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maryland.why most people are breathing a sign of relief. relief. opressive heat... and strong storms. how high the heat index soared... how long the storms will stick around and the outlook for the my skywatch forecast. forecast. still living without electricity 3 weeks after the big june storm. storm.32:03 to be honest with you i'm ready to give up up why its taking so long for this man to get his power restored and what's keeping him going. going. and caught in a tight s. spot. i'm yelling hey sstop the train...don't let er go." go."how a ride on the light rail turned into a frightening journey for a oman and her daughter. hello, ... i'm... jeff barnd.../jennifer gilbert... is off.../.first ... breaking news.../lightning... from... dangerous tormss... this evening...start of firefighters...he lives... &pfirefighters... a.,.. fire... on... coventry place... near... coachway road....//just north of annapol. annapolis./.it.. started about 7 this owner ...of the home called... / saying... his home... was filled... with firefighter... fell through the floor... while... trying... to... put it out.../we're told... he's ok tonight. ...and then there's this fire...on clifton avenue... ...just off of college parkway in started just after 5-30 this eveningg.. after lightning apparently struck the house.smoke was coming from the roof when firefighters one was hurt the storms also threatened drivers.... this... is.. .a... look at... route 50.. . near... the... bay bridge... this afternoon..../look... at... that backup.../. the... bridge was ...shut-down... while... the storms passed...//ausing... cars... to... stack up.../ and... go... no-where the storms.... caused a lot of trouble... this evening../.where... are the problems... right now... now... lee's ... go straight to meterologist vytas reid... b-g-e... workers ... were... peeping an eye... on the sky ... this afternoon.../ so... were... the people... who....lost power... in... the... big torm... at... the end... of june.../ june.../karen parks ... is... streaming live... from pikesville.../ where they were nervous tonight tonight &piq: everything in the refrig had to be tossedoq: but at least we wouldn't have everything down 3 everything downwouldn't have oq: but at least we wouldn't have everything down ...anger... and frustration.../ inn.. wake... of the... massive... power problems ... from... that june... one... lawmaker says ... the problem ... is.,.. not just ... with... b-g-e... and pepco.../...but ... people... who are supposed to be... watching them ... in... áyourá... interest.../.janice... park ...joins us.. ...with ... that... lawmaker's solutionn.. janice janicejeff, the state agency is called the maryland public service commission or the p-s-c...we spoke today with the montgomery county councilman, who started the petition you see here. his goal issto fire every member of theep-s-c. from storms of the the recent mass outages in june.councilman hans riemer says residents in md are fed up.he says utility companies are monopolies...only because they're regulated by the p-s-c. riemer says thht slow response by utility companies is a failing of the p-s-c...the statt agency who shouud be protecting the average citizen. so far, the online petition has been signed by 34 hundred people. it calls for the agency with people who will 3 work for the consumer: "it'ssnot acceptable anymore, to hope the next storm won't be bd or peeco will do their job, fix it, the only person can change the psc is the governor and the governor is the only one thht can change pepco" we connacted the maryland public service commision...and this as their response:"the governor may only remove a commissioner during his or her term for incompetence or misson" misconducc"you can check out the petition yourself just go to our web site fox & newslinks. newslinks..anice park...fox45 news at ten. we asked: do... you think... the... maryland public service commission... is... working innáyourá best in? interest? here's... our facebook page.../.a ... lot... of you... have something to say... whenn.. power problems ...come up.../most ... of... you... say no.../ join... the discussion... by going to... facebook dot com.../ slash fox-baltimore new... tonight.../the... supreme court... overturns... a... ruling... by the ... state... court of appeals../. appeals../. saying... state... police... ácaná... collect... d-n-a... from people... charred with... serious... crimes... this... after... the rape... of a woman... in... salisbury... in 2003../.police... collected d-n-a... from ... aaonzo kingg.. in... 2009.. when... he was arrested ... for... unnealted charges.../the... d--n--a... tied him... to... the ra/ rape.../maryland's... court of appeals ... said... the collection... of d-n-a... áviolatedá... 