This is nbc nightly news reporting tonight f good evening from a tense and fragile baltimore as we come to you standing across from some of the stillsmoldering from a fire that may be related to the violence yest its still under investigation. Bu right now our eyes are once again locked several blocks away in west baltimore. Crowds have been growing in the street throughout the afternoon against the backdrop of a large police and National Guard presence. As you can imagine, after last night, tensions are high. Our team has fanned out across this city. Lets get right to nbcs Peter Alexander to begin our coverage. Peter . Lester, good eve to two atf teams are en route here to help investigate more than 140 cars set on fire 15 buildings burned and the news announced by the Police Commissioner at least one rioter fired shots at officers last night. All this as the citys mayor vowed to return baltimore to normal. Tonight baltimore is a city under lockdown. State and local police teamed up with 1,000 members of the National Guard trying to keep an uneasy. Hoping to avoid a repeat of last rioting. I thi this can be our defining moment and not the darkest days that we saw yesterday. R explosion of ve followed e funeral for 25yearold freddie gray who died while in police custody. Young people many of them teens, gathered on baltimores west side before throwing rocks and bottles at police then looting a cvs pharmacy and setting it ablaze. Angry mobs moved from store to store, stealing property destroying police cars and attacking officers. Io t night, chaos intensified. This nearly completed Senior Center turned into an inferno. Today emotions ar stop the violence please for more than eight hours overnight the levy family helplessly watched their store surveillance cameras from home as looters gutted the sports mart theyve owned for 25 years. They were coming in and just cleaning us out. Ts mess is all thats left. Want to rebuild, but where do you begin . Its just bad. My heart is breaking for baltimore for all the store owners and its breaking for us. Reporter mothe of three, tracy joyce, had worked here for the last five years. Shes now out of a job. And i walk in and e this tore apart, this like ripped me to shreds. Upsetting. Rep this g w city sc closed leaving 85,000 kids without class, some took to the streets to help clean up. I didnt want all this to look a mess and i want this to look like it never burnt down and i want them to rebuild this the way it was. Reporter others to last nights hot spots where they faced off with police once again. No injuries reported but limited arrests. The curfew begins here tonight at 10 00 p. M. And tomorrow the Baltimore Orioles will return to the field at nearby camden yards after postponing their games yesterday and today but theyll do in a game thats closed to the public. That means no fans in the stands. Even Major League Baseball lester says thats never happened before. All right, Peter Alexander, thanks. On the west side. Im on the east side of baltimore at the scene of this fire last night. If you were watching any of the coverage you saw it going up in flames lighting the skyline. Its a Church Senior Community Center that was under construction. L questions as to whether it was related to the riots that occurred at about that time. So its still under investigation. Atf was here just a short time ago. The question have been how did things get to this point . Was this all about freddie gray or Something Else . The consensus of people i spoke to in this city today say there was a lot more to it that what happened here is rooted decades ago. His cell phone camera rolling as the unruly crowd surges toward a Check Cashing store, then begins ransacking the place, andre jolly witnessed what he and many others who live in this neighborhood ha seen coming for decades. It didnt make but at the same time freddie gray didnt make sense. And until somebody mixed the real problem and theyre going to act out like youth act out. And little c explain yesterdays violence. But there is plenty that may inform it. Its a neighborhood where more than 50 of residents are not employed. Third of its Residential Housing emy or abandoned. Where in one fouryear period a quarter of kids ages 10 to 17 had been arrested. A place where residents are twice as likely to die from homicide than other baltimore residents. And now, adding to the misery of those growing up here this. Are you afraid for whats going to happen here . Yes. What are most afraid of . Im most afraid of Everything Everything the kids might go into the stores and we might not have a community to live in. Reporter kweisi mfume, former congressman and naacp president is from baltimore. Pe look at what here last t and they say what on earth does it have to do with freddie gray . Nothing. Violence burning, looting has absolutely nothing to do with the cry for justice, the investigation or to find out what caused his death. Reporte but tapped in. Somethings simmering here. Its been simmering, lester for 40 or 50 years really since 1968. Reporter africanamer men e vanishing from daily life in places like west baltimore because of premature deaths and soaring incarceration rates. Andre jolly is himself a convicted felon and recovering substance abuser. I have an 8yearold son. I have a 7yearold son. And what im trying to do right now is be in their lives, be a father. D i thats a g part of the problem. Lot of the fathers here are either incarcerated or dead. Reporter but west baltimore has not given up. Father and exmarine Brandon Gibson brought his children out today to join others in cleaning up debris in the neighborhood his family came from. We can cry and we can have sorrow about all the bad things that are happening and all the things that are going wrong, such as the tensions with the police and the things in the neighborhood but you at the end of the day, youre going to have to take action and youre going to have to do something posi to make that positive change. Speaking older people who were here during the riots of the 60s theyre appealing