Transcripts For WCAU Sunday Today With Willie Geist 20170709

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Republican nomination. Much more in a moment with chuck todd and katie tur. And a sunday sit down with one of the worlds most interesting minds, malcolm gladwell. And now the host of the number one podcast on itunes. He is the master of what some call pop science. It is pop science. I answer the criticism saying it is not a criticism, its true. It is a point, right . A fascinating sunday sit down with malcolm gladwell. And the new photograph that may answer one of the great mysteries of the last century. What happened to Amelia Earhart. Lets begin with the story breaking overnight about the Trump Campaign and rushz and a meeting only now coming to light. Kelly odonnell live at the white house where the president is already tweeting this morning. Kelly, good morning. Reporter good morning. The president woke up back here at the white house after a suspenseful, consequential trip to poland and the g20. Now only a couple days since his meeting with Vladimir Putin and a new link surfaced between the president s name same and a russian lawyer. Back in the u. S. President trump can unpack a new, more personal connection to Vladimir Putin after their face to face in germany. But another russia connection is hitting close to home. New york times reports the president s eldest son, done junior, held a meeting at trump tower with a russian lawyer with ties to the kremlin back in june, 2016. Soninlaw Jared Kushner was also there along with then Campaign Chairman paul manafort. The meeting had not been known publicly. Trump junior said in a statement he asked jared and paul to stop by for what the president s son called a short, introductory meeting. We primarily discussed a program about the adoption of russian children which was ended by the russian government. The president s son added Adoption Program was not a Campaign Issue and there was no followup. A lawyer for kushner tells nbc news he previously updated his security clearance filing to list contacts with foreign officials, including this meeting with a russian person, which he briefly attended at the request of his brotherinlaw. It is an honor to be with you. Reporter aides say the president pressed putin about his alleged role directing Cyber Attacks on the u. S. Election for about 40 minutes during their thursday sit down, telling reporters on air force one. I think President Trump handled it brilliantly. Reporter he skipped the chance to explain himself. Rex and i had a tremendous meeting yesterday with president putin. Reporter while Vladimir Putin who denies any wrongdoing suggested. Translator i think he was satisfied with my answers. Reporter this is so much on the president s mind, he is already tweeting about it in a series of messages this morning. He writes i strongly pressed president putd twice about meddling in our election. He vehemently denied it. Ive already given my opinion. We negotiated a ceasefire in parts of syria which will save lives. Now it is time to move on. Couple pieces of information that are new. He said he pressed him twice. Something we hadnt heard before. They talked about the issue 40 minutes during a 2 hour, 16 minute face to face. Kelly odonnell starting us at the white house. Thanks. Chuck todd, monitor of meet the press, katy tur kofrd candidate trump, now an anchor at msnbc, author of a book about time covering the Trump Campaign called unbelievable. Out in september, available for preorder now. Good morning. Let me start with you in d. C. , playing off tweets from the president. Basically backing up tillersons accounted saying trump went in, first thing he talked about, pressed putin whether or not there was meddling, said, quote, did you do this. It was described by tillerson camp as a heated exchange. Thats one description of the meeting. The other side from Russian Foreign minister Sergei Lavrov that came out and President Trump accepted our position we didnt do anything and in fact kplan complained his opponents were exaggerating the issue. What are we to believe without confirmation of either . President trumps tweet says it all. Ive already given my opinion. We know the opinion he gave 24 hours before meeting Vladimir Putin while in poland when he said could have been russia, could have been somebody else. Then questioning the intelligence community, bringing up the no wmds in iraq controversy. I think we know his stance and he just made it clear, ive already given my opinion. He didnt restate it. We know what his opinion is. The question is how many republicans are comfortable with the idea to move forward. That was tillersons message, now trumps message. Can you just move forward with russia without doing a severe punishment over what they did in 2016. The Trump Administration would like to. The question is will the