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Drive to the home of the Will news track in based on police video did not identify themselves before one officer opened fire outside of a window it's not clear what role a gun police say they found inside the home plate in the shooting and also a neighbor called a non-emergency police number for that wellness check because of an open door what President Trump calls a scam keeps moving forward in the house with another impeachment witness behind closed doors Fox is Jeff Fox is Jared helper in is live on Capitol Hill a recent Russia expert on the National Security Council is behind closed doors with 3 House committees leading an impeachment inquiry Fiona Hill was subpoenaed expected to be answering questions about the removal of the u.s. Ambassador to Ukraine and other issues connected to efforts by the administration to put pressure on Ukraine's government to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden later this week the current u.s. Ambassador to the European Union is expected to tell lawmakers he cannot say whether a text message she sent telling a colleague President Trump said there was no quid pro quo tied to military aid was truthful Thanks chere it has search continues in New Orleans for one workers still missing after the partial collapse of a hotel under construction collapsed killing 2 people on Saturday it remains under investigation America is listening to. Their say we're looking for a Medicare plan to help you save on more than just prescriptions Medicare Advantage plans may offer prescription drug medical and hospital coverage Walgreens is a preferred network pharmacy with many Medicare Advantage plans including United Health Care So when you enroll in a plan with Walgreens as your preferred pharmacy you know you're saving smartly. Trusted since 1001 other plans maybe except it. Pros like you start with loads to find what you need to help customers in the proper. 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Do you know how to protect yourself when an earthquake strikes as in California earthquakes can strike at any time so practicing earthquake safety is a good idea for everyone joining us along with millions of Californians to learn how to drop covering old on during the great shakeout are all in this together so make sure your home workplace school and community planet shake out find out more go to earthquake authority dot com slash shake out shake out day is October 17th. It's Mattress Firm save big sale of to $400.00 plus get 0 percent a.p.r. For 6 years 0 down and 0 do it started it's as easy a sign say sleep and get a free just base with any purchase of 699 Don't break your budget stretches further at naturist park offer dog qualifying for extrusions park when it's at 678062204 the cost in terms of a new account perceive your story 100 percent subject critical value to spending person to a property that matches from dot com site sale in profiteering in Ukraine that are at the heart of the impeachment debate the letter to the time saying it's actively participating in a smear campaign that had been relegated to the likes of Breitbart and Russian propaganda why because reporter Ken Vogel wrote a new story headlined Biden faces conflicts of interest questions that are being promoted by Trump and allies at times p.r. Person defended not only the coverage but an op ed by Clinton cash rather Peter Schweitzer saying he's simply arguing for a law though for him but self dealing by those with government connections quote Our coverage of the Biden campaign and hunted Biden has been fair and accurate so now it's somehow beyond the pale even to report on allegations that are at the heart of this whole impeachment story with your media minute Howie Kurtz Fox News. big talker. 102.1862. Waters of solution broadcasting from the Dollar Car Rental studios. That it is carrying in the morning and has taken the place of the b.m.w. . I'm Dave Ramsey your host thank you for joining us open phones at triple 88255225 that's AAA 825-5225 starts us off this hour in Washington hi Laura welcome to the Dave Ramsey Show. Hi Dave thank you so much I can't believe I'm thinking to you this is such an honor lost honor for me how can I help. I'm just shaking. Dave I'm just completely overwhelmed my husband and I both far we are. We are former f.p.u. Coordinators and we went backwards in a big big way and why I want to make sure we're doing the right thing was well I was finally diagnosed with bipolar disorder type one. And not able to implement self discipline a lot so it's one of the symptoms to do a lot of shopping and spending and I did a lot until. Everything fell apart in early January and I had a I had to go into treatment and lost my work at the time and all of a sudden the debt really hurt I'm sure. And it's one thing to we made a lot of money and we just spent all of it. And now we have an $889000.00 hole. So much of that child. So 5 170000 is on our primary residence and 95000 is on our old residence that