44h ...amendment rights.../.king... has... one week.. to respond baltimore's... announces funding... - forr.. the... "citi-watcc"... program.... a... grant... from the... abell foundation... will... create ...a database ... for... security... cameras, .../ allowing... policee.. to quickly identify cameras ... close crime scenes...////citizens... and... business owners ... register... their... security camera systems ... on--line,.../// giving... police... access... when... there's trouble...// a... bus... catchee fire... in... montgomery county. county. this... is... the aftermath... in... silver spring...//. the... driver... saw flickering lights... on the ddshboard .../ then... smelled smoke.../.no... passengers... were... on-board... / and... nobody was hurt..../officers... say... it's the second time... ááhis monthá... a... montgomery county ... ride- on- bus... caught fire.../. a... frightening ride... on... the... light rail... for... a... baltimore woman ... and... her... 2-year-old... ddughter..../ daniels... , live... - downtown ../ where all started.. keith. jeff.. we're live at howaad street and saratoga. it's a buuy light rail stop during rush hour..............but for one woman... it was busy and scary.. started here and lasted for several sto. stops. it was suppose to be just a 10 minute trip for kimberly davis and her 2-year-old daughter karson......(áááquick nats up full: train bell, etc...áá) easy light rail ride thursday from thee lexington street market stop in downtown baltimore to cherry hill.(keith) "but when davis arrived here at the cherry hill station, she says her light rail ride turned into a moving nightmare that would last for several miles." (davis) "i had tooyank my daughter off the ground back into the train.. as the doors were closing in on us.." (davis) "we had one foot on the ground, one foot off..." ddvisssays once the train arrived in cherry hill.. the doors opened, she and her daughter were the first to get off the rear car. but davis says the doors began to close in less than 3 seconds before they were able to exit completely.. (davis) "a young man who was trring to get on the train, wedged himself between the door and my daughter to push them back open. as the doors are going click, click, click...when he did that, that allowed me to grabbmy daughter, yank her back in the rain.." but as davis turned, her foot, purse and her daughter's bookbag were caught.. stuck in the door.. another passenger snapped a picture.(davis) "i'm yelling, hey stop, stop, stop the train, don't let her go, don't let her go..." davis was not freed until the next stop.. at the patapsco station........a wild ride for a mother and daughter.(davis) "i want mta to know that they have to be accountable and passengers.. our lives are in their hands." we did look for a comment from mta officials. the only thing a spokesman would say about ttis incident... ii that it's under review. however.. he did add.. there is a mechanicism in place that is suppose to prevent doors fromm closing when ttey're obstructed. live in downtown baltimore, keith daniels, fox 45 news at ten. another... meeting.. today... on... a... special session .... on... ga. gambling.governor... o'malley... met with... mayor... stephanierawlings-blake.../ many... lawmakers... support... p expanded... gambling... &pto... include... table games.....///.but... some... are... p concerned about ... approving... áanotherá... casino... at the national p.g. county. (mayor) "i'm confident that we'll have a top qualiiy facility that will rival national harbor, atlantic city and i don't think they'll be any impact." impact."some... city leaders../ want.. . assurances.../ that... a... future casino... áwon'tá... - be... undercut by... a... new casino... at... the... national harbor. the... money generated the alcohol tax... took... center stage today baltimore.../. state ... health officials... discussed... how to spend money ... generated last year's... "dime-a-drink"... increase.../.the... tax... generated... more than ...68 million dollars...