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keith daniels,.../ live.../ in... east baltimore.../ ááwhereáá the... child... is recovering.../// ááandáá... her... family.../ wants action... from.../ state lawmakers.. / keith. keith. jeff..... the little girl's name is ava delricco..... doctors here at johns hopkins say she's in fair condition tonight... .upgraded from critical. her family is hoping for the best... for their little girl... and a new.............. ////////////////////pkg///////// //// she's a little girl.. fighting a big battle.... 18-month-old ava is in the hospital in baltimore.. after a car crash in ocean city nearly killed her and her mother. police have charged andre kacynski with driving while impaired in connection to the collision. investigators believe kacynski was behind the wheel of his speeding pickup truck.. high on pcp when he smashed into ava's mother's car. it happened in december, just before christmas.. when ava's family focused on one wish for the holiday, a full recovery.(cherie delricco/grandmother) "prayers, prayers and hoping that this is gonna be a asking for a miracle. we want a miracle.."..........the family also wants tougher penalties for dwi offenders. specifically, people who drive under the influence of drugs. through a website, they're gathering ignatures, nearly 9-thousand so far, for a petition to send state lawmakers. loved ones lobbying for stricter laws. james crawford.... (crawford) "i think tougher laws will change behavior..." a defense attorney with extensive experience with dui laws.. he's an penalties.. but says improving detecting mechanizms for drivers in the field is just as cruicial. which now he says only basically includes, questions from an officer. (crawford) "take them in a backroom, and in a darken room, look in their pupils, their eees, their movements so, there is some certification and some standardizeddtests, but no where near as much as the alcohol tests." of changes in the law.. as a toddler fights for life. 3 breaking news.../ in.../ haaford county.../ tonight. tonight.shots .../ fired.../ during... a.../ "road rage".../ incident.../ on... i-95.../ near... mountain road..././//. áápoliceáá say.../ nicholas... hider...// fired shots .../ at... another driver,.../// driver,.../// áánoáá one... was hit....// áástateáá ttoopers.../ eventually... tracked hider.../ at... his home.../// ááheáá... faces... assault... and .../ reckless.../ endangerment... charges../// police are asking for your help tonight fighting bbckthey want to find the person who abandoned a baby on a d-c street sunday night. the baby girl was found near the steps of this house in the she was wrapped only in a towel ... and wasn't wearing a diaper or any clothes. police say they have no clues in the case and need someone to ssep forward. a.../ baltimore county is... behind bars.../ áá ináá connection.../ with.. .a.../ hit... and run.../// ááthatáá hospitalized... a.../ state trooper. police say.../ 30... year-old.../ matthew wood ...turned himself in.../ this morning..../ áátheáá crash occured.../ around... 1 oclock.../ sunday.../ on.... áánearáá ruxton road...///áátheáá trooper.../ was... hit.../ while... / giving... a ticket.../ to... another driver...///.ááwoodáá faces...// several... charges.../ ááincludingáá leaving.../ the scene ...of the accident..../áátheáá trooper .../ suffered...// bumps and bruises. vandals stole gas from nearly a dozen cars...sitting in the lot of a dealership in annapoli. happened around 3 pm yesterday at koon's toyota on west street. ...and here's how they did it... investigators say someone drilled holes into the gas tanks. ... they also say they may ánotá be selling the gas on the black market iq: they may need itoq: someone who's on the road all the time time it's also extremely dangerous police are still trying to find theeperson who did it fox45 has teamed up ith the most popular crrme mapping website on the internet. "spotcrime" tracks criminal activity in your neighborhood. you can also get emails when crime happens.sign up by going to our website... fox- baltimore dot com...and click on "spotcrime" in the "hot topics" section at the top of the screen that...// iconic... carousel...// at... the inner... harbor..../ ááwilláá... soon... be gone...// according... to city officials./ officials...// áámyrandaáá stephens...// live... downtown...// ááwitháá... word... that...// the... carousel... operator...// ááisáá... way... behind...// with...his.../ payments...// myranda? jeff, the carousel - which sits neettto the maryland science center - is considered by many toobe a baltiiore attraction. buu the city says it's been going in circles with the owner over rent for far too long - ann it's time for this ride to end. nats of richard it's been 31-years since richard knight brought his cooorful carousel to baltimore's inner harbor. more nats but soon - it will have its last go-round. 