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Are you prepared . Absolutely. A standoff in oregon with armed activists. The fbi says its working to bring a peaceful resolution to the situation. This morning, donald trump unleashing his First Television ad of the campaign. When he attacks Hillary Clinton directly. She scores death. She scores tremendous death with incompetent decisions. President obama is set to announce executive orders on gun control. This president wants to act as if he is a king, as if he is a dictator. Floodwaters moving down the mississippi after killing more than two dozen people. You dont know if youre going to have anything to come back for. Saudi arabia has cut off diplomatic relations with iran after an attack on its embassy in tehran over the execution of a shiite cleric. I business released a vooed video a video. A deadly earthquake near the india myanmar border. This is trending on social media. One more miracle attempt. Can they do this again . No. They finally knock the chance off in this division. This halfcourt shot for 95,000 and all that matters. New years resolution. The exact legal ground between lying to yourself and lying to other people. We are a few days into the new year and if you havent broken your resolution yet, statistically, you are about to. On cbs this morning. The watermelon boy is doing his thing. An absolute superstar. I cant believe you got through the whole one. Give us the bottom of the remainor. This is great tv, isnt it . Oh announcer this portion of cbs this morning sponsored by toyota. Welcome to cbs this morning. Happy new year from all of us. An armed militia style group is vowing to occupy several federal buildings in Eastern Oregon indefinitely. The fbi says this morning, it is taking the lead to resolve the standoff at a National Wildlife refuge. The group took over three to five buildings saturday in a protest of a federal judges ruling to send two ranchers to prison. John blackstone is at the wildlife refuge near burns, oar gon. Reporter the flag is draped over the wildlife refuge. A protester signal they are in charge here and calling for supporters across the country to join them here. They say they will stay here as long as it takes until their demands are met. At the occupied compound, protesters are setting up camp and settling in for the long haul. Ammon bundy is leading the occupation. He says they are fighting back against the governments expansion of the over 100yearold federal wildlife ranchers. This refuge here is rightfully owned by the people and we intend to use it. Reporter back in 2014, bundys father cliven was embroiled in a deputy with federal officials over grazing nevada. That escalated into an armed confrontation. This group set up camp saturday, after a march in a nearby town in support of two ranchers. Go ham mondayed. Reporter Dwight Hammond and his son season were convicted of setting fires on federal land in they say it wasnt arson, but controlled burns to protect their property. In october, a judge added four more years to their sentence. 73yearold hammond says this is a death sentence for him. This makes it over for me. Just seems like a little overreached for having burned 127 acres. Reporter in a statement the hammonds attorney reports they are not associated with bundys group, saying neither hammond, bundy, nor anyone within his group or organization speak for the Hammond Family, but protesters say they plan to stay put until all local ranchers reclaim land, they allege was stolen by the u. S. Government years ago. We will be here as long as it takes, you know . And being as gentle as possible as long as is necessary. This is important. Reporter here outside the compound, armed guards are standing by to monitor those entering the property. Meanwhile, dwight and Steven Hammond are on their way to Southern California to begin serving their jail sentences there. Charlie . John, thanks. Malheur wildlife refuge. Tell us what youre trying to do. We have a situation here where our federal government has come down upon the people. They have been doing it for sometime now. There has been some tremendous abuses. They have used the court to prosecute and to basically take the land and resources away from the people. Why are you armed . We are serious about being here. We are serious about defending our right, and we are serious about getting some things straightened out. Do you anticipate that this could lead to violence . Only if the government wants to take it there. I saw an interview with one of your members who was heading there today who said he is prepared to die for this cause. Do you feel the same . I feel that absolutely. But probably not in the way that most people will take it. We i am a family man. I have six children. I have a business. Im i actually own a truck shop with about 25 employees. I have no desire to go out and to lose my life. I want to live free. I want to be able to prosper and i know that i need the land and resources to do that. What went into the planning of this . Had you been planning this a long time . This is spur of the moment move . The Hammond Family says youre not speaking for them, so how did this come about . Every one of those ranchers have had to leave their land, leave their heritage and their hard work in order to make this refuge and that is really what this is about. The people of this county are being abused and now they are being prosecuted because they are not willing to sell to the federal government. And its just one of those things that that just cannot continue. The abuses and the damages will be too its too critical to allow it to continue. Who is the enemy here . Well, i dont really want to say there is any enemy. The federal government really is acting in the way that they were set up to act. The state has failed to protect the counties, and the counties have failed to protect the people, and so now you have a situation where the people have to stand on their own to protect and defend their own rights. So, really, our system of our our federal system has failed and we need the state to stand up and say, hey, youre not going to do this here and we need the county to stand up and say youre not going to do this here, so the people can go about and peacefully live and benefit from the land and the resources and prosper and regain their wealth across the country. Would you define this as an armed militia who is prepared to stay indefinitely . Absolutely not. This is concerned american citizens that are willing to stand for their rights. Ammon bundy, thank you so much. Thank you. President ial campaigns are using new tactics this morning as we get closer to the first votes being cast. The Iowa Caucuses are now just four weeks away from today. New hampshires primary follows eight days later. Donald trump released its first tv ad to air in both states. Hell quickly cut the head off isis and take their oil and stop illegal immigration by building a wall on our southern border that mexico will pay for. Hillary clinton is one of trumps main targets. Her husband, former president bill clinton will stump for the democratic frontrunner today in New Hampshire. Major garrett is at National Community college where the former president will hold his first event. Major, good morning. Bill and Hillary Clinton have long had a love affair with New Hampshire and the youth have a Good Relationship with donald trump. The battle for the presidency has left that relationship in tatters and now affairs of a different kind intrude on bill clintons return to the state his past. Tabloid headlines of an affair with jennifer flowers almost buried bill Clintons Campaign here in 1992. But bill and Hillary Clinton closed ranks and finished a respectable second. New hampshire tonight has made bill clinton the comeback kid. Reporter hardly a kid any more. He is so excited about coming back to the granite tate. Reporter Terry Schumaker was Clintons Campaign director in 1992. Bill clinton loves New Hampshire and its mutual. Reporter things used to be mutual between donald trump and the clintons. Trumps third wedding attended. And of the four, who is the best . Well, bush 41, clinton, bush 43 or obama and why . I would really say to clinton, probably. I would have to day clinton. Reporter not any more. She wants to accuse me of things and the husband is one of the great abusers of the world . Give me a break. Give me a break. Reporter trump has used bill clintons infidelities as a shield against hillarys charges of sexism. I mean, what he did and what he has done, i think, is frankly terrible, especially if card. Reporter Hillary Clinton has avoided to responded to trumps attack on her or her husband be she challenges trump on policy and directly opposing his call to ban muslims from the u. S. It is dangerous and counterproductive. Reporter bill clinton is not expected to respond directly to trump either, democrats here, as the saying goes, moved on. I think trump is going to do what trump is going to do. The people in New Hampshire have heard all of this before. They are really not interested in it. Reporter shumaker told us that bill clinton could make the difference for hillary here in a race he describes as she tight and tough with bernie sanders. As for trumps first tv ad . In tomorrow and promises to spend 1. 