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Line and it apparently kept going. Rain service was suspended in and out of hoboken. Hoboken is about 7 miles out of new york city. The train was coming from Spring Valley new york. Passengers often transfer from new Jersey Transit to hoboken in order to get into manhattan. Still a lot of activity at the scene. Our sister station just talked to a passenger on the train. Reporter im here with jam any who is obviously very shaken up. Tell us where you were and what you saw. I was in the very first car coming from woodridge in new jersey. I was standing at the door between the first and second car. Everything was typical. It was a little crowded. There wasnt enough space for everyone to get into the first car so fortunately i was stuck isnt the middle. Myself and about six other people were between the cars. We approached the station and train just felt like it never stopped. It didnt slow down. It never braked. I dont know if it didnt brake or what was happening. The train just kept going. The lights shut off and all of the people started yelling. The people that were standing in between on the second in the second car getting ready to come out of that door were thrown onto our side. A young lady that was thrown from that way got her legs caught between the doors as soon as it was about to make that full stop. We were able to pull her up fortunately and the gentleman in front of me was helping other people. He had a gash in his forehead. I didnt fall fortunately because there were people in front of me. Okay. Thaj y thank you. There were people in front of me that had fallen on top. They had injuries. Once we got off we noticed that people were stuck and they had to come out through the windows. Police were trying to rescue them. The conductor came off and he was completely bloodied. We noticed there were more injurie injuries, more severe. I feel the strain from the impact but nothing like what those people might be feeling. Thats all i really know. We were able to get out. We saw that the entire structure had collapsed onto the front of the train car and thats it. That is at wnbc in new york. In injuries are said to be critical. Mark has more on this unfolding story. Reporter a devastating scene just outside of new york city. A commuter train slam into the station platform. The train is used by hundreds of commuters who travel from new jersey to new york city. The station suffered major structural damage as emergency crews rushed to the scene to help the injured. People were getting out. There were definitely people that were very injured. I saw a lot of people with gashed heads and blood everywhere. They ran through the bumper stop and finally came to a rest between the waiting area and the platform. More than 100 people were injured, many critically. It was 8 30. Reporter rail service has been suspended in and out of hoboken. Nbc news. This is the live camera from wnbc. We are just going to take a moment and just listen in. Thso many people on the trai telling us the train didnt slow down. It felt like we never stopped. It felt like we were going at the normal speed we had been going. Still not sure exactly how this all happened. This is the end of the line. Right and what we are dealing with are massive vehicles. Some of the passengers said the trains are shorter than others. A massive sense of velocity coming in here. You can see the walkway area coming down. There is the train itself. I think what we are looking to see is where the bumper is as you see all of the time. That bumper is supposed to be the guard to that train going off the tracks. What happened to that and what happened to the train that impacted it so severely . Right. It is coming in at what some are calling full speed. So many trains operating through there. This is light rail commuter rail. There is a fairy connection. A waterfront walkway is there as well. Bus routes, i know that lauren just sent us the bus service. It will board customers at city hall. It is at newark street and washington. If youre searching for loved ones that bus service to and fro will board customers at hoboken city hall. Thats the update we have right now. Youre looking at sort of getting everybody else. The priority is the injured and making sure they stay safe. Secondary you have to figure out how to move massive amounts of people who still need to get to where they are going or who are now stuck there. And i think one thing that has happened in our area and across the United States is a coordination figuring out who can take what number of injured, what type of injuries can go to different places so that one of these medical facilities does not have more than it can handle at any given time. We are dealing with a lot of them that have been hurt badly in this accident. 100 plus numbers of people that may have been critically injured. They have to go through this train car. You have to imagine how many were on that train car. They have to make sure theres nobody on there, some might be in need of help. When you think about it. We have been listening to channel 4 in new york city. It is not unusual for us to patch in and share resources with local stations, local nbc stations like this. Nbc 10 is monitoring the satellite feeds and gathering the latest details. What can you tell us . We are hearing from a new Jersey Transit spokesperson. She talked to reporters a short time ago. Take a listen. So a lot of things happening. They are posting pictures and video on social media and of course here is some of what we are seeing right now. This looks to be shots from inside of the train station. We know that train came barrelling into the train station. It is a platform where people were waiting during the morning rush. You can get a look at the chaos that followed after that train crashed through the station there. These