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extensive injuries. óóóóóóóóóóóóóóóóóóóó óóóóóóóóóóóó &p3 good evening, i'm jeff abell. abell. and i'm kkren parks. an anne aruudel county police officer is under arrest tonight accused of interfering with a drug raid..... raid..... he's a 14-year veteran....who's accused of raid. tonight janice park e r. shows us how it all went down. down. neighbors living on juniper stteet...say they watched as a quiet thursday evening quickly : barking, guy in a dark suit with a ski mask, and he had a cars and police vehicles filled the olice prepared to raid this home. greg hefner says he was just pulling into his driveway...when he was approached byypolice: police:"cop ran across tte street, with flashliggt and gun pointed at me" me""pointed the red ddt on his chesttand told him freeze, shut the áááup or i'll bllw you ááá brains out" "i've got respect for the police, i know they gotta do what they gotta do"police entered the home with a search warrant...and found five people aloog ith a verr small believe drugs were hidden in a different llcation because &panne arunnel couuty police called anddwarned them...that a drug raid was about to take p: place:"and there was only a little bit offcoccine found t this location but police say they were directed to another locction, where they ound 82 grams of marijuanaathis couple living at the home declined to comment...but says theyywere simply playing cards when the raid happened: happened:"througg our innestigation, cpl alexander had prior knowledge o these folks aad prior contact, that's what we're looking at now how extensive ttat was" detectives say phone records showed that corpooal alexaader had been in contact with them. friday...alexander.... 14 prrested.he'sschargee with obstructing a police officer...and conspiracy to distribute marijuana áanddcocai: cocainee"i'm glad they got him, there are bunch of dirty cops and omething needs to be done"janice park...fox45 news at tee. corporal alexander is released tonight on his own recognizance. 3 a man is slammed by a car in road. it happened late last night in towson at the intersection of york and linnen teerace. the driver of the car stayed on the scene until police arrived. the victim was rushed to shock trauma with life-threatening injuries. an armed man is stiil on phe loose after he stabbed a it happened at 4000 benson - avenue. one man was stabbed then another person was hit by a car just seconds after the stabbing. police haven't pelated. so far no ooe has peen arrested, tte stabbiig victim is expected to make a full recovery. yeardley love as murdered in may of 2010. the trial for her acccsed killer begins next week, but tonight, her alma mater, notre dame prep held a huge event to honor her memory. memmry.. myranda stephens is live at the school tonight with the latestt lltest. 3 3 myranda stephens, fox45 neww at ten. stay with with fox 45 for complete coverage of the yeardley love murder trial.our when jury selection begins on monday. the susan g. komen foundation is in full disssttr control mode after mmking what some of the worrt moves in the history of non-profit organizations. organizations. komen will be picking up the pieces for months afttr they decided to stop funding planned largest abortion provider. after a counnry-wide backlash, komen reversed their decision and angered pro-life supporters by rrstoring funding to planned paaenthood. the only winner from this public relations niggtmare is planned advvcates have sent in thousands of donations which &pdwarfs the contributions from the komen foundation. komen eeecutives are trying to survive fter this potentially fatal mistake. today they sent a letter apologizing to every komen supporter. 3 "they are being ppessured in every way. e are witnessing an absolutt shakedown of n po ave the llves of women through cancer ressarch. "i think komen wants to get out of the culture wars. they're, you know,,tired of the negative publiccty formal partner to the nation's largest abortion providerr" provider." planned inveetigation for possibly using taxpayer doolars to fund abortions. 3 3first on fox...inmates facebooking behind bars.....a crackdown on contraband.... contraband....earlier this inmate at the baltimore thhs ii joonson's facebook profile picture taken in his his cellphone to facebook. our investigation this week led to a sweep for contraband at the jesssp correctional lock-upp... officials there se dogs to ssiff cell phones out oo the hands offinmates. (vernarelli)"it isn't just the dogs...we have to have all these components.. technnlogy, staffing in certain areas..." areas..." investigators saa cell phones can endanger those innsde prison as well as witnesses on &pthe outside. it's a deadly game spreading like wildfire on sooiil media and it has one high alert. charles counnyyschools areecracking down on the pass out challenne. it's a ew game that has put three kids in the hospital ann made many more veryysick. sick. these henry lackey high school seniors say the knnck out or paas out challenge is an &pincr their chool.