1 million in iowa and nearly as much here in New Hampshire. Cbs news political director and face the nation director John Dickerson is with is with us. Happy new year. Happy new year. Reporter we saw donald trump on face the nation saying he almost feels guilty he has to run ads. Is he feeling the heat in iowa . Is that why he is doing it . He is saying nothing is wrong in iowa but if you look at the average of the polls he is behind in iowa. If you look at these ads which is people streaming over the border and isis he is trying to focus the race on what he is offering, which is strength. He keeps talking about strength. So the ad creates a sense of fear as these things are coming in to get you and im going to protect you. It kind of fos fs focuses the race on what he wants to be about. Has this race become a race person who opposes donald trump for the nomination . It is. Is it ted cruz who represents a different part of the party or somebody from this establishment lane as we have been talking about . The question is whether the establishment lane is an actual lane and whether the party is really the cruz trump part of the party and still yet to be will be. Donald trump and ted cruz seem to have a bit of a romance going. Is it like an unspoken thing. You dont talk about me, i dont talk about you but yesterday on your show it seemed to change. They are going for the same kind of voters, so if cruz attacks trump, he potentially offends those voters who he ultimately wants to get when he thinks donald trump falls. If donald trump improves, he gets heat from radio hosts and those cruz voters. That is the reason they have this romance. When i talked to donald trump about immigration he wanted to be very clear whatever ted cruzs position is it is is not stronger than his. Today we see bill clinton do two separate Campaign Event for his wife Hillary Clinton. He is known as the comeback kid in New Hampshire. What is the upside and the downside of his campaign . First, bill clinton is a huge upside among democrats. They love him. He can speak to that oldtime religion. Nobody speaks as a campaigner the way he does but bill clinton is a little undisciplined and saw that in past campaigns so a challenge. Separate and apart from the trump questions whether he seems to engages and seems he wont at the moment. He wont punch bark ck to trump . At this point, no. You get into a knife fight in an alley with donald trump and you dont want that. How far will trump go . I think its a warning shot for trump. This is as far as ill go but i dont think he wants to spends a lot of time talking about this. John dickerson, thank you. Saudi arabia and iran have no diplomatic relations this raising tensions throughout the middle east. Angry demonstrators protested saturday of execution of a shiite cleric. The saudis sunni monarchy. Now two countries are taking steps to cut their own ties to iran. Holly williams is monitoring the situation from istanbul, turkey. Good morning. Reporter good morning. Protests were here outside the Saudi Arabian consue la lat in istanbul and around the muslim world. Yesterday, the u. S. Is calling for saudi arabia and iran to avoid escalating tensions, which could dangerously destabilize the middle east. Shiite cleric nimr al nimr was mourned in saudi arabia after being executed on saturday. In a sunni muslim monarchy, he demanded equality for saudia arabians shiites and was shot his death has inflamed a 1,400yearold conflict between sunni and shiite muslims. In the iranian capital tehran, an irate mob ransacked the Saudi Arabian embassy. Around 40 people were later arrested, but iranian officials also decided to honor the executed cleric by naming this street after him. Iran Supreme Leader the ayatollah ali ko homeini says they will face arrests. They threw molotov cocktails and police fired back with tear gas. In kashmir, police used rubber demonstrators. In shiite dominated iraq this Saudi Arabian king. The saudi royal family has rule, said this man. In lebanon, the protests were peaceful but their leader described al nim rnchtss rs killing as an sensation. Saudi arabia and iran are fighting each other in a war in syria. Nimrs execution and the angry reaction will only fuel with trust and secret. Holly williams in istanbul, turkey, thank you very much. The threat of flooding is not over in the midwest. Water and swollen rivers are blamed for 25 deaths in missouri and illinois. Flood warnings in place for half a dozen states along the mississippi. David begnaud is on top of the garage in Alexander County, illinois, with a high water threat. Good morning. Reporter good morning. We are on top of the garage of a bigham family. The entire property is surrounded by water. They have got 25,000 sandbags and eight pumps working the last several days to keep the property dry and, so far, it is working this morning. Compare that to the neighbors property. Its flooded. The flooding in Southern Illinois is unlike anything people here has ever seen in january. Nearly 14,000 acres in hardhit xamped Alexander County are under water. A levee breach a quarter mile wide has sent water from the Mississippi River rushing in. Chatham says the threat here will last for days. We have never seen water this high. It has significant pressure on these levees and asking people to stay out until we feel its save. Reporter so far, ten deaths related to the winter flood are confirmed in illinois. In missouri, president obama has signed a federal disaster declaration. Hundreds there have been forced into shelters. Owned right out is gone. Reporter in allenville, missouri, rhonda ross and her husband are among 32 people refusing to evacuate. Their home is now surrounded by water. This is our home. This is everything we have got. You dont want somebody to come in and lose the rest of the stuff you worked your life for. Reporter the water has actually risen because of a levee that breached nearby. Charlie, another concern this morning is hypothermia. The weather is below freezing and with the windchill, it feels like 18 degrees. Wow thanks, david. City offices and schools in portland, oregon, are closed this morning because of snow and freezing rain. Other parts of the west are bracing for a drenching from a series of el nino storms. First hit, San Francisco and los angeles overnight. Some parts of the state could see up to a half a foot of rain by friday. S. President obama is back in washington with plans this week to stiffen gun control. Ahead, the republicans who say his new rules will be gone if they are elected president. The news is back in the morning right here on cbs this morning. Cryproof, stayproof look . Neutrogena makeup remover does. It erases 99 of your most stubborn makeup with one towelette. Need any more proof than that . Neutrogena. Weight watchers has changed. Our allnew beyond the Scale Program puts the focus on you and not just the number on the scale. Lose weight while eating healthier, with all new smartpoints. And move more by including fitness in ways that work for you. 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We are talking about temperatures falling through day. 30 in boston and 20s for the rest of us a couple light showers along the pike ocean effect band will impact the cape through afternoon and evening. Real feel in the teens through the course of the afternoon expected snow a coating to the south shore 1 to 3 cape at island locally up to 4 inches possible. Those snow showers tomorrow morning sun is back in the 20s back into the 40s through the middle part of the week traffic and weather together chris. Chilly. Southeast expressway has been the heaviest as far as volume. Stop and go from the brain treesplit into the city. Good ride on the pike and good shape from weston into boston minor delays on the orange line and wellington area. Check top stories a man accused of attack a Boston Police officer is expected to be arraigned today. Police say the officer was sitting in the cruiser just a few hours into the new year when 23yearold Andrew Bowman started to punp him repat peated will repeatedly. Officer was taken to the hospital and late rear leased. See you back here in 30 the main problem with new years resolutions is that we high. For instance, lots of people say they want to exercise more but that is hard exercise is like reading for your muscles, except you cant watch a movie of someone else exercising and get the gist of it. So instead of beating your health up because you havent gone to the gym, simply lower your standards for what counts as exercise to anything that brings your heart rate up. That way, instead of jogging, simply try waking up late for work or taking a pregnancy test. That way, you havent failed to keep your new years resolution. Youve just succeeded in a different way. Taking a pregnancy test is an interesting one. Whatever gets your heart rate up. What is new with this picture . We are all table for the first time and reunited and it feels so good. For two weeks. Good to see you. How was your holiday . It was really good but its always good to come back home. Looks like you got a tan. You noticed . I did. Welcome back to cbs this morning. I did coming up in this half hour, president obama prepares new rules to regulate gun sales. He says they are worth it to prevent even one act of violence. Ahead, prominent republicans push back. One says the president s act is the act of a dictator. Plus we have new clues of the freighter that disappeared during Hurricane Joaquin. 