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more controverss.../ over... the.../ "occupy baltimore"... campsitee campsite.alllgations of rape and drug use are raising concerns about public safety innthe pprk. park. monday,.../ one... scuffle.../ involving members... was caught on camera... / paraphernaaia....// it... you... saw... first on / - fox,,,/ áánowáá... melinda roeder.../ asks.../ the mayor ááwhyáá.../ she's... not... forcing an áendá... to the protess. prrtest. (nats offscuffle with camera -- 31:27 "get hat baltimore try to shield the - view of a tent where we are told a man anddwoman who are &pliving there... got into a fight.the public park has &pbecome a campsite forrthe las several weeks.. with campers refusing to leave evve aater thhir permit far, the mayor won't say when - or if - the city will force them to leave.(mayor) 09:55:00 "we don't have a date certain, but like i mentioned before... protecting rhe right to free speech."but police confirm they are investigating at least one allegations of assauut.a woman tells fox 45 she was robbed and raped inside one of the tentssfriday night.we obtained the police her story. an ambulance was f - called and she was advised to seek medical tteatment.12:30 "you can go to mmrcy hospiial. they did a full rape kii." police questioned one potential uspecc in the alleged rape case, but so far, no chaages have been filed. in fact, they say, they found no evidence of sexual assault. she says nn one from the her case. innstad, she ssys, they're trying to keep it quiet.14:14 - 14:30 "no one knows no one's name... good organization? it isn't. it's tent where... from the entrancee.. we could see clear signs of drug use... a bag with needles... a burned out calling police several times... for comment on the back... and patrol offfcers crowd until they're given the go-ahead from igh-ups.(mayoo) 09:56:24 "what concerns me more than your providing information is that the protestors don't seem to have that same concern about public safett."51:10 "we have a phecks and balance system... there's no problem."a spokkman who wouldnnt give us his name...51130 "you cannjust call me jjson."denies the group's involvement in the reported rape.49:53 "no member of occupy participattd in any assat."and during monday night's scuffle.... other members... downplayed the need 32:47-32:54 "people are being raped.... deals with these situations."we're told police who patrol the public park... never search inside the tents. (mayor))00:57:04 "why are they not searching in the tents down there? this is an evolving situation... reepond and react appropriaaely to that." still some protestors... insist their cause is just. 50:16 this is a non-violent movement. it's a peaceful movement. a peaceful protest." .but tte woman whoosays she was raped... believes there is no justice here.13:06 "i want that's aal."melinda roeder, fox 45 news t ten. toniggt.. /// amid... allegationss.. of a sexxal assault.../// and... drug use...../ áácomesáá... concern... over money... money the occupation ould be costing baltimore city taxpayer. taxpayers. and its not just money...keith harbor.. with word of howwthee protestors could be violating city codes. codes. jeff..... the city's director &pof the mayor's office of emergency management took a tour here today with his staff and camera...... and tonight.. according to organizers here.. the director took pictures of several possibbe safety violations that include electric space hea. heaterss..... meebers of occupy inner hhrbor for nearly a month... but now.. concern over comfort.. questions about their use of city powwr. light pples with outlets are posted throughout the aea.. and occupiers are plugging in....with sprawling electrical cords......... they've ot laptops, microwave ovvns, power tools.. even flat screen teleeisions.&city electr permit.. which means taxpayers are footing the bill. bill. (woman) "it's noo good.." (man) "i haae to pay my way.." (man) "i think t's a lot likee days..everrbody wants something from omebody else or somethhng for free ann it's kind of hypocritical."(man)) "you know, i don't feel like my tax.. i mean how muchhof my tax dollars are going to that, 50-dollars per minuteeor whatever... you know ouple of cents probably? so, it /////////////////////////sot out/////////////// a spokesman for the mayor's office saiddtonight.. that mayor rawlings blake is aware of these violations.. and is dealing with them on a case by case basis. live in downtown ballimore, keith daniels, fox 45 news at ten. thht brings us to our question of the day. is it time to end the occupy baltimore protest? prrtest?here's aallok at our facebook page...loos f yyu are talking about this tonight. pany saa its time for the prooest to end because its bbcoming dangerous and nusiance...but others say its a matter of freedom of speech and the campers should be allowed tt stay.join the discussion by going to our facebook page...faaeeook dot com slash fox-baltimore 33 33 new information... inn.. a deadly shooting.../ at... a baltiiore... carryout....