47:40 for 3 thousand dollars they're going to shut down the carousel nd take this away!? 45this month - the city sent a letter to knight saying it was terminating his lease for the carousel - and that he'd have to shut it down and move it out by march 31st. in a phone interview - an official told us knight hasn't paid rent in over five years - and quote... after "many, many repeated attempts to make this lease viable, we simply could not." 49:27 we told them i couldn't afford to pay rent, and they've never asked us for but knight says he told the city the carousel was losing money a long time ago... and thought they had an understanding because it was only making 25-thousand dollars a year. 47:22 so at 25-thousand i owe them maybe what, 25-hundred dollars a year in rent. so they're going to close me down for that? laughs, they lose more of that on the hilton iim sure of that laughs 37but reaction to the city's decision... appears to be mixed. howard 40:08 i shoold get rid of it. 10 i mean, it's been here for a while like you said and 13 i just think the kids would miss it you know thh kids that come down hhre on a regular basis 16 laura 5201 i don't know how to justify it just sitting there and being pretty if no one's using it and paying to use ii because i do like it 09 knight plans to meet with the city next week - and hopes to ask for an extension.he says he's not asking for special treatment... just a little more time. 53:07 i'ts a landmark. baltimore needs more landmarrs more history! 15 in the meantime... knight and his family made up these flyers asking for the public's support. they also started an online petition called "save the baltimore carousel-dot- com". live in the inner harbor tonight, ms, foo45 news at ten. the debate over the future of the grand prix has until now been focused on the ongoing money problems. problems.but today the controversy shifted to an entirely different question. shortly after city council president jack young publicly called for an end to the baltimore grand prix... the mayor's office took back two tickets given to him for the ravens playoff game against the texans. we called the mayor's office today to see if there was a connection.. and never got a response. as for jack young... he tried to downplay it today after the city's board of estimates meeting, 20:45:27"i really ant to move forward, i mean we ave a lot of important things that we have to do for this city and to talk bout tickets and sky boxes is not something i want to deal with right now" now"the grand prix owes about 12 million dollars to the city, state and various vendors. if you're still looking for a way to get to this sunday's a-f-c championship game.... game......... all you need is a camera and a keen eye. five... golden ravens.../ ááareáá hidden ...around town..../ at... secret locations.../ in... several counties...//. ááwe'vváá already... found one... / áánowáá.../ all... you have... to do.../ is.../ áátrackáá it... down.../ and.../ take.... your picture...// with it...////. áápostáá that picture .../ to... the.../ baltimore ravens .../ facebook page.../ ááandáá you... could win.../ a... ticket.../ to.../ the playoffs. 3 "i'm a die hard fan so i want those tickets pretty bad.. bad.""oh its fun, it givess people um motivationnto wann to be involved in thh game, have fun with it, get friends i" involved." get more information.../ onllne, .../ ááatáá fox baltimore dot com... slash newslinks. ravens fans.../ may.../ end up .../ áápayingáá more than.../ 100- bucks.../ to... get to .../ providence ...rhode island.../ by... train.../ on sunday.../ ááoráá close to ...200-dollars.../ by air. and those prices are jjut one way. but kathleen cairns tells us about a less expensive way to get to the game. &pgame. (((end of sunday night pkg- crazy fans)))fan's last sunday were already thinking about how to get to this sunday's game, that's why mmny of them are now calling: juanita.. (juanita) "this is juanita may i help you?????" the phone at this carroll county charter bus business... has not stopped riigiig. (phone rings)"good morning r. charter service"roar-baw's is now taking ressrvations. (bill rohrbaugh)"its the ravens game.. the big trip!" ravens fans are scrambling to stake a claim in one of the foxborough stadium seats. while many are willing to pay hundreds of dollars to sit there for 4 hours,,,, it will only cost 85 bucks.. to sit in another cushy chair... for quadruple that time. (bill rohrbaugh)"im surr we are the cheapest way of getting there" there are 55 seats available on board a bus that will leave ábeforeá the crack of dawn. (voice only inside bus)"they are die hard fans that are going and they get onnthat bus and sleep all they can.. and of course we will make a stop for breakfast somewhere.. " (cairns)"if you are lucky enough to have a ticket to sundays game this could be tte next ticket you buy. sitting in this seat for 16 hourssto get to and from the game" (juanita)"we've been very busy thissmorning with reservations."(front angle)"we have several pick ups " (juanita)"now ya gonna pay by credit card???"