rest of the Republican Party go along with it. Katie, theres no moving forward with two congressional investigations and bob mueller special counsel looking at it. The tweet from President Trump, ive already given my opinion. What exactly is his opinion . At times he says it was russia, maybe it was china, we dont really know who it was. Who does he believe did this . I think his opinion is just that, he doesnt want to accept the information he is being given, which is that putin or d ordered a hack on our electoral system. He was given a chance as chuck said 24 hours earlier by our own hallie jackson, can you say did i fintively russia interfered in the election, he refused, could be china, anybody, nobody knows. Thats where this president stands. It is notable that he will not publicly doubt Vladimir Putin, but he will publicly doubt the assessment of our intelligence community. Thats something that we have not seen in american politics before, certainly not when the president is standing on foreign soil. With the polish president , bringing up failure of wmd, recalling that for the world. Chuck, this new report kelly referenced on front page New York Times about donald trump junior and Jared Kushner, after he clinched the republican nomination with attorneys with ties to the kremlin. The first rech ladies and gentlemen of a private meeting we didnt know about. Whats the significance . It could very much be what he said it was. This happens on president ial kpans, intermediary says you have to meet with so and so. It is possible it is all innocent. The problem is theres a habit or pattern of Trump Administration officials going oh, yeah, i forgot about this meeting with a russian. Oh, yeah. This all came about because of refiled reports, refiled forms, ethics forms that Jared Kushner and others have said about this meeting. Now, im also fascinated by two different responses we got from first donald trump junior giving a bland explanation for it, he was just meeting on a specific issue having to do with russian adoptions. Later, the president s legal team comes out with a more conspiratorial statement that somehow connects it to the people that put together the steel dossier and all that. I am saying why do you have two different explanations and that makes the initial report more damning because of the way they responded. Even one white house source said it may have been a setup, could have been the russians, could have been the democrats creating a cloud of suspicion. Thats how they do things, they dont have a united front, havent presented that. Theyre so inexperienced in the political realm and partially because they feel theyre constantly playing defense. So they have one set of lawyers coming up with a new plan on the fly and done junior saying one inning and the president will come out and say a third, everybody will have to scramble and figure out what the actual explanation is. We have seen it time and time again, most notably when it came to firing of the fbi director james comey. We got a number of different accounts, one that completely contradicted from donald trump what his press aides were saying to the press and the Vice President was saying to the press 24 hours before. This is partially because a lot of them are not very experienced in politics, partially because as chuck said it could have been that don junior and folks didnt know what the protocol was, who could be coming to knock on their door, say hey, lets have a meeting. It is naivety. Health care on the plate in front of them. Katie, chuck, thank you. Chuck is joined exclusively by former cia director john brennan and republican senator lindsey graham. Catch katy on msnbc live at 2 00 p. M. Eastern. Shes sticking around for highs and lows of the weeks. Lets look at other headlines. Firefighters out west having extremely difficult time getting the upper hand on several raging wildfires. Extreme heat covers vast swathes of the region. Steve patterson is in Santa Barbara county with more. Good morning. Reporter willie, good morning from an area the ash is falling so thick that it appears like snow. One of the Biggest Challenges battling the latest fire is resources. Firefighters are spread between 15 major fires across the state of california. This latest fire broke out while crews were already battling one of the largest, less than 30 miles away. Now some of the same crews are in a race against time against flames that are very aggressive. Wildfire tearing through the hill side. The raging Whittier Fire bursting overnight. Flames so far scorching brush, burning trees, setting a highway ablaze. Crews struggling to keep up. A big fire, very unpredictable with weather conditions, heat, wind. Reporter on saturday, the fire threatened 80 campers that couldnt immediately flee a nearby ranch. Fortunately, firefighters got everyone to safety before the