pictures coming up through social media. We just got this video. This is from eddy at the scene of the crash. You can see someone looking into the trains car looking for victims. Well continue to monitor the satellite feeds for the latest information im pamela osborne, nbc news. Well have reports later this afternoon. Stay with nbc 10 and the nbc 10 app for continuing coverage of the train crash in hoboken. Well give you a live look at the radar showing where the heaviest rain is falling right now. It is cool and windy outside. We take a live look in center city philadelphia. Just a raw day out there. Glenn hurricane schwartz is here with our rainy forecast. Hey, glenn. Yeah, rainy, windy, cold. Some places may be getting into dangerous territory here. This is delaware. It starts last night. We had thunderstorms just over and over and over again in that area. You can see everything is moving south to north. Your dover 4 to 6. The farther east into new jersey the less rain. There is more coming in right now. Also with the jersey shore thats where the heaviest rain is. We have some going into berks county and to the west of our region. We have a coastal Flood Warning through tonight. Moderate coastal flooding all up and down the coast. It will be an issue too. That area has been added to the first alert. All of delaware plus the jersey shore now through tomorrow we have the heavy rain, flash flood threat and also significant coastal flooding. The rip currents are really bad as well. As we go through the afternoon look at more rain coming up through delaware. When you have already gotten 4 to 6 inches of rain the ground really cant hold much more. There is likely to be more flooding in the state of delaware and especially the southern half of delaware. Here is the afternoon rush. We have more rain and thunderstorms in delaware and even up towards the philadelphia area. So the afternoon rush is likely to be effected. The temperature not really going any where. No sunshine. It will be windy and of course its chilly throughout the area. These are the windy symbols for jersey shore. Well be back with more in a few minutes. All right. Well see you then, glenn. Be prepared for this rainy weather. Its a Free Download you can get right now. We continue to follow breaking news near hoboken where a train crashed into a computmu train station. Approve this message. Id look her right in that fat ugly face of hers. Shes a slob. She ate like a pig. A person whos flat chested is very hard to be a 10. Does she have a good body . No. Does she have a fat [expletive] . Absolutely. Do you treat women with respect . I cant say that either. Lets take a few minutes and listen to a new Jersey Transit employees account. I couldnt tell what was going on. People were trying to jump out, which is the wrong thing to do. There are electrical wires touching the train. They dont realize that. We are trying to tell them to stay on and they are trying to get off the train. Once we were sure the power was cut off we got out and started pulling out as many people as we could. I assisted in maybe about four people. Then the police came and they, you know the people that you told, what was their state . Were they conscious . They were obviously in shock. One woman had a gash the entire length of her leg. Other people had a lot of head injuries. One man was missing a couple of fingers. It is terrible. A lot of blood. And the station is 7 miles from new york. Well listen into our sister station in new york city, wnbc. There were also several safeguards and active measures this conductor had to take. Some how this train did collide despite whether the active measures were applied or not applied. They will be looking to see what it was. It is often called a dead mans pedal. Mike larson was a witness to this accident. Well, right now we dont know what happened. Tra trains normally pull in there. Well move on now and of course situations like this everybody had cell phones. People have been posting pictures and images on social media. We want to give you a picture of video that we have gathered. This is video from inside the train station. We are looking at a live picture from new york. This is social media we are giving you right now of well, we are showing you well resume our coverage. Stay with nbc 10 for continuing coverage of this train crash in hoboken. All right. Parts of the area getting pounded. Other places just miserable weather. You can see a large area of rain offshore thats moving northward. It will cause more problems. Keep an eye on this here as heavy rain right along the coastline up towards cape may. As we were showing you earlier this area got flooded overnight. Now we have got the eastern half of the county getting heavy rain. So thats going to add to the problems that we have had. There is likely to be more flooding, roads flooded. Dont thrive into any kind of roads. We dont know how deep the water is. The rest of the area is cloudy and damp and 58 in some of the suburbs. 