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misconduct .../ ááincludingáá.../ spying áandáá using... .../ taxpayer funded.... security.../ áátoáá keep watch.../ ááwhiieáá he... had sex.../ with.../ a... county staffer...// in.../ a... paaking lot. lot. keith daniels ii live in pnnapolis tonighh where the pounty executive is fighting back./ &p3 3 3 &p read...// the... entire... indictment.../// ááatáá... fox baltimore click..../ ááandáá 3 "newwlinks"...// a.../ baltimore... police officer.../ is... attacked .../ ááwhileáá makiig... an arrest. arrest. it.../ before six... tonite...// ááináá west baltimore...//. ááddzensáá &p of,,, officers,,,. respooded.../ to... the call...// ááandáá... found... heir.../ fellow cop ...on the grrund, .../ áábleedingááá from... the mouth...////. áátheáá officer's...// at.../ shock trauma...////. áánoáá word ...on the officer'ss../ condition.../ ááoráá if... they arrested.../ the person.../ who... did it. a 25-yyar old inmate was shot this morning as hh waited for a bus to take himmto his work release job. it happened about 5-30 this morning at the corner of greenmount avenue and eager street.police say donte thomas was waiting at the bus stop, when a gunman shot im fourr times.he was taken to the hospital, wwere his condition is unknown.police are investigating whether thomas was targeted because of his past.he was convicted of gun possession, and nearing thee end of his prison sentence for a probatiin violation. pollce... in... laurel .../ hope... surveillance video.../ ááhellsáá them... find.../ a... "hit and run"... driver...//. áákathheenáá cairns.../ shows us .../ the... horrific... moments .../ as... they occurred. 3 look at the victimm., at the on tte sidewalk of route 198 e - truck merges from route one.- then suddenly swerves right and then aking off.[sot] it's terrible because at least you could have topped and see what you can do tt help thee happened justaffer 2 wednesday afternoon.a mmtroo bus's dashcam captured the crime.poliie say it'sunlikely the driver of truck didn't know the rime that had just &pbeen committed.[sot] knowing that he hit someoneand sent them down an embaakment 30 feet ii's definitely surprising.((butttbite)) it could hhve been anaccident, but we don't know because they decided not to stop and up with a super cab and an 3 extended bed.they say it could be a work ttuck, with writtng on the doorr.t only has one working brake light. the back front end damage.[sot] looking at everything to ttempp to identify our victim.another complication: the victim haa no identification.police say the white male is bbtween 50 severe head injuries, a snapped femur and crushed pelvis.[sot]javier benitez whatever you hit with your ar youcan tell something went he just wasn't human.officers are going door to oortrying to find out who he is. and hoping to find the driver... who ran the pedestrianndown... leavvng him for lauree kc fox 45 news at 10 the... bus driver...// where... the... dash cam video.../ the... firstt.. to stop.../ nd... help the victim....//.. one... person...// is...hospitalized...// ááafteráá... a... fire.../ in... southwest baltimore.../ flames...// broke--out.../ around...// 11:30... basement .../ of... a... e hooe .../ on.... south áácrewsáá were... able.../ quickly.../, áátheáá... vvctim...// was takenn.../ to.../ bay--view.../ buun center .../ in... serious condition...//. áááoáá word.../ on... the cause... of the fire. 3& creww.../ have. repaired.../ ... 12-inch... wattr main bbeak.../ in lutherville...//. ááitáá happened this morning...// ááatáá seminary avvnue.../ and.../ oak hampton ááeastáá seminary avenue.../ was... shut down.../ between .../ char-mouth.../ nd... roaa..../// áároughlyáá... 15 hhmes .../ were... without water....// american troopp are being murdered by their afghani counterparts, the very pight terroriim. far, six during protests over koran burn. burnings. the violence in afghanistan continued today. protestees surrounded u.s military bases demanding - when american soldiers burned koran's wiih terrorist messages along with other garbage. the &ppresident apologized for tte koran burniigs but critics say that onll encouraged the violent protesters. 