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This as people protest in support of the convicted killer. History on the line. A thrilling tennis match wrapping up down under. Serena williams going into three sets, including this rally that had everyone on the edge of their seats. Serena gets the point, but was it enough to win the match . And hymm for the weekend. Beyonce and coldplay drop their latest collaboration. Coursing through my blood it already has 3. 3 million views in less than 24 hours. So why are some crying foul over her appearance in the video . We will explain today, saturday, january 30th, 2016. Announcer from nbc news, this is today live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. And welcome to today on saturday morning. Im erica hill. And im craig melvin alongside dylan dreyer. Sheinelle jones is not here with us. She is recuperating. We wish her the best. Tweet her or send her a picture. Brighten up her video. That video that dropped . Hot. You cant go wrong. We will look more at the video later. There is also a tad of controversy surrounding it. We will dig into that. The top story this morning, Hillary Clinton on the defense after the state department announced it was withholding 22 emails saying they contained top secret information. All of this comes two days before a razor tight race in iowa. We have full coverage from des moines this morning. We start with White House Correspondent kristen welker. Kristen, good morning. Reporter good morning, erica. People are buzzing about Hillary Clintons email issue this morning. Not exactly the headline the Clinton Campaign wants to see two days before the Iowa Caucuses. Her top rival, Bernie Sanders is not making an issue of it, instead, both candidates are focused on the finish line. You can make her the next president of the United States. Reporter hillary and bill clinton back together friday night trying to seal the deal here in iowa. Thank you, davenport. Reporter this comes as the state Department Released 1,600 emails from her private server as secretary of state. This time holding 22 documents as top secret. State Department Officials weighed in on friday. None of this traffic was marked classified at the time it was sent. Reporter the Clinton Campaign is calling on the state department to make the emails public. This is an example of overclassification run amok. Reporter Nbcs Lester Holt interviewed secretary clinton shortly before the news broke. Why should the public worry about this hanging over your head . There was never any information sent or received marked classified to me. Reporter despite making an issue of the emails. The people are sick and tired of hearing about your damn emails. Reporter the campaign has yet to escape the controversy and this could hurt for mondays caucuses. She is running neck and neck with sanders in iowa, who friday night, focused on rallying his supporters. I believe it is our campaign that is generating the excitement and the interest for a large voter turnout. Reporter at the drake diner in des moines, voters had opinion. Does this Hillary Clinton email matter . Yes. I feel it is a skeleton in the closet. I dont think it will have that big an effect. Reporter in a Statement Released late last night, sanders again reiterated he is not interested in the email issue. He is interested in the issues that matter to voters. Both candidates cross the state today. Eight events between them. One, secretary clinton will be joined by gabby giffords. Erica, back to you. Kristen, thanks. The gop candidates wasted little time reacting to the clinton news. Nbcs Hallie Jackson has more. Reporter good morning. This time the candidates are getting ready for a dozen events in the final countdown to the caucuses, the last big push. Taking aim not only at each other, but across the aisle at Hillary Clinton. The favorite target on the campaign trail, facing new fire from the gop rivals. Hillary clinton is disqualified. Disqualified from being commander in chief. Reporter marco rubio calling the latest news about the email release unacceptable. Maybe she thinks shes above the law or maybe she wanted to read the stuff on her blackberry and have that convenient. Hillary clinton on her email server had 22 top secret emails. Well, that actually is an accurate statement. This is getting more and more serious. Reporter Clintons Campaign spokesperson on defense. We know that these emails that they were not marked classified at the time they were sent or received. Reporter republicans quick to pounce. Donald trump tweeting the email release is a disaster and slamming what he calls clintons bad judgment. Saving his hardest hits for republican rival. Ted cruz may not be a u. S. Citizen, but hes an anchor baby. He is an anchor baby. Ted cruz is an anchor baby in canada. Reporter cruz laughing it off in iowa. Senator, trump called you an anchor baby today. Any response to that . Just laughter is what you take away from it . I like donald and hes welcome to say whatever he likes. I like and respect him. Thats all i got to say. Right now, it is up to the voters to decide. Reporter the two iowa frontrunners. We will do well in iowa. Reporter just a weekend away from the caucuses. I am having a fantastic time. We have 77 hours to go. Reporter the final push to the finish line. Cruz striking a bit of a different tone over the last 24 hours out on the campaign trail. Backing off some of the unprompted attacks against donald trump. Marco rubio, meanwhile, also out holding rallies today hoping for a strong third place finish here guys, hoping to pick up momentum after the debate thursday night. Hallie jackson in iowa. Thank you. Mark halperin is with us. Gentlemen, good morning. They join us from iowa. Good morning, erica. Lets start off with the emails. Mark, i know you were saying yesterday on morning joe there is a lot of chatter among fbi agents. What are you hearing could come down the line . Well, look, what is going on with secretary clinton is involving not just her, but staff. We know the people at the fbi and Justice Department are looking at it not as a criminal investigation, but question whether because of the private server, she handled everything correctly. This disclosure will heighten the sense that the fbi will have to interview members of her staff and secretary clinton. It doesnt mean she will be indicted, but from a political point of view it is she is called to talk to the fbi, while fighting for the presidency, it will happen into concerns that kristen welkers piece that it does matter to voters. John, is this something we are talking about or is this something that voters in iowa or voters in New Hampshire or voters in south carolina, is this something voters talking about right now . Is this resonating on the campaign trail . Not very much at all. It never has over the course of the last year, we have never heard a lot of concern. A lot of concern on republican voters, but not democratic voters. This issue will not have much effect for Hillary Clinton to be the democratic nominee. It may spur fear on the democratic establishment that Hillary Clinton could be vulnerable on the general election. If she gets there, the republicans will make a lot of hay with in the fall. And on the ground in iowa, donald trump is defying any stereotype the way anything is done traditionally in politics. The question is can the numbers we see in the polls and terms of people at the rallies translate into votes. What is your sense . Will they come out to caucus in bigger numbers, mark . This is the moment when donald trump needs to go from as you suggested from the unorthodox candidate to an orthodox candidate. He needs caucus and people to come to the rallies and turn out to the caucuses. Good to remind people. This is not a normal primary that people are used to. You have to vote several hours on monday night and go to a particular location at a particular time. Trumps team is not inexperienced. They know caucuses are different. He has a lot of iowans who have done this in the past. We will see on monday. My sense is they know exactly how big the stakes are. If his operation does perform in iowa, he will be in a commanding position for the nomination. I believe at least in part his operation will work. This will not be a collapse. It could be a powerful force pal legal to the force he has been. Mark and john in the Hawkeye State saturday morning. Thank you. We have you covered at the caucuses. We will be live on monday. One of the inmates who escaped from the california jail last week is behind bars this morning after turning himself in on friday. Investigators are still looking for two other men with whom he escaped. Here is nbcs miguel almaguer. Reporter in custody this morning, bac tien duong. One of three dangerous inmates who escaped last week. After a week on the run, police tightened a dragnet around a vietnamese neighborhood. Duong decided he wanted out showing up at an auto shop. He told my wife he wanted to turn in. My wife makes a call. Did your wife know who he was . Yes, of course we do. Hes my friend. He is cooperating and providing information. Reporter Hossein Nayeri and Jonathan Tieu are still on the loose. A 200,000 reward out for their capture. Police believe the men are living in a van. Stolen one day after their escape. But say they