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good evening, i'm karennparks. parks. i'm... jeff barnd. ááfirstáá on fox... / balttmorr ... elementary... studentt...// arrested... and charged with assault....// áápoliceáá ay... a boy... and 3--girls,...// are... gang- members...// who... attacked... some kids.../ park.../. keith daaiels, lie livein southwest altimore whhre we've llarned police caughh them aa their school ke. keith. karen.... at morrell park leeentary e but toniggt, the suspectss parents say their children &psay it's police who are guilt mistreatment.ment..- take a look.. they are children who face felony girll who are 10 and 9-years-3 - ool.. baltimore city police saa they are members off a notorious gang with an intimidatinn ame.(nathhn) "killer hit sqqad, but we're not even in a ang...." police arrested the suspects ttursday at morrrll park elementary school.. took them out of class, marched the kids out the front door, handcuffed. smith sayssshe spent 12 hours ii jail aa the juvenilee justice center... ann while in custooy, mmkenna sayy she was didn'tteven call our parents. ourrpprents didn't know where we ere.. they probabby thought e were missing or kidnapped and it felt like we were idnapped in there." ........parenns say they children were, until neighbors one froo the school or police ever calledd(ms. arnold/paaent) 'she hadn't even had her lunch before they pn a cell, he was by himself. i mean it's ridiculous." details are still unfolding.. but according to the policee complaint, the suupects assaulted a grouppoo boys 10 days ago withhtheer hands and sticks assthey playyd on a swing set. (keith) "at one point, police say mckenna water at a nearby creek and threatened to drown him. pollce say anothee boy was forced to lie on a raalroad track." still, the parents and suupects say.. noo crrme was committed.(nathan) first, but then t got too - serrous.."(mckenna) "i didn't really aagravvte or assault nn beeause he busted my lip when he pushed meedown the hill. so, i was taught to hit somebody back when they hit pe, so i did." tonight, the american &pcivil liierties union ssys th arrests may have violated state regulations that aim to avoid embarrassing students arrested during school hours. meantime, pollce say it's pepartment policy to handcuff anyone under arrest, regardless of age. live in southwest ballimore, keeth daniils, fox 45 news at ten. 3 p reaking news ... ffom.../ owings mmlls...//. ááaáá toddler ... feel.../ out... of a... 3---dd.. pt... happened.../ on... willow bend drive... in owingssmiill.../. áátheáá child... fell out... of window.../ nearly...33- hours ago...// ááamazinglyáá the... two year old .../ survived... the almostt.. 30 foot fall.../// áábutáá injured....// áátheáá.../ chiid... &pwas medi-vacked....// áánoáá worr... on he child'' condition.../ bbltimore police areeaskiig for help in tracking down a man whoosexually assaulted a woman last night. night. it happened in north baltimore. the viitim told policc she was innbed when the masked mmn entered hee home and attackee hhr. it was about 11 o'clock. the suspeet is described as man about 6 feet tall, average build, weering black sseat pants and golf type gloves. 11126:43 the suspect ran from where he went after the assault occuued and were asking for the public's help the 3900 blocc oo frisby in ssreet last night. this happened around 11:30 pm iff you ssw anyonn acting suspicious in the area if you saw an individual sommone running from the scene.... we really wanttyou to come forwarddand contact etecives in our special iivestigations unit section 27:05 27:05 if you have any information on this assaalt, police are askkng ou to give them a call. day two .../ of... the reetrial.../ forr.. twin brothers ../ accused ...of fire.../. áámyrandaáá stephens.../ says...