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American adversaries and don't forget you can check us out on an excellent website that's American adversaries dot com To Ok once again the page on funding Friday get Piers outlaw in the studio the buffer man met in the studio with us is wealth Christopher Hart Jeff is on the bridge 407-774-8255 is the number before we get to our guest a disk want to just quickly go through the day's news because there were good jobs numbers out but perhaps the thing that spoil the party for the Democrats the most was what the Fed said today Piers real quickly what what were the things that he said well this would be the Fed head this is the drone pound you know drawn Powell in a speech in Zurich today basically all over the Democrats party and saying that there is no recession in the United States and there is not one forecast indeed just like we've been telling you here ladies and gentlemen is a matter of fact we're being set up for even stronger economic growth not weaker economic growth regardless of what happens with China and I think China is beginning to understand that you know that their plan their plan of world domination began with the United States and it ends with the United States and Donald j. Trump so rude quick on that note since the recession things off the tables are back to racism for the Democrats still that you'll see the racism Cornell this week they've been pushing the story that he's lost it again you know with the Alabama day and all of this stuff right and some fun with that. By the way if you go to shop. They have a special marker pen this is that you can mark up your own bath with. This like with yes it's long really yes it. Is also allow just like sister although this was. Sold So we're not kidding you if you want to get one of your special truck market pills just like the president uses you can go to shop. Dot com. Now she's been on the show before but it's been a while she's moved back to central Florida so they will have on the show more often she is the founder she's having a problem. Proclaiming justice to the Nations organization like a welcome back to the show Cardoza more how you doing or how I met doing well it's great to be back in the u.s. We are prickly naming justice to the nations it says in the Book of Joel claimed this did the nation's prepare for war will tell us a little bit about what exactly all about Well our mission is to educate Christians about our biblical responsibility to stand with our Jewish brother and defend the state of Israel against the rise of global anti-Semitism you know ironically we see happening along with the rise of anti-Semitism anti-Christian bigotry and our mission is to mobilize the church we were just talking before we came on the show this morning about or this afternoon about how Christians used to be engaged in the battles the cultural battles that we found ourselves and we weren't afraid or intimidated to speak up the pastors would speak passionately from the pulpits we don't have that happening now and if Christians if Christians pull back and do not get engaged in the cultural battle we will lose our country we will lose this blessed country that God has given to us and really given to our generation to print. Fact and defend and we haven't done a very good job I think more and more people are starting to mobilize and get educated informed not just here in the United States we're hearing from people all over the world you know I think part of the problem is complacency you know conservatives kind of get used to sort of just being Ok with things whereas the other side is always seen this is a cultural war you know this is one of the things one of the few things I agree with Joe Biden on when he 1st I think announced he was going to run he talked about one of the reasons why is because we're in a cultural war so it's actually right they see they understand this on the other side and they play it like that I just read an. E-mail that Obama sent out they are mobilizing grassroots they have a strategy they have a game play and it's all laid out it's exactly what we have been saying to Christians we are always so focused on the federal races and we should be we should you know vote for the right president our our congressmen our senators but where if you asked most people who is your school board member that represents you who is your county commissioner who's your city alderman most people have no idea no clue but this is exactly what they have been doing for years and that's why they've taken over the education system just look at Florida for instance did the breakdown Republicans control Florida at the state level right now we're doing pretty good at the federal level but you look at city governments county government school boards we're losing we're getting. Our tails will particularly in the population centers and what I plan to look at George Soros how he's waged a financial attire on the district attorney offices not just in Florida and even in Central Florida where their Messiah Yalit down county but nationwide as well in particularly in Texas you know we're actually seeing an increase out in of you all saw the die. That's been floating around the Internet the $5000.00 the goal to have $5000.00 Islamists run for local and federal races where there are already about. Several offices Exactly so if we pull out of the society if we pull out of the culture if we think it's somebody else's problem no it is our problem we have to be engaged this is a government of We the people we have the government we have the issues in the problems that we have because we the people have distanced ourselves we've created a vacuum a vacuum has been opened up and of course someone has got to come in in fill that vacuum and it has been filled and now we have to go and we have to fight to take