Transcripts For WCAU NBC News Special 2016 Election Night 20161109

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And lets look at the how the votes break down in utah. Well walk you through some of the other calls we made during your local coverage. California projected for Hillary Clinton. Hawaii for Hillary Clinton. Idaho is won by donald trump, the projected winner in idaho. Oregon will go to Hillary Clinton. Clinton also the projected winner in washington. And as we had noted earlier, trump the projected winner in north carolina. Lets take you down on the ice and show you where the race to 270 stands right now. Im sorry, weve got a new one, a new projection in the state of iowa. Donald trump wins in iowa. All right. Now lets take you, theres the breakdown in iowa, 50 trump, 44 for clinton. Now i think we can take you down and show you where things stand in the race to 270. A big change there with that last round. 228 for trump. 209 for clinton, as more and more states are now filled in. A big one still outstanding there. Well continue to watch, that would likely turn this race one way or the other. This is the view at clinton headquarters, reacting to the news in florida. Long faces at this viewing party here. This is clinton headquarters in new york. Not far from where the trump folks are gathered right now. Lets go to Andrea Mitchell. She is there. Andrea . Reporter youre showing the faces. The stunning information, as its been progressing here, of donald trump winning iowa, which was pretty much anticipated, and florida. This is such a narrow path. For all this time weve been talking about the multiple paths she had and the narrow path that he had. And clearly that was a misjudgment by all of the conventional wisdom. Pollsters missed it. Correspondents missed it. All of the analysis. The focus on the early not vote, which clearly was misplaced because we were putting too much weight on the early vote and not counting what was still out there. Andrea mitchell at the clinton headquarters, where there has been an is that right reaction to that news that florida has gone to donald trump. It is the opposite reaction, i can assure you, at the trump headquarters. Thats why katy tur is now, katy. Reporter it is absolutely the opposite reaction. Theyre chanting usa, usa here. The mood only grows happier by the minute. I can tell you earlier, only a couple of hours ago, this room was relatively empty as the electoral map looked pretty daunting for donald trump. As state by state has fallen into his camp, this room was only growing more excited. They really feel like donald trump has a chance of winning. They feel vindicated that donald trump was speaking for them when nobody else was. Ive met a ton of people across this country who not only say that donald trump says what they think, they like that he tells it like it is, but they wanted somebody who would go in and shake up washington, give it to washington, if you will, somebody who would cut through the red tape, cut through the drama between the two sides, and just get things done. They believe that he is somebody who will be able to do things with the sweep of his hand, somebody who will be able to build a wall, somebody who will be able alone to stop radical islamic terror. Hes come out and spoken very strongly against a lot of things and broken a ton of traditional normal norms in this country, said things no other candidate could have said and survived, yet he has. Looking back on this, the moment he didnt call john mccain a war hero and his poll numbers surged after that, that should have been an eye opening moment for everybody in this country that nothing was going to apply to donald trump like it applied to everybody else. We saw this in the primaries. We saw this now, so far, during this general election, as his poll numbers have stayed pretty night with Hillary Clinton, despite the various outrageous statements he has made, despite the various controversies, despite saying that a mexican judge was biased because of his heritage, despite attacking a gold star family, despite saying that he could grope women because he was a celebrity, despite multiple women coming out against him and saying that he touched them inappropriately or acted inappropriately to them, he has survived all of that. Now his campaign feels like they really have a very good shot of winning this race. All right, katy tur, thanks very much. We go now to former new york city mayor Rudy Guiliani who has become a powerful surrogate for donald trump. Mayor, react to what youre seeing so far. Florida has gone im enormously excited for the country. I believe donald trump will be a truly great president. This is probably one of the greatest victories for the people of america since Andrew Jackson. I mean, this is against the entire establishment, democrat, republican, corporate, wall street, the media. I mean, 90 of the media lined up against him, four or five stories a day in the new york times, today four of them negative about him. Ill remind you, he has 228 electoral votes, not quite victory yet. Were not there yet. But were getting there. And it sure shows the power of the people. How much do you think that the comey story played into what were seeing right now . I dont know that it played very much into it. I think everyone had already made up their mind about mrs. Clinton and the long period of time in which the clintons had committed a number of serious crimes that were ignored by the washington establishment. Perjury, whitewater, the mark rich pardon which to me was enormously upsetting because i prosecuted mark rich, he was the number one fugitive in the country, and they got 30 million for that. Selling uranium to russia. Those were the things that really brought her down more than what comey did. Comeys report played a big role in it. But i think Donald Trumps outreach to the people is the main thing here. You have to have been at his rallies and seen the way people reacted to him. I told him at the first rally that i was at that he was going to win this election, because he reached the people. Mr. Guiliani, if donald trump is t triumphant tonight, your name has been mentioned as a possible cabinet member. What position would you want in a Trump Administration . Right now im not even thinking about that. Im enormously happy at my law firm, my security firm. I do cyber security, which is unbelievably challenging. And im just happy to see that my country is in good hands and not in the hands it might have been in if we had made a mistake. Lets hope we get there. Youre right, were not quite there yet. Theres a lot of drama left in this night. Im still praying. Mayor guiliani, and your wife, thank you so much for taking the time. Well see how the evening progression. Thank you very much. I want to go over to chuck todd who is gathered with some of the analysts working through what weve seen so far. President trump . Maybe something that Everybody Needs to get used to, including the Republican Party. I have to say, heres three people, smart minds in the Republican Party, and i think we all thought it couldnt happen, that he couldnt do this on the power of white voters alone, that he couldnt do what he did. And guess what, he may just do it. Mike murphy, what did you miss . Oh, boy. I missed a lot. Under the normal rules of politics, he couldnt put it together. But hes broken the normal rules and hes getting votes he shouldnt get at a huge level among white america, where partisanship doesnt seem to have the same glue. States like wisconsin, full of white democrats, who apparently in big numbers are voting for him. So right now, michigan, i can see 100,000 votes for her out of detroit. Wisconsin, i dont see it. I dont see it either. You know, barring an upset in arizona by her, nicole, the paths are starting to get cut off for her. So look, hes remade the Republican Party. Absolutely. This is not paul ryans party. I think paul ryans days as speaker of the house are probably over tonight, because i dont see the house is going to respond differently. You elicited a monmoan from hugh. I didnt know there were that many people concerned with the Supreme Court. Obamacare. The premium in phoenix went up 149 . Ron johnson winning in wisconsin is an obamacare vote. I think that all this is going to come down to donald trump will sit down with Mitch Mcconnell and paul ryan if this holds true and they will do deals and they will save the Supreme Court. This is im sure some bernie bros will be talking about this, does Bernie Sanders lose wisconsin, anybody . Who thinks Bernie Sanders would have lost wisconsin . He would have lost wisconsin. Culturally he wouldnt have connected. Was she uniquely unable to connect to this vote . Yes. I want to get in on being wrong. Theres a race to the bottom here. The table is going to get crowded. Yeah. Ill speak for myself, what i got wrong. I think peoples tolerance for all the unsaver savesavory things tha came out of Donald Trumps mouth, he was undeniably embracing racially charged language, misogynistic language, talking about grabbing a woman in the genitals is disqualifying for any other candidate in any other year, i didnt vote for him, who banned an entire religion. People, voters, had an incredibly high threshold for pain and for intolerance and rfohe tse sort of racial and misogynistic undertones because they thought he might be political chemo, the thing that could wipe out the corrupt cancer in washington. You said chemo, somebody said to me, theres only a 10 chance the pill would work but i want to try it. When voters are mad, they have a low tolerance for the baseball bat. They want a weapon. He was that weapon. They held him accountable to almost nothing. On the other hand, they dont like her. Shes politics. Thats it. I just want to say. You said rejection election on my show. Youre absolutely right. This is a rejection of Hillary Clinton and a willingness to roll the dice. I do want to go to the Andrew Jackson point here. Ive thought about this this too, that he was trying to do Andrew Jackson. I didnt think you could do Andrew Jackson. That is how Andrew Jackson, the first populist to become president , and who was arguably destructive to the American Economy at the time, but the public didnt care. John meachams book captured that. He ruled as he ran. He ruled as a disrupter. Some historians love jackson and some think he was the worst president. If trump wins, he has a better chance than not, now will come the pain, the other half. Voting to blow things up is easy. Living with that and the economy and everywhere else, look at the fumtures, is another story. This is the fourway florida board. A bunch of democrats are gnawing their fingernails. Look at the difference between trump and clinton, 132,000, then look at the total vote of johnson stein. 266. Lets not presume all johnson voters were somehow going to go clinton. Right. But something kept them from voting for trump. We dont know, its a known unknown. There is going to be some bernie bros, democrats will look for a bunch of things to gnaw on their fingernails. I was talking about show trials in the Republican Party. Now ill be in the chair. And others. But the dems are going to have an implosion over this. We have a call on georgia. We have to go to lester. Nbc news projects that donald trump wins the state of georgia. This has gone on a lot longer than many imagined it would. 16 electoral votes. Trump wins georgia. We also want to note very quickly, lets first of all look at where that takes us in the race to 270 that puts trump at 244. Clinton standing right now at 209. Let me just mention here very quickly, arizona, wisconsin, those have moved to the too close to call category. Well take a break and be back with more after this. S success . Is it a professor who never stops being a student . Is it a caregiver determined to take care of her own . Or is it a lifetime of work that blazes the path to your passions . Your personal success takes a Financial Partner who values it as much as you do. Learn more at tiaa. 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It is a tale of two halls blocks away in new york city, interpreting and watching the news as it unfolds in this extremely tight president ial election. To give us some perspective, we welcome a pair of wellknown president ial historians, doris kerns good win and michael beschloss. In 1948 every poll said dewey would beat truman. And they saw the support that truman had, james reston said, i apologize, i didnt take that into account. People didnt listen to what people outside were feeling. On the other hand, whoever wins tonight, what this shows is theres going to be a divided country. We are going to need leadership. The scary thing is both candidates, people dont feel are trustworthy and more than ever well need somebody who can heal these divisions. Gore helped to do it in ta2000. I remember that night, with tom brokaw, we were up waiting forever and ever. Gore was able to show grace and classiness. Lets talk to michael about that. One of these two candidates will be expected to make a concession speech at the end of this night. Given that they both are immensely unpopular, as doris points out, the country more than ever needs somebody to lead us through this split. What would you expect . However is president is going to have to heal and unite this country. That would have been true at the end of this campaign in any case. Lester, one other thing we have to remember that perhaps is a little bit forgotten, that is that if you look through american history, it is almost never the case that one Political Party is able to hold on to the white house three terms in a row. You know, Martin Van Buren was able to be elected as Andrew Jacksons successor, 1836. If youre looking at a Vice President able to do that, you have to go all the way ahead to george h. W. Bush in 1988, elected to essentially Ronald Reagans third term. Dwight eisenhower, although very popular, was not able to hand the white house to richard nixon. Nor was bill clinton, who was at the end of his presidency quite popular, able to do the same thing for al gore. We may be seeing some form of that syndrome tonight. We look at the polls, and depending on how this turns out, we may look at the polls and say what happened. Is it harder to measure an electorate where so