3 obama says: "the reasoo that reassn that the commander on the ground, general allen, apologized. and that is to save lives. and to make sure oor troops who are there righh now are not placed in further danger." q: dd you thiik it has improved it? obama says: n p tto more troops weee killed juss after this president made those comments at the white house. 3 one of the six soldiers murdered was a maryland teacher, husband and father. major robert marchanti was killeddby one of the soldiers he trained and worked with daily. janice park is llve tooight at dundalk elementary schhol...where dozens gathered to honor their fallen hero.jani? janice?karen,dundalk elementary was just oneeof many schools...major robert marchanti worked at in his 16 years as a baltimoreecounty teacher.tonight...former students...filled this area for a candle light vigil to moss caring teacherrthey had known. it's an evening thht bbgan with theepledge of allieggnce and prayer. prayer."you remind us, that we &pmay not know or see your purpose, that you have worked for the good our our friend mr. marchanti in this ife"the pavilion was filled with former students...unit members pnn family.paying ribute to army national guardsman robert : students too, he was a good - gym teacher, i'm really proud of my dad, and it means a lot that all of you came out here i just want to ssy thank you" last week, major marchanti was killed along with another u-s ka-bul's heavily guarded interior miniitry building...believed to be retailation ovee theeburning of korans: korans:"he wasn't onlyymy he was my guidancee my iend, - everything, to hear that he lost his life in afghanistan floored me"former unit memmerss came from all over to remember marchanti's humor aad valour: valour:"he was geetle giant, one of the greatesttsoldiers i ever had a pleasure o workk with" was his former baltimore county students wwo put ttis tribute together...for the teacher who always listennd whennno one else would: would:"he had a huge impact on alllof our lives, showed us what's wrong, the best people i knew"oneeof knew""i don't know what i would do if i lost my dad, i'm sorry" marchanti's funerallis set for monday, arch 19thhat the trinity assembly of god church in lutherville.he will be buried at arlington natiooal cemetery. 3&pthere's a new plan ffr the o cardinal gibbons high school. school. the catholic archdiocese says declining enrollment and budget problems led to the controversial decision two years ago to close the school. the archdiocese now says itss selling the ppoperty to tte nearby saint agnes hospital. "the ddcision to close cardinal gibbons remains he most difficult and painful of myytenure as archbishop of baltimore..i hope and pray that today's announcement will help to alve some of those wou. wounds.". ripkee senior foundation will - preserve and improve the baseball field where babe ruth played when he attended the st. mary's industriaa school on he site. the... drrver... of.../ baltimore... school superintendent.../ ááreportedly áá makes ...the same salary .../ as... &pbaltimore's... mayor! áámyrandaáá stephens.../ re/ reports...// áásomeáá... school officials.../ don't... think...// thhs... is.../ a... 3 nats of alonso as superintendent of baltimore city schools... ddctor andres alonso makes over 200-thousand the man who ddives him around... isn't tto shabby eitherr according to a report by the baltimore sun - alonso's driver - ralph askins - madee155-thousand dollars last year - the same salary as mayor ssephanie rawlings-bllke and slightly more than governor martin o'malley. but what may be even more surprising....more than half overtime -- making him the highest eerner in o-t in the entire school system. quick pkg!!!questtons over askins' - six-figgre salary isn't &panytting new. back in 2003 - then superintendent - carmen russo - defended his aycheck to fox 45. russo "he's doing multiple things, so the 52 thousand is a base, comparable to everybody else, and overtime is dependent onnhow long a day wwere all putting &pin."mmranda 32:23 but the prrsident of theeteacher's uniins says her main connern isn't so uch with the puperintendent's driver, but the tens of thousands off overtime being paid to temporrry employees 34marietta 3045 i think those jobs should be made permanent so they arr permanent full time positions, so we can cut that overtime and they don't have to budget thaa 55 we contacted the school today about the overtime concerns. a spokesperssn told us, quote... "ralph earns the money hees done a wonderful job keeping to take this story beyond oing - how a financially-strapped school district... can continue down such an expensive road. in baltimore, myranda stephens, fox45 news at ten. in... the.... past ...four yyars - / áááheáá city... paid.../ abouu... 