// most... of... the money now... set aside... for health initiatives.. disabled.../.today.. health advocates ... discussed... using the money... p to... support... long term home care. the... maryland... dream act ... is... getting support... from leaders ... in... education and religion. religion. the... measure... is now... backed... by.../// "freeman ... hra-- bowksi"... the... president of the university of maryland, ... baltimore county.../. he... was... joined today... by... catholic bishop... denis madden ..../ as... they... spoke... in support of the law.../ giving... in state tuition... to... illegal immigrants.../// "the dream act does not give special favors to children of undocumented immigrants, it gives them a level playing field, a fair chance" chance""children need to know that adults believe in them power of education to transform lives." lives." critics say... the pream act ... ill a... petition... collected... enough... signatures.. to put the measure to a vote. commuters ... are... trying to make... their way... around... light street... again.../. but... kathleen... cairns... says.../ businesses... surrounding the water main... break... are ... suffering../ 3 (long line cars swooshh(second whistling cop) maneuvering around the water main break downtown is not easy.... (yellow truck backs up) (deliveryman hands waving ) "detours!"(whistling cop)heavy traffic... with two blocks of (delivery man)"we delivering sandwiches..cookies chips..." but only pedestrian traffic is allowed.... -rolling cart nats- gabe issfinding ways to cope. (walking and talking)"im coming down here so i can make this turn"at the tailor shop.... the doors is open.... but no customers: (ann pascale-victor pascale custom tailors)"it's effected by the fact people just cannot get down here."so businesses are getting creative... hoping to lure customers in: (restaurant)(rob burke-light st tavern) "cold a.c. happy hour 4 to 7 and we got broken water main specials all day"at the light street tavern:(voice only)"dollar off everything in the restaurant"but a dozen other businesses are not as lucky. (sign closed) "the sign says we close...." the 7-11 alone is losing thousands of dollars in business each day. (7-11 closed-niaz muhammad) "because no wwter we cannot be open now."(cairns) "businesses along these two blocks are hoping they are back in business within the next 24 hours and thats because of this... temporarily piping is being installed in order to provide water to the area" (kirby)"once the businesses are open we will be bbck on track"(nats- construction) for now the sidewalk offers a front row seat to view the repairs (nats-construction) its just hoped the same spectators also spend some money in the dt balt kc fox 45 news at 10 business owners ... worry... the longer ... maintenence takks.../ the.... more they'll... lose money... 3 3 (16:50:10) (anne mckenna) "there's no way your teenager has a thousand close friends who they share personal information. information. facebook putting a why more friends... makes you more valuable... to the company.../ it's our cover story, cominn up in less than 15 minutes. a... driver going the wrong direction...../ how this frightening scene... came to an end.../ and... the excuse he gave police. if you don't find the appropriate way to raise your concerns to your leadership there will be consequences." consequences." but next...the concerns this video raises...after the fast and furious gun running investigation...after the break 3 disabled woman ... is... suing... baltimore... city... community college... for... 10- million.../ after ... she... says... a... teacher ...called her... stupid! first on fox tonight... myranda... stephens ... live... in... northwest baltimore - / with... why... the lawsuit... is.. .going... in her favor! carla dilone says she was consttntly humiliated by her former teachers here at b-c-c-c. but now she's aking the college to school on a 10- million dollar discrimination lawsuit... and so far... she's ! winning! 13:06 i'm partially deef, i don't hear nothing from the right side carla dilone is a divorced mother of four... who in 2001... was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. 1225 you're going to be in a wheelchair where you're going to be paralyzed. you can't have your independence and do as much as people normal could do, so your time is very limit to accomplish your dreams and your goals 37 but there was one dream dilone was determmned to live out. in 2006... she enrolled at baltimore city community college to get an associate's degree in mental health. she says that dream, however, quickly turned into a nightmare... claiming the teachers ignored her disability needs... and even insultee her. 19:15 i had to endure in front of the class her calling me stupid, telling me i'm too stupid to be in college, disability students have no business going to college 24dilone filed complaints with the college... but says they went ignored. so pn 20099.. she went to federal court... and filed a disability discrimination lawsuit against the b-c-c-c for 10-million dollars! 23:57 i sued for 10 million because of the principle 59 last month, the court entered a "judgment by default" in dilone's favor - because the school failed to respond in time. a spokesperson for b-c-c-c says he was unaware of the lawsuit... but says the school doesn't comment on pending litigation. another hearing to decide what damages - if any - will be awarded to dilone is scheduled for next month.she says... she just wants justice... for having her dreams destroyed. 