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Mcconnell the minority ch leader. And Vice President ago. Biden met with senate details. And the senate may vote on tte deal within sides were frustrrted thattthe deal took so long thune says i just find it wrrng their hands and talk pbout gee whiz, i hope we can plast day, as we puu two peopl together basically to esolve t this. Yarmuth says the American People are looking att congress with disdain and rightfully ss. With the deadline of the fisccl cliff only hours away, we failed to to move the economy forward o the middle class. Thhehouse is scheduled to come back tomorrow at noon hhre in maryland. The ownerof seeeral restaurant is nervously ann breakthrough. And as john businesssan is worried. What wwll bbein the deal deal theyre countinggdown thh king. Hates to beethe grinch. But hes received no president. Or congress. That fiscal cliff. Is imminent. I think 2013 will bring a lot off uncertainty and a lot of challenggs. Kiig owns severall restaurants. And ffars. That starting new year day. Therell beautomatic increasee. In the federal payroll tax. king and itts a the board for all of oor empllyees, theye gging to feel it, their paycheckks going to feel it, were going percent. King says y that two. That. Combined with addittonal eepenses. To impleeent. The new health caae law. Could be a big setback. king at the end of the day, it looks like its going to mean us layinggpeoplee off which is the worst tting that a Small Business ccn do, its a terrible feeling. Cliff. Are also dampening the spirits. Of some other. New ppears revellrs. arena well the military on active duty pnd when i retire inneight and a half years, i mean it could affect my retirement. rydell people feer shrinking paychecks, thatterodee Public Confidence which translates into fewer diners at his restaurants. king and when you knocc em back aggin, take ore money out of their paycheck, thatssjust one more hurdle thats going to keep people at home and not going out and spending moneyynot the wy. That james kiig. Envisioned. Starting. A new at ten. N rydell, ffx 45 news jamee king owns j. Kings steak and seafood in gambrills. The rockfish n annapplis. Anddseveral green so. Theepotential deal could change. But heres hat we know aboot the fiscal cliff deal right now. Now. The mmrginal tax ratee forrhouseholds making more than 450 thousand dollars to 39point6 percent. Percenn. The 2peecent payroll tax cut ffr every working end. There could be a permaneet fix to the alternative minimmm. Tax. There could be a 5 Million Dollar eeemption on amount. Thh tax rate would go from 5 tt 0percent percent. And the sequester will apparently be deeayed. Whiieethe fiscal cliff resolution hangs in tte pbalance. Americans could soo breatte a sigh of relief when it comes to milk prices. Prices. Lawmakerssagreed to sign a one year extension of the us arm bill. That would ssop prices from douuling in 2013. The house of representatives the agricuuturr coomittee. The nnxt step is to see if it will be passed by the house and penate. And the be signed by the president. Heres a live look at the capitol tonight. Well take a look at just how alittlea lawmakers inside that building got done this year. In 10 minutes. On fox45 news at ten it was a violent weekend in baltimore. As olice investigate four separate shoot. Shootings. The latest involves a man shot in of reisterssown road and bryant avennu. We were on the arrived just after 5 30 last piggt. Thee found the man with multiple gun shot wounds. The investiiation backed up for lues. Police havvnt released any inffrmation on tte suspect. Or he victims condition. And a man was shot in baltimore. It happened on fenwick road around 3 30 shooter fled the sceee. He acttally slammed his ccr iitoo an off duty ooice car. Portheasttdistriit police are still searching for the shooter and his etaway car. Police are asking you o information on these four seperate hootings. Pwith less than two hourssleft has surpassed last years murder ccunt. There have been 216 homiciies this year. P011. Ed to 97 in all of 2012 was more violent than past year in the city of gessler was there as ccmmunity phomicide victims. Paaltys minutes to read the 216 names. New pooice commmssioner panthony bbtts ddscribed as 216 too many. Many. reading names as baltimore prepares to ring in the new year. Names Community leaders look back at he bloodshed of 2012. namess216 names are read aloud. 19. 21. 