Transcripts For WBZ WBZ News 20151020

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one time that you can get nail like that. >> he thinks it happens at a cook out at his mom's place where hundreds of mosquitoes fed on his leg. >> he was soon confirmed of the first westnile victim of the summer. >> westnile virus amounts to nothing more than a nasty cold. for mark, it triggered a new row nightmare two months in the hospital and rehab center. >> a battery of tests shedding light on why the virus tortured on his chord. >> that hurt me when i realized that. co-workers and clients started the go fund me account to help the photographer. >> i got a lot of support and something to get started that makes me feel really good >> he hopes folks taking mosquito more seriously than he did. >> the road walking again might span to two years. >> i am kind of grasp the idea of having to wait that long >> walking again is mark's primarily goal. with the help of his life, alex, he grinds away on rehab. getting back to 80% would be a huge win. >> it is so scary, ken >> westnile, our number tonight is a nine. that's how many people are affected here in massachusetts. away. >> new tonight, three officers vandalism suspect. >> an officer was investigating the truck 's owner says the suspect started hitting him and throwing him down the stairs three times. >> the kid answered the door and some scuffles and he threw the cops down the stairs and he bent backup the stairs and he threw him down again. he went backup again. he slammed the door until the cop stayed out of his house. >> two backup officers were also hurt. >> they were all recovered. the suspect is behind bars. people are forced out by fire. it started on hars harrison avenue. we saw snow flakes. the big turn around, temperatures are climbing and danielle, we could hit 70s. >> i would not be surprise. that would be on thursday that comes to the 70 degrees mark. >> up and down here swinging temperatures, highs today with 48 degrees. that's the average for the end of november. we were close to the record slow maximum temperature. this is the coldest that we have been since 193 days since the end of april. our temperatures now remaining pretty steady. wehave only fallen by a few degrees. >> 45 in logan now. temperatures have been kept up because the clouds have moved in. we also had some showers and downpours and some thunder reported. and central vermont mixing with snow flakes and maine. this piece of energy may bring a brief passing showers. >> boston pointing north and west and there maybe a sprinkle around tomorrow. i will let you know later lisa. is she a caring mother or a criminal. >> her attorney though insists she drove her little boy to boston to get him the best possible care. >> kate is live outside the children's hospital tonight with the story. >> reporter: that two months old baby is here tonight and doing well. her mom insisting she brought him here for the best care. her family is rallying around her. >> [ applause ] the courtroom erupts cheers of support with a weekend of amber alerts. tiffany cherry could not hide her relief either that her bail is only $250 >> i think in her head she thinks that it was the right thing in her head and i believe so, too. >> cherry's family standing by her as she took her sick baby and fled from her home in pennsylvania. >> she drove right to massachusetts, prompting an amber alert >> she did not feel comfortable with the treatment and the ideas she was given by the practitioner. >> again, with her family being here, that's why she came here. coming here to get help after he was losing weight and breast- feeding was were not working >> this is wrong. she thought this was the best thing to do because she's not from pennsylvania. she's from boston like we all are. >> she left court without speaking to reporters. her family is talk sdg they ing and they tell wbz that she did not do anything wrong >> she wants to come back home and her children are fine. >> reporter: she's out on bail tonight, she has to go back to pennsylvania to face those charges. her other kids are in custody of dcs tonight. live in boston, kate merrill, david. mark cokely is taking a job. >> also, today a boston lawyer hired by draft kings to investigate cleared of employees using to win big on the information. 2 worker the worker did not get the information until 40 minutes. haskell wins $350, 000. it could mean more prison time. kathryn greg pleaded not guilty. she refused to testify before a grand jury. >> prosecutors may want to know who may have helped him hide from the police during his 16 years of running. now, someone who claims to be a high school kid. we are learning more of the hacker. >> christina is here with the latest. this hacker is threaten more attacks. >> any public officials using personal e-mail to conduct security business has a reason to be concerned. the anonymous hacker has been brooke thacker bragging and threatening sensitive information. sensitive cia information carried across personal e-mail. that's when the tweeter used the handle cwa hacking into the accounts of two of the officials. 