(very close)"85 dollars per person" (junita)""hank you and enjoy the game." thhs may be the cheapest way to get to the game... in carroll countykc fox 45 10 for more information about the charter service.... go to fox-baltimore- dot com slash newslinks. coming up.../ in... our cover story...// áátheáá... baltimore ravens... / playoff run.../// ááhasáá.../ been.../ an... economic.../ juggarnaut...// for... áourá.../ economy...// ááwhyáá winning... the super bowl...// áámayáá not... help us... that much.../ááináá our... cover story...// coming up...// in less than 20 minutes...// we'll.../ need.../ all... the... purple pride.../// &p ááweáá can... get this... weekend weekendone viewer sent us this picture...of a "future quarterback"...ready to help out joe flacco ...and.../ erica... sent us ...// this picture.../of... baby bella..///.ááeagerly áá weekend's game .../ against.../ the patriots show us your purple pride. you can uplood photos and videos to us through purple -at -fox baltimore -dot- com. and you can see those picturrs on our "see it shoot t send it" page at foxbaltimore dot com. or you can go to our facebook page.. facebook dot com slash foxbaltimore... click on "inside fox45" on the left side of the screen. speaking... of.../ facebook... /// ááát'sáá time... to do.../ some... trash talking...///. ááouráá sister station ...w-g-m-e .../ in... portland, maine.../ ááhasáá the audacitt... to think... the patriots .../ will... beat... the ravens..../// áásoáá.. / if... you... wanna.../ get... back at them...// ááhere'sáá... do...// áágoáá to... facebook dot com.../ slash... wgme 13 .../// áátoáá let... those mainers...// know...//// ááwhat'sáá coming... this sunday. everyone.../ is... waiting.../ to... see .../ if... the.../ "poe toaster"...// shows up.../// someone has been leaving a rose and cognac at poes grave in the westminster burial ground in downtown baltimore on his birthday... since at least the 19-40s.the tributes stopped in 2009.poe fans are gathering tonight for one last vigil...if he doesn't show... the tradition of the vigils may end, too. 3 "you can get anyone good, i can work with anyone that sings good" good" the ttlent áother than singingá that stephee tyler looks for on american idol... later on fox45 news at ten this is the fairest way to go about this." this." the richest 20-percent in maryland...could get a smaller tax refund next year... the áotherá changes... that could hit everyone's wallet... next on fox45 news at ten ship criiis...the problem with the ship that caused rescuers to call off the search for survivors......and the strange reason the captain gave... for leaving the ship...when we come back colder temperatures tomorrow...when we could get some winter precipitation in my skywatch forecast. 3 20--percent.../ of... marylanders.../ áácouldáá see.../ smaller ... tax--refunds.../ next year....// áájustáá one... part.../ of... governor.../ o'malley's.../ 20-13.../ budget..../// áájohnáá... rydell .../ pays... / áámoreáá... taxes...// may... be coming.../ our wa/ way...// governor o'malley calls his budget...a balanced approach...of reductions...and investments. (governor))"you won't find an administration since the great depression that has contained spending as much as this administration has been called upon to do." despite suggesting he might seek an increase in the sales's not part of this budget. but the governor wants to doubll the annual flush-tax for homeowners... from 30-dollars... to 60-dollars. the money pays for upgrrdes in sewage treatment plants. to help save money...the governor wants to shift...half the cost of funding teachers pensions' the counties. the annual cost to the exceeds (governor) "of the unpopular choices that all of us wishhwe didn't have to make, this is the fairest way to go about this."but anneearundel county executive john leopold...fear that shift in funding...could severely impact employees. ((eopold) "we have had furloughs in anne arundel county the last two years, it has been my hope not to institute furloughs for a third consecutive year, this would put ttat plan in jeopardy."(rydell) "and lawmakers are also concerned about a provision in this budget that would require a family with a joint income of $150,000 to pay nearly $200 more in income taxes."that would be achieved... by peductions...and phasing out exemptions for higher-income residents. (pipkin) "and i think this is a shocking budget that the governor would come forward and go after itemized deductions, tax increases across the board." and republicans... say thosee are not the only proposed... tax hikes. (pipkin) "got to remember, this is on top of a gas tax that's in the works, a registration fee increase of 50%."thh governoo suppprts a hike in the gas tax... but he says details of that plan... won't be unveiled... until next annapolis, john rydell, fox 45 news at ten. the.../ governor's budget.../ also... "caps".../ hike.../ in... tuition...// ááatáá maryland's... public colleges.../ for.../ next year. we asked: áá doáá you think... it's fair.../ to... raise... income taxes .../ ááearningáá... mooe than.../ $150,000... a year? year? áájoináá... the... debate...