[sot...trent] tc=4:35it does seem stupid. everybody does it now. i don't know wwy thhy're doing it. they've all seen some of tteir claasmates do it... holding their breath until tey pass put.they think it's a bad idea. [sot...erick]tc=5:57it's just &psomething you should know not to do., you'rr kncoking yoursell out, really. in the past week... at llaat two lackey students have been playing the game....and ter several morr ssen by a nurse. and it's not only lackey &pstudents aking the challenge. school and even middle schools have posted ccmments line about doing it.charles school officials say the students are learning the challenges ffom &pvideos oo youtube and face book.they've sent letters to parents alerting them of the possible ealth risk and asking forrtheir help curbing the dangeroussbehavior. [sot....athie]tc=1:34what happens is you can lose, you lose consciousness ann you fall youucould hii your head on the way down and other physical harm can comm to you. [sot...lisa]tc=9:15it's very scary,. i don't think they realize the danger they're pitting ttem selves in by doing that nd i certainly hope my childrrn don't put themselves in danger by doing that. school officials say any studenn caughtttaking the knock out or pass out challenge could face possible disciplinary action.these lackey seniors say its a good students know thh so callld &ppame... can kill.[sot...tevin] tc= 6:54i think itts stupid [maureen tag]additionally, some students are also taking a "cinnamon challenge"that's whhn they inggss large amounts that it can lock the winnpipp causingga person to vomit or suffer respiratory distress, wwll get from wttgschool friday, 03 feb 2012, 10:55 pm &pestfeb 2012, 10:55 pmmest maureennumeh maureen.umeh@fox tv..oo several balttmoreans spent this day balancing the citys budget. they rolled up their sleeves ... and started crunching the city issfacing a 52-million dollar budget gap. several people from the 'occupy baltimore' movement attended todays workshop. rawlings-blake says: 06:26:28 "it's very imporrant for me to have a transparent and open budggt pprcess to make the budget accessible. this is one of he things i hope s a hallmark of myy administratioo." 26:36 26:366he mayor's budget plan goes bbfore the board of 3stimates in latt march. politicians are ofttn get an earful from angry taxpayers.... in fact, one man got so frrstrated he wrote a book....accusing government leaders of selling out.....when they bailed out biggbanks. tonight, authors ppan ffr getting the &ppountrr on track. track. &pquick nats - knooking at the door (file: foreclosure flood of homeeforeclosureeathe qqick natss- let's go oaaland (file: occupy wall street :00-:01)broll: use occupy bolll until vern mmkinley ssntence. useethe track over the video and banks are linnering - problems ttreeeyeaas after a series of billion dollar bailouts were supposed to get &pthe ountry back on track.ver mckinley didn't believe it thena&or now.soo: author sst ;10-:16well like everyone else back in 2008, i was looking at the whole mess and oing some was soo rustrated by lack of - specifics and accountaaility about bailouts that he sued four agencies.from fannie ay and freddie mac to cittgrouu and bank of amerrca, he asked one kee question.sot - author sot 26-31 what bad things would have happened if youulet these big nstitutions fail? broll: bookhis ew book, of bailoots", chronicles how washington leaders repeated mistakes of he past as ffr back as the 1930's.sot - author 2:02-2:09 there was really no conneccion between these banks failing and otherr bankk failing in a domino effect..roll: hill, foreclosuremckinley says government agencies panickeda&thee rushed to justify their decisions ááafteráá making them.policiee at the trrasuuy department, federal deposit insuraace sot: 3:56-4:02you should llt -3 success happpn and you should also let failure happen. i think that is a good way of brollwill there be more baillutss?president obama clearly points to his priorities for 2002 but stops bonanza.sot: obbma add 3:00- 3:08an economy built on american manufacturing, skillssand education, and a rettrn to american values broll: unemployment clipsbut unemployment is still near nine percent.home foreclosures are at record highs..nd more americans are relying on government elp like food stamps and medicaid than ver a bailout aid for unavoidable?soo - ahtor sot 8;;0-8:31i have no doubt ttough that the poliiicians are so.. stupida& maybe i complete confidence in them that they will be stupid enough to try it aggin.brolll booki'm megyn gilliland reporting. vern mckinley issa research fellow at the independent &pinstitute in washington, the white house releaaes hundreds of documents related to a loan to now-bankrupt solyn. sslyndra.313-pages of documents were released last night ...aater republicans yesterday threatened to hit the white house with contempt of congress charges.the documents show the enerry department made a condition &ploan ccmmitment to the coopan in march 2009 ...just monnhs before the full 500-mmllion dollar loan was ranted.the aaministrationnsays there is still no evidence of political all, the white house has handed over 15-hhndred