60 minutes gave us our first look what happened to the missing and that story is ahead. Time to show you some of the mornings headlines from around the globe. Wall street journal is a big round of selloffs for stocks around the world on this first day of trading in 2016. Dow predicts a loss when the market reopens. Weaker manufacturing china in triggering the slide. Shanghai composite dropped. Japans nikkei fell 3 . European indexes are also down this morning. Britains telegraph a hong kong publisher has disappeared and it may be connected to reported plans to publish a book about the love life of chinas president. Protesters in hong kong want answers of that and abuse china of abducting the missing workers. The other four van issued in october. The New York Times says a deadly earthquake rocked northeast india. The 6. 7 magnitude quake hit knee myanmar. Video from the remote area shows buildings collapsed into mounds of rubble. Witnesses say the shaking lasted about a minute. San Bernardino Sun says inland regional facility is open for the First Time Since decembers terror attack. 600 workers will return to the complex where 14 people were killed. Counseling will be provided for those who need it. The Conference Center where the closed indefinitely. The New York Daily News says the new powerball is one of its biggest and estimated to surge to 400 million wow that is for wednesdays drawing. The odds of winning this top prize is about 1 in 292 million. The chances of being hit by lightning in your lifetime are far better, just 1 in 12,000. But its worth a couple of dollars to buy a ticket. President obama is moving forward this morning on several new gun control proposals. The president is scheduled to meet with attorney general Loretta Lynch to review steps he can take without congress. His plan executive action is drawing fire from critics. Jan crawford is at the white house with a look at the president s effort and the pushback. Reporter good morning. The president is going to be holding a series of events this week to focus on gun control and then he is going to sign an executive actions that he hopes will help curb some of this gun violence. But before we even know the details, opponents are sharpening their attack. My new years resolution is to move forward on our unfinished business. Reporter president obama teased his latest round of executive actions over the weekend. We know we cant stop every act of violence. But what if we tried to stop even one . Reporter he signaled the move last month in an interview with norah odonnell. After 14 people were killed in San Bernardino by terrorists using legally purchased firearms. There are steps we can make not to eliminate every one of these mass shootings, but to improve the odds that they dont happen as frequently. Reporter nearly three years after the president s sidestepped congress with 23 executive actions on gun control, advocates are urging him to do more. The white house is considering several steps to clarify existing laws and forcing more gun sellers to conduct background checks on potential buyers and making it more difficult for domestic abusers to acquire firearms. Democratic candidates for president were quick to praise the president s upcoming action. Most gun owners in this country are understanding that people who should not own guns should not be able to buy them. Republican walks into the white house within the first day, the skust executive order will be reversed. Reporter the republicans immediately objected. On my first day behind that desk those orders are gone. The news president comes in, boom, first day, first hour, first minute rescind that. Reporter they attack the president once again for going around congress. This president wants to act as a king as if he is dictator. This doesnt create freedom or safety and doesnt create security. Reporter now with all of these legal questions now swirling around whether the president even has the authority to do this, kind of do an end run around congress, one thing that is almost certain, this all is probably going to end up in court. Jan, thank you so much. Police near dallas are searching this morning for a group of suspects in a deadly case of road rage. One of the men riding in an suv shot and killed a College Student in another vehicle. Witnesses say the victim was driving friends home from a new Years Eve Party. Don dahler shows us why police think she may have crossed paths night. Reporter good morning. Friends say sarah muslinger acted responsibly during the new Years Eve Party and had not been drinking because she was the designated driver. Bullet in the head. Sarah, the university of north texas junior, was shot around 2 00 a. M. On friday. The car she was driving hit another vehicle before crashing into a utility pole. According to witnesses, she and her three passengers came under fire after a verbal altercation with people in a dark colored toyota or lexus suv that fled the scene. Its our understanding that the documents of the suv were all africanamerican males, five to six males. I want justice for her. I want someone be responsible for shooting her. Reporter Police Believe the shooting may have from this yu new Years Eve Party. They saw two of the suspects at the party earlier. Its my understanding they did not know each other. Reporter muslinger was a member of this sorority and writing on her linkedin page she hoped to major movies. Hundreds attended a candlelight vigil on saturday one day after she was taken off life support. Her mother said sarah was an organ don oar. She was always reaching out and to give. She lives on. She lived with joy and laughed with grace and didnt care about what other people thought. She was happy. And we all should be a little more like that. Reporter police in denton, texas, have not made any arrests nor released the name of the suspects but asking anyone who was at the new Years Eve Party and took pictures or videos to contact them. What a tragic story. So sad. So unnecessary. Thank you, don. Haunting new video shows the el faro nearly three miles under water. 60 minutes shows a freighter that sank during Hurricane Joaquin six months ago. Work or maybe youre goin to the gym for that new years resolution, we think you should set your dvrs. You can watch us any time. We will be here until 9 00. You dont want to miss the prince talking about fatherhood. That is coming up. Im here at my house, i have a massive heart attack right in my driveway. The doctor put me on a bayer aspirin regimen. Be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. Go talk to your doctor. Youre not does your makeup remover take it all off . Every kissproof, cryproof, stayproof look . Neutrogena makeup remover does. It erases 99 of your most stubborn makeup with one towelette. Need any more proof than that . Neutrogena. I dont want to live with the uncertainties of hep c. Or wonder. Whether i should seek treatment. I am ready. Because today theres harvoni. 