// happening... right now...// on...our.../ facebook... page...// the.../ plan...// to... raise.../ he... ágasá... tax.../ áácameááá../ from.. .a... "blue ribbon"... commission.../ ááappointedáá... by... governor o'malley.../ &p ááhere'sáá.../ what.../ it... would do do ááraiseáá... 15 cents... a gallon...// over... 3 years...///.ááafteráá that.../it....would use .../ a... formula.../ to... calculate.../ áfutureá... increases ....// if.../the... gas tax.../ increase ...passes .../ááitáá can't... be challenged .../ áábecauseáá.../it's... an.../ appropriations bill...///. ááamericansáá...for prosperity.../began...//a... petition drive....///áásoáá marylanders .../can... lee... átheirá lawmakers.../know.../ what... átheyá think.../of... the proposed .../increase...// ááseeáá...the petition... at.../fox baltimore dot com...///.áálookááfor.../ "stop... the gas tax" .. / under... "hot topics". a bill that would change things on-line sparks protests . offline.a rally was held outside the offices of new york's senators today... the demonstrators want the senators to reconsider the &p"stop online piracy act" i used to jooe thatt politicians don't know the difference between a server and a waiter but in regards to pipa and sopa their ignorance is no joke there were also protests on-linehere's what visitors to wikipedia are still seeing right now...the site... black... and the only thing you could do... is get information about contacting your congressmen.its part of a nationwide protest of anti- piracy bills.congress is considering two of them.... melinda roeder explains why the people behind some of your favorite websites are concerned about them. them. 10:09:16 "hello. how are you?" at latte' da... in fells point.... 10:12:05 "large coffee"coffee lovers .... 10:09:37 - nats of pouring coffee ...... comment on a brewing controversy.10:12:27 "it's fight the internet censorship day." discusseing a debate... that's percolating among politicians.10:13:46 "i can see both sides." online piracy.10:13:08 "movies, books."10:19:03 "i think it ought to be more of a softer approach."the proposed crack down on copyrrght infriigement... could hold websites like youtube and vimeo accountable... if someone postt pirated materials -.10:29:42 "i think any site that relies on user- generated content is going to feel the pinch."chris smith is computer expert.... with baltimore-based g-k-v.(fliikr) 10:38:48 "a flickr user has darkened this photo as a symbolic gesture..."he points out websites now protesting the proposed new laws.... by either blocking content....... or going dark ....(wikipedia) 10:33:11 "they have stopped their business for thheentire day/ in order to raise awareness for this issue."what sites like wikipedia... and wordpress... ant users to know is they considered the crackdown censorship.... and question how they could be punished... 10:42:47 "convenient stores get robbed too but we don't talk about &pshuttering convenient stores." 10:23:53 - cash register nats back at the coffee shop.... cuutomers understand piracy is illegal.... but some say - government - and laws - need limits.10:05:12 "it always seems like the people who are against these things always overshoot."melinda roeder.... 10:20:18 "they could be influenced by politics.".... fox 45 news at ten. finger-pointing...// permit.../ for... the.../ 16--huudred... mile.../// keystone...//// pipeline,/ pipeline,...//// the.../ project... has been delayed.../// ááenvironmentaláá groups...// and.../ the...state of.../ nebraska....// opposed.../ it...// páárepublicansáá... forced... a final decision.../ on... key-stone... within.../ 60 days ..../////. áápresidentáá obama .../ rejected the...// project.../// ááhouseáá speaker.../ john boehner.../// blasttd... the... president.../ on... keystone ...// today.,../ today.,..// boehner says: "the president was given the authority to block this project only, and only if he believes it is not in the national interests of the united states. is it not in the national interest to create tens of thousands of &pjobs here in america with private investment? the.../ pipeline...// would... stretch... from...// canada...// to... the... gulf... of.../ mexico...//// 3 an.../ elderly woman .../ could... lose her house.../ ááafteráá... receiving.. a.../ áá16áá thousand dollar.../ water bill...