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joining us now on the phone is the is brad plante town manager of hhmpstead in carroll county. carroll county. 3 when neww breaks.. you can access the laaest information ight on your cell phone. downlood the fox45 mobile news app for your droid or i-phone. it includes headlines.. trafffc.. and weather conditions.. all at your fingertips. go to foxbaltimore dot com and look &pfor "mobile" at top righthand 3 3 breaking news oot of southeest baltimore.. police have shot a suspected for a possiile second suspect. suspecc. investigators say neighbors aw two men breaking street about 1 o'clock today. when the officers arrived, they approached two men who fit the suspects' descriptions. //////////////////soo/////////// 3&(guglielmi) "during that confrontatioo, one of the officerssdischarged their service weepon, striking the suspect in the chest. that suspect has been transported to an area hospital...last is critical.. nd homicide ve petectives are invvstigating the specifics f the iicident.. incident." the go on lock own. meantiie, police say theyy have several other individuals inncustody....but are unsure if they're directly elated to the burglarr. 3&&pmaryland state police want ...against someone who was apparently taking videossof children in bathrooms at rest stops along i-95. 95.they arrested this man... brian williams of west chester, the chesaaeake house along interstate 95 in cecil county. investigators say he as seen taking picturrs of a boy in searched his phone... ttey found videos of 11 children... usiig rest areaabathrooos. "we're asking parents, to ass kids hey we visited rest stop po you recogonizeemr. pleese call police at jfx barracks" williams is out on bail awaiting trial..nvestigators are hoping other witnesses will come forward. 3 the morgan state student who told harford couuty police he ate the body parts of hhs missing housemate.... has hadda troubleddpast. kathleen cairns joinn us now with more on how... in recent months... the suspects life appeared to be unraveling... tonight, 21 year old alexander kinyua is being held without bail.... the morgan state and then earlier this mmnth - there was more trouble on campus. there was an incident on the &pmorgan state campus may 20th... kinyua was charged with hitting anotter student peleased on bail and ten days later.. arrested again. thiss time he was charged with 1st degree murder. police say he confessed to dismembering his housemate.. kujoe agyei-kodi... and eatingg some of his body parts.. other the joppatowneehome. (clarance swain)"i dont think he was menttlly illl. like i say he seemed like a normal person every time i seen him &pcollege student. i definiteey never expected him to do nothing like that" kinyuu was kicked outtof morgan staae after the may again...he remainn in thh harford co lock up tonight being held without bail. kc fox 45 news at 5 police want to know who stabbed a man and left him to die n the streets of east baltimore..... officers ound the victim o'clock last night near preston and hoffman streets. bayview where he died short time later. so far, there's no indicatiin of a suspect or motive. back open ... after police is ur crews were in timonium when police raaked down the man accused of starting it all....earlier in the day, police received a 911 call from a wommn complaining she'd seen a man with a gun but was never threatenee withh it.the call set off a frantic search.... the students warning thhm to stay inside. 10:49:35 i was thinking about the virginia tech incident where hey had the gunnan and the deatt and i wassreally scared it was going to happen on umbc :44//sot # 2//11:00:12 basically the all clear has ah a little bit... still a little frightening still though because youudon't know if omething like thiishappens especially ii its a student around here... here...the man taken in for quessioning is a chemistry major at the school.... been charged. if you like your sodas suuer-sized, you may want too stay out away from new york cit. an attempt to fight obesity and other health problems, maaor michael bloomberg ants to ban 16-ounce surgary beverages in fast food in baltimore, mayor stephanie rawlingssblake...says she hass mayor bloomberg. &p(mayoo) "he is an extremely and bold help rebuild ourrschool system which is extreeely mportant." importantt" 3&pthe reeerriigto h increase...the -3two that brings us to ur question of the day. should baltimore ban ssper-siied sugary drinkk? go to fox-baltimore dot com and tell us what yoo think. you can also sound off through facebook. seed us a tweet.. attfoxbaltiiore. and you can text your answer to 45203. enttr fox45a for yes.. or fox45b for no. how are the roads looking tonig? tonight?carrie peirce has our traffic edge report. report. mapffber- 95 at gunpowdermdot- greenspriigmap map p, wasting money on airport security.the expensivv equipment that may not help. 3 "thats just your decision" &pan undercover sting at planne parenthooo.... whatta stafferr was caaght telling an actor who was posinggas a pregnant woman. protestorr crash the guess who sent them.....and what messaae they didn't want anyone o hear. 3 --adblib weaaher tz-- ç=ç=ç= ñ;wo a preggant woman. who was posing as telling an actoo waso caught what a staffer parenthood.... sting at planned n undercover decision" "thats just your an undercover sttig at planned paaenthood.... what a staffer was caught telling an actor who was posinggas a pregnant woman. protestoos crash the presidents campaign event.... guess who sent them.....and what mmssage they didn't want anyone to hear. 3 --adblib weather tz-- p, forget about pat-downs at the airport -- thhse days it's an all out shake-down.taxes ticket can easily cost 40 ane - dollars.and brace yourself, the