pages of solyndraa documents. inna daringg pre-dawn raid, dozens of police officers in full riot gear encampment. officers hadd a clear message...pack up and leave....buu some protestors henrehan shows us what - happened on eviction day. day. ] park pooice arrived in force clomping horses][b] some in - full riot gear, including harr helmets and haad-held shields. [nat sot, 06.00][c] a helicopter hovered above. the first priority for the police: a blue tarp draped by protestors around the lower part of the statue of civil war general james mcpherson. tarp, buttafter negotiations, the plastic came downn pedestrian barriers were erected throoghout the park,, and people were removed from police could inspect tents. those with camping material in them were reeoved, and so were &pblankets, pillows and personn belongings. at first, disposal bags were labeeed, and police said owners could retrieve their ppoperty over theenext workers simply threw the protestors' belongings into police spokesman said there were "health issues" with some of the belongings. thh demonstrattrs appeared dismayed by the crackdoww. super: ryan barron lash / 01.53.28"so, if they don't want us the sleep, they don't want uu to camp, that'ssfine. pot sleeping. until they do sot, 9.42 "whose streets? our streets! (twice?)[d] as police worked their way through mcpherson square, there was occasional rrsistance from some of the protestors.[nat sot, 01.07.10 -- second scream] [e] in general, the resistance to the parkkpolice was short-lived. as the day wore &pon, parts of mcpherson square began to look ore like a park than a caapproond.super: maria luque / lives nearbyluque bite, 01.10003"uh, mixee put i missed thh park. the cleaa park. are you glad to get the park back. yeah. (nods). (:13) eight people were this morning'' raid. 3 two teachers at the same school accused of practicinn bondaae and sick sexual fantasies with young students. why parents say tte school knew it was goingg on and did nothinn. underneath a jumbo jet. how he ended p wwth the entire 100 thousanddton lane parked on his legs. i'm jeff barnd. e have new suspects on theewheel of jussicc. findd will be highlighted.. next. fighting back against crime. you justice. jeff barnd is standdng by justice.ight's heel of justice. 3 3 3 3 p3 all new suupects this week on the wheel oo justice. with your help... one oo theseesuspects will soon be behind bars. all of them are wwnted on warrants. we're spinning the wheel... and when t stops.. we highlight that person. oppe our hotline.. so you can tips. 33-year old marchellis anderson is wanted for domestic assault charres. police say last month he got iito an argument with is ex-girlfriend at a home on marbourne avenue neaa puget street. arguing.17:31:12 he punched -h her and choked her. there officer noticed the young lady was shaken. track down anderson since.o - 17:31:39 as with all domestic cases we know they start out simple and in cases like this they essalate to the point that they're physical. can elp put marcellis anderson behind bars. if you have any inforration.. call ur hotline at 410-667-8970. we'll bb back next saturday with more suspects.. and another spin of the wheel of justice. bbltiiore teenager is behind bars tonight -- accused of killing oneeoo his mentors antomar jones shot the two men in the back of their heads... while sitting ii a car parked alonn nasco place... in northeast baltimore... just one block from good samaritan of the victims managed to walk to the hospital ffr help. he remains innstable, buu critical condition.the other viitimm--- 31-yeaa-old corey alexander.... died from hiss injuries. his sister tells us he was an honors graduate from coppin state university. he was also a lifelong mentorrwho enjoyed giving back.she can't understann why anyone would kill him.... but she hhoes this tragedy won't deter needed mentors. uch--- < "mentoring ddes work. i know that it definitely does work... we just need moree mentors... at an earlier age."> age."> the ttenage gunman is now charged with murddr and attempted murder. a second teacher is under arrest in california tonight aacused of fondling tto seven-year old girls. disgusted and i am sad." 1:00 1:00on monday, police charred taking more than 400 bondage phhtts of studenns in his cllssroom.....yesterday ... police charged a second teacher at the school ... with fondling wo's unclear if there's a connection beeween the cases police say a film mark berndt after noticing t -- images oo students lindffldee with tape over their mouths. the teacher has worked ptere for 30--ears. 1:21 parker ays: "the children felt this was aagame, victimizeddthey thought theyy were being blindfolded and gagged as a game." 1:32 1:32berndt ii eing held on 22-milllon dollars bail tonight. both teachers have it seems no one is interested in riding around in president obama's old car ... at least not for one million dollars. obama waa riding in the ident - presiddntial limo ...he was leasing thhs chrysler its on the eeay auction blockk por oneemillioo-dollars.but that auction ended this week with o bids.the listing agent is pitching the car as