22 violence. And part of the commmssioner anthhny batts, too many brothers, too mann s daphne alston, mothee of murder viitim why do we llok at them likk thhyre animals . Why do we think that they were just bad people . Wooen like year nd vigil. Her own son killed four years ago. Daphne alston, mother of muuder victim you could lose them in a car accident, but its the young human beeng. These kids havveno respect for human life anymore. Srb the people who streets are sons, daughters, fathers. Their loss is tragic to their families and to this city. names from other guy something should never bb given back. names baltimore ciiy police these ppeople had nnmes. They had dreams. They hhd aspirations. names candle burns oot 3 antii homicide caapaign vigil here at the stepp of the war gessler, fox45 nnws at tenn 2012 ends in a littleeless than 2 hours. Hours. And Melinda Roeder is live at the inner harbor. Pgetting ready to ring in he meeindar. Melindaa 3 heavy securiit is inneefect for baatimores new in effect foo heavy security is eavy security is in effect for baltimores new years eve celebration. But as crime and justice reporter jjy llppla say. Says. The stepped up seeurity isn stopping at the innerrhaabor. pkg as the stage is set police are already in place. From the ground anddfrom the air. 6 45 56 theres gonna be cops everywhere were gonna be on corners were gonna be walking ffot were gonna be driving arounn in cars 00 witt pptrol cars. Ccuising through cityynneghborhooos o keep cclebatory unfire from perupting. New tactics. Perimeter around thh harbor. Ffr crood control is just one oo those tacttis. 6644 0 and pit really alloos foo ncreased scrutiny over exii and entry points it also alloos for post event traffic on pratt street real issue 1 nat pop thhusands offpeople to be here to enjoy the fireworksthis evening there are aaso cameras that will beekeeppng a close eye on any potential trouble out of the six hundred 3 citywide. One hundred are specifically focused on the harbor. 43 28 theyrr gonna be extra eyes and ears for as good news to visitors. Mes 8 12 03 i dont feel uncomfortable with large groups butt bites and cover8 11 46 usually with a bigg nough grouu theres gonna be eeough peoole there ashton hobbs whos vissting from north Thousands Police innend tt keep safe tonight. Joy lepola fox 45 nees at ten. Tactics used tonight y policee cooe as aaresult of past celebrations at the harbor that resulted in people being seriously injured. Something police hope to avoid tonight. 2012 ends in a little lees than 2 hours. Hours. And Melinda Roeder is live at thh nner harbor. Harbor. Where people are geeting ready to ring in the melinda 3 3 33 theesecond season has arrive for thh ravens. And theeteam with themm. Just thissafternoon. Afternoon. The ravens delivered several of these posters to s. Nd saad they plan to paint tte town purple this yearr. Just like they did last ear. aanddfans who locate the 2 golden logos painted somewhere n maryland pn wednesday mmrning. Will have the opportunity to win 2 playoff gaae. Ports director Bruce Cunningham is here withh playoff opponent. For the purple and black. Bruce . Bruue . With an up ann doww regular season behind ttee, theravens now look right down the sunday, they open the nfl pndianapolis olts. Hhe the ravens have been , of course, a bbttered football team. Numerous injuries losing streak. In december. And losses in four of theirr last ive games. But the probabll takethe field and the favored. By 6 and a half. It all looks to e cominn tooetter and john harbbugh feels pretty upbeat, to ay thh least. I llke the fact thht weve overcome a lot of adversity both peesonal aad ttam. I like tte fact that our ggys have stuck tooeeherrthrough a lot lloking forward to seeeng who we aae for theenext one gaae through how ever many ggmes we to be a big challenge. Its a great opportunity and i wouldnnt want to be cooching any otherrteam esides the ravens. What does olts head coach chuck pagano thinnabout coming back to baltimore . . Hats unlimited. At 10 50 on sports that brings us to our question beat the colts . Heres a look at our facebook page. Most people say thee the discussiin by going to facebook dot com slash Fox Baltimore 3 the light ulbs you will anota bb able to buy tomorrow. And thh more expensive ones youll have to buy iistead. Laterronnfox45 newssat ten. neville stanfiild i want it clooed. Completely utttrly forever closed. Ut nxt. A killing. Outside of a bar in glenn burnie. The othee crimess. Aa the very same place. After the break chances are, youre not made of money, so dont overpay for motorcycle insurance. Geico, see how much you could save. The new year tonight,anne ng Arundel County Police arr hot as Kathleen Cairns reports, outside the same Glen Burnie Nats budwieser truck rollssin ffont voice nly josh groves this is detrichs. A buuy afternooo. On theecorner oo road. While some are heree to apick upa ooze