campground was torched. Kind of lucky. All we have is camping stuff. Reporter fueled by scorching temperatures burning across 11 states. North of Whittier Fire, 200 homes vaukted when the alamo fire doubled in size. Im really scared. Theres a good chance our house is going to go. Reporter low humidity, strong winds, high temperatures fueling a blanket of flames along the countryside. There goes the shed. Reporter in northern california, at least ten structures were destroyed by the fast moving wall fire. Seeing a fully engulfed home at this time. Reporter in all, more than 3,000 firefighters battling blazes in california alone. In british columbia, canada, close to 170 fires are burning across the province, forcing nearly 7,000 evacuations. And heat is powering it all. Seering record breaking temperatures in southern californias third heat wave this year, 122 in palm springs, 103 in rancho kuk plurng a. Fast moving flames fueled by heat with no sign of slowing down. All of this while another fire broke out, this time in Los Angeles Alta power plant, severing power to 140,000 customers in the middle of the dangerous heat wave. Crews have made some progress in restoring power to some customers, but it is one more problem that crews have to deal with in the middle of the skyrocketing temperatures. Willie . Hope they get relief from the weather at least. Thank you. Overseas, a ceasefire in southern syria is in effect as we mentioned a moment ago. President trump tweeted about the ceasefire which was one of the items to come out of the meeting with russian president Vladimir Putin. There have been several ceasefires through the six year war, none loosed long. Actor nelsan ellis, best known for playing in true blood died. Tributes pouring in on social media. Manager says he died of heart complications. He was just 39 years old. And heres a story makes me wish i practiced more when i played high school basketball. James harden resigned with the Houston Rockets in a record deal, four year extension worth an estimated 169 million. That averages out to more than 42 million a year. Added to his current contract, he will earn 228 million over six years. In the final year, he will make more than 570,000 per game. Good morning. Im krystal klei. A nice forecast for our sunday. Temperatures around the low to mid 80s. 86 in center city and 84 in lansdale. Allentown, a high of 83. Sunny conditions throughout, and heres the best news. Low humidity today. 85 for the forecast high in trenton. Atlantic city at 81 this afternoon. Smyrna. 85. And Rehoboth Beach at 81. Enjoy this nice sunday. Rain returns to the forecast on monday. Straight ahead, highs and lows of the week, including Vice President pence getting hands dleem y of some nasa equipment. And the kite border that glot a surprise lift from a giant humpback whale. Under the influence of the influencers. Why some of your favorite social media personalities could be selling you a product without you knowing it. All coming up on sunday today. As we head to break, photo of the week. Fireworks lighting up the night sky over washington, d. C. On the be a powerful force. Nature valley be the you who doesnt cover your moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. Be the you who shows up in that dress. Who hugs a friend. Who is done with treatments that dont give you clearer skin. Be the you who controls your psoriasis with stelara® just 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses. Stelara® may lower your ability to fight infections and may increase your risk of infections and cancer. Some serious infections require hospitalization. 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Did you want to come in, maybe snoop around a bit . Thats why im here. Wouldnt it be great if everyone said what they meant . Ooh, i smell onions the citi® double cash card does. Only citi lets you earn 1 cash back when you buy, and 1 as you pay. The citi double cash card. Double means double. Did any bag of dog or buy cat food at petsmart we give a meal to a pet in need . Help us reach our goal of donating more than 60 million meals so hungry pets across the country get to eat. Buy any bag, we give a meal to a pet in need. Petsmart for the love of pets. Look who is here doing the highs and lows of the week. Katy tur. The first high goes to Vice President mike pence and sneaky impressive twitter game this week. Thursday, the Vice President visited Kennedy Space center in florida along with the states junior senator marco rubio. One photograph from their day caught fire online. Look closely, shows pence touching something labeled critical space hardware with giant printed warning do not touch. Social media had a few things to say about that image. The Vice President seemed to enjoy it, tweeting sorry, nasa, marco rubio dared me to do it. Senator marco rubio tweeted back, in fairness, i warned the