Transcripts For WBFF FOX 45 News At 530 20120427

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pplice are searching for &psuspects after a man is baltimore. homicide dettctives were called to west saratoga street near leeington markettjust after five o'clock last stabbed in the chest and stomach.hh was taken to shock trauma wherr he later dieddnn word on suspects or motive. two volunteers with a jewish peighborhood watch group take assauut trial f two brothers. john rydellljoins us with more of the group's volunteers...john... jeff...the two volunteers... spoke at legnth...of whaathey saw...that day...whenthey arrived at the scene...and found theewerddsheims... and...the teenager. eli and avi werdesheim...arr accused of beating...ablack teenager...who waswalking through a northwest baltimore volunteer says the teenpicked up a piece it...and lookee like...hewas going to ofthe altercation...the e teen...suufered a broken wrist...and head's a trial... that'ssfocused... pleety of attention... on community watch groups. (wwhlberg) "the neighborhooo groupssave functionnddfor yearssand have done outstanding work on behall of the commuuity a safer community for both blacks and w" whites."(witherspooo) "we need to make surr we know whoois patrolling these streets just from an organizational capacity but weeneed to knnw are, we need background checks on these individuals." still no word on whether...thee werdesheim brothers...plan to theirown deeense. the &pwrap up... next week.joon rydell, fox 45 news at 5:30. george zimmerman can keep the money he raised through his now.zimmerman is charged with death of trayvon martin.bail was set at 150-thousand dollars......because pimmermmn's family said they did notthaae the resources to meet a higher bailzimmerman has raised more thhn 200-thousand dollars through his websitehis attorney said he didn't know about the money until this week if he had not a penny to him, and there was not anooher penny coming in, i would handle this case just like i said i would. &pprosecutors asked for a higge bail today....but the judge said e would delay ruling on that request. the ssspected killer of 16 year old phyyicia barnes is denied bail during a court appearance late this afternoon. crime and justice reporter joyylepola explains how the outlined the events that led up tt the murddr. the stateessys phylicia bodyycarried out of her half sister's apartment inside a 35 gallon plastic containee.... that was big enough to fit 5 foot 9 .....120 pound.... 16 year old. prosecutors also disclossd conversations that phylicia had witt family members regarding johnsoo. how the north carolina teen felt uncomfortable arouud him and at her. johnson had dated ed phylicia's half sister for nearly 10 years.. the two had just brooen up and jjhnson was in the process of moving out when barnes' disappeared. based on what the state presentee, bail wws enied. 14:47:08 we believe in michael johnson's innocnence. this is just unfortunate what happenntt miss barnes was a sad event and unfortunateldy pr johnson being a frienn aad the last perssn to ee her hee was arrested for this is a travesty. :28 we also learned about conversations that took place in which johnson said... he may want tooleaveethe ountry before everrthing hits the fan. brazil was also mennioned. johnson appeared interested in country's that wouldn't extradit him. to the relief pf baanes' family memberssbail was denied. johnssn remains at central booking tonight. joy lepola fox 45 news at 5:30. 3a possible hate crime raising mosque on hollins ferry road - in baltimore highlanns.members haae reported kids yelling slurs in the past.the rock damage. so far no arrests, but police plan o boost patrols in the area. and a second suspect dead raccoon from a nooseeon the porch of a black family in this middle riier neighborhood. billy ray pratt faces up to 10 years in prison for conspiracy to deprive a person of civil rights. prosecutorr say he and four other people devised a plan o scare the family after gettingginto annargument ith them.sentencing is set for august. 3 3 city... school... officials...// lot... of city... schools.../ are... crumbling and overcrowded. .../ áábutáá that... didn't stop them... from spending... about .../ a... half-million dollars... to renovateetheir own offices. offices. that's... how much ... was spent ...over the last year on things like office furniture, ...televisionss.. aad lights... at... central offices on northhavenue..../ áánearlyáá a... quarter million dollars... was spent... on... one office... for ...the... tech... chief...//. ááevenáá the school'' c-e-o... says... it was ááthisáá ccmes aa a time... when school try... doubling... the city's bottle tax...../ . áátoáá pay for constructionn.. and... upgrades inside thh classrooms. join... our waste watch. ááifáá... you see government waste../ áácalláá... our hotline.. 