco will stay in the mid70s. San diego stays in low 80s. Phoenix will most likely get close to 90 degrees on tuesday. If they hit 90, this is the earliest they hid 90 in the year. The early was february 24th. We have to see if that happens. Conditions are ripe for temperatures to warm up with lots of sunshine. Showers in the pacific northwest. The 2 3 of the country is all about the cold. Arctic air settling in. Windchills down around zero and below. In the northeast, we sink in the mid to good saturday morning. Im meteorologist karen thomas. We have a first alert weather day for you. Patchy snow showers, isolated showers moving through the area. Big story wind chill advisory in effect. Bitter conditions out there with wind gusts up to 50 miles per hour. Dangerously cold. Take you all the way through our seven day forecast. Its going to be a first alert weekend as our weather is only going to get colder as we move saturday night into sunday and were tracking some snow monday. And thats your latest forecast. Dylan, thank you. Still to come, forget valentines day tomorrow. Why you should grab your best girlfriend today. And also is the friendship officially over for kanye and taylor swift . What he is saying friends coming over . Yeah, so . It stinks in here. Youve got to wash this whole room are you kidding . Wash it . Lets wash it with febreze. For all the things you cant wash, use. Febreze fabric refresher whoa hey mrs. Webber inhales hey, it smells nice in here and try pluggable febreze. To continuously eliminate odors for. Up to 45 days of freshness pluggable febreze and fabric refresher. [inhale exhale mnemonic]. , two more ways to breathe happy theres something to be said for exploring the world around you. For seeking out the new; for trying the untried; for doing the undone. Why should snacking be any different . Discover all nine flavors of our creamy cheese and tap into your curiosity. The laughing cow. Reinvent snacking. One day a rider made a decision. The decision to ride on and save money. He decided to save money by switching his motorcycle insurance to geico. Theres no shame in saving money. Ride on, ride proud. Geico motorcycle, great rates for great rides. The flame is out. Ugh. Today the flame is out, tomorrow my attitude. Your mother. Antonio. Antonio. Que . The stove. Its not working. Campbells microwaveable soups. Made for real, real life. Theres no one hit the road with. No one id rather have dinner and a movie with. No one id rather lean on. Being in love is an amazing thing. Being in love with your best friend. Is everything. Introducing the ever us twostone ring. One diamond for your best friend. One for your true love. For the one woman in your life whos both. Ever us. New this valentines day at jared, kay and zales. We got bad blood yes, we do. We are back on a saturday morning with trending and bad blood. A special valentines day edition of trending. For the inside valentines day folks out there. You are in luck. Plenty of things for you to do to get over your ex. Goodwill. Encouraging anyone to move on from a bad relationship. Turn that hate into donate. Bring your stuff in good condition, right . Or send a picture. Look how i turned this hate into good. Go into the closet. Theres nothing there. Well work on it. Hes on the there any more to go in the closet. Donate your stuff. If you are looking for a way to get out aggression, the houston, texas gun range offering annihilate heartache. Bring in stuffed teddy bears. If that is not enough for you. I feel bad for the teddy bear. You could also try the i love kickboxing is offering the shred your ex class. Tape the picture of your ex on the bag and go to town. You will punch and kick your ex and shredding the pounds. You are staying single this valentines day if that is your option. If you are looking for love this holiday and going on a first date. Match. Com offering the playbook. Picking the restaurant. This is a nobrainer. 75 expected american cuisine on the first date. If you want to boost it, go for sushi. It boosts chances of a second date 70 . Dont go mexican. Probably not good for a first date. Speaking from experience . Dinner conversations now. In the past, talking politics used to be a nono. That makes sense now. The study found that discussing politics over dinner can increase your chances of a second date by 91 . Wow finally, ladies, if you are over it, grab your girlfriends and celebrate galentines day. It is all about the gal pals. Get your girls and have a brunch and party at home. Toast to one another to an awesome year of friendship. Craig, you can do that with your boys. Ill spend it with my wife instead. This is galentines day. I like that. We should go to brunch after, girls. We still have that. Im available today, if you girls are. Kanye, real Important News here. Having bad blood with taylor swift again. President obama has a love message for the missus. And the bad blood with kanye west and taylor swift. He had an over the top fashion show and album party at Madison Square garden this week. One takes a swipe at taylor swift. Kanye says he talked to taylor about the line before the song was released. Her publicist says she was never made aware of the actual lyric and doesnt support the