// áátheáá defense....hopess .../ shoddy... pooice work.../ helps... their case. case. it was day two of testimony in the animal crueety re-trial for twin brothhrs - travers a itbbll named phoennx in wo 2009 - who had to be put down. today the focus was on the womaa who tried to save the dog's life. teel: 22:47 i diin't expect this attall. i pamily taught me to o. city syreeta teel - was patrolling a westtbaltimore neighborhood - when she found phoenix on fire. she ussd her own sweattr to put out thh flames... and peroic action. myranda er - &ptheedefense grilled the t - - detective - accusing her of sloppy police work - fr failing to properly secure the crime scene and ppssiile evidence and for ailing to interview potential suspects - pho ere in the area at the time. but teel defended her actions - telling the court there waa another officer on control of the initial investigation - while she focused on getting help for the injjred dog. the trial is set to resume on mmndayy the sttte is hoping foo a better outcome this time around. he first trial ended last feeruary with a hung jury. at mitchell courthouse, myranda stephens, fox45 newssat tenn one... police officer... who pesponded .../ ááandáá the - -/ testified today 3 -3 you... can... ight crime... in baltimooe.. j/ just... y dialing... the phone.../. ááit'sáá our... fugitive fi/ &pfiles..../ áájoyáá lepola.../ streaming live... on the streets of baltimore wiih the latest.../ on... the search .../ for... suspects. our fugitiiv files hotline ii open.. we've got a eam of phones.... back t the warraat apppehension task force. as you can see... pere out on the streets tryiig to clean them up.... but we need your heep o do it. here are tonightssfugitives. fugitives. 3 23 year old renard hunt is wanted on several charges... they include attempted first degree murder, assault and handgun chaages. in january but hunt's last kkown address &- is in the city. renard hunt is 5 feet 8 inches tallland weiggs 160 pounds. ppunds. 3 33 if you have any information on these 3 suspects.. call our fugitive files hotline at 410-637-8970. all calls are kkpt strictly confidential. also with us tooight... lt. brian matulonis from the warrant apprehension task force.. he has more on number again is 410-637-8970.. fugitive files later this hour., 3 five people are hospitalized after a dump truck ccllides with annsuv. wwrdd hhpel aad liberty roads in randallstown.pplice ssy the suv flipped ovee after it turned into the path of a dump truck. the passengers were incllding three adults, a 3- year-oll child and an 18-montt old baby. "alot of people ran up to help and then a few minutes later the emergency ccews showed up and tried to get some of the people out." oott" the truck driver as not injured. get... ttis! ááamericaáá spent ....n estimated.... tiikets.../ forr 3 this.../ drawing. drawing. tte lotteey increassd tonight'ss jackpot from 40-million.... --ticket nats--- a look at just how much of a long shot winning he jackpot really is. is. he royal farms in north baltimore:("two dollars baby") land(girl)"im going to be a sy millionare tonight so i'll have time tt think about it" (charlie)"thats a lot of money..."(andrew)"start a businees"(girl) "to go to the coast of france on a yachh." (pat with numbers)"624"aad million"who ii doling out the igits. (miss pat)"sweet pee e (kisses) buy a mmgg from me!" back)"there you go iving mooey & sweetheart.. thank you"(jason bischoff)" but i dont know stand goes down)what are the odds... of winning..... -or- somethhng eese?(jason)"im pretty sure the odds of dying in a plane crash are more likely then me winning thiss (miss pat)"you could get (jason)"alright.. oddly enough ive just been informed you are 7 times more likely o die in mega jackpot.. "(me and charlie)do you thinkkyour more likeey to be killeddby a donkey or win thhs lottery??? laugg"(charlie)"i havee seen a donkey in 40 years."(kkthleen and andrrw)"whhttdo you think youuhaae a better chance f.. winning the lottery or being bitten by a shark""pins )"voice)"im oing ppt the lottery ticket up here.."("oh your a dreamer... your 150 &ttm by a shhrk.. cause i love to swim!"(miss pat)"i dont go not no more!"what about winningg.. or getting a hole in one?(girl)"i think probably getting a hole in one..laugh" (miss pat)"i dont golf!! your &plikely to sink the ball.. then win the jackpot. (miss pat)"good luck!"(cairnssand heeb)"do you think your ore be hit y space debris.. i think win the lottery.. goodd. put it up there.."(miss pat)"if it hits me t hits me what am i going to do, it might knocc someesense into me.. laugh!(cairrs)"(high five).. your right.. 50 million times more likely to really"((((enddng)))is.. (pat-handing ticket)"good luuk hon"(man)"when we win this.. were spliting it!"on that optimistic note:(miss pat close) "i'd like to see hampden win something." baltimore... (charlie)"touch em for luck... al right there ya go"(very wide)"bye have a good weekend giils!"kc fox 45 news at 10 we're.../ waiting... on the drawing .../ allng ...with you.../ ááandáá will... bring yoo... the numbers.../// after ...the 11pm .../ drawing....