Vice President you break it, you own it. Damn the man. Damn the man, right . With President Trump away at the g20, the Vice President had free time. He got on photo shop and went in for another round, tweeting okay, so this isnt exactly the first time this has happened. Nasa put out a statement saying the equipment was due to be cleaned and it was fine for the Vice President to touch it, the Space Program was not compromised. Sense of humor from Vice President pence. Didnt see that coming. Didnt see that coming. Love the hand below the warning. How do you do that . How do you put your hand on it . I think it was a troll test. See if they jump on this and he got the better with it with the porcupine at the end. The midland rock hounds, Minor League Affiliate of oakland as turn an infield pop up to triple. He pops one up, the infield converges around it, drops the ball. Heads up, he is hustling all the way. Sees the third baseman was drawn from the bag. Gets all wait to third. Technically error on the first base man. Were going to call this maybe the first ever infield triple. First thing they teach you playing Little League baseball, sprint out of the box, never know what will happen. You teach fielders to call it. I got it, i got it, i got it. That is every Little Leaguers dream. Every batters dream that someone will make that mistake. Sometimes a guy lays down with a bunt and gets a triple. Never know what happens. Next high to the favorite flower girl of Summer Wedding season. Thats the lovely 92yearold georgia ian a, dropping flower pedals walking down the aisle at the granddaughter of her wedding. She insisted she be a central part of the day. The walk in music, by ed sheer and. The flower girl who lost her husband a year ago said she was thrilled to be in the ceremony. Getting married sometime in the future. I am. Nice touch. I dont have any grandparents left though. Im sorry. Youre going to make me cry. Ill go down. I would be a good flower girl. And that momentary feeling your kite boarding and realize the wind isnt lifting you, it is a giant humpback whale. He is boarding in San Francisco, look at the shot. He is cruising along, lifted in the air, propelled upward by thrust of a humpback whale. He keeps it together, sticks the landing off the whales back with look of disbelief on his face. There have been a number of humpback sightings around San Francisco the last few weeks. Now that it is over, you can say thats the coolest thing. I dont know if thats terrifying or thrilling. Terrifying in the moment, now that youre watching on video, pretty cool. Do you think the humpback whale knew what he was doing . He knew he would go viral. I have to get on sunday today. Mission accomplished. Katy, thanks so much. I am a good flower tosser. I think youll be great. Good to see you. Up next, a sunday sit down with malcolm gladwell, why his life changing book the Tipping Point with 5 million copies sold is his least favorite. And his super hot take on mcdonalds french fries. And the photograph that may show what happened to Amelia Earhart, was she alive longer yo pomeranian scoots. Yopomestachits. Oh triscuit topped with yogurt, pomegranate and pistachios. Yopomestachioscuit. Well that rolls off the tongue. Hard to say, easy to make. Triscuit. Make scuit happen. And in this swe see. Veryday act, when we give, we receive. Joe torsella. Our state treasury is proud to launch the pa able program, a savings plan for people with disabilities, including erin. Open a pa able account today by visiting our website at paable. Gov. Good morning. Im rosemary connors. Just a few minutes before 8 30 on this sunday and we have a Beautiful Day in store meteorologist krystal klei is tracking the pleasant conditions outside. Yeah, this is a great forecast ahead. Temperature right now, 73 degrees in philadelphia. 72 in wilmington. Also 72 in vineland and allentown at 67 degrees. Were sunny right now, and looking to go through the next few hours in philadelphia, we get to 80 by 11 00 a. M. And 82, 2 00. Highs today, just low to mid 80s and low humidity. Following breaking news out of newell county. A driver died after plowing right into the brandy wine valley spca shelter, sparking a. The Family Member has identified the victim as 33yearold la toya cooper, a mother of five children. Animals were also trapped inside the building. First responders and neighbors came through to save them. Three cats died in the fire. Because of the damage, the building will be closed for some time. Doctors are treating the sixers number one overall pick Markelle Fultz for an ankle sprain this morning. He landed awkwardly while trying to block a shot last night in las vegas. No word yet on how much time hes going to miss. Im rosemary connors. Well be right back here at 9 00. See you then. Malcolm gladwell was a magazine writer when his first book was released in 2000, the