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hoping... that theaverage occupyyratewill be around 70- percent....that'sconsidered in downtown baltimore, john rydell, fox 45 news t five. join... our waste watch. if... call... our hotline.. 410-662-1456. or... go o fox- an unlicenssd cab driver will spend the rest of his life sentenced today to two liff perms... plus ore than 60 years ffr kiinapping and false imprisonment.. prosecuttrs say he picked up the viitim at a bus top on belair road,, hen drover her to clifton park and sexuully assaulted her at kniff point. a juryyconvicted hhm earlier this month. state police say three bodies have been ecoveeed from a large manure pit on the eassern shore. shore. police ssy man from pennsylvania and his two teenage sons were found in the septic ppnd on a arm in kent county.a tractor was found still runniiggbeside the pond where the three were believed to have working.there is o immediate word on the cauue of the deaahs but they are believed to be an accident. boaters could be a smelly holiday onnthe chesapeake bay. bbyy 3 &dead fish are turning up everywhere..... jeff abell has been out on the wwter and has some answers tonight, jeff..... 3 one state scientist says its been more than a quarter century since he's seen this many dead fish in the tens of thousands of dead fish started washing ashore in glen burnie on monday..... and this afternoon, more dead fiih began washing into the inner harbor. scientists say run-off combined with a growing number of algge blooms have left the waaerr especially polluted this season. thoseeliving along the bay, have spent all week attemptinn to clean up the mess..... 3 (20:05:46) "monday ww smelled he terrible fish the shoreline and seen long - thousands of dead fiss everywhere and they were still in tte water swimming, trying to get air i guess...." 3 right now, there's so little oxygen in the water that even blue crabs are choking for air along the surface... experts predict conditions wwll mprove....but they''re not sure when. jeff abell, fox 45 neww at 5:30. 5:30. 3 police... release... a composite skktch... offa killee.. wanted in the murder... of a northwest baltimore man.. last month. month. police.. say this gun-man... killed... a 52 year old man... who was walking... toohis front porch.../ when ...he was pelled.../ crime... and justice reporter joy lepola... showed neighbors... the sketch ...this aattrnoon..../ for... some people,... it brought back memorres...of the murder. 11:05:07 (woman) it's too much the killing the shooting it's too uch. (2-shot) 11:04:44 eventually i hope they catch him i don't care whh it is((vo-tag)) policc are asking anyone... in the community to call thhm..../ you.. can remain anonymous..../ they're.. just after the information. an investigation continues tonight by authorities in montogomery countt of a 9-1-1 &pemergency dispatcher who allegedly fell asleep duuing a randa ssephens has more on the story... myranda. pennifer.. it all began when phe woman called for help ... after her husband was having troubll breathing.the woman repeetedly said "helloo... without getting a response. &presponse. finally another dispatcher jumps in to assist... but the snoriig dispatcher could still be hhard throughout he &pcalll.. which actually confuued tte second emergency snoring as from the woman's husband! 50-100"hoo woold you feel if you were on the other siie of that, and all you heard when you called 911 was ssoring?" noo safe for the community, and if something ssriouu were to happen? what if someone else's life was at stake?" fire officials say the snnring dispatcher was á17-hoursá into a 24-hour shiff.he was suspended with pay... pending an investigation.myranda stephens, fox45 news att5:30. nearlyy2,0000 sparrows point steel mill workers will sooon be out of jobs. jobs. the sparrows point plant next month.the moves comes after the commany nnounced this baltimore county facility and other assets to potential buyers.rg steel bought thee mill last year and has struggled financially ever since.the company is also idling operations in ohio and west virginia.layoffs will begin on june 4 anddcontinue through june 18. &pafter two years of raining and recovery... six very for adoppion investigators found the pit bulls inside the basement of a home in baltimore county. cages and many had scars from being used as bait dogs for a dog-fiihting ring. others were being overbred.but they've all been givenna clean bill of health now. and volunteers have spent counttess hours re-training them o learn tricks aad good pannnrs.and workers at the baltimore humane society say they are all cleared forr adoption and would make ggeat p "she's just uch a sweet girl. very well behaved, well-adjusted. they haae wooderful temmeraments."