// ááppliceáá... say... the viitim... was... freddii joness.. junior...///.ááitáá happened... at.../ on... green-mounn avenne.../ in... waverly... //// ááááá business.../ that's... seen .../ many.../ fatal shho. ááouráá pmartboard.../ shows...// march ...17th 20099.../ shooting.../ at... the restaurant...//. restaurant...//. ááaprilááá 8th, 2010.../ was... shot and killed.../ ááwhenáá he,.,,. stopped.../ too.. pick up food... at the carryout .../ oo... his way... to work .../ for....the... afro-american... . newspaaer. then.../ lasttnight's... shooting...// at....the restaurant.../// ááleavesáá here.../ in... the last... police../ - search.../ in... laat week's rape.../ - of... a.../ 14-year old... girl..../. ááaáá... 22-year old man.../ is... charged.../// in... the attack..../ áájohnáá rydell eports.../ ááhissáá.. past.../ is.../ now under.../ scrutiny... the arrest of lucky christopher crosby junior... comes as a relief toresidents on this block. he faces multiple charges in the rape of a 14-year old girl...inside a van. crosby... had recently been released from state prison after serving timefor the time of his arrest, lucky crosby was on parole and he was ttached tooa gpp ystem and according to public safeey officials, he was in full compliance, hh passed all his drug tests and had not violated his curfew."(benetti) "there wasn't aavvolatioo of his supervision up until the violation."correcttons lf is a offfcials say crosby's gps unit is cllssified as passive...which means that he and other offenders.... are not monitored in real ttme...24-hours a day..but state officials say that systee... still playee a key role ii the investigation. was efffctive because it helped us track his whereabouts on the day the alleged criie happened which led to the police arrestinn documents...say the gps ssstem...places crosby in he back of leslle street...thee exact location wherethe girl sayy she was raped. some see parolees use gps that monitorr real time.(wright) "i have children so you know so if gps can heep my children stay safe, then i hope they correct it so they neee to do what hey need to do to keep these people away from my children."but dee wright says he's encooraged chaaged with rape is behind bars. innwest baltimore, john rydell, fox 45 news at ten. crosby's.../ being held... without... bail...// 3 3 stocks took a plunge today... on world-wide pconooic fears. fears.the dow dropped about 2 and a half percent today... ...falling almost 300 points. points.even worse nees on the s and p 500.that dropped 2- point-8 percent today.dropping more than 5-percent over the ppst 2 days...áendingá the index since 1991. the ppoblem is ágreeceá.the european union offered the country a bailout from its financial poblems... ...possibly even stopping a world-wide crisis.but greece now says its going to ávoteá on the plan, and austerity think the cuts are too steep. ....nd there are continued questions about the super- sommitteeeherr.the group needs to comeeup with 11point-5 trillion dollars of deficit reduction through spenddng cuts or evenue by thankkgiving......or deep, automattc cuts kick in.we're now less than 4 weeks awwy from that deadline. deadline.the mmn who led ppesident obama's debt commission spoke to the warned that the "scared cows" on each side... need to go. i have great resppct for each of you individually but collectiveey i'm worried &pyou're going to th country. 3his group came up with a 4-trillion dollar ebt reduction plan......but it was never submitted to conggess. onn...// of... toll increases... in maryland.../ is... in effect. 3the.../ fort will... go from... 2 to 3 .../ dollars.../ áátheáá chesapeake... bay bridge.../ goes... from.../ 2-50... to 4- dollars.../.áátransportationáá officials... say.../ the... hikes are needed.../ to... payyfor../ projects..../ áátheáá ew tolls.../ arr... expected to 90-million ollars.../ in... the.../ first... year. one.../ maryland county .../ wants... to enforce.../ measures...../ to... ccllect.../ unpaid....parking tickets.../// live.../ in... hward county.../ where...// ásomeá say... the move.../ is... excessive.... excessive.... one county countyywants to tow yourr car after ooe unpaid ticket.....some say.....its motivating...others ssy its exc. excessive.. here in howard some lots like this pay to parr.......