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Nightly news begins right now. Announcer from nbc news World Headquarters in new york, this is nbc nightly news with lester holt. Tonight were getting our first look at what an obamacare replacement might look like in the trump era. With millions of americans waiting to learn the fate of their Government Health care coverage, nbc news has obtained a draft republican proposal making its way around capitol hill. It sketches out big changes including how those with preexisting conditions would be covered. And how its all to be paid for. But the rush to repeal and replace obamacare comes as new polls show it has reached new levels of popularity. We get details from our White House Correspondent kristen welker. As the debate rages about americas healed care system, President Trump traking fresh aim at obamacare during his speech at an conservative conference today. Obamacare doesnt work . New details about a republican plan about repealing and replacing the law, a draft calls for gutting the individual mandate, meaning no penalty for those who dont buy insurance, but if healthy peep opt out it could drive up prices for the elderly and sick. Eliminating subsidies, republicans want to give tax credits based on age instead of income. Rolling back the medicaid expansion. But giving states the control to cover lower Income Patients with grants. And to help those with preexisting conditions . States will be given money to create highrisk pools. Obamacare recipients worry they would pay more. Kathy and i both would be put into some kind of a pool and charged higher premiums. Because of the various Health Care Issues that we have. Two Top Republican sources say the aim is to lower costs by eliminating some taxes, and creating more competition. But even former longtime House Speaker john boehner was skeptical this week of republicans ability to replace the law. Theyll fix obamacare, i shouldnt have call it repeal and replace, thats not whats going to happen. Theyre going to fix the flaws. Save our Health Care Pressure is mounting, republicans lawmakers bombarded by angry constituents, many worried about dismantling obamacare. For people like Brandi Walker in arizona who has already had a double mastectomy, there are deep concerns about changing the law. I was 38 when i was diagnosed with cancer. So im still pretty young it would be difficult for me to afford. The draft bill proposes paying for the plan by increasing taxes on expensive employersponsored packages. Republicans stress its just a draft and emphasize their aim is to increase coverage. The opposition is fierce. Tonight one top democrat calling the fan a recipe for disaster. Lester . Kristen welker at the white house, thank you. President trump today also used his appearance at the maiming conservative gathering to lash out at the common journalistic practice of protecting sources. By not naming them. Following reports that the white house asked the fbi to publicly refute claims that trump aides were in contact with russia during the campaign. We get details from nbcs hallie jackson. President trump on attack in front of firedup conservatives today. Almost back on the campaign trail. Same music same message. A movement the likes of which actually the world has never seen before. Same media bashing. Railing against what he calls fake news. A few days ago, i called the fake news, the enemy of the people. And they are. His administration particularly upset over two reports they call false, about interactions between chief of staff Reince Priebus and the Deputy Director of the fbi. The white house today acknowledging priebus asked the fbi to knock down a story that the campaign had been in touch with russian intelligence officials. But only after the white house says, the Deputy Director first told priebus, the story wasnt true. Ive talked to the top levels of the intelligence community. And theyve assured me that that New York Times story was grossly overstated. And inaccurate and totally wrong. Priebus broke no laws by having that conversation with the fbi official. Despite democratic concerns it may have amounted to political interference. And an investigation into russias meddling with the election. The white house has denied any connection between the president and russian officials. Multiple sources tell nbc news the agency is looking at whether the president s associates had any contact with moscow during the campaign. As long as there isnt an indication that the white house is trying to influence the investigations, i think this may be a tempest in a teapot. Now more potential fallout in the relationship between the fbi and the white house. The president going after leaks he blames on the agency. And despite repeatedly himself citing unnamed sources to slam political opponents, attacking those today, too. They shouldnt be allowed to use sources unless they use somebodys name. And tonight new questions over why the white house excluded several news organizations, including cnn and the New York Times, from an offcamera, ontherecord informational session. The White House Correspondents association now strongly protesting how this was handled. With the press secretary saying this administration has shown an abundance of accessibility to the media. Hallie jackson at the white house. As we head into the weekend there is wild weather to report across the country, going to extremes, from snowstorms to a tornado threat to record warm heat for millions in the middle of winter. Nbcs ron mott has it covered. In the upper midwest, an onslaught of snow. Up to a foot in southern, minnesota. Whiteout conditions making for whiteknuckle driving. In iowa, thunder snow amid blizzard warnings. Further west in wyoming, travelers stopped in their tracks, four killed on slick