mysognistic message. And a picture tossing his sneakers in the trash. Something tells me the story is far from over. We will see this play out when kanye takes the stage on snl. Is he doing skits . We shall see. Next up, we are getting a window into the love life of president obama and his first lady. Now if this photo is any indication. It is frosty. Now paying a visit to the ellen show, he recorded a valentines day message to his wife. Somebody call the situation room because things are about to get hot. Michelle, this valentines day im going to treat you right. Im going to make you some zucini bread and spread vegetables on a plate. I obamacare more about you than you ever know. That is funny. Last but not least, adele has another accolade to add. Cover girl. She opened up about motherhood in the march issue. Her little boy grounded her. The 27yearold feels comfor comfortable in her skin and surrounds herself with everyone that loves her. I love that. Im surrounded by love here. Surrounded by love . Yeah. Am i not . Do i not feel the love . We love you. We do. Get to the tease. Up next, the story of how up next, the story of how sheinelle met earning unlimited cash back on purchases. Thats a win. But imagine earning it twice. You can with the citi double cash® card. It lets you earn cash back twice. Once when you buy and again as you pay. Its cash back then cash back again. And thats a cash back winwin. The citi double cash card. The only card that lets you earn cash back twice on every purchase with 1 when you buy and 1 as you pay. With two ways to earn, it makes a lot of other cards seem onesided. What it cant do. Your calculus homework. What it can do. Make you Peanut Butter happy. Its a whole new kind of joy you get when you bite into a new jif bar made with real jif Peanut Butter. Back on a saturday morning. Valentines day has us thinking about when we met the person of our dreams and fell in love. Sheinelle met her husband in college at northwestern. Sort of a sneaky way. No sort of about it. I think it is sweet. Thank you. This is a story on nbcnews. Com. This is whats getting attention. You went on to meet your now husband. I did. Tell us about that. Crazy. I was actually his tour guide. Ashamed. I remember it was a visitation day. Day at northwestern. His dad was driving around and they were lost. He pulled me over and said were turned around and they were looking for a dorm. I said oh, youre so cute. Hes fine. You can leave him. Then we started dating. And three kids later. So, yeah, who knew when he was 17 we would have three children. You met him when he was 17 . Is that legal . Wow i was 18. You met your husband at work, too . I would say wait a minute. We met our husbands at work. David was the stage manager at the station we worked. Good old tech tv years ago. Now we have been together 15 years. Married for ten. Two great boys, a dog, a cat. You picked up your husband at work . He was my cameraman. When you work at 4 00 in the morning. Low hanging fruit. We were friends for a while. Hes not 30 yet. I cant dylan is a true cougar at the table. I did meet my wife at work during a commercial break in 2008. A commercial break. Doesnt take you long. Two and a half minutes . I pitch quickly. You keep eyeing the first time . I had to try for two years, actually. She come back from china. She had been there covering the olympics. She said oh, hey, welcome. Welcome. Yes. There we are. One kid later. Can we see that picture quickly . Are you biting your lip . Thats my only smile. Im sure my wife loved that we used that picture. Still to come here, ladies who launch. We will introduce you to the women who could have a future mission to mars. But first this is today on nbc. Still to come on saturday, ben stiller and owen wilson and zoolander 2. And is this the best time its easy to love your laxative when that lax loves your body back. Only miralax hydrates, eases and softens to unblock naturally, so you have peace of mind from start to finish. Love your laxative. Miralax. Cuddles better than my husband does. C. But thats just between you and me. Its really cool to the touch. At mattress firm, get zero percent apr financing. Visit mattress firm, americas number one tempurpedic retailer today. Wait. Wait. Perfect. At del monte, corn is packed at the peak of freshness with just water and a dash of sea salt. Nothing else. So its allnatural and delicious. You think it smells fine, but your passengers smell this. Eliminate odors youve gone noseblind to for up to 30 days with the febreze car vent clip. Female passenger wow. Smells good in here. Vo so you and your passengers can breathe happy. Mid90s showstopper. Youre right. Its time to set this bird free. Hot blooded, check it and see. Got a fever of 103. Feelin hungry . How bout a donut . Im hot blooded. Im hot blooded whether its 30years old or 30days old, carmax will appraise it in as little as 30 minutes. And then your only concern will be how to spend the cash. Rad. Good saturday morning. Im rosemary connors. This is a first alert weather day here at nbc 10 as the dangerous cold air settles into our region. Lets get roigt to nobs 10 first alert meteorologist karen thomas for details. Rosemary today is the day to bundle up if you have to to outside. If do you have to go outside you want to spend short periods of time. Really, the call for the weekend first alert call is stay indoors if can you. Were looking live at cape may and dont be fooled a beautiful shot. Really is with bright sunshine. But the air temperature 21 degrees. We factor in some strong winds out of the northwest and it feels like the teens. So the Single Digits thats what were looking at current temperature up in the poconos. 