Tipping Point, which sought to explain how a simple idea or behavior catches fire and spreads in society became a sensation, selling more than 5 million copies to date. On and off the book spent an astounding 435 weeks on New York Times best seller list. Since then, gladwell has written four more best sellers, become an intellectual celebrity, explaining the world with his brand of pop science, a term of derigs for some but he accepts. His deep dive into daily life and appreciation for good debate fit into this age of the podcast. He is out with a new season called revisionist history. Naturally it is number one on the itunes list. Malcolm and i got together near his studio in brooklyn for a sunday sit down. You should be constantly revising your conclusions. Malcolm gladwell wants to make you think. There are situations where being bad is highly advantageous. With his podcast, he wants you to think again about what you thought you knew. Its a show about things forgotten and misunderstood. So if you have two categories, forgotten, misstununderstood, ts everything. Gladwell revisits heavy topics like the Civil Rights Movement and problems with higher education, but also thinks deeper than most of us about subjects that cross our daily lives, subjects like fast food french fries. A slice of potato, crispy on the outside, pillowy soft on the inside. Right then and there i gave my heart to mcdonalds. Then mcdonalds broke it. What did you find so interesting about the french fries that you had to do an entire episode of the podcast . Because they change. The french fries i grew up on and you grew up on were completely different from fries they serve now. In 1992 they changed the recipe and turned from being the greatest fast food french fries of all time to being i think they taste like cardboard now. I am embarrassed to say i didnt know they changed. Why would they go change something so perfect. Exactly. Thats what the show is about. They thought they were making them healthier. Who thought they were supposed to be healthy. We dont eat it because it is nutritionally superb. We eat it because it tastes good. If it no longer tastes good, it is not the same. He was born in england, raised an only child in canada with his father a mathematician and his mother a therapist. I grew up in a very small town, rural canada. I had the most uneventful, basically rode my bike, read lots of books. We didnt have a television, didnt have a stereo. Never went to the movies. It sounds men as particular. I would tell my mother i was bored, she would say good, your brain needs a rest. I was like needs a rest . I am in the middle of the countryside, nothing happened. His first writing job was at the conservative magazine the american spectator. He went on to write for the Washington Post and then the new yorker where his article, the Tipping Point, became the basis for the book that changed his life. What about that book caught on . I have no idea. I was baffled at the time and have grown more baffled. Really . I dont think about that book. Havent read it since it was published. Of all my books, it is the one i have the least affection. You dont go back and reevaluate some arguments you made and wonder if it holds up today . Only reevaluate ones i think are wrong. Were there some . Oh, yeah. After the International Success of the Tipping Point, gladwell did it again in 2005 with blink. A book about decisions we make in the blink of an eye. Three years later, another monster best seller called outliers he is a journalist, thinker, teacher, cultural translater, scientist of sorts. You heard grumbling from professors and scientists that say it is pop science and the rest of it. How do you answer that . It is pop science. I answer the criticism saying it is not a criticism, its true. I mean, thats the whole point, right . If i was writing it the way the professor did it, then i should be a professor, but i am not. Of course i am trying to find some way to make them relevant to people. Whatever you want to call it, gladwells accessible writing made him a pop culture star. It is not like i was jailed and trailed by paparazzi. You have more people listening to you, gave you a huge audience waiting for what you said next. People stop me for selfies in the airports. Thats how i define the major life change. My name is malcolm gladwell. Youre listening to revisionist history. What do you get out of podcasting that you cant get from the other platforms you have . Its a performance in a way that writing the book is not. Theres things you can do with your voice you cant do on the page. People should know you dont roll in, sit down, start talking. How long is it . Probably 6200 words. Many, many weeks of work. Even more weeks of fretting. One of the topics on his mind today, the mood of the country. As you take a step back, look at the world, america, the