Design still being used in med evacs and hundreds of helicopters. Nightly news begins right now. Good evening. On what is a dangerous weather night, in the next 24 hours more than half of the country will have experienced the most Severe Weather of this winter season so far. More than 75 Million People in the path of heavy snow, blizzard conditions and ice, another 30 million on alert for flash flooding across ten states. This system has already spawned deadly tornados and it is not moving quickly. Nbcs jacob rascon is in omaha, nebraska, where it has been snowing all day. Jake. Reporter good evening. Tonight the deadly and crippling storm is prompting evacuation, states of emergency and swift water rescues. The midwest and plain states are taking a direct hit on an abrupt end until what was now an unseasonably warm winter. Havoc across the midwest in plain states today. Heavy snow, ice and galeforce winds spreading across 11 states. Missouri under a state of emergency as heavy rains clobber the state for the Third Straight day. So far ten people have been killed there because of the flooding. It has been a very difficult several days. And this threat is clearly not over. Reporter on the other side of the storm system, another triple threat. Snow, sleet and freezing rain. Deteriorating conditions across iowa as blowing snow closed roads with up to a foot in some cities. A White Christmas came a few days late here in iowa city. Nine states are under winter storm warnings from kansas to michigan, with millions americans. Overnight a plane slipped off the runway in ice and wind. No injuries were reported. At major transportation hubs like chicago ohare, travelers left stranded or waiting, with as many as a third of the cancellizations originated here, according to flight aware. 1900 flights across the country have been canceled and more than 3000 have been delayed. Im looking for a flight and i cant find one. Reporter as the system moves north and east, residents in massachusetts are gearing up for the storms impact on tuesday. This warm weather is nice. But it is new england. We need the cold. We need a little bit of snow, not too much, nothing like last year and im ready for it. Jacob rascon, nbc news, omaha. Texas, a state reeling from blizzards, floods and record tornados all in one weekend. Four counties declared disaster areas. Im glad to be alive. Reporter in dallas, crews rush to rescue a driver stranded in high water after more heavy rain overnight. At least nine tornados cut through a 40mile stretch, killing 11 people, including 27yearold petra ruiz. Her mother dom inga said petra with four children was driving home from the hair salon, a Christmas Gift from her husband. Her car, among several, blown off i30 saturday night. I just couldnt believe it. Until i saw the suv, how it looked, i knew. Reporter this is what is left of the home where an in fact just 3 days old was killed. I was holding her little fingers. It was horrible. Something ill never forget. Reporter the wild weather stretching north, lubbock battling record snow. Late today oklahoma governor extended the state of emergency to include all counties as 200,000 customers are without power. And some areas of new mexico buried under 2 feet of snow. Tonight here in garland, texas this is your home . It was. Reporter reality is sinking in. The worst part was getting outside and realizing that everything was really gone. Reporter as residents let go of life as they knew it. The house is gone but were still here. Reporter but hold on to whatever they can. Authorities here say 18 people are still unaccounted for. While the rain has moved on, temperatures are dropping. Making this cleanup even more difficult. Kate. I can only imagine. Gabe guiterrez in texas tonight. Thank you. New developments in a case that has provoked a nationwide outcry. 12yearold tamir rice was caring an air soft pellet gun when he was fatally shot by Cleveland Police. Today we learned the officers involved will not face charges. Causing backlash from rices family and on social media. We get more tonight from stephanie gosk. Reporter the moment before tamir rice was shot and killed by Cleveland Police last year, the county prosecutor said the 12yearold tried to show the cops his gun was fake. But the two officers didnt know that and feared for their lives. There will be no indictment. Given this perfect storm of human error, mistakes and miscommunications, by all involved that day, the evidence did not indicate criminal conduct by police. Reporter the 911 call reported a gunman in the park. But the Prosecutor Says dispatch never relayed critical details that rice was likely a minor, and likely carrying a toy. That toy, an air soft replica of a colt looks a lot like the real thing. They are very difficult to tell, even by people very family to guns. Even when you stand and stare at. Todays rices family is saddened but not surprised by the decision. Someone other than the elected county official who works closely with Law Enforcement officers of this Community Day in and day out should have probably made that decision. Reporter rices death sparked protests in cleveland and added fuel to ongoing demonstrations around the country. Two weeks before officials in ferguson, missouri, said the officer who shot Michael Brown would not be criminally charged. Today the county prosecutor called rices death an absolute tragedy. Adding, civil action may provide the accountability he said the family deserves. Stephanie gosk, nbc news, new york. Chicago mayor rahm emanuel is cutting his cuba vacation short after another violent incident involving his police force. This time police shot and killed two people at an apartment building. One of them, a mother of five, struck after she opened her front door, according to her family. Nbcs Kevin Tibbles has a first look inside of that home and talks with family members demanding answers. Reporter today the family of betty jones gathered in her apartment without her. I feel like i want to wake up and have my mom. But i cant. Shes gone. She was murdered. And that is all that sits in my heart. Reporter the 55yearold mother of of five and grandmother of ten was shot dead by police on saturday when they were called to a domestic