22 in mill via. 21 degrees in cape may. 22 in philadelphia. This is what we can anticipate as we move on through the next 24 hours. Look at that, by tomorrow morning our temperatures will be subzero. What it will feel like will be Single Digits but its going to feel like minus 13 waking up tomorrow. Rosemary . You can keep track of the weekend weather with the free nbc 10 app on our app youll find the first alert forecast hour by hour plus get Severe Weather alerts sent straight to your smartphone. Today in Montgomery County family and friends will say goodbye to the young hero who lost his life trying to save his dad from this fire. A celebration of life service will be in norristown for 1yearold sanford harling. He died last week after running back inside his Burning House to save his father whom he thought was trapped. Sanfords dad ended up escaping by jumping from a second floor window. Atlantic city casinos are costs their gambling proceeds. Internet gambling was up but the online section kept a bad month from being worse. Im rosemary connors. Have a good one. Good morning. Life threatening cold. A bitter blast hitting 65 Million People thanks to the polar vortex. The furious windchills. Temperatures in some areas could feel as cold as 40 below. The weather so dangerous that people are being warned to stay insi inside. Dylan dreyer is tracking it all. Breaking her silence. The mother of one of the columbine shooters speaks out since her son, Dylan Klebold and his friend killed in 1999. More from the conversation and what she remembers most clearly from that horrific day. And what with one of her victims says about the attack. And a league of their own. Four women ready to launch into space with a possible mission one day to mars. Theyre all part of the elite group of astronauts. Well talk to them today, saturday, february 13th, 2016. Really really really like you and want you to want me to i really, really, really like you and want you you want me to and a good saturday morning to you. Welcome back to today. You said it is 21 degrees . 21 degrees, but now the windchill is 7. It got windier. It does feel colder. That has not stopped these fine folks from joining us on the plaza. I think we have a fire, but they cant feel the fire. We have hand warmers. We never give away anything on the plaza. You know it is cold. Hand warmers for all of you. There you go. Dont put these on ebay, young lady. Easy. Hand warmers. Thank you for coming. Thank you. Thank you. We have more. I should have grabbed more. We will keep passing those down the line. We have more to get to. We want to check in with sheinelle who has more on the top story. The dangerous cold. Thank you, erica. Officials from the nations mid section to the northeast are warning of the light threatening cold. High winds are expected to drop windchills to below zero. Mayors are urging residents to take precautions. We will have more when dylan dreyer looks at the weather. The remaining republican president ial hopefuls faceoff in South Carolina tonight. Nbcs Hallie Jackson has a preview from greenville, South Carolina. Reporter good morning, sheinelle. The candidates are getting ready for the debate. The stage is the smallest it has been for one of these with just six people left in the race. At the center of the stage, donald trump and ted cruz. Both of them looking ready to rumble. Trump calling cruz a liar now threatening to sue him for being born in canada. Cruz dismissing that is what he calls a torrent insults coming from trumps mouth. Marco rubio is looking to bounce back from his widely panned debate performance in New Hampshire last week. A Campaign Aide says he is eager for tonight and ready to pivot to attacks if he is facing incoming fire from republican rivals. Watch for jeb bush to try to land some punches. He is looking for a comeback. And john kasich is looking for momentum after his second place New Hampshire finish. He is hoping to stay positive and stay above the fray. Back to you. Thank you, hallie. Exciting. The pope is in mexico city this morning. He is greeted by wildly cheering crowds. Pope francis travelled from the airport in the open air popemobile. He will visit areas plagued by drug violence and hold services in the fiveday trip. It follows the stop in cuba where he immediate with the Russian Orthodox patriarch. Here at home, a Major Investigation is opened into an issue first reported on nbc news. The government is beginning a probe of potential health risks from a type of turf known as crumb rubber. Made of ground tires and on sports fields across the country. Athletes and coaches are reporting illnesses including cancer. Manufacturers claim the product is safe, but the government now says more study is needed. And in idaho, a scary ski run for a father