(21:33)there are signs shouldn't forget it...thatts why they put signs up even the pines are a different color yellow you have to pay.....its sounds eass......but for some its not.....riggt now here in howard county.....there are tickett.....leavinn the county with nearly four hundred thousand dollars in outstanding fines.... now....county council chairman calvin ball has proposed a bill that would allow the police department to tow a vehicle after only one unpaid citation. (17:32)i think the parkkng ticket is enough with that lone there no need to be towed....nancy short says......the penalty is excessive....(17:50)i could seeeif you are in a handicapp parking spot that's very deliberate those people shhuld be ashamed but this doos not compare.... nd while the measure would mpower the finance and police department to enforce tte law..... sherrie wheeler says.....anything is better than a toww...(24:09)yyu have to o get it you have to have cash its motivating.....but is it motivating enough to make most pay??? pay??? ii washington d.c. is owed 355 million in unpaid tickets.... new york city......680 million....milwaukke.....58 owed 30 million n unpaid tickets...... big money...... that howard county wants to avoid losing....(21:46)yea....if caas are being tooed do think they will start paying them if not there cars gonna be towed... a vote on the measure is set for next week... - the price of peanut butter is soaring... following one the worst peanut harvests in decades. kraft raised its prices for planters peanut butter by 40 percent yesterday. poth peter pan aad jif are also increesing by 20 percent. &pprices for a ton of peanutt hit nearly 12-hundredddollarss this montt, compared to 450 a year ago.the pricessare blamed on the intense droughttthat hit the south this year. here's a little bit of good news for bank of america cuutomers.the bank is dropping plans to charge five dollars a month for deeit cards. of merica had a change of heart after backlash from customers.several of its ccmpetitors, incluuinn wells fargo and suntrust, ave also decided to back off the idea of charging customers a similar fee.banks have been trying to replace revenueelost pfter the u-s capped fees on debit-card transactions earlier this year. 3 baltimore is adding a third line to itt charm city circuuator service. serviceemayor .../ stephanie rawlings-blake.../ p launched... the new... green route... this morning.../ at... johns hopkins hospital...///. ááit'lláá run.../ from... hopkins.../ thru.../ fells harbor east.../ áábeforeáá heading city hall.../ and... the fallsway. .../ p ááitáá... will... then.../ head back... to hopkins.../ on....he same route. 3 srb: "it's a great way tt experience all thattbaltimore has to offer without having to move your car,,if you were parked in a loo you ddnt have to lose your prime spot that you got up extra earliy to circulator and go eeperience many parts of downtown." downtown." the city... plans to launch.... a... fourth &pline.../ , running... from the... inner haabor.../ to... fort mchenry, .../ next year. 3 ccll phone companies know a lot about they're using that information... to átheirá benefit...later on fox45 news at ten redefining bad taste... a virginiaapolitical group is under fire for an aa hey what it was... and... why they're on the hot seat tonite a loud bang.. a big bright as - light.. aaddi donttremember mmch after that" that" he was severely burned... during a halloween bonfire.his long road to recovery...when we come back for the convicted triggerman in a murder for hire lot is now in the hands of a jury. crime and justice reporter joy lepola was at the courthouse in bel air toniiht and says members of the jury were unable to reach an agreement tonight on whetherrto sentence walter bishop to death. a sccre oo the campus of towson university today. the school was put on lockdown after reports of a student with a gun on campus near burdick hall.students and staff were alerted throuuh their alarm system and were asked to stay inside. it turns out ... it was a ánot a real gun,,but a prop used by an acting class.studentssarr praiiing the school for how they handled the situation. "its important to tell people can stay on campus and was about it" it" the lockdown lasted about 20 minutes. ...and students were evacuated freedom academy n southeast baltimoreethis morning... students found a glass pontainer with a liiuid in it. when they opened it... they were startled by the smell and dropped it.turns outt it was formalddhyde2 studeets were taken to hopkins as a prrcaution since .../ a ...halloween ...bonfire llstt year,.../ ááoneáá baltimore county... man.../ has ad.../ p... long road... to recovery.../. áákathleenáá cairns reports.../ ááheáá was... severely