culture the way you do, what do you think right now is sort of the guiding idea under girding everything out there. One step forward, two steps back. Very american type thing. I wonder if we arent at the beginning of an extended period of backlash in this country, in the face of overwhelming amounts of change in a small time, what people basically do, they say stop, enough, process through this. Theres this angry, vicious backlash. But when change happens in a hurry, thats what people have to find some way to make sense of it. I feel like maybe we are on the cusp of something similar now, and we just have to get through it. On the podcast he avoids direct contact with politics. You know how you hear that ceos play a lot of golf. Thats golf, crack cocaine, rich white guys. Audience can read into that what i am talking about. Every seemingly small subject like the french fries, is a way to get at something bigger. The show is a lament from what was lost. Fries are the reasons mcdonalds exist. That was the foundational core of mcdonalds franchise and they throw it away. This is why people love you. You have passion for things most wouldnt be passionate about. I feel strongly about the fries. As for changes to the fries, we got a statement officially from mcdonalds. The company says while our oil blend has dhangd over the years along with customers evolving preferences, one thing is for certain, our frich fries continue to deliver great taste using premium potatoes known for producing flavorful fries, cooked to perfection using a canola oil blend. For what it is worth, all due respect to malcolm. I find their fridays excellent. Download his number one podcast on itunes now. To hear him talk about what in hindsight he got wrong in the the Tipping Point, check out web extras at today. Com sunday. And at home with business woman carly klaas as she conquers the world of fashion and helps young girls conquer the world of technology, next week on sunday today. Dyl isan good morning. Im first alert meteorologist krystal klei. A nice forecast for our sunday. Temperatures are going to be around the low to mid 80s. At 86 in center city and 84 in lansdale. Allentown, a high of 83. Sunny conditions around. Heres the best news, low humidity. Atlantic city at 81 this afternoon. Smyrna, looking at 85. And Rehoboth Beach at 81 degrees. Enjoy this nice sunday. Rain returns to the forecast on monday. Coming coming up next on today. The influencers, a business in the billions and growing that has social media celebrities raking in the cash wise man, im nervous about things i cant control. Affecting my good credit score. I see youve planted an uncertainty tree. Chop that thing down. The clarity you seek. Lies within the creditwise app from capital one. Creditwise helps you protect your credit. And its completely free for everyone. Its free for everyone . Do hawks use the stars to navigate . I dont know. Aw, i thought you did. I dont know either. Either way its free for everyone. Cool. Whats in your wallet . Real energy harnessed from the earth. Nature valley. Whunchts see a tweet or Instagram Post slowing off the good looif with a cool outfit, new beauty product or beautiful vacation spot, theres a chance the star has a good reason to tell you about it, money. Our sunday spotlight on influencers cashing in on legions of social media followers. Good girl. You might say samanthas instagram can be traced back to when her dog almost drowned. I started to go in the kayak, she took off after me. Started to huff and puff, thought she would drown. I went to shore and stuffed her in the kayak. Reporter this photo snug eld in the kayak changed everything. I remember my husband distinctly saying wow, thats different. Reporter it won a photo contest, earned her new instagram followers, 28,000 that cant get enough of her golden retriever. Followers want to know not only how she gets him into the kayak and what kind of kayak shes using. A lot of people are interested in gear i am using in my pictures. Reporter caught the attention of advertisers that came bearing gifts. Dog food free from nulo. A watch in exchange for a post. Looking for an influencer who was female, in the outdoor category, someone whos already using garmin products. Reporter he oversees a team of 8, scouring for people like samantha who marketers call influencers. Social media users with large followings whose interests range from fashion and fitness to photography, parenting, and celebrity. Before social media, we relied heavily on traditional mediums like print and broadcast. That forces you to talk at consumers, be the interrupter. Now with social media you really have an opportunity to be part of the consumer dialogue. Reporter major corporations like cocacola are cashing in, with mega stars like selena gomez who can make an estimated 550,000 per post, thanks to 120 million plus followers. It is very effective. Keeps that authentic vibe that people like to get when on social media. Reporter 40 of people say they purchased an item after seeing an influencer use it on social media, contributing to a billion dollar market this year alone. 