and son. Winstone was skiing with his son, ethan and ethan disappeared. Heads up. Its okay. Its okay. Here we go. Here we go. I got you. Turns out ethan fallen into a tree well which can form when heavy snow piles up around the trunk of the tree. Authorities say it is important to watch your child ski ahead of you and be alert. And finally, exhibit of corvette, but not the way you see them. Twisted wrecks are part of the National Corvette museum in kentucky. You may remember security cameras caught a sinkhole under the museum swallowing eight of the cars. Two were restored after they were pulled out. They took the rest of the cars crushed in the disaster and turned them into a display. Great idea. I guess if life gives you lemons. My heart is beating after that ski accident. Dylan dreyer is back now with another check of the forecast. And we are watching the next storm system, maybe, that could make its way. Despite how cold it is, it is going to turn into a warmer storm as we go into monday and tuesday. In the meantime, we have the huge area across canada that will drag down and bring that cold air into the northeast. We are already feeling it back through minneapolis where temperatures are well below freezing and windchills colder. A piece of the polar vortex that sits up north. Then the bursts of cold air starts to settle in. It feels like 5 below in minneapolis. That is the air temperature. The wind kicking in across the northeast makes it feel we are in the Single Digits. High temperatures today will be dropping across the northeast. 18 this afternoon in new york city. Detroit at 18. Milwaukee at 10. That is 21 degrees below average. Tomorrow morning is really when we bottom out across the northeast. Burlington, vermont, it will feel like 27 below tomorrow morning. In west virginia, 3 degrees above zero. Highs sunday in the teens and low 20s. Syracuse only hitting the high of 5 degrees. Finally into monday, we get back into the 30s and 40s. Temperatures above freezing. We continue to warm up which sets the stage monday and tuesday which should be a rain event for the good saturday morning. Im meteorologist karen thomas. We have a first alert weather day for you. Patchy snow showers, isolated snow showers moving through the area. Big story wind chill advisory in effect. Bitter conditions out there with wind gusts up to 50 miles per hour. Dangerously cold. Take you all the way through our seven day forecast. Its going to be a first alert weekend as our weather is only going to get colder as we move saturday night into sunday and were tracking some snow monday. And thats your latest forecast. Dylan, thank you. Now to a very raw, emotional interview as the mother of one of the columbine shooters speaks out for the first time about her son, his rage and that terrible day 17 years ago. Nbcs Steve Paterson has more. All these kids. And the teacher. Reporter for the first time, the mother of one of the most infamous killers in history sat down for an interview. Im sorry for what my son did. Reporter sue klebold speaking out on abc talking about one of the teens responsible for the massacre at Columbine High School. It is hard to live with the fact that someone you loved and raised as brutally killed people. Bunch coming outs. Reporter on april 20th, 1999, klebolds son dylan and his friend eric harris killed 13 people at the school and wounding more before both committing suicide. Sue realized it was her son and the sinking feeling. I remember if this is true and dylan is really hurting people, he has to be stopped and at that moment, i prayed that he would die. Reporter klebold said she spent much of the last 17 years agonizing over how she missed the warning signs from her troubled son. I thought i was a good mom and he could talk to me about anything. Part of the shock of this was that learning that what i believed and how i lived and how i parented was an invention in my mind. Reporter many of the survivors have grown up with grief. Shooting victim anne marie was paralyzed from the waist down. Despite everything, she forgives. It is one thing to lose a son or daughter, but it is another thing to have your last name forever linked with a tragedy. I dont have any ill will toward her. I forgive her. Reporter klebold wants to raise awareness about mental illness. I dont know what else i can do. I felt i had to do everything i could do. Reporter one parent speaking out hoping to prevent another tragedy. Steve paterson, nbc news, los angeles. Erica. Craig, thanks. For the first time in history, nasas latest class of astronauts split. They finish training in july. Four women and four men. All chosen for an Upcoming Mission to mars. We recently caught up with them at Johnson Space center. The astronauts of 2016 have come a long way. One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind. 25 seconds. Reporter and not just because theyre sights are now set far beyond the moon, they also look different. You are a class of astronauts is the first one to be equally split on gender lines. Is that something you noticed . It is something we dont notice daytoday which is great. The traits we bring to the table which is what is important. Reporter in 2013, eight astronaut candidates were selected. Including