25:44 that they take a good look at the leadership of thhs college and make changes because for me it's too late. it's too late for me 52 that next hearing is scheduled for august 10th. dilone says she knows the one teacher who called her stupid is no longer employed at b-c-c-c... but she's not sure if the woman left on her own... or was fired. in nw baltimore, ms, fox45 news at ten. baltimore's... mayor not.../ happy... with... new... censusnumbers. numbers.she... claims... census workers... missed... counting... more than.... 15- thousand residents... in... the city.../.so... her administration.../ is... formally challenging ...the numbers ... compiled... by the feds. (mayor) "any endeavor that would potentially yield additional federal resources is important so we are waiting to hear from the federal government on the results." results."the... mayor ... still vows... to... boost baltimore'spopulation... by ten thousand.... in... the next decade. one... of... the latest polls.../ shows ... the president... and... republican challenger... mitt romney.../ nearly deadlocked... / 45 percent... say... they would vote ...for... barack obama../.41 percent ... woulddvote... for... romney.../ 7 ... perccnt ...don't know.../ who... they'll vote for... yet/ yet.../...but... overall../49... percent... ádisapproveá... of the job the president... is doing../.47 percent ... approve.../it's... day three... of... romney's attack... on... the president.../ for... "crony capitalism".../ , and... for saying... "if you have a business... you didn't build it --/ you had help,"...' meaning the government. romney says: "to say what he said is to say that steve jobs didn't build apple or that bill gates didn't build microsoft. this is the height of foolishness...its one more reason we have to replace him in november." november." ...the democratic party... is mocking romney ...for dancing around releasing... more tax returns.../ with video of the romneys... dancing... dressage horse,.../ which competes ... in... the london olympicc... in 2 weeks... carney says: "it's become a tradition and an important one, you, you know, you make your tax returns available pecause you think the american people deserve that kind of tra" transparency."romney has yet to ick a running mate..../the poll shows republicans... want former secretary of tate... condoleezza rice.../.in... the past... / she... has said she is not interested see all of the stories about the race for the white house on our website...go to fox- baltimore dot com...and click on vote 2012 in the hot topics sectioo.all of the stories on our website are free the... climate... and culture... of... the bureau ...of alcohol, ... tobacco, ...firearms, and expolosives.../ is... very much... in question... tonight.../. this... in... the aftermath ... of... the botched ... "gun running"... sting ... known as ' and furious.' furious.' [take bin 'atf long video'] [sot in atf director video] sot in 1:01: 25 "if you don't abide by the rules, if you don't respect the chain of command, if you don't find the appropriate way to raise your concerns to your leadership there will be consequences." trt=:12 tough talk from atf acting director b.todd jones. part of a video series titled "changecasts" that were distributed to bureau 5:34:27] we showed our exclusive video to iowa senator chuck grassley. [sot grassley ]sot in 5:37:35 "it ought to be a wake up signal for everybody in the congress who wants to do their job of constitutional oversight. you can't put up with agency heads like this having this attitude."trt=:13grassely says the remarks were intentionally designed to "chill" - to scare a-t-f agents from coming forward like those that showed up at grassley's door 18 months agg -- to lift the curtain of secrecy behind a federal gun running program that failed miserably and left a border patrol agent dead. [sot in steve kohn]sot in "53:49 "if that's the culture at atf the "fast and ffrious" scandal shouldn't suprise anyone."trt=:07steve kohn, founder of the national whistleblower center, says the directions jones' gave to employees violates every basic principle of the federal whistllblower protection act. it encourages federal employees to report allegations of gross mismangement and fraud to outside authority - such, as congress.