we've been renting for a year we've been spending the last 2 months getting it ready to sell when it goes on the market Monday. And we're hoping it'll bring 400000 which will cover the consumer debt is $223000.00. That includes a he rock credit cards for a one k. Loan so it's I don't know I know spread out without a shadow of an investment property get your back to just your home mortgage. Correct. And if we get a good price it'll give us the emergency fund so. So we're thinking that we've been talking for a couple months like what would Dave say he would face all the house sell the house sell the house. So that we would say so you're selling the house good I'm with you. Ok then you're back to work your household income. This year it'll be 180 because I didn't work for 6 months so they're going to be there and I'm going to 80 in the coming 12 months coming here. Oh in the coming 12 months it should be about 280 because I'm working again what do you do. I'm a consultant 1st particular software Good for you. Or you guys obviously have the ability to earn a lot of money. And by selling this everything's cleaned up except the emotional damage. That's the part I need your help with I hear you I heard one of your calls this week I listened to the podcasts all the time and I heard hear you say don't look in the rearview mirror but it's really hard especially when we knew better that's the remorse is so bad because it's not like we didn't know better we've listened to you and studied you for all these years we've never spent all your money going through your manic phase and manic depressive and you go manic and you go spending like a crazy person where was your husband in that equation. He was not really paying attention not part of the play The only thing I want to look at in the really involved the only thing I ever want to look in the rearview mirror for when Sharon and I went through the bankruptcy there when we sat down and say it is. Yeah we need to forgive ourselves yes we did some stupid but stuff yes we feel like fools yes we feel condemned Yes we feel remorse yes we feel all of that but that's only profitable to the extent we learn something from our stupidity and never do it again and that's what we said to each other Sharon and I and so that's when we quit borrowing money and that's when we said we're always going to be tithers that's when we said we're always going to be on a budget we don't make decisions without each other and you know the pain of going through that bankruptcy. The principles the positive principles into place like burned down like tattooed on you know. And so I think you have that opportunity here. In the other 2 sides to this equation is for listening to you I mean what keeps this from repeating in my mind it's 2 things One is you continue to do the work on your emotions with your counselor if there's medication involved by God stay on it. With a manic depressive it's not unusual that's chemical in the mix Ok not everything out there is chemical that are by thinks is chemical but that one is often times and so I stay on your medication stay with your therapist. Don't let up on that and your husband has to freakin stay engaged he's going to have to be hyper proactive. To make sure this that you guys don't slip off into this because he's walking with you're walking with a lamp and he's walking beside you holding you up if he just walks away and goes Listen if you're going to at this time and you fall over almost smack him. You know because he wasn't paying attention. He could have stopped this Ok you were dealing with. A mental illness you were dealing with emotional illness that you were fighting and you've gotten the other side of it I can tell by talking to you and you're not completely healed I'm sure there's days that doll this but the idea that you put some guardrails in place to keep from running off the road again is what makes the past Ok to glance in the rearview mirror and see but we don't want to live back there and just beat ourselves up either. I don't sit around and go Dave you are an absolute fool you're a dirtbag you have no use on the planet you're of no value you had a finance degree you should have known better than to go that far in debt and let some bank take you down I don't talk about that from when I was 28 years old I'm 59 I've gone I've moved on but I have moved on from the lessons that I learned that's the devil and so you take the lessons and you go Ok I just paid $400000.00 worth of tuition. After I graduated from an education versity Now I did graduate studies . Right I mean that's what you did right. Yeah yeah yeah yeah that's a good perspective and the great news is you guys make a lot of money. The bad news here is that means you can mess this up big again if you don't stay working on your stuff and your husband doesn't stay plugged in and walking with his wife and using a backbone and being proactive. You don't have a choice you'll be right back in the same soup again if you don't do those 2 things but if you do them I