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(mr. rideoutt) "and it's a scaay thing being a parent...... arent....."the things police say... hhppeeed to young girls... inside this rec center...first on fox tonnght tonightrobbers throw everything they caa... at this glass door...the unusual áfailedá accused of.../ sexually assauuting.../ two children..... say it happened inside their s - neighborhood rec center in park heights..... heights..... that's where we find keith daniels.. where we've learnnd it was an employee who alerred police.. keith. keith. jennifer..... pe're live at the -c jackson rec. center...... pthe acting director says letters did go ut to parents.. telling them about the personnel change.... ...............but the parents mention of the sexual assault alleeaaions. ...............many oo hem say...until, they today. it's another sizzling pool .... can be a relief..... - .,.......but at c-c jackson recreation center in park's not the "uh oh, i dddn't know that, see!".........that's heating up tempers.. stirring connern... people caught by surprise.(mrr dotson) "this is supppose o bb a place where we send our kids where we think they will be safe. but, stuffflike this happennng, i mean even if you think you know...."...........poolce lly - have arrested the center's executive director, gregory brewer..... innestigators sayythe 61-year- old mann fondled two girlss one 13-years-old.. the other 14. according to charging documenns,, it happened at tte centerrlast peek. one victim told police brewer hugged her.. then squeezzd her breast. the girl told an emmloyee,, who called police. girl......(girl) "he always be around little girls and stuff ..........with her faaher's rideoutt) "aad it's a scary thing being a parent....." talling to us about the allegatiins... charges that don't surprise her.(girl) "becaase i always see him hugggng little girls, he's hugged me beforee but i didn't never think othing.. though....."'s news that's stunned children and parents who trying now, here's somebody that's suppooe to be somebody that you can look up to, youu kids look up to and alllof a sudden this comes out. very surprising." brewer is is behind barr tonight without bail.... there'ss o comment tonnght from the city's recreation anddparks department. live in park heeghts, keith daniels, fox 45 news at ten. 3 new tonnght... a,... citty.. police officer.../ who... / says... he was shot.../ in... a downtown pprking garage.../ is... ádeniidá.../ state... compensation.../ compensation.../ anthony... fata... said.../ sommone... shot hhm.../ ii... the thigh.../ ááafttráá xchanging... fire.../ with... a gunman... / áábutáá the state... says... hhs injuries...// were ánotá... inflicteed../ by... another erson...// áápoliceáá are... still investigating...// a man convicted in the deadly attack of a baltimore police detective... will spend 10 years behind bars. a baltimore judge handed down... the entence to sian james.james was convicted in april of manslaughter brian stevenson. áástevensooáá dispute over a parking spottin &pcanton last year. police are asking for your helping onight in solving a deadly hitanddrun in anne arrndel county.they released ttis sketch of the suspect who hit a person on a bicycle.... on ritchie highway near bon air avenue ii brooklyn park . it happened about 8 in the morning.. on july 14th...the suspect was driiing a small, dark-colored s---v... and was wearing pink medical crubss anyone with inforration should call police. a.. baltiiore brrthel.../ busted .../ in... a federal sting.../ sting.../karen parks.../ live... in overlea.../ áátoáá show... the extraordinary methods...// used... to crack... this case... karen karen federal investigattrs say all of the suspects live out all of the investigators say federal federal innestigators say all ptate.all of them say they are 3nnocent the tea party is getting inno the fray over the nation's debt ceilinn... 3 the conservative group---rallying ii washiigton, to challenge house "hold the line". the crowd is urrng leaders not to strike a "waaered down" ddal, but a solution that sooves the debt crrsis. a few republican leaaers spoke at the event...pushing the agenda for the "cut cap and balance" budget plan. everywhere to get involved. s - the president said to call your congressman and senatorss but when you call them, telll them toohold the linee tell them, we've got to balance our budget, we cannottborrow more poney and we have to baaance our buuget." bbdget." tea party members say their plan is the only one on paper being considered right now... &pand thhy want lawmakers too compromise less.../ thaa... a week to go.../ unttl... theeaugust 2nd deadline../.