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greenhill avenue near thh intersection of hamilton avenue in northeast baltimore. baatimore.police say the victim is the store's ownee but woulddnot identify him by name.a customer found the body jjst before eleven this morning in what appears o be a botched robbery. 11:26:57 - 11:27:14"i havennt seen him in awhile and just bummed into im seveeal times in like a week and wavee to every thing seems to be fine , - and that's the way life is. everything seems to be fine, know." anyone withhinformation is asked tt call baltimore city the student.. responsible for the campus look down last week.. at u-m-b-c.. &pis... charged. police charged... p ire-chuk-wooo../ with... brrnginn aaweapon... to... schooo.../ maaicious destruction of disturbing ... school operations.../ police... say... he.. showee the haadgun ... to another student .... who . called police.... // students.. received... texx alerts... warning them... another an was shot this morning in northwest baltimore...//.64-year-old.. edmond dabney and his girlfriend... were approached by a man... on pimlico avenue .../ and asked if they had any money. an... argument eesued.../ ooice... saa... the suspect... fired... 2 ssots.../ one,,../ striking daaney... in tte head.../. he... dded.. at sinai.../. phe suspect ...ran off. 3 in anotter story you saw first on foo... a case of misttken identity leads a 17 year old honor student to misss her high school raduation. instead of celebrating... she speet the weekend at central booking facingg attempted murder charggs. charges. brown's mother is outrrged ver what's happpned. she says the recent scholarship recipient hhs never been in trouble. p police arrested brown t school on hursday during graduation rehearsal. 11:22:07 we was franttc we were down there we were trying to get some information we were talking we were crying like pkease don't let anything happen to my daughter cuz were not used to this. they're not to blame because it was a court commissioner pho issued the warrant. prosecutors say as soon as they releaaed the errrr ddspite that, the teen remains at central booking. with... the hurricane season....ere.../ baltimore... county officiils... will begin... residents... durrngg seveee weather. baltimore county executive kevin kammnetz ... says .. the county's ..."emergency notification system" ...willl allow citizens... to register phone.. numbers.../ to... receive... recorded or email notificattons... about ...emergenny situations.../. place... at... porter's... - area that an...3 sustaiied... major damage from "oor goal is that early notification of emergency incidents is vital especially wwen we ttink rumors areeum spread so quickly so weather the disaster is a hurricane, flood, or even just a water main break its essential we &pget that accurateddinformatio ouu to our citizens." 3 citizens..hurricane season povember 30-th. 1-st through - naaional weather servvce maryland last friday ..... kkthleen cairns joins us now with more oo the severe damage... left behind... kathleen... some of the tornadoes were f- ones... winds werr clocked at over 100 miles per hour.... and that did some severe dammge in the regionn.. innharford county... the clean up effort may take months. (nailing top?)(wind flapping) (wider shot)"right now we have to cover it up before the damage is orse inside.. "it's daa three of clean up along route one ((oe mmnfuffi)"dont comm out when theres a tornado ause this roof is secure.. but not the holes in theetop of it."fierce winds rippee througg fallston friday. &proof)"ripped off all the vents.. off thh top and shingles.. this is the bad side of the building right here.. (points) knocked down the sign"joe manrufff has a birds eye viiw of all thh roof)"look up ovvr there.."ing - (mike hartman-walking)"the main storm came through behind here..."(joe manruffi- fixing roof)"across the street roofs are ripped off.."(mike hartman)"and then it came straight up here.. this was a garagg.. a metal garage..." structures reduced to rubble... (mike hartman) it wrapppd aaound thaa tree.. " (nats cleanup saws) the plean up may take weeks... even months... (nats show tree fall over moment) with recovery efforts underway.... people here... vow to rebuild. ((drags tree out )) the national weather service has determined an 'e-f one' tornado struck that route one corridor... investigators tell me tonight.. the damage path about one qqartee of a mile in width... altoggther... 3 maryland due to the friday storm... kc fox 45 news at 5;30 that confirmed ttrnado in the fallston area... of... harford couuty.../ caused more than... a million dollars in man's phop... was in the center... of the hardess hit areas..... 42.. -yeer-old and... his friend... were in the shop.../ when.. the roof ...ripppd off... and the poncrete walls... crashed down.../ pinning the two men inside.../. matthew's. was.. hosptialized. wall with his hands sticking out and he couldn't move""whenn him, it's just a miracle ttat god saved himm him"rrght now,... mmtthew's... in a coma.../ he... roke several bones.. and... is xppcted to make a and in prince george's county... crews were busyy rescuing three teens caught up in aree flooding.the teens werr caught in fast-rising waters as they tried to cross the northwest brance stream... which as you can see... became a raging river.the waters carried the teens downstream to a bridge where they were able to hold on to the support strrcture.. where crews erected a pully ystem to lower rescuers down to the kids.all three wwre trated for hypothermia but are otherwiie fine tonight. phere' s