many people are voting against the other person, when so many people are holding their nose and saying, this is all i got, let me choose one . How do you factor in that gut check, that moment of doing something you dont want to do . Were used to that in primary situation, which are usually protest moments. Were less used to that in a general election. Normally you assume by the time people come to a general election, theyve chosen one candidate over another. And i think it just shows theres an antipolitical feeling in this country, a feeling against experience. Somehow people are not viewing politicians in the same way they used to. The outsider, even with all the flaws, if it turns out, even if its closer than we thought, was able to get a momentum behind him that didnt need a ground game, that didnt have the polls, people telling them. I mean, everything about this base yogi berra would say it, you cant predict anything in this race. All of us will have to feel that. No matter what happens, its a loss closer than a lot of people thought. It is a lot closer. This is a good time to remind folks, this is not over. It is not over yet. Neither candidate has the 270. I want to thank you both, michael and doris, good to have you both on. We appreciate your insight on a night of such history here. We are going to take a break. Well continue with our coverage, watching too early to call races. There may be some interesting developments here with how this will stack up at the end of the day. Well check in with chuck todd who has that look that he needs to talk to me. Wait until you see this. Well be right back. Jake reese, day to feel alive jake reese, day to feel alive. Nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea heres pepto bismol ah. Nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea youre so cold, come in whats wrong . Its dry. Your scalp . Mine gets dry in the winter too. Try head and shoulders dry scalp care it nourishes the scalp and. Keeps you up to 100 flake free head and shoulders dry scalp care as you can see, were getting very close here. If she does hang on in nevada and she wins New Hampshire, and right now i think trumps likely to narrowly grab wisconsin, dont know yet, i think she end up with michigan, and look what happens. 269269. Now, this scenario does the following. It give us her cd 2, it give us him in nebraska, cd 2 in maine. Were looking at recaps. We may have recounts in maine too, a recount in nebraska too. This is a plausible scenario as the night wears on. Michigan and wisconsin, those directions are the likely result. Anybody else up for all nighter . Well be back with more coverage in a moment. Thanks for staying up late with us on this Election Night 2016. Im jim rosenfield. Im jacquelin london. We are still waiting to hear who wins the president ial race in pennsylvania. The results are neck and neck right now wrrn lets go straight to keith jones with the latest numbers. Zoo this race hinges on pennsylvania right now. This is the biggest margin right here, philadelphia. Clinton is winning right now. 82 to 16 . Lets go down to montgomery county. Hillary is carrying a big lead here as well. 59 to 38 . Same margin here. 39 , 38 . Same thick happened in 2012 and 2008. President obama won these two counties big. This is where it gets tighter. Chester county, Hillary Clinton here with a ten point lead. Now, if in 2012 mitt romney actually won Chester County. Were going to skip ahead to burkes county. What were going to see is similar except flipflopped. Donald trump with a tenpoint lead here. Same outcome in 2012. Romney beat president obama here. Now, we want to look back at berks county. This is where things get interesting. They are dead even. President obama won here in 2012 and 2008. This could be big for donald trump. Up in the Lehigh Valley, Hillary Clinton is going to hold a slight lead. 50 to 46 in North Hampton. You have donald trump with a lead. Four points, 5046. According to northbound news this race, of course, too close to call, as evidenced by our area. 20 electoral votes up for grabs. This race hinges on pennsylvania. Jim. That right there shows us why its too close to call. One of the races still hasnt been called as well. The u. S. Senate race here in pennsylvania. Thats republican pat toomey versus democrat Katie Mcginty. There are your numbers. Katie mcgint wherey showing a s lead at 49 to pat tomomeys 47. Brandon. Jim, while we are waiting on Katie Mcginty to arrive, we heard from pep talks of sorts from governor tom wolf, senator bob casey. Theyre expecting a long night. What we can also tell you is that we are waiting to hear the latest from the crowd. Well talk to them in a little bit and get back to you later. Reporting live here. Lets go live to randy gillenhall. Whats the mood like there, randy . Its pretty tense. Katie mcginty had a lead, and theres early votes coming in, but that has closed rapidly, and the crowd anticipating a win even though it is right now neck and neck. Were told toome is y is in the building. Nbc 10 is your pras to stay this Election Night 2016 continuing. We are staying with you for the next few hours. Flaky layers are on the inside. But lets just say its more than ever. Share the warmth of grands biscuits, now with even more flaky layers its baking season. Warm up with pillsbury. At progresso, we are now using 100 antibiotic and hormonefree white breast meat chicken in all our chicken soups behold our greatest opus the drama, the anxiety, the sense of this night can certainly be seen in the faces at two different locations. Not far away from each other here in midtown manhattan. And the trump headquarters, happy faces, hands in the air as they watch their candidate defy the polls and powering to a significant lead here. Tonight in this race for president. Where at the clinton headquarters, long faces and tears. Heres the National Vote right now, the popular vote. Trump with 48 to 47 , but as we knew going in, this is a story about battleground races. And the race to 270. Trump right now has climbed out ahead to 2414 to clintons 209. There are some remaining states here. They are all in the too close to call category. Starting with michigan. Too close to call. Wisconsin, New Hampshire, and you can see the difference is 6,000. The difference in New Hampshire. Maine is too close to call. Minnesota is too close to call. Pennsylvania, part of Hillary Clintons fire wall, still too close to call. 7,000 vote difference there. I dont know if you caught that. Nevada is too close to call, and arizona, too close to call. These states will keep us up for a long time here, waiting to see who can pass that 270 mark. Theres the map, it started all gray at the beginning of the evening, its 7 00 eastern time. You can see a sea of red now that encompasses the south and the middle of the country, but smatterings of blue in the states that k9 unicount. The gray areas, toot close to call states. And right now the trump people feeling better and better about their chances of seeing donald trump become the next president of the United States. And back here with my panel, chuck, you gave us a scenario a moment ago 269269 tie. Lets talk about some of the states we looked at. It was a 7,000 vote difference now in pennsylvania. Look, whats out in pennsylvania, slightly leans her, theres a lot out in allegheny, its a county she should carry. But lets talk about the bigger down to 4,000 by the way. Lets go to the big blue remember the big blue wall . Weve all said it, those states that have voted democrat in every single president ial election going back to 88, pennsylvania is precarious, all he has to do is win pennsylvania and its ball game. Hes president of the United States, you know, its done, hes over the mark. Michigan, wisconsin, those three, he could win all three. Right now, she leads in, you know shes got i think a path to victory in michigan and a narrow one in pennsylvania, but the bottom line is he broke the big blue wall. He did. He cracked it. Look at where the candidates spent their time, theres no question that the Clinton Campaign took the big blue wall for granted. They came to michigan late. They never went to wisconsin as i understand it, and trump i think made six different visits, or six stops in wisconsin. By the way, there were members of the Republican Party, okay this miss by everybody is even like republican consultants are going, why is trump doing that . Wisconsins done. Wisconsin was so done, the National Republican Senatorial Committee pulled out. Now they went back in to try to help johnson, but it was late. Trump had a ton of problems in the primary in wisconsin. This is this is the miss on trump is far and wide. Its the modelers. Its the pollsters. Its us in the media. The miss is far and wide. But what was the polls could not measure that was out there . What was missing is the underestimating of this white vote. You know, theres going to be a lot of a couple of there was one guy trying to remember where he was at. The Weekly Standard or real clear politics and i cant remember the mans name, he had been making this argument of a missing white vote. That there was a bunch of vote that romney could have had, but didnt win. And while the census show that it was there, no one believed it was going to get activated because trump didnt actually do work to activate vote. Didnt go out there with registered voter. They were listening. The rhetoric did it. That should get out to vote. Its donald trump rally. Ting became for a lot of people, they didnt want to say voting for trump because it was socially unacceptable in some areas. They kept to themselves. And then the secrecy of the ballot is that they can go in and cast the vote for whoever they want to. And look, she has not been a popular figure for some time. We know they were two of the most unpopular candidates to ever run for president. Bill and hillary have been around for a long time. They wanted change and agent was change. What is so stunning to me is that the Clinton Campaign, which has always had a great reputation for knowing exactly where the votes are, david has been saying for a month, pennsylvania. Hes not going to get a vote there. I mean, why would he even go there . And theyve been go back to they just underestimated everybody underestimated the rural white vote. Everybody thought there wasnt enough white vote to lose hispanics and African Americans by the margins that hes losing them by and to win. And we were wrong. Its a twopronged issue. The white vote has been declining as a shared electorate over the past several cycles. A lot of pollsters are not factoring in suddenly a surge in white vote and then if you see depressed turnout among the nonwhite vote and youre not getting the same numbers. Thats how you get to a map were looking at tonight. One conversation, recriminations, we started in the Republican Party, right . And as the nights worn on i know where youre going. Lets talk about the Democratic Party now. Theres going to be plenty of people that say, what if joe biden had run . What biden would have been a real heir apparent. What if was the democratic ticket too white . Uhhuh. Okay. Thats going to be if you look at the African American vote, theres going to be some people that say, maybe she should have picked cory booker. And the point is theres going to be that, or maybe Bernie Sanders was actually had his finger more on the pulse of whats going on in america. Lets look i think the ticket was too establishment. I mean, i think thats really what it was. Is that she has been there for so long. Shes talked in conventional ways about what the call of the Democratic Party is, and her Vice President ial running mate had a wonderful record in virginia, but he wasnt all that low now and that dynamic. I dont think that they had the charisma that the white people who are out there saying i want big change. And they were sending those signals all along. We missed them because it would come and go and come and go, and suddenly, its tonight. Whos the leader of the Democratic Party . You tell me . I guess its elizabeth warren. Or Bernie Sanders. Lets look at how the Clinton Campaign closed this out. The last several weeks have all been, you know, the ads talking about, you know, the things he said about women and minorities and disabled people, and it clearly didnt stick. I mean, member, a month ago we were playing when he sat on a bus. And people were openly saying, this is it. We sat up that night thinks hes going to have to drop out. This is fatal. There was nothing fatal in anything that he did. No other candidate could have said the things that he did, taken the positions that he did, take on his own party the way that he did and continue to win one rally after another. One state after another during the primaries. This is and the clinton folks saying theres no moral e give lan si with her transgressions. President trump, President Trump has no shackles. He won this his way. He won this a trashing the press. He won this by trashing the establishment. He won this by saying some things that we all thought you couldnt say. I mean this is he won United States senator on the republican side who was actively for him. Jeff sessions. All the others ran from him. Theres going to be the normal rules, theres no small jeep governor on him, on anything. This is a this is going to be a very, very different we have a long way to go. Were not there yet. But strump going to act like a mandate, and if youre him, why wouldnt you . Everybody said you were done and done by a lot. Okay. Halle, youve got exits. Its interesting to hear your conversation because you talk about the Republican Party needing to figure out what would happen if it were to be a President Trump, but if it were to be a president clinton or not, the question of what has happened with younger voters. Millennial voters. The third party factor here that you were talking about a little bit over on the other side of the set. When you look at how Hillary Clinton performed with voters under the age of 30. Millennials we call them. She got 54 . Not surprising that she would see that, look at this gray slice of the pie. Thats the other section here for 2016. Thats gary johnson, thats jill stein, thats in some cases evan mcmullen. Look at that gray slice of the pie, look how many smaller it was for president obama back