[sot ii representative tim griffin]sot in 5:30:44 "it's something that concerns me be beacuse the whistleblower process has been a critical part of "fast allowed us to get information we might not have gotten. trt=:10[take graphic]john hageman a spokesperson for the atf says the acting director was responding to an employees question about accountability. &p hageman says jones "does no intend to discourage whistleblowers -- that certainly was not his intention."before calling for immediate action -- senator grassley, a ranking member of the judicary committee, has called on jones to clarify his remarks. you can see the whole video online...just go to fox- baltimore dot com slash raw news if... you... want to read... more... from the ..."washington guardian"... / go... to... our website... and click on.. . "washington guardian".. under hot topics. parts ... of... anne arundel county... are under ... a... mandatory ...24-hour ... restriction... on... outdoor water use .../ because... of... repairs... to... a... water main... in baltimore.../. residents... inn.. the northern ...and western sections... of the county... may not ...water lawns,... wash cars... or... fill up pools... 'til... further notice.../.anyone... violating... the restrictions.../ could face... a... civil citation... and... a.. 125-- dollar... fine...// before ... the storms.../ we... dealt... with... dangerous heat../. today..../ many... people... sweat... the heat... / some... more...than others ...// crime and justice reporter... joy lepola... shows us. couple.... who's... been without power... / for... nearly 3 weeks weeks ((pkg)) edward moaney and his wife have lived here for for the past 20 years...sot i know my way around i don't need a flashlight. but it has come in handy over the past two weeks. it was june 29th when the moaney's lost power.i'd say we lost about 500 dollars worth of food. out of two refrigerators and a freezer this is all that's left. it's hardly anything.29:37 it's taken a toll it really is i mean losing all your food and having to stay in a hotel this makes it the 13th day. it's reaaly hectic. the past three days... it's been a hundred degrees outside.... inside it seems even hotter. 32:03 to be honest with you i'me ready to give up but i can't because of my wife and i dont want to give up because of her but i'm lost. moaney's wife was in knocked down their neighbor's - tree. 36:09 this is the one we were worried aobut but instead it was this one.butt bite37:12 it took my electrical lines down the telephone and cable wires it took everything down. since &pthen.... the couple's been staying at a local hotel. 41:45 just wait that's all i can do. but the last couple of afternoon, edward has spent here cooped up here... iiside his hot home. sot he's gonna try to get it hooked up tomorrow. eventhough a contractor came outtlast week to fix the wiring.... the work needed to be 3 inspected before bge crews could comeout...and that inspection didn't happen unttl today after we bagan to make calls. we've got a situation out here.... but... the work didn't meet code and therefore didn't ass pnssection.nat pop....about board... it was not the news moaney expected to hear.... but after several phone calls back and forth between the inspector and the electrician... it appears as if... the moaney's may soon have power. i'm glad things are getting done. joy lepola fox 45 news at ten. b-----e... says... they aren't able... to... string... any line... until... an... inspector ... signs off... on the work. it got... a... bit cooler.../ making things.. easier to bear bear here's chief meteiorloigist vytas reid reid 3 we... are still giving away 250 dollar giant giftcards...//.it's our giant summer contest!if you want to we are giving them away all this week...//.tune into our morning show everyday to hear if your name is drawn. drawn.if you want to enter... just go to our facebook dot com slash - foxbaltimore... / become a fan... and complete the entry ffrm... to enter..../go to our website... for complete contest rules. 3 3 "that's disgusting, oh my god, " eww." lettuceewith a side of foot germs.... the fast food chain under fire for this photo. but next...the price... that facebook puts on you......and the things about you it uses... to figure out that our cover story... after the break still thinking of replacing the truck? i just don't know where to start. glad you made it. start by choosing from over 30,000 used cars and trucks. carmax. start here. if... you... think... friends are hard to find.../ .you... haven't... been on... facebook laaely.../.. face--book... claims... more than ...900-million users..... many... of... them... are learning... the... more friends... they get.../ the... more valuable... they become.../. in... tonights... cover story, ... jeff abell... examines... what's stake..../ when... the... psers... of... social networking sites.../ become... the "product". "product". (26:44) "i'll say i'm