back the territory that we've lost. The think that this is a war going on just listen to. The. 5000 Yes yes dimension that right now you're focusing on education education. Correct there's 2 major programs that we're focused on and right now it's the education that we are trying to inform over the next 14 months leading into November 2020 we are trying to educate and activate parents citizens people of conscience in our communities to mobilize and get informed about what's happening our children are being indoctrinated with propaganda back in 2012 we had a Christian parent who's a member of our organization in our community come to us because she found her son found and had to read a quote out of a Pearson published textbook being used in the belt buckle of the Bible belt schools that basically had a legitimizing Palestinians blowing themselves up in a Jerusalem restaurant because they were. Celebrate the start of the new season at least for you know we're dealing with a day. Is ahead with 30 to 50 percent funny and then there's the look but you can buy one for her and get one free but. With 65 percent of the diamonds and gemstones and busy season calls for a new bag at 40 percent off young Bernina and faculty on line even market checkout he started work for benefits no matter how you feeding that's out prices 3 Item a few people are valued by waging a war against Israeli government policies an army actions as we continue to dig into that book and we found not only anti-Semitic and anti israel content we found anti American anti Judeo Christian the values that are found our country was founded on we found these issues we found historical inaccuracies in biases and values that do not reflect our communities and that's when we started to begin our major nationwide campaign to expose the content by Pearson publishers a British based textbook publishing company that is not even us the Us based They're based out of Great Britain and we look at what's happening in Great Britain right and what they're doing is insidious because this is not educating for instance when I was in college took some classes that were called world religion we studied Islam Ok but it wasn't you know we had to swear to it we had to put ourselves in the position of that it was it was an objective study is that's what I 1st learned of Muhammad was a mass murderer Ok was in college and learning about Islam this is not what's going on in our schools this is not what they're being taught as a matter of fact what they're being taught is if for instance they'll be given a passage like Maury was just talking about and they'll say Ok we want you to wise about this we want you to put your position in poor little to leaves. Little girl Palestinians position we want you to see the world from her have to look at the content you have to see the content in the curriculum is. It violates our us in our state constitutions because the content favors the establishment of the religion of Islam over all others one specific program called Access Islam which is really what this this piercing this common core curriculum has really come out of and just to give you an example of some of the materials that they are distributing that they developed this is the whole curriculum is designed to help students learn about the world if d. Plus Islamic countries through access to high quality multimedia tools streaming videos and downloadable lesson plans related to Islamic holidays traditions and cultures this if you if we were to have our children of any teacher in any school district across this country were to teach those aspects of Judaism or Christianity in their schools they would be shut down and they would be reprimanded that they be taken to court. And everybody else out there right you know these religions you just mentioned actually respect women but that's really. What our nation is based on we had a parent who came to us she has a 3rd grade student and her student came home with her spelling test for that week one of the words on the spelling test this is the belt buckle the Bible Belt school one of the words was Shahada the prayer of conversion to write what in the world do you all remember I mean I went through 3rd grade I never remember not only like that not only that but some of these text books have the kids reciting these prayers. If you resign prayer even just reading it it means you've now made a commitment and all is paying attention to their world so what what they're doing is insidious they are basically stealing our children. This is when you're reacting absolutely when you have the council the head of the Council on American Islamic Relations even him Hooper who stated them keep in mind who is care they were listed as an unindicted coconspirator in the largest terrorist fund raising operation in the history of the United States of America and he publicly quote was quoted saying that he wouldn't mind seeing America become an Islamic country and he wouldn't do anything violent to make it happen well even him we rest so well at night knowing you're not going to do anything violent when you have and it's an editor of Pearson published textbooks who he's one of the major primary religious editors he said quote He is waging a bloodless revolution in American schools and of course if we call these people out we're called Islamic No we are against Islam is coming in and taking over our freedoms and our country and he were against our educational institutions. Colluding with them absolutely worse the church and state grow. The Department of Education has both approved and funded this this is actually access Islam you can access this by going to the Department of Education's website they al Islam is part of the international research studies program that was 1st introduced in the schools in 2005 by the Department of Education under