may have also stayed at the local motel in northern california. We have information that mr. Nayeri and mr. Tieu may still be together in the san jose area. Reporter investigators also say the men had help with the escape from ravaghi. An english teacher at the jail. She is being held as a suspect in the jail break. They say she brought in maps, showing images of the jails rooftop. Detectives say she developed a quote, personal relationship with inmate Hossein Nayeri. The story reminiscent of Joyce Mitchell in the new york state prison escape last year. This jail break reads like a hollywood thriller. The inmates cut through steel and along plumbing ducts and repelled six stories. This morning, two inmates still on the run and said to be desperate. For today, miguel almaguer, nbc news, santa ana, california. As the number of zika cases continues to rise in the United States, the scientists are learning more about the effects. The cases here are all from folks who traveled to one of the affected countries. We have rehema ellis with us this morning where the virus has hit hard. Reporter good morning, craig. Here in brazil, authorities are working hard to stop the spread of the zika virus. Going doortodoor to educate people on how to protect themselves. Months ago, many expectant mothers had no idea the threat to their unborn babies. When this baby was born two months ago, his family immediately knew something was different. The youngest of three children, he was diagnosed with microcephaly. He is one of 4,000 babies born with the disease since october. The children have an abnormally small head. The disease effects every aspects of the childs mental and physical development and possibly life span. What did doctors tell you about his development . His mother says she doesnt know if he will ever walk or talk. For babies with microcephaly, there is no treatment for cure. The family takes it one day at a time. His father julio, said she has symptoms in her third month of pregnancy. Researchers believe mosquitoes are spreading the virus linked with microcephaly. The virus is now present in at least 24 countries and territories. The cdc is keeping a close watch on the presence of the virus in the u. S. We have not seen viruses like zika spread widely here simply because people have screens in their houses and air conditioning. We dont have the level of crowding in the places where zika is spreading widely. Reporter the struggles are hard on the whole family. Including his grandfather, fernando. Fernando tells us that while his grandsons future is uncertain, one thing is for sure, he will always be loved. Public Health Officials say the likelihood of a massive zika outbreak in the continental United States, similar to whats happening in brazil is low. Still the cdc says its staying on top of this and working closely with world health authorities. Craig. Rehema ellis for us in brazil. Thank you. Dr. Natalie azar is here to answer some of our questions. This is keeping you busy, i know, this week. Is this zika carrying mosquito here in the United States . We have the zika carrying mosquito in the United States in the gulf coast and southern United States and Southern California. We have yet to have a domestically or locally transmitted viral mosquito bite. To our knowledge, these here are not infected with zika. If you are exposed to the zika virus, not pregnant, but would like to try to conceive, how long do you have to wait . We believe the virus stays in the body for a few days to up to a week. Intuitively, if you have been exposed or travel to an area where zika virus is exposed and you return, you want to wait a week or two before trying to conceive. Should you get checked by your doctor to be safe . Thats the thing. Most doctors would do this on a case by case basis. Most people dont know they are infected. They are asymptomatic. That means testing every single woman who returns from one of the places. Although we can test for it, it is not an easily commercially available test. It has to be sent to a laboratory. The doctor will do a case by case depending on the high risk exposure. No vaccine. No cure at this point. This is a disease that has been around since the late 40s, i believe. Why has there not been a vaccine created in 70 years . The first documented outbreak in 2007. Then in polynesia. The thing with the diseases, craig, the outbreaks are sporadic and unpredictable. There is not a lot of attention paid to the viruses that seem innocuous. Now an emergency meeting with the World Health Organization. The goal according to dr. Chan is threefold. You want to make sure you have the appropriate amount of international concern. We want to say is this an International Health threat or not . You want all of the resources going to the right places and prioritize which countries need what. Thats the basis of the meeting. Okay. Dr. Natalie azar, thank you. We like to know what you are concerned about when it comes to the zika virus. You can tweet us. todayshow. We will answer some of the questions in the next hour. In canada, a major avalanche has killed five people. The avalanche in mcbride, British Columbia swept through snowmobilers in the area. A social media giant is taking a stand against private gun sales. Facebook announcing it bans users from working out private sales on instagram and users cannot buy and sell guns directly on the social media services, they often use the site and ask to connect and coordinate deals on weapons, parts and ammunition. The move is hoped to cut down on unlicensed sales. Licensed dealers and gun clubs can post. And a stunning upset in tennis. Serena williams, as we mentioned, vying for a record tying number of grand slam wins this morning as she met Angelique Kerber. The announcers calling this tennis at its finest. Just one of the incredible points played out this morning. If you have not seen the results, cover your ears. The woman ranked number one in the sport fell to the seventh seed. Kerber wins at the australian open. Had everybody watching in the control room. Okay. Dylan dreyer is here with a check of the forecast. At least it is not snowing. At least most of the snows gone. This time last week, we were getting buried under snow. It has been in the 40s since. A lot of it has melted away. Out west, a different story. Rain and mountain snow. Snow through nevada into the rockies. We have a plume of moisture that will bring a big storm system onshore as we go into tomorrow. Look at this length of tropical moisture. Extends 1,000 miles. It will make its way into the west coast. We will see heavy rain and gusty winds. We could see wind gusts near 50 Miles Per Hour especially in Southern California. For the snow, we will see the winter storm watches and warnings kick in as we go into tomorrow once the heavy snow starts to take hold. We could have more than a foot a good saturday morning. Im meteorologist Michelle Grossman. A cold start and to the 40s later on this afternoon right around normal. Mixture of sun and clouds and miler on sunday. 53 degrees. Expect partly sunny skies. Monday clouds build in later. Some showers in the day on monday up to 58 degrees. Tuesday mostly sunny 52. Wednesday watching for the chance for a shower even a thunderstorm. 63. Could break a record. Back in the 40s for thursday and friday. Have a great day. And thats your latest forecast. Dylan, thank you. Still to come, a look back at the other big stories of the week, including a major change for barbie. And big news for house of cards. That is ahead in popstart. But first this is today on nbc. Still to come here on today, why would anyone pay 1 million for a photo of a potato . Plus, were taking you inside the homes teetering on the cliff in good morning. Im rosemary connors. 7 25 on this saturday. 26 degrees outside. Lets get a check of our weekend weather now from meteorologist Michelle Grossman. Good morning, michelle. Were off to a cold start. You need the layers. Then by this afternoon into the low 40s. Looking outside we look good. Looking at year skies. A little bit breezy in some spots but wind shouldnt be a problem. Five to ten Miles Per Hour later this afternoon. 