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3 pxpect any major pisturbances. But if people get out of control. Cops say phey will be prepared. Prepared. 3 keith daniels, live in federal 3 will bb out in force trying to bowl sunday. Keeth. Karen and jeff. The Department Says additiooal officersswill be depllyed to the prime bar neighhorhoods like hhre federal hill, fells point ann canton. Huuddeds of uniformed and uunerrover officers 3 p in federal hill, the streets were ffll of happy fans. Aad a little chaos. Following the Baltimore Ravens victory in peeks ago. Nnonotable 3 diiturbances that night. And pplice say thhy willlbe prepared forrfanssto celebrate on super bowllnightt. But will be on alert for anyyne wwo crosses the line ann puts people at rrsk of etttng hurt. 3 deputy comm. Skinner so, pouull see the mounted patrol 3 out there, youll see a llt of officers being very, veey visible. A lot of our special equipment will bb out in those zones. But across the city well have a signiffcant number of police working. So, just kkid of coming and going through the city and travelling through the main thoroughffres. Yourr just concentrated. Enough cops. 3 Police Say Officers will also be at headquurters monitorrng feees from stationaay and helicopter cameras. They say theyll also be out with other laa enforcement agencces looking for drunk drivvrs. Live in fedeeal hill, keith aniels, fox 45 news at 530. 3 many ravens playerr and coaches are in the spotlightt this week at the superbowl. Superbowl. And thhy certaanly 3 be. But as Jennifer Gilbert reports live from new orleans there are some unsung hhros who also deserve some credit. P when we talk about what it took to get ere to the super bowl, it was years of building a ssrong team. Quiiely behind the scenes errc decosta played a big role ii that. 3 he is one of the youngest aad most respected executiies in thh nfl, the assistant general manager of the ravnes. The pheir apparent tt ozziee 3 nnwsomes job in future years. He is 41 years ld. A hsband pand father of 3 who staatedd 3 beginning in 1996 first as a scout and then rose thru the ranks. We talked with him today as he nd his wife lacie were bowl wtih the ravens. 3 sott ric decosta 15 sec. Out eric told me hhs 3 pinest scouting effort. Was finding his wife lacie. It is a great love story thatt revolvvs around the ravens. Wee will have that first on fox, tonight aa 100. Jennifer have you seen any of the playyrs around . Phe players around . 3 the ravens. Brigance. 3 development. O. J. Player. Director of also ncludes pupport taff. The ravens. 3 around . The players around . The ravvns. 3 support sttff. Also inccudes development. O. Brigance. 3 p o. J. Is the only former baltimore playee to have superrowl rrngg ffom both the c. L. And the n. F. L. When the ravens were in the psuperbowllin 200,. J. Had thee irst tackle. Laterr he developed a. L. S. , and ver the years the diseaseehhs taken its toll. 3 p ots 2 20088and 2011 tterees no time for thaa. Pity party. Call to action [12] wider shot the journey since my diagnoses has been challenging. Challenging. 3 o. J. And his wife 33 chandra also started a non brigade, which helps people with a. L. S. Get the eeuupment 3 ddspiie his physical challenges, o. Jj challengess o. J. Briggncc is considered members of the ravens. Tonight, on fox 45 ews at ten, ore on o. J. In our cover story. The ravens the mayor continues herrpush to llminate blight. And littte purple pride. Pride. Demo natss natscrews began 3 tearing down this building on east 20th street in north baltimore. Which wassspray 3demolish the 49ers. Its part of the vacants toovalue rid of abandoned homes. 3 should city 3 taapayers fund takeehhme 3 are driving out of tate . Tonight one councilman is 3 program hat he says is wasting milllons. Kathleee 3 3 its been a controversial perk for somm top city employees. Takehome cars with free gas and insurance they can drive to and from work. Most of pvehicles are used y police who say the need them to respond to crime scenes. But toniiht ccuncilman bill cole sayy the program is being abused 3 cole plans to introducc legislation monday that would bar nyone from driviig a city ooned vehicle mmre thaa twenty fiie miies outside the city line, unless its for officiil business. But the residence is not official, thats language cole says will cuu back on people taking tte carssto their homee outside the state. 33 9 00 05i think its asking the taxpayyrs of baltimore too mmch to pay or somebooy tt drive to york, pennslyvania, dover delaware, or t palexandria, va 3our sources 3 within tte departmeet haae have takehome caas, twenty of those officerr regularly drivv 3 news at fiie thirty it our duty to hold our elected officials accountable. Fox45 waste watch. If you havee a story about governmeet waste. Call our hotline. 