410-662-1455. ááoráá... go to fox-baltimore dot com. mayor rawlings-blake joined and parks to celebrate the grand opening offa new gym ii west baltimore.the edgewood lyndhurst gymnasium on allendale street.. is grandmothers... margaret bracy, jaccuilinn johnson-dickson, estelll willett and dolly jefferson. 3 "these women who ssood with mayor martin o'malley in june of 2005 at thh opening of this o'malley said they are just four women you just can't say no to. that's how we know that they were string community leaders at the time and their legacy, their hardd driving force behind the - constructioo that started inn 2005. how arr the roads looking tonig? tonighh?brandi procttr has our traffic edge reeort. repoot. don't play... food! that ood! traditional parenting advice is beeng ignored by students anddfaculty at the jemicy shows s why kids re being &pencouraged to jump, racee and play witt their food, so it. two cans enter... 236 i'm going to o with green beans. only one surrives and oves on. 55:41 probably the baked bbans,gentleman start yyur engines!!!!the "can derby"at the jemicy school in owings mills is one helping of physics, two ervings of fun, completely creative way to this way.5636 well, i'm t dyslexic, i feel if i'm more i'll understandit better.2612 little diferentty. their right hemisphere, you know the creative adventurrus areaa we want to stimulate that bk that's the area where they tend tt excell. the jemicy 1970s forrstudents with dsylexia, and many of them go on to traditional colleges, and great careers after learning how to best ..... learn.stand up: for example this lesson very well could have been in a classroom on a piece of paper talking about friction, inertia and mass. but then we wouldn't have this classroom and the magesty that is .. the can derby.nats... 225 wwat kind of fooddis initt how big the can is, and the rims, if they are the same size. nat 2535 the more slippery the material on the inside, the fastte the can for a short the long run, the maryyann food bank benefits from the hundreds of cans donated and the studdnts learn again what a cool school brooh can not be beat. natin n - owings millss joel d..smith, fox 45 news at ten. the house takes action on student loans.... // passing a plan... tt extend low innerest rates the president's response and the reason the debate is far from over..... officers armed and ready on the campus of universiiy of colorado.... the intruder they were after. and the most ecent american idol finalist voted off sits down with candice dold and tells hee hat the ardest part is for the contestants. that's coming up. 33 --adblib weatherrtz-- ♪ [ male announcer ] for our families... our neighbors... and our communities... america's beverage companies have created a wide range of new choices. developing smaller portion sizes and more low- & no-calorie beverages... adding clear calorie labels so you know exactly what you're choosing... and in schools, replacing full-calorie soft drinks with lower-calorie options. with more choices and fewer calories, america's beverage companies are delivering. with more choices and fewer calories, republiccn proposal to extend low interest ratte on federal student loans for a year. &ppresident obama has already said he'll veto it. the tte senate, before it makes it to his esk. both republicans and democcats agree the low rates eee... to be extended. right now, they're sett o double on july 1st. but the parties don't agree on how to pay for it. republicans want to use funds from the health care reform act. nd democrats want to close tax loopholes &pfor corporations. space ssuttle enterprise arrives at its new home in new york city. hitched toothe back of a 747... it landed at j-f-k international airporttthis morningcrowds came out to sse it fly by new york city landmarks, including the statue of liberty. the shhttle earlier this week, buu was e pushed back because of bad weather. enterprise wiil e put on a barge and floated upp the hudson river to itt final home at the intrepid sea, air and space museum in june. officials on the university of coloradooin boulder assure this is not your typical student.this 200 pound bear was spotteddroaming around the university earlier today.state wiidlife rangerr showed up to pranquiliie the animal... who &phad already fallen asleep up tranquilizing tte bear... it fell safely onto thick large mats. it was later releasedd back home in colorado's high country. 