It took months for Hillary Clinton to get to this about her email. That was a mistake, im sorry about. That i take full responsibility. But she continues to lose ground to Bernie Sanders. Could sanders win the nomination . He joins me live. How much is americas policy in syria to blame for the scenes we are wns witnessing today. Joining me to the, david brooks. Maria, sara fagan, and the National Journals ron fournier. Welcome to sunday its meet the press. From nbc news in washington, this is meet the press with chuck todd. Good sunday morning. Today is the first day of the nfl situation. Er with wednesdays Republican Debate looming a number of candidates, props like scott walker are suddenly facing their own mustwin situation. Score, or end up belly up ads rick perry did. Trailing candidates are upping their rhetoric, starting with michael huck be, who spoke regarding the woman in kentucky went to jail. Im willing to go to jail in her place because im tired of watching people be just harassed because they believe in something of their faith. Donald trump is not a serious candidate. He is a narcissist. He is an ego maniac. And the loud voices that dont have a plan. Lets talk about donald trump. As Stephen Colbert said. John roberts, the president bushs had nominated obama care would be struck down three years ago. Fact check. Justice suters seat was filled by a democratic president. Chris christie was once considered a frontrunner, what the gop was looking for, a blue state republican leader, and then he had a fall out with braj gate, financial troubles in new jersey, poll numbers low enough he almost didnt make it into the first two debates. Let me start with you said something like, this you said we have no choice but to Work Together. And it seems to be a message that isnt resonating right now with republican primary voters who arent interested in compromise and coming together. They are interested in in the case of congress maybe burning the place down. I think thats why they are not working together. They want to Burn Congress down because it doesnt do anything. Lets face it. I was out on the trails in 2014 helping governs disasters and senators candidates to get elected. What have these guys done that they promised to do . We dont have tax reform on the desk. Appeal of obama care on the desk . This is why people cant stand congress. Obviously they underdelivered. Was it an overpromise . I think they no. I think they underdelivered. I have had a Democratic Congress in new jersey. Ive had four vetoes. Ive vetoed more tax increases than any governor in history. We have passed the property tax cap, reformed teacher tenure, reformed the Pension System. You can stand up and still find a way to Work Together and pro compromise. But the people in washington care more about shows like this. Lets talk about your record in new jersey. You have got run on it. Happy to run on it. Right now new jersey is ranked 50th for business tax climate. 46 for doing business. 26 for growth in 2015. How is this a record that americans should say we want you to do that for america . You should see what it was when i got there. The fact is they had 115 tax increase in the seven years before i was governor. We vote audioed every tax increase. We have created 198,000 you in jobs in the last five and a half years. The fact is we spend 2. 5 billion less than we used to. Heres the biggest thing. What they wanted was someone to say no to hire tax, no to more spending and more yes to parental involvement, parental choice. Weve done all those things in new jersey. Anybody with pick out any statistics they want but in new jersey its mu much better today than it was six years ago. Richard quaurrying on facebook, heres the question he had for you. He said why does he deserve to be president when he has set a record with nine down grades for the state of new jersey while governor. Some of it is because you have cut taxes too much and therefore you have left the state without enough money. Thats not true. S to responsible. You know what . It is the Public Sector unions who refuse to compromise on pensions. If you look at the credit down grades they are all about long term pension problems. We have saved 120 billion in the Pension System over the next 30 years on what weve done already. But the unions want mar more and more and more. In a Democratic State like new jersey it is difficult to get them to push any further. The last report said if the pension problem was fixed new jersey would be in good fiscal position. This is not about not having enough revenue. The government was too big. Weve made it smaller. If the Pension System continues to get better we will be fine. If you havent been able to fully solve the crisis and make democrats do what you want them to do in new jersey, how are you going to do it in washington . Wait a second. We have taken a Pension System that was about to go under and now its paying its bills and doing better in the six years that i have been governor than it was in the two decades before. The fact is we are doing and making progress. We have got a Senate Democratic president to be able to sit down and sponsor a pension reform bill that cut coalas, raised retirement age. Similar things weed we have got to do in washington, d. C. Washington, d. C. I have absolutely no doubt that i can come down to congress, not cave like others have done and get the job done. Last 18 months you have been dogged at home by the bridge gate mess. This week, the butterfly of bridge gate led to the ceo of United Airlines resigning. Let me ask you this question. You have got four people close to you who have indicted, pled guilty or are under investigation. What should we take about this . Either that you had bad