disturbance in the apartment upstairs. According to the family, betty jones was asked by the man upstairs to answer the door when police got here. She came out of her apartment and did just that. And seconds later she was shot. Her daughter letitia found her mother shot in the neck. I never thought i would lose my mom to the front door. Reporter a 19yearold was also killed. His family said he had developed a mental illness. In a Statement Police said officers were confronted by a combative individual. Adding jones was accidentally struck and offered deepest condolences. Rahm emanuel is asking for changes in the way they respond to Mental Health crisis. This comes at a time in chicago when many had marched the 2014 Police Shooting death of 17yearold laquan mcdonald. Something betty jones family said deeply affected her. My mom was scared that my oldest son who is 16 get shot by the police officers. But who gets shot and killed . Her. Reporter tonight the case is under investigation. Kevin tibbles, nbc news, chicago. Overseas now where iraqi forces are claiming a major victory against isis. The iraqi flag was raised over ramadi today. A key city that has been overrun by isis for seven months now. But the battle isnt over. Pockets of isis fighters are still believed to be inside of that city. Ramadi is 70 miles from bagdad, the Iraqi Military is trying to cut off supply lines to fallujah, another isis strong hold. Turning to the campaign trail. Republican frontrunner donald trump continues to attack Hillary Clinton. But now he also has a new target. Trump, who is holding a rally tonight in new hampshire, is taking aim at former president bill clinton. Hallie jackson is on the trail with trump. Reporter in iowa, icy weather is forcing campaigns to cancel stops. But in new hampshire, a different kind of fleury. Attacks from donald trump. Not just on Hillary Clinton now. But her husband. Bill clinton is not going to be the endall in the campaign. And hell come under attack. Reporter the first family bundled up with trumps tweet storms gaining strength. Writing, if hillary thinks she can unleash her husband with his terrible record of women abuse and unleashing on me, she is wrong. I think he is fair game because his presidency was considered to be troubled. Picking on trump for the comments he made about women, it is fair game. This is a surefire way to get conservatives to like you more but not as great of a general election strategy. Reporter from the clinton camp, no official reaction. Other than announcing bill clinton will Campaign Next week in new hampshire. Aides believe their candidate has the stronger argument when it comes to women. Trump, a turn around from 200. Hillary is a great friend of mine. Her husband is a great friend of mine. Fantastic people. Reporter still, it is not the blast from the past, but back to the future making headlines today in new hampshire. After a tough editorial comparing trump to old movie biff. Called a crude blowhard by the publisher, trump hit hard. He is a real lowlife. There is no question about it. And on top of that, he does this. Reporter and late tonight the Clinton Campaign responding. A spokesperson saying Hillary Clinton will not be bullied by attacks against her and former president bill clinton. Adding she will stand up to trump. Bill clinton will be on the campaign trail for his wife here in nuls next week. The one pegged as the favorite in the republican race is shaking up his strategy. Jeb bush seeking a way to elevate his singledigit poll numbers tried to show a different side of himself today. Casey hunt covers the Bush Campaign for us. Reporter kate, far from the frontrunner. Jeb bush camed in his home state of florida today taking a question about selfies. He said he learned a thing or two about how to get it just right. Young people do it better than older people. Well go through a training class here. It is cooler to do it diagonally rather than straight up. Remember that. And it is better to do it higher than lower because you look skinnier. [ laughter ] am i right . Reporter that is jeb bushs sense of humor. Sometimes an awkward fit for the campaign trail. Hes just not a natural politician like his brother george w. Bush was and it really shows. But, kate, it is a year when older Political Institutions and maybe families are having a hard time making the sell to voter. Running against donald trump has been tough for bush which is described by some people close to him as a paragraph candidate in a twitter world. Bush is trying to change that with a hashtag and showing him human side. Kate. Casey hunt, thanks. Still ahead tonight, Peyton Manning says hes angry and ready to take action despite stunning doping allegations made in a new documentary, despite the filmmakers who say they stand by their story. Also an investigation uncovers a hidden danger in some med evacs and ot huh. Introducing centrum vitamints. A brand new multivitamin you enjoy like a mint. With a full spectrum of essential nutrients. Surprisingly smooth, refreshingly cool. I see you found the vitamints. 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Back now with new developments today on the bombshell doping allegations against star nfl quarterback Peyton Manning. The makers of the documentary are standing by their undercover reporting despite the main source recanting his story. Manning, meantime, is playing offense and said he is ready to take action. Here is nbcs blake mccoy. Reporter football great Peyton Manning now threatening to sue over an al Jazeera Documentary that links manning and several proathletes to performanceenhancing drugs. Complete trash, garbage. There is more adjectives i would like to be able to use. But it really makes me sick. Reporter the doping allegations are made in undercover reportings with charlie sly who claims he inturned for a short time at the Guyer Institute in indianapolis in 2011. At the same time manning received treatment there following an injury. In the documentary, the pharmacist said his wife, ashley was sent Human Growth Hormone or hgh. Everywhere, f florida. It is never under peytons name. I have my treatments. She has her. There is no connection between the two. Reporter sly has recanted his statements and said he is grieving his loss of his fiance. One of the reporters telling msnbc, the truth lies in the undercover recordings. We spent six days recording charly sly, hour been hour, there is more than 20 hours of recordings. Look at his demeanor in those conversations. Hes giving fact upon fact upon fact. Mannings current and former teams are standing behind him. The Denver Broncos support him 100 . The colts call the report utterly ridiculous. As for the league, the nfl is reviewing the matter. Finding the evidence is going to be challenging. Because this involves parties that arent within the nfls jurisdiction. Reporter manning, an allamerican hero, fighting to preserve his legacy. Blake mccoy, nbc news, los angeles. Were back in it a moment with a major security change coming to airports across the nation. 