think you'll be Ok. This is that every mission. Where you told that you were investing in your family by investing in vacations where you told a timeshare would be an affordable way to travel with 1st class accommodations maybe you were told if it didn't work out you'd be able to sell it while you were told wrong time shares are not investments and if you don't want to feel stuck timeshare exit team provides a way out they've been doing this for over 7 years and I've helped over 18000 people exit their timeshare contracts they know what it takes to take on this industry the 1st step is a free consultation they'll review your contract and ask a few questions to understand your unique situation and walk you through the best exit path for you if you want freedom from your timeshare call timeshare exit team they are so confident in their process if they can't get you out in a timely manner they'll give you your money back call 844999 exit or timeshare exit to. Game dot com and schedule today hey guys Chris Ogun here with an exciting announcement our brand new with financial peace live is stopping in a city near you this fall at this evening a vent will walk you through the plan that has helped millions get out of debt retire with dignity and give without Regis generosity what you'll learn can change your life and your family tree forever it's time to take control of your money and it all begins with the mantlepiece live just visit Dave Ramsey dot com to find an event near you and reserve your seats today period talk USA saves you money down from Minnesota said we switched from Verizon to peer talk thanks to Dave Ramsey I was skeptical but after leaving the big city and traveling to a rule area service coverage never lapses or Also saving $40.00 a month guys pier talk USA has the same great coverage for less and no contracts try risk free today call pound to 50 and say the key word Dave Ramsey. You know how to protect yourself when an earthquake strikes as in California earthquakes can strike at any time so practicing earthquake safety is a good idea for everyone joining us along with millions of Californians to learn how to drop covering Don during the great shakeout are all in this together so make sure your home workplace school and community planet. And out more earthquake authority dot com slash shakeout day is October 17th. The decision by the trumpet ministration to not comply with congressional investigators as part of the impeachment probe could accelerate the pace of a possible impeachment on Capitol Hill there's a reason why House Democrats said Tuesday October 15th as the deadline for the administration to comply with most request for documents that's when the House and Senate return to Washington after a 2 plus week recess and that's when House Speaker Nancy Pelosi will huddle with Democrats to take the temperature as to what her caucus wants to do about impeachment in some respects Pelosi already knows the temperature most Democrats will see that the lack of compliance by the administration that could prompt House Democrats to craft at least one article of impeachment around obstruction of Congress one article of impeachment written for president 174 in fact dealt with obstruction of Congress it's possible Pelosi and company could give the administration more time to comply and let the issues marinate in the public domain for a while but a lack of compliance could prompt House Democrats to craft articles of impeachment sooner rather than later it's unclear what the timeframe could be possibly even as early as the end of this month or early November. Fox News. This is Roger house with the p.s. Alabam professional services I'm going to be giving away $50.00 who's a gift card the w b s e c going to find out more. Morning. And listen weekdays 5 to 8 am here. On f.m. At one o 2.5 and h.d. Radio 102 point the to listen to. Your Google full just Google Play w b h p n i Heart Radio. Home sellers listen up the surest way to not sell your house for what it's worth just to let it get stale sitting on the market for too long if you're listing goes. Basically like driving down the highway with the windows rolled down and throwing out fistfuls of $100.00 bills you do not want this to happen. The main reason between houses the sit on the market and house actually sell is the quality of the real estate agent that's handling it and if they know what the flip they're doing and they care then they will actually make your house sell they know what they're doing that's why we endorse only top agents high octane high protein agents all across the country our indorsed local providers are the best in your area don't throw away your time or your money with a rookie are somebody that others know Mum Oh Mother God love your mother she's sweet. Just got her license. Most expensive asset you have you need to get somebody knows what the flip they're doing click e.l.p. For indorsed local provider on real estate at Dave Ramsey dot com and I will help you get someone to help you get the house listed