19 in mount pocono, 18 in lancaster, 24 in atlantic city. Factor in the like winds feels colder than it is. By this afternoon mixture of sun and clouds 40 to 43 right around normal. Our seven day forecast were warming up. 53 on. Partly sunny skies into the upper 50s on monday. Possibly a late shower. Tuesday in the 50s and wednesday in the 60s. In Delaware Police are on the hunt important a person of interest wanted in a murder investigation. Police tell us their detectives are looking for Gregory Parker of new castle. Hes wanted in connection with the death of sean spence. Police were called to this home in the Mallard Point community of New Castle County on thursday night. Investigators say there they found spence dead with significant physical injuries, parker lived at the home here with his girlfriend. Police tell us the two men knew each other. Only nbc 10 has the video showing a stabbing attack that began with a dispute over a bus and ended with a septa passenger in critical condition. The attacker is still on the loose. You can see two men brawling on the left side of your screen. Nearby business own tells us the fight unfolded on the route 456 bus. A man apparently boarded the bus with an invalid bus pass. The driver pulled over in frankfurt and called police. Other passengers got off the bus except the victim who told the man with the invalid pass to get off and to stop holding up the ride. Stabbing victim is expected to survive in this case. Police are still looking im rosemary connors. Now back to the today show. Because i told them i had nothing to hide. How in the hell were you in the room . I dont know. I dont know, man. Thats a good question. We are back on this saturday morning, january 30th, 2016 with a look at the mini series the people versus o. J. Simpson. People still fascinated by that murder trial. Coming up, why the doctor portrayed in the movie concussion now believes simpson is suffering from cte. The brain disease that is linked to violent behavior. Meanwhile, look outside studio 1a this morning. A cold crowd trying to keep warm on this final saturday of january. Here is what is making headlines half past the hour today. With two days to go until the Iowa Caucuses, the main issue on the campaign trail today is likely to be Hillary Clintons emails. The state department is withholding 22 of her emails. Her rival, Bernie Sanders, is not making an issue of it, but the republican candidates are. Ethan couch, the affluenza teen, will remain in a juvenile detention facility despite the request he be moved from the adult court. He will remain in the facility until the next Court Hearing in february. And a philadelphia man will be riding pope francis style after winning the vehicle that the pope rode in last year. The winning bid was 82,000. We begin this half hour with the download. The chance to look at the weeks biggest stories and others you may have missed. The clean up from the blizzard of 2016 and the arrest of the armed occupation in oregon. Here are the stories that caught our attention. With the Iowa Caucuses looming, the campaigns were combative as ever. In the waning days to iowa, donald trump convinced if it aint broke, dont fix it. We cant have a guy who stands in the middle of the senate floor and everyone else thinks hes a whack job. I have no intention of responding in kind. I will work my heart out for you. This morning, our new nbc marist poll has Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders virtually tied in iowa. And trump skips the latest republican debate. Fox put it he was the elephant not in the room. Donald trump boldly boycotting the fox news debate. When you are treated badly, you have to stick up for your rights. New warning over the zika virus. 22 areas or countries that pregnant women should avoid. And two top researchers accuse the World Health Organization of failing to act fast enough. Now we have a pandemic. Clean up across the east coast after blizzard 2016. Government offices and schools closed again today in washington, d. C. Air travelers with Flights Canceled in new jersey. The occupation in the wildlife refuge started to fall apart. Roadblocks and check points set up. The militants were arrested along the highway during a violent confrontation that ended with the death of lavoy finicum. Barbie with a lot of sizes. You can buy barbie in curvy and petite. Mattel hopes this reflects the young owners world. The little boys reaction was priceless when montreals dale white flipped a puck to him on monday night. The grown up caught the puck, but he gave it to the young man. He is hugging that puck. I love how he snuggled it. An ice hockey puck is not warm. It is not a teddy bear. He loves his hockey. Cute. You were on the barbie story this week . Yeah. I did it for nightly news. We talked to a range of ages at the toy store here in new york. They overwhelmingly said it is about time. Parents or kids . Parents. One question is do you think this is more for the parents or kids that barbie is doing it . They said it is many for the people who are buying them. They want something more reflective for their children or what they see. I will say overwhelmingly positive among the people we spoke with and most of them say because it was time for barbie to be more representative. I wonder if kids would choose. Not just looking at barbie in relation to themselves, but barbie as a traditional doll. The new ones look different than what you expect barbie to look like. And the other question that came up, lets say you give a girl the curvy barbie doll. What message is that sending . They introduced some of this last year, and they also have different skin tones and hair colors and eye colors. All of which people say were needed. Barbie should accurately represent america. Yeah. Shes working on it, apparently. Barbara millicent roberts. 2016. My barbie always had much nicer hair than i did. Did you want her to have worse hair . What was that . Errrrr. My mom chopped my hair all off because she hated it. We have a warm up to talk about. Temperatures have been well above average. Warmer temperatures through the southern and northern plains. Chicago should get up to 48 degrees today. Thats 16 degrees above average. Kansas city, 58 degrees. Tomorrow, still 48 in chicago. Cleveland, 51. New york, 50. Raleigh, 16 above average. An area of High Pressure keeps it sunny. We are keeping an eye out for snow in the rockies and a storm system in a good saturday morning. Im meteorologist Michelle Grossman. A cold start and to the 40s later on this afternoon right around normal. Mixture of sun and clouds and milder on sunday. 53 degrees. Expect partly sunny skies. Monday clouds build in later. Some showers in the day on monday up to 58 degrees. Tuesday mostly sunny 52. Wednesday watching for the chance for a shower even a thunderstorm. 63. Could break a record. Back in the 40s for thursday and friday. Have a great day. Errr thats your latest forecast. Thank you dylan dreyer. Still to come, should you buy a big new tv before the super bowl next week . Yes. We have the answer from the experts like craig melvin in trending. We will look at coldplay and beyonces latest collaboration. They are performing at the big game next weekend. They dropped a new video. They dropped a new video. But first these messages. Always set a place at the dinner table for good manners. Stay seated, napkin on your lap and elbows at your sides. And remember, mealtime is for nourishment, nothing more. Let the music play, he wont get away just keep the groove, and then hell come back to you again let it play let the music play the citi double cash® card comes in very handy with cash back twice on purchases. Earn once when you buy, and again as you pay. Thats cash back now, and cash back again later. Its cash back deja vu. The citi double cash card. The only card that lets you earn cash back twice on every purchase with 1 when you buy and 1 as you pay. With two ways to earn, it makes a lot of other cards seem one sided. So i thought id return the favor. Ke my breath away. At jared, we only sell one piece of jewelry for valentines day. The one that puts your heart in her hands. And its waiting for you. At jared. Eat up, buddy. Youll get it this time. Yeah ok not too quick dont let go until i say so. I got you. Start strong with the Lasting Energy of 100 youre doing it whole grain quaker oats. And off you go. Karl, dont you have fryeah, so . Ng over . It stinks in here. Youve got to wash this whole room are you kidding . Wash it . Lets wash it with febreze. For all the things you cant wash, use. Febreze fabric refresher whoa hey mrs. Webber inhales hey, it smells nice in here and try pluggable febreze. To continuously eliminate odors for. Up to 45 days of freshness pluggable febreze and fabric refresher. [inhale exhale mnemonic]. , two more ways to breathe happy back on a saturday morning. Time for a little trending. Forget trending. Yesterday on trending we told you the perfect wine pairings for your girl scout cookies. They have something red and white. Like the trefoil. Here is the thing. They left out the other popular cookies here. We will dig in with the thin mints. My moms favorite. Put them in the freezer. With a brunelo. Leave a little bit in your mouth and drink the wine with cookies in your mouth. Ill taste it. Oh. That is really good. Thats nice. I like this one. You are combining wine and cookies, how can you go wrong . It is not for everyone at home. Thats not bad. Lets do this one. The dosido next. The Peanut Butter cookie. I dont like Peanut Butter. Can i skip . Its your job to eat cookies and drink wine, craig. These go well together. This is a red zinfindel blush. And the somoas. In connecticut, they were always somoas. They were chocolate coconut cookies. You probably heard there is a Football Game happening next week. Super bowl 50, of course. A lot of people are debating to buy a new tv for the parties. It is difficult to read the news when you have a cookie in your mouth. A study says yes, you should. Craig says you should, too. A survey on fatwallet says price is a factor. You are in luck, late january and february is prime buying months for consumers. Cutting prices to make room for new inventory coming in march. We are in the market for a new television. This is fantastic news. A lot of the 4k televisions. Prices are starting to come down on those. My husband is always in the market for a new television. I like brian. And finally, a picture is worth 1,000 words or in this case, 