áábotháá sides... are still bickering john boehner's ../ - ...plan.../ to... raise the debt imit.../ in... 2 stages .../ ááisáá scheduled... to hit the chamber.../ tomoorow....//ááifáá it... clears... the house... / fate... is uncertain... in the senate.////áwwtháá the clock...ticking...// ddmocrats say .../ - the... pressdent... should liff.../ the... deet ceilinn... on his own.../ ááusingáá the clyburn says: "he should sign an executive order evoking the 14th amendment to this issue." issue."the... white house... says...// it... won't do that.../. ááboehner'sáá plan... appears to be... gaining momentum..../ááfindáá out... what he's among republicans.../ áátonightáá at 11 everyone's.../ gettiig... low marks.../ in... this.. fight.../ ááaáá washington post... pool... showw.../ áá39á-%á approve... how... the president's... handliig.../ ..áá28áá -percent.... ppprove... how republicans.../ arr... faring. faring.ááaskedáá i actually agree... on something... before the -perrent say... they will../.áá43áá -percent ssy.../ no they...won't in...annapolis.../ govvrnor o'malley... and other state officials...are watching...the talks...closely. as john rydell reports...they're sounding alarm... about the negotiations collapse...hose collapse... maryland'' economy..remains fragile. while tax revenue exceeded projections by 300- rate...has jumped to seven ss percent. that's why state officials are nervvusly monitoring the debt talks in washington.they say any disruption in the low of federal money...will impact the well as annbody that wanns to borrow money to buy a caa,,who wants po borrow money to finanne their home,,their credit cards, consumer lending, all of these ttings cculd be very very baddy afffcced." despite those concerns...the state has sold 400-million fund school constrrction and comptroller peter franchot says...if congress fails to raise the federal debt ceiling... marylandwould lose... its triple-a bond rating. (franchot) "it makes the debt that we issued today mucc more extensive, it also causes real concernabout just the stability of ouu partnership with the federal government."(rydell) "the governor calls the situation territory and because of that, he ays it is veey difficult to adopt a contingency plan in marylann if an aggeement is not reached by next week." that's why the state comptroller... says mmryland must protectt..the unexpected revenue it's received...over the past year. (franchot) "take that $300 million, put it in the rainy day fund and bb cautious for the next six officials brace for...a resolution...of that political and financial showdown in washington. john rydell, ox 45 news at ten. sttte officials say maryland &pcould lose additional federaa funding... if a debt agreement is ot reached soon. the ...tooal number... of heat related deaths.../ this year ... has reached ..../. . the... oppresive... heat last week.../ is... to blame... or 3--deaths... in maryland.../// ááaáá.../ 65-year olddbaltimore woman, .../ ááaáá middle-aged... somerset county maa.../ ááaaddá... a... p--g... county man...// ááálláá three ...had... meddcal conditions.../. &p"iqq this was not unexpecttd because of the severity of the heatwave. oq: especially when the heattis as ever as we had last eek." coming up.../ chief meterologist vytas reid.../ will... tell uu... about another.../ heat wave...// coming our way...// ááthat'sáá poming p... innless hann../ 15 minutes... / right here... on fox45 news at ten 3 football... is back in business../// . a lot differentg... to look... director bruce cunningham shows us some of the changes bruce...the nfl lockout is leaving chaos in it's ake... pllyers are being signed and releasee, there are the rookii contracts tt deal wiih too, and thatts just the tip of the's a very busy timm across the league, aad that's certainly truie in owings mills.. but the good news is.... pllyers are in theebuilding. quarterback joeeflacco.flacco passed his team physical today, so he's good to go.hees also met with john harbaugh, offensive coordinator am cammron andda handful of just waiting o get back there 3 on the field... hat'll hhppee tomorrow at 1pm...but, flacco pas reservations thanks to time lost duriig the llckout. but he plans to step up his leaderssip along side running back ray rice. 3 coming up on sports unlimited at 10:50, ..., the ravens watch their #1 remaining free agent head down i-95...we'll tell you about at least one workout you'll actually be ableeto see and we'll hear from new starting tighh endded dickson...that'' coming up iin 30 minutes onnsports unlimited.. 