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Ive smoked a lot and quit a lot, but ended up nowhere. Now i use this. The nicoderm cq patch, with unique extended release technology, helps prevent the urge to smoke all day. I want this time to be my last time. 60 minutes brought you the first look last night at the wreckage of the el faro. The ntsb released a video on sunday as part of its investigation. Unmanned device captures the images on the ocean floor. The cargo ship you may recall van issued back in october heading from jacksonville, florida to san juan, puerto rico. It steers into the path of Hurricane Joaquin. The 33 bodies of the crew are still missing today. Kris van cleave is in washington with this mystery at sea. Reporter good morning. The nearly 800foot long ship is resting upright 15,000 feet under water more than three months after investigators have still not found the voyage data roared recorder orange cylinder up there in the monitor and that could be key in piecing together the final moments of the ship. This video was taken three miles under water revealing the twisted and crushed and scattered remains of the el faro. The bridge the ships command Center Investigators hoped to find the recorder. But lead investigate tom roth rothy told scott pelley on sundays 60 minutes they were shocked when it wasnt there. We got up to that level and to see just open openness is extremely moving and difficult to it was very big surprise for us to see that. Reporter moving in what way . Just to see the violence and the winds that would have had to occur to cause that kind of to cause that kind of an event. Reporter they later found the wreckage, but with no data recorder to explain exactly what happened. On the morning of october 1st, el faros captain sent a distress call from near the eye of Hurricane Joaquin. The ship had lost propulsion and was listing at a 15degree angle as it faced waves forecasted at 30 feet high. To find the missing ship, the ntsb used sonar and a piece of equipment called the curl but finding the wreck hasnt answered the biggest question why did the ships captain ends up on a collision course with a monster storm . We are looking at the oversight at the direction, the advice provided by the operating company to see what information was available to him. Reporter franks son richard was the ships cheap engineer. I guarantee you, they were injured, they were knocked out, and it was over. And they were all together. Reporter the ships initial plan to was to stay on the outskirts of the storm from jacksonville to puerto rico but joaquin intensified and shifted its path. Cbs reached out to the Maritime Company that operated the ship but we have not heard back. Thank you. Such a tragedy. Heart breaking piece on 60 minutes last night with relatives wondering why was that hurricane. Star wars is a force to be reckoned with at the objection office. How the force awakens is pushing hollywood in awe direction. Buffalo bills fan, the stunt he pulled, not once, but twice all righty then. All righty then. Time to go home. Wouldnt you be proud if that no, i would announcer this portion of cbs this morning sponsored by toyota. Lets go places the allnew tacoma. Toyota. My Opioid Pain Medication makes me feel stopped up. Thats called opioidinduced constipation, or oic. A different kind of constipation. Finding relief has been a real struggle. Paint a different picture. Talk to your doctor about oic and prescription treatment options. [ julie ] the wrinkle cream graveyard. If it doesnt work fast. Youre on to the next thing. Neutrogena rapid wrinkle repair has the fastest retinol formula to visibly reduce fine lines and wrinkles in just one week. Neutrogena. We all want to be healthier, but lets just get real, we also want to loose weight. Whats great about the smartpoints program is you do both, its not counting calories its counting points. Which actually is like kind of a game. Having the points literally gives you accountability. When you realize that you dont have to give up anything, thats when you can really if you could see your cough, its just a cough. Youd see how often you cough all day and so would everyone else. New robitussin 12 hour delivers fast, powerful cough relief that lasts up to twelve hours. New robitussin 12 hour cough relief. Buffalo bills kicker Dan Carpenter may still have a headache this morning in spite of sundays win over the jets. Carpenter missed the extra point after a bills touchdown in the second quarter. He threw his helmet to the ground in frustration on the sidelines and it ricocheted back and hit him in the face take a look at that. That hurts. You got that right. I hate it when that happens but always okay with mr. Carpenter because he had three field goals after that. And the bills beat the jets. He did okay. Take a look what they did outside the stadium. This happened, guys, before the game. A bills fan jumped on to a burning table and caught fire so either he doesnt know or he just doesnt care. Because he went back for round two fellow tailgaters tried to use beer to put out the fire. I ask what could go wrong there . Yeah. I think beer was the source. You notice when they came to put the fire out with the beer . He went like this with his mouth like, no, dont waste the beer he was feeling no pain. I bet he is a really good student. Really good. So proud. So proud could you lose dozens of pounds by switching your medicine . Obesity expert dr. Louis romney said he has seen it and in studio 57 with a in plan to your biology. You dont want to miss it. Moderate to severe Crohns Disease is tough, but ive managed. Except that managing my symptoms was all i was doing. And when i finally told my doctor, he said humira is for adults like me who have tried other medications but still experience the symptoms of moderate to severe Crohns Disease. And that in clinical studies, the majority of patients on humira saw significant symptom relief. And many achieved remission. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Before treatment, get tested for tb. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if youve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. Ask your gastroenterologist about humira. With humira, remission soil is the foundation. For healthy plants. Just like gums are the foundation for healthy teeth. New Colgate Total daily repair toothpaste. It helps remineralize enamel and fight plaque germs for healthier teeth and gums. Strengthen the foundation for healthy teeth. New Colgate Total daily repair. I did it. Do it. Take the natures bounty hair, skin and nails challenge. If your hair, skin and nails dont look more beautiful, well give you your money back. I did it. And i feel beautiful. Visit naturesbounty. Com for details. Ive been on my feel all day. Im bushed yea me too. Excuse me. Coming through ride the gel wave of comfort with dr. Scholls massaging gel insoles. Theyre proven to give you comfort. Which helps you feel more energized. All day long. Hey dad. Hey sweetie, how was your first week . Long. Itll get better. Im at the edward jones office, like sue suggested. Thanks for doing this, dad. So i thought it might be time to talk about a financial strategy. laughing you mean pay him back . Knowing your future is about more than just you. So lets Start Talking about your longterm goals. Multiplied by 13,000 financial advisors. Its a big deal. Goo morning i am Chris Mckinnon lets check the forecast with danielle. Its about the cold air. And absolutely 30 in boston and same in taunton but in the teens in keene and teens to the north colder air will drain through day today. Light flurries and snow showers too from worcester to taunton and south coast as well and a island. Ocean effect bands will continue to ramp up through the afternoon. Temperatures cooling through the 20s could be one to three inch of accumulation a dusting came ento the south shore and most of that falls late he ever today into overnight tonight. Tomorrow, only in the 20s wind chill near zero in the morning. Traffic and weather together chris. Thanks very much. Take a live look at bridge and doing okay at this hour. Southeast expressway is jammed. And heres the timesaver traffic the t says orange line is experiencing severe delays in both directions on the orange line due to a disabled train at wellington. The man accused of bringing a meat cleaver a sword and stun gun to the Gillette Stadium employee park lot will be in court today. We will see you back here in 30 for the girl scout meeting. Okay. For the soccer team. For the girl scout meeting. How many meetings are you having . p at stop shop, prices are down. Savings are up. Pwhich makes the checkout lane, victory lane. Hey. Are you ready . It is monday, january 4th, 2016. Welcome back to cbs this morning. There is more real news ahead including the socalled affluenza teens effort to stay in mexico. Rikki klieman is here to talk about the legal strategies to keep ethan couch out of jail first, heres a look at todays eye opener at 8 00. The American Flag is draped over the sign of the wildlife they are in charge. Do you define this as an armed militia . This is concerned american citizens that are willing to stand for their rights. Bill and Hillary Clinton used to have a Good Relationship with donald trump but the battle for the presidency has left that relationship in tatters. He wont punch back, trump . The upside of punching back