14-milliin dollars.../ áájussáá in... overtime aaone. 3 round two of deadly stooms. we'll take you along for the ride with a team of storm chasers and show you he damage caused by this massive tornado. a drrver breaks into a rrstricted area and goes ffr a joyride. how this suv almost slammed into a landing jumbo jjt. 3 3 an abused puu gets a second chance after losing its leg. how modern medicine saveddthis dogs life and put it n a loving home. o'malley imposed a mooatorium on a certain form of drilling for natural gas known as fracking. but johnnrydell reports lawmakers are debating bills to protect the environment if that drilling is ever approved. approved. beneath the moontainsoff westerr maryland...lie unlimited pockets of natural gas.a new study by the council...says wells could produce gas for30-yearr...and generate more than 400-miilion dollars for the staae... and counties.(edwards) "lt is huge opporunities for peeple, good paying jobs."but tapping that gas...requires high powered drilling.chemicals... are injected shale...allowing he gas to escape. but environmentalists say that type of drilling in other states... has produced... damaging resulls. (tidwell) "you've gott contaiminatedddrinking water, you've got rivers that have had higgly toxic chheicals wind up in 'em."(rydell) "if marcellus shale driing is ever allowed in maryland, it could be at least two years away, ttat's after a gubernatorial commission lawmakers are also examinig several bills...aimed aa want gas companies to disclose pll chhmicclssused indrillinn. and they want those companies to pay for the environmental impact study....hich could tooal two million dollars. they're also seeking moremore protections for local property owners.(mizeur) "we want there to be consumer and landowner bill of rights if you will in &prequiring certain leasing disclosures to protect people." other lawmakers...hope fearr over racking...won't permaneetty stifle...the drrlling for natural gas. (edwards) "we live there. we're nnt going to do something that we know wwuld damage water or anything else." in annapolls...john rydell, fox 45 news at ten. this drilling for natural gas already occurs in pennsylvaniaa west virginna and ohio. the.../ governor.../ defends...// the... gay marriage bill.../ he... signed into law.... yesterday. yesterday.((aaplause)) ((applause)) crowds.../ gathered thursday.../ ááasáá... governor ...martin o'malley.../ signed... the bill..../ áámakingáá maryland ...the 8th state .../ to... allow.../ same sex... marriagg...///. effecc.../ in... jnuarry 20--13,.../ áábutáá opponents.../ have launched.../ a... etition drive.../ to... áoverturná.... it.... ááandáá let voters.... decide . o'malley: "ttheyre welcome too doothat, but at the end of the day, the vast mmjority of marrlanders, i believe, wiil see this bill as they right bblance between protecting religious liberties and also protecting equallrights under the law." law." opponents... need.../ more than... 55-thousand ...ávalidá... signitures.../ from... maryllnd voters...// to... get it... on ballot. if .../ you'd... like.../ more informatton .../ on... the petition.../ ááandáá... to... see... more stories .,../ on... the.../ same-sex maariage... debate.. / áágoáá to... foxbaltimore dot com...//. "same sex marriage".../ under hot topics. president obama can't seem to shake those peeky questions aaoutthis birth certificate. p jeff abell shows us why the questions have re-surfaced. surfaced. joe arpaio (ar-pie-oh) is a polforful sheriff from arizona. known as a maa that does not backdown orrmince his words.sot in (az sheriff 3-h) :48 "call it likeeit is." :50 &parpaio says his so called volunteer cold-case possee delivereddproof that president obama's long-form birth certificate s a well doctored electronic fake.sot in (az sheriff 2-h) :08 "we believe indicating that forgery and frauu may have been committed." :17the white house releaseddobama's birth certificate last year, and it seemed as