in 2012. Fewer voters under 30 ran from him. You can see his margin was higher than hers. The third party factor here maybe cutting into Hillary Clintons advantage nationwide when you look at the exit polls. And heres why it matters. State like New Hampshire, right, when you look at the numbers, the vote totals here, when you combine gary johnson, jill stein, the independent candidates, its such a close race in a place like some of these states like New Hampshire that its more than that margin. You mention president obama and were watching this play out. If this goes in trumps direction, youve got a president who has passionately fought for Hillary Clinton and his legacy. This is this is a big ding on his legacy, not a small one. Hes got a job Approval Rating over 50 , the third term is the history books as that bigger figure. You know, reagan got his third term with george h. W. Bush that made him a larger than life figure. And look, obama, it looked like he was going to be the Democratic Partys reagan. By the way, he still may be meaning hell be the shining light that everybody, that democrats point to in this loss to say, oh, we got to find another obama. Just in the same way the Republican Party spent 20 years looking for another reagan. The other thing is quite honestly, and the whatever the day brings, whether its her or him, youve got to look at what they both stood for and what they want to do for the country. The countrys in a big, big protest tonight. If she wins, shes got to wade through that. If he wins, they have to reexamine about knowing more about isis than the generals do. And you know about blowing up health care, immediately. About having a tax program that every economist, republican and democrat alike said its a 5 trillion deficit the moment it gets passed. Its not just what he brought in terms of stylistically, its also what he stands for. And whether or not hell listen to anybody else in his party. He went to meet with the Senate Republican leaders and not issues, this is about the show i put on. You know, its about how i sell the thing. Its almost post. Policy. I dont know if the trump voter necessarily is signing on for this policy, the wall or, you know, getting it is a protest vote. It is a primal shout, and as long as donald trump was a big pardon any french middle finger to the establishment, every institution, so long as he was carrying that mantle, he was a very attractive candidate for obviously a great number of people in this country. Let me quickly set things who are coming back and forth and figure out where we are. Its not over. Its not over, but donald trump stands right now 26 electoral votes from becoming the next president of the United States. The gray you see on that map is going to tell the story over the next couple of hours. Or less or more. We dont know. Those are states its too close to call. But theres the race right now. The race to 270. Those numbers, 209 for clinton, the 244 trump, thats what its all about. And those gray states. Here we are. Were 12 minutes into wednesday morning. And we still dont know who the next president of the United States is. We do know looking at that map that this is an intensely divided country on a lot of levels. Oh, im sorry, your mike is on. Now were seeing where the sausage is made. Yeah, thats the guy. He said ive got a guy. Were going to take a break, well continue in a moment. I wanted to reset things where we are. We continue to watch i said 13 minutes after midnight here on the east coast. Our coverage will continue after this. Liberty mutual stood with me when i was too busy with the kids to get a repair estimate. Liberty did what . Yeah, with Liberty Mutual all i needed to do to get an estimate was snap a photo of the damage and voila voila sigh i wish my Insurance Company had that. Wait hold it. Hold it boys. Theres supposed to be three of you. Wheres your brother . Wheres your brother . Hey, wheres charlie . Charlie . you can leave worry behind when liberty stands with you. 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Shes the first latina ever elected to the u. S. Senate. And she defeats joe heck. One of these republicans who really tied himself in knots over donald trump. Distancing himself and then seeming at the tail end there to say that he could support him and going back and forth in the end, Katherine Cortez wins in nevada. Nevada a state that we still are saying is too close to call on the president ial level, but the this is not a pickup, but a hold for the democrats. By the way, were you look at missouri leading. Republican. Toomey is leading by a fingernail, but leading. The democrats do not get their hopes of having the senate either. And all of this, youve been talking about trump excuse me chucks theory over here about 269 to 269, if that were to happen, it goes over to the congress to side. The house would determine and the senate would determine the Vice President. Mike pence has got to be happier that republicans are winning rather than tim kaine. What i want to do right now, all the states that remain. Theyre all too close to call. Characterization here. Lets start in michigan. Michigan, too close to call. Two things we are she is underperforming obama in wayne county which is detroit. We are a little concerned wayne county has a very bad history of counting number one. Number two, there is a lot of vote left in flint, that should be a vote for her. It is going to be a nail biter. She does have a path to victory here in michigan still. But its that is a pure coin flip. Wisconsin. Wisconsin right now, it looks trump. The only reason we are waiting just talking about milwaukee does not drop its absentee vote until after all of the other election day voting is in. And we dont know how much absentee vote in milwaukee there is. They have early voting in wisconsin. Not really. You have to like fill out a form, not a big number, but we dont know how big the number is, until we see it, were not comfortable calling trump. We did this on election day and what we have, trump there is no path for her, but we dont know what the absentee vote looks like. Weve held off. New hampshire. Its 5,000 votes, man. 5,000 votes, right . Weve still got this could come from anywhere. 5,000 votes. You cant sit here and say this area is available, this area is available. Its the question is, its those boston suburbs and durham, university of New Hampshire versus the rest of the state thats trump. Maine has four electoral votes, also too close to call. Were going to see a split here. 48, 45, he was going to be more dominant, its more rural. Thats bangor, shes going to win portland. And so it is unless she sneaks in the maine too, maine has been closer than we thought it would, but depending on how michigan and wisconsin split, well see how important maine becomes. Katy tur says minnesota, they think they have a shot there. He travelled there the other day and everyone looked had a double take. We dont see it yet. That doesnt mean obviously he is doing better than usual for a republican, but this there are more it is more likely to be a clinton state at this point than a trump state. But this is more evidence the big blue wall has a ton of cracks. Pennsylvania. This is we are going to have to wait until all the counts are in. All the voters weve got to see it all. And we will probably never be able to say anything other than apparent winner when this happens. Think about it, yesterday shes there with the president and first lady of the United States, her husband, former president , rally there. Toms point. So we could have a recount in pennsylvania. We could have a recount in omaha, we could have a recount in maine too. Michigan could be so close it could feel like a recount at this point. So it is a by the way the fact that pennsylvanias so close. This is one where the conventional wisdom is republicans want to chase that rainbow every four years but ultimately, pennsylvania comes out and votes democratic. The fact that its this tight says something. Theres a bunch of union voting obama democrats that are voting trump. As we take a quick look at nevada and then arizona we head to a break, but we continue to watch with baited breath along with the rest of the country here as we wait for the states. Still too close to call as we wait for some important calls. Well be back with more coverage. Decision night in america or on this part of the country, decision morning in america. Well be right back. Coming up on look famous people we catch flo, the progressive girl, at the supermarket buying cheese. Scandal alert flo likes dairy . woman busted [ laughter ] right afterwards we caught her riding shotgun with a mystery man. Oh, yeah [ indistinct shouting ] is this your chauffeur . What . no, i was just showing him how easy it is to save with snapshot from progressive. You just plug it in and it gives you a rate based on your driving. Does she have insurance for being boring . [ light laughter ] laugh bigger. [ laughter ] my budget used toespecially downer. Around the holidays. I made a list of everyone we need to get gifts for this year. But thanks to fingerhut. Com, we can shop over 700,000 items from brands like samsung, kitchenaid and lego. All with low monthly payments. Just click on over to fingerhut. Com for the credit you deserve to get all kinds of great gifts. [ drums playing ] lets wrap this one last. Welcome back, well after midnight here on the east coast. Trump right now with 244 electoral votes. There is the map. As it stands right now. But some key areas of gray, states that are too close to call. We continue to watch them and watching all this along with us, outside our studios, on democracy plaza, a lot of folks there around the viewing stations watching this drama unfold. And joe lean kent is with some of them right now. Reporter lester, were talking to donald trump supporters, alex, you are a voter in texas, why did you go for trump . I think that this says a lot more about hillary than it does about donald. I think it just shows that people dont trust her. And as much as trump has against him, i think it says a lot more about her than it does about him. Reporter now stewart, you voted for donald trump in connecticut, what how are you feeling right now . Hes in the lead at the moment. I have to say that i embrace what hillary has said to the country. And i hope that donald embraces some of her sentiment about inclus sieveness. I think the American Public decided that the liberal media has just taken too much of a hand in this election and has been telling the public really who to vote for all along. And one factor for me is as a doctor is that the obamacare policies, while they are trying to be helpful to the public, all of my patients have said that its just too expensive. Reporter thank you so much. Live here on democracy plaza. Lester, back to you. Some interesting pieces of conversation we can pick up on, perhaps after the break. About is this more about Hillary Clinton and also lets face, we in many ways we were on the ballot as well. The media. And thats another conversation. Lets take a break. Well be back with more coverage. Decision night in america here on nbc. On nbc. We are still here. Thanks for staying up late with us on Election Night 2016. One of the races that still has not been called is the u. S. Senate race in pennsylvania. Thats republican pat toomey versus democrat Katie Mcginty. Toomey, the incumbent here. Locked at 48 a piece here. Still too close to call. And the president ial race in pennsylvania still has not been called. Lets get straight over to keith jones with the latest numbers. Jackie, jim, this race hinges on pennsylvania. He even said we could have a recount here in the keystone state. Were still waiting on Lebanon County to report. The biggest margin 8216, Hillary Clinton taking that. Thats expected. In montgomery county, we move right along. 59 right here. Ill highlight that. Hillary clinton leading over donald trump. We have just about the same margin in adelco. Same thing happened, baty the w, in 2012 when president obama went big. Jumping to chester. This is where it gets tighter here. Hillary Clinton Holding on to the tenpoint lead we told you about about a half hour ago. Mitt romney won Chester County in 2012. Were going to skip ahead to berks county. Same numbers here. Flipflopped the winner. Trump is up this time. Same outcome in 2012. Romney beat obama here. Back up in bucks. Dead even. 48 to 48 . We saw earlier hillary pull up with 49 , 47 . Its put back. This could be big for donald trump if he wins this. The Lehigh Valley is still a tossup at this point. Too close to call. Hillary winning lehigh, North Hampton going to trump. Were going to go right over now to the Trump Campaign. Speaking of him, my partner, erin coleman joins us live outside 30 rock. Erin. Thanks, keith. You know, Trump Campaign feeling more and more confident by the minute. Want to take a live look inside the hilton holtel in midtown where a lot of his supporters have gathered. This room was virtually empty, but now his supporters hugging and cheering. At this point, as you mention, all eyes on pennsylvania. Were going to be here watching. Want to send it over to my colleague lauren mick at the hilton camp. I just came out of the room where Hillary Clinton supporters have gathered, and that mood there has turned from serious really to somber. I saw people sitting on the floor. One man told me he was scared. Another woman with tears in her eyes said she was thinking about the Supreme Court. This is not how they thought this night would go. Jim and jacquelin, back to you. All right, lauren. Nbc 10, your place to stays aElection Night 2016 continues. We have all the results you need to see on the nbc 10 app and join us for nbc 10 news today starting at 4 30 later this morning. Continuing coverage now. Welcome back. Democracy plaza at rockefeller center, its 12 30 in the east. Theres the National Vote based on property jexs now. Trump leading 48 to 47 . Thats the popular vote. Lets take a look now at the electoral vote. The race to 270 which is what were witnessing right now. Trump sitting at 244, clinton at 209 with a number of states here still too close to call. That will turn this election before we all walk out of here. Were going to go to Howie Jackson right now. Among the many things were watching as