burned .../ when... a flammable liquid.../ was... thrown .../ n... the ffre. (nick sot pop) "i don't remember much... "with nick hamel explains how he got the scars that cooer 60 percent offhis body. (nick)) "everyone was hanging out damaggng artying.. and the last thing i remember was a loud bang.. a big bright light...and i dont remember to bayview medical center after nitro fuul was thrown on a halloween bonfire last year... (voice only) "thhres nothing like getting that phone call"(show mom's face) "we didnt know if we ould get tt the hospital on time.. and if he would still be alive when we got there." nick was and endured eight surgeries... (nick) "they did kin grafts where they took skin from the back of my legs where i wasnt burned.. and transferreddit to my arms and chest"it's been a year... a long road to reeovery... (nick) "you have to believe in yourself and forcc yourself to limits like sports.. ya gotta push yourself for greatness."his mom also attributes it.. to a higher power. (momm"the fact thatthe's sitting here now is a miracle no oubt about it." nick is back at school and working... but he will carry the remiiders... of halloween 2010.. for the rest of his liff... in balt co kc fox 45 news at 10 hamel.../ hopes... to regain.../ feeling... in his hands.../ where... nerve damage.../ was... the... most severe. 3 one of the women acccsing cain of sexuaa harasssent says - she áwantsá to speak publicly... ...but her attorney says a confidentiality agreement with the national restaurant association is preventing that. that. the association says it has not been contacted yet.cain says he will not say whether he will ask tte restaurant association to let her a series of interviews today...cain said he never sexuallyyharassed anyone......and offered his first detailed description of what happened. cain says: "i made a gesture standing clooe to her, you are the same height as my wiff, brought hand up to chin, my wife of 43 years, made her unco" unccmfortable." analysts say settlements aren't unusual pn ases like these. a lloal virginii republican group has apooogized for sending out a halloween email that showee this. this.a graphic image depicting president obama as a zombie with a hole in his heed.the email went out yesterday to advertise the loudoun county gop presence at a parade that evening. it almost included a zombie version of nancy pelosi. virggnia officials from both paaties ccodemmed the email. see all of our stories about the race for the whhte house on our dot n "vote 2012" ...and all of the stories on our website are free the... debate future...// of... free tv .../ is... heeting up up representative.../ dutch ruppersberger./ weighed in.../ on... a controversial plan...// to.../ auction off.../ frequencies.../ to...// cell phone... companies..../ááthatáá.../ could mean end .../ to... "over-the-air"... t--v.../ broadcasts..../ ááccngressáá.../ is... considering the move... / too.. raise money.../ off... budget deficits.y 14:00:00"i can tell you that's not goong to haapen. local television is where you get your news, your sports, like the ravens win yeseeday. not vote for any type billl that woulddtake away local tv>14 14:00:14 penator ben cardin.../ forráhisá ttke.../ on... the idea....// ...for the senator.../ &psaid... he didn't...// know...// enough about it.../ to make a comment. learn more .../ about ...the effort... to save... free t-v .../ ann ontact your lawmaker... to.../ ing - foxbaltimore dot com...//. ááclickáá on... "save... free tv".../ under... hot ttpics...///. ááyouáá... can... also get... tte latest... news stories.. / nd traffic....// ááandáá everything... on.../ aaways free. is... - tte... baltimore ravens .../ kick--off...// their november.../ food drive. ppe and thee launchhthe drive morning at the giant food ssore in wilkens plaza. you can drop off donations at more than 50 giann stores... or bring them to the ravens game on november 20th.and this year... the marylanddfood bann has also added a ávirtualá food drive. "people can go to the maryland food bank online and actually buy wholesale food, and for every 10 dollars they spend they get entered into a drawing to win two tickets to the game." game."tte virtual food drive the raffle winner gets two tickets to the ravens/colts game on december 11th. cool crisp fall day today 3 we'll take it it here'schief meteorlogisttvytas forecasth the skywatch forecast- 3 follow...// the... weaaher...// using...// our...powerful...// doppler...// radar...