a new budget plan ..for baltimore city. city.and as paul gessler tells usstonight its cooing from city council president jack young. jeff, jennifer.. council ppesident young saas his plan is not a criticism of mayor stephanie rawlings-blake's budget. he says he's just taking her spending plan ooe step further. for require most city also - annual budggts.duce their " i've identified.... ....depend on." pack young says he hasn't he hopes to talk to her oon ut- about his proposal.paul gessler fox45 news at 5:30. how are the roads lookkng tonig? tonight?bbrndi proctor has our traffic edge report. report. &pmmpgreenspring fiber 3 895 3 maps ray rice ran a lot of foooball drills and scrimmages today, ut it áwasn'tá with his ussal ravens team mates...instead it was wwth kids. rice partnered with "living "popchips" to bring "flag football day" at city springs foooball field. over 75- youth from schools all over east baltimore spent the day with rice. they enjoyee games, himself. it wws all part of a national campaiggnwhere 15 professional athletes across local communnties. "he talked about how he rew up in public housing jjst like thhse childrrn re growing up if he can workkhard nd do it was a very powerfullmessage and clear." and wwllnesssprogramming and h - education to youth who doo't have the opportunity to participate in activitiee such &pas this. 3 the woman knoon s áoctomomá is ppttinggherself out there for all to see....hy she'll soon be taking the ástageáá and the state of maryland is well-represented attlass night's miss u-s-a pageant. candice dold has more on her second place finish... coming uppin the lowwown. &padblib weather tz-- do you ever wish you could make some things just disappear? ♪ [ ping! ] [ ping! ping! ] that's why i use new tampax radiant. it helps keep my period invisible, combing tampax's best-ever leak protection with a revolutionary resealable wrapper so all they'll see is me. [ ping! ] ♪ hi. totally new, awesomely-invisible tampax radiant. check out the whole radiant collection. [ male announcer ] for our families... our neighbors... and our communities... america's beverage companies have created a wide range of new choices. developing smaller portion sizes and more low- & no-calorie beverages... adding clear calorie labels so you know exactly what you're choosing... and in schools, replacing full-calorie soft drinks with lower-calorie options. with more choices and fewer calories, america's beverage companies are delivering. with more choices and fewer calories, nigeria is observing three days of mourning for the victims of a devastating plannecrash innthe peart of the city of lagoss lagos.all 153 people on board the dana airrflight were pilled when thh plane went down in a densely populated sunday.witnesses say the plane appeared to be avinn engine problems.they say it hit tail first... smashing into a and bursting into least ten people on the ground were killed.the police had to use batons toobeat back huge crowds of onlookers so that emergency crews could get through.nigeria's president has ordered a full innestigation. the.. battle of midway... is called.... and decisive blow... in the - history of naval warfare"... by... military historians..../ and... it's crediied with changiig the course... of tte pacific campaign.. in... world war wo. today.. marks the 70th nniverssry... of the battle of midway.../ to.. mark thh navy memorial.. .held a wreath-layinn ceremony.. in... the nationa's capitaa... with phe u-s navy band and cereeonial guard. "sailors whooare living their legacy and adapting as necessary in missions around the world. their future success and our future success pearn and to aaapt to the historical events of our world." world."during the four-day battle, .. the and... prevented them... fromm- capturing midway island..../ it.. ended a string of japanese victories .. that began... at pearr harbor.. six months earlier. jury seleetionnin the sex abuse trial of jerry sandusky judge denied his attorney's lateet bid for a delay, clearing the wwy for beggn.sanduuky will stand trial on 52 counts of alleged sexuul abuse.tte former penn state assistant footbaal coach prosecutors say hh met his ys plleged victims through "the second mile," a charity he founded.sandusky broke his silence too bc'' bob ccstas in november...and ssid heewas innocent. 27-41"i have horsed arounn with kids. i have showered after workouts. i have hugged them and i have touched theer legg, withhut intenn of sexual " pontact."sandusky waived his right to a preliminary hearing pnd pleaded not guilty to all charges. he'' been unddr house &parrest ssnce december. ooto-mom .. for her lateet - gig... as a str! stripper!ssleman's rep.. coofirmed... that the mother of 14... will be performing ...aa he west palm beach strip club.../ in... tto shows a night.../.all.. to promote ...her newwadult video.../.this.. comes... after suleman filed 3from the small screen toothe stage... marylaad ii in thh pational spotlight in the entertainment industry. industry.candace dold... gives uu the inside scoop... foo today's lowdown. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3- &p3 3 the best amateur cooks in the coontry are getting reedd to compete on the fox show pmasttr chef".season three will premiere tonight and you will ee at least two finalists from our area.. we can't tell us how far they make it on the show but they did take us behind the scenes anddrevealed that this is a cut-tthoat competitionn plizzbett: everyone brrught their a-game. yes we weee ll priendly yes we all got along, but in the end everybody was extremely competitivv, that's what i hought.. we wall wanted o dooityou can see masterchef tonight at 9pm here &pnational attennion during the miss sa competition last night.sot: miss usa 2012 is rhode island..olivia culpo--which means your first &prunner up is maryllndmiss rhode island did take home the title... but we are so proud of miss maryland usa... nana meriweather... for coming in as the first runnnr up.the pageant was held in las vegas miss rhode isllnd will now represent the united states at pageant in december it seems we can't get through an entertainment report without ttlking abouu bieber is still to justin bieber's u-- tour sold out in just 11hour.get this.... the pop star's two shows at madison squareegarden sold out in onlyy33 secoods! justin will be at thh verrzon center in washington d-c on monday november 5-th.i'm candace dood nn that's your lowdown. not a game for the faint-hearted.thh object of this ásportá and why it's about more than jjst kicking youu opponents ssins. everyone's hair breaks. ♪ oh oh oh oh you see it in the brush... ♪ oh oh oh oh ooh oh ...and then there's the pillow. ♪ i dare you to dare me so they dared me to try this pantene. [ female announcer ] pantene anti-breakage the keratin protection system makes hair stronger reducing breakage up to 97%. ♪ think only salon brands can do that? i dare to compare... will you? [ female announcer ] anti-breakage from pantene. hair so healthy it shines. [ female announcer ] anti-breakage from pantene. sunshine and ffn. but the heat, the water and the bugsscan present their share of dangers. keeping safe can be as simple as keeping your mmrtphone eaaby. nearby.the sunnise app from the environnental protection agency gives the daily and hourly forecast for u-v rays wherevee you are, or wherever you're headed... while the suntan watcher app for iphone can reeind yoo to turn over, reapply sunscreen,,or check on alarm.there are also apps available to keep you safe on your bike and help you witt bug biies. no intense heat today but the sun is out and the day has been bea. long can we expect this beautiful weather to stick around? around?here's chief meeeorologist vytas reid. 3 adam jones has a m-r-i on his injured wwist...when the oos centerfielder expects to play... the car on the left was filled up with low detergent gasoline. while the car on the right was filled up with bp gasoline with invigorate. which helps clean and protect its engine so it can get a few more miles per tank than the car on the left. go a little farther with bp gasoline with invigorate. after lossng two of threeeto the rays this weekend, their fourth series loss in a row, the orioles have the night off...and they'll need to gather themselves...beginning tomorrow niihh, three straight at fenway...'s still unknown what the status of adam jjnes wwll be...he aggrivated his wrist during this slidd into that an mri taken today on jones' righttwrist was negative,,and he hopes to be in center field tomorrow night...mri's on both wrists contusions...jonne aaso saw a hand specialist in sarastoa it's undoubtedly a rrlief for the orioles, who already hhve 8 players on the disabled list... across town...the ravens begin their third...and last...ota of the spring tomorrow...a mandatory mmnicamp is set for nexx week...and as the pre- season gets underway, possible good news about an injured upe. superstar.. terrell suggss the reigning nfl deffnsive player of the year, is out with aapartiually &ptoon achillies...some say for the entire season..not suggs...he said today that he's alleady in a boot, and shoulddstarttwalking next week. suggs says he'll return quote, by late november at the true suggs fashion he says his return will shocc a lot of peeple nd wouldn't rule out a sscond straight defensive player fothe yeaa award..we'll see... first round of the major league baseballldraft is overall ppck...coming up e 4tt - tonight at 10-50 and 11-30 on sports unlimited... --toss to vytas-- vytas-- 3 3 3 it souuds like a gameeyou might get in trouble for playin. playing...but.. in the u-k .. , some consider this event... &pmore impootant ....han the olymppc games. games.residents ... in thh nnlish countrysiie.. call it... áthe cotswold olimpicksá .../ its ... star is... known as ...áthe shinn kicking championships.á.../ self-eeplanitory... / kick... the opponents' shins... until one competitor is rrught down.../the... harder the kick.. the bettee.../.organizers.. p say... all you need... is shins... feet... as... much straw you can put down your socks.../. 25-"i kind offget quite &pannnyed when people think tha liierally two guys facing each other aad kicking each other as hard as possible in the shinss the easiest wayssto describe it is it's a bii ike wrestling but with aalot of contact below the knees. the idda is really to throw the person to the ground, but to throw the person toothe ground you've got to unbalanceeby kicking them first." first."other games... at... áthe cotswold olimpicksá ... wweelbarrow race,á ... átug-of-war.á that's all for fox45 news at 5:30."family feed" is next. next.and we'll be back tonight for fox45 news at ten -- and the late edition at 11... 11...we'll see you later.

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United States , Lagos , Nigeria , Japan , Baltimore County , Maryland , Rhode Island , South Korea , Washington , District Of Columbia , Baltimore , America , Han , Japanese , Justin Bieber , Paul Gessler Fox , Paul Gessler , Candace Dold , Seneca Marina , Mike Hartman , Las Vegas , Candice Dold , Jerry Sandusky , Adam Jones , Stephanie Rawlings Blake ,

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