59 in lehigh valley. Everybody has cloudy skies. Everybody has winds. This is an easterly wind coming in at 38 Miles Per Hour in dover on top of the rain, on top of the chill. It is just a miserable day. Here is the afternoon. There is the stuff from the ocean coming up from new jersey into the philadelphia area. It is going to be there during the afternoon rush. It is way wetter than it is right now. Even into friday we have more mistture comi moisture coming off the ocean. Here we are. Friday night we dont see much improvement even into saturday. Maybe things tapering off a little bit. Thats about it. Thats about the best we can do. Matthew is close to hurricane strength into the caribbean sea. It is going north into the baham bahamas. It is getting it a little too close for comfort and a very large storm. It could effect the coastline again. Well keep a close eye on this. Here is friday. Total wash out along with the wind and chill. Sunday looks like some more showers but maybe not quite as bad as saturday. Love to give you better news but we cant. Well gef yive you a ten day forecast. We are following breaking news, a chaotic scene as they talk about the moments a train crashed this morning. Our live coverage continues just ahead. And now to the high school blitz. Here are the choices. Call or text your vote to the number on your screen or vote on nbc10. Com or the nbc 10 app. The Winning School will be announced on nbc news at 11 00. When pat toomey went to washington, he didnt stop. Working for wall street. Toomeys plan would risk Social Security on the stock market, lining bankers pockets with fees from our benefits that. Could total billions, even if the market crashes, and seniors lose everything. Katie mcginty is working for us. A mother of three, and ninth of ten kids, mcginty knows what matters. Shell fight for equal pay, affordable college, and. Shell always protect Social Security. Dscc is responsible for the content of this advertising. We are back now to our break news in hoboken, hudson county. Three people were killed and 100 injured preliminary reports indicating there were no sign of terror for was it a sldeliberat act. Well take a moment and listen into a local News Conference in jersey. As soon as the call came in all hands on deck. We have 24 7 inhouse trauma surgeons. They were here. We braug there additional trauma surgeons as well. They are all here on board in the house looking at our patients. There are three serious patients with orthopedic injuries that are being treated by trauma surgeons and a handful of others being evaluated for their injuries in the emergency. Approximately 40 patients being treated for injuries being evaluated as well. We plan well and are very much geared to handle this type of emergency. Reporter so is it 40 . Nine to 11 in the emergency room. All hands are on deck. All surgeons have been called in for duty because of this train crash. We continue to follow breaking news this morning. New details and firsthand accounts of chaotic and deadly scene. Our live coverage continues just ahead. Katie mcginty franny, johnny, mikey, maureen, jimmy, joey, ricky, eileen, me, and colleen. All 10 of us raised on a policemans salary and a mom working as a restaurant hostess. Imagine trying to do that today, with washington looking out for the favored few. Ill bring a different point of view to the u. S. Senate working class roots and the mother of three, ill put middle class families ahead of wall street. Im Katie Mcginty and i approve this message because its your turn to get ahead. I think my strongest asset, maybe by far, is my temperament. Id like to punch him in the face, ill tell you. I would bomb the [bleep] out of em. I could stand in the middle of 5th avenue and shoot somebody and i wouldnt lose any voters, okay . And you can tell them to go [bleep] themselves. Get him out of here get him out of here get the hell out of here priorities usa action is responsible for the content of this advertising. An update now on the news from north jersey. Here is a live look from the scene as a new Jersey Transit train crashed into the station in hoboken. Three are dead and about 100 injured. Actually lets take a moment and listen in on this News Conference. Many of the injured are in critical condition. A new Jersey Transit spokesperson said she doesnt know how fast the train was going when it crashed into the bumper. The Transportation Safety board was sending to the scene. It is at the end of the line. The train apparently kept going past the end of the tracks through a barrier and into the reception area. The glass overhang collapsed in the process. The spokesman for the federal Railroad Administration says they have been dispatched to the scene. Hoboken is about 7 miles. The train was coming from Spring Valley new york. Passengers often transfer to the hoboken sta hoboken station to get into manhattan. She is making her way up to the crash scene. She is on the phone right now. Cydney, you have got sources in north jersey. Who have you talked to and what have you learned on your way up there . Reporter vai, good morning. I just hung up with new Jersey State Police. They tell me they are playing a secondary role. He explained that strike teams are there to help in any way they can. It is the team one and as many as 40 people are assisting other Fire Companies there, Emergency Responders. He tells me they will do things like cut into wreckage or areas that might be hidden, blocked or enclosed to find people who may be trapped or otherwise hurt. New Jersey State Police will send detectives to help out was it a human error . They will investigate any agencies any federal rail authorities will be investigating this for days and weeks to come i did speak with john hanson. He was learning of the disaster. He was not familiar or says he is not familiar with the past train system. It is trains closer to home between philadelphia and south jersey. He explained they have automatic train control. That is different than we have heard of recently since 18 months ago and the disaster on the side. They have automatic train controls, a highly trained work force. It monitors the signaling system. If there is any issue he stopped the train. It happened just yesterday because one of their signaling systems went down. They stopped running trains about an hour and a half. It was built into the system in the 1970s. It is automatic train controls so it tells them how fast the train is going and controls the speed. I dont know that it necessarily stops the train all together. It does make sure there is only one train in a so called train block or train circuit at the time. He set up to let the trains into the tracks at the beginning and end of those tracks. On a final