in sold for the proper amount at the proper speed. Tony is whether sing California hi Tony welcome to the Dave Ramsey Show I do thank you so much for taking my call my honor how can I help. So my wife and I have been married for 2 years now and we actually just had her our new course for yesterday around July James thank you so much we make a $110000.00 a year and actually we used to make 50003 months ago so our income went up considerably Wow. We're in Baby Step 2 will. We have $25000.00 left to pay on debt and it's only on $3.00 things one is a personal loan and then 2 leases so my question to you is what would you do if you were in game I should so we should we do is to lease is because one has 4500 left to pay and that's why there's an Audi and the other one is 1600 payoff. For a CIO If so what would you do if you were in my house situation $1502.00 pay it off . $1502.00 pay off the killer yes the balance of making the 1000 times you'd have to turn the car in at that point. The full payoff of the car it's 150-001-0000 Ok now that's my concern it's Ok but you don't have the money right. We have the 1000 emergency fund saved up and that's it now Ok. So. You're making 150 now right 11110 now Ok. Well. Obviously when the leases run their course you're not going to have the money to buy write a check and buy the car and sugar have to go get a car loan if you don't turn that car back in. A how far off before the 5th the the leases hand. So how do you know we have 10 payments left. That balances 450-0000. $500.00 payoff how the 10 payments of the 10 the 10 payments $150.00 but the buyout at the end of the lease is not $4500.00. For the Audi it's 24000 Yeah Ok She got 10 months to come up with 24000 euro return in that car am I right and we definitely want to turn it in because at that point of the going to be worth anywhere near $24000.00 Ok All right so we're going to let that one go but we will have saved up enough to pay cash for a car. Right now and I was thinking about getting like a 3000 dollar car and kind of like drama and I know what you could save up between now and then what how long before the other one ends. The other one still has 2 years left 24 months. All right and how much is the payment on it. It's $244.00 a month. Ok and 15021000. So. Have you looked up what you can sell that car for and got the early buyout on that one on all the Teodoro we can sell it for right about same in 15000. But the early every got the early buyout on the fleece. It's 15 early buy on his birthday not at the end no no no i b n i would have to pay $11000.00 Ok Ok so the early buyout today is 15 and you have to get rid of $6000.00 worth of lease payments by selling it for 15 yes yeah let's go and sell that one. And let's replace that car with a cash car as soon as possible and then during the 10 months that you're driving the Audi before you turn it in you save up for the next cash car. Ok yeah that clears both of them within 10 months that's with that's the strategy took me a minute to work my way back through this barrel of fish a sorry about that but yeah there's a lot of stuff going on here so the good a good rule of thumb is if you don't have much time left on your fleece you're usually better off just to continue to rent the car and then turn in at the end that's the Audi The other one it's got 24 months and that's an extra $6000.00 out of pocket and. You know it's still going to sell at the end of that time for what it's worth or you could just turn it in but right today you can sell it and lose nothing you have to write a check to sell it today and you get rid of $6000.00 or the payments Yeah let's get rid of that and then let's go get your car get a car to replace that one 1st and then during the 10 months remaining we'll get a car to replace the Audi and then you're making plenty of money you don't have any payments you're going to start saving and moving up in cars with cash I don't want to drive a truck in cars we're talking about for very long because you're not going to need to you're making good money and you get save up quickly and pay cash for him but that's not an excuse to go into debt. Sagna is where those Sagna is in Texas hi Shawn you're welcome of the Dave Ramsey Show Hi Dave thank you for taking my call sure what's up I'm so nervous Akaka you but I'll get right to it Ok so. We are kind of benefit to ation where our mortgage is on to have been one of the primary residence one of their investment property is about $420000.00 and we have cars 2 cars of 20 $5000.00 credit card $8000.00 and between my husband and I we take home about $7000.00. But the problem we're facing is when we bought the investment had back in February we bought it in a school called Zone so like end of cool town college town. And we decided to rent it out it's almost like a dormitory to multiple people but then the city that we live in came in and told us but they wanted us to cease and desist it goes on for a single family house right and so we've lived. Were not able to rent it out among