to the young people trying to remind them that all this violence only takes away from their community. President obama tod a News Conference with japans Prime Minister his first Public Comment about the violence in baltimore, declaring that there is no excuse for the rioting after he was questioned by our senior White House Correspondent chris jansing. Are we in the throes of a National Crisis . What a you prepared to do about it both in terms of baltimore and the larger picture . And what do you say to critics who say that since the death of Trayvon Martin you have not been aggressive enough in your response . When individuals get crowbars and start prying open doors to loot theyre not protesting. Not making a statement. They stealing. What i say is this has been a slowrolling crisis. Th has been going on for a long time. This is not new. I think there are po departments have to do some soul searching. I think theres some communits that have to do some soul searching, but i think we as a country have to do some soul searching. D we dont just Pay Attention to these communities when a young man gets shot. Or has his spine snapped. The prs first tod about viole in baltimore. Spent more than 14 minutes answering chris question on topic. Our nbc news political director and moderator of meet the press chuck todd is with us tonight. Lets talk about leadership. E seen vargss of this story play out over the last year or so. Questi of police conduct. Does the leadersh move from here . Well it will be interesting to see if the president does something hes never before. He never walked the streets of ferguson didnt go to sanford, florida, didnt go to north charleston. Is baltimore different . He come and walk e streets . Does he actually smell the burning ground that we smell and the smoldering . The symbolic bully pulpits been credit ekes that he hasnt done it enough. The new mayor here stephanie rawlingsblake but shes somebody who she made these comments about space to destroy. I th its put her sort of on her heels a little bit. And its not clear whether shes going to have the ability to bring this city together. S got a real challenge. Som who has been a frequent guest on your program. She has been and a National Spokesperson talking about the and body camera snow this is in her backyard. This is a real challenge for her. Amid all the images of crowds run amok here theres a moment that stood out for many watching this unfold when a young man encountered an authority fiy badge but can really lay down the law. Rehema ellis has that part of the story. Repor police this is one mothers fury unleashed on her son. Spotted in the middle of a protest, she forces him back tries to rip off h mask while screaming at him. Get over here now reporter baltimores police f commended her. If you saw in one scene, you had one mother who grabbr chi who had a hood on his head and she started smacking him on the head because she was so embarrassed. Wish i had more parents that took of their kids like that tonight. Rep the video has gone viral. Many are calling her a hero. Do you think she right or was she wrong . I think she was right. If your son were old enough to be out in the street rioting and you saw him, what would you do . The same thing that mother did. Go find my son and take him home. His li saved. My mother would have done the same thin wow, you know they said go and get their children. Bu i mean they didnt say go and cuss them out and beat them up. Tonight, a community torn apart, neighbors hold on to each other, praying for answers and a peaceful night. Rehema ellis, nbc news baltimore. We want to turn to another major story were following tonight, the desperate search for survivors of the devastating earthquake in nepal which is now claimed more than 5,000 lives. Every minute that passes diminishing the chances of finding people alive in the rubble but rescuers are not ready to give up not yet. Miguel almaguer has the story from nepal. Reporter a new at the devastating quake. E pictures taken but neighboring nepal remains hardest hit. Finding survivors here has become a r. Late tonight this 28yearold pulled alive from the rubble more than 80 hours after the quake. But the desperate search doesnt scenes like this have been happening all day long. Anothe body recovered from the rubble. Now rushed to the hospital. Moments later volunteers are back at work. Wh are you here . To help. Reporter 62yearold canadian ross trent has been digging 12 hours a day since the quake struck. Here i am. In one crazy way im probably in a better place now doing something. Just across the street people looking for missing relatives watch and wait. In some areas of kathmandu, theyve n up hope. Beneath this rubble a few days ago they could hear cries for help even tapping, but now theyve gone. For survivors today, more hardship. Rain and wind hammered tent cities. Disease could easily spread here. But hospitals are out of room. No empty beds only the promise of more patients to come. In remote villages helicopters search and find more destruction. On mt. Everest, climbers trapped by the avalanche have been airlifted out. The climbing season is over. This rescue team from virginia arriving in kathmandu today to join the search for survivors. This is why theyve come a woman rescued, pinned underneath concrete for t theres still hope here but less of it with each passing day. Miguel almaguer nbc news kathmandu, nepal. We know many of you want to know how to help the victims in nepal and where you can donate. We put all that information on our website. A l more of the days news still ahead, including a big announcement from the nfl. Also samesex marriage returns to the supreme court. Its a cliffhanger ca legal in all 50 states. To wha we le about congratulations. Youre down with crestor. Yes when diet and exercise arent enough, adding crestor lowers bad cholesterol up to 55 . Crestor is not for people with Liver Disease or women who are nursing, pregnant, or may become pregnant. Tell your doctor all medicines you take. Call your doctor if you have muscle pain or weakness, feel unusually tired have loss of appetite, upper belly pain, dark urine or yellowing of skin or eyes. These could be signs of serious side effects. 