// is... now available.../ at.../ when.../ newsshits your neighborhood.../ see it.. shoot it.. send it.. ááuploadáá ppotos and videos o foxbaltimore dot com../ ááclickáá on. the see it shoot t, send it. icoo./ ááálsoáá... send photoo from your ccll to "pics at foxbaltimore dot com." 3 why one pilot was forced to mmke this dramaaic landing...later on fox45 news at ten class>but next...the amazing peeuuts you can get....rom this kind oo our cover story...after he break trend is regaining popularity.....filling up classes across the country ever. everyday..... you.../ get ...on the bike....../ ááandáá... start rocking... to thh beat...../.ááits áá... a... sweat.../ many... can't handle..../.. .áábutáá finnsh strongg...../. ááináá toniihts... cover story.../ .karen parks explains....../ explains....../ &pthee.. "power of the pedal"... &p here in woodlawn..... (music nats) inside these four walls....... (24:43)you get a good hour in and burn a lot of calories..... (spin nats)(26:49)warm up is serious........(29:54)add some resistance we're out of that &s. (nats)(14:20) its such an aweeome cardiovascullr workout.....its a spin that rrduces weiggt.......burning hundreds pf calories a class.....(11:21) maabe 280 when i started spinning....i went down to about 205....(nats)(29935)i struggled when iifirst came too the gym...i was 80 pounds heavier......builds endurance...... (27:18)you push harr but you need to push 100 percent more.....and teaches control........(35:24)from warmup to recovery......(45:35) pbs nice and tight......its an old concept......(cont bite at 35:24)we're working on form........(29:00)stomach with a new twist.....(nats) (nats)strength and resistancc......(23:38)itt a me to push myself a little ws (nats of music)(show the class "rocking it out)with soul.........(30:08)it takes your miid off the pain..... &p(nats)(34:30 vo of girl patting fingers)(30:14)you throw yoorself into the music and you concentrate on the beat....(33:01)getting the energy from them send me to the highest point.....(nats) (31:42)just to see everybbdy size you are what race you are whent ettnic background you come from it doesn't matter once you ggt here you get focused ou know what your goal is you have a goal inn mind ts achievabbe........ some are new to the port..... (23:01)physically i feel like high school......others like ike.....((7748)off an on about 20 years......can teach us all (17:57)its a lifestyle in &pitself..... a thing or two......(19:10)a year and a half ago i had hii replacemeet surgery....i have a knee that i will evidentially have done and working and spinning the whole mix keeps me viable.... (nats)(19:35)this way i can ptay one step ahead of tte boogeyman.....(nats)its an out of body experieece.....(12:55) its like when the body and the spirit meets and yyu are just in another zone.....that takes over......(16:10)its emotional physical its social....... a comaraderie.........that keeps you going.....(36:02) break tiie is what......over (nats)(14:58)you hhve no other choice but to jump on the bandwagon and work hard as well.....and just when you think its almost over...... now......the beast on the bike......(nats) says........its on........ &p(27:19)challenging fllt.......let's go.......its a sweet sweat.........(nats) (24400)i need waterr..i need gatorade...i need hi-cthat gives a good workkut....... (56:54)i feel like i've acccmplished so much i love it.....the goal...... experts say..../. anywhere.../ from... 800.../ to... 1200 calories... per workout..... make sure to consulttyour doctor.....before beginning his collar came off... he pouldn't come...i think he was just aa scared assi was wasthe sacrifice one dog makes...during a on fox45 news at ten ...and why one pilot was forced to make this dramatii landing...when we come back 3 dog... in is... a hero.../ ááafteráá saviig his owner ...from a fire. fire. scott dunn .../ ssys.../ he... woke up his .../ three-year old boxer../ ddncan... / áábarkingáá... at... him...///.ááscott'sáá already.../ filled... with.../ smoke....//áádunnáá... ran outside..../ áábut áá duncan ...didd't follow...//. 3 "and then i went back in to get duncan.. i opened the couldn't go back in there." 3 firefighters ... arrived... to find flames... in the garage.../ and... utillty room...///. ááduncanáá...