3&there is a new way to show us your purple pride.send yoor pictures to us on facebook... álikeá us...then click on the "inside fox-45 tab" on the left side of tte screen. screen.once... you're there, .../ us... your purple ride pictures.../ááfindáá out... if... you're... the ultimate fan.../ by... taking our quiz.../..áá.andáá even... answer... our question of the day.../. áárememberáá.../ facebook.../ááandáá - clicking on... the... "insideefox-45 tab".../ on... the left side.. of the screen. 3 10:57:38 i have secrets, but not if they were releasee tt the world iid be really upsst." upset." theethings ágoogleá knows about you......and the dangers it could exxose you ourrcover story toniiht. who knew mosquitoes had a foot fetish? if your feet smell... or you know sommone who's dawgs really kick...// stay away from them... we'll tell you why... coming up some harford county residents are going batty over a bat problem at their apartments. i'm myrandaa stephens. why áhealth officialsá are now steppiig in... coming up. ?y?y?y?yçç> new detaiis tonight found murdered nside his buuning rowhome aaong withhtwo reporrer joy lepola explains - the 58 year old mann... had turned to family for help in the weeks leading up to his . outside the shhll of a burned out rowhome... evidence of a lawn.19:02:52 he didn't deserve that at all nnt at all. police foundd58 year old billl ray llvittinside his &pstylle19:00:39 all he waated to do was go to work come home. &pstylle19:00:39 all he waated to do was go to work come home. & the street..he says lovitt had not been able to work because he had fallen ill and recently undergone surgery. 19:01:46 but he was doing fine until yesterday. neighbors say care for him aad she brought her boyfriend. medics found all three hottin the head... 14:46:30 weedo have ome goodd physical evidence from the scene. we hhve some physical have sooeeneighhoos who are we cooperating.joe however says nothinggseemed out of the ordinary to him.19:04:51 yesterdaa for some eeson i walked to the corner and i &pdidn't see anything out of &p5 until quarrer after 6. m - other neighbors say they eard as many as five shotss irre around 4:30. pooice responded but found no evidence of a shooting. 14:44441 they dii an area canvass. they knockedd &pon the residence. looked for any type of evidence of discharging and guushots and unfortunately they didd't find anything. it was only after officers responded to found the thrre shot. a penseless crime... that's leaves neighbors wondering why. 19:01:53 it's heartbreaking he was a good guy in northeaat baltimore joy lepola fox 45 news t ten. 3 the department has ruled that the first officers who responded to the ssene, did follow protocol. virginia police... say.../ they have... / a... serral slasher... on their hands. thh... latest victim.../ 11 yeaa ld girl.../ shopping the... pfair oaks"... mall.../ in... airfax,.../ she... was slashed... in the back.../ with... a weapon...// like... a box-cutter....// áátheáá suspect... ddstracted the victim.../ by... retending to drop a garment.../ in... front of her, .../ ááthat'sáá &pwhen ...she felt a sharp pain.../. áápoliceáá are investigating.../ 5----laahings... at area malls ../ "scary, yeah." (reporter off cam) "sounds almost nuts." "definitely." "sick." "sick.""ttat was kind of scary. when we heard, he was like, i don't even want to go anymore." 3 police... hope... suuveillance video.../ identifies... the attackerr../ áámeantiieáá... / security... has been increased.... baltiiore county school their decision to fill dozens of non-ttachinggpositions. teachers insist the move will urt students.... jeff abell shows us why. why. 3 in baltimore county right now.....almost two-hundred teaching posstions are vacant.... the openings, which were created through attrition, have forced he district to fill the void by social studies teaaher whh "a - started teaching at this high school is now being asked to teach he same subject at a different high school..." critics say the move will resulttin larger class sizes. but while teaching positions go un-filled....the district is hiring in other aaeas. the county has ppent tens of thousands of dollars hirinn neww supervisors, grounds worrers. 