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Rep lester good evening. E c is on the verge of a watershed ruling but it isnt obvious how it will rule so the justice who has written e courts three progay rulings in the past may be about to do it again. Outside the cour crowds on both sides of the issue, one thats deeply personal to people like thomas he decided to get married four years ago i to an Army Sergeant about to deploy to afghanistan. When the army ordered them to move tennessee refused to consider them married. Being in the military you cant really say you dont to go there. When two people love each other, they make commitments to each other and those commitments should be respected and should travel from state to state. 36 states now permit gay couples to marry, but states that impose bans say it should be up to the people not the courts. They seemed to agree. Who should decide the point. People feel difft if they have the chance to vote on it than if its imposed on them by the courts. States that ban gay marriage say keeping the traditional definition encourages oppositesex couples get married and have children but the courts liberals didnt think much of that. You not taking away anything from heterosexual couples. They would have the very same incentive to marry, all the benefits tha marry, that they do now. Its hard to see how permitting samesex marriage discourages people b bonded with their biological children. T court seemed split 44 with Justice Anthony kennedy likely the deciding vote. Though he said the traditional definition has been around for millennia. He said letting gay couples marry gives them respect. Samesex couples say, of course we understand the nobility and the sacredness of marria we know we cant procreate, but we want the other attributes of it in order to show that we too, have a dignity that can be fulfilled. The argument was briefly interrupted by the shouts of an opponent of samesex marriage as court Police Rushed in to hustle him out. Justice kennedy came back to that dignity point a couple of times suggesting theres a bare 54 majority in favor of samesex marriage no sign of a sixth vote with the chief justice joining. Thats something many were wondering about. But we wont know the answ to any of this until the courts dees out in late june. Lester . Thanks very much. Back in a moment with a terrifying incident that forced a plane to attempt an thank you for being a sailor, and my daddy. Thank you mom, for protecting my future. Thank you for being my hero and my dad. Military families are thankful for many things. The legacy of usaa Auto Insurance could be one of them. Our worldclass service earned usaa the top spot in a study of the most recommended Large Companies in america. If youre current or former military or their family, see if youre eligible to get an Auto Insurance quote. And the wolf was huffing and puffing. Kind of like you sometimes, grandpa. Well, when you have copd it can be hard to breathe. 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As mayor ill do whats right for them. Scary moments late today on the runway in philadelphia where a United Airlines turboprop plane with 75 people on board made an Emergency Landing because of a fire in one of the engines. The plane was immediately doused in foam. The passengers rushed out on to the grass next to the runway. One passta hospital chest pains. Today marked the first day of testimony in the colorado Movie Theater massacre. The first witnesses were survivors of the 2012 shooting including a woman who was nine months pregnant at the time d her husband who suffered a severe brain injury and is now confined to a wheelchair. 12 people were killed that night, 70 people injured. Attorney for the defendant james holmes claim he is not guilty by reason of insanity. In a major shift the nfl has announced its le will start paying taxes. The teams already pay taxes but the Central Office has been exempt since 1942. Commissioner Roger Goodell says that has created a distraction which the league is now doing away with but this move also means that the nfl no longer has to disclose how much money goodell and other top executives make. And final preps are under way for perhaps the most thrilling thing youll see all year when Daredevil Nik Wallenda attempts to walk along the rim of the 400foottall orlando eye ferris wheel while it spins. He wont have a balancing pole a safety line or a net below him. You can catch it live tomorrow on today. We are back in a moment with more on our top story. Some final t nobody told us to expect it. Intercourse thats painful due to menopausal changes its not likely to go away on its own. So lets do something about it. Premarin vaginal cream can help it provides estrogens to help rebuild vaginal tissue and make intercourse more comfortable. Premarin vaginal cream treats vaginal changes due to menopause and moderatetosevere painful intercourse caused by these changes. 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Theres a lot to try and understand here and much to learn, but the concern i also heard expressed is that this community cant be seen or heard through the fog of fog and din of violence. Wel have updates throughout the night nbc news. Com and on late local news and tomorrow on today. Im lester holt reporting from baltimore. All of us at nbc news, thank you Mariah Careys new extra kiss and tell from her divorce to dating again. And is her new song about nick . Now on extra. Mariahs cleopatrastyle entrance at caesars palace. Talk about a fabulous entrance. Breaking news to tracey about the new vegas show and relationship with director brett ratter in. A fabulous love affair darling. Would you like to share andear the air . Yes. New vid joe khloe and bruce jenner today. Why bruce hired an attack dog attorney. Breaking the silence about Patrick Dempseys surprise

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