willing to spend 50-dollars a day....." at the m-g-h marketing firm toddy.....ryan goff was creating an ad campaign and it. (25:30) "and i wanna reach men and women who enjoy running....." (3:20) "i can target people who live in a certain zip cooee who are a certain age, who h ave this certain interest...." goof can target his audience because his ad is going on facebook..... the social networking site not only collects data about its users and their friends..... but it uses that information to help marketers decide where to target their ads. (2:50) "they know pretty much everything about you which is scary but it works to the advantage of the advertiser...." facebook &pclaims more than 900-miilion users. many of them have amassed hundreds of online friends who are pulled into the web of social networking. (16:50:10) (anne mckenna) "there's no way your teenager has a thousand close friends who they share personal information but thats what facebook has to encourage money." as the number of friends does facebooks database of those frieeds are becoming a valuable commodity. (16:46:01) (mckenna) "facebooks prrduct is you. you are what facebook is selling....!" before facebook went public two months ago, it based its worth.....on the value of its users. by taking an online quiz, users quickly discovered.... (archive 5-17-12) "where do you live? united states." become...... (archive 5-17-12)) "how long do you think you'll be using facebookk...?" (archive 5-17-12) "how many photos do you post to facebook....?" the more valuable they are to facebook..... "63......28-dollars.....49- dollars......" (stock market nats/opening day) facebook was valued at a hundree billion dollars on the day it went public.....making it the ccuntrys most valuable company..... but almost immediately, its stock began to shrink and questions began to grow over the company that put a price on friendships. (16:54:00) (mckenna) "think abouu it you have a hundred friends and your friend has 500-friendssits targeting our deepest insecurities s human beings.....and they do that to profit off of you....!" (17:12) (goff) "they ave page....." but for ryan goff, facebook is bbinging his clients a new level of exposure..... (23:07) (goff) "thats 702 people who are seeing our message because their friend shared that message...." for now....facebook is finding new value in friends. jeff facebook... says... as... many as ...five-pprcentt.. of... its ... 900--million users... could be fake...///. they... say... spammers roduce... false profiles.../ then... trick users ... to.. "befriend"... them. 3 a driver heads the wrong way down a busy highway... how other drivers reacted... / and the urprising way.. it came to an end. a fast food employee with their feet in the lettuce .... the restaurant where this photo was taken,.../ and the company's response. scary moments ...for drivers ...on a mississippi highway.../. this... video... was shot by a driver... on... highway 49.../. on... the... other side of the median ... you can see... a car going the wrong way ... into... oncoming traffic../.. he... picks up speed... forcing other cars... to veer off the road... untill finally, ... colliding... with a ford s-u-v... right... in his path..../ the... driver of the s-u-v... and... a... young passenger... walked away ...from the crash..../ the... wrong way driver... was taken to the hospital... with a broken shoulder. .../ he... told policc he doesn't remeeber anything. burger king... under fire... tonight... / over... a... gross... photo... posted... on-line. on-line. the... picture shows employee ... with... his feet... in the restaurant's ...lettuce pins.../.it.. appeared ...on... 4--chan,.../ a... website... which allows users... to... anonymously... post images. .../ it... was captionee,... "this... is... the lettuce you eat... at... burger king.".../the ... pic... was... traced back... to... mayfield heights,... ohio... / where... three employees... have been fired..../ and... several customers... thought... they'd... lose heir lunch... "i guess i'm gonna throw my food away...... oq: i'm not eating there ever again. oh my god, eww." eww." no word... if anyone... ate that lettucc, .../ but... b--k... issued a statement.../ saying... theyy.. have.. .aa.. zero tolerance policy... against violation... of their food handling... procedure.... summer... heat... bears... down ...on baltimore... once again.../. temperatures ... topping off... over... 100 degrees.../ paul... gessler... took a ride... up 95.../ to.. .check... how... the kids... t... cal ripken's baseball camp... were beating.. the heat. heat. 3 3 at the ripken baseball expeeience summer camp,coach ryan isn't throwing the heat. heat. but, he's definitely throwing in it.ryan