35.....on-teaching positions fflleddsincc the first of the year. ((5:10) p"its a matter oo, in tough times, where are you making classroom should be the furtherest the last resort...." (3:00) "if a principal leaaes we have to have him or an ssistant princcpal. thats a given, other positions are directly responsible for suuporting the schools..." off.... and the county --- insists teaching positions have not been eliminated.... piring, hard tiies force some hard decisions... (15:51) "we underrtand tough tiies. the issue is now est manage phat money...."" jeff pbell, fox 45, news at ten. while tte coonty hasn't filled the vacant teaahing positiins, administratoos say they have ired 48 new teachers....many of them in special education. state lawmakkrs are learning more about how your ffvorite sweet and salty treats cculddhelp generate new . revenue. state.... officcals... briefed members.../ of... the senate budget... and ttxation committee.../ ttesday...// ááonáá... possibly áárevenueáá... sales tax..../// - áásnnck--payersáá are nonee. too pleased...// 3 " they ax you on yourrgas, they tax ou on your ppoperty, they tax you on everything.. won't be long they'll be taxing you for breathing.." breathing.." "i don't really apppove of it, i think the goverrment is too intrusive. they already tax on too much stuff and it really has nothing to do with thhehealth of the united states. it's actually has to do with profit." profit."" phese.... talks... also inccude.... consumer services... like landscapinn. we asked: do you sspport a proposed tax on snack foods? most of you said... leave the fritos alone...// but some of you... liie the idea. idea. diane writes:"if they taxee the stupidity of the people thht voted long time lawmakkrs back in, we'd have a surrlus." bobbie writes:"it's an optional purccase. if u can't afford it....don't by it." goo.. to baltimoreedottcom.../ . áátelláá us... what you think.../. áásoundáá off... thru facebook.../. áásendáá us... a tweet.../// ááaadáá hear... more responses tonight.../ at 11. some... harford county residents.../ apparently... / have... too mann bats in the belfry.../ here with what officials are pnd keep residents safe. em - jennifer and jeff, residents at two apartment complexes in the aberdeen aaea - cranberry run and perrywood gardenn- have reported bat sightings in the last couple of weeks. and one man says the bats aren't just a nuisance... they're viollnt. 14:02:01 my daughter won't sleep in her bedroom and i still kkep the lights oo now 07 tony sarrio is going batty... over a bat problem at his cranberry run apartment. 14:00:09 it was terrible. ii mean you would never move into aa apartment and all of a suddent you're attacked y sarrio says he and his family moved from a second floor apartment into a third floor their new home....he says a pat came flying into his bedroom. 59:18 i had my wiie aad daughter run downstairs into the old aparttenttand i went back up. and it kept &pattaaking me. hitting me in the back of the neck and the bat... but says the next day... he found 10-more! 59:38 they were all on the side of our bed they were behind our dvd player 43 and tonn isn't alooe. other residents 5529 in the building they posted signs on the wall saying that there were bats and they were putting them around our door justtto let uss know 35managers at the complex had no comment abouu the bats... but they did add covers to some of the buildings' air conditionnng units and vents to keee the bats out. county health officials say while most bats don't carry rabies - they still want residents to get phecked out. 42:08 rabies is a fatalldisease so it's very seriously 14 as a very precaution... tony says he's gotten the vaccine for rabies. 1:07 i had nine shots the first time and then i've been bbck two more times 12and while he and is family are now back in their old you know it's happened to you it's harddto relax. so we would just would ratherrnot stay 20 health officiall don'' really know what's causing the reeent infestation. but they're aaking anyone who used tt live ...or even visited eitherr properties... to give them a call..myranda stephens, fox455 news at ten. another wonderful summer day today. today. you know the good times have to come to an eed soon... when? when? here's ccief meteoroologist vytas reid with the skywatch fot forecast 3 áái-radaráá...../ foxbaltimore dot com. áátrackáá coming storms down to your street. foxbaltiiore dot com slash i-radar if you see news. áásee táá.. / ssoot it send it. ááuploadáá... photos and videos to foxbaltimore dot com . ááclickáá... oo the see it shoot it senn it icon. ááoráá... seed photos from your cell to "pics at poxbaltimore dot com." &p3 the lengths they went ...and why ii áfailedá.later on fox45 nnws at ten 12:20:18 "everyone knows that power corrupts and absolute powerrcorrrpts absolutely." absolutely." if you use google... you knoww.. it's an oitstanding search engine...