this seems to be tilting toward donald trump, the markets around the world are reacting. She has more on that. Were seeing a drop in some overseas markets and something happening on the s p 500. It was halted so theres two kinds of futures. The dow futures a lot because theres a big dow board question look at we saw a drop. Theyre down indicating at this point a 4 drop. So if the dow were to open right now, it would open 760 points lower than when it closed. Really your investments are in a broader set of investments that are more like the s p 500. Now this doesnt happen very much, but the s p 500, they dont generally allow it in trading. The futures to go below 5 . It hit the 5 floor and there was some confusion about why it was not going below that. There was some word out that they were halted for the rest of the night. Weve now got clarification, theyre not halted, but they are not going to be allowed to go below 5 . Dropped as much as theyre going to be permitted to drop. Why this is a problem, on any given morning, i can tell you at any point how it is going to open based on futures trading. Tomorrow morning, i wont be able to. We know that the nikkei in japan is down more than 6 . We know that asian markets will be down. European markets, we wont be able to trade these s p futures. Now it becomes a guessing game as to how badly hit this market will be in the morning. All of this driven by the president ial race. Yes, its uncertainty. I will remind people, when youre thinking i have to interrupt you. Back to lester here. Were going make a projection right now halle as we go outside. Nbc news projects that Hillary Clinton will win the state of nevada. Six electoral votes. Thats an important one for her. Theyre all important as chuck todd points out as her path to victory is narrow. Theres the vote total and thats where it leads us right now in the race to 270. Clinton now at 215. Donald trump with 244 in the race to 270. Chuck. I have to tell you, the most realistic path she has to 270 is a bizarre one. It is winning pennsylvania, which right now i believe shes down about 2,000 votes. We go to pennsylvania. She has to also win michigan. Which of course shes down and shes got to win both of those cds in maine and nebraska. Thats the only way that the point, unless a surprise shows up at this point in wisconsin. See in arizona, theres really no other point. I want to go here, we have pennsylvania just to show you how close it is. Look, trump has taken nearly a 3,000 vote lead. There are a few areas where theres no vote at all that has come in. Theres extraneous vote. I told you, we are not going to call this until all the vote is in. And even then, well probably even up with apparent winner, but boy does clinton need to turn this around. Theres a handful of precincts left in philadelphia. Theres a bunch of vote there. So, let me look at this county, its Lebanon County. Ill show you what it was in 2012 so you have an idea, a red county that went big for romney. So, its likely, you know, she might do a little bit better here. This is a county right next to a state capital county which she has been doing slightly better in, but i can tell you with those two county, maybe that leans trump. Pennsylvania, total coin flip. Obviously if pennsylvania goes, thats the ball game. Yeah. All right. We to want get over to the clinton headquarters right now. Kristen welker is standing by. Weve seen long faces, tears there. They just got like lay shot in the arm with that news that nevada goes to Hillary Clinton. Kristen. They did, lester. There was cheering here at the Javitz Center when the crowd learned that secretary clinton learned nevada. Overall, the smood somber. You can sense it. Its fairly quiet here. This is anything but a victory party. As you point out, people starting to leave early. They are in tears. A lot of red faces here, lester, as they watch these results come in. One supporter describing it as stunned, disbelief, another person telling me, grief is starting to set in. Of course this race is not over yet, but perhaps one of the more telling signs is that the Clinton Campaign has gone dark. The last time i heard from them about 45 minutes ago, when officials were insisting there is still a path and of course that path went through michigan. It went through pennsylvania, pennsylvania is her fire wall. We have been saying this for days. That is why youve seen secretary clinton make so many stops to pennsylvania. She added events in michigan really trying to energize the obama coalition. African american voters, women minority voters and of course she held that big rally in philadelphia. That unity rally last night with the obamas to try to energize that part of her base. So theres a lot of surprise here. They thought she was on the path to making history. The path to becoming the first female president. So all of that sinking in as they realize right now donald trump does have the lead as youre talking about right now. She still has a narrow path, but that has path continues to get a increasingly slim, this crowd here very somber tonight, les per. This is a remarkably close race, you want to look at New Hampshire. Chucks doing that right now. Minute ago it was a 15vote difference. It went up to landslide now, 672 votes. But it was actually at 15 about a minute ago. Look, theres stale lot to come in. This is another one. Were just going to wait. Literally report, four electoral votes. Dicksville notch might actually swing at the end of the day. But you want to go there. Lets go to the whatif map here and just so everybody can see why all this matters here. Give it a minute here. Ive got its business. We have locked in nevada, so that gets her lets move this down here. And if you assume these four going that way, and thats a big assumption. As you could see, she cant lose anything, that gets her to 268 and she needs that district she needs the district in here which is not counted on this board and she needs that main district. Thats her only viable path to 270 unless a bunch of absentee votes or a lot more in milwaukee than we expected. But its that its that big. I mean, it is that narrow for her. Shes got the more narrow path. Trump could end up winning pennsylvania. He could do it just with a combination of arizona and michigan. I want to get the thoughts of the panel as we look at this and that bright red in the middle of the country and the south. And is there to what extent is there a racial component in this in terms of who is voting for donald trump and who is voting for clinton . This is a big split in this country. Theres a big white to nonwhite split. This will be a conversation going forward. Shes losing texas by eight points. The fact of the matter is the latino vote showed up. Should have been a big win for her. You dont put texas to Single Digits without the latino vote activates. You dont make arizona, which were sitting here waiting on arizona. But it wasnt enough. I mean, this is we all bought into it because barack obama did win twice with this new coalition. Uhhuh. Now she couldnt totally recreate it, but i think there was an assumption that the latino vote is growing so much, it just made some of these states that they were just going to all keep moving towards the democrats, and look at the rust belt. Well, peggy noonan wrote the best piece and the protected and unprotected. And i think whats going on, its always important to have a conversation about where we are in race, the truth is we elected the first African American president not once, but twice. This to me was more about class warfare and there is probably a hot war under way that a lot of us here missed. People dont like being described as living in flyover nation. Its derogatory. And these sort of lines and if there are walls in the country, they were really between the elites and, you know, main street its a culture war. And not over the old things. The old culture war used to be fought over guns and abortion and social issue. Its a culture war that slowly gets played out on the kind of immediate area watch. The kind of newspapers you read. Where you get your information. I met the some of the stars of duck dynasty at the Republican Convention in cleveland. And some of the brightest businessmen youll ever meet, but they speak about sort of the prejudice that they feel when they walk around the streets in new york city. And theyre big media figures, but this culture war, this culture elitism is the dynamic that this planned brexit, but the one similarity is that people felt so disconnected from their leaders that they were willing to burn down steve smith said this, not one Political Party, but two. I mean, donald trump is not a republican. Hes not a classic republican. And the only people despairing more tonight than Hillary Clinton supporters are sort of the never trump republicans whove been, you know, men and women without a country for many months. Your former boss didnt vote for him. He didnt vote, right . The next republican president of the United States potentially didnt have a single living president. Reporter john mccain. One former living nominee, bob dole who publicly supported him. I have the advantage of spending a lot of time in the midwest and also the mountain west, we have a lot of pals in montana and south dakota, i just got back from there. And i didnt hear anybody out there they werent crazy about donald trump, but they really did not want Hillary Clinton to come back into the office. Not only they did not want her, they didnt want him back in the white house again. And they talked about it quite openly to me. I really thought this whole election to get back to the original point about whether its racial or not, its been triable warfare, im going to take the White Working Class vote, im going to get the hispanic vote, the African American vote, and its been partmentalized in a way and both played that game. Lets fracture the country and hope that i end up with more parts than the other guy does. And thats not in fact anything thats going to help us get through what were going to get through. Whoever wins tonight, weve got a long, tough road ahead of us. Savannah, you brought show and tell here. I carry around my word clouds and the first time. This is the word cloud for how people they thought about donald trump. Afraid, terrified, racest racist, bigt, now take a look at Hillary Clintons page. Sorry. My fingers are not working. No, but trust me, its going to be worth it. Look at people have the singular notion about her that she was a liar and that she was not trust worthy. We talk about the racial element, lets not miss the gender element here. Its the first female president ial candidate on the major party ticket. White males coming out in droves and that it seems when this history book is written on this, this is going to be a factor that really, really matters. And then you have also a lot of women who didnt support her either. So i think youre going to have a lot of reckoning in terms what have it means for race relations, but also for gender relations. And young women. I remember sitting down at the today show early summer or late spring with Andrea Mitchell talking about young women, but absolutely no attraction to her candidacy. Felt absolutely no, not compelled to assist her in breaking this barrier. In fact, there were more millennials attracted to Bernie Sanders. Its obviously going to take someone different if and when she doesnt break this barrier tonight. Republicans have been in the charge of the congress for the last two years. They won the house and the senate, and what did White Working Class america get from them . Zip. Right. Nothing. Nothing happened. They sat there and they ordered one investigation after another. They tried to repeal obamacare at one time after another. They didnt do anything proactive for the White Working Class. Donald trump, not just against the democrats, he runs against his own party that has control of the congress. And that we all miss the impact of that because it kept unfolding and unfolding and we kept thinking, itll catch up to him at some point and always recover. No matter how vulnerable he was, outrageous he was. They were interested in getting at what they see as their enemy. But some of this it is interesting some of this. And i remember something tom friedman said on meet the press set, excuse me for quoting the show. Its your show, pal. He said theres this sense that the fact that washington was stuck, couldnt really get anything done was another reason that trump is this an tech dote for it. Even if he burns it down, i think there are voters who think maybe thats the point. Thats the point. Itll be rebuilt differently and ultimately, thats what it is. Trump got a big assist here too, and i think that we forget and ive had some consultants remind me of this and they absolutely are right. The nra. Donald trump didnt get a lot of help from major republican institutions but the nra he did, and they came through big. This is a big night for the nra because i think they are trump owes him. Owes them number one. They bought a lot of time. And just bought a Supreme Court seat. Thats a big deal. Look in the upper right hand corner of your screen. Those faces say it all about where they feel the direction of this night is heading, but we are not there. Were not anywhere right now. The race to 270, trump 244, clinton 215. We will be back with more of our coverage. Decision night in america on nbc. A on nbc. Im hall of famer jerry west and my life is basketball. But that doesnt stop my afib from leaving me at a higher risk of stroke. Thatd be devastating. I took warfarin for over 15 years until i learned more about oncedaily xarelto. A latest generation blood thinner. Then i made the switch. Xarelto® significantly lowers the risk of stroke in people with afib not caused by a heart valve problem. It has similar effectiveness to warfarin. Warfarin interferes with vitamin k and at least six blood clotting factors. Xarelto® is selective targeting one critical factor of your bodys natural clotting function. 