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Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if youve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. Ask your gastroenterologist about humira. With humira, remission is possible. There is a potential danger in the sky, linked to dozens of deaths. Fuel tanks on hundreds of civilian helicopters that are supposed to remain in tact in a crash. But in hundreds of cases, many involving med evac choppers, tanks have leaked, causing deadly fires or explosions. Tom costello has more tonight on an investigation launched by our denver affiliate kusa. July 3rd, frisco, colorado, a med evac chopper lifts off from the pad but within 30 seconds it down. Fuel quickly begins pouring from the tank. Three seconds later, fire. Hospital staff come running. They manage to pull one flight nurse to safety. But the other flight nurse, dave rap shire, suffers burns over 90 of his body. The pilot dies. Fire a contributing factor. The helicopter was only a year old. But the design of its plastic fuel tank dated back to when it was approved by the faa in 1977, 38 years earlier. Now an investigation by our nbc affiliate in denver kusa has found more than 170 similar accidents across the country since 1994, involving 78 confirmed fatalities. What sticks out is the aircraft is just consumed and you have to wonder why. Reporter for years experts have warned that helicopter fuel tanks too often leak on immarket. While the military has required crashresistant fuel tanks since 1978, there is no such requirements for civilian choppers. Crash resistant fuel tanks are available but the ntsb estimated that 85 of choppers built since 1994 dont have them. This is nationwide. It involves television newscopters and air ambulances and police helicopters. The ntsb is urging the faa require all new fuel tanks in choppers but so far they are only required in new models of choppers. We want to make sure that fuel tanks operating within the system is safe. Reporter tonight they are urging choppers to retrofit the complete with tanks as soon as possible. Tom costello, nbc news, washington. The tsa is increasing random checks for airport and airline employees with badges that let them bypass Security Check points. This comes two months after isis claimed it took down a russian plane with a bomb on board. In november we reported on a number of employees at jfk shown on camera using badges to access secure areas with no additional screening. When we come back, goodbye to a globetrotter, remembering the man known as the clown prince of basketball. It takes a lot of work. To run this business. But i really love it. Im on the move all day long. And sometimes, i just dont eat the way i should. So i drink boost® to get the nutrition that im missing. 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Stop taking viagra and call your doctor right away if you experience a sudden decrease or loss in vision or hearing. Ask your doctor. About viagra. Available in single packs. Finally tonight, a tribute to a man who was both a legend on the Basketball Court and a legendary prankster. Meadowlark lemon, perhaps the most famous harlem globetrotter has died at the age of 83. Ron mott looks at the man who had the skill of an athlete and the soul of a comedian. Reporter much like his personality, the soundtrack of meadowlark lemons life, undeniably catchy. Familiar finger snapping fun, and using confetti and a million watt smile to light up millions of generations. The funny man nicknamed the crown prince of basketball ruled the court for a quarter century. The signature hook shot something to marvel. Soaring high around the world. Ive had a great run. Landing him in the hall of fame. Those are the three hoop shots ive known in my life. Peggan, kareem and lemons hook shot with lemon flavor on it. Reporter he grew up in willm ton, North Carolina and when discrimination kept most black players out of the nba and they offered an International Stage to show case his skills. With audiences to the pope at the vatican and a visit at russia and the Madison Square garden where the globetrotters played today. Holding a moment of silence in his honor. He was charismatic. He was an athlete. He was a showman. He was all of those things and more. Reporter he was a star off the hardwood too. Spending his later years as a motivational speaker and or daned minister to inspire kids. He symbolized and epitomized all three. Reporter a basketball ambassador who scored big wherever he went. Ron matt, nbc news, boston. And we remember him tonight. That is nightly news on a monday night. Im skate snokate snow. For all of us at nbc. New photos blake takes gwen home if the holidays. Guess who is dating again . We reveal his exs new man. Now on extra. Blake and gwen getting serious. Miranda hooking up with another singer. The christmas couples news. Taylor and calvin hitting the slopes. They went to montana to have christmas with the family. The kardashians christmas, did kanye buy kim 150 gifts . Kylie jenners chilling security scare. Her crazed fan busted out of the sike ward. The cast of the new oj movie revealing details. Youll be alarmed at whats revealed. Then. They drop up to five pounds in five days. New celebrity diet tricks. Can going vegan for half the day shed the pounds . Plus, Jennifer Lawrence spreading joy to these special kids. Hoda and

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