1 million. The photographer kevin abash recently shared with business insider. He sold a picture of a potato last year for 1 million euro. Late the over 1 million u. S. Didnt the guy who bought the Pope Francis Popemobile paid 82,000. God speed. Here is popstart. Beyonce and coldplay, and kanye and baby north with a picture. Joelle gargiulo is here with popstart. After popstart. First up, beyonce is back and you can thank coldplay for that. Just in time for super bowl 50, the band released its hymm with queen bee. We have known for some time they are pals. We know she will be on his album. This video should not cause such a stir. It is. Maybe it is the exotic setting or her wardrobe or the song is off the hook. I should mention after the backlash on social media, some are calling it Cultural Appropriation and others showing it appreciation for the foreign culture. Now moving on to kanye west who made waves on twitter. First with the announcement that the album title change to waves. And the online feud with fellow rapper wiz khalifa got more than 400 million views. Now looking to move past the twitter feud, Kim Kardashian shared this adorable picture of her hubby and little girl north. Now everyone is talking about how the girl looks so much like her daddy. Kanye is the musical guest on snl on february 13th along with host melissa mccarthy. I hope he does skits. I hope he plays along. You never know with kanye. Last, but not least, we have good news and bad news for fans of the netflix hit house of cards. The good news, netflix confirmed that Frank Underwood will return for a fifth season. Now to the bad news. Creator will not. He says he is leaving the series to focus on new endeavors. The Series Starring kevin spacey returns for a Fourth Season march 4th. Aka, the day after my birthday. Watching and eating somoas. And the brunello. Joelle, thank you. Up next, our producers put us to a test with the nice fun game of would you rather . This is a nice pg version. This is the worst game ever. We will play it after these hey, youre going to do great. Hi. Not yet. Not yet pull the peach mmmm, yoplait. Adventures from 599, plus up to 300 to spend at sea. Come seek the royal caribbean. Book now, offer ends soon. Cant afford to let heartburn get in the way . Try nexium 24hr, now the 1 selling brand for frequent heartburn. Get complete protection with the new leader in frequent heartburn. Thats nexium level protection. Parking is hard to find. Seems like everyone drives. And those who do should switch to geico because you could save hundreds on Car Insurance. Ah, perfect. Valet parking. Evening, sir. Hello heres the keys. And, uh, go easy on my ride, mate. Hm, wouldnt mind some of that beef wellington. To see how much you could save on Car Insurance, go to geico. Com. Ah car alarm sounds its ok were back on a saturday morning. This the moment that dylan and i have been dreading. No amount of wine and cookies can change that. We are playing would you ever. We have 60 seconds on the clock. Wi we will pick a question out of the bowl. Go. Would you rather have the super power to fly or become invisib invisible. I think i would fly. Then you lose your miles on delta. I do like my mqm, delta. You pick fly over invincible . I could see my mom. If you are invisible, you could do all kinds of bad stuff. Would you rather walk in on your boss getting undressed or have your boss walk in on you. Which would you rather . Which boss are we talking about . I need this job. You cant take the fifth. You have to answer. I would prefer to have my boss walk in on me. Dylan. Would you rather fulfill your biggest wish or resolve your deepest regret . I think regrets are part of life. They help you become who you will become. I would rather have my biggest wish. Good answer. To fly. We want you to play along. Here is our question. Would you rather never ever be able to text again for as long as you live or never been able to make a phone call . Thats a tough one. I think it depending on the age. Tweet us with your answer. We will check back with your thoughts. Shoot us a tweet. Who wants to fly instead of be invisible . Who wants to be invisible for nefarious purposes, craig melvin . Coming up, dylan looks at the stereotypes of bowling. After these messages. Still to come, our medical round up with the fears of lead after flint, michigan and diet debate. We are also answering your questions about the zika virus questions about the zika virus and how it could affect you in does the smell of a freshly bound presentation questions about the zika virus and how it could affect you in fill you with optimism . Do you love your wireless keyboard more than certain family members . Is your success due to a filing system only you understand . Does printing from your tablet to your wireless printer give you a jolt of confidence . If so, you may be gearcentric. Someone who knows that the right office gear helps you do great things. And theres one place that has it all. Office depot officemax. Gear up for great. Alright. Big smile hey, honey howd it go . Thanks, dad mcdonalds happy meal. With fresh, delicious cuties. That trop50 could taste so good and still have 50 fewer calories. Can i stop, jane . No. Trop50. Tastes so good you wont believe it has 50 fewer calories. Weright now . Omen a mystery beauty treatment. Yeah that sounds great could they guess what it was . Very rich and smooth. Really creamy. I keep touching my face. So what had we used . What . wait just water was added to this . My skin definitely feels much more radiant. That sense of having like smooth dewy skin only dove has 1 4 moisturizing cream for smoother, more radiant skin. Dove, your daily beauty treatment for radiant skin. Good morning. Im rosemary connors. Its 7 55 on this. Meteorologist Michelle Grossman is tracking that cold start to our weekend. Cant get out of the 20s yet. Were still stuck in the 20s. You need the layers this morning. Feels like the teens in a lot of spots. We have the sunshine and bright skies outside heres a live look along boat house row. The sun not wormin us up. 18 in allentown. 24 in wilmington and atlantic city. By this afternoon, those low 40s. Normal for this time of year. Mixture of sun and clouds. Milder on sunday in the low 50s. Monday 58 degrees. See a late shower. Wednesday mostly cloudy, showers thunderstorms in the afternoon 63 and then back to the 40s by thursday and friday. Happening now part of i95 south in bucks county is closed because of a deadly accident. This is the back up around the scene in cornwell heights. A car hit a pedestrian around 3 30 this morning. The pedestrian was killed on the scene. Detour is at street road and woodhaven road. Philadelphia police are expected to passaic an arrest after two guns got inside ben franklin high squall yesterday. One of those guns went off. It happened a fight between students. Nbc 10 was there as police took three teenagers in for questioning. The teens are not facing any charges as of yet. Investigators tell us a group of kids started fighting near a stairwell inside the school. Police found one gun and a shell casing in that stairwell. No one was hurt. Down the shore today several Service Organizations will be offering help to flood victims in the Wildwood High headquarter from last weekends blizzard swamped homes and streets and forced evacuations. The American Red Cross salvation army, you united way and Catholic Charities are offering assistance. Im rosemary connors. Well send it back to the today show. Well see you right back here at 9 00. To the couple wondering what a good deal looks like. No. Seriously . Well give it a 6 for composition. Scary. Wow, what about just putting a fair, no haggle price on the window . Not zany enough . Sometimes the best deals are pretty plain to see. Good morning. Top secret surprise. With just two days to go before the Iowa Caucuses, Hillary Clintons campaign strom cramblo contain the damage after 22 emails on her server found to be top secret. The big question is will this have an impact on the monday caucuses. New evidence . A bombshell from the lawyer for Stephen Avery, the subject of the talked about documentary making a murderer. Averys lawyer has new evidence that could free her client. What she plans to do to clear his name. And suffering from cte. The doctor who first diagnosed the brain disease in Football Players now says he suspects o. J. Simpson has the disease. This comes as o. J. s name comes to the headlines with the series. We will look today. Saturday, january 30th, 2016. Rise and shine today show. Georgia peaches in nyc. Were from texas and we came to the today show. Hi, mom and dad, were on tv. Hello, grand rapids. Good morning to you on a saturday morning here on a cold new york city. We will get outside in a bit. We want to take a moment to send get well wishes to sheinelle, jones. She is under the weather here this weekend. That is why she is not here. We know you are watching. We hope you are recovering, sheinelle. I hope for your sake you are sleeping in. Everyone watching at home, sent sheinelle your well wishes or a picture on instagram. We look forward to her feeling better. We have a lot to get to this morning. The final countdown in iowa. Two days from the caucuses. Hillary clintons emails are front and center this morning. We have full coverage. We start