President George w. Bush right and what is the in the. National Education Association they have not come out condemning this but they support teaching Common Core This is now been incorporated into Common Core and for those of us in in the state of Florida thank God we have a governor just Sanchez who is going to remove Common Core from Florida schools and he's chart. Commissioner Corcoran with that responsibility we're going to be involved in reviewing civics content for middle school students to make sure that we're teaching arse our children an accurate perspective sit except our government but thank God that we have governors like Rhonda Santos who are leading the way he's going to remove Common Core because when I went to my couple of years ago when he was still a sitting congressman and I showed him the content of the textbooks that were being used he was so outraged she said if I decide to become governor and I become governor we are removing Common Core it was because of the content in the textbooks that is common core that is part of the education initiative of access Islam they funded the Department of Education gave $166000.00 in 2005 to the educational Broadcasting Corporation they are using it media because they know the power of media it's purse way said they're using emotional stories to reach our children to gain their sympathy based on deception and lies they never talk about how women are treated no no no no Maher you know all the news in the media about her 3 husbands and she's getting Vorse we don't know if she's divorcing 2 people at the same time or what the deal is if Ilana Marci had done this back in Somalia she'd been a Muslim country should be able to dug a hole stuck half or a body in it and they would have stoned or to death right in other words they fill it up halfway with so she can escape. This is real they certainly don't teach anything about genital mutilation or anything that may go right on Islamic countries or not well ram vomit countries overall are pretty bad off except the ones that are kingdoms ready. For. Exactly there's a very few people do we know if you want to look at some of the people behind Common Core and this Pearson curriculum. At the the shareholders who fund this garbage that is being fed to our children you have the government's Islamist government on our radar Saudi Arabia and Turkey and Libya they are the ones that are the shareholders funding the information being taught to our children in American schools and it goes all the way back to the young people or war 973 when the United States of America stood with Israel and gave everything they needed to go to my ear so she could fight this battle and the Saudis came against as they turned off remember we were all sitting in in lines on even days to get our gas our OPEC was born yet one more question we got to break Laurie would you agree that the best thing we can do as citizens and parents is to when your children bring home the sole basis of their classes and also those textbooks you've got to read the syllabus and you've got to read the textbook because when you turn your child over to the government be educated that's what you're turning them over to the motel manager Let's take a break we come back even tell us how we can help Ok take a break come back with more of Lori Cardoza more proclaiming justice to the nations is what this woman is doing and she's doing Already Welcome back to the show ladies and gentlemen that's right it's been searching for the American adversaries on a page or Home Funding Friday you have found us don't forget more remind you once again before the show is over but the Bahamas relief efforts tomorrow and Sunday 6 am to 6 pm at 4990 new Broad Street in Baldwin Park tomorrow 11 am on 1200 well just look for the big signs south of the south of San for us I didn't notice it for for the barn Ok we're looking for hurricane release relief efforts cleaning items things for people to clean themselves and for them to clean their properties bring those things please to those locations and get them on the road to those poor folks in the Bahamas and don't forget tomorrow images all those all day long 25 percent off discounts at both locations that's. Been a road and they're having a party all day long lots of fun going on prizes and things at 510 or state road for 34 just north of 436 where they have their detail garage Orlando operation going on that's all day tomorrow images autos Ok Laurie tell folks how they can find out more you have a there's a You Tube video out I watched earlier today people should see what can people do to help absolutely So 1st the most important thing is you have to be informed you have to be educated so go to our Web site p j t n dot org sign up to get on our mailing list so you'll get the announcements we are targeting Florida Florida is one of 4 states that we are working on going into November 2020 to mobilize and act to act to educate. Activate parents citizens and all people of conscience to start taking back local control that is where we can win the battle the quickest we as a nonprofit can endorse candidates but I'm good I'm telling you this is the issue that's going to drive when parents start finding out that their children are being used as guinea pigs for this propaganda and it's not just this it's the anti American anti Judeo Christian content that is being peddled to our children. While we wonder why our kids are coming out of college. It's not just college them in our programs have to get informed so go to the website found us on social media Facebook Twitter Instagram and you'll find all of those links to sign up on our website at www. Dot org and then p. P j t n dot org sign the petition there remove on Omar follow us on what we're doing and if you if if you have your children bring their content home their textbooks curriculum