heller, ripken experience coach: 1.30.58 i doo't mind the heat, so it can be as hot as it wants out here today."paaents brave out the heat alongside the campers.nat diane leinenbach: "hustle up. get some water."al hayden: "probably 90-92 something like that."90 degrees and rising on the steaming field turf.kid: "it's really hot. it's 103 degr" degrees!" kid: "like 103 degrees..." reporter: "how do you knowwthat?" (kid shruus shoulders)diane leinenbach: "i can't believe how hot it ii."hari lymon, father: "doesn't matter what temperature it is, what room offthe house he's in, he's playing aseball somewhere somehow."down the rood in baltimore, a code red heat advisory is issued.diane leinenbach: "at schhol it means you have to lock all the doors and act like nobody's aberdeen...gavin: "103 degrees!" eporterr "ddes it make you tired?" gavin: "yes."" (drinks water)just more water, more hayden: "yep, plenty of water."hari lymon, father: "they really know how to hydrate the kids and give them water, make sure they look for signs of dehydration, so, i had no concerns."ryan heller, ripken experience coach: "this whole week, we've been preaching for these guys to stay hyddated not only when you're here, but whee you're at home relaxing."camden: "drinking a lot of water... like every time the coach says to get us a drink."when the mercury is high, so is the need ffr water.ryan heller, ripken experience coach: "if you're not prepared for this heat, obviously bad things could happen." (pause :01) "hit it hard, c'mon, give me two more!"in baltimore, paul this week's... ripken experience... runs through friday,.../ where culminates... with a tournment in aberdeen. 3 3 3 3 "it's just like germany. the hasselhoff thing is, you know, really hot i guess. i don't know." why convenience stores are keeping a close eye on these life sized cutouts....of at ten 07:06:54 i know in my heart that i was called to do this." this." the things that motivated thisformer marine... to donate a a complete stranger...after the break do you see it ? there it is ! there it is ! where ? where ? it's getting away ! where is it ? it's gone. we'll find it. any day can be an adventure. that's why we got a subaru. love wherever the road takes you. wow, there it is. a... baltimore county man ... says... his prayers... have been answered. .../ after... waiting... three years... for a kidney... / he's... finally getting... a... transplant surgery... / thanks ... to... a... former marine.../. melinda roeder ... explains... how faith -- and the internet -- brought them together ...//. ...//. 06:49:33 "i said thank you, jesus. thank you!"nathaniel holland prayed for the day he'd find a suitable donor.... diagnosed with kidney failure in 2009... his liff has been a constant cycle of dialysis and 06:46:10-25 "doing dialysis, it's a strain because you get weak after being on the machine ... i was doing it and going to work."07:09:01 "there's no point in me having two kidneys."six months ago... jessica - began a life-changing jessica - began a six months ago... kidneys." point in me having two kidneys."six months ago... jessica - began a life-changing quest of her own....07:05:12 "i looked into kidney donation because i actually saw a little blip online about how 19 people die everyday on the transplant list and that really spoke to my heart... and i found matching"she searched through hundreds of online profiles... from patients with the same blood type. natahaniel was the closest. both live in maryland.07:10:17 "oh, he's a sweet, sweet man!"after months of tests to confirm they're a match... nathaniel and jesssca met face to face for lunch. 07:06:54 "i honestly feel that i was called to do this and i know in my heart that i was called to do this."06:49:43 "she is a beautiful and exciting woman and one thing about jessica - she loves the lord. she loves the lord. it's awesome. she's an awesome woman."07:07:14 "i had absolutely no reservation ever. unwavering faith in this process."the two will meet again - thursday morning - at the university of maryland medical center.for nathaniel... the wait is almost over.06:48:00 "i'm a strong christian guy and i prayed and i believed in god and i just wanted patiently." 07:10:31 "god has plans for nathaniel holland!" for jessica - donation is a way to serve god. she's already served her country.and as a former marine... she says that service changed her perspective on life.07:12:34 "when you have friends who have lost their lives and when you're surrounded by the value of life, i think it changes you. it really does."honored to be a part of nathaniel's miracle.... she now hopes others will be inspired to donate too.,07:11:07 "i would love to say don't be afraid. don't be afraid."melinda roeder... fox 45 news at ten. jessica's husband ... is... still serving... in the marines..../ so... family members ...will... take care... of... their... 