// never... made it out.../ áádieingáá in... the fire. the first lawsuit issfiled in that deedly crass at an air show in reno, nevada. remember this.... the dramatic scene back in september, when a world war two ear p-55 mustang ... slammed inno the crowd.killing the pilot, and 10 other of them....craig salerno of texas.his family is claiming the crash was the t, - predictable result oo a reckless drive for speed.the to make it fly faster.modified - a jetliner makes a dramatic emergency lanning in poland. the lane full f 230 passengers .... ttuches down ásafelyá without any landing gear. the flight oriiinated in newark, new jersey.....and experienced electrical plane - failure.... and the landing gear wouldnnt come down. the pilot ade this daring touch down....sliiing along thh runway before coming to a halt. amazingly no one was hurt. 3 3 3 cell companies keep piling up information about you......each minute you they're making money off of on fox455 &pnews at ten... i meant to ask her if she had pver googled herself." what she áactuallyá sent to her friend......and where you can see more of these funny corrections...after the break p3 [ female announcer ] at, you can choose your channel package. ♪ you can choose your own internet speeds. ♪ you can even choose to chat with a live person. ♪ and you're always guaranteed the lowest prices online. so don't wait... try, compare and buy at today. because there's never been a better time to build the perfect fios bundle. because there's never been a better time more controversy.../ over... the.../ "occupy baltimoree... the inner harborallegations of crimes are raising concerns about public safety mondayy.../ one... members... was caught on camera... / ááalongáá... with... evidence of... drug paraphernalia....//we asked the mayor why they haven't been evicted yet.she protesters on a case-by-case about 10 minutes... we'll take you live to the prooest site...and show you the way prottsters are costing you money...tonight on the late edition at 11 3 new research shows that women don't automatically have a higher risk of getting breast cancer ... even &pif a family member tests positive for the breast cancer gene. a 2007 study suggested simply have a relative with certain gene mutations... raised a person's risk of developing breast cancer... even if they tested neeatiie for the gene. stanford researchers analyzed data on more than three thousand families with mutations.and found no - evidence of increased breast cancer risk among non-carriers. 3 check.../ ááfluáá season... is here...// ááandáá... doctors.../ stress...// &p5--things.../ to... avoid the flu...//// flu...//// number one../ ... flu shot.../. áátwoáá../ wash your hands... frequently,.../ for... at least... 20... seconds .../ with... soap and warm water..../ áá3áá.../ more to boost .../ the... immune system.../ at... leestt.. 7 hours night.../. áá44á.../ green tea...//. áá5áá... studies show... vitamin c,.../ is... mostly hype.../ when... it comes to... prevention. but there have been studies that show vitamin d pave a deficiency in itaminnd especially in winter months when there's not a lot of sunshine around, it reduces the chance of a cold by about 40 percenttinnsome studies. p3 40 percenttinnsome studies. p3 & cold... or the flu? ááifáá yoor symptoms ...are áaboveá the neck,.../ its ...just a cold... / áábelowáá the neck,.../ it's the flu. your cell phone company knows a lot about you...but what they're doing with that information may alarmmyou. itverizon wireless is the ing first ell phone company to admit it sells customers' information directly to businesses.a-t-and-t, sprint, give tte information to third parties, but they do elp vendors target their customers with ads. if you text with a smart phone, you've ppobably been burned by the 21ss-century phenomenon known as auto correct. 3 carrie peirce...// looks.../ at... some ...of the best .../ of... the wwrrt.../ in... tonight's... word on the . web. your phone may fix texting mistakes... but sometimes it gets it so wrong, the only thing to do is laugh. 3 that'' the idea behind a website called damn you autocorrect -- which features text messages ruined by autocorrection. 3 how's ur day? awful. i have a bad case of the manboobs. omg. the mondays!!! not manbbobs. web site founder jillian madison chooses the funniest froo four to 500 submissions a day. her business idea came to life when she was burned one too maay timess 3 " i sent an email to a friend ever fondled herself. i meant to ask her f she had ever googled herself." the feature corrects diiferently for each user -- learning from what's commonly typed. 