with Nbcs Kristen Welker in des moines. Kristen, good morning. Reporter erica, good morning. The race is razor tight in iowa. The latest email issue could not come at a worse time. And her rival, Bernie Sanders, is not making an issue of it. The candidates are focused on the finish line. On friday night, hillary and bill clinton were trying to lock it up in iowa. Over shadowing that, the state Department Released 1,600 emails from her time as secretary of state. They withheld for the first time 22 documents labeling them top secret. The emails were not marked top secret when they were sent and the Clinton Campaign stresses clinton never sent or received cla classified email at the time. The question is will voters here in iowa care . We have to wait until monday to find out. Late last night, Bernie Sanders re reiterated in a statement he is not interested in her emails. He is interested in the issues. They will cross the state with eight events between them. At one, Hillary Clinton will be joined by gabby giffords. Erica. Kristen, thanks. To the republicans now where the war of words with donald trump and ted cruz shows no signs of letting up. Nbcs Hallie Jackson is in des moines with more on that. Hallie, good morning. Reporter good morning, craig. This morning, the republican candidates are getting ready for the final push and final weekend before the caucuses. They wasted little time on pouncing on Hillary Clinton for the email issue. While a clinton spokesperson calls this overclassification, the republicans have different words for it. Like unacceptable. Thats from marco rubio, who argues this news should disqualify clinton from being commander in chief. Ted cruz says this is more and more serious. As the gop candidates take aim at clinton, they are trying to gain traction with caucus goers in the last 60 hours before the caucuses. Trump, for example, rolling out a new line of attack against ted cruz. Calling him a canadian anchor baby. Cruz is laughing it off getting ready for his rally tonight. The one he asked donald trump to debate him. Trump is at a Different Event this evening. On the campaign trail also, marco rubio, he is hoping for momentum. Hoping for a strong third place finish here after his debate performance earlier in the week. Craig. Hallie, thank you. A federal judge has denied bail for the main figures in the armed standoff in the wildlife refuge. The judge said ammon bundy and followers pose a danger to the community and argue that it was a peaceful operation. The judge would release those arrested only when the standoff ends. Four protesters still occupy the refuge. A new water warning in flint, michigan this morning. Tests show lead levels in samples are so high, filters are ineffective. Officials are not sure what caused the high levels. Residents are urged to make sure they test the water. Serena williams was hoping to make it a match for the history books facing Angelique Kerber in the australian open. Incredible volleys and saves were not enough. Kerber pulled off a stunning upset. The San Diego Chargers may have a deal to move north. The Football Team has agreed in principle to head to englewood, california to share a stadium with the los angeles rams. The chargers chairman says the team will stay put for at least this year while he tries to work out a new stadium deal with san diego. Dylan has a check of our saturday forecast for us. We are talking about the weather in california. That ties in nicely. Nice segue. A decent storm making its way onshore. We have a stream of moisture off the pacific. It extends 1,000 miles. All of that moisture is going to continue to make its way onshore. A lot of rain and mountain snow. We are going to see this storm intensify off the coast and produce wind gusts as high as 50 to 60 Miles Per Hour. We have several winter storm warnings and watches. Winter weather advisories across the rockies and in the sierra as well. Today, we will see the storm get organiz organized. On sunday, gusty winds in Southern California. Heavy snow in the sierra. We are going to see this eventually start to spread east into the rockies. On monday, especially in denver, we could see near blizzard conditions with the gusty winds reducing visibility down to less than. 25 of a mile at times. On tuesday, snow across nebraska and kansas and up into iowa. Strong storms ahead of the front. Especially through the midwest. As for rainfall totals, 2 to 3 inches of rain. We could see brief flooding. As for snow, denver could end up with 1 foot of snow. Especially through monday and the storm starts t a good saturday morning. Im meteorologist Michelle Grossman. A cold start and to the 40s later on this afternoon right around normal. Mixture of sun and clouds and milder on sunday. 53 degrees. Expect partly sunny skies. Monday clouds build in later. Some showers in the day on monday up to 58 degrees. Tuesday mostly sunny 52. Wednesday watching for the chance for a shower even a thunderstorm. 63. Could break a record. Back in the 40s for thursday and friday. Have a great day. And thats your latest forecast. Craig. Now, dylan. Now to a decades old case that has a lot of people talking thanks to the Netflix Series making a murderer. On friday, protesters gathered outside Stephen Averys prison, both for and against avery. This morning, his Attorney Says new evidence could help free him. Datelines Andrea Canning has more. Good morning, craig. The attorney met with Stephen Avery for about three hours and this case is moving forward. Everybody is wondering what happened to teresa halbach. For those who think Stephen Avery did not do it, it comes down to one attorney famous for wrongful convictions who said she is about to turn the case upside down. The case had people talking since it premiered on netflix last month and the talk got louder in the county where had happened. Manitowoc, wisconsin. We believe they had an unfair trial. Dna proved he was guilty the second time here. He should rot in jail. Dont let netflix tell you what to think reporter demonstrations here after Stephen Avery was wrongfully convicted in 1985. Released in prison and then convicted in 2007 of murdering a photographer. Stephen avery convicted. Reporter at trial, his attorneys claimed the Sheriffs Office planted evidence in an attempt to frame him. I know it is not true. I have confidence in the deputies. Reporter now avery has a new attorney. Kathleen zellner. She spoke to us outside the prison. Do you have evidence to free Stephen Avery . We do. Can you tell us anything about that . I can tell you generally since 2007, there have been significant advances in forensic testing and so clearly were going to the clearest way to do this is with scientific testing. Reporter she has been poring through boxes of evidence and determined to prove her client is innocent. It looks like there may be another chapter in this case yet. We are talking about a timing perspective of when we will see something happen in the case . I think within 30 days. Possibly less. His attorney mentioned the car. Stephen averys blood and dna were found in the victims car. So zellner bought one to understand what she is dealing with. She has alternate suspects in mind. She wont say who, but there are people on her radar. You have been following this case. What is the likelihood that Stephen Avery gets a new trial . The problem with the question is we dont know yet what the new evidence is she is talking about. As soon as we find out how big it is and credible it is, that determines if he gets a new trial. We are waiting for that. Hopefully in the next month we will see another break in the case. There appears to be another chapter left in the story. Andrea, thank you again. Erica. Craig, thanks. A precarious situation in california shows no signs of improvement. Homes on the edge of a cliff because of the storms battering the cliff. As steve malkoff reports, he says there are some that dont plan to leave anytime soon. Reporter just 15 minutes from san francisco. A dangerous situation in california. Coastal erosion. Reporter these 1960s era apartments in pacifica, california sit on one of those hillsides. Dont step out. Reporter resident bart willowby shows us how the repeated storms have been bringing these homes closer to the disaster. You can see how brown that water is. Thats sand in the water. Reporter that Pacific Ocean water, warmer than usual, has accelerated the problem that has been brewing for years. If this el nino is as bad as it is predicted to be, will we see more apartments evacuated . Sure. The one next door will be evacuated. We are going to the back of 310 esplanade. 