judgment in the people you picked or you created a climate where people thought they could operate this way . Neither. Heres what happens, for 13 years i have been in public life as u. S. Attorney skpaz governor. I set High Standards for people to reach every day. I hold them to that standard. Heres what a leader does. You cant when you have 60,000 people this is not 60,000 this is the Port Authority. This is as big of an appointment as you make in new jersey. First of all, you have no idea you have no idea as you sit here today that he did anything wrong. Nor does anybody else. Lets stop just reading the newspapers. Lets stop reading the newspapers and just blaterring back what is that. Heres the bottom line, when you have all these folks working for you, the fact is you hold them to High Standards. In they dont meet those High Standards, you take action and terminate them. Thats the standard i hold myself to and everyone else to. What really matters as Hillary Clinton is finding out is how you react to a crisis. Not that there never will be any crises, but how you react. When we had a crisis the next day i took questions for an hour and 15 minutes, no holds barred. Lets see if mrs. Clinton does one fifth of that. What people want is honesty and candor, not perfection. I cant ensure perfection from anybody, but i will hold people to those High Standards todays and when im president of the United States. When you are president of the United States. What can you do to guarantee to people that what happened in your Port Authority wont happen . Hold myself to the High Standard and if mistakes are made the hold those people responsible and to discuss with it the people openly and transparentally, which is exactly what i did. Everything i said, 18 months ago in an hour and 50 minute long press conference, after three investigations of the not one thing has been contradicted that i said. So the fact is that people love the make a big deal about this stuff, but in the end its how you react. I wish barack obama would have reacted that way to the irs scandal, maybe he should stand up today and say to Hillary Clinton, madam secretary, this is a stain on my administration, stands up and fully cooperated, reveal all the information, answer every question and tell all the people around you to cooperate as well. He hasnt done that and thats a failure of leadership. Is the Port Authority a failure on your administration . No, its not. Let me ask you one final question. Earlier this week you had sort of ative about the leaders in new york city about whether its safe in, in city or not. And it was said governor christie shouldnt throw stones when he is living in a house with glass windows implying that new jersey is more dangerous than new york. Bill blatton works for deblasio, murders are up and shootings are up. Whats the one variable . The democrat liberal policies of bill deblasio is making the city unsafe. When i watched him talk about how its safer in new york city, its ironic that the only guy who thinks it is safer in new york city are guys Walking Around with armed guards i saw the mayor say the other day well its only ten more murders. As a former prosecutor and as a governor, tell that to the ten families who lost their lives. More this year in new york so far. Every life mayor. And the fact that this mayor shows a disregard for that and why is it in cities where we fired the entire police force, along with an africanamerican democrat mayor, fired the force, got rid of their bloated contract, do you know what happened in camden, murder is down 61 . Bill deblasio is another symptom of you lalessness. How important is this debate . Its important for everybody. Every time you get a chance to be in front of that many people its important. Ill make you laugh a couple times this week, today. When we come back, the fate of the Republican Party. Are the outsiders about to take the gop away from the establishment . Is john boehner in big trouble . Could this man take the [ male announcer ] whether it takes 200,000 parts, 800,000 hours of supercomputing time, 3 million lines of code, 40,000 sets of eyes, or a million sleepless nights. Whether its building the worlds most advanced satellite, the space station, or the next leap in unmanned systems. At boeing, one thing never changes. Our passion to make it real. Our passion to make it real. This just in 50 million customers data was not compromised this morning in a Security Breach that didnt happen. Wall street. Not rattled. At all. No. Not at all. Not at all. I mean, look at the day. Sir. Sir. What went right . What went right . Everything. Thank you. With threat intelligence, behavioral analytics, and 6000 experts, ibm security will help keep you out of the news. My dads company wasnt hacked today. Cool. Welcome back. When you look at the republican race for the white house one thing becomes clear. We are seeing a clean split between the establishment and the outsiders. The disgust with the republican establishment that has been a staple of conservative talk radio has gone mainstream. The result, an election in which one poll, two outsiders, donald trump and ben carson together have higher poll numbers than all of the socalled establishment candidates combined, about eight of them. All this has talk of a gop split. In the long term it could hold the fate of the entire gop in its hands. The summer of trump, is about to become a very combative fall n. A year where outsiders are ascended. Im not going to be a traditional politician snoosh the same disgust with washington thats launching president ial candidates who have never held political office. We are led by very, very stupid people. Reporter is setting up a fight inside the capitol for the soul and