it creates a fight that looks like a general election but the downside you get into a knife fight in an alley with donald trump and you dont want to do that. The entire property is surrounded by water. They have got 25,000 sandbags and eight pumps that have been working the last several days to keep the property dry. The u. S. Is calling for both saudi arabia and iran to avoid escalating tensions, which could dangerously destabilize the middle east. The president is focusing on gun control. Before we know the details, opponents are sharpening their attacks. What is new with this picture . We are all at the table for the first time. How was your holiday . It was good but always good to come back home. You look like you got a tan. There you go there you go. There you go. Showing skin this early in the morning, gayle kicking off the new year. A good way to start the new year. It is. Youre next im charlie rose. What . With gayle king and norah odonnell. An Armed Militia Group says it is ready to occupy a federal wildlife refuge in Eastern Oregon for as long as it takes to meet its demands. The group says it is fighting back against a new prison sentence for two local ranchers. It also wants to return land from the refuge to local owners. The antigovernment activists set up camp on saturday after a march to support Dwight Hammond and his son steven. The two set fires on the federal land in 2001 and convicted in 2012 and served their sentence, but in october a judge added four more years. The hammonds Attorney Says the protests do not speak for the hammonds. Earlier we asked ammon bundy how he plans to resolve the situation without talking to the government. We stand months and months and months in petitions and redresses and trying to get government to check and balance itself, and they refused. And, in most places, just ignored us. We know there was an intimidation method from the federal government to the county the people tried for many months and they tried for actually over a year to try to get some there was none offered. In fact, they were ignored. The fbi says that it is taking the lead with local law standoff. White house hopefuls are campaigning harder this morning as the first voting gets closer. We are four weeks away from the Iowa Caucuses on february 1st. The first primary will be eight days later in New Hampshire. President bill clinton starts campaigning today for democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton. Republican frontrunner donald trump reacted on twitter saying, quote, does anybody remember when bill clinton in 2008 worked she lost. Now bill is at it again. Just watch. At this time in 2008 barack obama had just won the Iowa Caucuses and was campaigning in New Hampshire. But these races can be unpredictedable un unpredictable. On this date eight years ago clinton led obama in the polls nationally by more than 20 points and future republican nominee john mccain was polling behind Rudy Giuliani and barely ahead of Mike Huckabee who won theaucuses. Donald trump repeats his call for a temporary ban on muslims entering the u. S. And attacks Hillary Clinton in a new ad. Last night tweeted this. Hillary and the Mainstream Media the al shabab terror video. The tweet has since been removed. Clinton is not featured in the 50minute video released on friday by an al qaeda affiliate. It includes trump and his ban on muslim entry. Trump shook off any concerns on sundays face the nation. Does it concern you at all that youre being used in essentially recruitment video. They use other people too. What am i going to do . I have to say what im going to have to say. You know what i have to say . There is a problem. We have to find out what is the problem and we have to solve that problem. Reporter clinton inaccurately claimed the last democratic debate that isis used trump in its propaganda. The teen who pleaded affluenza is still in mexico this morning. Signs are that ethan couch is not going anywhere any time soon. He was captured last week after missing a probation meeting and two years after a drunk driving crash in which he killed four people. His family has hired a high profile mexican attorney by the name of bonita. His forth faces a hearing tomorrow in california. Cbs news legal expert Rikki Klieman joins us at the table with the latest. I have so many questions about the mothers parenting skills and this new attorney who was hired. This guy is apparently a very big deal in mexico. He is a rock star he is the man he is the person that you hire if youre famous, if youre infamous. If you have a case that is difficult to beat. How was he hired . The lawyers for ethan couch in texas cannot practice law in mexico. So they went to look for the best lawyer that i think people would say that money could buy. What is his staj . Rategy . His strategy is simple. He is saying the u. S. Government and Mexican Government did an end run around the extradition process that takes a very long time. So what they did is that the Mexican Government cooperated and simply decided they would deport him. How could they deport him . Well, he didnt get a stamp on his passport when he was coming into the country. So what he is saying, what mr. Benitez is saying is this. Look. Stop. We got to go slowly now. We have to do this correctly by the numbers. What we have to do is let the process be due process. The reason he wants it to go slow, too, is because couch was convicted as a juvenile, right . And something changes when he turns 19 which is in april. Well, this is really ingenious strategy, because if you get past couchs 19th birthday, the 120 days basically that he has left to do in a juvenile or an adult jail, he so if then he goes back after his 19th birthday in april, the only thing that may happen to him under texas law is he may have ten years probation hanging over his head. So this strategy is really well thought out. Certainly a genius but four people died in this accident. I keep thinking about that. Lets talk about his mom for a second because she is back in the states. What is her status . It was reported while on the run she even pibleged cked up the tab when her son was at a strip club while on the run. We can all probably agree that her parenting skills were not desirable nor were the fathers. Conduct. Whatever he did was just okay. She went on the road with him. A lawyer was hired while they were on the road. She enabled him all the way through this. And now she probably thinks its just fine if he has to do the time rather than her son she we will be back on this one, charlie. Thank you. The new star wars sequel is about to become an original. It is blasting into box office history. Have you seen it yet . Ahead the big name who is about to take a big seat for the first time in nearly two decades. If your weight wont budge, dr. Louis arron nrvetle why. Hold it high. I dont want to live with or wonder. Whether i should seek treatment. I am ready. Because today theres harvoni. A revolutionary treatment for the most common type of chronic hepatitis c. Harvoni is proven to cure up to 99 of patients. Whove had no prior treatment. Its the one and only cure thats. One pill, once a day for 12 weeks. Certain patients. Can be cured with just 8 weeks of harvoni. With harvoni, theres no interferon and there are no complex regimens. Tell your doctor if you have other liver or kidney problems, hiv, or other medical conditions. And about all the medicines you take including herbal supplements. Taking amiodarone with harvoni may cause a serious slowing of your heart rate. Common side effects of harvoni may include tiredness, headache and weakness. V v i am ready to put hep c behind me. I am ready to be cured. Are you ready . Ask your hep c specialist if harvoni [ julie ] the wrinkle cream graveyard. If it doesnt work fast. Youre on to the next thing. Neutrogena rapid wrinkle repair retinol formula and wrinkles in just one week. Announcement biggest of the decade. With total accumulation roads will be shut down indefinitely. And schools are closed. Campbells soups go great with a cold and a nice red. Made for real, real life. When youve got a house full of guests on the way and a cold with sinus pressure, you need fast relief. Alkaseltzer plus severe sinus congestion and cough liquid gels rush relief to your tough symptoms. To put you back in control. [doorbell] woman coming Star Wars Franchise is heading for a new dimension for the Third Straight weekend. The force awakens is number one at the box office. The blockbuster brought in an estimated 88. 