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sweeps througg maryland. maryland. tba 3baa- the neighborhoods hit with high winds...and theedamage ann iijuries left behind. behind. 3 3 3 3 &pominous clouds...a look at &psome of the dramatic pictures you sent to us. us. aad the storms led to tenseemoments for some walmmrt shopperswe'll talk to one worker about her odeal. going 12 rounds wwth mother nature. this amazing viewer video captures the formation of a funnel cloud. you can see it spin out of the sky and dance dangerously ccose to the ground. it was shot in by a fox45 iewer. there are unconffrred reports across the sttte offtornadoes touching down and ripping entire neighborhooos apart. hello, i'm jeff abell. karen parks and jeff barnd &pare off tonight. lives ar on the line tonight as severe storms and repoots of possible tornadoes come in from throughout the entire state. we're battling a second line of storms right now. now. our janiie park was live in fallston earller tonight but has now beee forced to take ccver..... here's what sse filed just a few moments agg. agg.é p, a little earliee, janice spoke with resident in fallston who escribed he storm and hooe. 114 - 34sec sot. out cue - "i wwulddve bben dead" air traffic controllers at bwi spotted a possibleetornado at he airport this afternoon. afternnon. air traffic pround to a halt as the storm sent passengers scrambling for cover in the terminal. these pictures were taken by our viewer mike ust moments before the funnel moved ii. and the problems continue, according to bwi's websitee all flights are either delayed or canceled for the remminder of the evening. meteooologist emily gracey has been tracking the storms all night..... niggt..... let's go to straight to her right now, with theeverr latest, emily. emily. residents in ccrroll county wwre amonn the first to feel the sting of thhs storm. and for one elderly &pcouple.. there was a close call. as eith daniels &preports from their homme //// (ááááall as live: we're on spencer lane in finkssurg. i'm standing on someone's front lawn.. but it looks more like a llmber yyrd in some places. look at this, limbs from several trees havee ssattered across the yard. high winds sheeeed the tops off tall treee that have been standing here for years. /////////vo/////////// neighbors say high winds blew through here quickly and with force, knocking down power of the llmbs here narrowly pissed th garage and house. no one was hurt... but people who live on this block say it was a closs call. ///////////////sot//////////// there, the whole, huge pine trre came up by the roots. and p can't believe there are houses up there that have &ptrees down and they missed th ///////////////vo////////////// in hampstead, not far from finksburg.. no damge to report and no innuries. say, there were some the chillree who were not the storm blew through. (madison/student))"i saw ain and there was a tree and it was like blowing this way and it looked like it was going to faal doww."(ms. turner) "yeeh, it was a little crazy. it got kind of... i came out ann watched it for awhile. it was a little scary."(ms. beimsccla) "i was driving up rock and it as like dark, real dark. i thought t was &pluckily, everyyhing was ok. was praying on my wayyhome." ///////////////tag////////////// back here in finksburg, we''eeseen busy bge crews lost it.. in what they're ned - calling a fast and furious storm. in finksburg, keeth 3 -3 the storms hit just aa hard pere in baltimore city causing severe floooing on roads and neighborhoods across the area. area. take a look at the dark wall of clouds oving o the south of the city. our photojournaaist hunkered down and capttred the entire line ppshing through. you can see the sheets of rain pouring down on the streets of southwest altimore. flass floods happened all overr the aea as the storm drains were overwhelmed by the rush tracking these storms throughout the newscast, but cannibal murderer att on the - invvstigationn it appears the porgan state student wwo's aacused of ating theebody parts of is missiig no stranger to tte criminallcourts. as kathleen cairns ssows uss it appears his ife wassalready un. unrrveling. at morgan state.... everyooe is talkinn about the bizarre actions of one classmate. (clarence swain)"when i seen him he seemed like a cool person "22 year old alexander kinyua is charged with first degree muuder.... documents, he conffssee tt killing 37-year-old kujo aggei kodie insidd their joppatowne home. parts, incllding a head and two hands inside the hhuse. (neighbor- its gruesome its shocking) detectives say the sussect alsooconfessed to leaaing some remaans in a in a dumpster behind a church.... and other remains... he told investigators.. he atee (maj. verzi) "the suspect on his own admittance, advised us that he diddeat parts of the victim, specifically parts of the 3 brrin and the heart."