1990 cia director, john bren don and jay johnson. >> you know we don't lie, what you have all been waiting for. sorry for the delay. >> along with that message an attachment with the name. social security numbers and people associated with brennan. >> the anonymous hacker claimed to be a high school student appeared to be taunting government officials. we are doing this because it is of the people in palestine have been killed daily and another apparent threat. target next. >> the cia would only say it refers the matter to the appropriate authorities and when cbs contacted of some of those names on the list. one person says he was shutting down the e-mail account and considering disconnecting his cell phone number. wbz , back to you, david. lamar odom has left the las vegas hospital less than a week he was found unconscious at a nevada brothel. >> he's showing light signs of treatments but there is still al long road ahead. tonight vigil honoring the chinese tradition of memorializing the dead after 100 days of mourning. the vick victim was 72-year- old. >> also, tonight, governor baker joined the memorial ceremony for firefighters who died in the line of duty. >> this is a solemn ceremony every year at the state house. >> this year, 24 names will be added. >> the police are going over surveillance video hoping to track down the attacker. >> a female students said she was sexually assaulted in her dorm room. she says she did not know her attacker. tonight, oscar pistoria is out of prison. >> he's acquitted o f the murder charges but prosecutor will appeal that verdict next month. new details on hurricane joaquin. now, campaign 2016, will he or we could know the next two days whether joe biden is running for president. he's closed to announce his decision and it could come any time. >> he's under intense pressure to decide. he feels he has the right to decide on his own timetable. >> hillary clinton meanwhile will stop campaigning this week to testify about the deadly benghazi attack. >> critics say these hearings are a partisan will ripley isan witch haunt designed to hurt hillary clinton. >> coming up, it is a gift that's changing her life and giving her a chance to feel the joy that many women take for granted. >> why some megablueprints has extra staying power. >> it is chilly today. a lot of warmth in the central united states headed our direction. i will let you know when it will arrive and how warm it will be. coming up, weather is up next. everyone is saying, "hey! you gotta get fios!" but why? well, fios is a 100 percent fiber optic network, so you can get 100% out of all your devices. so whatever speed you need, fios has it with the fastest internet and wi-fi available, from 50 to 500 mbps. but the main reason to get fios? we're rated number 1 in customer satisfaction. ultimately, that's why. get 50 meg fios internet, tv & phone starting at $79.99 a month. plus get $300 back. last chance, offer ends november 7th. tonight her dreams came true. >> tonight, she becomes the first recipient of the foundation. >> hillary cohen enters nor flats and walked out monday in high heels. >> i think it looks beautiful. it is very, i feel very tall. [ laughter ] >> you see hillary has never worn heels because of genetic condition that caused tumors. doctors had to amputate her right leg. >> yes, that woman is heather abbott who lost her leg herself. her foundation donated this prosthetic piece to hillary >> you know when she went to prom she would not wear heels. >> hillary is so touched by this moment after watching her daughter for a decade. >> it makes me feel good for her to see her smiling so much. >> hillary's dad has pledged to buy her whatever pairs of heels she wanted after the surgery. no limit on the price so he's very happily on the hook for that. >> david and lisa. we'll see what she picks out. is it going to be jimmy choo or something like that? >> it is going to be really nice. >> let's talk about the weather. >> as cold as it was tonight. we are talking about nice temperatures coming up. >> the roller coaster that's fall. >> we are going up and down here temperature wise the next couple of days. international space station fly by in southern maine tonight. rob got this shot. look at it right there, three composite images together and the stars in there as well and little foliage as well. >> the cold morning has helped it popped. >> what a cold morning. norwood at 17 degrees this morning. feels like the hard of winter when you woke up. >> we tie the record cold temperatures this morning of 24 and did come down below the magical 30 degrees mark. high temperatures today, cooler than average. of course, we did make a pretty good rebound. 48 is the high this afternoon. lauren upper 40s here. notice the warmth in the central united states. we hit 80s in topeka kansas today and 70s in chicago and nashville and a little piece of this mild air is going to work in this direction over the next couple of days. we have not cooled off all that much. we are still in the mid-40s right now in a lot of spots. >> that's thanked in part to the clouds that it move moved in. >> this little disturbance is going to go south ward over night. what it is going to mean the next couple of hours is we may gate few showers. even the city of boston around 1 a.m., the rest of us over night has a lot of clouds and temperatures steady. stray showers early tomorrow morning. most of the commute is just fine and a little bit of partial sunshine out there tomorrow. you may want to have the umbrella standby. >> it is going to be brief and passing and still a lot of clouds around. mid-60s and much better. mild as we head into the day tomorrow. >> wednesday, a cold front comes en. >> it will be a little bit of clouds and isolated showers can be ruled out. on wednesday night into thursday. we'll get some showers into our knott. we should be fine. thursday we punch in the mild air. that's the day we come up with 70 degrees. we'll flirt with many communities and late in the day is when we'll get in a couple of showers. that front will cool us back down as we head into the end of the week. >> we need the fall jacket or the sweatshirt whatever you like in the morning. low 40s at sun rise and coming up at 7:03. >> so that'll feel nice, 64 in boston and lower 60s here in southern new hampshire. >> there will be a lot of clouds around tomorrow. we'll see some peeks of sunshine from time to time. still mid to upper 60s, norwood at lower 60s. speaking of the cape, winds are gusty. >> the cape may see some gusts to 45 miles per hour tomorrow afternoon. >> again, a little cooler tomorrow. chilly at the end of the week at least the sun is back out in full force. 