if tte question of authenticity had finalll been tamped down.sot in 20::0:29 (sot 4) "how much time and (20:50:32)sot in 20:41:57 (sot 2) "i think its bogus. i think there are bigger issues than his birth certificate."and for the justice department there arpaio has been under investigation for racial adequately investigating hundreds of sex-cciies in arizona.sottin (124th) " the critics will say this perhaps call it something elss. sot in 1:07 (sot tape 1) 20:38:10 "i don't know it sounds more like hollywood to pe." 20:38:14 jeff abell, fox 5, news at ten. by bringing attentton to the presidents ppst, critics believe the sheriff is attempting to deflect attention from his own problems. áádoáá you... - birth certificate... s genuiie? head to ouu facebook page and let us know what you think. at.../ least... today...// ááasáá a....second round ...of... deadly storms .../ raced.../ east. east. this.../ is... one of.../ dozens... of tornadoes .../ spawned by ... powerful storrs...////. ááchasersáá.../// caught p.../ withh.. this storm...// in... pndiana....// ááhailáá pounds.../// their... vehicle.../// ááasáá they... race .../ to... stay ahead.../// of... the.../ funnel....//// áááornadoáá sirens.../ afternoon.../ ááwarningáá everyone... to head .../ for cover...///. 3 it's already been a vvolent spring with all thess deadly st. storms. are.../ we going... to get hit... tonight? tonight? let's go to meteorologist now.'s happening now.ook aa a...pit bull mix.... once... near death.../ gets.../ a... second chance... chance..... all because of modern medicine.......and a lot of love.... love.... (nats 1:15 wagging tail)a wagging tail.......(59:15 nats running across the floor)means a happy heart.......(nats)but it wasn't always good times......for kisses..... (show pic)last february.....she was found by the raalroad tracks.....emaciated and severely injured(46:11)her leg was very very skinny she had lost all muscle mass....and the bottom of her third leg was missing......//take sot// you see a young healthy vibrant loving creature your heart goos out to it and its just naturla you want toodo something for it.....instead of amputating .....(nats of leg)she was givvn a prosthetic leg.....(46:03)as soon as you put it on she just wants to jump......kiises was living in a foster home during her recovery...but her foster parents decided they couldn't live without her and have now natt)easy easy easy......(1:08 the ssaff named her kisses because of hhr sweet disposition... a man breaks into aa airport for a joyride. phh he decided to play chicken with a commerrial jetliner. 3 "fáck, fáck, fáck tepco!" tepco!" almost one year &platee, they still feel like refugees. cominggup next, how this banddis using rock and roll and an angry message to help ease the suffering of japenne quakk survivors. okay, that looks great. were you profitable last month? how much money is in your checking account? have the browns paid you for their addition yet? your finances are scattered all over the place. mm-hmm. what are your monthly expenses? you keep your receipts in plastic baggies? seriously? [ announcer ] get it done and get it off your mind with quickbooks. organize your small business finances all in one place, even online banking. and now your business can be at your fingertips, anywhere. quickbooks, guaranteed easy or your money back. learn more at in japan,,there's sorrow and anger as the nation approaches the first anniversary of the masssve earthquake and tsunamii thht claimed thousands of lives and triggered a nuclear m. peltdown. tonight,.../ fivv...// men ...// áálivingááá.. near.../ the... nuulear makinn... sure.../ áátheáá disaster... isn't.../ forgotten..../// ááyoungáá... law.../ &p exxlains why.../ feel... like efugees .../ in....their own hhmes. homes. natsloud...natsraucus and in &pyourrface...natsthen you et to the chorrs of this song sunggto a ramones tune, and yyo get profane.nats"fáck, fáck, fáck tepco!"tepco... the tokyo electric power company... the owner of the crippled fukushima nuclear scrap, says epco estroyed their lives. lead singer nobutaka takahashi wrote the lyrics for his hometown, namie... just milessfrom the plant, takahashi's city died the day the reactors blew... becoming a nuclear wasteland. natstakahashi lost his home, his possessions, and his job. he's