and you find something questionable We want to hear from you this is our battle we have to fight it locally in our neighborhoods in our communities with our school board members and our county government. Org. Working here with her to just post a. Facebook page. You see the picture of. Do you have the videos there like the You Tube video if you go to our youtube page it's p.j. And t.v. All of the videos are located there are some great educational and informational programs there for you to watch short clips long clips but you have to be informed you have to know the enemy you have to know their tactic in order to defeat them and it's all local local local. For the. 14 months going up to the election absolutely that's how we're going to win once we start promoting and telling parents how their children are being used as guinea pigs there is not one issue I'm telling you I've been involved in pro-life Gaza now there's this mobilizes parents to action can people go to your website and request you to make an appearance Absolutely in fact Florida is one of the busiest states that I have been and it's amazing to see the activity going on here I don't know what's in the water but I'm here to drink it Ok That's Lauren Cardoza more proclaiming justice to the nations by the way. You can visit her at p.j. . Org That's p.j. . Org and her You Tube channel is p.j. T.v. On You Tube p j t. T v on You Tube p.j. Dot org is her Web site over to our excellent website American adversaries dot com and our Facebook page where mats already linked up with this lorries and everything so we see a lot more Lloyd can she's a hard worker We'll take a break don't come back with the Kill be the last night of. The Am night shift and 94 point 9 pm. With that star and News I'm Keith Peters in Washington a weekend hurricane durian flooded homes on North Carolina's Outer Banks on Friday but the fury that took even storm hardened residents by surprise forcing people to climb into their attics hundreds were feared trapped by high water and neighbors used boats to rescue one another medics and other rescuers rushed to Oak rococo island accessible only by boat or a or to reach those who made the mistake of defying man honey ice which the family to Boost Mobile and we got so much more like what well we got for free l.g. 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Hi I'm John Siebert president patriot Home Funding center for this best mortgage broker and we are making mortgages great again by offering the lowest rates and best service although I'm not charging any lend there John fees for points on most of our products and if you are a veteran we will pay for your phrasal as a way of saying thanks for your service take to page 301 main challenge will give you 5 star luxury service and save you money give us a call at 407-389-5132 s 407-389-5132 extension 4 visit us at my p h f dot com at Patriot home finding we finance the American dream. How much. You are listening to the American person. On the banks of the show ladies and gentlemen that's right people have a say. On a page with funding Friday and right now also on our sister station $1520.00 w.b. Easy Debi aware we're going to be a regular feature on air now every afternoon. Of od so it is a page at home funny and Friday and we do have Piers outlaw in the studio we got the buffer man Matt. Bus and if you like our website he can build one for you too that's j j c marking Solutions dot com for the buffer man Jeff is on the bridge I'm Christopher Hart 407-774-8255 is the number it is now time to go to the have you get to kill or be out of there coming to us live from the Bryant Blair how you doing tonight Brian I feel. Very very dark and happy to be a lot. At 40 but of history to carry down but there are you can discard and keep our founding and many people can't listen to still I love the show are over the fact that you get so much freight information option since the people of the 70 barons share with their ferns and to get into political debates know the facts are listening to the American have a serious Chris heart and Company thanks for that Brian speaker that earlier we were talking about jobs numbers coming out you know that the Democrats in the media have been trying to convince everybody we're going into a recession the Fed chair today said no no recession on the horizon what do things look like over there in Hillsborough County from your perspective Well from my perspective they look great nor are people are shocked. You know businesses are are people that I talked to on a very very happy with this economy it's just like you just pointed out you know when. You know when you go out for lunch a pall that's. That there's more inflation. Are arriving when. You know you've got all the little one right there because they were doing their best because they know all that is wrong Donald Trump's strong suit then they have got to attack it any way they can so they always are always going to attack strengths and of course all the time anything they perceive to be weak but that everything about. Donald Trump couldn't. Leave the Bahamas overnight and the left still wouldn't give him credit Hey Brian this is Pierce outlaw what was the interest rate on your 1st house. Only in Syria I wanted to knock small percent yeah and interest rates right now are negative Yeah and that's for sure I try to now for primary residences are running pretty much everything we're doing is under 5 percent and a lot of it's under 4 percent and so you think about what the difference in payment that you're just paying in interest alone now versus then and that gives you an idea of how you can reset your personal financial situation to make yourself rich instead of banks and that's a big deal you're right now it's driving our consumer economy. That's what I do is I mean you obviously are intelligent