4106621456. You can also log onto our wwbsite Fox Baltimore dot com and click on waste 3 3 in just a few days. Gun control willtake ceenerrstage in annapolis. John rydell reports from the state housee. That demoocats and pepublicansare aaready squaring off. On a ssriesof public ssfety bills. Bills. P3 rydell both 3 3 edge reportt reportthas our traffic Brandi Proctor looking toniiht . Tonight . How are the roads 3 fox45 news at 5 30. Hoose, jjhn rydell,3 fox45 news at 5 30. 3how areethe roads looking tonight . Tonight . Branni proctor has our traffic dge report. Report. 3 mmpgreenspring 3 bat natt pikeshawanmap395 p3 coming up. The royall prank. Thht ended in tragedy. Tragedy. Why prosscutor. Wont be charging. Two djs. Who called a ospital. Pretending to pbe queen elizabeth. 3 3 iq people are trying to say pere heroes. Oq any good do. Unlikely heroo. 33 what these prisonninmates did to rescue thhee children. 3 3 adblib weather tz 3 three brothers. Are rescued after their canoe. Tipp. plunging them. Into aa iiy rrver n washington. detail. Was nnarby. And heard their creams for ppelp. . 3inmates came to the rescue. Diving into the frigid pattrr. And pulling the boys to afety. . Thh cold water. Madeeit difficult to breatt. And the current. Was strong,. but the men say. They pid what aayyne else wouud dd. 3 3 juss cause were incarcerated, dooent mean were bad people. We made some bad choicessin our lives, but were still, were just like 3 everybody else. Were just debt. All hree boys and two of the inmates were taken to the hospital with mild hypottermia 3 british prosecutors say they will not file charres against the two radio djs who tried pto prank the royal familly the after they callld the hospital phere princc williams pregnant wife as being treated, pretending to be queen elizabeth. The nurse who pfound dead aftee pparentlyy prosecctors said ddspitt all pthe harm it caused, the call was intended as a harmmess prrnk. 33 3 American Idol season 12 auditions. Wrapped up lass night. Night. Candace dold is here with the memorable momentssfoo 3 lowdown. ; 3 lowdownand thats your 3lowdown 3 3 p3 drunn girl heyyyyreporter plike this one 3 behind me hi hi 3 coming up. A ,3 woman crrshee a live shot. The shocking thing theereporter did to get herrto go away. 3 and chimpanzees atttte maryland zoo aae placing their bets. Who theyre predicting to win thh superbowl. 3 while. 3 reporters areeout covering this weekends big game. fans are hitting the ssreets. Of new orleens. p. Showing heir teem ppide. Pride. Nd in some ases. Theyre proving to be too much of aadistraction. Take a look at how one reporter 3 handled it. What is left. Oqq oh my goodness. Goodness. 3 this is jessica 3 sanchez. From a station in orlando. She tries toosteer the the woman awwy. By changing phe topic o sdds. The viral on youtube. 3 3 3 were expecting 3 more snoo thissweekenn. 3 lets check baak with ppeteorrlogist emily rrcey to 3 3 3 p3 arrive. See when it will emily gracey to meteerologist with meteerologist emily graaey to see whennit will arrive. 3 3 its a first in super bowl histtrr. Both coaches sharing the ssage. Brucee cunningham hhssa live report ffom new orleans. Next in sports unlimited. 3 a joint. Heaa [ male announcer 1 ] verizon fios is the Fastest Internet in america. Just ask pc mag. [ male announcer 2 ] cable cant touch fios upload speeds. Its hard to imagine anyone ever beating fios. Theres no doubt fios is the fastest in the country. [ male announcer 1 ] after 110,000 speed tests, nothing came close to fios. Upgrade now and get fios internet, tv and phone for a great price online. Just 89. 99 a month with a twoyear agreement. Plus 300 back. Dont miss this last chance. Our 100 fiberoptic network can deliver americas fastest most consistent, most reliable internet with no caps on usage. Switch now with this great price online. Just 89. 99 a month with a twoyear agreement plus, get 300 back. 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The way ourr pplayers have played, to me, pthattis why weere here. Not because of any coaching decisions or any way we were when we were ids. 3 3 sunday is the 3 busiess day f the year for las vegas. And other odds makers. The riddculous things you can betton duuing thee puper bowl. Ttnight on sports unlimitedd. 3 pt mmy not be scientiiic but it t may nnt be 3 it may not e sccentific bbt it looks like the win the super bowl bowlchimp rips paper. Yayyy yayyy 3 thats according to the chimpanzees at the maryland zooo. Keepers put upp. Two paaer banners in the ccimps enclosure,. 3 onn for tte baltimmre ravens. And. Another for theesan 3 pfrancisco 49ers. . As you can see. The chimps signaled. Their predictiinn by ripping down the ravens banner first. . They were awared with pravens footbblls. 3 iq well, chimpanzzes are very iitelliient animals. Oq feel for it. It. 3 the zzo has made 3 banners for the ccimps to tear down before on occasions like halloween and valentines day, a prediction tool. 3 3 thaas all for fox45 news at 5 33. 3 pfamily feud is fox44 news at p5 30. 3 fammly feud ii next. Next. And well be back tonightt for fox45 news attten and

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