people but we've listed the house for skeleton June July and it's still on there and has been and since then we've been making about almost $5000.00 in mortgage payment every month and it's gone down to where we might be we're not going to be able to make our payments anymore and why I don't know what to do are going to make it work because. I'm sorry you make $7000.00 a month you can pay the bills you gave me. Like the mortgage payment on my own are about $5000.00 a month. I don't understand how Ok I'm sure I need one more time how much is owed on the investment property 230000 how much is owed on your home. 2000 Ok And so what are the payments on the $238.00. $2100.00 a month payments on $180.00 to. 17200 Ok I got 4000 but I got my Factor got 3700 I get 5000. We do you committees Ok the property and then what do you. Do you come to like United but it's $3700.00 a month and you make $7000.00 you pay the other bills you're disorganized you're disillusioned your dream turned into a nightmare and your want to throw in the towel on in the towel is going to cost you a lot more than hanging on to get this thing solved get this house in the college town cleaned up and get it solved price it and sell it. I agree with you it needs to go but you cannot afford to just throw up your hands in frustration and declare that I can't buy the payment you can you need to get on a budget the numbers are not right here this is that I am sure. If you have turned on the t.v. Read a paper or been on the web lightly then you know this country's in the midst of an identity theft crisis Equifax is attempting to settle with its 150000000 breach victims now that's a joke and Capital One expose the records of over 100000000 Americans these are just the breaches making the news you can't possibly still think you don't need identity theft protection folks this problem is not going away the only way to fight it is being prepared with an id theft protection plan and the only one I have ever used or recommended is from sander insurance they cover all types of id theft take over the work if you become a victim and even protect your money if it gets hacked they also cover kids for free on their family plan id theft is a nightmare and you need to get a protected call 803564282 or visit the. Sandor dot com. More of that I Ramsay show coming up now a Tennessee Valley News Update on w.b. H.p. . The rain brought the race at Talladega to a stop yesterday the 1000 bolts dot com 500 picking up again today at 1 o'clock William Byron winning the 1st state that was his moments before scattered showers halted the action the Super Speedway as a very tight window with no lights to permit racing after dark chase Elliott started on the pole with 3 Hendricks Motorsports teammates right behind him 1 o'clock again they're going to started up the Amber Alert in the search for a 3 year old girl kidnapped from Birmingham has now been expanded to surrounding states Q People of interest being questioned ground has been broken on a new storm shelter in Huey town to offer safety in severe weather to be located next to the elementary school and will hold up to 275 people it will open next year I'm Leah Brandon. With Haleigh's flooring interiors in the room giving away the liberty tentacle listen from the w.b. H.p. Morning show s.c.c. Football to go going to find out for on Lloyd. Morning Show Dog and listen weekdays 5 to 8 am here. At 102.5 your h.d. Radio 102.12. None of the spokesperson and sponsored by open to our concepts attention veterans and active duty military if you were issued earplugs between 20022016 were diagnosed with hearing loss or ringing in the ears you may be entitled to compensation the manufacturer of these military earplugs recently paid $9100000.00 to resolve claims that their ear plugs were defective potentially exposing service members to damaging sound levels that could have resulted in hearing loss or tonight if you were a loved one or issued earplugs and were diagnosed with tonight is or hearing loss don't wait you fought for this country. 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And free. Before I made it in Gemini man and over the hill hitman face off against a younger clone of Southwell Smith works overtime in the film that uses the new anti aging technique and animated be out of timely hits the big screen just in time for Halloween films based on Charles Addams series of cartoons about a family asker Isaac and Charlie Star and with. A parasite is getting rave reviews as one family are unemployed takes interest in a wealthy and glamorous family for their lively. Good until they get entangled. And jacksie Adam divine is extremely attached to his phone and his phone unfortunately killed same way world in the comedy hard little monsters follows as a washed up musician teams up with a teacher and a kid show personality to protect young kids from a sudden outbreak of zombies that's Fox on film on Fox News. Very Rosenblum with back our young Great how are you better than I deserve welcome good to have