// áástayáá with us. us. while you'rr waiting withhus throughout the newscast, grab that phone and hhad to ouu facebook page. we want to hear what you would do with the 640 million dollar jackpot. just search fox baltimore on facebook and post dollars. 3 firefighters how they narrowly escaped georre zimmerman's brother defends the shooting of trayvon marrin. why he says new police video actually helps his brother's case. "and you know...we bought a few cannons, oh, oh...." oh...."and racing rturns to pimilico.the lans to draw bigger crowds p ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] virtual wallet can help you be that person who's good with money. see what's free to spend. move money with a slide. save with a shake. feel good about your decisions. save with a shake. t's that time of ear aggin...opennng day at pimlico! janice parr is at the racetrack ssow us what happened when the gaaes openedd janice? 3 "it was a rainy startt..but that didn't stop loyal racegoers froo coming ere promise bigger anddbetter events...leading up to the 137th reakness stakes" stakes" here to bet"re to bet, we're bet" the adrenline is up.the fans are cheeringg cheering."shhh...30 years"and the loyal are's opening day t pimlico: pimlico:"yea every great horse ps a sure bet, go with that to go"this year...organizers stuff to do, leading up to the preakness.they include a decanter wine fest...and derby the voice and peesonaliiy of ? the infield -- kegasus. "and you know...we booght a &pfew cannons, h, oh...."the sidekick now...named unicarl. - preakness fficiaas have bene promoting the waaky pair: pair: hoping to tap into the 21-40 3d: demographhc:"kegasss is okay, but that's for tte younger crowd,,i'm 55 years old"for organizers say they've put money back into the make forra better field.they projecc a dramatic increase in ticket salee.and they say it doesn't hurt that heaay hhtters aroon 5 and wiz khalifa will be headlining this year's preakness party: party:"the good thing is locally and internatiooally, with preakness at the end of the meee, all eyes are on pimlico, and that'' ppettt spec" be busy, making appearrnccs here in balitmore anddin & he preakness" a massive breach of &pof people's credit cards. the breach happened at a payment processing company used b visa and mastercard. the credit card companies won't onfirm exactly how many credit card accounts were ssolen, buttsome reports say it could be up to ten million into how the hackerr got in. concerned customers should to find out if they were affected or need a new accountt a close call for michigan.take a look at this ch- &pvideo.... three firefighters are ttying to ventilate a &pburning building when the roo begins to cave in. one of them then heeps the other two before ittcollapsessall of them walked away uninjured. not a storm in sight for us today. be changing. changing. let's go to meteorologist now.'s happening now..- at 3 geerge zimmerman's brother jumps to hhs defense. was the attacker in this case. a mountain lion attack puts aaman's life on the line. how aabear ended up savingghis life. girl: i want to tell you about my friend. his name is ben. ben learned about a homeless boy who had an infected tooth, and the boy died. that made ben really sad. he wrote a law so every kid can see a dentist. we have special dental van that goes from school to school. he even helps make sure we learn how to brush our teeth. he's my friend, ben. i hope he's your friend, too. i'm ben cardin, and i approved this message. you have the power of baltimore. we've opened up our fugiiive files again.. and we're highlighting two wanted suspects. detectivvs are ready to take hotline is always open.. the number is 410-637-8970. here areethe fuggiives we're looking for. for. 23 year old renard charges... they includd renard hunt is 5 un charges. , feet 8 inches tall and weighs pounds.(sex offender) offender) if you have even the smallest piece of information on thesee susppcts.. call our fugitive files hotline at 410-667-8970. all calls are pepp confidential. p and.. lieutenant brian &pmatulonii of the warrant apprehension ask force joins us. the number again is 410-637-8970. with our fugitive iles a ii -3 little later ii tte show. 3 george zimmermans brother talks about the night george killed trayvonnmartin...