utah roads. Its a semi versus a vehicle, reports the vehicle is underneath the semi. And in michigan, a fastmoving reminder, its still winter in places, while another winter system is springing elsewhere. Iowa, minnesota and illinois, a strong line of storms rolls through the ohio valley. The biggest area of concern, were watching for damaging winds, the possibility of tornadoes and large hail. Surging from season to season. Springlike temperatures, 40 degrees above average in some spots. Following the usual northern frost this month nearly 4500 daily record highs set around the country. Just 27 record lows. Today bostons warmest february day ever. 71 degrees. New york city, short sleeves, long outdoor lunches. I cant believe its so nice outside. Especially given it was just snowing two weeks ago. Its great, its lovely. Im almost too warm. And in texas, the blue bonnets have come calling in full bloom a month early. Thanks to warm air and a steady diet of rain. Mix of extremes heading into the weekend. Ron mott, nbc news, chicago. Now to the news from another big american brand name facing troubled times. Jcpenney announced it will close up to 140 stores over the next few months to better compete against what it called the growing threat of online retailers. Its offering voluntary buyouts to 6,000 employees, another retailing giant recreating itself to meet our changing retail habits. Nbcs ann thompson tells us where shoppers are going. Not necessarily all online. In new yorks herald square, a Global Shopping destination, the retail trend is clear do you shop in Deportment Stores any more . Not really. Most of my shop something done online. I do a lot of online shopping. I buy everything online. Thats why Americas Department stores are on the ropes. Jcpenneys decisions to close 14 of stores follows a path well trod by other retail icons, macys and sears shuttering shops and sears shedding the brands that once defined it. Do you see the day when a Department Store like macys completely goes away. I dont see that day, there may be fewer in number and there may be different categories that they offer. But they always provide convenience, assortment and selection. Though the recession is long over, Americans Still want a bargain. Nordstrom rack, the discount arm of nordstrom saw its sales rise 4 at the end of last year. Tjx, which owns marshalls, tjx and homegoods, plans to open another 1800 stores and the Biggest Online retailer of them all, amazon is building physical book stores. Kelsey says retailers need both to grow. What you do see is if you close a store in an area, your online sales go down. Online and physical stores are integrally connected. Now trying to find the right mix to keep customers coming back. And the money coming in. Ann thompson, nbc news, new york. Overseas tonight. Theres been another shocking twist in the airport assassination of the estranged brotherinlaw of north Korean Leader kim jongun. Youve probably seen the video by now. Women allegedly wiping something on his face. And a short time later, hes dead. Investigators now say they know what killed him. Heres nbcs janice mackiefrayer. Tonight stunning new claims from police, that the women seen attacking kim jong nam in this airport hay sass nation were using a deadly nerve agent called vx. Considered a weapon of mass destruction. Tasteless, odorless, and lethal. Vx is the most deadly chemical weapon ever produced. And literally, a pinhead amount of vx will kill you very quickly. Its unclear how the women survived. Malaysian police say results are preliminary. After the attack, the north korean dictators halfbrother collapsed and died within minutes. How vx, a banned weapon, got into the country, still unknown. Seven North Koreans are suspected of plotting or helping with the attack. Including a senior diplomat. That north korea could order the airport hit has angered its few allies like china. Now wider concern about the regimes stockpile of chemical weapons. North korea is estimated to have thousands of tons of banned weapons like sarin gas. It has tested Nuclear Bombs and ballistic missiles. Using vx abroad could for the international community, be the last straw. North korea was once taken off the state sponsor of terrorism list, and i think there will be a strong argument for putting them back on the list. North korea has lashed out, accusing malaysia of conspiracy and demanding the body back. Janice mackiefrayer, nbc news, beijing. The victim, the halfbrother of halfbrother of kim jongun. The fight against isis, the pentagon gears up to present President Trump with a new battle plan to take on the group we have a rare look inside the intense u. S. Air campaign it take out isis targets in syria and iraq. Nbcs hans nichols has more from aboard the u. S. Aircraft carrier in the mediterranean. Hitting isis by day and night. F18s, shooting off the deck of the george h. W. Bush into the dark with targets in syria and iraq. On thursday, there were more than 20 carrier strikes against isis, the most since the bush arrived in the med two weeks ago. That means more night flights. At sunrise, preparation on the flight deck. The new carrier strikes happening as President Trump is expecting fresh war plans for the isis fight from the pentagon. With additional Ground Troops and more air power likely to be presented. From the flight deck, the air war looks to be accelerating already. With plenty of open sky ahead. We have probably a 50 to 60 more capacity to launch strikes if were asked to do that. We also see evidence of what can complicate the mission. A russian ship shadowing the american carrier. The one furthest in the distance is the russian carrier thats been with us for about a week. Not as provocative as a russian jet buzzing a u. S. Ship last year. But boll sides on alert. Theyre