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To help protect yourself from a stroke, ask your doctor about xarelto. Theres more to know. Xarelto. Welcome back in yellow on that map, those are the states that have not yet been called and those are the states that are making this a very long night as we approach the 1 00 hour here very shortly on the east coast. Right now Donald Trump Holds a lead, hes 26 electoral votes from being voted in as the next president of the United States. Welcome back to nbc election headquarters. Join now again by james. Good have you here. Good to be here but not turning out the way i know you want. Walk us through what has happened from the democratic view. Well, i mean, everything that you would think you needed to do, we had a great convention, great debate, we had a great effort, and trump came through and had a naturalistic message and a lot people responded to. And the democrats by the way got all their vote out. Everything that you cannot blame the democrats for not showing up and voting. But did you have a candidate did you have a candidate that was far more deeply flawed than you knew . You know, i think what she believed in is preparation and hard work and that you could shake a make some changes. She didnt have that direct message that really had appealed to people. And also she had been in politics all of her life. People knew her as being in politics and that happens to be a very unpopular profession right now. Theres a pretty important question that president ial candidates have to answer. Why do you want to be president . Id be honest with you, it was something that bugged the Clinton Campaign, whats the answer . What is it . And i remember asking her what her big idea was and she goes that were stronger together. That wasnt an idea. That was a sentiment. I get it. Do you think she ever figured out a good answer . I think that her nature is is that she believes that the country has multiple problems to attack. And its just not one simple thing to do. When trump came in, he had a simple thing, he had a very simple thing he was going to do and the power of a message, you know, overcame the power of a turnout operation. And i think by the way, other people on the democratic side voiced the same concern that you did, but, and that is a technical campaign, but it didnt have that sort of strong emotional message. And he had the change message, hard let me get down to florida and bring in jose diaz, anchor at telemundo been jose, the story of this election win or lose for Hillary Clinton will be latino vote. We saw it come out certainly in a strong way in nevada. Whats the read on florida, which of course went to donald trump tonight. Well, lester, good evening, i think that what james was talking about about the fact that the people who came out to vote for Hillary Clinton came out to vote on mass. In other words, the Hispanic Community for example came out strong for Hillary Clinton on a national level. If we look at what happened in south florida specifically with the cuban american vote, which donald trump carried tonight, its because in that group, even those that have supported president obamas decision to open relations with the cuban regime, see the last moves that the Administration Made visavis cuba as being unilateral. There was nothing in return from the cuban government to give the United States the reason to open up relations further. I think in the cuban american vote, thats whats caused the support for donald trump, but throughout the country, we have seen record numbers of latinos voting. Just in the state of florida, lester. You know, 38 of the latinos that voted in early voting had never voted before. And yet, clearly wasnt enough in florida and may not be enough in other states. Jose diaz, good to see you, thanks very much. We will take a break. We continue to watch and wait for the dramatic conclusion of decision 2016 on this decision night in america. Well be right back. America. Well be right back. We asked people to write down the things they love to do most on these balloons. Travel with my daughter. Roller derby. Now give up half of em. Do i have to . This is a tough financial choice we could face when we retire. But, if we start saving even just 1 more of our annual income. We could keep doing all the things we love. Prudential. Bring your challenges. S spread a little love my way spread a little somethin to remember philadelphia cream cheese, made with fresh milk and real cream. Makes your recipes their holiday favorites. The holidays are made with philly. Were non stop, weve gotta have our extra protein. Oikos triple zero greek non fat yogurt has 15 grams of protein. Zero added sugar, zero artificial sweetener and zero fat. And zero holding me back oikos triple zero. Be unstoppable. Mmm dannon theres the map as it stands based on property jexs we have made tonight. Donald trump leaning 244 to 215 in the race to 270, but still a lot of states outstanding. Lets walk you through some of them and look at the margins right now. I think were going to look first at New Hampshire. Well, lets see what we got. All right. Looks like were going to go with michigan. 55,000 vote difference. Hillary clinton, one piece of good news, a lot of ann arbor is still out. A ton of ann arbor michigan not out of reach if for her. Theres a path there for her. Lets skip ahead to wisconsin before we go to the break. There we go. Wisconsin again, id say we would have called this if we knew the size of the absentee vote in milwaukee is. But its trending trump. New hampshire, 536 vote difference. The notch. But the point is, this is in about one area. This is a handful everywhere. We are going to take a break. Well continue our coverage. Decision night in america as i like to call it decision morning in america right after this. Ric. Thanks for staying up late with us on this Election Night turned election morning. One of the races still that hasnt been called is the senate race in pennsylvania. Pat toomey versus Katie Mcginty. 49 for toomey to her 48 . Toomey up by about 50,000 votes right now. Lets go to Randy Gyllenhaal. Reporter right now as you mentioned, way too close to call. We can say in the past 20 minutes or so, some of pat toomeys surrogates were trying to pump up the crowd. It is almost 1 00 in the morning. But as you can see, they are still out here ready for toomey to come out. They were chanting his name for five minutes straight. Im told that Toomey Campaign is counting those last votes from some of the rural counties. A close race right now. But he is up a few hours earlier he was down by a few points in the mood was tense here. But as we speak right now, inside this campaign rally, a lot of optimism, but the race is close right now as we approach 1 00 in the morning. His supporters here trying to hope he comes out on stage to greet fans here. Back to you guys. Late night. Lets go to the headquarters for Katie Mcginty. The numbers keep shifting. Whats the scene like there right now . Reporter a stark contrast of what randy described at toomeys camp. All the energy seems to be gone. You can see the people sitting down. Most of them have left. They were disappointed as they saw the projections come in for president. But they are still waiting to see hopefully Katie Mcginty takes the stage later on tonight. Were getting in the late hour. Well try to catch up with her and see at what moment she will be on stage to address her supporters. Reporting live, nbc news 10 news. The president ial race in pennsylvania still has not been called. Lets go live to a Republican Party in montgomery county. What is the feeling there . Reporter when the night started, people told us like they felt like they were going to funeral. Now people are still here. They are still celebrating and watching the returns. They are waiting for pennsylvania to come in and be called. They said they never thought they would see this day that they have been used to in the last several years of being on the losing side and now they appear to be on the edge of victory. So to use the phrase cautiously optimistic, thats what they are feeling here in blue bell tonight. Thats the latest, back to you. Voters have chosen Josh Schapiro as the next attorney general. They took the commissioner over republican state senator john rafrerty. More coverage still ahead. Stay with us. Rst ingredient. And no way to high fructose corn syrup. In every honey nut o. Every lucky charms spoonful. And every cinnamon toast crunch square. You can feel good about General Mills big g cereals. Scalpel. I have no idea what im doing. Im just a tv doctor. I never went to college. scream i dont do blood. But now, thanks to cigna, i can do more than just look the part. Is that a foot . 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Minnesota, too close to call. You see the difference there. In maine, 17,000 vote difference. Too close to call. And the same story for wisconsin, and also arizona. And these are the states that keep us all in suspense right now as we bring the camera down on the rink. Watch the states pop up in red and blue and look at that race to 270, trump at 244, clinton at 215 with what everyone agrees is an extraordinarily narrow path. Essentially needs to run the able to get there. She does. And right now shes behind in pennsylvania and ive run out of vote to see how she catches him in pennsylvania. Wisconsin, unless theres absentee, theres game set and match. We talked about michigan earlier. I think theres enough for her to win michigan. May not matter. Pennsylvania and wisconsin puts him over the top. Theres no word about 269, no worrying about omaha, no worrying about bangor or arizona or alaska at this point. Eugene robinson is back with us. You were here couple hours ago. Couple hours ago. I leave far couple hours and the world changes. You know. Reporter that was back on tuesday. Were on wednesday. Yeah, yeah. Look, collectively, we here at this desk have covered and participated in a whole lot of political stories. I thought in 2008 with the election was president obama, i said well thats it. Ive never can covered a political story as big as that. But this is i was wrong. I mean this is this is a nuclear bomb of a political story. Its going to be, its going to be interesting. It seems like chuck is the numbers expert, Hillary Clintons going to win the popular vote. Because a whole lot of votes to come out of california yet. And so i think she may well end up with by winning the popular vote, but losing the electoral vote more substantially if she does lose wisconsin, if she does lose pennsylvania and michigan is still on the ballot. Think about where we are right now. He is on the cusp of winning the election, based on a system that up until yesterday he was saying is rigged. Yeah. Think about that for a moment. Yeah. I dont think its rigged anymore. Democracy. Right . I think thats a good thing that the democracys working, votes are getting counted and the one that gets the most wins. Theres going to be democrats that complain about the wikileaks and theyre going to complain about comey. Sure. And they some impact, theres no doubt, but on the other hand, trumps basic message never changed. You have to realize the Democratic Party has the least amount of power that you could imagine in this democracy. The republicans have like 30 state legislators, governors, were going to lose the federal courts, the senate, the house, the presidency. I mean, it is a utter disaster if youre a democrat in terms of having any political power in the country right now. Sure, but also the question that comes is what does it mean to be in the Republican Party . The Republican Party is now led by someone whos not even a republican. Well thats my i guess thats my point. Okay, democrats are out of power, republicans are in, but define republican. Yet the Republican Party, even though its led by someone whos not a republican is absolutely right has all this power, and if trump does win, indeed, is going to have to govn govern, but he will have been elected bay segment of the population. Latino voters came out, African American voters came out, robust numbers, but they voted for the other candidate. And it was not a Rainbow Coalition that will have elected donald trump. No. And its not just a rust belt phenomen phenomenon, but it seems to be, you know, the more diverse cosmopolitan plugged in urban areas of the country versus the smaller towns, the rural areas that are not connected to the Global Economy that have not felt have done particularly well from globalization. Can sky you this though, can we sort of comprehend this fact, the first African American president and hes going to be replaced by somebody who questioned that president s legitimacy exactly. For more than half this mans term. Exactly. What does that say . What is the message that Rural Americas sending . The message is, you know, i think the message is embedded in take our country back. You know. And ive always kind of wondered, take it back from whowho whom . And maybe thats the answer. And to where . Not only that, i mean, they voted for him because he touched a nerve. And he also came out of the celebrity culture. Weve been living in a time when youre known for being known in many ways. He was better known when he entered this race than anybody else. But the fact is that Rural America and people who are feeling that the countrys going in the wrong direction have selected a man to lead the country who engaged in outright vulgarities, misogyny, the stuff that he had to say about people in this country, and how they the handicap for example, how he mocked him in the panel. When he was in New Hampshire, socially conservative state, with low employment and went on the stage and uttered the worse vulgarity that you can possibly say in public and took and they cheered him on. 25,000 people. Thats who he is. And, you know, they tried to change him half way through the campaign, he wouldnt change because he said look, i know im putting o an show here. So he continues that way as the president of the United States and does that affect how he stands in this country as well . Once they get beyond the rush of having elected a guy whos going to take on the establishment. Then when they realize, this is who he is at his core, and everybody whos been around him knows thats who he is. Now theres a clumsy 30,000 feet theory of president ial elections. And see if you agree with me on this, chuck. If you just look at temperament and look for example president bush, the first one is followed by someone totally different than him. Bill clinton. Bill