for new years eve tap nats putting up fllwers sonya. Makes a adeliverra voice onll over shot looking at sign sonya i just wrote est in peace sir you willlbeemissedsir keith jones. Also known as gee was gunned down in this parking lot sunday evening. Man. A good personthe pavement shows. Where shell casings landed. And a life ended. guy on bike its been out of controll a fatal shooting. At aapopullr tavern. cairns this is noo the first homicide on his property, there was one inn 2009 and again in 2010. Two other men murdered. And two men are now serviig time homicides. Neville ose stanfield i want ittclosed. Ccmpleeely utttrly forever closed. Ome blame thee bar. Others. Do not. I mean the peepll aae nice r. Inside of it. You cant help what goes on ouuside of it. Almost every direction. But sources tell us. The shooting happeneddin a blind however, at the pizza s. Shop across the street. Another camera a ay a have police investigaae. Friends of the latest homicide victim. Mourn. voice only you will forever be missed. In glen burnie kc fox 5 news at 10 hhve stepped up patrols around inveetigatorssare also in discussions with the liquor poard and the bar owners. An unattendeddccadle is peponsible for 100thousand dollars in damage to a home in. Aberdeen. Ou can see flames shooting out of a wwndow of a home on defense drive. The fire broke out at about 11 pm lives in the homm discovered the fire. She and her brrther pand grannmother escaped. When you see it send itt you can ploaa photos and videos by going to foxbaltimore dot com and clicking on see it psoot it send it. Or yoo can send photos diiectly frommyou cell phonn. Send them to pics at foxbaltimore dot com. The 112th congress is aamost ddy of 2012. By mosts meassres the 112th has bben a historic failure failure [hd old bin 1112th faiiure please export as wbffo112ofailurr]time iss nearlyyup for the 12th. It comes not a minute oo soon pn Corrine Brown d fllrida] soo in 14 i have got to tell invented, i would say this congress nvented the word do nothing congress. Do nothing. Trt 12do noohing. The evidence sppaks for itself. As of last weee, lawmakers passed 229 bills less than half phe number worked out in 2010. Okllhoma]sot in 100 44 lets go home and prepare a farm bill, debate when we come lets just go home. Trt 09 [video on lucas sound of lawmakers running or walking the their ccrs. ] home. Not phousee is where representatives were more numbers beeow out from the clookk the house was in session for 130 days this year the senate held aameasly 100 floor sessions. [take sot david williams]in 436 27 when you talk to embers of congress that tooo six weeks off in thh summer, six weeks off before the eeection, ad now they aae complaining that they have to be herr for chhistmas talking about the fiscal clif, they created this mess. Trt 10[still phott of harry truman]by ann measure the 112thhwill go ddwnnas the moss uunroduccive congressional body sinne the 1940s hen harry truman pcoined do notting to describe the 80th congress which assed more than 900 bills. [take david willlims]sot pin 4 6 21 they dont understand what taxpayers want and what the country needs. Ttt 04[take shot of hoe grinding ]ntsnd 21 19 05trt 02 for Many Americans the 212th is similar to a worn out shoe that needs replacement or at the least a new soul. Im Jennifer Gilbert reporting. According to a rasmuussn poll 69 percent rate Congress Performance as ppor. The survey was based on responses from onethouuand how about the 3 as 2012 comes to a close lets take a moment to rrmember theelivvs we lost this year, who impactee so pany of us. Myung moon unification avv ccurch founderphyllis diller pomedienne 3 3 something was just wrong, i hhard screeming and yelling. A broken front door. And thii homeowner had in store por the guy. In aaouu 15 minutes on fox45 news at ten [ female announcer ] the one for all. Mcdonalds dollar menu. Home of the mouthwatering grilled onion cheddar burger, topped with melty white cheddar and caramelized onions. Plus all your tasty favorites for just a dollar each. Every day, as always, theres a lot to love for a little on mcdonalds dollar menu. On mcdonalds dollar menu. Harbor. Melinda roeder joins pmooe. 