direction of the Republican Party. There are two men in washington, d. C. Who can defeat this deal, their names are Mitch Mcconnell and john boehner. Porter this week, a preview as Tea Party Conservatives gathered in washington to protest the Iran Nuclear Deal after it became clear nothing could stop it. The republicans control that building behind us right now. You see that scaffolding up there . They should take some of that and use it on their Dammartinen Goele spines. Reporter the next fight will decide whether the federal government stays open past september. Anger that republicans are conceding on things like iran and planned parenthood. Republicans would like to see mcconnell and boehner out. Its bonor, speaker of the house, whose job is in jeopardy. He is worse than obama. Obama we know is not on our side. He is making these deals with iran. But boehner is working against his own party, against his own people. Reporter earlier this summer congressman mark meadows filed a formal resolution to unseat boehner as speaking. The American People have grown weary of Campaign Promises that have knot been full snild yesterday afternoon there was a large standing ovation amongst our members for the fact that i have this job and behave to put up with to keep it. For maw, the meadow he is resolution remains just a threat. But if things go south for conservatives in october, that threat could become a reality. They are very disappointed i can tell you. Joining me congressman tom cole, an ally of john boehner. And former senator jim mement, and now the head of the Heritage Foundation who once said this. I have 30 republicans in the senate who believe in the principles of freedom than 60 who dont believe in anything. Welcome to meet the press. Senator, let me start with you. Explain the beef that the republicans have for mcmonthly and boehner. Its not just conservatives. Its all over the country. What i hear, the party is really united outside of the washington. They dont follow their own party platform. The things that are mainstay ten years ago, balancing the mujt, and limited government, and getting rid of ronyism is now called radical or far right by Republican Leadership in washington. Now, at heritage we are not republican or democrat. But we do want leadership in washington to carry those basic common sense conservative ideas forward. I know we along with millions and millions of americans are just frustrated that this Republican Party has not stood up to president obama for his whole term in office. I hear this time and time again, they dont understand why john boehner doesnt fight harder. What do you say . Thats nonsense. When he became speaker, the difficult sit was higher. He lowered the debt in the medicare nd. He has passed more legislation than any other speaker. He didnt have a Republican Senate until the last two months. He still doesnt have a republican president. The one place where he had governmental control, and what he has done with that, thats exceptional. You say thats not true. Any cut in spending was a result of a conservative fight. We call it cut, cap, and balance. Neither the leader in the house or the senate was with us on that. But the conservatives from around the country basically forced them into considering some cuts which have taken effect and made some difference. But every issue becomes a fight. Every year, we are fighting about just some reasonable reductions in the growth of spending and standing up to obama, whether its on controlling the internet, or changing the national franchise. What will a change in speaker do . We are noted a voektding. Understand that. But what will that do, either in style or personal, what will that do . I think what conservatives need and i assume a lot of republicans around the country are leaders in washington that are advocating for the principles that we know made this country great and made life better for every american. We dont hear that out of them. We dont hear a plan. We are two weeks from the end of the year. Have you heard anything from any of the leadership in washington about what we are doing to do at the end of the year . How can you build support for something if you wont lay out a plan and let people know this is what we stand for and this is what we are going to fight for. Tom cole explain why you probably cant get a budget passed thats going to quote defund planned parenthood. Taking credit for what you didnt do isnt accurate. Mcconnell said its not going to happen until there is a republican president. We have passed legislation that defunds all title ten fund. You blame the senate on this . I dont blame anybody. I blame the president of the United States. We have a republican president , you would have we dont appropriate the planned parenthood. We appropriate the department of health and human services. It then awar grant. Frankly you have to have a president who will give you a department, and a secretary that will follow those principles. This will be something to be continued. Thank you for coming on and being civil. Let me bring in the panel, david brooks of the new york times, sara fagan, former bush political director david brooks, this fight inside the party, the frustration, and somehow for some viewers they may say its deja vu all over again . Chris christies answer to you was not an attack on you. It was like a mutiny not a campaign. Donald trump can just scream and somehow govern the country. But in a democracy you need a coalition. Sara fagan, was it overpromising . Look, i heard it all through 2014, give us a Republican Senate, were going to do all these things. Right. The fact of the matter is the president didnt have to veto anything on getting rid of obama care. Hasnt had to veto a defunding