(clarance swaann"i dont think he as mentally ill.. like i say he seemed like a normal person every time i seennhim he seemed like a regular college student. i definately never expected him to do noohing likk ttat" (cairns)"ken-you-wa was aa state niv and a member of the rotc that is unnil jaa when he was reportedly kicked out."in mii may, more trouble ffr kii- you-ww at this on-campus apartment where police ssy he hit another student with a baseball bat.... we obtained the arrest photo from that may 20th assault... kennyou-wa was released on pail... --nd-(disolve to arrest photo in keith daniels story)just ten days later... arrested again.... this time charged with muudering his roommate. (clarance swain)"ya never know what peopll aae capable of no mooe... " kc fox 45 news at 10 kc ..reporting. lookkd up....this time without bond. police want to &pknnw who stabbed a man and left him to die on the streets of east baltimore..... stabbed in the chest about 9 o'clock laat night near prrston and hoofman streets. he was raced to bayviewwwhere e died a short far, there's no indication of a suspect or mooive. two owntown workers are beaten in what appear to be random attacks! myrrnda incidents are raising concerns about safety at the inner 3 priice george's county police backed hr suv into five children, killing one of them. them. it happened last &pnight in the driveway of this lewisdale home. police say maria anna cruz-lopez, mistakenly tepped on the accelerrtor instead of the brakes. her 8-year-old daughter died. an 11-year-old boy is in criticaa condition... and three others rrceived minor injuries. police had been at the home earlier in the evening tryiig to settle a dispute between lopez and her landlord... she'd been evicted from the home and was in the process of moving out. "iq: no charges filed..... just a devastating accidentt" accident." 3 police are trying to determine tte relationship between the woman and the other ccildren. a number of people had een at the home to help with the move.... and their kids were pllying outside. in new york...thosesuper-sized sodas...and other sugar-filled beverages...could be soon banned. it's a plan by mayor michael fight as john rydell reports....hat idea is getting a cool reception from baltimore. baltimoreans... 3 3 p3 3 p3 3 3 3 super-size noo onlyyhe title of a movie.for's an merican mindset. at fast food restaurants...the bigger thh betttr.and that certainly... itself is too small..."but t.j..ditzell..wonderswhy anyone would seekto restrict consumption ofextras-largte sugary sodas."i think it's be able to choose for ssould - theirself what size drinnk they want."he's reacting to a proposalby nee york'' mayor michael bloomberg.he's wants to ban the saleof hugee sodas...and other sugary &pdrrnks more thaa16-ounces. it's a move to reduce &pobesity...anddother health problems. but here in baltimore....soda drinkers...are reacting. "i think that you should be able to basically put in your body whatever you want to, f you want to rink a gallon of diet coke then morr power to you." but baltimore's mayor stephanie rawlings- ffr a ssmilar soda ban. shees says...she's focusedon her own increase the beverage container tax...from two five cents. (mayor) "we're targeting all revenuus from our bottle legislation to help rebuild (rydeel) "and instead of seeking to ban hose supersized sugary drinks likk this, local officials ell us they're more preoccupied wwth simply ppomoting healthier lifestyles." and to mmay baltimoreans...that's a relief. "i think everybody should be able to drink whateeer they waat, it shouldn't be up to nobody.""if the parents don't wann them to drink sodas or big drinks like these then go toothe grocery stores, buy 'em juices."in baltimore, john rydell, fox 45 news at ten. &pnew york city haa already targeted trans fats...and hhs required restaurants to post calorie counts on menus. 3phat brings us to our question of the day. should baltimore bbn suuer-sized sugary drinks? 3 head to our facebook page and let us know if youuthink the government should protect our waistlines or keep their hands off our super-sized sodas. 3 two days to turn himseef in.t find out what prosscutors say george zimmerman lied about in court, that put him back behind bars. was one of the jurors in the edwards trial accually flirting with him durinn the trial? hear from the jurors one on one about why they couldn't reach a decision. a man accused of lawmakers. the manhunt for a murderer that spanned the wilds of canada. ñ%ñ%ñ 3 shock nd surprise in a florida courtroom... after a judgg orders george zimmerman back to jail. holly sanford in the trayvvn martin lester: "he can't sit back and obtaan the benefit of a based upon thoss alsehoods that's wwat they were so at this timm i revoke his bond to no bond satus. " shockwaves felt through this 5th floor courttoom as the judge orders geerge zimmerman hhmmto surreeder himself rder within 48 hours."" just this morning state prosecutors filed this motion asking the judge to throw george zimmerman baak in jaila"a& saying conversations between georre zimmerman and hii wife provv that the couple was not initial bond hearing. de la rionda: "the defendant's wife lied to this court. (15:588 she stated sheehad no money when in fact the records show that she did. so i want to address both of ttose issues. #1 is the passport." the ssate read from transcripts of those jail place over several dayy. the state argged that zimmerran and his wife were talkknn in code about money in p ppy pal accounta"aa&where according to court records they knew there was 135,000 but thh couple testified to the court hey had no money. the second issuea"a&is with zimmmrmmn's passport.o'mara: "this is my clients currenn passport and the only passport that he hasaaa&" i read from transcript page 7 from that recorded jailhouse conversations also revealedd that at the time zimmermaa hadd a second passporta"a&loc keddup in a saaety deposit box. zimmerman's attorney mark o'maraaddsputed that. 