3 year old son... while... she recovers ...from surgery. 3 why some people ... just can't keep their hands off the 10 minutes on fox45 news at ten... ...improving your sleep...without spending áthousandsá of dollars...after the break the bottom is cracked for the orioles...if they don't move's going to fall out. baltimore now third in the a-l east...behind new york and tampa bay.and only a half game ahead of boston. boston.orioles in minnesota... j.j. hardy in a big slump... only 2 hits in his last 40 at bats.... changes that in the first... sneaks it over francisco liriano's glove... and into center... base hitt. hardy not on first for long... adam jones sending him all the way home and then some... jones' 22nd homerun in the second deck... 2-0 o's..tommy hunter helping himself in the 3rdd.. flashing the leather with one on... snatches ben reveres' ball... and starts the 1-6-3 double play to end the inning.liriano has an e-r-a over 4... not showing it... strikeouts the 8th oriole... tayor teagarden swinging..well if you're going to give up a long ball... best to do it solo... josh willingham takes tommy hunter for a ride... way back into pen... his 23rd of the season.. splitting the difference... o's lead 2-1 in the 9th... hunter went 7-and-a- third. in order to follow ed reed's comments this off need a interview it's this...the next it makes no sense...then in another interview, you get the guy and side with's confusing...'s the latest...ed reed told comcast sportsnet during his charity golf outting he will play in 2012.this just days after he said his mind was far away from football..reed didn't say if he will report to next week's training camp on time. or holdout for a contract extension. the best in boston heads to the d-l...and the redskins make r-g-3 a very rich man. that's coming up in the late edition. 3 think... you... need a new mattress? as... tom rodgers explains.../ a... consumer report... survey ... shows ... that about ...75-percent of people... who... bought one... are... sleeping better.../. but... do... you... have to spend... thousands... to... get... high-quality... shut-eye? 3 ((tom on cam))the right mattress can let you sleep like a baby.(v/o)but trying to buy one can give you nightmares.(sot)"you go into one store and the mattress has one name and one color fabric, and then you go to another store and they say this one is the same as that one. but it doesn't have the same name and it doesn't have, you know, some of the same characteristics."(v/o)consumer reports surveyed more than 12-thousand subscribers about their mattresses.(v/o)it turns out innerspring mattresses did not rate as well as others. (sot: celia lehrman)"we found that people who bought memory- foam mattresses or air beds actually said they slept better than people who bought the traditional innerspring mattreeses."(v/o)the survey also asked people about their shopping experience.(sot: celia lehrman)"you hear the big retailers, and they'll say 'best mattresses, best price.' it sounds like a slogan, you think it's true, but that's really not what our survey pound. the biggest stores didn't necessarily have the best selection or the best prices."(v/o)for example, sleepy's claims to be the "mattress professionals" but was among the lowest-rated retailers. macy's and sears rated better than sleepy's, but their ratings were still mostly so-so. but some larger stores did very well in consumer reports' survey.(v/o) select comfort, which sells adjustable-firmness mattresses, is one. but they're pricey. the median price for a queen is almost two-thousand dollars. but don't worry. consumer reports says you can get a decent mattress for much less at costco and ikea. while customer service was lacking at both stores, the median price for a queen mattress is well under a thousand dollars. ((tom on cam))consumer reports found that a memory-foam mattress also rated well in the survey. tempur-pedic was among the highest-rated brands, and those surveyed one. but they are - the median price for a queen mattress was almost 25-hundred dollars.tom rodgers, fox45 news at ten. "it's just like germany. the hasselhoff thing is, you know, really hot i guess. i don't know." 3 hands off the hoff.... why convenience stores are keeping a close eye on these life sized cutouts. ...and coming up in just 5 minutes on the late edition... edition... a shocking surprise....the close encounter with a shark that was caught on camera. and going down.why the driver wasn't tte only one hurt when an s-u-v plunged down an elevator shaft.

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