// áásoáá searched far and wide... to @@ it's... been called.../ the... most powerful the world. /// ááandáá chances are.../ you... deal with them... everyday. we're talking about google... the popular search engine that's branched out inno other businesses... rrnging from social media... to gathering story... melinda roeder taaks with some users who are growing concernnd... about their prrvacy... and the power of googge. (nats of typing)more than a billion users visit ggogle everyday... from their laptops... or cell phones... searching sites... checking emaii... and much ore... 10:55:54 (leon zimmerman) "i use google constantly to find google plus social networking feature. i use google groups." it's google's popularity... that's become the keystone of &pthe company's power.... with advertissrs. but somm now fear... it'' power over the public has gone too far. 12:20:18 "google is 'big brooher inc' and everyyne knows that power corrupts and absolute pooer corrupts absslutelyy""cott cleland... is author f the new book "seaach and destroy".... why you can't trust google.(cover part oo bite with google's mission statement)12:20:30 &p"they're the only onee hat ha a mission to organnze all the world's informaaion and thee only oneethat's succeeding in everytime we go online... google gathers - aad saves - information about us.our home address... emails... what we read... what we waach... how we think... from political affiliaaions... to medical records... what we ennoy.... and what we fear.12:20:02 "you're really elling them yoor intentions, what aae your ddepess, darkest secrets, concerns. that shows up in don't seemmto mind...10:57:38 "i have secrets, but not if woold i'd be really upset." relinquishing privacy mayybe common practice in today's online world...10:57:144"when i put information online, i have no expectation that it will remaii private."but some do wonder... and worry... brooke hall 1:10:24 "i'm mostly concerned that they're filtering information in google searches... get a different list of search results than somebody eese." but tracking our online activity is the least of cleland's worries. 12:23:05 "well if someooe knows pverythinn abbut you... you're at greater risk of sttlkingg kidnapping, fraud, heft, intimidation, harrassment." he &pdoesn't expect readers to sto wants everrone to be ware of poteetiil dangers.11:10:09 concerred. but i wouud say 3 google has been able to build aatrust between the brand aad amazing."cleland says logging - po... truly áisá an exercise in trust... but there have beee breaches... involving crime...12:23:49 ""here is a google employee that was security...12:24:566"we know that the entire google systee was broken into by chinese hackers accorddng to googge. they literally stole google's password system."the company is currently the subject of several class action lawsuits over privacy. google is also beiig nvestigated for anti-truut ... and for allegedly enabling illegal pparracy sales.yet there is still little government oversight... which cleland recommend... to prevent crimes... or pplitical corruptionn12:30:37 "google system... to skew elections if ttey chose to do it."but is just trading one "big ealll -3 brotter"... for another. 11:11:28 "so then who o you trust more? the government or google? i probablyytrust google more."melinda roeder... google executives have dismissed the accusations raised in clelann's book.... clliming the author is a paid consultant for their competitors, including microsoff. on... google's own website,.../ the pomppny... insssts ttey are responsible stewarrs.../ of... personnl information.. they hold. 3 "hii feet were just going back and fourth, it was wwird to see because you don't see thht ever" ever" scary moments for a man wwo gets stuck ead first inside a storm drain for almost an hour..... what he was after anddhow he finally managed to get out! 3&we're eetremely proud of him. we love hhm. we miss him. the group that wants tooforce a woman to takeedown this siin... supporting her son... after he break 3 3 3 [ child's voice ] ooh, that looks good. [ child's voice ] can i have some? [ child's voice ] you guys should rock, paper, scissors for it. ok. [ chuckles ] best of three? sure. one-two-three-shoot. one-two-three-shoot. [ scoffs ] one-two-three-shoot. one-two-three-shoot. one-two-three-shoot. one-two-three-shoot. i win! oh, man. [ muffled ] congratulations. [ male announcer ] get your own bbq pulled pork sub at subway®. tender, slow-cooked pork with irresistibly bold barbecue sauce. subway. eat fresh®. 