'mara: " he advised me that what had happeneedwas in 2002 when hh got his first passport he lost it in 04 got they were moving e/t out when are now. that passport was - immediatelya""&(26th)" omara told the juuge zimmermaa ttrned that over to hima"a&but that he to alert the court of the second assport. pare. attorney's - for trayvon martin applaud the judge foo revoking zimmermanns bond. he belies this set of liesaaaa&will damage zimmerman's crediiility at trial. crrmp: " remember testimony that says trayvon partin attacked him. " zzmmerman must surrender withinn orty-eight &phours. 190 countries are now helping ii the search for an accused killer... ho mailed his &pvictim's remains to canada's leading political parties. suspect -- twenty-nine year old luka rocco magnotta -- is in a video on-line slashing a corpse and, performing sexual acts on the remains. police found a man's torso behind magotta's apartment building in montreal -- and, a severed foot mailed to conservative party headquarters. they say they've tried to take the obscene video off the internet, but, it keeps reappearing. "iq:we had a hard time to ront of the video, in front - of the camera." camera." 3 police say tte victim is a thirty-thrre year ld student from china. they believe e &pknew the suupect. next time the opposition ttrf they might want to rally at an indoor location. p3 camp sent a rowdy group of s - hecklers to disrupt an obama romney supportees drowned out governor's record.romney says it was merely some tit-for-tat. ((at many of the events i go to there are large groups of if you will, obama supporters there hhckling me ann at some point you say what's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander. it they're going to be heckllng us we're not just very differenttrules. if the people coming to my rallies and eckling whhle we'll show them we conservatives have the same kind of capacity he does. ) ))romney's ampaign even posted pictures of the protestees on twitter. the jury in the jjhn edwards ttial deliverrd one noo guiity verdiit thursday but failed to come to a consensus on the other five charges and the judgg declared a they're speaking out on everything from what it was like in the elibbration room to whether or not they thinn crimes.pluss as one juror really flirting with the haa the answers. answers. we can finally ppt a face, a name. andda voice to some of phe jurors in theejohh edwards priallthree described to nbc's "today" what it was like to delibbrate for nine days."we had emotionn, eech day was a new day. we would start with calmness,,we actually prayed together as a group.""there werr times it got very frustrating. the emooionn got veey high."as thursday's declaration of a mistrial would indicate, he jurors still remain very much deadlocked over whether edwwrds used donations rom two ealthy supporters to hide his affair and illegitimate daughter ith reille hunterr these three left ourt coovinceddedwards is guilly on some of the charges."he was just smart enough o ide it and we could not find the evidence."but not aal the good mornnng america are convinced edwards broke the law."based off of what i seen and base off of testimony, ii my eyes it was all personnl." either way, it came down to the vidence."i felt like thh evidence just wasnnt there." and whaa about those alternate coordinated outfits and y alleged flirting in the courtroom?"i was giggling over the media's reaction when we walked into the courtroom tt our outfitls and color. no intention of flirting and i don't think he had any intention of blushing or this jury will go back to the lives they put on hold more than a month ago.and john edwards will wait to see if the justice department plans to retry his case.i'm elizabeth corridan reporting. 3& and if youuwant to hear mmre of thh dirty details alleged coverup, his mistress, rieele huuter has written a pell-all book. she chronicles her relationship with dwards that ppoduced a old and feeony charges for the former presidential candidate. the memoir will be released june 22th. 3 3 33 3 3 3 trapppd in the heart of the storm. coming up next we'll talk live swirled around her. it was a daring rescue that took a crane to do the jjb. find out how one fare left this ttxi driver in the middle of a raging river. your grilling is still gonna be pretty amateur. but your deck? that's pro. finish like a pro with cabot wood stains. cabot...that's pro. 3 tte cleannp is underway as storms are still hurning over bel aar. our janice park was caught in the path of that second line of storms just moments ago, but noo they've sounded the all clear. clear. llt's go to her streaming live in fallston, onn of the areas hardest hit by the storm. storm. 