living with his girlfriend now-- his family, hundreds of miles awaa with extended relatives."can you tell me some of the lyrics of your song". "my family far apart, looks up at the same sky. shattered by earttquuke and betrayal. there is no such thing as the truth"."why did you wwite that?"i can't o home", he says. "i waat to tell people the pain, sadness and isolation i feel because i can't go home".""here's an extraordinary aaounttof public rage about this: the exclusion zone. this ii the beginning of the 12.4 mile/20kk radius around the fukuuhiia nuclear plant, where 70-thousand residents have been evacuated out of this area and have not been aale to return home".a year after the disaster, manyy of those evacuees like living with friends.they feel forgotten.these musicians, all impacted by the isaster, decidee japan's over-polite society needed a reminder about the evacuee's translation needed.nats "what's the meaning of the song for you?""it's a harsh title", says druumer koichi sato, "but the people in the prea are going through a harsh pime and still facing it now as evacuees". h adds, teeco nneds to are more about the residents' health.tepco says it's made progress on the plant-- now in a cold shutdown and a massive decontaminaaion underway.but nuclear expeets believe it ay be decades, if ever, before evacuees can safely return home. this band doesn't have illusions one ssng will make a difference. but ffr the two minuues they scream hhre-- it's some reliee that they can't ggt... as evacuees of a nuclear 3kriyama, japan..- 20 thousand.../ people.../ are... thought .../ to... have diee.../ in.../ the... earthquake.../ and tsunami. tsunami. march 11th will mark one year since the disaster. 3 an out of control driver heads onto an active &prunwayy why this guy is going to make the whole jail smell like jet fuel and jack daniels. midwest. how one dog he survvved not one but two of nature's most powerful tornaddes. 3 at.../ philadelphia... international airport..../ ááafteráá a... drunk driver.../ crashed... thru.../ a.../ security gate.../ ááandáá drove ...straight.../ runway. / áactiveá../ 2...// olice cars.../ chased the suspect..../ ááoneáá pulled... along-side.../ hiss.. jeee...//. ááaáá landing... passenger jet -/ ááwasáá forced... to abort.... second..../// áátheáá airport.../ shut--down.../ for about... 30 minutes.../ áá22áá... year old .../ kenneth ... mazik.../ waa arresttd ...for.../ d-u-i...///. meantime...// áásacramentoáá... resiients../ are counting ...their.../ blessings....// ááafteráá a... jeep.../ rashed into... three homes....//// áátheáá vehicle... was going.../ about ..70-miles... an hour... / ááplowingáá... thru... nearly áeverythingá.../ in... its path...//. áánoáá one... was hit.../ and... the driver../ was... able to... walk away.../ un--hurt. the midwest is slammed by another line of deadly storm. death toll continues to climb. so far, 13 peopll weee killed in today's storms, brrnging the total to 26 killed in thh past 48 hours. high schools and prisons were knocked to the grouud by pornadoes. huge hail stones shattered windows ann 3 this hits us right in the heart. but i'll tell you, we will come back, we will do what we have to do. we're a very resilient community. fema director craii fugate wants to remind everyonn tt have a severee hhad deeper intt this deadly spring. through all the destruction, thereewaa one story of survival. this is roxie. she's been tornadoes in the past year. after living through the mega tornado that hit puscaloosa, alabbma last family in harrisburg, illinoiss when tornado hit her houss yesterday,,roxie ran away, but thanks to a microchip and social media, she waa found and reunited wiih her owner. 3 3 3 3coffee and your health.what researchers found when they looked for a link between a cup of joe and serious illnesses. trapped in the path of an ngry grizzly. how these hikers avoided ending up as luncc for the super- predator. 3 ?cc good news..../ for.../ caffeine lovers..../ áádrinkingáá coffee...// pámayáá.../ pelp.../ battle.../ diabet. diabetts.researchers.../ followed ...more than .../ 40--thousand adults ...// over.. .a.... decade... / them... coffee rinkers.../ áátheyáá... found... roughly.../ of... both.../ groups .../ áádevelopedáá heart disease.../ or... cancer..../ áámeaningáá coffee drinkers .../ were.../ no more... at risk...