clinton with all his scandals is followed by someone totally different than him, mr. Clean, so thats advertised, george w. Bush. George w. Bush, considered something of a hothead, you know, cowboy type, then replaced by the cool, intellectual cerebral this is the rahm emanuel theory of president ial politics. If you looked up or tried to create in a lab someone completely the polar opposite of barack obama, in every way, you would come up with a picture of donald trump. You would. Who are the people, im curious, and i cant wait for our exit poll guys to figure out, the people who approve of the job Barack Obamas doing and voted trump. Yeah. Theyre clearly look, ive been saying it in the state of iowa for sure. And there are a whole bunch of obama trump voters. Obama 12 and went trump. Part of it was mitt romney obama turned mitt romney into the boss that wanted to fire you and send your job overspeeps romney was sort of an old republican argument, you know, the businessman argument. And barack obama exploited that. After the things that tom said and after the fact that he didnt know and didnt care to know and kind of relished the fact that he didnt know anything about anything nap he knew more about isis an than the generals he got the information from a tv show on Foreign Policy. The things that he said lets bring mark to the conversation. Hes over there with halle jackson, halle. Reporter hey, were over in the area where were getting all of our video and images in from battleground states including Campaign Headquarters. Peter al zander is reporting a sense of real euphoria inside trump tower right now. Mark, you came over here from i think peninsula, right . You were spending time with clinton folks. Yeah. Whats the mood . Manhattan is big giant country and manhattan is the center of the universe tonight far change. Hillary clinton chose to spend her preelection event time. Its four blocks up the road from here. About three blocks from trump tower. They are basically now three blocks apart. Im told shes in the hotel with president clinton, chelsea clinton, robby mook, huma abedin closest advisors, closest aids. And you can only imagine, you think about eight years ago when they lost the iowa caucuses, there was a similar meeting. A time in a hotel in des moines. Where they were grappling with how to deal with loss. This is a much more complicated, bigger situation. The Javitz Center, earlier in the evening, mood couldnt have been more jubilant. Its the biggest election eve event ive ever, eve night event ive ever seen. Like a theme park. And as the results come in. People had left. Some in tears. Theres a game of chicken now of whats going to happen. Is anyone going to speak tonight . Weve seen in the past, what do you do . Its the end of the night. Its well after midnight, and no one has spoken. I can play with the Electoral College map and get her to a majority, this is not done. Even if no state thats been projected flips, but the mood over at the peninsula, i didnt talk to any of them, i should be clear, but its grim over there. I saw more junior aids coming and going. Its a tough situation for the christians. Theyve got to figure out what to do. I dont think trump wants to speak first, but i think he might based on what ive been picking up. We were on the air talking with michigan governor, Jennifer Grantholm who was euphoric, frankly, almost giddy. Do you think they got too overconfident . I saw her over at the center, and she did another jig. I think that tape is going to be iconic if Hillary Clinton loses this race. Because she was the epitome of, i wont say overconfidence, but extreme confidence that they were going to win. This is a unlike any race weve ever had. Hillary clinton if she has to give a concession speech, its impossible for know imagine how you write that speech. Her view of donald trump was apocket liptic, not just bad on policy. Lester, toss it back to you, thanks, mark. All right. Halle, thanks. We will take a break. Little after 1 00 a. M. Eastern time. We continue to watch those states, too close to call. Both candidates still short of the 270 needed to become president of the United States. We continue, decision night in america on nbc. America on nbc. Woman its been a journey to get where i am. 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I want to bring in the president ial historian to get some flavor and perspective on the night. Doris, it was widely said that at least on paper, Hillary Clinton was the most qualified candidate for president. Donald trump may be the least qualified candidate. Is there a historical comparison with someone potentially coming into the white house with so little species . No experience in government or military . Very rarely had somebody who didnt have either the political experience or military experience. Wendel will i can who was a businessman and a very good guy, but he didnt actually win the presidency. I think in the old days, the parties were the ones that would choose their candidates. Sop they would naturally choose somebody who was one of their own, governor, mayor, congressman, the powers have lost their powers to the primaries. And what weve seen in this race is the power of this very thing were on right now of television. It established a direct link between donald trump and the people that a party couldnt establish, even the Republican Party wasnt for him at a certain period of time. And the power that celebrity is really going to have to be understood. The debates were powerful because he was on them. Didnt matter that he said things that people disagreed with. He just kept winning. I remember wed be on meet the press on sunday with chuck, and wed say hes finished. Then hed win a primary. The normal institutions that would not produce a man like trump that would produce one of their own have lost their own authority in our country. Somewhat of a mystery now. We know what hes stood for on many things. He has sometimes changed positions in the middle of one answer on, you know, use of nuclear weapons. Among many, many others. So would he enter office a bit of an enigma. And maybe thats what people were to do. To project we dont really know so question imagine hell be what we want him to be. Even if hes changing his opinions on both side rather than a known quantity and may disagree with. Maybe right. We may not know who were getting. A lot of things about the dialogue that was part of this race that i think makes lots of people unhappy and makes us wonder where democracy has gone, then we got to always remember churchill, democracy is the worst form of government. Weve got to believe somehow that people have chosen him and weve got to hope ohio thaep his leadership is up to that choice that they have made. And again, talk about who you put around you. The strength of a team. How much that makes the mark of a president. Its huge. I mean, its not only a question of putting people around you who are your rivals as lincoln was able to do, its much more important to have people aunrod you who have strengths that bolster your weaknesses, but that means having a selfreflection to know what your own weaknesses are. It means knowing that you want people around you who can trust in your assumptions who will challenge you. And thats what we needed to know about donald trump. We didnt need to know whether he was a great businessman. I wish we had more reporting on what kind of team. Were there people to challenge him . Did he have people around him who were willing to really go after him when he was wrong . Was he able to acknowledge when he made mistakes. These are the things we needed to know about a leader and unfortunately the way our race turned out, we were spending so much time on what was said on who was ahead and what the debates were and who had the zinger that the kind of qualities that we really need to know about and were going to find out in reality rather than the race itself. Doris, good to have you on, thank you so much for your perspective tonight. And i want to broaden up that notion let you guys weigh into this idea that donald trump, if elected president , would not have any previous political or military experience and do we know how he would govern . Do we have any clue, savannah. To some extent, if you look at certain positions hes taken over the course of the campaign, there are very few that he hasnt actually reversed himself on. I think its a real question. And i think itll be interesting to see how the weight of the office, if he ultimately prevails, were not there yet but inching closer and closer to that call. Whether the weight of that changes him. In a way. How could it not . This is a huge responsibility to go and say, take the oath of office and stand im not so sure. I dont know. I mean people i dont know. We havent seen it. Look how he turned his back on the political process that got him to where he is. He celebrates himself 24 7 as a promoter here in new york when he his h haze real estate empire going. Selling all over the world and wherever he could. He loves being in the limelight. He loves making decisions. Everybodys been around him said the Attention Span is about that long. I want to belief the best about someone thats going to represent millions of americans and people have put their faith in him he got there by being somebody contrary. I hear you. I totally get it. I must say, i must say, he got there on his terms. When he started out, no one gave him any kind of a chance. He stayed true to who he thought he should be and what the country wanted. And it appears tonight that it could very well work for him. I dont think hes going to abandon that just because hes walking through a gate of 1600 pennsylvania avenue. Huge promises to people and people believed him and theyre counting on him. He comes in with the notion the weirdest thing, james, youre right, he doesnt win the popular vote once california rolls in, and thats fine. Guess what, he is going to feel like he got a mandate. We are going to treat him like he got a mandate for one reason, he blew all of our predictions and models and you name it, out of the water. He is going to feel unshackled. Understand. He won an election. That is the most validating thing, we live in a democracy. Hes going to have congressional majorities in both houses, and a lot of people are going owe their election to him. And youve got to understand what is going to happen here. There are real, real consequences. I think hes going to want to be the boss number one. And even if you take the sort of optimistic view and say, part of the campaign was a performance. For his audience. Still, what his north star . And is it suspicion of immigration . Is it donald trump . Blow up the system. I mean, thats how he got there. And as james says, you know, he got elected urn the prose of a democracy, people chose him to be their leader because they are so upset with where its going right now. I have to be the traffic cop here and get us to a break. We will continue with our decision night after this. On ni. Theres nothing more important than your health. Or the freedom to choose what doctor you want to see. So if youre on medicare, consider an aarp Medicare Supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare Insurance Company. Like any standardized Medicare Supplement plan, youll be able to stay with the doctor or specialist you trust. Or look for someone new as long as they accept medicare patients. And youre not stuck in a network. Because there arent any. So why wait . Call now to request your free decision guide and learn more. Hair is delightfully fragrancedl with notes of moroccan rose and the freshness of springtime unforgettable, wherever you go the scents you cant forget. From herbal essences, blooming now were non stop, weve gotta have our extra protein. Oikos triple zero greek non fat yogurt has 15 grams of protein. Zero added sugar, zero artificial sweetener and zero fat. And zero holding me back oikos triple zero. Be unstoppable. Mmm dannon welcome back to our continuing coverage of this historic election. We to want take you right now to the donald trump headquarters here in midtown manhattan. Peter alexander is with a crowd that is growing restless and with expectations of things going their way. Reporter yeah lester, good evening. I just spoke to the source who is with donald trump inside trump tower right now who describes the scene as euphoric, filled with hugs and high fives. Theres new investigation that nbc news can report. This from my colleague Kelly Odonnell who spoke to a top aid to Speaker Paul Ryan and we have now heard that the speaker earlier tonight reached out by phone, speaking to donald trump in what was described as a good conversation. Congratulating donald trump and also speaking to his good friend, the potential Vice President mike pence as well. Whats striking about this right now as i speak to folks inside the Campaign Headquarters is how strongly they felt over the course of the night that they would do well, but how this result is even striking and surprising some of them. They thought theyd do well in florida. They thought theyd have a shot in pennsylvania, but they thought wisconsin would be too tough. They have a chance to win all three of them. Peter alexander, i think thats an interesting note to hear what peter said that that is surprise even to the trump camp. Were going to talk more about that in a minute. Were going to take another break and be back with more after this. Good morning, thank you for staying us late with us for this election coverage. Im jim rosenfield. Apat toomey has won the u. S. Senate race in pennsylvania. That means republicans keep control of the senate and also have control of the house. Lets take a live look at Donald Trumps Campaign Headquarters. They are feeling confident a victory speech coming perhaps soon. A much more subdued mood at Hillary Clintons headquarters where we find lauren joining us with more. Reporter they are devastated here at this Clinton Campaign party. Let me show you video we took inside the room where supporters have gathered just minutes ago. You can see people have been starting to sit on the floor as they have been waiting. They are comforting each other. Some of them have been crying. We saw one family with a young daughter who had tears in her eyes. Obviously, had been very