3 a wwlmart south of fallston was in the direct path of some of the worst weather.and that led to some tense mooents for employees in thh store.kristin was one ttose workers and sse joins us now on the phone. (piitures) 3 3 3 its 200-million of your the drain. find out what technology airport security is technology aasting your moneyyo. you haveeto see it to believe it. find out how this taxi wound up sitting in the 3 its 200-million of your technology airport security is wasting your money on. you have to see it to believe it. find out how this taxi wound up sitting n the middle . homicide of young people in america has an impact on all of us. how can we save these young people's lives? as a police chief, i have an opportunity to affect what happens in a major city. if you want to make a difference, you have to have the right education. university of phoenix opened the door. my name is james craig, i am committed to making a difference, and i am a phoenix. enroll in the program that's right for you at forget about at-downs at the airport --- hese days it's an all out shake-down.taxxs ticket can easily cost 40 the t-s-a wants more money por carry-on bags.but as jeff barnd reports-- there are way that agency handles its he - eight billion dollar budget. budgett cg arnold elzerwaste is here to staycg jonathan evaded full bodd cg courtesy: picturrs 3 your child, wife,, mother, -- you get theepicture -- deserves he best security money an buy. but is thaa what we get at aaerica's 45o airportsstucked inside warehouses in texas is pottntially the answer. retaiiers but this is tsa equipment such as explosive trace detectors, body canners and x--ay baggage machnes take up thouuands of squuae feet. almost aal of it will nevee pee the light of aa airport. some of its outdated and somee of theemachines never worked. according to a congressional oversight committee, taxpayers dished out bout $200 million &pdollars. .a hefty price for.. [sot in arnold belzer]sot in 10:45:10 "waste is built into government. i donnt think it is ever going to go away." trt=:03 he tsa has a record once ballyhooed puffers inssalled at dozens of airports in 2004 - that plug was pulled after diicovering mechaniial fllws. [youtube video]and mooe recently -- jonthan engineer those full body scanners probably would not thwart a &pcrafty, terrorist. corbett taped medal to his body too evade thhse high-techh ssanners. a test he carried out at two airports. [skype inneeviiw][sot 22:25:22 "what i did was show that anyone could bring a firearm, a bomb, or anything through those scanners, if properly placed on the body."trt=:08 the tsa's &p budget is 8 point one billion dollars and therees talk on capital hill of cutting it. that'ss why the agency wants a spokesperson for the tsa, &pwho did not want to be identifiid says the agency takes a layered pproach to teehology that does not work... [graphic in eric's share file] we did the best with what we had and continue tookeep pace with the bad guys..[ideo] how many terrorists has the tsa stoppee for $200 milliin dollars-- we don't know.i'm jeff barnd reporting. million dollars a year sttring the equipment. we wanted to know what the agency does with equipmmnt that doesn't work. we are still wwiting for an answee. aa ramatic scene in chiia ass ffrefighters rescued two people from torrent flood waters. a ttxi driver and a female passenger were washed away by gushing waters in baoting, china. both were able to get out of the car, but you see them here clinging to a ier in the water. the female passenger was swept down streamm rescue workers were end of the water. but they had to use a crane to reach the drivee. it tookkworkers over most first grader are just learning how to read and write...but this 6-year-old has already maattred how to forge his own note. suppose to go home instead of lighter and fiiger-painting paper. farely's teacher sent him to he office when she noticed the nooe had no secretary couldn't gee in touch ith gannon's mom, but she still let the 6-year-old get on the bus tt go home, áwithoutá speaking to a parent first. faaley's mom didnnt knowwwhere he was for hours and now she's demanding answers from school officials. "i was terrified, i llft work and started ome i called everyoneeon the dismissal list." //but tt//"if anything had happened to him at all, this would be a much different " story..turns out farlee did go straight home and sayy he did learn his lessonnto never write yoor own note. a 5-year-old loses a finger the school didn't even ccll y - you don't exactly have that green thumb. but your siding? that's pro. finish like a pro with cabot wood stains. cabot...that's pro. sunday ii the 25th anniversary day. and what better way to celebrate than with the treatment. it's called apy targeted therapy and it focuses on ájustá killing cancerrcells not all the normal cells that are importanttto he body. "it comes in through theeblood stream, given intervvinously, it attaches to the cancer cells, and it helps theeimmune kill the cancer. so, less toxic trratments." treatmmets."doctors say get regular check--ps and know your family history. a texas mom is furious over a playground injury that leftt her daughter with part of her finger missinn. hhppened at reccss houston. the 5-year-old girl &pstuck her finger in the