and need more than that but not I mean the typical person that goes in there to your mortgage now if you took the difference Well it basically you're paying a double. You're paying to 30 percent or 100 percent interest you could take a 30 year mortgage off $15000.00 if not more. And if you did the math between the difference in general and then on 100000 people. It substantially and the way of course they set it up as you pay the interest all 1st. Come to me about 10 years ago as he was paying off his loan and you know the interest rates gone down he was paying about 12 percent interest and he says man should i should I read finding these interest rates I get a phrase for half an hour look down said Well here's the problem you've already paid all the interest if you refinance now you're just going to set yourself up to pay more interest you better off just go ahead because you're not paying your interest rate was already collected you're not paying a trust anymore you're just plain paying you know so they always get their money upfront and you pay off the house at the end so yes it's a huge difference you're talking hundreds maybe even thousands of dollars in people's pockets now that they would not have had back in the day because the interest rates were 123 times higher and you know the funny thing. About that is and we've talked about this a couple of times on the show is that the number for a one k. Millionaires is at all time high and part of that because the stock market has had all time highs but the art of the other part of that is because the interest rate environment has been steadily coming down over the past 15 years which is allowed people to invest in those tax deferred savings plans and build wealth in a lot of cases generational wealth. Yet and the other thing that. We are looking at is the price of gas right now. That may want something a lot of votes for well just remedy we went from the lowest tax cutter when I was commissioned or $67.00 counties in Florida amongst the most the lowest star large town to the hottest tax County out of all of them in the state of Florida. And that's just amazing to me they right now all of the transportation pass tax that passed and what happened to the 60 percent threshold of status you would go back to. Being the amount of money the governments are having right now it's ridiculous and people are paying attention to that I don't. Live to the moon to pay attention to that and need to see how our politicians are voting and look at the tax rates and fees in their county and and listen if you want to seriously Collier County Commissioners call your representatives and state representatives and tell them with things like I mean they're doubling our stormwater taxable book and. Double the impact these double permitting fees that will anything to stop any kind of construction of. Brian I been one ask you this question and go a little deeper than taxes but just about the latest Democratic policies on the. Democratic candidates for example on the point climate forum and things like that and one thing I'm surprised that I want to get your take on this Democrats don't like 2 things they don't like people with free will and they don't like people being born that's a big problem for them right now just the human race seems to be a big problem for the Democratic Party right now I agree with you Matt I mean it's like wow they can they can't or they would rather focus on my little fog and you know build. A pipeline that's going to save the American people billions of dollars and it's just crazy what these wackos do thinking of everything but if human race I agree with you wholeheartedly that you're at the nail on the head I mean they talk about you know putting us through hell with the new Green Deal putting the citizens of this nation through hell with their policies for Medicaid. So all I mean it's history get to the school of the policies that they have done I'll be honest with you guys in the strong environmental person I do not believe I believe that in Comet change it's changing all the time around but there's no way that you know we can fix climate change on our own unless you've got everybody else out like a peon in the ocean. They don't think they do they come up with these things a color so much money that are really and they get everybody in a tizzy and we can't do anything about it if we had a good zillion dollars yeah yeah Democrats hate things that they can't control and they want to control everything I want to back up a sock into the taxes and fees thing that you did mention one of things we should demand of our politicians is that they really look at the bond issuance is like gone in this era of low rates at the long end of the curve you've got a 30 year Treasury bond right now trading under 2 point one percent the 10 year at about one and a half percent and a lot of these bond issuance is should be refinanced right now and that's that's something we should demand our local politicians look at birth strongly. You are absolutely Enrique tend to do as well if you ever literally just thought about the one thing transportation tax and that for 30 years but I do is when all is they were born that money out for the full life Lefever are one penny in her book are you bringing in it brings in over. 2 What is it $200000000.00 I believe it is and. You know they've been a pawn that are 30 years and there's nothing to fix the holes are holes or whatever was needed to be fixed 15 years later it is a great interest rate climate and it's good to do exactly what you say and can spit when you bomb things out too long sometimes just depending on and that's why a cafe cancer's district has just form moved from 3 counties to consolidating they did only in Hillsborough County right by we got take a break when we come back I want to talk to you a little bit more about the climate forum and Joe Biden. So please stick around for more of the American adversaries on the page and on funding Friday as the killer be as once again come to us live from the high that's be player by the way you can follow Brian on his Twitter page Twitter account that's at killer. Use the number one at killer. Killer be one you can follow Piers at Piers outlaw and myself Chris park radio and what's our What's our station Twitter handle out American officer. For the show and for the show yeah we'll take that break and come right back with more of tonight's show. Central Florida's conservative voices from. 50. 