these four women from more than 6,100 applicants. The first grade teacher asked us to draw a picture of what we wanted to be when we grew up. I drew a picture of an astronaut on the moon with a flag. You have been thinking about it. Reporter the astronaut candidates go through an intense physically demanding twoyear training program. You remember the first time you put one of these suits on what that moment was like . You look in the mirror and think im an astronaut. Reporter learning to fly. Space dancing. Reporter to work in space suits. Houston, we are ready to initiate the dragon capture. Reporter and to work the robotic arm of the International Space station. If the toilet breaks, we cannot call a plumber. Reporter jessica meir, a biologist with a ph. D. In Marine Biology has studied elephant seals and penguins and himalayan geese. Christina hammock koch holds a masters degree in electrical engineering. Im a caretaker of the group. Reporter west point grad anne mcclain, earned her masters in Aerospace Engineering and animal relations. Animals. That comes from my rugby days. Reporter and major nicole mann holds a masters in Mechanical Engineering and mom to 3yearold boy. My call sign is duke. Reporter their future missions will take these astronauts away from their families for months or years at a time. I think for a mom or dad, it is really hard to think about it. You understand it is an Important Mission and part of something bigger than yourself or family. If you think about the first moments on the moon were like and seeing earth from another plan planetary body for the first time. It will give us perspective about our place in the solar system and universe is incredibly important. We are all impressed with the women. They were gracious and down to earth. They dont know when they will go to space. They are waiting for their missions. There is a good chance one of them could go to mars. There is a chance that you have the right stuff. There is still time to apply. Recruiting and accepting applications for the new class of astronauts. You log on to usajobs. Gov. Search for astronaut candidate. You still have a few days. Good luck. If you get accepted, will you let us know . A couple have been through this before. Jessica in 2009, she said she made it to the second or third round. Anne applied before as well. Made it to a couple rounds. What makes a good astronaut . She said interestingly, they get this question all the time. It is a bit of everything. You do need to be open to new things and you have to be able to learn really well. Also, everybody has to speak russian. They spend hours with private russian tutors. Thats right. They have to interact with the cosmonauts. I did apply to nasa school at one point. I didnt get accepted. Clearly. And youre brilliant. Seriously. I can do a little math. That doesnt make me astronaut quality. You got your chance. You call dylan brilliant and they are like, wrap. Up next, is now the time to buy some of those big ticket items on sale this president s day weekend or should you wait . Eat up, buddy. Youll get it this time. Yeah ok not too quick dont let go until i say so. I got you. Start strong with the Lasting Energy of 100 youre doing it whole grain quaker oats. And off you go. Im lika small boxer. Ring. You dont expect much. And then, wham i hit em with huge creamy goodness alright round two bring it, girlfriend rich, creamy, 100 natural cheese. Mini babybel. Snack a little bigger. This is a body of proof. Proof of less joint pain. And clearer skin. This is my body of proof that i can fight Psoriatic Arthritis with humira. Humira works by targeting and helping to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to both joint and skin symptoms. Its proven to help relieve pain, stop further joint damage and clear skin in many adults. Doctors have been prescribing humira for 10 years. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Before treatment, get tested for tb. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if youve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. Want more proof . Ask your rheumatologist about humira. Humira. This is my body of proof back now on a saturday morning. Have you noticed a lot of commercials this week telling you about a super sale of some sort in honor of president s day weekend . Should you wait to buy it or get it now . We have jeanette with us. Happy to be here. We see the commercials. Lets start with furniture. When it comes to furniture, you want to know this is the time to buy. Buy now. Buy now. Go to town on that. The new designs came in for 2016. They are getting rid of old designs. From furniture now, the question is do we buy now or wait later for . For jewely. Jewelry. You think . I would say wait later. Brilliant. Although tomorrows valentines day. I will tell you, wait until the holidays. Thats the time to buy those diamonds. All right. The game continues here. Buy now or wait later. Now we are in home appliances. I would say buy now. Brilliant. I have a 50 50 shot. Home appliances, expect to see at least 35 off. Do package deal was more than one appliance. Go for energy star because you can get rebates possibly depending on where you live. Love that. Buy now or wait for