///. áácrimeáá and... justice reporter .../ joy lepola.../ ááfollowsáá up... on.../ a... story .../ ááyouáá saw... first on fox ((pkg)) (evelyn) 8:24:20 it's their fault and the people they had out there. three years ago.... city contractors did some work infront of 85 year old evelyn foster's home. and,,the place hasn't been the same ssnce. (daisy) 8:19:29 it's just totally ridiculous.daisy branch lives next door and her water bill doesn't ccme close to what foster is paying. (daisy) 8:18:54 76 every three months - i've lived here the past 30 years.foster's water bill is 16 thousand dollars. bills indicate an average daily consumption of more than 5-thousand gallons. (kurt) 15:18:52 it's a lot of water and it's a situation we have to stop it at a rate of 5 thousand gallons a day.... it would take only three days ... days to fill an average size ool.8:21:34 the 16 thousand is for the water that's running downstairs down under the ground that's what they're charging me for. at this point, the city is stepping in to stop the leakk an investigation has been launched. (kurt) 15:18:27 we will take responsiblity if it is ours but we want to find out what's going on and we want to find out the history of this :32 it may turn out evelyn is responisible. typically if the problem is on private property .... it's the homeowners who pays to fix it. joy lepolaafox 45 news at ten. 3 in... baltimore.../// ááresidentsáá... could... have their home... auccioned.../// ááifáá... their... water bill.../ goes... unpaid...// for... at.../ least.../ 9--months...//// ááandáá is... over .../ 350 dollars. crews suspend the search for survivors on a cruise ship that wrecked off the italian coast last week... leaving 111 dead and two dozen missing. missing. the search was stopped because the ship moved... making it too dangerous for divers.experts worry it could slip under water even more. the costa concordia slammed into a reef after veering dangerously close to shore. ...and now... there are worries about getting half a million gallons of fuel off the ship clini says: "now we are working in order to plan the start of the operations ii the next 12 hours and to continue to work in 10 days - two weeks." weeks." this might not be the first time it 3 happened... satellite records show it deviated from its course last year. that time it was just 250 yards off the coast... that's even closer than last week's crash. the captain gave an excuse today for abandoning ship while passengers were still on board. he says he tripped... into a lifeboat. it was very cold ,3oday today but.. /./// it's... still... a... roller-coaster weatherwise. weatherwise... here's... chief meteololigist vytas reid with a look at the skywatch forecast forecast 3 the holidays re over... summer is sttll months away.. wouldn't it be nice to sneak away for a quick vacation? vacation? we.../ saa... "go vacation"! ááwe'reáá.../ giving away.../ a... trip for two .../ to.../ annwhere .../ southwest... airlines.../ flies..//// áácourtesyáá of.../ nam--co.../ bandai.../ games..../ ááwatcháá fox45... morning news .../ for... each day's.... codeword....// ááenteráá the... correct codeword.../ &p on... the.../ "inside... fox45" tab.../ oo... our.../ facebook page. page. each day... we'll draw a name. that person gets a "go vacation" game for the wii.. and will be entered for the graad prize drawing. 3 a fight.. as shoplifters leave a storehow the item they stole... could make another crime more profitable...later on fox45 (11:38) "today, as you can see around the shop, we're running our presses again..." again..."printing shirts... ...and making money baltimore's... playoff... ápayoffá......and... why the super bowl...may... ánotá help... the economy that much...///in our cover story... after the break... the.../ ravens.../ may... be.../ one... 'win' away.../ from the .../ super bowl..../. ááandáá... already,.../ áátheáá team's had.../ a... ásuperá impact.../ on... the.../ economy. economy. each year, the team pumps millions into maryland's revenue stream... buu what can the state expect if the ravens earn super bowl fame? fame? in tonights cover story, jeff abell examines the potential pay off from the play offs..... offs..... (18:00) (wide shot/printing press) at nightmare graphics in columbia..... its the slow season.... (11:11) "january's typically always been a slow month...." that suddenly became fast again.... (11:38) "today, as you can see around the shop, we're running our presses again..." the presses are now running 24- 7...thanks to the baltimore ravens....who are one playoff game away from the super bowl. (11:30) (sam andelman) "it gives us an opportunity to bring back any laid off employees, get them back in the workforce. get them working again. get all our production equipment running...." ((uick printer nats) every t-shirt made..... (1:56:40) "can i help anybody here...?" is a t-shirt soll..... (2:11:10) ", 50, 60, 70, 80, 92, 92....." whereever there's purple and black.....there's a merchandiser who's seeing green.... (1:52:55) (dan mcclure) "they say we're in a recession but not here in anything purple and black...." (2:23:18) (counts money) "20, 40, 60, 80, 100...." (2:23:29) "i love them ....go ravens....yeah!" pconomists believe sunday's home playoff game....had a 20- million dollar impact on maryland. (13:58:10) (tom rhodes) "people are going to restaurants and bars and having parties with friends...." (abell stand-up airspeed) "so if the ravens go all the way to the super bowl just what kind of economic impact will it have on the city and the state....? at least some research suggests, it may