20 people still live here. Reporter the city has evacuated this building and this building. And just days ago, they declared this building unsafe as well. Now all 20 lowincome residents must find some other place to live. People like jeff bowman. Nobody will be here for ever. Everybody is realizing that. Reporter these apartments are teetering 75 feet above the crashing surf below. This is a normal day. During an el ninofueled storm, those waves could be double that size. I dont think it is necessarily all that safe. Reporter bart took these photos less than a month apart. It is easy to see how much sand is now gone from the ridge. Each storm claims another chunk of the west coast. My friends dog went over the side on new years eve. Part of the bluff fell. Reporter you can see how easily this land crumbles apart. So far, that dog is the only fatality here on the rocks below thats shaky ground above. For today, dave malkoff, in pacifica, california. Coming up, our weeks Biggest Health stories and why exercising around the clock doesnt mean you will burn more calories than if you too grilled chicken and bushs baked beans. Mom totally forgot to give us vegetables. I know. Its awesome. Booyah. Blow it up. Bushs baked beans. Slow cooked according to our secret family recipe with a hint of sweetness. Theyre the vegetable kids love. Theyre totally eating their vegetables. Booyah. Blow it up. Whaaat . Bushs baked beans. The veggie kids love. Try our newest flavor, asian bbq. Available for a limited time only. Jewelry designer,premiere neil lane, creates a ring for todays biggest stars. He designs it to look fabulous from every angle. And for his collection at kay jewelers. He does the exact. Same. Thing. Yes neil lane bridal. Uniquely beautiful handcrafted rings at kay, the number one Jewelry Store in america. My collection is vintage inspired. With flowing lines that evoke a sense of timelessness. Because i want every woman to feel like a star. Every kiss begins with kay. First i wash. Then i apply it to my wet skin. It moisturizes with no sticky feel. I quickly rinse off. And im ready to go. Nivea inshower body lotion in the body lotion aisle. This morning in todays health, there are questions around the zika virus. We have dr. Natalie azar with us here. She will walk us through the medical stories this week. Hello. Lets start with the zika virus. We have a question of what stage of gestation is exposure . The first trimester is the most vulnerable. That is when the Central Nervous system is forming. That can be the most critical. That doesnt rule out a problem could occur later on in pregnancy if you are exposed. The next question coming to us from maven. We answered it in the 7 00. If infected, how long does the woman need to wait to get pregnant. Then could an infected mans sperm pose a risk . This goes back if this is transmitted sexually. Ill answer the second question first. There are some reports that the virus can be detected in saliva and semen. Those concerns are going to create the concern about sexual transmission. The main mode of transmission is the mosquito bites. Issue of how long you have to wait, i want to make clear, we dont know everything about the virus. We are learning more about the virus and mosquito that carries it. We believe it stays in your system up to a week. If you are planning on becoming pregnant, wait a couple weeks before exposure. Moving on. We have been talking about the water crisis in flint. We keep talking about lead. A lot of americans live in homes built before the 70s with lead pipes and paint. What are the true effects of lead poisoning . A concern for children under the age of 6 as well as fetus in the womb having exposure. Again, because the main side effect or issue can be Cognitive Impairment in young children. The stages of early development. And how you test people to determi determine exposure to lead. It can be done with a finger prick, you can get a positive test. You can speak to your doctor about getting your child tested for lead exposure or yourself. Speak to your health department. You want to renovate carefully. That is the main concern. The lead found in the paint chips. And the next headline had us thinking about the new years resolutions. Working out and working out harder and more. More exercise doesnt burn more calories . I dont get it. Intuitively it doesnt make a lot of sense. There is more research out over what you eat than energy you spend to maintain or lose weight. If you are a very active person and exercise regularly, if you spend an extra hour at the gym, you are probably not burning anymore calories than you normally do in the day. The main difference comes in someone sedentary. People who dont exercise at all, for them, walking and taking the stairs is actually going to make a difference. The idea is biologically, we have a certain amount of energy we expend every day. It doesnt vary when your level is doing cognizant. Does that mean i can have a glass of wine instead . Yeah, no. Dont interpret it that way. Natalie, thank you. Still ahead, a look at the highly anticipated series, the people versus o. J. Simpson and why the doctor who first discovered the cte in Football Players says simpson is suffering from it as well. But first this is today on nbc. Ive been a turkey farmer my whole life. And i raise turkey for shady brook farms®. We dont use growthpromoting antibiotics, thats just the way things should be done. Thats important to me. My name is glenn, and im an independent turkey farmer. female announcer shady brook farms®. No growthpromoting antibiotics, just honest, simple turkey. Still ahead on a saturday morning, one of the most intense and exciting new sports around. We will take you inside the fast paced world of drone racing. And who is up for a little bowling . Dylan dreyer is. She has her own bowl. I do. What color . Probably purple. Its teal. Fortifying the gravitydefying. Adventurecollecting. Friendconnector. Fortifying the goingplaces. Offtotheraces. Dayseizing. You. Youre strong. And were here to help you stay that way. New special k nourish. Multigrain flakes with quinoa, apples, almonds and raspberries. New special k nourish. Fortify. Two words it heals. E different . How . With heat. 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I mean, who pees a little when they laugh . Get 3 in 1 protection for dryness, comfort, and odor control. And unlike period pads, poise thin shape pads have thin flex technology. Poise makes my life easier. Seize your poise moment at poise. Com. Poise makes my life easier. Mid90s showstopper. Youre right. Its time to set this bird free. Hot blooded, check it and see. Got a fever of 103. Feelin hungry . How bout a donut . Im hot blooded. Im hot blooded whether its 30years old or 30days old, carmax will appraise it in as little as 30 minutes. And then your only concern will be how to spend the cash. Rad. Its 8 25 on this saturday. Good morning. Im con. Lets get a check of our weather from our meteorologist, Michelle Grossman. Its a cold one this morning. Temperatures still in the 20s. At least we have and see sunshine throughout the afternoon with clouds mixing in. This afternoon up to 43 trees. Great day to be in the mountains. Lots of snow there. Cold this morning, 20 in mount pocono, 18 in allentown, 28 degrees in philadelphia and 26 in atlantic city. By this afternoon 42 and then look at that jump on sunday up to 53 degrees. Partly sunny skies. Close to 60 on monday may see a shower late in the day. 52 on tuesday and then into the 60s on wednesday. That could be a record breaker. Thunderstorms later. Brings in the colder air for thursday and 41 on friday. In delaware a man is on the run after police say hes their person of interest in a murder investigation. Investigators are looking for Gregory Parker of new castle. Parker is wanted in connection with the death of sean spence. Police were called to a home in the Mallard Point community thursday night. There they found spence dead with significant physical injuries. Parker lived at the home here with his fwoifr. Police say the two men knew each other. Philadelphia auto show opens at 9 00 this morning, just about a half an hour from now for a nine day run at the Pennsylvania Convention center. The show features hundreds of vehicles from classics to from types. This familiar fiat was the Star Attraction at last nights auto show black tie tailgate and auction. Pope francis road it in during his visit. Michael chapman won the car with a bid of 82,000. Runners get ready. Monday you can begin registering for the lottery for the blue cross broad street run. Registration is starting monday through february. You have an equal chance no matter you sign up. If youre not running you can watch the race live on may 1st right here on nbc 10. Im rosemary connors. Well you right back here at 9 00. So, what moves me . Its the journey. The feeling of doing. Its making choices for a healthier me, a healthier us. Im on my path and i love it. The path to a healthier you starts with natures path pumpkin flax granola. Crunchy clusters of delicious organic oats, flax and pumpkin seeds, with all the goodness to nourish you and your family. Natures path granola. Enjoy your path. Were back on this saturday morning, january 30th, 2016. Happy to be out on the plaza. This is a fantastic crowd. My sisterinlaw and niece. Where is your sisterinlaw . Over there. Dylans family. They picked a great weekend to see us. Folks warmed um in the big apple. Still to come in this half hour, a new competition that is sure to get hearts racing. Inside the world of drone racing. Then on a different level of energy, ill introduce you to a group of women who want to change the way people think of bowling. They might even let me get in on the action. I dont know if that is a bright idea. It makes for an interesting afternoon. You look like you are serious. Im competitive. We know. Later, a savory breakfast dish. Ill hit the kitchen and make a breakfast. A hardy eggstrata. We begin with news from the nfl that diagnosed