watching you and youre watching them . Thats correct. Next month the carrier will head to the persian gulf and continue to hit isis. A set course with a fixed target. But the speed of the operation about to change. Hans nichol, nbc news, on the uss george h. W. Bush in the eastern mediterranean. The price of distraction drivers looking at their devices instead of the road. How its impacting your wallet even if you drive responsibly. Also speaking of distracted drivers. A scary headon collision caught on cam i will never wash my hair again. New pantene doesnt just wash your hair, it fuels it. Making every strand stronger. So tangles dont stand a chance. Because strong is beautiful. Hi hey you look good. Thank you, i feel good. It all starts with eating right. Thats why i eat amaz n prunes now. Theyre delicious and help keep my body in balance. I love these. Sunsweet amaz n prunes, the feel good fruit. Cmohappy birthday i survived a heart attack. Im doing all i can to keep from having another one. And im taking brilinta. For people whove been hospitalized for a heart attack. I take brilinta with a baby aspirin. No more than one hundred milligrams as it affects how well it works. Brilinta helps keep my platelets from sticking together and forming a clot. Brilinta reduced the chance of another heart attack. Or dying from one. It worked better than plavix. Dont stop taking brilinta without talking to your doctor since stopping it too soon increases your risk of clots in your stent, heart attack, stroke, and even death. Brilinta may cause bruising or bleeding more easily, or serious, sometimes fatal bleeding. Dont take brilinta if you have bleeding, like stomach ulcers, a history of bleeding in the brain, or severe liver problems. Tell your doctor about bleeding, new or unexpected shortness of breath, any planned surgery, and all medicines you take. Talk to your doctor about brilinta. Im doing all i can. That includes brilinta. If you cant afford your medication, astra zeneca may be able to help. Back with a wakeup call about the real price of distracted driving. Weve reported extensively on the dangers of using devices while driving. But even if you never fiddle with your smartphone behind the wheel, the person checking his email in the lane next to you is helping to make the cost of Car Insurance soar for everyone. Nbc News Business correspondent jo ling kent explains. As american drivers take their eyes off the road, the danger behind the wheel is taking a toll on your wallet. I was totally in shock. This woman knew adding her 17yearold daughter nikki to the familys Car Insurance policy would cost more. So 4,709 a year. But not this much. Its double the price. Unbelievable. Three major insurers, travelers, the hartford and horace mann say distracted driving is a key factor. The average premium has jumped 16 to 926 a year since 201. Were talking about a generation that was texting first, driving second when they get behind the wheel. Its going to be hard to break that habit and get them driving safely from the getgo. Its not just teen drivers, 36 of all drivers text and drive. Costing everyone. Many people who are distracted driving certainly arent going to admit to it. So what winds up happening is these costs are imposed on the system overall. Everyone is a victim of distracted driving. To reduce premiums, experts say take a defensive driving course. Opt for a higher deductible or shop around for a better insurance rate. Le bay plans to rework her family budget. We have a plan figured out with more baby sitting and now its like with this im probably going to have to find another way to earn more money. Whats the one piece of advice you give her when she hits the road. Dont text and drive. Dont use your phone at all. Driving safely still the ultimate bottom line. Joling kent, nbc news, los angeles. Were back in a moment with news that will bring a smile to kids nationwide. Question, and be honest. Are my teeth yellow . Have you tried the tissue test . The what . Tissue test hold this up to your teeth. Ugh yellow. I dont get it. I use whitening toothpaste. What do you use . Crest whitestrips you should try them whitening toothpaste only works on the surface. But crest whitestrips safely work below the enamel surface. To whiten 25x better than a leading whitening toothpaste you used the whitestrips i passed the tissue test. Oh yeah. Would you pass the tissue test . See for yourself with crest whitestrips. They are the way to whiten. H heartburn no one burns on my watch try alka seltzer heartburn relief chews. They work fast and dont taste chalky. Mmmmm. Amazing. I have heartburn. Alka seltzer heartburn relief chews. Enjoy the relief. May not always be clear. But at t. Rowe price, we can help guide your retirement savings. So wherever your Retirement Journey takes you, we can help you reach your goals. Call us or your advisor t. Rowe price. Invest with confidence. Your body was made for Better Things than rheumatoid arthritis. Before you and your rheumatologist move to another treatment, ask if xeljanz is right for you. Xeljanz is a small pill for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well. Xeljanz can reduce joint pain and swelling in as little as two weeks, and help stop further joint damage. Xeljanz can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections, lymphoma and other cancers have happened. Dont start xeljanz if you have an infection. Tears in the stomach or intestines, low blood cell counts and higher liver tests and cholesterol levels have happened. Your doctor should perform blood tests before you start and while taking xeljanz, and monitor certain liver tests. Tell your doctor if you were in a region where fungal infections are common and if you have had tb, hepatitis b or c, or are prone to infections. Xeljanz can reduce