not be that super....." (super bowl game nats) after studying &p30-years of cities with super bowl sports teams....a team of umbc economists concluded that the super bowl provides "no benefit" to the city with thh losing team. but to the city with the winning teaa.....economists found per capita income about one-percent. (printing presses nats) economists suspect a super bowl championship boosts morale and productivity for those who work in the winning city. and more work often equals more payy (13:57:30) (economnist) "when people are happy abouu their city. they're more willing to spend...." (2:14:20) "credit card please...." for now.....its a city thats spending...... and waiting on the final score. (2:11:45) "thank you thank you very much..." jeff abell, fox 45, news at ten. and.../ there's ... controversy.../ tonight...//// áásafetyáá ed reed.../ started... it... /// áábyáá what ...he said.../ on.../ x-m... radio.../ last night nighthe said quarterback joe flacco looked rattled by houston's defense... ...and that...""i think a couple of times he needed to get rid of the ball. it just didn't look like he had a hold on the offense." offense."why.../ joe flacco... says... /// ááhe'sáá... not... worried.../ about it../. áácomingáá up,..,. at.../ 11-30...// on... ssorts unlimited... 3 (mos #3)"usually the deals i get are not where i want to go at the time i want to go." go." you'll... save ...a... lot of money flights.../ 2 weeks advance.../the time... and... day.. of the week.../to get ...the absolute deals../.later on fox45 news at ten "you can get anyone good, i can work with anyone that sings good" good" but next...finding the real talent...the key ingredient stephen tyler looks for on american idol... ...after the break ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] combine a pnc cashbuilder visa credit card with a pnc performance select checking account and get up to 1.75% cash back for just about every purchase. learn more and apply today at pnc bank. for the achiever in you. we ... just ... had...// our... first glimpse.../ of... american idol's.../ season 11.../ 11.../.many of us focused on the talent.. but ww also laughed along with stevee, jennifer and randy.tonight.. candace dold previews what's ahead during the search for a sr star (((pkg)))the judges came together in hollywood last week to reveal their true thoughts about the new season. i was there too.the judgee came together in hollywood last week to reveal their true thoughts about the new season. i was there too. tonight i'm taking you behind the scenes with the quirry.. steven tyler. always unpredictable and full of energy -- steven tyler returns for his second run as an american idolljudgg -- with a more defined idea of what he's looking for in a contestant. tyler says: "i look for that crazy with a lot of big of that strong melodic sensibility but i have to have the crazy cause without that test of time. you can get - anyone good, i can work with anyone that sings good"nats: steven singing steven has more than four decades of experience under his belt in the music industry -- but he says he is humbled to work alongside his fellow judges. tyler says: "when your as talented as randy have as good of an ear as he does, he knows what's going on in the music business, he knows what it takes to be a star and jennifer she knows what it takes to be a star and you take that and lay it over your judging of someone else, you'll notice the talent was a years /// spot it you got it, - if you are that than you'll find that." and if they can find several more "scotty mccreery-type" singers this go around -- season 11 should be another solid year. tyler says: "he was so young i don't think he knew what he had, he was perfect to be on idol to be ready for a producer to tell him what to do and message his career he was a small seed from a big tree." you can see the premiere of american idol tonight and tomorrow at 8-pm here on fox44. i want to hear what you think of the auditions. chat with me on facebook during the ssow.just become a fan of foxbaltimore and join the all starts tonight at 8-pm. 3 3 3 3 3 "now thats alarming i dont like to hear that, you wonder what they're doing with it." it." a violent robbery caught on camera ... the surprising item they tried to steal ... and what police think they planned to do with it. j. gibson says: "it upset him. it humiliated him. it made him feel embarrassed and ashamed to be who he is," is," outrage... over... a... school assignment..../ áá theáá history lesson ...that... some found .../ offensive. [ male announcer ] get ready for some deli-style delic-ious-ity: the subway big hot pastrami melt. take a moment to ponder tender cuts of pastrami, piled sky high atop your favorite freshly baked bread with spicy mustard, pickles and melt-a-licious cheese. okay, enough imagining how this fresh toasted number would tantalize your taste buds -- it's time to actually experience the subway big hot pastrami melt, built by the sandwich experts the way you love -- to per-fec-tion. subway. eat fresh. 