> temperaments."> the sheeterr s offering free ongoing training and some with some veterrnary care to onnone interested in adopting or fostering the dogs. sooe baltimore students are getting out of the cllssroom..... aad into shapp. four---- 3 it was fit families field day at the hopkins track and field.... our very own patricc prom the stadium school. the program was started by monte sanders .. personal trainer to raa lewis and ed reed.sanddrs hopes to tackle childhood pbesity... by teaching ids a healthy lifesttle.... means getting their families involvvd. "p.e class s just not enough, pouve got to engage the this class is not work out, - trying to get them to eatt rrght and become more active, but to trr nd et them to become the voice of the family, say look mom i want more water, hey i wanttmore fruits and vegetables anddthen that way it becomes a little but more encouragint to the family. 3 3sanders has been working with them to compete in the field day activities. how are the roads looking tonig? tonight?carrie peirce has our prafficcedge report. report.mapfiier- 95 at 395 mot- 695 greenspringmap 3 a father looks for revenge against his son's principal. priicipal..hat he posted on the internet that had the principal's next employer 3 41-45 "literally death threats. i hope you dii. yes, we were very surprised." surppised."one pizza store is giving away free pizzas... but with a controiversial catch. and the problems of mosquitos go far beyond their annoyynce... we'll talk with an expert abbut the dangers associated with the insects... later in our take action thursday. 3 --adblibbweather tz-- the car on the left was filled up with low detergent gasoline. while the car on the right was filled up with bp gasoline with invigorate. which helps clean and protect its engine so it can get a few more miles per tank than the car on the left. go a little farther with bp gasoline with invigorate. an.. arizzna jury finds... a man guilty... after he to get back... at his on's ...assistant princcpa. principal.police say ... profile... on... an... x- rated website... thaa looked llke... it belonged... to the school official.// the reasoo?the... father thought... tte man... took his son's i-pod... nd... never gave it back/. the ... assistant principal... found out... about the website .... after ... applying... for another job....// the.. county attorney says... its a good lessoo... for everyone. idea for individuals to google &ptheir own name on the inteene and see whats out theee.")) phere..))the father... will be sentenced in june../. as.. for the assistaat principal... / he was just promoted to prrncipal. a.. dallas-based pizza chain... is giving out izza... to its customers... áfor free.á.../ you... have to spanish.the prommtion... is called "pizza por favor"".. / it's.. aimed at honoring iimigrants... living in america.../.but.. not veryone on board.. with the idea. "i don't agree with the to your ccuntry. literally peath threats. i hope you die. yes, we were very surprised. happened."some of the g happene" franchisess.. will.. have security in place... for the 1-day event.../ on... june 5th.../.the... company is expecting very long lines. mild winter. mosquitos are e - expected to be out in full force this year. and itching may be theeleast of your problems ... mosquitos also arry the est nile virus. virus. so how do you keep comfortable this summer? &p drew lenear with terminix joiis us with tips..what are we seeing with mosquiios-how do they breed -how do we reduce them around our ome-what are the disease what's the best bug repelllnt for adults & children? is there a certain kind of i should look for?tuttie- "are there any natural proddcts that you can put on your body lot of remeddes were old wives tales and ddd not work." 3 a suppise for the children of some soldiers earry homecoming ou dd not want to miss. 3 -3 --adblib weatherrtzz- a... scary flight for passengers ...on one small plane... in south fl. came... flying off the - plane... shortly after taking off.../. it... landed... in the middle f a just souuh of ffrt lluderrale..../the.. plane landed affly.../ fort lauderdale- hollywood inttrnational one... was hurt.../.the.. - p f-a-a is investigating. 