upset. The mom said they thought they were going to see the first woman president. Very, very upset. It is interesting to note this crowd has been waiting here without any direction from the Clinton Campaign. No one has come out to the podium to talk to them to give an update about when Hillary Clinton might come out, whether hes going to come out. So they are at this point just waiting. Back to you. Lauren, as we said pat toomey has won the senate race. Lets go to Randy Gyllenhaal live. Reporter some of the surrogates went on stage five minutes ago and announced that the Associated Press called this race a nail biter down to the wire for pat toomey. And this essentially gives the majority to the republicans maintaining control in both the senate and the house as we wait for word of the. Im joined by a long time supporter. Your reaction . This has been a tremendous night for pat and for the Republican Party and for the country as a whole. It looks like donald trump is going to take the presidency with the house, the senate and the white house. And possibly the Supreme Court. What was your reaction . He was down early and Katie Mcginty had a few points on him and he came back. The votes came out of philadelphia, they didnt get the 400,000 they needed. Were waiting on the senator to come and they just called it on the television. You can see the crowd here waiting on toomey. Back to you guys and bring you the speech. You can watch that speech on the nbc 10 app. More coverage still ahead. In america. Welcome back. It is 1 30 in the morning on the east coast and we are still watching the race to 270. Donald trump hanging on to a 244 to 215 lead over Hillary Clinton. There you see the map laid out. We are stale waiting for those states in gray to help give us an answer. Heres where were at already this evening though. The states youre looking at donald trump has already won according to our projections. And then well put up there on the side of rock center, Hillary Clintons face. You can see the states that she has won tonight. All right. We want to go to the white house right now. And thats where ron allen is standing by. Im told you had a bit of a crowd gathered there tonight. Reporter we have, lester. There are several hundred people out here who have gathered this was supposed to be an antitrump rally. Talking to students, there are some people who are supporting trump, some supporting Hillary Clinton. The people up there in the tree that you see, twhaebl they are trump supporters. They are happy and the people who are downcast are clinton supporters. They are disappointed, they are stunned. They are surprised by whats happening, but they have not given up hope. Over there, you see the white house. And we believe the president and the first family are there. We do not expect to hear from the president tonight. The guidance was that well probably hear from him once the dust is settled and there is an outcome and perhaps thats going to happen tomorrow. You have to wonder what is president obama thinking and feeling tonight given the effort that he put into trying to get Hillary Clinton into the white house . And given the fact that it may be donald trump the man who led the Birther Movement who questioned his legitimacy who may follow him into the white house. President obama was in michigan. He was in florida. He was in north carolina. On the trail. Ridiculing donald trump. And months ago, he said, the president did that donald trump will not become president of the United States. Well, well see what happens as the vote count continues to play out tonight. But again, out here tonight, a lot of energy, a lot of people who are trying to take in what has happened. This has been just a stunning night. There are several hundred people out here. And its all peaceful. The secret service are watching this. Theres already the setup here, the fence that you can see here thats set up for the inaugurational ceremony that happens in a couple of months. Were here, peaceful vigil. A lot of young people gathered waiting to see how all this plays out. Ron allen, quite a crowd there for this time of the morning. Before i go to the panel, chuck, just for those who are flipping back and forth. You may be listening to this and thinking were talking about a fore gone conclusion. There is still a path to victory for Hillary Clinton here. Its very narrow. I mean, ill be honest. I dont see theres two things that, two problems shes got is pennsylvania and wisconsin here. Both of them look like theyre trending trump. I think were were pretty close to wisconsin. Hes got about a 50, what does he have thats wisconsin. Lets look at pennsylvania. 58,000 vote lead and theres no philadelphia left. Theres no big sections left. She can still win michigan, but that may not matter. Pennsylvania plus wisconsin, done deal. We think we know where this is going. Yeah. Again, barring some i say this because ill never forget what happened in 2004 and the missing, 50,000 you keep talking about buckets of those. We all have ptsd. I remember the military votes. That one was like a typo by somebody and a clerk. Be up 50, you know, if we were 5,000. Reporter more than a bucket. 5,000 votes, 4,000 vote dirns, you would say that, 58,000 votes is, you know, thats the story here. Its the rural areas of the big blue wall. You may have noticed at the end of the table here weve added richard engel, rich, youre spending time overseas, you know what the folks say about the theyre amazed by the american political process. What are you hearing and reading tonight . Lets cut to the chase, assuming, and thats what were talking about, that he does win. People im speaking to think its catastrophic. Its catastrophic for the United States. Its catastrophic for our position in the world. It emboldens our enemies and makes our allies terrified that were not going to be their allies anymore. Most people think that this type of scenario happens. That if you imagine the United States is a nuclear warship, we stop. We become totally focussed on our own domestic politics that hes going to provoke a constitutional crisis. Hes going to get into a fight with the Supreme Court. Therell be attempts to impeach him and that for six months to a year or longer, naval gazing, we will not lead the world and other powers. Russia, china are just around us. He called our generals stupid. He has advocated. Reporter tonight, a general is reading the constitution. They again. General ive been talking to generals far long time, theyve been reading the constitution to see what do you mean . To see what they were obligated to do if they are ordered to round up and deport millions of americans and put them on buss or trains. Do they have to do that . The president is the commander in chief. Thats the stage that were talking about. Its do they have to follow what they would believe would be an immoral and illegal order . So you have to look at this as a transformative event with americas role, not just domestically, but internationally. Let me throw that this at you, the national intelligence, the white house, everyone has agreed that the russians have taken an active role in this election. Because its a political thing, it sometimes gets overlooked, but thats if you take this election out of the equation and russia did it with any american process, its a frightening picture. Well, if you look at the world, right. We used to live in a world with two great superpowers. And with the collapse of the soviet union, were now left with the United States being the only remaining superpower. Well, that has its advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is, and also its disadvantage, that no other state can do as much harm to you as you can do to yourself. Right . And it seems to be that that is what the United States is doing right now. And russia as the last superpower decided that the way, a way to regain its empire to regain its position in the world was to help undermine the political system. And weve spoken to ive been to russia, spoken to hack tlers, intelligence communities, they had no doubt that russia was deeply involved in helping to undermine Hillary Clinton. They also expect that hes been that russia has been stockpiling information on trump. Clearly trump has done a lot of business there. Hes easier target. We know and weve talked about all the scandals with so wouldnt it make sense that if russia now would want to unleash all of the material that. Reporter we dont know that to be true. Thats speculative, not my speculation, speculation of people whove been examining this including cyber experts investigating russias role that they have material on trump. That they would be it would behoove them to unleash it in order to hobble him. In order to hobble us. In order to hobble the only remaining superpower. All russia cares about is us staying out of their way. This is what they want. Were a nuclear ship. We stop, steam comes out of the middle, russia, china, they do what they want. Russia speaking of ships, just moves its ship off the coast of syria and expected to start bounding morrow, tomorrow. Eastern aleppo. Hes talked about a plan in syria. Im sorry. The chinese have got military stuff going on as well, lester, theyre moving out of china across the south china seas and into the middle east. I mean, theyve got a whole pathway going there at that point. We make ourselves irrelevant, others will step in. Yeah. What are they saying in turkey and what are they saying in israel and what are they saying in the middle east about what happened in that cold room of the world right now . I wasnt surprised by this outcome. I thought this was going to happen because it fits a trend. And youre seeing this trend in turkey, in the philippines, in egypt, with brexit, where youre having even in iceland where youre having right wing or fringe candidates emerging to the forefront. Its been a pattern. And where you have these populist leaders who are effectively doing what they want, appealing directly to the people, going through social media, going through the television, and okay, if this happens in the philippines, its bad for that country. If it happens to the United States, its terrible for everyone. So thats what theyre seeing. This is part of the larger pattern of fringe candidates. This is an update. Yeah. I mean, i dont mean im sit hearing. Youre painting a frightening picture, richard, and i wish i wish i wasnt. The way that the office, will he understand the responsibility he has as. Reporter im not a psychiatrist. As europes safety net. Europe right now has got to be freaking out. Well clearly, i mean he has spoken in very negative terms about our obligations to nato. And one thing republicans reelected to the senate like john mccain who are strong voices around the world on i mean some of his closest friends are the leaders of countries that rely on a clear voice from the United States of america. I mean, he will have a check in some of those senators and some of ironic. Because there was so much talk about Hillary Clinton will win, we need republicans in the senate to be a check. It may fall to a john mccain, Lindsey Graham on a lot of these on Foreign Policy, Hillary Clinton was much more in line with the Foreign Policy view of the republican establishment. She understood and valued our commitments around the world. She understood and valued the importance of republican establishment . Republicans still control the senate. I hear you, except donald trump the country has spoken. And the country the republican primary voters spoken. They rejected the republican establishment and now they rejected the washington establishment as a whole, the american political establishment throwing us in in the media. So, i hear you, but what kind of again, i go back to, donald trump won this on his own. Completely. To the point where people one newspaper in this country endorsed him. The national inquirer. I was counting Las Vegas Review journal. I think youre going to hear more saying he didnt win it on his own. Therell be more voices emerging. Russia . Assange, who . Russia, assange, were going to be tieing ourselves in knots. Were going to fight over the constitution. Were going to fight over the Supreme Court. Was russia involved . And then proving that it was involved through hacking is a very complicated task. So, i just see us not sitting back and saying, okay, well, the American People have spoken, were just going to hope for the best and maybe that once he walks into those the oval office hell have an epiphany that he needs to be responsible. Could he undo the iran deal . Of course he could. The first half of your statement is a correct one. He has power because the American People gave it to him. And he didnt go to them with a one set of values and then change to another. He stayed true to who he was, however much anyone may disagree with any of that. They bought into that. Thats what they wanted. They thought that thats what washington needed. You see, they also thought its what the world needed to see. They keep saying that when the market happens. The brexit regret that happened afterwards. I get that, but im telling you, thats the reality of where we are. Thats the system that we have. People get to make a choice about who their leaders are and the lead verse to decide what kind of leaders they want to be. And it doesnt come from outside. It really comes from inside who they are and the kind of value that are imparted to those leaders by the people who put them in that office. Look, ive got great reservations, we talk about this a lot about what kind of an International Leader hell be. About how much he understands how complex all of this is. He went through the primaries shooting from the hip, worked for him well politically. Weve seen other people going to that office and be overwhelmed by it quite honestly because from the moment you step in, the problems come through, through the windows, 24 7, and youve got to have great staffs and sophisticated system for dealing with all of that. Is he up to that . Does he care about it . I dont know. But in the meantime, he does have the power of the people behind him. Lets get the read over at the clinton gathering right now. Andrea mitchell is standing by. Andrea, are you hearing anything from the inner circle, the clinton folks a to what their read and how this