3 Million Dollars over the new years eve weekend and make the it second highest success of all time. It is in second place of avatar. Vlad, good morning. Reporter good morning. The latest installment of star wars is playing at more than 4,000 theaters across the country. Charlie, as you said, this weekend it raked in another 88 million. Its clear that the force is strong with this one. You might need this. I think i can handle myself. Thats why im giving it to you. Reporter since the latest chapter in the Star Wars Franchise hit theaters less than three weeks ago, its attracted enough moviegoers. Im flying yes reporter to sink the tie taken titanic and past jurassic world. Now star wars is climbing atop passing avatar as the biggest grossing domestic film of all time. Scott is a forbes contributor. When star wars passes avatar the first time in 18 years that a James Cameron film is not the top of the highest grossing films list. Reporter its that star power that helped make 2015 hollywoods biggest year yet and push it past 11. Billion in sales for the first time and more than 20 came from the top five movies as the Film Industry cable. There is concern that so much of the money was in the, you know, so fup of the big movies, that i think as long as those smaller movies are still making money, im not as concerned about the top heavy nature of the industry overall because i think those big films just overperformed. Reporter along with the latest movie, the top ten highest domestic box offices of from the franchise, 1999s phantom menace. And the original star wars. Even critics oip the force awakens cant deny. This movie is destined to make box office hits. Not because of the quality but because of the name. Reporter whether this latest installment will take the global record remains to be seen. Its not showing avatar leg and having said that, its making so much money, who cares . The dark side. Reporter what is clear. May the force be with you always. Reporter is that the force is here to stay. And the force awakens gets another big boost this weekend when it opens up in china. China is the worlds second largest film market. Vlad, thanks. How many times have you seen it, vlad . Reporter ive seen it twice on opening weekend, two times there you go. That is what happens with a lot of people. They love it. And he is a grownup. Hes seen this movie more than one time. They get repeat business over and over. We are in a good movie season. Lots of good movies. Prince william says he is embracing fatherhood and everything that comes with it. We will show you why george and charlottes dad loves fatherhood. [ julie ] the wrinkle cream graveyard. If it doesnt work fast. Youre on to the next thing. Neutrogena rapid wrinkle repair has the fastest retinol formula to visibly reduce fine lines and wrinkles in just one week. Neutrogena. vo new tidy cats lightweight with glade. All the strength and freshness, now easy to lift half the weight, smells great. Find the litter that works best for you. Every home, every cat. Theres a tidy cats for that. Feel a cold sore coming on . Only abreva can heal it in as few as two and a half days when used at the first sign. It penetrates deep and starts to work immediately to block the virus and protect healthy cells. Dont tough it out, knock it out, fast. Abreva. I recommend nature made vitamins. Because i trust their quality. They were the first to have a vitamin verified by usp. An independent organization that sets strict quality and purity standards. Nature made. The number one pharmacist recommended d be ready. Cocktail bitters was huge. I could feel our deadlines racing towards us. T need a loan. We needed shortterm funding. Fast. Our amex helped us fill the orders. Just like that. But you can be ready. Another step on the journey. Will you be ready when growth presents itself. Realize your buying the world is getting a better look this morning at Prince William, the father, the duke of cambridge will be feature inside a revealing british documentary. He opens up about fatherhood and why being a dad has changed his view of the world. Mark phillips is outside Buckingham Palace with more from that rare interview. Reporter good morning. Every now and then, the royal Public Relations machine allows a glimpse behind the palace walls and every now and then, that glimpse actually turns out to be revealing, up to a royal point. The occasion this time was a british documentary about Prince Charles and his Charity Supporting disadvantaged young people. He is incredibly driven. Reporter but its usual, the younger Princes William and harry who made the headlines, particularly the admission by Prince William that fatherhood had changed him. Royals apparently are no longer the epitome of stiff upper lived british reserve. Having two Young Children has turned william into a modern touchyfeely dad. Im emotional. Reporter are you . Yeah. Really. I never used to kind of really get to worried about things but now, the smallest little things, can feel you well up a little bit more and you get affected by some things that happen around the world and whatever a lot more as a father, just because you realize how precious life is and put it into perspective. Reporter pop psychologist and royal watchers and often the same thing, they think they know where those feelings come from. William knows what its like to lose a parent. Royal writer. Everybody is talking about william thinks that the idea of not being around to see his children grow up. I think the fact his mother was not around when he grew up beyond the age of william was 15 and harry, 13. I think that struck a chord and its clearly on his mind. Him having had children, like same way. The fact he only saw his mother when he was young plays into it. Reporter no public exposure from the royals happen accidentally. William is extremely savvy and doesnt say anything about himself or his family he doesnt want the public to know. A thoroughly modern prince can be the same days. When william was a child, his mother was the royal star. And william has learned from that, of course, that times have moved on to the point where the media no longer sets the news agenda. The royals write their own script and if today is any indication, the world is still there to lap it up. We are lapping it up. My name is gayle. Im a big old world lapper. To marks point, they only tell you what they want you to know, i think its great he wants us to know that about him. I just like the kid. George. Charlotte and george. I like them both. Thank you, mark phillips. Nba superstar dwyane wade has a new good morning its 8 25 i am kathryn hauser. We will check top stories in a moment. Temperatures will be falling through the course of the afternoon. 29 in boston but 23 now in nashua and 18 in keene. Snow he flakes and scattered light snow showers and in your yeas couple dustings from worcester to the south coast. Later today the ocean effect snow band the primary concern. Some sneaking into the south shore may clip cape anne and a Winter Weather advisory up for cape cod and nan talked coating possible at coastline 1 to 3 at cape as the bands continue they will end tomorrow a bitterly cold start in the morning in the 20s and rebounding into the 40s by wednesday. Traffic and weather together kathryn. Thanks up to speed on roads and rails t says orange line is experiencing several delays both directions because of a disabled train at the wellington station that this is part of the commutekeep it in mind. And lets look live at southeast expressway thats been a slow ride all morning. From the brain tree split along the expressway into the city. People back to work today and if you are coming from the north 93 route 1, things are look pretty good. Checking the top stories now. On this monday morning, the man accused of bringing a meat cleaver and Samurai Sword and stun gun to Gillette Stadium employee park lot will be in court this happened hours after the winter classic. Math you bromson is facing charges. He doesnt work for the patriots or gillette. A man accused of attack Boston Police officer is expected to be arraigned today. Sitting in his cruisers few hours into the new year when 23 yearold Andrew Bowman reached repeatedly. The officer was taken to the hospital and later released. The president ial front runners from both parties are in new england bill clinton hitting campaign trail in New Hampshire on behalf of hillary and its the First Official Solo Campaign trip and will be in nashua and exeter. Donald trump will be in lowel its getting harder for me to stay in my home, but i really dont want to go anywhere else. I could use some help taking medications, using the stairs, or getting washed and dressed. But where can i turn . Woman were massoptions, a free resource for elders, caregivers, and individuals with disabilities of all ages. We link you to the services you need to live independently in the setting of your choice. Call 18444226277 mgm grand sponsors this halfcourt shot. 95,000 whoa. Not bad. Halfcourt, wasnt it . Halfcourt shot. A dream come fru