note we also reached out to the governors office. We have not heard back yet. I am monitoring his twitter page. They are honoring all over rail, bus and ferry lines for those commuters that go into Lower Manhattan and coming home from manhattan later tonight. They also tell me they do plan to have a press conference by 12 or 12 30 at the terminal. We are about 45 minutes out. Parking will be an issue with all of the Emergency Responders there. Well let you know as soon as we arrive. We have been speaking to our reporter who is on our way up to new jersey turnpike. The report for us, youre 45 minutes out. I wonder if you can tell already with rail Service Suspended in and out of hoboken if its any different in your drive up the turnpike. It has been smooth sailing. I imagine things will start to triple as we get closer. Well put ourself in a safe position and bring you the best pictures later as this continues to develop through the afternoon. We always appreciate your perspective. Drive safely on your way up there. Well check in live now with an interview thats happening now with wnbc. Yeah, just that just the shock of what was your situation . We were sitting about ten cars, ten seats back and in the front car. It just i wasnt paying attention. I was talking with someone else who usually takes the train together. All of a sudden it just stopped and got dark like hazy, almost like smoke. You heard people screaming more out of just shock. The person in front of me and person behind me were bleeding and the person behind me basically did a great job. He was from park ridge. He was making sure everyone calmed down. We haare okay. Was it an accident reporter was it an accident or Something Else . The time we live in everybody was probably thinking Something Else. Noticing the other trains were okay made us feel a little bit better. When we saw how bad the station looked, it was like we just couldnt believe it. Reporter how bad were they injured . I dont know. Hopefully road them with too badly injured. People were taken away with ambulances. Im sure some were pretty bad. Listening to this eyewitness and also a victim. He had a black eye and scratches on his face. It is another eyewitness interview. Kind of took it in and i just had to go somewhere and sit down. Kind of took it all in like i just came back over here to figure out what had really happened. I had to take it all in. And youre not injured at all. Reporter we were here shortly after the crash. Can you describe how quickly you saw emergency medical teams show up . Yeah, they were there within one or two minutes. It was a lot of police like running over here in uniform. They were already directing traffic over here by the terminal. As soon as it happened they were all running and pouring in there. I see them start rolling out the tape and im like i dont know whats about to go down. I just need to clear the area. Reporter could you see, were there many people injured . I couldnt really tell, honestly. I needed to get away from there for a minute. Reporter thank you. We are glad you are okay. We have seen the emergency medical response calm down a little bit. You have been listening to eyewitness accounts, the moment this train crash happened. Stay with nbc 10 and nbc 10 app for continuing coverage of the train crash in hoboken. We are dealing with wet weather for the next few days. Are we going to see any clearing this weekend . Ill let you know what to expect just ahead. Does pat toomey speak for you . I also want to thank the nra for its, uh, strong support for my campaign. Pat toomey he opposes an assault weapons ban and got an a rating from the nra. I have had a perfect record with the nra. And on Womens Health . I would support legislation in pennsylvania that would ban abortion, and i would suggest that we have penalties for doctors who perform them. Pat toomey does he really speak for you . Senate majority pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. We have another update now from breaking news from new jersey. A new Jersey Transit train ran into a platform. At least three people are dead. Another 100 are injured. The witness says there were screened in a scramble and slammed straight into the reception area. A crash caused a glass overhang to crash. Police shot and killed a man accused of stabbing several people including one of his own children. Matt delucia has the very latest for us. Reporter police still havent released this mans name yet. Part is looking into whether this man was on drugs at the time this happened. This is from the scene. This is on the 6200 block of hazel street. Philadelphia police say he left and went into a friends house and asked for food. He grabbed a knife and slashed a 72yearold woman and punched a man. Police got calls for reports of gunfire. They ordered him to take his hands out of his up and downs. He removed his hands abruptly and several officers fired on the officers killing him. Six to ten shots fired. Police have not found a gun. The investigation is still underway. It did say he was home and his eyes were light as can be and he starts to choke her for no reason what so ever. He immediately stabbed and slashed the eightyearold and turned to the 13yearold and stabbed him multiple times. Reporter the commissioner says the suspect has a criminal history and a Substance Abuse problem. So pretty much two investigations going on at once right now. The criminal investigation into what happened, the attack that happened last night and also an internal Affairs Investigation going on regarding the officer involved shooting death. Well keep you post as the investigations unfold. Live at police headquarters, nbc 10 news. Now your first alert weather. Cloudy, windy, wet, cold for everybody. Some places getting a lot of rain. You can see this area moving to the north. It is effecting delaware and parts of south