of planned parenthood. The arguments are right on that, arent they . I think they are right on that. And the reality is, governing is really hard if you dont have 60 senators. And you dont have, you know, control of the whole apparatus. And republicans dont. And so some people think that was the whole point of createding the senate and the house was to make it house. It was the point. The founders were wise. But there is frustration nothing is getting done. On this matter of planned parenthood and funding. Sometimes our leadership sounds defeatist. I dont know why you would assume in a giant game of chicken that the republicans always have to loods. Im not sure that putting planned parenthood videos on a loop on the news isnt going to end well . Its going to be bad for democrats and really bad for Hillary Clinton. Watching all this, i get the idea that oh, the right feels as if obama will do whatever it takes to win and they do whatever it takes to win. Tom hanks in the movie a league of your own. Being hard is what makes it good. Politics is supposed to be hard. The story of the cycle, the story of our times is a dysfunction in our social institutions, especially government and politics, and the publics loss of faith in those institutions. And the public right now is very angry, anxious, and asking what side of the barricade are you on . Right now, whether right or wrong, trump, sanders, carson appear to be on the other side of the barricade. I spent almost the whole summer in michigan, and i ran into people i would called crazy, buts crazy but, donald trump is crazy, but, he is taking on the government, donald trump is crazy, but hes causing people to talk about. This is rhetoric out there, its not just on the right. Its not. But when you think about what governor christie said last week, which i was hearing, because i live in new york n harlem, governor christy said i want to bring back stop and frisk. If i was mayor of new york i would bring it back in the first five minutes. And people said hold on. There is a lot of questioning about im going to do this, and im going to do it now. So we know there was question. When you are dealing with demographics that doesnt play well with a certain demographic. Way back when, governor criesty liked to be the bully. I think bridge gate zbog to be there, even though he says nothing has been proven, people are not letting go of that. If he talks the way he really s people are going to think he is a bully. When you asked isnt bridge gate a stain on your administration . He said nothing has been proven. Thats where you get your credibility issues. In fairness to govern audio christie. When you look at how faisy he is and you think globally about this race and you think that people are flocking to donald trump. And not him. Ultimately, i believe a governor, a bush or a christie or one is going to emerge. He has a lot of donald trump in him in terms of his style, and you could see someone like Chris Christie in a tumult use race doing well. Coming up, Hillary Clinton has a lot of hurdle to clear before becoming the next president. Perhaps the tallest hurdle is this man now. Bernie sanders. He joins me next. Meet the press is brought shopping online is as easy as it gets. Wouldnt it be great if hiring plumbers, carpenters and piano tuners were just as simple . Thanks to angies list, now it is. Were making hiring anyone from a handyman to a dog walker as simple as a few clicks. You dont have to be a member to buy their services directly at angieslist. Com but members save more on special offers. Angies list is revolutionizing local service again. Visit angieslist. Com today. Prge a manufacturer. Well thats why i dug this out for you. Its your grandpappys hammer and he would have wanted you to have it. It meant a lot to him. Yes, ge makes powerful machines. But ill be writing the code that will allow those machines to share information with each other. 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And he has a one point lead in iowa. Both of the most recent polls in iowa and New Hampshire have Bernie Sanders ahead. He joins me now. Good morning. Good morning. You have based much of your campaign on economic issues, economic inquality. And recently you apologized for the lack of Foreign Policy substance on your own website. There is nothing on syria, isis, iraq, isis, terrorism. You have something on the iran deal. Lets start with the refugee crisis. How many refugees do you think the United States should take in . The United Nations wants up to 65,000 syrians placed here in the United States. Is that a proper number . I think its impossible to give a proper number until we understand the dimensions of the problem. What i believe is that europe the United States, and saudi arabia, the United Arab Emirates must address this humanitarian crisis. People are leaving iraq and syria with just the clothes on their backs. The world hags to respond. The United States should be part of that response. When it comes to syria, how much of the problem of the micro crisis is the United States at fault in the poe policy, whether bush in iraq or obamaer of in syria . Look, i voted dw tense war in iraq. If you want to go you tube, fine what i said when i voted against that war. And sadly, im not happy about this, chuck, but you will find is much of what i feared would happen in fact did happen. Massive destabilization in that region. So i think really the issue now is not who is at fault, the issue is now what we do. What we do is bring the region together. Countries like saudi arabia, which has the Third Largest military budget in the world, turkey, other countries, are going to have to get their hands dirty, going to have to get on the ground in taking on isis. I