40--people .../ are.../ behind bars .../ ááfollowing áá... a... massive.../ undercover .../ child... / sex... pting . .surveillence video.../ shows .../ one.. suspect.../ being... thrown to the ground .../ and... cuffed...//. ááit'sáá... repeatedly...// the same.../ scenario../// ááundercoveráá agents.../ enter ... chat rooms .../ ááposingáá as juveniles../ ááthenáá... plan.../ to... meet.../// áá whereáá they're... taken.../ into custody..../// ááaáá swim coach .../ and... several college stuuents.../ were... among those.../ busted. some parents in michigan are furious over a middle school's homework assignment. taylan gibson is a sixth grader at a school near detroit.. giison says his class was asked to pretend hey were slaves... and talk about what ife is like on a plantation. gibson says the assignment upset him. now his mother says she's refusing to have him complete the homework. j. gibson says::"it upset him. it humiliated him. it made him feel embarrassed and ashamed to be who he is," is," the district's superintendent isn't commenting on the homework assignment. an.../ impatient.../ mail carrier's...//// "impatience"...// ááisáá.../ caught on ! camera! you see .../ him.../ holding... a package....// ááheáá approacces .../ michael.../ oreb's... home.../ in... hollywood..../ palifornia...// áátheáá mail carrier.../ tries ... opening.../ the gate --/ ááwon'táá... open...///. áásoáá... he... throws ...the package.../ over.../ the fence! áánowáá... oreb.../ s... left with .../ a... ábrokená.../ antique clock...///. ááorebáá already...// filed... a complaint.../ with... the postal.../ service. a violent robbery caught on camera... after a security guard catches a couple stealing baby formula. 3 survellance video shows a woman loading up her cart with 15-hundred dollars in formula at a target store in new jersey.her accomplice makes it to the door ... when he's stooped by a security guard. the suspect throws a punch...tackling the guard to the ground. the couple got away... but police say they've seen these baby formula bandits before.they're accused in thefts in several states. "one of these packets may be worth 15 dollars, they'll sell it to a small market, an urban center for half of that." that." police say the couple may also be using the powder to mix with they have more to sell.the guard meanwhile suffered some cuts and a broken finger, but he's doing just fine. a.,../ recent... spike...// in... deadly robberies.../ at... new york ...drug stores.../ ááhasáá pharmacists.../ packing... heat. heat. in.../ the... past six months,.../ áámanyáá stores... added cameras.../ and... panic buttons.../ ááothersáá... have.../ side-arms...// &páápoliceáá... have seen.../ a... sharp increase.../ in.../ applications.../ for... gun permits...//// áá pharmacisitsáá hoping protect .../ themselves.../ from criminals.../// áátryingáá... to... score.../ addictive.../ drugs. 33 "i hate to say it-- it'ss going down that road again. we're going to apply for that pistol permit. and i'm going to start carrying a gun again becauue the current situation has pushed me to this. it's not something that i want to do. i hope i never have to use 3 aside.../ from... arming employees... /// áástoresáá are... also hiring.../ retired cops, .../ ááandáá...// cutting back... houus,.../// for many people, the winter &pmonths can bring on the blues. blues.that's why many people are turning to products like the happy light... an alternative to natural daylight.spending hours in the office can deprive yoo of sunshine, which helps naturally raise levels of the feel good hormone serotonin. but in a recent study... researchers commared light therapy to anti depressants... and found equal improvement in seasonal effective disorder is, is a general term... it can refer to anything from what most of us get, which is what we would call the winter blues... to something as serious as a severe major depressive disorder with seasonal onset." experts reccomend using a light box that's about 10 thousand lux - which is a measurement of light. place it about a dozen inches from your face for 30 minutes a day. fox 45 is stepping up to make your 20-12 the healthiest year yet.the fox 45.. b'more healthy expo in partnership with medstarhealth.... is saturday march 17th at the baltimore convention center. learn about exercise, eating right... and get health screenings.go to b-more healthy expo-dot-com for more information. 3 the ravens.../ and... patriots.../ will... play.../ for... the.../ a-f-c.../ championship.../ ááandáá.../ a... super bowl... berth.../ this sunday.../ ááhearáá what ...the pats... have to say.../ about the ravens.../ áánextáá on,... sports unlimited. (mos #2)"it's never a straight-up deal." deal." saving money when flying...the specific time on átuesdaysá you should book your flight......and why that will get you the best possible price 3 with a spot in the super bowl on the line this sunday, the ravens and the partiots both got back to work today, getting prepared for sunday's afc championship game...the patriots are listed as 7 and a half point favorites, you know.. know.. and this is what they're playing for...the lamar hunt trophy, symbolic of the american football conference championship...while the pats are favored, and frankly most of the national media feels they'll win, belichick's boys are not exactly suffering from fact, today they sounded downright respectful of sunday's opponenn... 