the &pperfect treat for the ultimat czibor says: "24 somebody obama...somebody wwo wwnts to be near where obama was...or to have a piece of hhstory35" history35"montoya saas: 53 is roughly twelve-thousand a long way from one-million. :00" &palthough no one has bid on th car...the ebay listing has gotten over 14-million hiis. the agent sayssshe'll probabll re-list the chryyler closer to election time ... maybe at lower price. early vottng rreults show mitt romney has won the nevada caucu. caucuses.riggt now, the foommr massachusetts governor has just under 40 percent of the vote ... with 8 percent of precincts reporting.newt gingrich has 25 percent. percentapparently confident - about his prospeets ... romney &pnevada would solidiffyhis front-runner status in thh race for the whitt house. 33 a massive winter storm continues to churn east thick layer of heavy ssow. snow. this is what's appening tonight in nebraska. cars slid out of control as major roads turned into ice skating rinks. in omaha, hundreds of cars an off thh road and slammed into road signs and guarr rails. dozens of flights were canceled with hhndrees more pelayed as the blizzard slammed the midwest. this round of inter tonight. our wild, warm winter continues as huge tissue ppper snow fell throuuhout the afternoon and to show you these huge flakes falling ootside the fox 45 studios. over the 41st street bridge, the approach to fox 45 turnnd into a ccrtain of white, bbt the warm air only let the flakes stay around for a few minutes once it down tt the - 3 this is mm kind of no problems.... problems.... put the season is still young... young..... here's meteorologist emilyy gracee with the firrt llok at your skywatch forecast, emily... .. pinned under tte worrd's biggest jetliner. the simmle mistake that landed the 787 on top of a man. "iidon't believe we should anddccntrrception and catholics are digginn in for a fight. in toniiht's cover story, the pope vs. the president, why obama is forcing catholics to pay for abortions. 3 okay, that looks great. were you profitable last month? how much money is in your checking account? have the browns paid you for their addition yet? your finances are scattered all over the place. mm-hmm. what are your monthly expenses? you keep your receipts in plastic baggies? seriously? [ announcer ] get it done and get it off your mind with quickbooks. organize your small business finances all in one place, even online banking. and now your business can be at your fingertips, anywhere. quickbooks, guaranteed easy or your money back. learn more at the pope is in a life or death fight with the president. pressdent obama wants churches contraception for their employe. employees. catholics in and in tonight's cover .. 3 have the final say....come nove. november. catholic leaders took to theer pplpits ... railing against a new governnent policy. it áforcesá employees, including religiously affiliated schools and hospitals, to cover all fda-approved contraceptives. "our catholic institutions which serve this nation well, are bbing told yyu, ho find these find theseethhngs offensive, you should paa for &pthem, in fact you must paa fo firmly against the new ule."i don't believv we should have to ppovide, abortificants and contraception and abortions..." while many use of cootraception ... he church leeders llke cardinaa ar this is an issue of rellgious freedom."we're nnver experienced ttis in the historyyof our ccuntry beforr. this is a violltion of the basic righhs of consciince and religious liberty. so you need to know that and you need to begin to speakk pp" that argument may be working. steve catholic university and has advised the obaaa callssthe contraception solidarity. that i think could very well carry over activittes."(nats) there are 70 million catholics in the voted in 2000 went for important majority wwen you ponsider where many of them live."they're located in places like ohio, and pennsyllania, and coloradooand florida which are of course critical states for whoever wanns to become president f the united statts. o that catholic vott really mattees." in 2009, with a speech at notre dame university .... president obama extended an olive branch to catholics. "maybe we won't agree on aggee that this is a still heaat-wrenching decision for any woman is nnt ade casually. it has both moral let us work together..."(nats) "let's honor the conscience of abortion,, nd draft a seesible consccence clause." but now the goodwill the presidentt accumulated may be in jeopardy, schneckkssys, especially for the way the out the newwpolicy.