3 3&p a ccmera capture some of the mayhem in last fridays bombing in osso, norway. surveillance video from inside a store shows the moment of the explosion. watch as the ggass breaks... and debris flies. race to get a glimpss... of what happened....8 people died government buildiig..police arrrsted 32-year-old anders brave-vick.police say... afterr phe bombing, brave-ik.. went to a youth camp on a nearby sslnd... pand opened fire... killing 68. aa.. u--s... good... staff members...3 and... patients... gathereddon the.../ parade grrunds... in washington.../ to... mark the closing... of walter reed... medical center...// áátheáá army's ...flagship hoopital.../ after... mmre than... .... centuryy../ of... providing care....// ááwalteráá reed... opened... in 1909. .../ ááandáá treattd... military families... and presidents.// áá itáá was a 2000 scandal.../ about... substandard living conditions.... on... its groundss...for the... p woundee a... homeowner's association... in louisiaaa.../ is... suing.../ ooe... ressdent.../ over... a sign.../ supporting u-s troop. troops. the burr family put up hii sigg, after their afghanistan in january.about a month later, they received a notiie from the homeowners aasociation asking them to take it down because the rules say residents can'ttplace siins in their yards.jodi burr wrote them a letter explaining why she would nottremove the sign. we reelly feel our first amendment rights have been infriigeddupon. we feel ps though we have a freedoo of expression, which is exactly what our son enlisted in the milittry and is ladly today.the home owner's association sent them several more nooiccs, and recently served tte burr famill with owner''sassooiatiin ssys they - support the message of the sign, and the content does not have anything to do with the legal dispute. a man ends--up stuck head first in a storm dra. drain.police... ssapped this picture.../ beforeepulling ... the... 21- year-ood man.../ &páápoliceáá say... the california... man.../ who was drunk...// áádovváá inno.... to the gutter... tt ááheáá was... . ááuntiláá - a... neighbor... called 911. 33 (sot: jennifer chwartz)"i use the kknd of things taalets are g useful for......and if other ptblets might be better... later on fox45 news at ten. pif there areealways mosquiioes around when you're could be the on fox45 news at ten ?y?y?y?yçç> new research shows panii attacks may ánotá come out of nowhere. 3 southern methodist university sufferers for 24 hours. recordinn panic attacks as they happened... when they looked at he video... they discovered physical signs of an hyperventilation......and some of those signs were showing up pn áhourá before the attack. 1.../ in... 6 customers.../ noticed... calorie information.../ on... restaurant menuu... /// áandáá ended up... buying items....with fewer calories. a...// 2008... neww york city llw.../ requires.../ chain... restaurants...// with... 15... or more ...llcations.../ nationwide...// áátoáá... give customers... calorieeinformation...///. ááscienttstsáá &psurveyed... lunchtime 11... restturant chains... in new york city.../. ááonáá average... / items.../ with fewer calooies.../ at... mcdonald's.../ , au... bon pain.../ and... k-f-c. if.../ you... know someone.../ that smell... like... the inside,.../ of...aa..dumpster...// ááyou'lláá want... to stay away... from them, ../ ááevenáá if.. you're... outdoors outdoorsseems mosquitos are &páattractedá to that smell. researchers in tanzania are mosquito trap....and they socks... anddthe smellier, the better.the insects liked the socks 4-times better than human flesh......and preferred socks that had been worn for 10 hours.the smell is beiing used to trap mosquitoes aad prevent malaria. 3 cars... went from 8-tracks.../ to... cassette tapes../.to... c-d plaaers..///.áánowáá on... ford.../ - &p is... set to become... the to... ditch... c-d newest... ford focus... will feature.../ a.../ "u-s-b"... plug... áásooá you... can plug in... your i-pod.../ or....other....m-p-3 player.../.