true for Los Angeles Lakers fan. He won 95,000. He wants to buy tickets for kobe bryants final game. I wonder how much the tickets are for a kobe bryant final game. Welcome back to cbs this morning. Charlie rose is full of good ideas. Ready to lose weight . Dr. Louis arronne is in our green room. Why you should think about food that comes in a box and the value of cooking all of your meals al dente. Welldressed men are headoverheel for socks. The new designs that are leading a multibillion dollar phenomenon is ahead. The boston globe says its journalists and staffers did something unprecedented. They delivered suns paper after a new Distribution Company had problems delivering papers to everybodys home. They decided to improve service after customers complaints. The employees volunteered to take over many of the 150 routes that had no drivers. Despite the effort, up to 400 have enough drivers to deliver the paper. Winter isnt coming. Martin now says he is done with the deadlines and fans will just have to wait. Usa today says Facebook Ceo Mark Zuckerberg wants Artificial Intelligence in a post. His first challenge is build a simple a. I. To help run his home. It would help monitor his daughter. He compares it from ironman. I thought we already had that Artificial Intelligence in your home that would change the lights and change a lot of things. I think there are but Artificial Intelligence it would know its things on its own and have a mind of its own to turn off the lights. It is coming. Its already here. On the theft of a sculpture of abraham lincolns hand. The police have no leads. They describe it as an eight to tenpound hand. What are you going to do with that . The San Francisco chronicle says airbnb rental in oakland got trashed over the weekend. The renters had a party and had beer cans and cigarettes and other damage. The homeowners thought they were renting to an older man. Turns out it was a teenager who threw an 18th birthday party. Britains telegraph, a new restaurant will offer doggie bags to reduce the millions of tons of trash thrown in the trash every year. 70 of french diners have never taken home a doggie bag. I do like that. Especially the sidewalk cafe. Find plenty of that in new york. Really good the next day. Losing weight is a top new years resolution and you may be struggling to keep it going. More than twothirds of americans are overweight or obese. Dr. Louis arronne says its not their fault. His new book is called the change of your biology diet. He says being able to lose excess weight is not a question of willpower or motivation but its a medical problem that involves your genes and brains and fat cells and even your hormones. Dont i know it. He is the director of the comprehensive weight college in new york. Welcome back to studio 57. Thank you, gayle. The forward is written by David Letterman who says this book will make you look better and lose weight and make you look as good as alex trebek. Im in. You say losing weight and willpower. You give the example of a swimmer going underwater and holding your breath. Weight is controlled like other physical factors in the body. If you try to hold your breath for ten minutes, at some point you jump out of the water to breathe and something tells you youre drowning. When you try not to eat, there are physical forces that do the same thing. They tell you to eat. And we havent really taken that into account when we develop diets and other treatments for weight problems. You say there are hidden fattening factors that we may not be aware of. What are they . Them. So in addition to eating too much and not exercising enough, things like the medicines we take. Yeah. 20 of weight problems may be related to medicines youre taking. Sleep disorders and shorter sleep. We are sleeping an hour or less than we used to. There are problems that we are not going to change like the temperature in the room. The temperature is controlled. You dont have to burn calories to regulate your body temperature any longer. Is called change your biology diet a Proven Program for lifelong weight loss. Give us the four things we ought to know. The most important thing is that weight is a physical thing. So that the environment, eating fattening food changes the nerves in your brain. It damages your brain in a way that makes it difficult for you to lose weight. So that we look at it as completely willpower, but actually youre dealing with a situation that becomes increasingly physical as times go pop the more weight you gain the harder it is to lose weight because you have more krarve cravings and you dont feel fool. What dodd about that . Several different factors and layers. Number one, as far as eating is concerned, we find that eating in a certain way is the healthiest. So there are other factors besides what is going on in your brain that tell us the best thing to eat. Youre talking about the order of what you eat . Eat protein first in the morning, you say . Eating protein first controls your appetite and blood sugar the best. Eating lots of vegetables, olive oil and Vegetable Oil we know are healthy. I can tell you to do that, that would be great but people develop cravings for starches and sweets at some point in time. What we found and what the book discusses is when you should have carbs so that they have the least metabolic impact. Eating carbs last . Eating carbs at the end of the meal and the end of the day. That is is not something people know. Havent you been to the restaurant, doctor, where we put the bread basket out first and ive eaten two pieces of bread until the food comes. Its so hot if youre trying to control your weight, having the bread first will raise your blood sugar. It drops later on. Tell them not to put any bread on your table i know i thought this i really like your book. I think its so brilliantly done and its based on science and its a real diet. You talk about the best way to lose weight is have a low glycemic or glow carb type of diet with plenty of protein. Then you go through specifically what foods are low glycemic. Can you rattle off a bunch so we know a bunch of things we should be eating every day to achieve that . The key things to the eating are healthy proteins, chicken fish and lots of vegetables. All of the vegetables you can, healthy oils like olive oil. Starting with that is the base. Carbs come in and the carbs you should have should like la egunus and beans. Is that what everybody tells us . Even that diet of carbs late, fish, chicken. Vegetables. Be careful and eat smaller portions, isnt the essence of all dieting all of the best the problem is, okay . People dont know how to do it. You can tell somebody to do it. The question is how do you do it . And that is what the book goes into, charlie, how you can accomplish this. If that doesnt work, we go into what you do next. We use medication, we use surgery. I run a comprehensive weight when somebody should consider to go to the doctor to consider these more advanced treatments. Exercise. You draw the extinction between exercise and movement. This is a big problem we see in january. People try to lose weight by going to the gym. Its virtually impossible to exercise your way out of your weight problem. Somebody said to me this week, because im very much like to be in perfect shape. Someone said to me, the most important thing you can do in i think so. You can be more active. Actually, that is a lot easier than people think. You dont have to do as much exercise as many people think you have to do to be in good shape. 15 minutes a day of brisk walking can do it. The problem is healthy eating. I love that you have a menu plan in here too that will really change peoples ideas about what they should be eating. Dr. Louis arronne, thank you. Stand up every 20 minutes. Change your biology diet goes on sale tomorrow jamie wax is in a trendy neighborhood today to talk socks. Fashion is finding new footing. We will show you how an nba star is giving socks like this a stylish footprint. Morning. Find your sweet spot today with dunkins chicken apple sausage sandwich. Enjoy sweet apple and savory sausage together for under 400 calories. Energy supply rates keep going up and down. At eversource, we dont like it any more than you do. It doesnt mean more money for us. It means that the market price of the energy we buy for you has changed. So were working with partners across the region to increase our natural gas supply and bring in affordable, clean hydropower from canada. Were leading the way toward the solution. Because more energy means lower Energy Supply rates for you. The new caramel macchiato from dunkin donuts. Uplift your mood with handcrafted layers of espresso, milk, and a caramelflavored swirl. Indulge in a medium hot or iced latte or macchiato for 1. 