concussions rose more than 30 last year. That is up from 206 the year before. The doctor who discovered cte says he believes o. J. Simpson suffers from the disease. That comes as the mini series is about to begin called the people versus o. J. Simpson. We have steve with more for us. Reporter good morning, erica. This is an emotional journey for a nation still captivated by the trial of the century. A lot has changed and those closest to what happened are speaking out as were all about to get a new take on an old drama. Orenthal james simpson. Reporter more than two decades, the drama that unfolded on Live Television is back in the spotlight for a new generation. An fx mini series is promising to recreate history and tell the behind the scenes of the trial and verdict. During the trial, simpson was a chronic spousal abuser capable of murder. But now a new twist. Dr. Amalu, recently portrayed by will smith in concussion says he suspects that he has chronic traumatic encephalphy. Our experience says somebody who plays football for 10 to 20 years, plus has severe personality changes mid life, including violence and impulse control, we diagnose them with cte. It is reasonable to think simpson has been suffering for a while. Reporter for many, that is not the excuse. Ron goldmans family telling dr. Phil they feel the series takes attention away from the victims adding the filmmakers never contacted them. We have a whole new generation who never saw this take place and is now going to see this series and assume that everything in this series is fact. Thats very troubling to me. Reporter the filmmakers did contact kris jenner. She recently opened up to people magazine. With all of the attention, kris hopes that people remember at the heart of all this was the loss of two lives of ron goldman and nicole brown simpson. Reporter o. J. Simpson is currently being held behind bars in nevada serving time on unrelated charges. You can hear more from the families of the victims on the upcoming episode of dr. Phil. Meanwhile, the fx mini series begins on tuesday night. Steve paterson in los angeles for us. Thank you. I cant believe it has been that long. Dylan dreyer, we have the final check of the forecast. We have people behind us here. Welcome. Welcome. We apologize for the weather. Its not that bad. Compared to charleston . Yeah. It is going to be colder than charleston. We are looking at the chance of some snow the day after the Iowa Caucuses. For everyone there, it may be challenging getting out of town. On monday, it looks cloudy, temperatures not too bad in the mid30s. Then the big storm moves in monday night into tuesday. Rain and snow likely. The northern part of iowa with snow. Southern iowa will get a wintry mix. An area of low pressure in the rockies to produce snow. A bigger storm system will make its way onshore. Especially in Southern California tomorrow. We could see wind gusts up near 50 to 60 Miles Per Hour. We are looking at heavy rain and some mountain snow. That will turn into a bigger storm for the denver area, especially on monday. We could see as much as 1 foot of snow. That is the storm that is moving east into iowa by the time we a good saturday morning. Im meteorologist Michelle Grossman. A cold start and into the 40s later on this afternoon right around normal. Mixture of sun and clouds and milder on sunday. 53 degrees. Expect partly sunny skies. Monday clouds build in later. Some showers in the day on monday up to 58 degrees. Tuesday mostly sunny 52. Wednesday watching for the chance for a shower even a thunderstorm. 63. Could break a record. Back in the 40s for thursday and friday. Have a great day. And thats your latest forecast. Dylan, thank you. Still to come, rolling with the pros. Dylans not done. She has tips for us from the she has tips for us from the bowling professionals. The citi double cash® card comes in very handy with cash back twice on purchases. Earn once when you buy, and again as you pay. Thats cash back now, and cash back again later. Its cash back deja vu. The citi double cash card. The only card that lets you earn cash back twice on every purchase with 1 when you buy and 1 as you pay. With two ways to earn, it makes a lot of other cards seem one sided. Whats that, broheim . I switched to geico and got more. More savings on Car Insurance . Yeah brofessor, and more. Like renters insurance. More ways to save. Nice, brotato chip. Thats not all, brotein shake. Geico has motorcycle and rv insurance, too. Oh, thats a lot more. Oh yeah, im all about more, teddy brosevelt. Geico. Expect great savings and a whole lot more. Adventures from 599, plus up to 300 to spend at sea. Come seek the royal caribbean. Book now, offer ends soon. Moms knowafter brushing, mouths often need a helping hand. Listerine® total care helps prevent cavities, strengthens teeth and restores tooth enamel. Its an easy way to give listerine® total care to the total family. Listerine® total care. One bottle, six benefits. Power to your mouth™. And for kids starting at age six, listerine® smart rinse delivers extra cavity protection after brushing. So when you think of bowling, you dont think of glitz or glamor. There is a group of women proving that the sport is not just for the girls. Our girl dylan went to meet these ladies. My bowling ball is in storage. I not get to use it. They let me play. They are the best female bowlers in the world. They are changing the idea of what it means to be a professional bowler. Lets face it. Bowling might be the Rodney Dangerfield of sport. No respect. You know the cliches. Smokefilled alleys and kids birthday parties. Hardly the stuff of professional sports. But a new generation of women is challenging these stereotypes. I can make a living doing this professionally. I think younger girls are starting to see that. Kelly kulic became the first women ever to win a National Title on the male dominated pro tour. She became the only bowler to grace the cover of espns cover. She works out five days a week. The perception of were not athletes, bowl ten games in one day. See how your hand holds up over ten games and do that over a month. See how your body feels. Know what it is like to coordinate a 15pound ball and shoot multiple spares in different angles. It is demanding and frustrating. I quickly learned how frustrating it can be when kelly offered to watch me bowl. At first, i wasnt that nervous. I did own my own bowling ball and shoes at one point in my life. I couldnt be that rusty. Right . Oh, no. Think about the ball swing from the shoulder. Like you are pitching a ball under hand. And right down the middle. Then success. Application for the membership on the professional tour. Ill get you one before the days over. Why doesnt bowling have the same cache . It is the size of the facilities. Now it is working on image. Cute outfits and scented bowling balls. This smells delicious. I have never smelled a bowling before. It is an extra detail that catches people offguard. It is really heavy. The next goal for kelly and her team, the olympics. Currently, bowling is on the short list to be in the 2020 olympics in tokyo. A chance for bowling to get the respect it deserves. I think it is exciting seeing a crop of women come into something you just feel like is an older mens sport. You guys are coming in and kicking butt. I truly think this is the beginning of something super special for all the youth bowlers coming up in the ranks. My hope is that this is the future for womens bowling and it takes off. Can she do it . So they use 15pound bowling balls and travel with about ten bowling balls. That is crazy. I said why do you need them . They said different lane conditions and environments. There is so much that goes into it that you just dont think of when you bowl a round or two at a party or have a beer. You look like you still got it. You do, dylan dreyer. Time to get the ball out of storage. Mines an eightpound ball. Thats why i have my own. The eightpound ball is designed for kids. My thumb didnt fit in the hole. I had to get my own bowling ball. Freakishy large thumbs. No. Coming up, inside the drone racing. The competition that has everyone looking up. But first this is today on nbc. So, what moves me . Its the journey. The feeling of doing. Its making choices for a healthier me, a healthier us. Im on my path and i love it. The path to a healthier you starts with natures path pumpkin flax granola. Crunchy clusters of delicious organic oats, flax and pumpkin seeds, with all the goodness to nourish you and your family. Natures path granola. Enjoy your path. Back on this saturday with a fierce new competition that has only a few players and fewer fans. Thats probably not the case for long. It started with the growing popularity of drones. Now the sport has pilots facing off against one another. We have nbcs kerry sander was us this morning. There is nascar and formula 1 and indycar. Why not drone racing . You can put goggles on and see like the drone. We tethered this here. They can go erratic. Nonetheless, they are interesting, but also noisy. High energy, low altitude. At more than 500 each, these drones are not toys. Topping out at speeds of 100 miles an hour. Pilots strap on goggles, guarding their aircraft in realtime. Seeing the world like a superhero. When i talk to our best pilots, they talk about the first time