94.9 The Answer Hi Chris heart here you know I always bring you the best companies that improve your life now I want to introduce you to Dr Ronald of lifetime t.v. Today Orlando's trusted board certified oral surgeon for over 20 years if you need dental implants or surgery. Celebrate the start of the new season at least before you know how the day. 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We're back we're live we're in the relaxing covered studio but we've got to kill or be coming to us live from the high of that course b.b. By Blair Brian did you catch any of that so-called client form form or whatever it was the other night on c.n.n. . No I did not good because if you want a spirit you spared yourself a lot of aggravation and wasted time but one thing about it though is that and this this whole Democrat field seems to be an income bird by any reservations in other words these ideas of socialism gun control for instance O'Rourke and others have said they want mandatory buy backs of assault weapons mandatory right and other words they want to confiscate guns and then at the climate thing they were talking about how yeah we need there are too many people in the world you know we need Bernie Sanders was saying we need to start going back funding abortion worldwide there's too many people in the world yeah this in a way. I don't know if it's a blessing is the right word or a chance to see the handwriting on the wall but we're being given an opportunity here to see what the Democrat Party has become and where they want to go do you think enough people are in the Democrat Party itself are going to recognize that it's off on a wrong track track Well I still believe in the common sense reasonable person as you. I think we loosely that they are foolish and becoming more foolish by the day the ideas are radical they're they're pretty crude new ideas whether I have an idea we're interested in just a but they are. Everything they talk about cost a lot of money and taking a gun cost a lot of money and then at the end of the Clintons with the beating with ignorance with guns should they get their way people need to realize that they don't realize that when they start actually for a carbon tax for the global warming to which we can do absolutely 0 about the United States of America this is a challenge anybody to do I promise you I mean we have to clean keep our rivers clean you know with our air but if the United States has as we do. We've reduced our pollution. Better than any other industrial nation in the plaza 15 years ahead. And they still want to be to tell us we're going to die and 10 days with these people hear this over and over and over and over and they will get. A little breath of fresh air or a little view from the other side or some people talking in their ear and they start believing this the person that's the only thing that gives me a little. But I think that. Survivor underestimate the knowledge of the voters and by that of my great to take a toll. Right on what comes into play this year because they certainly have blown off rights do you think that they're believing these polls even Fox had one out was just a week or so ago that showed Joe Biden beating doll Trungpa head to head match up by 30 points and Elizabeth Warren was beaten by 20 and even better would be Tim I mean do you think they're actually believing that nonsense and therefore think that they can sort of just parade out this litany of of socialist notions. Well. You know you've got a good place Chris because for most of whom that early to talk about in terms of their talking about truth in order to move to talk to our platform are. The majority of the candidates on the Democratic side of tithing and must the things polls are accurate or are they going to put in their lives are issues that are not all that hung up on television 10 years ago no doubt Piers Yeah Frank Luntz today a link to You Gov poll that put Trump and they statistical tie against a quote unquote generic Democrat and if that poll is true it's over for the Democrats because the negative campaigning hasn't even started yet and I doesn't even consider the strength of incumbency if that is true trouble win by a landslide Brian. I think is right. Again got to watch out for the unknown and we just have to have people not sitting on the page is not and that's that's been a big call in the Republican Party people have to come out and realize when you go through this year you need even to call 'd your neighbors call anybody that you can . Explain why. It's urgent to vote because we really are fighting for our nation 21 of the election is the most working of election of our lifetimes if the Democrats take control kids the United States of America goodbye as we know it never will be taxed to death. Well all the seniors will have their services cut with the Medicaid for all there will be so much grooming do in this country that it will be miserable for those of us who are normal who have worked hard to have come to enjoy the most beautiful country in the world Well Brian we do have to work hard and we do have to make sure we get our communities involved but these candidates right now named. Hillary Clinton look sane. Here I