99 after 12 00 p. M. America runs on dunkin. The holidays are over. So many of us is are taking presents. One gift that used to be thrown attention. Jamie wax is inside a new york tall. Jamie, good morning. Reporter good morning, charlie. Store. You can see around me are there are now shops dedicated almost entirely to socks. That is, in part, because socks are the Fastest Growing segment of mens fashion these days. A multibillion dollar business that is encouraging guys to wade knee deep, calfdeep or ankledeep into style. Very colorful. Reporter there is a revolution of food. Wow. These are great reporter a resolution deep in the sole of mens fashion. A revolution in socks. Oh, wow banana socks reporter socks are an easy fix to spice up your wardrobe. I really love the gown. Reporter brad goreski of E Fashion Police is surprised. Has it surprised even you socks have become such a big thing . It has, actually, in terms of this trend specifically. Its kind of like the gateway drug to mens fashion. I think anything that gives guys the courage to want to be more daring in their fashion choices, that is a really cool thing. Reporter one man driving the sock revolution is the always dapper dwyane wade. You think about socks and you think about black socks with a gold toe, you know . Reporter thats is what everybody used to have. Right. Wade, fade away. Reporter the 11time allstar has his own line of fashion socks that he helped design. This is especially for men that we can have a cool moment underneath our pants, you know, on our feet. We feel a little extra about our outfit that day gentleman because all men have had for so long is a tie. Yeah. Reporter maybe a watch. But now this is something that you can express yourself . Yeah. I mean, you know, its a cheaper, you know, expression as well. Youre able to spend 14, 15 on socks than a watch is lot less expensive. Reporter wades socks is from stance which john wilson helped found after surveying the bland landscape below mens knees. The category itself is just asleep. Space . Literally white sox. Reporter white and black. White and black. Reporter stance filled that white space with bold colors and patterns. They made mismatch pairs a marketing tool. They went for fun and quirky and they just introduced a line for those looking to step into a galaxy far, far away. They are playing basketball reporter and then there is basketball. Basketball reporter on the court where shoes have always been king, stance wants fans to see beyond or underneath the sneakers. It is literally a game changer. Reporter as of this season, stance is the official socks supplier to the nba, and though multiyear agreement arent public, they will have their logo on all of the shins in basketball. How much has the nba represented to you in terms of a company in terms of sales . Its aor huge contributor to us and a good chunk of our overall revenue and something you want to stay together. Reporter the sock market is a multibillion dollar business. More than 5. 5 billion worldwide. So entrepreneurs are dipping their toes . I think not a lot of people wake up on a certain morning and say im refreshing my sock draw. Reporter but they want to do that. Phil and ricky only sell socks in bundles. The designs range from the subtle to the loud, and they urge customers to dabble in them all. For us it never really made a whole lot of sense to go and buy socks and just buy one because you go through at least five or six pairs in a week. So we bundled them and we sell them to customers. Reporter naturally, there are holdouts. Not everyone has gotten the wear your fancy socks memo. Which begs a question do you think this trend in mens socks is here to stay . Oh, i hope it is. I hope so you know what . I dont know. I mean, one thing about, you know, fashion is, you know, things come and go and some things surprise you and stays around for a long time. Reporter stance tells us they have sold millions of dollars of their star wars socks the fir few weeks they have been on sale, including 10,000 pairs of these darth vader socks alone. The best thing about these darth vader socks . They really breathe like this. Gayle . Got it. Well done. I really like fashionista. I also wear not socks at all. Bear called and wants his socks back. When we come back, charlies ankles. Dear fellow citizen, i know what it s like to buy a house. I know how it feels to be stressed about money. I understand what a scary word retirement is, and i can help. Because i m not just a fellow dad, fellow mom, fellow saver, i m a fellow citizen. Who gets up every day and tries her best. Just like you. Sincerely, elizabeth trackler samantha parke Robert Kennedy Deanna Morrison Jared Duemling the new year means a house full of new devices. And that can slow your internet down. So you should get verizon fios quick. Only fios has the Fastest Internet and wifi available, with speeds from 50 to 500 megs. And right now, for 79. 99 a month online, youll get 50 meg fios internet, tv and phone for your first year. Plus with a 2 year agreement, fios gives you 400 back, and all the premium movie channels for a year. Hurry, this offer ends soon. So go online or call now. Cordes most nurses are tough. Theyre problemsolvers. They like making things better. People dont have access to healthcare because they just cant afford it. Bernie sanders understands how pharmaceutical companies and Major Medical companies bernie tells the truth, he understands that the system is rigged, and hes the only one im bernie sanders, good morning its 8 5 we will check top stories after danielles forecast. Good morning. Temperatures are dropping and thats going to continue through the afternoon. We are down to 29 in boston. 18 in keene and a couple light snow showers and flurries that may dust the roads in few comunts this morning and we are watching ocean effect know bands to affect the cape and island at the coastline of eastern massachusetts through the remainder of the afternoon. Notice in the teens and 20s by the evening. And those snow showers will continue at times this evening and tonight expect snowfall totals from the one to three inches could be locally higher amounts up near 4 on the cape anpe and islands when the snow showers end tomorrow morning. Tomorrow morning is going to be around zero when you wake up. Sun is back 20s in the afternoon and 40s again by wednesday. Traffic and weather together. Cold one thanks a couple issues on the t this morning blue beeline service is suspended between state street and boden in both direction because of a track issue and also the orange line delays are now minor after a train was disabled at wellington. Lets look live at the pike where the ride into the city is just been slow going. And checking the maps. North of the city route 93 is looking good but there are backups in wooburn. Checking our top stories the president ial front runers from england. Bill clinton hit the campaign trail in New Hampshire on behalf of his wife hillary. And its his First Official Solo Campaign trip. He is going to be in exeter today and donald trump will be at loll lee lowell and tickets are free but you have website. Man accused bringing a meat cleaver Samurai Sword and other items to the gillett Stadium Parking lot is due to in court. Eye happened hours on friday before the winter classic. Matthew bromson is facing a number of charges. The patriots. Also lawrence man will be in court accused of dragging a state trooper during a traffic stop apartment next newscast is join us. We will see you then. Yodels not now. Im watching the game. Yodels in the stomach youre right. Yeah drakes. Listen to your craving happy now . Funny bones. In your stomach we live in a pick and choose world. Choose, choose, choose. But at bedtime . Why settle for this . Enter sleep number, and the lowest prices of the season. Sleepiq technology tells you how well you slept and what adjustments you can make. You like the bed soft. Hes more hardcore. So your sleep goes from good to great to wow only at a sleep number store. Find the lowest prices of the season, going on now. Save 600 on the 1 rated i8 bed. Know leep with sl. Ring dings. But i bought chips. Ring dings ring dings ring dings in the stomach ring dings. Yeah drakes. Listen to your craving you happy now . Yodels brooke hey everyone, welcome to chicken soup for the souls hidden im brooke burkecharvet and the camera is rolling. This is a different kind of hidden camera experience. Were on the lookout for everyday people who show courage and kindness to total strangers. They know how to do the right thing. What they dont know is that were about to share their stories with the world. On this weeks episode, big time surprise when their tour guides turn out to be none other than. And find out if a hidden

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