3 be warned: i'm dumping you when i get home onight. fine with me. i wassjust thinkg w could uss some time apart. wt jenna??? i got autocorrectedd i meant to write jumping yoo not dumping you. that's why madison says... sometimes you just 3eed to slow down. - "you know we're communicating, typing, talking so fast... we're not even saying hey let me look at what i'm sending before i'm hitting send." stop to laugh. nats at just how stupid a smartphone makes us look. that website now gets more than a million page vieww a day.i'm carrie peirce nd that's your word on the wee. it'sssteeler week in baltimore....eed anything else be aid?bruce cunningham has the latest next in sports unlimited some of those fancy vacuums can ost a áthousandd dollars...the ones that aree just as good...that cost just a hundree bucks....after the break a hundree bucks....after the break in the season's what's the one best thing about vacation on the gulf? the great outdoors in mississippi. our seafood in louisiana. our beaches in florida. alabama beauty. choosing between them might be tough. but everyone agrees, the gulf is vacation at it's best. and we've gone all out to make this year the best ever. so come on down to mississippi. louisiana. florida. alabama. the gulf is the world's goodtime headquarters, and we're 100% open for business. first week, the ravens surprised everybody, maybe even themselves, with a ppttsburgh can believe they haae beee waiting for this sunday night tooget a little ppyback,,,at least, that's the plan... plan... as we all remember, the ravens just smmcked them in the like me, all your steeler fan wait until november 6th.. &pthat's now upon what has happened hereeis that the nfl's bess rivalry as gotten buckle yoor seat belts...t's - 3 and when the steelers take he field sundaa night, there could be two gaping hhles in their defense...linebacker lamarr woodlee is nurring a hamstring and will probably ravens...or the bengals the next week for that matter...he patriots sunday night.. and scratch jam,es harrison s well...the veteran linebacker phe doctor today..looksslike i won't be playing...he's healing an eye socket that was injured against hoouton october 2nd. ww're not done yyt..more on steeler week...and a very special edition of ourrprep &'re ot onna want to miss's all coming unlimited continues if... buying... a vacuum .../ is... on your ..."to do" ...list.../ before .../ the... holiday company arrives... / ááttisáá... report... is for you....// you....// prices for some vacuums are going through the roof... costing more than a thousand ddllars. but as patrice harris explains in tonight's consumer reports... go for a undred dollars. doolars. ((pat on cam))consumer reports takes he job of testing uprights, canisterss,bagged, and bagless... ranging in price from 50 dollars all the way up to 15-hundree!!!(v/o) thh machiies are ppt through a battery of tests. first uu? carpet cleaninn - a vacuum's &pare sprinklee with carefully-3 composed dirt, whichhis witt a 30-pound weight. then testers pass a vacuummover the carpet 16 times. (sot) "we weigh the carpet, as wwll as the vacuum, to determmie how much dirt the vvcuum picks up." (v/o)testers don't stop there. the vacuums also have to pick up sand from bare floors. shedding pett present another big hallenge for vacuums. consumer repprrs uses real cat hair embeddee into carpet to see how well the vacuums can handle that, too. so do you hhve to shell ouu bii buckk to get a top- peeforming vacuum?(sot: john galeotafiore)"there are very good vacuums that ost 3, 4, eeen 700 dollars. but we found seeeral that were near the top of our ratings that cost about 100." (v/o)those include tte eureka airspeed, a bagless vacuum hat's excelllnt on bare floors and impressive at vacuum,,consider the hoover d widepath tempo. ittrated excellent for cleaning both bare floors and arppt. looking for a canisttr vacuum... consumer reports says unfortunately you won't find one for even close to a hundred dollars. testers recommend the 500-dollar kenmore intuition model number 2-8-001-4. it excels att&hair.p newssat ten. if you can't get o the class, there's a solution to bring the class to you... story...// nexte girls ...and coming up in just 5 edition... a mother and baby rescued before a crash on the railroad tracks. the reaaon the child was taken away ffom the woman after thee and musical history.the reasoo a former beatle thinks its so important to restore a piano. [ female announcer ] this is steve and lynn, and they have a good question. can the aetna app make you healthier? well, that all depends on what you do with it. and there's an awful lot you can do with it. access your medical history, view claims, get reminders for mammograms, find in-network doctors, track your health goals... run with it. i got my cholesterol down. i lost five pounds. [ female announcer ] see for yourself, aetna. know more. get better. high-schooler...// with... reaaly bad... allergies...// áádoess'táá... want... to.. miss school...// so./ so...// look... at lauren robinson.../ - doesn't... miss... a beat at school .../ thanks... to ttis robot .../ called... v-go../// ááwhhnáá... allerries.../ keep... robinson.../ from... the classroom...// ááv-goáá , brings... the classroom to lauren..../// ásheáá... controls... v-go...// from a keyboard... at home...//// and.../

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