3 chances are the last time you heard the name armando gallaraga was here, in june of 2010, when a blown call at first cost him a perfect game...well don;t look now, but he's an oriole...the birds have signed him to a minor league deal with a spring training invite..gallaraga has struggled since then, so much so that detroit dealt him to arizona, where he strrggged as well, and was ent to the minors... morgann dsit spent the day with the ravens out in owings mills...we'll have her report...and, is tom brady injured?we'll have that for you as well coming up at 11:30 as sports unlimited continues.... it's .../ been .../ a... bumpy year .../ for... airfares. if you're thinking about taking a trip, maybe you've seen some offers that sound great. patrice harris tells us why shopping at a particular time... on a certain day of the week... will get you the best deals possible possible (mos #1)"they always mark it up, or there's always some taxes involved."(mos #2)"it's never a straight-up deal."(mos #3)"usually the deals i get are not where i want to go at the time i want to go."when airfare online, sometiies it can vanish into thin air. that's what consumer reports' tod marks found when e investigated how to cut the cost of flying. "you see a lot of airfare deals out there that sound great. but hidddn fees, fine print, and blackout dates can make locking in a great ddal as tricky as a soft landing in turbulence."take this travelocity "deal" on a round-trip flight from philadelphia to london for 277 dollars. once you book, it dollars! (sot: tod marks) "spirit airlines promotes flights that cost as a little assnine dollars! but to qualify you have to join its nine-dollar club, which costs around sixty bucks, and you also may be subject to a lot of additional fees."and those additional fees could include up to 45 dollars for each piece of checked luggage, up to 40 dollars per carry-on, and one to 199 dollars for a reserved seat.(sot: tod marks) ""ow there are ways to get a great deal on a flight. ideally, you want to book in advaace, and never within two weeks of travell" and take advantage of alerts that many airlines and travel sites let you see p to track fares. and time your purchase!(sot: tod marks)"experts tell us there really is a best time to book. and that's at 3 pm eastern standard time on a tuesday. believe it or not, that's whhn the greatest number of discount seats hit the market." other money- saving moves - consumer reports sayssdon't skip looking aa airline sites in addition to expedia, kayak, and priceline. and don't assume discount carriers are the cheapest. major carriers can't afford to be morr expensive than low-price operators because that lands them a lower listing in search-engine results. patrice harris fox45 news at ten. boucher says: "that's the last thing we want to promote in our society society legalizing... medical marijuana.../ .áá whyáá some saa .../ it... may actually... save lives.../ áátheáá surprising... new study .../ next.... ...and coming up in just 5 minutes on the late edition... edition...a bad day for a tennis player.why he destroyed four of his racquets and a bear cub trying to beat the odds.why he's under close watch at a chinese animal hospptal. she had man hands. man hands? the hands of a man. it's like a creature out of greek mythology. part horrible beast. new support for medical marijua. marijuana...a.../ new study ../ shows.../ áálegalizingáá... the... drug.../// may.../ improve.../ driver safety.... researchers.../ say.../ states ...that legalized.../ "medical marijuna"...// , áásawáá.../ a... 9--%.../ drop... in.../ traffic deaths....//// áátheáá study... adds...// alcohol.../ often plays.../ a... ákeyá... role... in.../ car crashes....//// ááináá states .../ where... "medical marijuana"... is... legal ...//// ááthereáá seems... to be .../ a... drop...// in... the amount ...of alcohol .../ consumed .../ by... young adults.../////. áástilláá..../// lawmakers.../ are... skeptical. boucher says: "that's the lastt thing we want to promote in our society...we don't need to increase the rate of crime, we don't need to increase the use, we ddn't need to send a very negative message to our young people that this is ok." ok." so far.../ "medical marijuana".../ has... beennlegalized...// in... 16---statee...//// ááincludingáá... d---c. (governor) "you won't find an administratton that has contained spending as much as this administration has been called upon to do." do."but its not jjst about cuts. the governor plans to collect moon

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