they flew a drone, they felt like superman. Reporter like overcaffeinated fireflys. They zip through gates and out the same tunnel Football Players use to enter the stadium. And up the stairwells where fans walk to the seats and back into the stadium. The first drone across the finish line showered in fireworks. Its the speed and control. You are just trying to go as fast as you can without crashing. Reporter like car racing, those crashes can be spectacular. Two of the guys just crashed on takeoff. It was so good. Reporter investors say few thought video games would one day become a spectator sport worth tens of millions of dollars. Now they believe drone racing could turn out to be a hugely popular spectator sport as well. As this gets underway, fans watch from a home computer. Eventually they may also strap on goggles and fly. Like superman. Right along with their favorite pilots. Some of the 8 million seed money backing this new sport, investments from steven ross, owner of the Miami Dolphins and dolphins vice chairman, matt higgins. I see celebrity athletes and have huge followings. And, of course, some of the pilots are already dreaming some day they may be the next Mario Andretti of drone racing. We have a mario here. That is tethered. I wish they would untether it. Im the blue one. There you go. I dont want to break it. It is giving me beyonce hair. That is fantastic. The guys over there are not too happy. Kerry, dylan asked you during our break if you have a drone. Actually somebody did give me one about this big. I started it up and flew it into the wall and broke into pieces. Always nice to see you, especially in person. I think they turned me off. Smart move. We have tried that in the past. It doesnt work. Warming up on a cold winter morning. When a delicious breakfast casserole is in most people know the four cs of a diamond. Now, kay jewelers brings you. The newest c chocolate. Levian chocolate diamonds. Only levian, masters of jewelry design for centuries. Makes jewelry with rare chocolate diamonds. Save up to 20 on select levian styles, with Dazzling Designs that shes sure to love. At kay, the numberone Jewelry Store. In america. Levian chocolate diamonds. For the sweetest thing in your life. Every kiss begins with kay. That trop50 could taste so good and still have 50 fewer calories. Can i stop, jane . No. Trop50. Tastes so good you wont believe it has 50 fewer calories. I accept i do a shorter i set these days. 22. I even accept i have a higher risk of stroke due to afib, a type of irregular heartbeat, not caused by a heart valve problem. But i wont play anything less than my best. So if theres Something Better than warfarin, im going for it. Eliquis. Eliquis reduced the risk of stroke better than warfarin, plus it had significantly less major bleeding than warfarin. Eliquis had both. Thats what i wanted to hear. Dont stop taking eliquis unless your doctor tells you to, as stopping increases your risk of having a stroke. Eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. Dont take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. While taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily. And it may take longer than usual for any bleeding to stop. Seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. Eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. Tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. I accept i dont play. Quite like i used to. But im still bringing my best. And going for eliquis. Reduced risk of stroke plus less major bleeding. Ask your doctor. If switching. To eliquis is right for you. Always set a place at the dinner table for good manners. Stay seated, napkin on your lap and elbows at your sides. And remember, mealtime is for nourishment, nothing more. Let the music play, he wont get away just keep the groove, and then hell come back to you again let it play let the music play this morning in todays food we are cooking up a breakfast casserole that is hardy for anyone. We have Michael Seymour with us. Good morning. What is this called . A charred broccoli eggstrata. Casserole. Simple. Delicious. We do a charred broccoli taco. It is delish. You have eggs, oil and milk. Lets get into it. Lets do it. Three heads of broccoli cut into florets. Olive oil. You want to season here with salt. All right. You want to be generous with the salt. Why do you char it . When you char broccoli, it caramelizes it. You want to toss this with the olive oil and salt. Get your chef skills in there. All right. Awesome. You want to basically do that. Put it on a roasting pan at 450 for ten minutes. What if you dont want broccoli . Cauliflower. We can put this back here. You basically get this on the roasting pan and put it in the oven for ten minutes. This is a baguette. We have eight eggs in here. We start whisking this. You want to take mustard, dijon. A tablespoon. Drop it in there. All righty. We start whisking. A little tip so we know. Nice fun tip to have forever. When you whisk, it can be tough if you dont set it up with a wet towel. You drop it in the middle and you dont need any hands. My wife, not a fan of eggs. Can you use egg whites . You can use egg whites, absolutely. Double up. If you have eight eggs, 16 egg whites. We are whisking this. We will incorporate our milk slowly. Nice and whisked in there. Okay. All right. Then how long do we let the bread soak in the egg mixture . You can do this on the fly. You could do this day of if you like to. I like to do it the day before. I take my bread in here and it looks like this. You cover it up. Throw it in the fridge overnight. Day of, you are ready to rock. What do you add . This is where the fun comes in. The cooked onions and garlic. We have our sauted mushrooms. We have cheese here. Parmesan cheese. We are going to take our charred broccoli. We will add this in here. You can do it with your hand or you can use a rubber spat. We will reserve a bit for the top of the dish. They can smell food a mile away. Were here to help. You will get it all nice and incorporated here. All right . It is healthy. We throw it in. It is. And it looks like this. And how long do we cook it . You want to stick it in the oven for about 45 minutes at 325. That looks good. You can throw that right in there. Get it nice and mixed. All right. Beautiful. Thank you so much. If you want this recipe, head to today. Com. Good morning. Im rosemary connors. Just ahead on nbc 10 news today a local car dealer is rolling like pope francis after winning the pontiffs car at a famous auction. Were live at the philadelphia auto show as the doors open in just a few moments. Temperatures in the 20s. By this afternoon normal temperatures and warm it up during the work week. Your forecast is coming. This morning theres a warning about rabid wildlife after two attacks including this one that left a little boy wound in the hospital. Where it happened and what you should be on the look out. The attorney for the man at the center of the documentary making a murderer speaks out claiming theres new evidence that could clear her client steven avery. Those showers and much more coming up on news 10 today at 9 00. Having lots of devices in your home can really slow your internet down. Way down. So keep things moving with 100 fiber optic fios by verizon. With fios, you get the big capacity all your devices thrive on. Its the Fastest Internet and wifi available, with speeds from 50 to 500 megs now for just 69. 99 a month online, get our superfast 100 meg fios internet, tv and phone for your first year, with no annual contract. Thats right 100 meg speed internet. So switch to better, with our best offer ever. From the Internet Provider ranked highest in Customer Satisfaction by j. D. Power. So, what are you waiting for . Switching to fios is easy and hasslefree. Dont miss out on our best offer ever. Go online or call now. Switch to better. Switch to fios. The philadelphia auto show is just Opening Doors to public featuring some of fastest and hottest wheels onto road. Were already inside to give you a sneak peek in a live report. A brawl breaks out on a septa bus sending one passenger to the hospital with stab wounds. Well explain why the fight unfolded and police are doing about it. Countdown to the caucuses. Were just a away from iowas big moment in the big race for the white house. What last minute attacks could sway voters before the candidates first true test of the president ial campaign. Good morning this is nbc 10 news today, im rosemary connors. Its just before 9 00 on this saturday. Meteorologist Michelle Grossman is tracking a cold but calm start to our weekend and michelle what a difference a week makes. Oh, my gosh this time week we were tracking the blizzard, snow, howling winds. Today nice and quiet. Were looking at sunshine. Temperatures still in the 20s. Live look outside the wind has calmed down. Had a little breeze this morning. 29 degrees in philadelphia. 22 in rig 2 in mount pocono rig. You factor in that light wind and were looking at a wind chill still of teens in mount pocono, 13. 18 is what it feels like in lancaster. Dress for these temperatures. Now planning the rest of your day by 11 00, 36. Mostly sunny skies by 3 00. Sun and clouds by 2 00. Temperatures will dip back down tonight into the 30s. Below freezing tonight

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