3 3 3 rain for the last three days but sooe really warm weather cooing in... in...chief meteorologist vytas reid when. news breaks, access the latest informatton right on &pyour ccll phone./ download the fox45 mobile news app for your droid or i-phone../ it has headlines traffic and weather conditions.. / all at your fingertiis.../ go to foxbaltimore dot com .../ and look for ""obile" on the screen. 3 season eleven.. of... "american idol"... is in the books.../ books.../theenewwwiiner announced last night after record-setting finale. finale."phillips singing" singing"áphillip phillipsá taking the season eleeen title on a finale that massed over 132 million votes.he beat out runner-up 16- year- old ájessica sanchez.áhe was given the stage to sing whht will be overwhelmed with motion... he couldn't finiss.a day later... both finalists gave their 104-112"its a little scarr, don't know what to expect you know so i'm just gonna try to po like i've been doing, like through out the show just trying to take each day by day &pand try to take it all n aad try to nderstand all what's ha" excited, i waa happy for him. like i told him in top 3 you'rr going to win this hole competition ann i'm so proud of him, he's really fought through this whole competition with all his, you know,,his health issues aad like he's foughttharder than a lot oo us." us."you can see phillips and all of the other top contestant idol live tour at the firrt mariner arena august ninth. and just as the smoke begins to settle from ammricaa idol... áso you think you can danceá is ready for its ninth season.the judges score individuals and ggrups on their danniig styles and technique.this season judges say theee are quite a few more kids creating their own type of hip hop dancing.juuge mary morning news and talking about past ddncing on the show.go 1:01:20 - 1:01:39"yeah, we see a few crazies and of course we get to see some extraordinaryy &pperformmnces and sometiies th most magical moments happen right in front of us in ann audition and ttey don'tthappen very often in dancer'sslife wheee you just have somethihng that's one with the universe and everything just goes perfect for thee." them."so you think you can dance premieres tonight at 8:00... right here on fox 45. 3 ravens rookies have a big advantage over last year's plass...what joe ffacco sayss isscritical to their in sports unlimited.... the ravens wrapped up their first ota of the spring today.....they'll have two more anddthen a fulllmandatory minicap june 13th.they're pretty busy these ddys...a far cry from this time last year.. the nfl was in the miist of it's lockout last yeaa, and theee were no ota'ssno minicamps..nothing at all until they settled it ann training camps finally opened...the ravenn and every in...and at full, everything is baak to normal...and the rrvens feel that's a real advantage... p 3 a night offffor the orioles, their first in 20 days, and they still hold onto first east even after losing two of three to the redsox...and theee are reports that they could be adding a big name pitc. pitcher.. the orioles have reportedly enteree the running for veteran free agent rry oswwlt...a free agent last winter, oswalt turned doon offfrs from both the red sox and tigers, and has not played this year..he says he wants to return by june 15th....a two time 20 game winner with the astross oswalt sppnt the last two seasons with the phillies...the red sox and rangers are also said to be in the running. the orioles agree to a minor league deal with leftt handed reliever jccromero... plus we'll hear rom briann roberts as he makes a return po baseball...that's oming up tonight at 10-50 and 11-30 on sportssunlimited... --toss to vytas-- vytas-- 3 3 3 having a parent... serving overseas ... is hard enough....//hen... ábothá parents ...are depllyed../ , it's much tougher. tougher.ttat's why one army couple decided to make up for the time they were away with a very speeial surprise for their kids. kids.26-38 " crying" crying."the tearful and happy greeting inside the airport betteen travis and isela ulman and thhir children. airport thhnking they were 43-48 "i didn't really know we were going to do anyyhing. i thought it was ust scouts th" and ovee and then i want to show them my room and i want to bring them to schhol." schooll"for travis ulmmn, the break comessin the middle of his first deployment. for his wwfe isela, it is her secood trip overseas. &p that's all for fox45 newssat 5:30."family feud" is next. next.and we'll be back tonight for ox45 news at ten -- and the lateeedition at still thinking of replacing the truck? i just don't know where to start. glad you made it. start by choosing from over 30,000 used cars and trucks. carmax. start here.

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