was there I understand that you just can't that are going to get those just going to be a cake walk right. Into the Woods 16 people come out of the woodworks and that have a need to. Run Are you seeing in the grassroots Safford on the West Coast to draft better candidates to run for congressional seats that are democratically controlled in your backyard. Yes. I spoke with one of our local recovered soon parted meters 3 weeks ago and asked him for recruiting. To do just that it's a great question it has to be done some of that a step or not that we just sat through a room played because it is kind of clash of another thing sigh. This is the time it's really redundant or not even a little strange or skeptical because you have to rein in. In a district. Alumina group. Even Skype to realize that the people on the left are talking about him at the independents and mid-sized Democrats they were uncertain a minute the difference truck has a 90 some percent 94 percent 95 percent approval rating with the Republican Party doesn't have to worry about the Republican Party so much or there is going to keep . Trying to work because others promises. And that's what do those people to. Try so. Long in the long you're going to be successful everybody's got to get out and. Be good candidates and get room. On the issue. Of business. Which we had. And this is Brian Brian Brian your connection is to a novice if you're still there. Yes I'm here because that's how we are I'm sorry that's all we did just as last couple of sentences what did you say I'm sorry I said candidates need to start coming up with with ideas that money so we can reduce the deficit ideas instead of throwing money at the problem come up with business solutions for example I just came up with this idea What if we. What if we promoted through television there's a there's a big argument about the $15.00 an hour working wage for fast food primarily for fast food workers right well if they have the discretionary to charge and right now I don't know the figures but I'm going to get with the average McDonald's let's say with the average chain fast food how many cars run through an 8 hour shift so you have a shift manager you have a discretionary charge doesn't beg it doesn't please go to a dollar's be deeply appreciated and if that's right that it's done tastefully if it's done right if it's done correctly if it's done and most importantly uniformly so that it could just that logo will be really catchy so that you can put it on your they need. American have a series whatever you can mention and. Discussion to char whatever you want to call it I'm just using that as of next year I'll bet you that in a shift if they got 50 percent of the cars to get $0.50 but that would give 10 employees for $15.00 an hour well of course has the manager divide data amongst the employees at the end of their shift manager divide that at the end of each one of their responsibilities at closing leaving their Ron Brown because they might do that it t. Want to flag but definitely do it at Starbucks do they really that's an actual idea is over I now have never seen that anywhere they're doing that at Starbucks Pierce yes then the drive through is yes so have to do what they need is what I'm talking about is doing it. That's where you have the one logo that everybody can agree on that the local government can agree on and I would just question very steep terrain I did use one of the economies of the model trying to see what happens well great idea coming from the highs the killer be Thanks so much but you take care yourself this week we'll talk to you next Friday. To let you go all the people on both the your audience Oh that's right I got the same to you I so have a great weekend everybody. I need to be c.w. . And for. Stronger because this is. Coming late. Breaking news this hour from townhall dot com I'm Keith Peter parking durian continues to churn out the North Carolina coast but it's heading further into the Atlantic Ocean prompting forecasters to lift hurricane and tropical storm warnings south of the Virginia North Carolina border but much damage has been done North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper says relief crews are flying to overcook island in the Outer Banks hurricane has left behind destruction where storm surge inundated profiling currently the island has no electricity and many homes and buildings are still underwater it's winds down to 90 miles an hour Dorian howled over the Outer Banks is a far weaker storm than the brute that wreaked havoc on the Bahamas at the start of the week just when it looked as if it's right up the southeast coast was coming to a relatively quiet end a category one hurricane since seawater surging over neighborhoods flooding the 1st floors of many homes even ones on stilts at least 4 deaths in the southeast were blamed on Dorian Meanwhile in the Bahamas b.b.c. Correspondent Clint Watson says horrific reports of the devastation from Dorian are beginning to emerge. From the embryos already given nothing but testimonies of just bodies everywhere many bodies on the ground many bodies. Are now being filed because the water is settling a lot of collapsed buildings bodies all of those at least 30 people are confirmed dead there the Labor Department reports $130000.00 new jobs and the unemployment rate remained at 3.7 percent White House economic adviser Larry Kudlow says there's plenty of good news in the August jobs report I would simply say Americans are working and let me just add this one point the wage rate for the past 3 months average hourly earnings 4 point one percent at an annual rate so I think this was a blockbuster report on Wall Street that up by 69 points the Nasdaq dropped 13 the s. And p. 500 bands to more on these stories at townhall dot com. 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