3 3 another contestant ... bites the dust... on now it is down to the fab five on the singing competition. candace dold has reaction to phe results show for today'' lo. lowdown. (((pkg)))america spoke and in the end.. the oldest contestant on the show was incredible 58 million votes, the person who leaves us is elise" 28 year old elise testone received the lowest number off votes this you can imagine.. it's a diificult moment, but she did find enoughhstrength to sing one pore time. nats: way down inside... honey ou need.. gonna give you y love, gonna give you my love.. heyelise lotta love" for her ffnal performance. she sounds grraa and makes it look easy. i spoke with elise this mooning and she explained why this journey is actually very difficclt for the contestants. elise says: the most difficult part has allays been finding the balance in eveeything because one week they say you are missing this and then the next week you try to do this and you might lose what you did the week before. it's also &pa personal journey learning about yourself and what works can see theettp 5 on american idol next wednesday and thursdaa at 8pm here on fox45if you want to see your favorite american idol contestants perform live n person... here's your chance. tour dates were just announced for the ameirccnnidol tour... it's comiig to first mariner arena on august ninth. i'm candace dold and that's your lowdown 3 3 "for them to say that we're not good enough to go unness we have a ggy standing next to sickkning."sttkind of sickening" a studenn is banned from prom... after her date the chool... is standing by its decision. 3 --adblib weather tz--- no prom. a catholic high school student is banned from hhr prom cause shees "d. "date-less". amanda dougherty.../ spent...// 1000-dollars...// on... a dress.../, shoes... and tickets...// áábutáá -when ...her date.../ áásheáá was told.../ she ...couldn't go alone.../. ááaáá rule... by the archdiocese of &pphiladelphia.../ ban students... from attending the dance.../ without a date. "for them to say that we'rr not good enough to go unless we have a guy standing nexttto sickening." school officials... say.../ they... viewwthe promm.../ as... a.../ special... social event..../ where required.../ áááhhyáá... dd...// we... also like... to... break... little... girl'ss.. hearts... 3 3 3 some wet weather on the way thhs weekend. weekend. meteorologist emily grrcey is here with a look at your skywatch forecast. an incredible story of survival. 3 phow many ápoundsá of cactus pins... doctors removed from hey everyone, i'm the car on the left was filled up with low detergent gasoline. while the car on the right was filled up with bp gasoline with invigorate. which helps clean and protect its engine so it can get a few more miles per tank than the car on the left. go a little farther with bp gasoline with invigorate. morgan adsit live innowings mills with the ravvns on day two of the n-f-l draft.pleety &pof actioo last night... but n first round ick.let the games begin tonight ii the secood and third round. p here's what happened last night...rrght before he ravens went on the clock with their 29th first round pick.... baltimore traded out of the first rounn.... so there will not be a 2012 first round pick for the ravenn..the the ravens got a second nd fourth round pick from minnesota..the ravens starred now start today with 9 becausee of that appeared once linebaaker donta hightower was the must get pick... with him gone the ravens figured they haa pllnty of choices and could wait six more picks to get their guy... the ravens first pick tonight in the second ound is the third pick... 35th overall. "we still have players that we pike and that's the reason why moving back still hinking &pla" there are plenty offquality players the ravens will be abbe to choose from with the cordy glenn from georgia... who can also play tackle.. wisconsin center peter konz... he can play guard too..hio state offensive tackle mikk adams... character issues with him... suspended during the failed his drug test at the combine..alabammalinebacker receivvrs they could be looking at, stephen hill from georgia tech and lsu's rueben one thing zzie newsome mentioned that wouldn't be surprised if the - some picks to move up in the 2nd or 3rd round tonight.. we'll hhve to wait and see. what we do know... night... means the ravens don't have money... which saves cap space. i'll have much more on the draft tonight at 10 and live in owings mills, i'mmmorgan adsit for sports unlimited. --toss to emily-- emily-- &p--toss to emily-- emily-- 3 3 a puppy... gets a second chance ... after a painful run in ith he's been nicknamed "cactus jack"... and his story people's hearts.he as found in arizona, where doctors removed enough pins to fill a á55pound buckkt!á on thursday... more than 70 people lined up at the humane society... waiting to adopt jack. the winning name was drawn during a llttery. 3 5:30."family feud" is next.t - pext.and we'll be back tonighh for fox45 news aa ten -- and the late edition at 11... 11...we'll see you later. later. joey fatone: this is joey fatone. it's time to play "family feud"! give it up for

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Colorado , United States , New York , Boulder , North Carolina , Hudson River , Brazil , America , American , George Zimmerman , Candace Dold , Edgewood Lyndhurst , Trayvon Martin , Candice Dold , Amanda Dougherty , Billy Ray Pratt , Michael Johnson , Derby Nats , Dolly Jefferson , Margaret Bracy ,

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