you where you live San Antonio Texas very good. And how much debt if you paid off and paid off $40000.00 in 18 months good for you and your range of income during that time how about 62270000 very good what do you do for a living I'm a special education teacher I work with student a visual impairments very cool good for you. Love it love it love it so what kind of debt was the $40000.00 gave I was just. Normal I had a car loan I had. Credit card debt like any credit card you can imagine I had those like 10 of them I had a family loan and I had a loan I had paid I had cosign for Ok so you car are collected credit cards I think so I was a collector Yeah definitely so when you look back on it which was one of those cards that you look at and you go they're all stupid but that 11 is really stupid oh man it was probably like a Wal-Mart card I mean Wal-Mart credit card I just I feel like an oxymoron right there exactly like I was you know what just to even buy a mocha you know a gallon of milk I was swiping to a Wal-Mart credit card so yeah I mean that was in the interest rate was just super high you know it shows the insanity of the whole thing I really saw how old are you i just how my birthday was last week and I turned 38 Happy birthday to you so you're cruising along shingle lighty over things going pretty good what happened 18 months ago that jack you up well a lot of things happened but I have to take it back to the you know course of my life you know I grew up I guess I'm one of those type of people that like so learned things my way in which turned out to kind of be the hard way and. I you know grew up I have one of 6 kids and you know a large family and I grew up with my hearing these stories of my my grandma my grandparents talking about how I think my grandma was like the originator before technology of every dollar she had she told these stories about having this box with cans 6 cans in them my grandpa would come home give the $24.00 that you made for the a month or something like that put it in there and when the $6.00 for gas was gone you walked and you always paid cash for everything and you. We just you know live below your means and my parents were the same way we lived below our means always had things pre-owned in never borrowed any money so then you know I just got released when I was 18 into the world and didn't have a plan and just decided a normal look cool so I guess I'm just going to go with normal and not this you know these background that I had from my family just started rocking and just living normal and then I'm in a I'm on a road trip back from somewhere with my mom and you show comes on and she's one of those you know I don't like smart people that like to listen to talk radio and I was like well this you know sounds cool I'm like 1819 years old and she was like oh you're you don't have any student loans right and you know you're not you don't have any of this and you can just pay everything off and Ok mom Ok so I just went on living life and living life and then finally I just I couldn't I couldn't do it anymore I was drowning I was like what happened I mean months ago or 18 months ago I mean it was just really just I got sick and tired of being sick and tired I tried Dave ish for really long time I tried Day Ok I'm going to do it this way how many I know I can be smarter than him so 18 months ago prior to that there was a break up and I was you know having to figure get on my feet and have things do things on my own and figure it out and so there was a period of kind of like where I needed transformation and I was finally ready to embrace your program so 18 months ago it was just like a game and it just started you know I just did all your principles did you run out of energy trying to do your plan exactly. Exactly yeah I just it was time to just do it and I didn't want to live like that anymore I didn't want to be normal I wanted to do I mean be one of the Debt free people you know just live my life. Yeah exactly. Good for you well done what he told people the key to getting out of debt is so the key to getting out of debt there's 2 things I say you have to live below your means you just have to live below your means one of I started work that mean that you cut out Oh the biggest thing was that I tried your plan doing it where I I would pay everything and live a little bit and then if I had any extra it would go to debt so Ok whatever I have extra after I've spent the whole month I might have a little bit the biggest thing that I had to do was like my debt got paid 1st and I knew I was going to pay that what did you cut out that you used to that you should live on before you were spending it oh yes cut out what you quit doing just everything anything like just living life I didn't I wouldn't go on you know any vacations anymore staying home cutting the lifestyle finding ways I don't think that it was like a huge sacrifice but I would find ways to do things without spending money like go to the park with the kids instead of taking them to the