jersey. You can also see a little bit of a spin in the radar echoes. Low pressure is the reason this is there. It means it may hold together for many more hours. From millsboro eastward is where some of the heaviest rain is. The problem in southern delaware is the radar estimates up to 7 to 8 inches of rain in parts of the county. About 4 inches in dover. Everybody has the clouds. Everybody has the chill. Nobody over 65 degrees right now. Its kind of windy. We have wind gusts to 27 Miles Per Hour in dover and 32 in wilmington and 25 Miles Per Hour in allentown. Straight off the ocean. That keeps feeding in the moisture. As we go through the afternoon here is that big cluster of heavy rain coming through with more waves of moisture coming up from the south and south east. As we go through the day today and into tonight should be a wet afternoon rush, a wet evening, a wet night, a wet start to the day tomorrow. A wet end to the day tomorrow. It is just not moving. There it is friday night and into saturday. So we are seeing at least a little bit of rain around. It is going to stay cloudy until we get the winds to shift. It is 70 Miles Per Hour winds in the caribbean. There is puerto rico. It is moving to the west at a pretty fast clip. It is expected to become a hurricane with 100 Miles Per Hour winds by monday morning as it starts to turn to the north. It has a potential to impact the east coast of the United States even if it stays offshore. It is a very large storm. I have to keep an eye on that. Friday is a washout, just plain washout. Temperatures not raisi rising v much. Cloudy skies, chilly, some showers but not as bad as friday. Sunday little bit of improvement but i cant even promise you sunshine on sunday. But eventually the sun will come out. There is that nasty weather all the way through saturday. If we get a little sunshine on sunday the temperatures go up into the 70s. Then we go back down into the low 70s. At least we get a little sunshine tuesday and wednesday. Thats the wind symbol related to matthew by later this week even if the storm is way offshore. We are listening into wnbc on the deadly train crash in hoboken. The Hoboken Terminal is not accepting ferry traffic. It is almost noon now and they are looking ahead to the evening rush when all of the people in the city have to come back out through this area. It will be a very difficult commute. People are advised to make alternate plans right now. This will persist as they get things back up and normal. There is friday as well planning to be very very busy. It is an extremely busy transit hub with many different rail lines coming out of that terminal. Well hear from the national Transportation Safety board. They are going to be up here to conduct the early part of their operations. You know, we have gone through this before. They will make an initial announcement it announcement. Lots of speculation at this point as to whether or not something happened with the engineer in the cab. Well drop out now and check in with a News Conference they are setting up there about to happen in a few moments where well get an update ton latest situation in hoboken on this deadly train crash that happened earlier today. Cydney long is on her way there. Well continue to follow this breaking news on this crash that killed three people and injured about 100 others. No word on how fast the train was going. Federal rail investigators. Rail service was suspended in and out of hoboken. Stay with nbc 10 and nbc 10 app for continuing coverage of the train crash. Lets check in now with glenn hurricane schwartz who is dealing with the rain today. Yeah, we have rain. Wea we have got wind. We have got a chill. We can show you the radar. There is plenty on the radar and even more developing as we go through the afternoon. You can see that big blob of yellow from the jersey shore into ocean. That whole blob is heading inland. It will effect south jer si and eventually going into northern and west ern suburbs. It will tell us whether it is going to get wetter than it is right now. Friday it looks like a wash out and chilly. Over the weekend we see sunshine. And this will maintain today and tomorrow. And coastal flooding too, moderate coastal flooding. Thanks for watching. Im vai sikahema with glenn hurricane schwartz. Tune in today at 4 00 for the latest on the train crash in hoboken. Thats the power of fiber optics. Only fios lets you upload as fast as you can download, and right now go online to get our best offer ever, or call to learn more. Super fast 100 meg internet, tv and phone for just 69. 99 per month online for two years guaranteed with a two year agreement. Installation is easier than ever and theres no cost to cancel if you change your mind within 30 days switch now and get super fast 100 meg internet, plus tv and phone for just 69. 99 per month online for two years, guaranteed. Go to getfios. Com or call 1. 888. Get. Fios to learn more. Cable cant offer internet speeds this fast at a price this good. Only fios can. So the square and a few neighboring areas have power, but i cant say for how long. Aiden all right, im not following you. Well, the Power Company temporarily diverted its electricity to us, so thats gonna mean an overload to our systems. Aiden all right, so if were gonna do this press conference, we have to do it as soon as possibleis that what youre saying . If you want a press conference, soon is better. Aiden all right. Officer, i need to get to the, uh, box. Yeah, yeah, sure. Thank you. Pardon me. [edgy music] look, i want to talk to you two because i keep going back to this Stefano Dimera case. Theres a few things in there that just dont set right with me. I was hoping that you two could. Help clarify a few things. Rafe wow. Hope we went over every detail of stefanos case at least a hundred times

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