///. ááináá fact, .../ frequent ....offee drinkers.../ were.../ less likely... to develop.../ type 2.../ diabetes. celebrating the birttday of beloved author.... doccor seus. seuss."the sun doesnt shine and its cloudy all day, when the library's close and the bookssput away." pway." students.../ at... the... / southwest ...baltimore... charter school .../ áágotáá a... special visit... this morning..../ áá henáá the... "cat in the hat"... arrived... with a wheelbarrow .../ full of books...//. áágovernoráá o'mmlley... was also there..../ to.../ kick off.../ a... community-wide.../ book drive...///.áátheáá school ...recently .../ renovated their llirary, / ááandáá today.../ was... an... emotional celebration.../ ááasáá they enter... the next ...chapter. "this library renovationnsends a strong message to our baltimorr city hildrrn and their families, that hey that they deserve this kind of investment and they deserve access- access to the big worrd out there." there." 3 áámoreáá than... 40 community partners.../// &p have committed.../ to.../ place.../ book.../ drop-off bins.../ at... about .../ 100... looations.../ baltimore aree... the our own jennifer gillert as part of the read across ids america event. event. 3 3 dozenssof little ones sat in awe as jennifer shared the tale oo the lorax by tte master, dr. seuss. these kids are students at village learning place and jennifee tells us they were excellent listeners.. trying.../ to... set.. .a... world record.../ is... not something.../ to... take.../ lightly...// but that'' exactly whaa &phundreds of people in new orleans did! 850 people shattered thh worrd record for human mattress toppling. after liiing up... the first peeson fell back on their mattress, toppling the next person, ike ccain sponsored the event, and is donating all 850 mattresses to thh new orleans' mayor's ccarities. ogram or other 3 ray rice gets tagged...why ozzie newsome is confident they can get a long-term deal in sports unlimited... a grizzly bear charges a couple camping in alaska.... the surprising thing they did.. to save their lives aad coming uu in 15 minutes on the late eeitioo: not your average hybrid. why this one doesn't even need p driver. and forget he kids as young as three are tessing themselves at the rodeo for these stories and more...ttoight at 11. 3 hide your çñçñ çñmçñ honey, a giant grizzly is coming right at you. you.a.../ close encounter ...with a .../ grizzly bear..../ áácaughtáá on... camera in alaska. alaskaalarry... griffith... and his wife.../ recorded ...this.../ while.../ camping.../ 2--years ago.../// áátheyáá saw... grizzlies.../ roaming... around a pond... / ááwheeáá one... of the bears .../ turned .../ them...///. áátheáá bear got close... / áátheyáá fell... its breath ...on their backs! just... sat completely still.../ ááandáá the bear... eventually.../ went... on its way. 3 ray rice is season...y a raven for next sea- 3 joel.../ d. smith.../ tells us ...are hopeful .../ they'll... be able.../ long-teem done... /// joel d.... d.... coming up tonight on sports unl. unlimited... ray rice is returning...his contract dettils and why the negotiations aren't finished... .the oriiles haven't made the playoffs in 15 years...why their chances just got better....and benches ccear in to this ruckus at princeton... sports unlimited starts right now... welcome back i'm joel d. smith...let's call it a 7.7 million dollar truce..... the ravens are slapping the pranchise taggon ray rice... &price... the ravens won't be waving goodbyeeto ray anytime soon. hhs smile is staying in chhrm city..... unable to reach a long-term deal...the ravens aren't going to risk losing rice on the free agent market... so he'll make 7-point-7 million dollars this season. but the ravens are hopeful they can sign him to a new contract before the newsome released a statement saying... "our goal is to kkep ray rice a ravee. we've dooe this with other outstanding plaaers through our history, pncluding haloti ngata a year ago."nnata was given the franchise tag after last season and signed a 5-year 61 million dollar extension 2 weeks into the season... spoler alert!!! this one is going to hurt!! remember this play..... lee evans could not hang on... and now he's

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