55 to 60, could be a couple of showers by the time we get to sunday. >> all right, thank you, danielle. >> one play in last night's patriots game is generating a lot of buzz. >> colts are calling the worst play in history. >> you say in sports and politics, it can last a lifetime. >> we all understand none of us is perfect. >> that breathes a diarrhea of forgiveness. when the wound is self inflicted. well, it can stick with the perpetrator ever. >> wow, on saturday, this caused them the game on saturday. >> the colts--it will surely haunt the coach more profoundly. >> what will you do getting the ball? >> anyone can make a mistake once in a while. it is the unforced but humiliating gap that can hang the "stooge" label. >> booipd behind the bench. >> just ask bill buckner. >> and you can tell pogondo 's gap was bad. >> commerce and education and what's the third one there? >> let's see. [ laughter ] >> rick perry was still a contender when he suffered a >> howard dean blew him hup in 2004. it is the little things that's ludicrous in the public's mind. >> he was just trying to demonstrate that he was interested in the military and could be commandeering chief. a man who's never been in a tank should not be photographed doing that the first time. >> do you think it helps when he comes clean and apologize or make fun of themselves >> that's the key. a lot of these situations involved unforced--and it is a little silly, too. >> since we are all laughing anyway. >> right. >> thank you. >> still ahead, the new england college team is trying to show the colts how it is done. >> more bloopers and what other teams have tried and fail when they are up against the patriots. [ duck quacks, wolf howls and wind whistling ] [ electronic beeping ] but... the new turbodown jacket: tested tough in the pacific northwest. as great as it was for the pats to beat the colts last night. the pats seemed to have a mystical power there. causing them to do some ironic things. >> steve gregory took it back for the touchdown. . embarrassing. >> the seahawks head on one. >> wilson passing to buckner. >> the shauks seahawks should mode. >> the pats had it covered and for reasons no one will ever understand. the colts still snapped the ball. >> pats got it all the way. the colts never had a shot after this. that. >> and they tweeted to in din today, hey, colts, this is how it is done. >> be sure to catch it on friday night on wbz. >> we'll take you inside the big win. congratulations, man contributions to everybody today. >> it is a good team win. big plays on kicking game and fumble and recovery and block kick. everybody contributed here. look, we got to turn around quick. that's the bottom line. let's put this behind us and get some rest. we need everybody here in full strength. playing for first place this week, we need everybody ready to go. >> that's a good win tonight. great job. [applause ] >> kickoff is at 1:00 right here on wbz. >> and the post-game show is right here on wbz. >> the baseball playoffs. >> the royals and mets. >> they win it at 11-8. >> first pre-season game at the garden. >> marcus barnes had to play for the night. >> amir johnson, both impressive in the first game. >> 111-105. >> that's sports right now. >> still ahead, we are taking you to a galaxy far, far away. >> yes, the trailer for the new "star wars" movie is out. we'll give you a look just that's amazing. it's amazing. this is amazing. that's amazing! real people are discovering surprising things at chevy. we're sold. it's so pretty. beautiful. it feels great. perfect. this is not what i would expect from a chevy at all. get more than you expect for less than you imagined. the 2015 models are going fast. find your tag and get cash back for 15% of the msrp on select 2015 vehicles in stock. or, get 0% financing for 72 months on these remaining we thought we' d be ready. but demand for our cocktail bitters was huge. i could feel our deadlines racing towards us. we didn' t need a loan. we needed short-term funding. fast. our amex helped us fill the orders. just like that. t predict it, but you can be ready. another step on the journey. will you be ready when growth presents itself. realize your buying tonight a sneak peek that's hitting the jetti. >> the take a look. >> "star wars" comes out in december. trending right now is the top story and after the trailer released, tickets for the movie went on sale. they're selling out fast. a lot of people are having a hard time getting through on the website to buy them. >> we'll be back after this. it's intelligent enough to warn of danger from virtually anywhere. it's been smashed, dropped and driven. it's perceptive enough to detect it's been shaken, rattled and pummeled. it's innovative enough to brake by itself, park itself and help you steer. it's been in the rain... the cold... introducing the all-new mercedes-benz gle. for the girl scout meeting... ok! for the soccer team... for the girl scout meeting... how many meetings are you having?! stop & shop just dropped prices on thousands more items. which makes the checkout lane, victory lane. by comparison. tomorrow ace beach day. >> a little up and down in the

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