believe strongly the United States, the u. K. , france, other countries should be spoetive. But i disagree that the United States should have combat troops in that area. I fear very much that we will be in perpetual warfare in that region. I do not want to see that occur. You have said you are not opposed to military action under certain circumstances. In fact, the one time you voted for military intervention was in kosevo, which is a humanitarian action. Are we at the point in syria where it justifies military action to stabilize that country . I voted also for the war in afghanistan. I apologize, yes, you did. Because i believed that so samma bin laden needed to be captured, needed to be brought to trial. Let me be clear, i am very concerned about a lot of the war talk that i am hearing from my republican colleagues who apparently have forgotten the cost of war and the errors made in afghanistan and iraq. And what i believe, chuck, very much is that the most mour powerful military on earth, the United States of america, that our government should do everything that we can to resolve International Conflict in a way that does not require war. Sometimes using military force is necessary. But i think it should be the last resort, not the first resort. So i would suggest that we do everything that we can to try to resolve she is conflicts, which are not easy. We live in a very crazy, difficult World Without american troops getting into combat. As you take a lead in the polls people are now saying okay, can Bernie Sanders be the nominee . Can he be the most electable candidate . Let me ask you, why are you more electable than Hillary Clinton . I think the issues, chuck, that we are talking about, the collapse of the american middle class, massive income and wealth inequality. Why we are the only country on earth that doesnt guarantee health care or family or medical leave, why millions of families are finding it so hard to send their kids to college or have Decent Health care, these are issues resonating with the American People. And the American People in my strong view are sick and tired of establishment politics, of establishment economics. And they want a candidate who is prepared to stand up to the big money interests, wall street, corporate america, that exert so much power over our legislation legislative life in washington. I think we are generating a lot of excitement not just in iowa and New Hampshire, but all across this country. That means larger voter turn outs. Let me tell you this, in my strong view, the republicans did not win last november, the democrats lost because a lot of their support remembers demoralized not coming out to vote. Working people, younger people. I think we can strike an excitement in those groups of people, increase voter turn out, not only win the white house, but regain control other the senate and do well in the house. You have launched 58 bills this year, 35 of them dont have a single cosponsor. My question is this, if you are president , if you cant convince colleagues in the senate now to support some of your legislation how are you going to work with song congress as president . Well, i think if you check my record you will find that in the last session of congress, as chairman of the u. S. Senate Veterans Committee i worked extremely well with Republican Leadership in the house, jeff miller, john mccain and others, and passed in terms of the veterans bill, one of the most comprehensive pieces of legislation in that department. We have more amendments passed bipartisan any any other member of congress. When we talk about the most difficult issue, how we make colleges and ufrtss tuition free, the republicans are not supportive of that. The only way that real change takes place, and what we are doing in this campaign is bringing millions of americans together to stand up and say enough is enough, our government has to represent all of our people not just wealthy campaign donors. Senate, i have to leave it there. Stay safe on the trail. See you soon. When we come back, a firsthand lack at the refugee many wrinkle creams come with high hopes, but hope. Doesnt work on wrinkles. Clinically proven neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair with the fastest retinol formula available, it works on fine lines and even deep wrinkles. Youll see younger looking skin in just one week. Stop hoping for results, and start seeing them. Rapid wrinkle repair. And for dark spots rapid tone repair. From neutrogena®. My name is watson. Im helping doctors keep people healthy. Take ted here. Im pulling together data he shared from his wearables, Health Records and family history, so we can analyze it. Hes doing everything right. For the most part. No pain, no gain. You are a beast, ted. My name is watson. How can i help you . Welcome back. As more and more middle eastern refugees pour into europe the crises they are fleeing seems to get worse. Isis on the march in iraq, and syria. Russia is engaging in what u. S. Defense officials are calling a military build up there, similar to what the russians did in crime ea last year. Their support of al ashad will likely prelong the civil war and create more refugees. We have a firsthand look of the refugee crisis and u. S. Policies that have helped fuel it. Reporter the refugees are pouring into europe. And each one has a reason. This woman is taking her grandson to sweden because his father was kidnapped by isis in syria. Every day killing, looting, houses destroyed, she said. This man is escaping the syrian regime. Syrias only future is destruction, and thats no future at all. I was a stone mason. Now there is theres no work. Only death, he said. Searching for a smuggler to take them from hung gather to germany, this