screw hole of aasafety sign, thats when another tudent walked up and turned the sign with the child's inger still in t. whats worse...instead of 9-1-1, they contacted the child's mother and told her tt school refuses to admit its he - mistake and says theyyre not helppng with the child's medical bills. "the est case ssenario is that they fix it and that they make sure this never haapens again to another student. worst ccse scenario is they don" don't."sshhol administrators have promised to inspect the playground equipment morr 3ften. - a major base running bblnddr by the orioles...why this run did nnt in sports &ppnlimited... [ male announcer ] are you paying more and more for cable and enjoying it less and less? upgrade to verizon fios tv, internet and phone for just $89.99 a month guaranteed for two years with a two-year agreement. this is a limited time offer, so don't wait. get fios at this great low price. act now and you'll get $250 back. but hurry. this incredible offer ends june 2nd. call 1.888.get.fios. fios. a network ahead. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800-974-6006 tty/v. call 1.888.get.fios. after weeks of euphoria, oriole fans have the blues tonight...not onlyydid they lose their 6th in a row, they also fell out of first place in the american league &peast...and the worst part: it was just the opener of a tuff 3 gaae ssries against the rays pete.....- wei-yin hen on the mound for the birds...he had a forgetable first inning.... bases loaded for former orrole luke scctt...base knock up thh middle...2 ruus sscre...tampa matsuii.. out of cold in the storrage...playing in his 3rd game of the season...booms hii 2nd home run...tampa scores 5 in the first to lead 5-0.... top of he 6th...bases juuced for j itta ride sac fly...bill hall should a score easiiy...buu steve tollessn tried to go from 1st to upton gunsshim down before hall crosses the plate...inniig eedd without for the first time this year... 5-0...they've lost 6 straight and are one game out of first you got your first look at her three years ago when wee honored her aa our prep player the toast of the women's lacrosse world.. world.. maryland's katie schwartzman has been naaed the women's reciepietn of the teewarten award, which is the heisman trophy of lacrosse...and no junior from sykesville dominated trhe women;s game this spring, sse was named acc most valuble player after goals...scored scoredn a th 72 - reccod 11 in the acc champion ship alone..a product of century high, schwartzman is a two time aal american,,,and stiil has one more season to go.. sergio kindle talks about his exppctations as he enters his 3rd year...and aano-hitter in new york...coming up at 11-30 on sports unlimited... groupon's stock dropped to a new loo today as investors finally gotta chance to sell their shares. the online deal- of -the-daa website dropped to 10-dollars aashare. its stock has already dropped 50-percent this ear alone. experts say their ush to sell quickly is what kept the sites trend of doing back in 2-0-1-0, groupon had a chance to selllto google but passed up thh offer in order to go public. today also marked the end of the companyys lockup period, a time hen early investors weren't able to sell. whee you lay your loved ones to rest, the last thing yoo want to think of is having them dug up and laid to rest áagainá. but thats what happen to one family in new york. a couule says they purchased their loved ones more than 17 years ago, buttwhhn they went to visit the grave site they discovered someone else had bee of theer spots. the overseer of the weedsport rural cemettry admits they made a mmstake and has ordered the deed woman's family to picc out a nee plot. "as tiie goes on, i just think this will just compound the problem. it upsets us greatly, this isn't suppose to happen in this day and age." age."employeessof the cemetery says their records re old and mistakes are bound o happen, but they are laning to fix the error. teen pop star justin bieber is concussionnhe got after walkingginto a glass happened backstage between songs... during a concert ii paris.beiber passed out for about 15 seconds in his dressing room... but ater returned to finish his set. 33 3 its a scene right out f animal planet....find out where this bobcat and gator were duking it out. thats coming up in five minutes on fox 45 news at ten. ...and coming up in just 5 minutes on the ate edition... edition... the onslaaght of wickkd weather. new information onnhow maryland got hammered during a &night of storms. ñ%ñ%ñ guys, i'm home! sara lee one hundred percent whole wheat bread. with thirteen grams of whole grain in every slice, and delicious taste in every last bite. sara lee. so good, it's gone. a scene from the discovery channel... plays out behind a 3 it hhpppned at the forida home of bryan peabody. he was inside when he noticed a biggcat outside... that's when he deciddd to up close photos of the bobcat. what he didn't realizee was that a gator in a pond.. wantee a piecc of theeanimal. check out these amazing photos of the gaaor... sneaking up oo the cat.... coming within inches before the bobbatttakes offf 3&38-53"because it wws a lift and

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