5 billion by 2020, according to one forecast. It is money thats funneling down to people like natalie ross ee, who quit her finance job at jpmorgan to do the influencer thing full time. It is a risk i needed to take. Reporter shes closing in on a half million followers who love her aerial photographers, regardless of whether or not those kenneth cole shoes were part of an advertising deal, deals she says can range from 6,000 to 50,000. I have to ask, Everyone Wants to know. How much can you really make on an annual basis . I am in the six figure range and yeah, comfortable. Reporter all of the sponsored posts raised red flags. Selena gomez is the most followed person on instagram. How much is she advertising to us . I think quite a bit. And more than many people may know. Reporter bonnie patton, director at truth in advertising. It is the wild west. Vast majority of social Media Influencers arent disclosing these are ads. Including the cocacola post. Only included the word ad after the post said it violated rules that requires disclosures. So many being influencers, can they even enforce rules . Today, the ftc only brought four actions against companies that have violated these social Media Influencer rules, and thats four out of thousands that are occurring each and every day. Reporter leaving consumers to decide whether or not theyre under the influence. For sunday today, joel even kent, new york. Thanks. Both cocacola and selena gomez denied comment for the story. To learn what it takes to be a social Media Influencer, check out our website at tod today. Com sunday. And what happened to Amelia Earhart when she disappeared circling the globe . A photo from National Archives had a lot of people talking this week. Later a life well leaved. The ultra rare ahh. Where are mom and dad . saved money on motorcycle insurance with geico goin up the country. Love mom and dad im takin a nap. Dude, you just woke up im goin up the country, baby dont you wanna go . Im goin up the country, baby dont you wanna go . Geico motorcycle, great rates for great rides. Oreo thins. A thin twist on the oreo cookie you love. vo your love is purely thoughtful, purely natural, purely fancy feast. Delicious entrees, crafted to the last detail. Flaked tuna, whitemeat chicken, never any byproducts or fillers. Purely natural tastes purely fancy feast. In may of 1932, 34yearold Amelia Earhart was the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean from Eastern Canada to Northern Ireland in under 15 hours. Five years later, she tried to fly around the world. Exactly what happened when her plane disappeared on that flight has been a mystery for 80 years. This week experts say they may have found a clue. Tom costello has our sunday closer. Reporter in 1937, america knew her as their sweetheart, a fearless pioneer attempting a round the world flight, only to go missing somewhere over the pacific. An intensive air, sea search got under way immediately, but not even wreckage was found. Reporter now that photo marked Marshall Islands discovered in a file in the National Archives, which investigators from history say shows Amelia Earhart sitting on the dock, her navigator standing to the left. A facial recognition expert says similarities are striking. I go from not likely to likely to very likely to extremely likely. And i say this is very likely. Reporter the story making International Headlines this week for the air heart family which has looked for clues for 8 decades, this evidence feels real. I do think it is her because of the haircut alone, the fact shes wearing pants, i am reinvigorated. I wish my father were alive to see that. Reporter History Channel investigators believe the photo confirms what the islanders said for generations, even depicted in island stamps 30 years ago, that they crash landed in the marshals and the japanese ship took them and their plane to sigh pan. The photograph that appears to show them towing a barge carrying what may be her plane. Nbc news reached out to Japanese Foreign ministry and all of them saying they have no evidence of her in their custody. We dont know how she died or when she died. Based on eyewitness accounts, she was there and probably held in prison on the island. Reporter a local historian told a veteran investigator, now an nbc news analyst, that they died in this japanese prison. The initial story is that they were taken to this structure to this end, these two cells here. This may actually have been her cell. Reporter this morning, investigators from history believe Amelia Earharts story is no longer the mystery it once was. For sunday today, tom