group fled from baghdad. The u. S. Turned us over to iran, he said. Another group also searching for a smuggler, but which ended up getting busted by Hungarian Police is escaping the taliban in afghanistan. All running from wars and crises that the u. S. Waded into over the past decades. President bush went big in iraq. He shocked, awed, and occupied, unleashing a civil and rejous war, which washington and the middle east werent prepared for. War weary president obama went small, critics would say too small, supporting rebels in libya, but ignoring syria even while using president assad of gassing millions to death, including children. The administration drew red lines but they were crossed time and again. The u. S. Isnt responsible for the sunni shia blood letting, the madness of isis, or the merciless bombings of the assad regime, all of which are triv driving these people to find new lives in europe. But by unraveling the old system, the u. S. Helped unleash those forces. This exodus is a direct result of the violence in the middle east those streaming into europe have lost all hope in the future of their own countries. They are here to seek new hope for their children. For meet the press im Richard Engle in hungary. Joining me now, robert ford, he served as u. S. Ambassador to syria from 2012 to 2014. Welcome to meet the press. Nice to be with you. Let me ask you this basic question, is the syria policy this administration, is it a failure . Well, i think the administrations policy hasnt helped achieve a solution to the syrian conflict. But lets be clear. I agree with richard engel. Its not the United States that caused the unraveling of the old order in the middle east or the unraveling of syria. Its the brutality of regimes like the regime in syria, and the demand by people on the ground in those countries to have their dignity respected by their governments. Thats the root cause of the problem. Well we understand the root cause, but it seems as if every response the United States has tried, whether its beened a guessive in the Bush Administration or much smaller in the obama administration, something to seems to work. Do we throw up our hands and say forget it, let them sort it out and walk away . Well, i dont think we can throe up your hands and walk away. Weve got United States pilots, u. S. Air force pilots doing combat missions now in places like syria and iraq. So were in it. The question is what do you do Going Forward . I have two points on that. Number one, lets remember, we just saw a spot on the refugees. The basic problem is coming not from the Islamic State, its coming from the president s brutality, dropping gas, and barrelled explosives on civilian areas and depopulated entire syrian cities. Half of syrian is now deplaced. Half of syrian population is no longer living in their home. So you have to deal with the assad problem. The administrations folk us in syria, however, is not on the assad brutality. It is on the Islamic State. Laum pause you that. While that is also a big problem it is not going to fix the refugee problem. Do you think our focus is wrong . Do you think our focus should be on the assad regime, and then focus onnize isis . I do believe because the regime is drive iing mem memberp into isis. Why is that . Because they are able to recruit from angry young syrian men who are furious at the bombing that the assad regime is inflicting on syrian neighborhoods in syrian cities. How should president obama respond to russia essentially doing a military build up on behalf of assad . First what the russia are doing is not particularly new. They have been giving military aid to the Syrian Government throughout this conflict. I talked about the planes dropping bombs on neighborhoods in syrian cities. Those are russian airplanes. They use russian russian spare parts. The russians are increasing the aid, in terms of the scale and the speed in which they are spending it. Thats because the assad regime is losing the civil war. And i think the president and did the Administration Needs to do two things Going Forward. Number one, they need to tell the russians we want a political negotiation, but a serious political negotiation, not a sham negotiation, and not a negotiation for cosmetic changes to the brutal assad government. And second, in order to get assad to negotiate seriousee, and he has refused to negotiate seriously, you have got to keep the military pressure on him. Thats what the local on sayings fighters in syria, not Islamic State fwurks others who accept a political negotiation, they need help. This is a war. They need military assistance. Turkey is giving some. Saudi arabia is giving some. But there needs to be more help to put pressure on assad to get him to the table. You yourself argued if the United States trained some of these folks somehow not with isis or not with assad, they are creating more tribal problems and they are going to be fighting with each other and that adds to the problem. Thats an argument that you made recently . No, i dont think i ever argued that. What i have said there are lots of people in the syrian armed operation, many groups that accept a political negotiation. Those groups need help. Not the Islamic State obviously, those are bar bearians. But there are lots of people in syria who are fighting both the Islamic State on one side and fighting the assad rooej regime and its brutality on the other side. They are between a skprok a hard place. And those are the people who ultimately are going to have to come to a negotiation with assad and come up with a new National Unity government. And we cant get there until assad and his friends feel enough pressure that they will negotiate seriously. Thats what we did in the balkans. Thats