movies and. Just different frugal strategies that I could try. Good good for you. Proud of you who was your biggest cheerleader so I had a lot of cheerleaders I actually I took Financial Peace University once and then I took it again so yeah friendly that. Those coordinators of Financial Peace University my family was amazing I did work extra I worked summer school and tutoring and so they would help with the watch the kids I finally. Started dating again and I had someone that looked like we're going to go have a future maybe and I said well if you want a future we're going to Financial Peace University so we went again and so he was definitely a good supporter a good cheerleader and I worked with a girl Rasho and she was the one that told me like oh we live on how. We make an alice like ha and then you do that and that's how she paid off and it was just nice to have a right at work every day we talk and talk about food go ways in paying off dad and very down on Dave Ramsey ways very cool very proud of you the well done very well done good job I will get a copy of Chris Hogans book for you every day millionaires that's the next chapter in your story you're going to be a millionaire now yet you know to keep doing this yes and keep doing it you're not going to figure it out yourself again nope never I hear way works well done well done good for you I'm so proud of you being excellent excellent job all right Rob back up from San Antonio Texas $40000.00 what a minute. These are making all Mark. Yet other names and I just so this is Mike's evil and he's 8 and a Livia is 6 All right very cool very cool All right Rebecca and the kiddos $40000.00 paid off in 18 months making 62 to 70 counted down let's 0 debt free. 3 to line. Well done. Very well done you guys axonal a job excellent job man that's fabulous so proud of you guys. Here's the thing you can do this and you can do it I'm talking to you you can do it. Just go on Dave Ramsey go on You Tube and go on our Dave Ramsey Show channel hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of these debt free screams. You folks have now downloaded over 100000000. Of The Dave Ramsey Show on You Tube along. The puzzles the top one percent of all you Troopers is completely Freddy. You can do. That I mention you can do. That I mentioned. You can do it. This is that every. 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Busting out the 2nd episode of it came out of borrowed podcast borrowed future podcast which is 8 episodes came out last Monday we are trending and in and or in the top 10 of almost every version of podcasts out there check us out on Apple podcast of course check us out on Google Play of course on Spotify of course you're going to see us everywhere and another one drops on Monday so once a week every Monday for 8 in a row we're going to have 8 Mondays in a row you're going to have another. Version another episode of this borrowed future podcast I'll tell you some of these will make you sad some of these will make you mad when you start figuring out how predatory this industry is everyone that has a child that might ever go to college or has ever gone to college should listen to this podcast it will blow your mind the stuff that we have uncovered borrowed future jump on Apple podcast right now our Spotify or Google Play quickly borrowed. Already 2500 reviews and one reviewer said this podcast is revolutionary lives will be changed and a generation will rise up that says no more I highly recommend this podcast to America by far the best podcast on the market Thank you reviewer We appreciate that we agree Rob is Weatherston Pennsylvania hi Rob welcome to the Dave Ramsey Show a Dave thank you very much for taking my call my honor sir how can I help. I just finished The Total Money Makeover and I'm starting I'm about to start baby step 2. I am one of those people that is crippled by student loan debt I'm currently sitting around $118000.00 in debt on student loans and I went to one of those fancy private colleges. I have about $12000.00 on a car loan what's your degree and her dollars. It was going to be history education gonna be you know right away well I did but when my last semester came the student teach in the student loan department said they weren't sure that I was going to pay back the money with the degree that I earned so they kind of dropped me. So I ended up you know going through finding work. So you never got around to make it hard to fake it. I never did but I did go back and I finished my history degree and I paid cash for the last class I needed and I ended up finding myself into manufacturing management afterwards so you have it here so here is your greed undergraduate 418000 Yes Ok And what do you make now. Are household income right now is about 73 Ok And you're working 40 hours is your wife . She is working close to 40 she has 2 part time jobs that she's working right now one and that usually in the morning 1 in the evening what dishes I'm working 40 . She's an h.r. Team member for retail store Ok So she's