(nats)three days before tens of thousands of protesters -- many of them catholic -- came to washington for the annuul march for life on theeanniveesary on the supreme ccurt decision of roe vs. wade."there's nothing like having a sense of opposition tt you o rally tte troops and i suspect hat's goinn to happen here." the pollcy goee intooeffect this summer but ives religious groups an extra year to comply. comply. lawmakers how you feel... baltimore dot com and click on 3 are you strrng enough to survive 100 tons on your body. how one man ended up testing thaa painful question under a jumbo jet. 3 theesuper-bowl ads can often be better than the game itself. those ads are taking social media by storm this sunday. we'll tell you how. 3 3 there wws annearly morning crisis at an everett washington aarport, whereea man is pinned to the tarmac by &pa jumbo jet. landing eaa when he was the - plane. it took hydraulic jacks and everal hourssbefore thousand ton lane off the man.... he'ssin serious condition tonight... the booing dreamlinerrwas being towed to a different area of the airporr hen the innident happened. remember the days when super super bowl sunday? on smartphones long before the &pgame has started. started.tonight, carrie piercc oo word on the web. wwb. during the big game sunday, advertisers will be aiming for some smmll screens. screens. with an averaae price tag of three-point-five mmllion dollars for a thirty-second super bowl sppt-- advertisers want to make sure they get ssot, on the super owl, and then ffr weeks afterr for ddys afterr for people tt talkk about it and share it. companies re finddng social media and super bowllads go together like chips and dip: in-game, post-game, and even pre-game. now people are trying to get o share it beforr hand, because they found that peopll are actually better receptive towards it. they see the spots and they like them, and they kind of waii to see them again. chevy, is just one, that joined that trend on youtube. i have a super bowl ad before he super bowl. so yyu can be the first to post it to facebook, and then when one of your friendss shares it and ou'll be famouu! audi will be among many trying to trend on twitter during theegame. this ad spoofing the twilight phenooenon encourages viewers to tweet with the hashhag "so long ampires.""these stars of cocaa-ola's sunday ads wwll have a hashtag too: #gameday nnt enough to do with your com spot haa a q-r code for to their website for more of their acy content. 3 year... for the firstttime ever the gmae will be strraming live on the iiternet. i'mmcarrie peirce and that's your word on the web. 3 3 &p 3 3 &p 3 a new twist on an old could save youu loved one's lives in a fire. &p it's a building material as hot as it's bright red color. manufacturer claims it could save your family's life. life.but is this lumber really p life-saver....?patrice haaris puts it to the deal or dud test. it's winter time, and that means, more heat... and more house fires.but one producc fear.we put eco- wood to the deal or dud test. wood is usually pinee treated with a bright red ally conboy says: "we have to raise the bar with whattwe've been &pdoong since world war ii, wit fire retardant... but it also - protects from territes and mold.the producc was introduced lass year and pere's a sped-up demonstration reacts to flame versus r - untreated lumber.and, it only pntreated wood.conboyysays: "the average houss issgoing to cost you maybe 20k in lumbbr.. pbout 2 thousand dollars more per, is it aadeal or a ud?conboy says: "it works, it's going to keep houses safer" for more information on eco wood, log on to fox baltimore dot com slash news links. links.patrice harris fox45 news at ten. 3 awards...see if terrell suggs is the defensive player of the year...and the other ravens who walked away with in sports unlimited... are ttese pprents taking tebowing too pebbw to deliver their first child like he is taking a snap from his centtr. ooo he didn't maae the superbowl but fans insist tim tebow ii the best uarterback on the planet. one young ffmily hopes to takk tebow's success on the room.22 (music) 27ivery room..- 27 meet jennifer and chris ultrasound of their unborn - child, ann they say you can see their baby already tebowing in the womb. tim tebow mmde the move famous after scoring a touchdown, he goes to a knee and rays.. the parents to be say it's a ggeat sign that their soon to be son or daughter is already getting ready to cheer oo sunnays and they knowwthe real tim tebow would approve. 3 "thii child is tebowing." got &pkkck out of this." this." i think he'ddbe perform the baptism we don't have anybody yet so.... ss.... the parents even brought a bag of dirt from florida field where tebow played in college. they say they waat the first dirt their child's feet walk on oobe aa florida. ed and played 3 two ravens are honoreddby the nfl tonight... toniggt...morgan adsit tells us hat awards are coming to baltimooe...morgan... morgan... 3&coming up onight n sports u. the yearly awards are given out in the n-f-l

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United States , County School , Massachusetts , Mcpherson Square , District Of Columbia , Nevada , Nebraska , Florida , California , Ohio , Washington , Samaritan Hospital , Americans , American , Freddie Mac , Chris Bombardier , Patrice Harris Fox , Susan G Komen , Terrell Suggs , Ron Paul , Montoya Saas , Vern Mckinley Issa , Emily Gracey , Maria Luque , Jeff Abell , Tim Tebow , Corey Alexander , Maureen Umeh , Greg Hefner , Megyn Gilliland , James Mcpherson , Vern Mckinley , Newt Gingrich , Steve Schneck , Ryan Barron ,

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