evening is going to play out whether well even have an answer tonight. Reporter they have got silent. Theres anticipation here that there has to be some kind of announcement. Its not supposed to be open all night. There are people waiting, many have left, but many, many more are here. This is a very large facility. Larger than you could even see from our camera angles. That said, there is a number of calculations involved. Hillary clinton won her senate race in 2000, the night that al gore arguably conceded too soon, leading to all of the backtracking and the recount. I was with her that night. There was a lot of drama and a lot of second guessing about whether al gore should not have said what he said initially and then of course he took back, and then he was incredibly gracious of course when it was all over, but that sort of began the process. So my i think whats likely going on is, first of all, them trying to determine whether any of these states are within the automatic recount margin of error. That would trigger and automatic recount. If not and its a done deal, they have to make a concession speech. And then what kind of concession speech . She has said the most cats gorically terrible people terrible things about donald trump. And the fact that she has said that hes unqualified, that he is a massage nis, that he is racist. All of these things she said about him, how does she now say the people have spoken, i will cooperate, i will do what helpful and best for the country when she thinks he should not be president of the United States . That said, just last night, she told 33,000 people in philadelphia that donald trump was attacking democracy by saying that he wouldnt concede. So, if shes true to her. Reporter who is that in the background . Thats a little hard to go in the background. It was a phone called that procede that speech as well. We live in a vacuum on Election Nights, but there are other news organizations that have already moved some states. We havent called yet. Pennsylvania into trump. And, you know, again, we havent done it simply because there is so much raw vote that you just extraneous and youre always nervous when its this close and you want to to be careful when youre call ugh the presidency. But, you know, she needs a miracle. I think at this point to get i think the ap may have pulled pennsylvania back. That one, that one got a lot of the right fired up. That would be the end of it. Andrea has Something Else to add. Reporter yeah, we understand that Campaign Chairman john podesta has left the hotel and he did say to a reporter outside, we are going over to the javitz. I think you can expect that at the very least, john podesta is coming over here. I think it may be the clintons as well. Now if theres some issue of pennsylvania, the outcome of pennsylvania and what the Associated Press reported which we have not, that might change that, but as of moments ago, john podesta was headed over this way. They have to Say Something publicly. And its been a game of chicken if you will. We know donald trump would come out and Say Something. Clearly no one wants to be the one to go first here. So i expect that were going to hear something from the clintons. You can only imagine how devastating this is. Washington post does have pennsylvania. Ive heard from a clinton person, theyre talking about it, they claim theres some irregular lair distance and things like that. I assume who thought it would be the Clinton Campaign at 1 47 a. M. Talking about a irregularities . It was never who doesnt love ironty . Its all over the election. One of the biggest controversies in this campaign is when i might not concede. And now its almost 2 00 a. M. On the east coast and theres some hand wringing about how and when Hillary Clinton might concede. Now shes on the business end of the arguments she made. Its such a stunning turn of events, and his overt message was to run against a rigged system, rigged media, democrat and republicans, and to run against sort of the clinton machine. And then its now the Clinton Campaign youre hearing from about irregularities in a state where he has an 80,000 vote lead. Its just something four hours ago i would have found stunning. 8,000 votes, this is not isnt that a reason for concern. If he managed to pull off this defeat, this almost unprecedented, unpredicted event and he comes out and gives a speech, we did it, even though the media was against us, nobody said we could do it, thanks to you. I would think hes going to feel incredibly emboldened to try and go as far as he can. Do you think the result Senate Majority back as well. We were as much on the ballot. We the media as anything else, there was a great joy i think among some, stick a thumb in our eyes because of the perception im hearing it. It was but to your point, it was an applause line at every sing the event. Our own correspondents were heckled by the republican nominee, women. I can tell you time after time, weve spoken about this, there were stories that you wanted to lead with Something Else, but then he would do something that was provocative. No candidate had gone before. Heres the first thing. That was the one unifying theme of this campaign, everyone hates the media, whether youre hillary supporter or trump supporter. Kumbaya everybody. I have bernie bros going, see, this is why you should have given bernie more air time. How much of that propelling . He become a hero of the antimedia . It was part of his soup. He made, he made sort of some people might call it a toxic brew. I know a lot of them found it to be a magic recipe where you got his base riled up about enough things. You know we talked about Foreign Policy a minute ago, he won the South Carolina republican primary after blaming 9 11 on george w. Bush. I mean, the ideas are so outside the mainstream not of republican Foreign Policy, but america Foreign Policy. The appeal of trump is that he is that protest vote. Thats it. I mean, look, this is about the access hollywood tape. Thats right there. The fact that hes a business doesnt care. And claimed almost billion dollar lawsuit in one year. He never denied it, but i think what the people are saying is we dont care. We hear what you say about him. We dont want to hear it. We dont care. I dont think its not that it hasnt true, they dont care. Yes, its true. A lot of the coverage particularly over the last several months against trump has been incredibly negative, so you could say, well, what are we talking about . Why blame the media . There were negative stories, but there was that old adage, all publicity is good publicity. We gave him a lot of publicity. He talked about himself. If you believe that all publicity is good publicity and he clearly did, well, he got a lot of it. Close friend of mine who is smart who said, you know, sometimes you have to remember, you all are trying to figure it out and youre trying to figure out he did this and this, sometimes the American Public does swoon for reasons. His theory was hey, obama seemed like the in thing to do and being for trump seemed like the rebellious in thing to do, and you know, maybe the country doesnt know what its done yet, but it rode a wave and it was and trump was kind of captured the imagination. And look, Hillary Clinton didnt do anything to capture an imagination, weve talked about it. It was always described as a grind. Her campaign. If you can also say voters are rewarding authenticity. Here you have donald trump unscripted. Talked about himself more than any other thing, but you know in a way, i guess he gets points for candor, hes not one of the politicians that acts like i care about you. Donald trump is number one in his life, and hes an out of the closet narcissist. Reminded me of it downstairs where she wrote that the elites took him literally, but not figuratively and supporters never took him literally. This guide on how he was perceived. The vote rs cut him a lot of slack. They didnt think the toxic kind of rablly tinged comments were literal. Putting it all out there. We all had the our hair on fire, we still do, but i think that he had he sort of main lined his message to the voters. Totally bypassed the media. And they delivered the result. Senate call . I do . I have a couple of them. Were going start in pennsylvania, i believe. Senator pat toomey returns. This is a hold for republicans, big deal because were watching pennsylvania so closely. So, read that tea leaf if you like. Katy mcgintty went down to defeat. And in missouri, lets look, another hold, roy blunt did not beat an upstart democrat that a lot of folks were hoping would make a move in a deep red state. Jason who arguably had the best television ad, a veteran, i think we all remember the ad in missouri where he was blindfolded and assembled an tic rifle to say hey, ive got the same thing you care about in this state. He goes down to defeat. Here we go. We called early, early on and illinois pick up for dps and that was many hours ago, and yes, it looks like senators are going to hang on. We have this close race in New Hampshire. Chuck, youre the one who did the math so well, vote margin, its there for us. Put it there for you. Please dont make me do math. Were not. New hampshire senate, maggie, the governor, kelly ayotte, one of the most hotly contested races. One of the most expensive ones, 1,000 vote margin. And by the way, president ial race and essentially identical. So, Hillary Clinton has about i think about 2,000 vote lead in New Hampshire right now. But everybody that the table whob saw it as it is. This part of the evening. We would be saying tonight is a slam dunk for the republicans, raise your hands, please. No one did. Crawl under the table. Nobody did. Not even anyone. Can i raise another issue. The u. S. Supreme court. Yeah. Its already one opening and who knows how many potentially more in the next four years. And this is the thought is this is what drove a lot of Republican Voters ultimate lil because drove them home. Thats the biggie. Evangelicals. Itll be curious to see what the democrats do as a minority part and decide, do they play the filibuster, make the republicans have to do the Nuclear Option . You know, and the question is do they go tit for tat. Now that the shoes are on the other foot, what do the democrats semi cooperate . Or do they say, no, you know what, you held up our guy, were going to hold up yours. Were going to make you change the rules of the senate to make it a 50 vote. Conservatives would love that because they would allow them to get more conservative justices in on a 50 plus one vote. The Supreme Courts such an interesting question. The campaign drove the message. I dont think anyone here whos watched donald trump believes that hes an ideological person. He was so pro choice he wasnt against parable birth abortions three years ago. The idea that the Supreme Court put him over the edge. Hes become pro life and evangelical voters accepted that, but the notion that it was the Supreme Court and culturally devicive issues that helped him ideology. Power. But that doesnt you know the idea that he might adhere to something looser. You know, i just dont know what it is about anything hes done. Yeah. Well, but with Supreme Court picks, what each side is usually looking for is ideological purity. And that was such a salient issue is fascinating. This is a guy, even in the general election. A lot of people were heartened to hear that. Gained such an advantage. Produce a list of people at one point. That give republicans comfort because there were some very conservative judges who were on that list. But no one thought he knew of the names. But that was fine. Right . Mitch mcconnell putting the right names on there, were good. Mitch mcconnell said that one piece of paper was enough for him. He then within days endorsed him. It wasnt any Supreme Court justice seat. Justice scalias seat and altered the balance. Weve seen epic stream court fights, but in the last few years, they havent been ones that would have altered that ideological balance. This one had the potential to. And it was to his advantage, another interesting twist. Lets get out to the trump headquarters. Katy tur, we note of course you were there when he announced 511 or maybe now 12 days ago. How, how off guard, how surprised are they right now that theyre doing as well as theyre doing . Reporter well, i can tell you, i had a very early conversation with a top campaign aid, gosh, maybe in early july of 2015, and they told me that they see their chances as one in ten back then. One in ten chance of getting the republican nomination. Let alone getting to the point that theyre at right now. Those chances grew as time went on. Certainly from what i could see, the first rally, the big rally was in phoenix, arizona, where 5,000 people showed up. Donald trump said 7,000, 10,000, 20,000, which wasnt true, but it was still quite a large crowd. And then when he criticized john mccain, called him not a war hero, criticized an American Veteran who had been revered by so many, and then didnt drop in the polls, thats when a lot of republicans started to wonder what was going on. And its also when the Trump Campaign was starting to feel like wait a minute, we might be tapping into something here. We might really have a chance. Thats when the protest campaign, which is really how this started, started to become something more, more real. Something that would move forward and donald trump kept getting those large rallies in state after state by november, he had secret service protection, right after thanksgiving. And that was a real indication that he was he was a serious contender who was being taken very seriously. At least on one end of the political spectrum. Republicans were still wanting to count him out. They believed that ultimately the silly season would end. Republican voters would come around and choose somebody more serious. They talked about ted cruzs ground game. They talked about marco rubios perceived depths on Foreign Policy. Policy. Donald trump won the nomination and now primed to potentially win the presidency. All right. Weve got a katy, we have another projection to make. We go to side of rock center, and nbc news projects when all the votes are counted, maine. And the raw count vote. The electoral map there to 218 to

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