costello, washington. Joined by shawn henry, formerly of the fbi, good to see you. I have a million questions to ask about this. So fascinating. Let me start with the skeptics. People saw the story, said fun story, probably not true. Japanese government would have had some record of her being captive there, might have been bounld in the photograph, she is not there. How certain are you that that photograph shows Amelia Earhart . This photograph is one piece of evidence in a whole host of evidence. There have been stories for 80 years by the marshallese that say she was held and landed there. I went to Marshall Islands, i talked to people, this is legendary in the Marshall Islands. Youre sure it is legit, this photo . After seeing the totality of circumstances, i have no doubt this is them in the Marshall Islands. Interesting to see as the story has grown and got attention. People have come forward to corroborate what you saw in the photograph. Thats right. I have gotten phone calls, emails, dozens of them. Well be following up with people, people who have come forward, said i found photographs in my grandfathers attic that have Amelia Earhart, my grandfather told stories for years, he was in the military. Were going to follow up with those people. This story opens a host of questions going forward. Thats the thing, a whole new chapter, if she was held captive, how long was she there, why didnt we know about it. Shawn henry, thank you. Watch that documentary, Amelia Earhart, the lost evidence tonight on History Channel. This week, we highlight another life well lived. Winning a professional sports title is hard. Winning two professional sports titles is really hard and really rare. Winning two professional titles each in a different sport is just unheard of. Gene connelly one of two proathletes to do it. Connelly was a pitcher for the milwaukee braves who won the world series in 1957. In baseballs off season, he dabbled in basketball, winning three nba championships as a center on the great Boston Celtics teams of the 1950s and 60s. On the corurt action a teammate of bill russell and played alongside hak aaron. Connelly was on the mound two weeks later, pitching his new team, the red sox, to a game victory. Cleveland browns quarterback otto graham is the only other athlete to win a title in two sports, won his Basketball Championship before he began his football career. Never playing both sports at once as conley. He died this week at home in foxboro, massachusetts. He was 86 years old. He is survived by catherine, his he is survived by catherine, his wife of 66 years. Hey katy, im going to go ahead and invade your personal space to run some things by you. Its going to look like im listening but im actually just paying attention to nugget. Cool. Ill pretend youre answering the questions i have. Ill scroll through my feed and avoid making eye contact. Im just going to keep hovering. Wouldnt it be great if everyone said what they meant . Hovering away. Boo boo boo [making noise at nugget] the citi® double cash card does. Only citi lets you earn 1 cash back when you buy, and 1 as you pay. The citi® double cash card. Double means double. Bee to the hive to the comb combing that honey. Into some gold gold to the o. Its the yum in your bowl good goes around. And around, and around. Good goes around and around. Did any bag of dog or buy cat food at petsmart we give a meal to a pet in need . Help us reach our goal of donating more than 60 million meals so hungry pets across the country get to eat. Buy any bag, we give a meal to a pet in need. Petsmart for the love of pets. We close this morning with a quick look at whats next. On friday, President Trump turns air force one around to be back in europe, this time in france to celebrate bastille day. He and the french president will commemorate the 100th anniversary of the United States entering world war i. Earlier on tuesday night, they play the 88th Major League Baseball game in miami. Rookie sensation aaron judge among the main attractions. And programming note on sunday night with megyn kelly, a look how stereotypes change how children see themselves and each other. Breaking right now on nbc 10 news today. Deadly crash and fire. A driver plows into the spc in delaware, sparking a fire and crashing animals in the shelter. Breaking down the g20, following the fallout from the global summit as the president is back in washington after that historic meeting with Vladimir Putin. Those details are next. Sixers star injured. Right now, the teams number one draft pick is sidelined. We have that story coming up. Good morning. This is nbc 10 news today. Im rosemary connors. Its 9 00 on this sunday. Plenty to get to. Lets start with the weather. Krystal klei is tracking a beautiful end to our weekend. She has the first alert neighborhood forecast

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