the symptoms of ra, even without methotrexate, and is also available in a oncedaily pill. Ask about xeljanz xr. This race is consequential. Its all about being able to look your kid in the eye. And say, honey, its gonna be okay. And this woman understands it in her gut. She gets it. Stephanie hansen understands what people need. This election is very, very important to middle class people to live the life they deserve. Dont ask yourself the morning after the election why didnt i vote . A shocking crash caught on camera north of salt lake city. A dash cam in a police suv captured the most when a car veered over and smashed into the officers vehicle headon. Police say the other driver was distracted by a dog in her car. Fortunately no one was seriously injured. And its the livestream that has viewers captivated across the country. All awaiting the birth of a baby giraffe at an Animal Adventure park in upstate new york. Its a huge hit on social media and if you want to watch baby watch theres a link to it on our facebook page, april the giraffe is due at any time. Heres something to chew on. The improving economy has apparently been kind to the tooth fairy. An annual survey finds the average payout per tooth is now 4. 66. An alltime high, and a 75 increase from 2015. It adds up to over 290 million. Thats something to smile about, kids. And remember, a new toothbrush or healthy treats from the tooth fairy are just as good as the cash. It sounded good, anyway. When we come back we take you inside the new broadway smash hit from the advil liqui gels work so fast youll ask what bad back . What pulled hammy . Advil liqui gels make pain a distant memory nothing works faster stronger or longer what pain . Advil. Start here. At fidelity, we let you know where you stand, so when it comes to your retirement plan, youll always be absolutely. Clear. Its your retirement. Know where you stand. Youll always be absolutely. Clear. If you have moderate to Severe Plaque Psoriasis isnt it time to let the real you shine through . Introducing otezla, apremilast. Otezla is not an injection, or a cream. Its a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. Some people who took otezla saw 75 clearer skin after 4 months. And otezlas prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. Dont take otezla if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. Otezla may increase the risk of depression. Tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts, or if these feelings develop. Some people taking otezla reported weight loss. Your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. Side effects may include diarrhea, nausea, upper respiratory tract infection, and headache. Tell your doctor about all the medicines you take, and if youre pregnant or planning to be. Ask your dermatologist about otezla today. Otezla. Show more of you. Finally tonight at this weekends oscars, many expect la la land to bring down the house and two of the films nominated songwriters are also the masterminds behind the new smash hit musical on broadway. We go inside the stage show giving a voice to those who often feel unheard. Topics like loneliness, bullying and suicide may not sound like ingredients for a hit broadway musical. But dear evan hanson is striking a chord. Brilliant. Fabulous. A tearjerker. The music is the brainchild of bench pass pasek and justin. With dear evan hanson they built a story around an isolated anxious teenager longing to fit in. You see it on stage, youre seeing a boy almost be swallowed by social media. And then the people in his community. And the noise that surrounds him and all he wants is to feel like hes not invisible. Through the shows twists and turns, evan becomes a social media sensation before things spiral out of control. I think hes sort of painfully imperfect. His ups and downs are bout to life by actor ben plat. I get a lot of letters from young people who have struggled with similar things and felt seen by this character in the show. I dont think its a character thats been represented in musical theater this way. The actor who plays with his mom connects with parents. Youll see the mothers behind their teenager with red eyes, and beaming at you and saying thank you, thank you. Schools are even bringing students to the show. It has become at least we hope it is, weve been told it is, that its become a conversationstarter. Its an optimistic message, i think thats partly why people can connect with it. The shows message is you will be found you will be found. Inspiring anthem that is resonating on broadway and beyond. You will be found joe friar, nbc news, new york. And thats going to do it for us on a friday night, im lester holt. For all of us at nbc news, thank you for watching and good night. Dementia. Now on extra. David cassidy breaks his silence to dr. Phil. I have dementia. The hollywood legend setting the record straight about his health. Amal clooneys official baby bump reveal. The gorgeous new photos from paris. Prince harry and Meghan Markle Holding Hands in london. The new clue shes quitting hollywoo hollywood to marry prince harry. Plus new couple alert. Diane kruger and the walking dead star norman reedus. Meryl streep versus karl lagerfeld. Their falling out over meryls oscar drets. Weve got all the last minute secrets from hollywoods biggest night. From the preparties to whos wearing what. Im outside the dolby theater with adam glassman. Who do you expect to be the best dressed this year . Then traceys night with essence, celebrating black women in hollywood. All my chocolate girls. This is heaven. Plus marios 90s flashback. Behind the scenes with his new boy band spoof with james corden. So funny, james. None of you have ever had sex [ bleep ] you. Now on extra from universal

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