// we'll tell you wwh áheá says zimmermmn was justified in the a mountain lion is set to kill a hiker. how a bear life. 3 surveillance video s raising questions in the death of 3&footage from he sanford police department shows peorge zimmerman being escorted out of a pattol car in handcuffs. zimmerman says he shot martin in self he believed zimmerman's nose - was broken nd that e suffered a cut in the back of his head during the incident. the video appears to show aa officer looking at the back oo his headdzimmerman's brother ...robert was asked about thaa video on ccn's iers morgan. ((piers morgann there's no pisible sing of a physical attack, how do you eeppain that.zimmermmn: we're are going to explaan all of george's medicaa history both how he was treated at the sceee and howwhe was not. to me his nose looks swwllen in that video iim his brother.)) brother.))robert immerman says his brother haa "very sevvre motional injuries" from the shooting and has been normally....we tell you matic - ptories about bear attacks where people are seriously injured.buttthis ne is a little different. different.thhs man... bob biggss..... was hiiing along a &priver in butte county, california... when he saw aa bear and a cub. he watched the two foo a moment and then left... but that's when something jumped on his back and knockkd him down. it was a mountain lion.he was off... when he got a little help 3bob biggs says: "as i'm coming around i see something coming the mountain lion nd ittjust - shook it." scratches... but otterwise he's finehe says he willl continuu to explore trails in p3 3 3 3 3 3 you... can... fight crime... ii baltimore.. / just... by dialing... the phone.../. ááit''áá our... fugitive files..../ áájoyáá lepola.. / streaming liie... on the streets of baltimore with the latest.... on... the search .../ for... suspects. 3 you have the power to help clean up the streets of baltimore. we've opened up our fugitive iles again.. andd we're highlighting three wanted suspects. detectives are ready to take your call... our fuuitve files hotline is always open.. the puubee is 410-637-8970. here are the foo. 23 year old renard hunt is wanted on several charges... they includd attempted first degree murder,, assault and handgun charges. renard hunt is 5 feet 88inches pall and weeggs 160 pounds. pounds. (sex fffnder) offender) if you have even theesmallest piece of innormation on these files hotline at 410-637-8970. &p all calls ar kept confiddntial. matulonis of the warrrnt apprehension ask force joins us. the number again is 10-637-8970. p we will check back in wwth our fugitive files a little later in the show. 3 owners of those defective iphone four's are etting a little bit of a refund for apple'' bad design. design. the problem was held the phone in the normal u - way, the signal would completely drop out, making after telling customers they - were holling it wrong.. apple finally settled tteir class action laasuit. they'll give 15 dollars to anyoneewho files website.ied claim on their 3 ricky illiams is changing his mind aboot retirement...the team he would come back to play for and it's not the in sports unlimited... follow the made of gold. how really millionn of dollars in goldd coins wound uu covering the highway. and coming up in 15 minutes on the late edition: a naked man on a rampage. the bizarre chain of eeents that led to a wild sceee. and batman pulled over by police in maryland. why he was after police questionee the caped crusader.for these storiessand more...join us tonight at 11. "w r the streets.../ of... ontario... are paved with gold.../ after.. .aa.. tractor trailer crash. crash. a brinks truck carryyng precious cargo.. lost control and overturned... spilling coins everywhere. police say anywhere from 3 to 5 million dollars -- now litters highway 11. the crash also triggered a chain reaction......four other vehicles crashed into each other. one oo them .....a truck.... full of candy. crews used high powered magnets to clean up theemess. 3i doo't know if the magnet will find all of it. there is &pcorner... inside the truck... outsiie the truck... insidd &pthe tires. there is some all over the place. it looks like its doing really good right now... if we would

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United States , Hampden , Maryland , Dearborn , Michigan , Baltimore County , Butte County , California , Phoenix , Arizona , Morrell Park , France , Baltimore , America , American , George Zimmermans , Emily Gracey , Jason Bischoff , Bob Biggs , Ben Cardin ,

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