later. This is a fun game. Because youre winning. Thats true. Digital cameras, smartphones. I would say wait. You almost had it. Why do we have to wait . Good deals now because it is the Consumer Electronics show last month. They are getting rid of 2015 designs. You get great deals. Look online, too. Okay. Buy now for digital cameras and smartpho smartphones. Cars. I always heard you wait until the end of the model year to buy a car. Good looks and brilliance. Wait for later . Yes. Absolutely wait. September, october, you will get great deals. If you cannot wait, buy toward the end of the month. Wait. Why . Because they have to make their sales quotas. If it is busy on the lot, they wont negotiate. Buy now or wait with mattresses. I feel i see more mattresses commercials more than anything. Buy now . No. Heres the thing. Ill spin it in your direction. You could get good deals this weekend. Historically, it is memorial day weekend that you get go prices. There is wiggle room. You can haggle over your mattress . I just bought one because i had to. Otherwise i would wait. We always learn something. Thank you for being with us. Still ahead, the boys are back in town. Owen wilson and ben stiller. Reprizing their roles for zoolander 2. But first this is today on nbc. Still to come on today, how do you know when you are really in love . Two relationship experts weigh i know youre my financial advisor, but are you gonna bring up that stock again . Well you need to think about selling some of it. My dad gave me those shares, you know. He ran that company. I get it. But you know i think you own too much. Gotta manage your risk. And youve gotta switch to decaf. An honest opinion, even if you disagree. With 13,000 financial advisors, its how edward jones makes sense of investing. We stop arthritis pain, so you dont have to stop. Because you believe in go. Onward. Todays the day. Carpe diem. Tylenol® 8hr arthritis pain has two layers of pain relief. The first is fast. The second lasts all day. We give you your day back. What you do with it is up to you. Tylenol®. If youre looking to save money on your Medicare Part d prescriptions, walgreens says, carpe med diem. Seize the day to get more out of life and Medicare Part d. Just switch to walgreens for savings thatll be the highlight of your day. Now preview the cost of your copay before you fill. You can even get onedollar copays on select plans. Good morning im rosemary connors. Its 8 25 on this saturday. The cold weather makes this a first alert day here at nbc 10. Code blues are taking effect across the region to help get the homeless off the streets and intworm shelters. Lets take a live look outside. Over philadelphia you can see that wind whipping out there. Were below freezing right now and only going to get colder as the day goes on. Lets check in with nbc so first alert meteorologist karen thomas. The flag is. Winds indicative of the arctic front moving in. Temperatures are expected to drop as we move on through our saturday afternoon. Looking live at cape may right now plenty of sunshine but isnt helping to warm us up at all as we have a very significant wind chill that will a main factor as we move on through the day. This is what feels like outside, feels like 8 below in poconos, feels like zero in reading, 1 one lancaster. 6 in Atlantic City and 6 degrees in dover, delaware. For today scattered snow showers moving through the area. Thats a possibility. Overall bigger wind gusts. Bundle. Now is the time to download the nbc 10 app to keep track of this weekends brutal weather. Youll find the first alert forecast. Well give it to you hour by hour and Severe Weather alert straight to your smartphone. Sea isle city is Holding Polar bear plunge. Its set for 2 00 this afternoon. Because of the dangerous conditions outside extra crews and police will be on hand to make sure everybody is safe. Sea isles polar bear walk run for autism is set for tomorrow. If you are looking to get out today, dont want to take a dip in the atlantic, head to the 2016 philadelphia home show. The annual event komo ty aviate you to get some of those Home Improvement projects off the ground. Check out products, services and displays at the Pennsylvania Convention center today and tomorrow. Im rosemary connors. Well see you back here at 9 00. Have a good one. So, what moves me . Its the journey. The feeling of doing. Its making choices for a healthier me, a healthier us. Im on my path and i love it. The path to a healthier you starts with natures path pumpkin flax granola. Crunchy clusters of delicious organic oats, flax and pumpkin seeds, with all the goodness to nourish you and your family. Natures path granola. Enjoy your path. We are back on a saturday morning. February 13th, 2016. Seems like a nice day to sit by the fire. An awful day to sit outside. Dont worry. Oh, yeah. Dylan, good call on the blankets. Dylan, do you remember when we went to the ice hotel . These are the blankets there. It is a little chilly here in new york and across the country. Tens of millions of people are going to be affected by this. In all seriousness, a rough cold day. We have fun stuff coming up. Derek zoolander is back. Coming up. Our conve

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