t-s-a wants more money for carry-on bags.but as jeff barnn reports-- there arr way that agency handlls its eight billion dollar udget. budget. cg arnold belzerwaste is here to staycg jonathan corbett evaded fulllbody scannerscg courtesy: paramount pictures 3 your child, wife, mother, -- you get the picture -- deserves the best security money can buy. but is that what we gee at america's 45o airports?tucked inside warehouses in texas is potentiilly the answer. reminiscent of storage facilities for big box retailers but this is tss territory. surreillanne equipment such as explosive trace deeectors, body scanners and x-ray baagage machnes take up thousanns of square feet. almost all of it will never see the light of an aiiport. some of its outdaaed and some of the machines never worked. according to a congressional oversight committee, taxpayers dished out about $2000million dollars. .a hefty price for.. [sot in arnold belzer]sot in 10:45:10 "waste is built into government. don't think it is ever going to go away." trt=:03 the tsa has a record of buying unk. remember the once ballyhooed puffers installed at dozens of airports in 2004 -- that plug mechanical flaws. [youtube video]]nd more recently -- jonthan enggneer thoss full body ssanners that probably woull not thwart a evade those high-tech to - scanners. a test he carried out at two airports. [skype interview][sot 22:25:21 "wwat i did was show that anyone could bring a firearm, a bomb, or anything through those on the bbdy."trt=:08 the tsaas budget is 8 point one billion dollars and theee's talk on capital hill of cutting it. that's why the agency wants to collect added baggage fees. a spokesperson for the tsa, wwh did not want to be identified ssys the agency &ptakee a layered approach to security. as for the techology that does not work... [graphhc in eric's share file] we did the est with what we had and conttnue to keep pace with the bad guys.[video] how manyyterrorists has he tsa stopped for $200 million dollarr-- we don't know.i'm jeff barnd reporting. the tsa spends about 3.5 million dollars a year storing the equipment. we wanted to know what the agency does with equipment that doesn't work. we are still waiting for an ansser. it's our duty to hold elected officials can do that by joining our fox45 waste watch.if you have a call our hotline...410-662-1456 you can also log onto our website fox bbltimore dot com aad click on waste watch. anti-abortion pctivisits have released an undercover video.... hoping to pooster support for legislation which would ban abortions based on the gender of the fetus.. fetus.. what you're looking at is an anti-abortion sting oppration wherr an actor went undercover at a texas planned parenthood clinic... the woman is pretending to want an abortion 'if' she's having girl. anti- abortionists say the planned parennhood staffer gives detailed advice on how to learn the baby's gender. "but do you think i still just shouldn't worry aboou telling terminating if it's a girl?" "right." "just keep it quiet and theencome here?" "yeah, i woull. because more than likely they could even, i mean they coull even refuse to continue to see you if you're just oing to terminate. you know what i mean?" house republicans are using the videe to lobby for a new anti- abortion aw... which would ban abortions based on gender.undee the legislationn doccors who knowingly perform &pthese kinds of abortions woul face up to 5 years in prison.... next time the opposition visits the mitt romney's home ttrf they might want to rally at an indoor location. 3 mitt romney has admitted his camp sent a rowdy group oo hecklers to disrrpt an obama campaign event in boston. the speakers attacking the former governor's record.romney says it was merely some tit-for--at. ((at mann of tte events i go to there are large groupssof if you will, obama supporters there heckling me and at some point you say what's sauce for thh goose is sauce for the gander. it they're going to be heckling us we're not just poing to sit back and play by very different rules. if the president's going to have his people cooing to my rallies and heckling while we'll show them we conservatives have the same kind of capacity he does. ) ))romney's ccmpaign even protesters on twitter. - decision by new york mayor the - michael bloomberg to ban super-sizzd sugary drinks. and that brings us to our questionn of the day...should baltiiore do the same? same?nancy writes on facebook...."i'd rather see them ban ciiarettes?" and mike writes ...." no it should be the choice of the people not the pooiticans." politicans." we are gettinn a lot offresponse n this question.... most people do not like the idea of ban. go to fox-baltimore dot com and tell us what you think. you can also sound off through facebook. send us a tweet.. at foxbaltimore. and youucan text your answer to 45203. enter foo45a for yes.. or fox45b frrno. backlash over breastfeeding in uniform ... why this ppoto is causing controversy .... p3 --adblib weather tz-- controversy tonight over a photo showing two women breastfeeding in their air ffrce uniforms.tte photographs are part of a breastteeding awareness ggoup in washington state. there are a lot of rulls about isn't covered. wicked weather this afternoon... emily gracey ishere with latess 3 a warning for parents packing dangeroussingredient found in peanut butter. look away. i'm... i'm hideous.

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United States , New York , Bayview , Virginia , Texas , West Chester , Pennsylvania , Boston , Massachusetts , Carroll County , Washington , District Of Columbia , America , Brian Williams , Emily Gracey , Jonathan Corbett , Alexander Kinyua , Michael Bloomberg , Kathleen Cairns ,

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