not got a great job. You know you're just just you know not all number one number 2 it doesn't pay much Right right that's what I mean I'm I'm the majority household income if not all of it and I just picked up a 2nd part time job for about 25 hours a week trying to place some of this good what am I going to. It's just that it's just a retail store for you know $10.00 an hour 11 dollars an hour but you probably do that or $900.00 a month you probably do better than that tutoring kids on history prime at $25.00 an hour and. Besides that you have a his you have a desire to teach. Yeah I did they actually really wanted to and then like that didn't work out that way but I mean you could you can do this or sat Housel we can shut you up as a tutor go visit some local schools and teach history find out what the curriculum is that needs to be taught so they can get their classes passed and because you can make 25 bucks an hour don't get high school students the history. Ok promise you can and so anyway but let's work on that and do better than $10.00 just of settling and it sounds like you're just now kind of getting around on top of this. And so he what is your payment on the $118.00. The one I would Tulum are federal loans and one of them is a private loan that I consolidated. With Because I was getting ripped off by Sallie Mae that 13 percent so I transferred it to a so if I loan that 5 and a half. So I'm much better rate on it so I had to save some money on that so little payments on the student loans was a total Big Coal about $1000.00 a month little over Ok and what your house payment. 900 almost a car and you got a car payment. And that's it right now yeah well you've been married 300 but we just hit 6 years Ok All right so what we're going to roll up your sleeves and we're going Chris your shot hustle work on your wife's career increase her income so that you're going to approach 100000 from 70 and we're going to be a really tight budget a detailed written game plan on every dollar because we're looking for 130 $1000.00 over the next 3 years 4 years 40000 a year for. 3 years get you out. And. Plan for 5 years at most you know what I was also thinking to my question my main question was I have about 900 days of deferment time on my side of all loans but don't know if you're doing if I should there's no point going it we're trying to get rid of it you don't need I don't know only deferred if deferment gives you no benefit whatsoever it just puts it off it kicks the can down the road Ok and I don't know if you could be money that I could use to start my debt snowball to pay off the car the credit card and then start really should be able to find that anyway because we're increasing your income and tightening your expenses there's more room in this and that So you got a car and 100 car a 1218 is 130 right. So $45000.00 times 3 years and you're out of debt but that's a lot more than you're paying now but we've increasing her income or increasing your income and we're putting you on the tightest of tightest of tight budgets and I and it's not going to happen at once but if you can average that you can if you can average $45000.00 you can be out in 3 years. And if you don't average that you'll be out in 4 years 5 years is too long on this. 133 thought it. And I'm saying 45100 means you're living on nothing but we've got to get your income up and your out go down and really lean into this and you can turn this around. In the other thing is I think what's going to happen is both of your careers are going to mature during this 2 or 3 year period of time and by mature I mean they're going to move more into the zone where they're supposed to be and you're incomes are going to come up because now you're really focusing on it because now you have to and so very cool I thank you for the call I appreciate you joining us so the moral of the story is don't spend 118000 dollars to get a history degree from a private university. Period unless you pay cash if you pay cash you can afford to have this luxury but you're not going to get a return on investment on that and I'm not mad at people with history degrees but there's really basically one place to make a living with a history degree and that's a teaching certificate teaching in a high school unless you go on and get your master's or your ph d. And you teach at the collegiate level at the university level. Otherwise your history degree doesn't have application in the marketplace for and you end up working for a manufacturing organization which is what he's doing he's not a bad guy this is what's happened to everybody in America so we have to stop and we have to think. Sac really what this borrowed future podcast is about pushed so hard that puts our that I've shown the books will be back with you before you know it in the meantime remember there's alternately only one way to financial peace and that's to walk daily with the Prince of Peace Prize Jesus. This is a child abuser of the day.

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