how we got the serbs to the negotiating table. They felt enough military pressure that finally they went to dayton, and under American Leadership came up with a deal. All right ambassador ford, thank you for coming on the meet the press. By the way, my colleague, nbc nightly news anchor lester holt is traveling to hungary and he will anchor from there tomorrow night. Back in a moment if our in game segment. What is joe biden thinking next . Stay tuned fo covering your kids eyes is one way to prevent them from seeing something inappropriate. Another way is to use Parental Controls on your tv, computers, and mobile devices to control viewing habits when youre not around. Its in your hands. The more you know. Time now for mooetd meet end game, brought to by boeing. Game time. Lets look at Vice President joed biens appearance tonight on the late show with Stephen Colbert. He spoke for the first time publicly on the death of his son beau. Bronze star, sir, served with him in rag. And all of a sudden, i lost it. How could you i mean, thats not i shouldnt be saying this. But that that you know, we you cant do that. Brooks, that didnt sound like a guy thats ready to run for president , did it . I dont know. I thought it was one of the most Beautiful Moments in american politics. We have so much disgust and fear. That was an expression of love. Something bigger than politics. That is more likely to make him want to regard this you mean he didnt focus on that. That was spontaneous. I think that was a connection to the American People. I thought there was no chance he could win this year because it is such an antiestablishment year. But thats a connection. And that is something he might be able too bring to this race. I began to think its applausable. There is certainly an opening. Do the democrats need a man . I think its good for democracy. Does the party need him . Yes. I think the party needs him. Party needs him. I have to say, in my family, you know, there is not a lot of politics, but one of my family members sent that out and the said you must watch this. It was the first time that joe biden was connecteding that way. It was the first time an email was sent and you have to watch it. I was like wow its really nice to hear someone talking, just talking without the sound byte and the fact they didnt cut him off is something that is working. I thought what would happen if Hillary Clinton was there and he started asking her about being a grandmother. And lets say she tiered up. What the reaction would have been, i have no idea. But there is the notion of let us talk and let us be. Clearly for biden, he can do that. Does biden help Hillary Clinton . No, if he got in he would cut towards her base and exajsage rate her per speeved lack of authenticity. I take him at his word. When he says he is not ready to run because his heart isnt in it i take him at his word. But the one thing that might get him in is a calling from beau. His son did say, run. As a father, as a guy who finished a parenting book, a book about parental expectations i can tell you nothing messes more with a mans head than their bond with their son. Republicans just used him as a punching bag a year ago. Ted cruz tried that this year and he was shut done. Does that make him a more powerful candidate . I think it does. For a time. The facts around Vice President biden as a candidate, you know, remain the same, which he has been gas prone most of his career. And we shouldnt expect just because he went through this incredibly personal experience he is not likely to change as a candidate overall five months from now. David, im curious, where are you on Hillary Clinton as a candidate right now . She is leaking air. She is an establishment candidate, in an antiestablishment year. They not creative. Who is right now. Trump is pretty creativityive. You have got to give him credit for that. For better or worse. And she is in a party that has moved away from her. British and american politics rhymes. Jury me korbin is Bernie Sanders times ten, that has to wake up alarm bells across the democrat party. This is ringing a lot of alarm bells. The democrat base has moved far to the left. The same way the republicans have moved far to the right. Bill clinton was able to position himself as an agent of change. Hillary clinton doesnt seem to be able to change. She is positioning herself as a status quo. And she is mired in five investigations. She needs to have more fun, to have more joy. She needs to be dancing more like she did on ellen. You set me up with fun because this is the most fun thing ive seen all week. Look at what azteca, the mexican tv network is doing to promote the mexico u. S. A. Soccer match in october, watch it. We dont have victories anymore. The American Dream is dead. Is dead. Wow, i cant wait. I think we ought to ashes i hope trump goes to the mexico u. S. Match. What do you think. I said it before, a mexican saying which means things backfire. That ad just soes donald trump. Muerto. Speaking of muerto. Our show is. Thats it for d top. Well be back next week, because if its sunday, its meet the press. Enjoy the nfl today. Nbc10 issue starts now. Temple beats penn state for the first time in 74 years tossing the school into the national limelight. Coach called me. Its humbling. What do you say to the nfl coach of the year. T today on nbc10 issue, well discuss how temple plans to keep the excitement going turning a single win into something bigger. Never felt this about the foot all team. Its fun. Plus, a ecent survey finds Many American adults struggle to name a Single Branch of government. Judge Marjorie Rendell thinks that needs to change. She joins us. First, we b

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