3 wel ssow you the preparrtions in new york city. To ring in the new year. In about minuues on fox45 nnws at tee the new year wwll mean the peginning of same sex marriages in maryland. Maryland. And tonight ww caught up with one of the married at midniiht at Baltimore City haal. Ever since the aw passed. Really taken off. Anted to get marrieddand nnw they ccn. Can. Darcia saassits all about getting the same rights as everyone else always had. And she added shes more nervous about getting married than making istory. Some maayland residents hit hard by superstorm sandy. Are gettiig some exxra relief. Relief. Residents offsomerset county who experienced significcnt damage will be eligiile for food stamps pecauue of the isaster. The Program Provides one month of benefits. January 7 through 13th t thh county department of social services and the disaster precovery center in crisfield. P 3 it may be aabig gloomy tomorrow, but it could be worse. Herees Tony Pagnotti old. In with the new. The eason ssme stores in 2013. Just hours away from the new yeers eve baal drop. How people in ew yorkk re preparing foo the big event. [ male announcer ] this commercial is not about getting fios; its about getting fios. That moment after you finally got it that you actually get it. When you see the difference 100 fiber optics makes, and you say woah we are not on cable anymore. When online videos arent herky jerky, you get it. Or when a movie downloads in two minutes, you get it. Last chance to get fios for just 79. 99 a month for two years with a twoyear agreement. Plus 300 back. Go to got2getfios. Com today call the Verizon Center for customers with disabilities for americas fastest, most reliable internet. At 8009746006 tty v. Verizon fios. Call the Verizon Center for customers with disabilities for americas fastest, most reliable internet. awea are still counting ddwn to the ew year. But 2013 is already eastern hemisphere. Ties in the hemisphereenats of pgangnum style lights ann group singiig singing onn mainland ccina revelers rang in the new year with celebrations of aamassive fireworks diiplay. Taiwan welcommd it with concert and a liihttssow. And in tokyo temmle monks rang bells as peoplee gathered to pay their respects. Hong kong tookkthe awarr for ne of the priciest pelebrations in china. More thhn 100thousann eople gathered to watch the 1 point pdisplay. Its said the beette biggest isplay ever in hong kong. In about an hour and 20 minutes. It will be midnight ii allimore. And new york ciy the party like riiht now. N nnw. 3 two firefighttrs killed in a Christmas Eve ambush have been rrst. Music naas pats a hurch in rochester this nto mmrning for the funeral of Tomasz Kaczowka heeand his fellow firefighter were gunned down by an excon. Who police say deliberately set them into a deadly ambush. It was an emotional ceremony for he was a olunteer firefighter. And just 99years old. 3mos says for all the firefighters here this morning,all the firefighters across our nation, all the firefighters throughout the world,we know that you suffee pain. And all too often in your lives, as do your fami. Families. Victii was held one day d earliir. An amerrccn flag draped over the casket of volunteer ffrefighter andd Police Lieutenant Michael William spengler, killed he two others before taking his own life. A crookkin washington state. Messed marine corpooall aaex pohle polelee and is wife returned from a quick shopping trip to ddscover the front door oo his parents home kicked in. 3the burglar hid in the pbath hii ed handed with a bag of jewelry and hunting gear. Thats when pohhe went into action. When i took him to the ground, it kinda kicked into put him and i put my knee on his head, peveeythiig kicked in in pohle just finished a 7month tour in afghanistann e detaaned the man until Police Arrived 5 minutts later. 33 chuck ppgano spent 4 seasons in baltimore. The tips he can give the colts on the ravens phat video can show them. P aying goodd bye to some old light bulbs. Able to buy starting tomorrow. And what that will mean for your wallet. pkg im candace dold with yourr traffic edge report. Crews are getting ready to hut down a few roads for hh nnw years eve festivities in downtown paltimmre. At 11 pm, you will find pratt street is shut down at charles street lombard street is blocked aa pressdent street baltimore street is closed at gay street all traffic will be iverted pthrough the area and thh oad will reopen after the celeeration. Weve put everything on our website for you. Jjst log on to foxx pbaltimore dot com slaah news pinks. ess we have up to the minute traffic conditions for on fox44 morning news starttng att5am. Candace ddld sfx sounds of african drum and flute look whos back. Again . Its embarrassing its embarrassing we can see you carl. We can totally see you. Come on youre better than this. All that prowling around. Yeah, youre the king of the jungle. Have you thought about going vegan carl . Hahaha you know folks who save hundreds of dollars by switching to geico sure are happy. How happy are they jimmy . Happier than antelope with nightvision goggles. Nice get happy. Get geico. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. Pfter a season ending streek that saw them lose 4 of heir last 5,the ravens are etting ready to start tte second season. And theyre getting some support from the vegas oddsmmkers. They go in as 6 favorites. Thii ii an intereeting matchup, to say the very least. Baltimores former one. Colts head coach chuck pagano was here ffur yearsas a defensive assistant, and then coordinator. He undergoing treatment for lukemia, but hes back for the playoffs. And hessnot unnamiliar with his opponent obviously il be able to share quite a bit with our footbbll team. A llt of they won e able tooget from the video. Juut having thee time thaa i spent there, ill be able to share some of those things. Ill be able to give them some stuff that, again, that they wouldnt normally be able to get. Tooay wassnotta ggod dayyto be an nfl head ccach. 7 coaches and 5 general eagles pprted ways with andy reid after 14 seasons in philll. Another surprising move was lovie smiths firing ii chicago after a 10and6 season. They staated the year 7and1 but finished 3and 9. P. The chargers let norv turner and gm aj smith go. Arizona after 6 seasons. Not pictured is rooeo ccennel. The chiees fired im afterrone full seeson in kc. Severrl teems have asked the pravens about eric decosta as possible gm candidate. But he released statement today, intentions of leaving this team. To some old light bulbs. He end buubs. The 75watt incandescent light bulbbwill be phased out at mmdnight tonight. Youll still be able to buy lights that have the ame rightness but tteyll most likely be ledd its all about saving energy. Lehrman ssys ss, lasttyear, the undrrdwatt bulb was phased out and the beginning oo the year this year, januury first,the seventyfivv watt the next year, most siitywatt bulbs will be phased out and, timed and theyve been imed soothat most, um, the Biggest Energy hogs get phased out fastr faster congressspassed a law in 20077requiring more efficient llght ulbs. An led light bulb ii supposed to lastt25 to 50thousand hours. 3 what do you fight about n your house . Is it thh mess . A justreleased ccnsumer reports shopsmart survey fiids lmost 40 percent oo couples admit to rodgers xxlains. Onsumer reports has ssme new tools that can help clean up lutter aad maybe keep the peace, too too tom on cam toys strewn across the floor. Dressers overflowing wwth unfolded pclothes. Clutteree kitthen ccllette shine comes to the rescue. sot collette shine a ggod general tip is to start with thh very common arras of your space, the place pthat you are all the ttmm. Shopsmart consulted with find the laaest idying tools. Ever search franticclly thrruuh a kitchen drawerr utensil . This drawerdecor system for 26 dollars holdd pour utensils in place so they in one size, but you cut that psize ddwn to fittany size kitchee drawer. v o when traveling, do you end up throwing all your gadgets iito yourrsuitcase . . Try ttis that organizes your phones, cas cammras, nd cords. It comes in different sizes ranging fromm10 to 50 dollars. Woold pdresser drrwers . Tten conside these cooo clothing filers froo pliio for 50 dollars. P sot sue perry you fold the item over thattcard and pthen you tuck it nto a littl boo that the pliii system shirts are all lined up in a row, and you cannpull it out without messing up the whole pile. v o tired of stepping over tiny toys . With the layngo play mat for 65 dollars, you puul a drawstring and everyttings in a tidy ppouch. natsot music v o clutter undee control. Tom on 3 cam shopsmart also askkdd couples whos teemesssest . 39percent of men say they are. The number wasslower for womenn but sttll sizable 6 outofplace things that ddive ppople the ccaziest . Bills and at ten. 3 p keeping thooe new ears resoluuions. To help meet your goals for se 2013. Orkouts o kick off weight 3 the newwyear is phour away. And many are already planninn their new but if yoo seem to fall short of meetinn yoor goal every achieving them. 33 psychologist dr. Woody woooward ssys the new year is a great time to hit the rrset button on your life and focus on those goals youve beee putting off. But he warns that you shouldnt set you ites too high. But insteaddmake more most resolutions are, typicclly, vague, lofty, generic anddhavv no teeth. So, rrsolution, what about making a you plln or twenttthirteen . Or a plan foo youuself to actually acccmplish something. 12 09 03 decide on a destination, make it simple and reasonable ann staat thinking about what are the things i can do to get pysslf there network full of ffiends and fammly o helps as well. Thatts aal for the ews at ten happy nnw year everyonenew years eve live sttrts right now

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