áátheáá ford brass... sayss../ in-car... nteetainment.../ s... evolving more rapidly.../ than... just about... anything else .../ in... your car. 3 an attempted robbery ...doesn't work... what these criminals didn't know... that got them caught.. (sot: jennifer schwartz)"i use it to checc the eatherrfirst thing whee i wake up in the morg morningthe kind of things ...and if other tablets might be on fox455 ews americans are on track to buy more than 20 million tablet computers this year. patrice harrrs... says.../// not... only are... more and more tablets .../ coming onto ...the market... / áátheáá number ...of apps.../ is... multtplying... like crazy. p 3 consumer reports has thh lowdown on tte five things tablets do best, so you can jennifer schwaatz never leaves home wittouu her ipad because of all the cool things she can schwartz)"i use it to check the weather first thing when i wake up in the morning. and i because i have now two reading - apps that i have on it, which is terrific." (v/o)with the explosion of ipad sales and so many other tablets on the mmrket, there's a rich range oo apps being offered that allow you to do all sorts of things. consumer repprts' paul reynolds took a look at five of the best things you can do with a tablet. chyron:paul partially covered (sot)ssot "keeping on top of a lot of &pnews is a breeze with tablets pulse is a great free app that's available for both the ipad and android tablets." (v/o)pulse lets youu subscribe to your favvrite news sourcee ann arrange them in rows so you can easily scroll through them a or you can group thhm by subject, like sports or showbiz. (sot: paul reynolds)"tablets, excellent platforms for reading magazines. the color navigationnis easy, and you can watch embedded ideos and other ontent that isn't in streaming video is another great use of a tablet. apps like hbo go, which is free for the ipad, allows hbo ssbscribers to watch the channel's shhws just about anywhere. and with apps like ipad's garage band, you (natsot: guitar) (v//)garage banddalso allows you to record your compositions and share them via itunes or eemail. (v/o)lastly, games designed for tablets like infinity blade offer great, fast graphics that draw you into the action. action. consumer reports says if you want to get the most ouu of activities like playing games and viewing video, consider getting a larger ablet with a nine- to ten-inch screen. patrice harris fox45 news at ttn. 3 when the ravens ggt marshall yanda to agree to his giant new deal, the focus thennshifted to cornerback jjsh wilson...that's not gonna happen..things re moving fast in pro football right now, and paster..wilson has agreed to drive about 40 minutessdown year deal from the redskins... the length is still unclear, but it's being reported that he'll average bbtween four and a half and five and a half probabll higher than the ravens ere willing to at least a million...they presumably now try to re-sign chris carr, but there are reports he's talking to the jets... the ravens hit the field tomorow afternoon to open traininggcamp..since it's &pbeing help in owings mills, all workouts will be close to phe public, buutyou will have at least once chance to seem them..theerrvens announced public practice at m&t bank stadium august 6th,,and they go on to say it ccuild be the only chance you'll have to see will be held at 10am, gates will open at 9.. it'll be veey similaa to ooe held last year, that drew over 17-thousand to m&t bank stadiumm.. 3 when they do hit the field, plenty of eyes will be on number 83...second year tight end ed ddckson, who appeared paases for 152 yards and one touchdown in limitee action behind todd heap...but thht's just the thing, heap is now gone, a salary cap casualtt, and dickson becomessthe defacto starter at tight end....he's sorrr to see heap go, but he also feels he'' up to the challenge of replacing a ravens legend... and we're not done...coming up at 11:20, morgan adsit reports on tte issues faciig the ravens....we'll hear from joe flacco, who's loot his two favorite receivers and more on theeloss of josh wilson.... that's in 30 minutes on sportts unlimited... 3 the thiig these criminals didn't know... that goo them on fox45 news at ten ...and coming up ii just 5 minutes on the late edition... edition... a preacher may have to ask for forgiveness after this prayer. what he said to ree up the crowd before the race that angered many fans. and a reporter is attacked on live television to try to hide the evideece. why what was found inside this house is the most shocking thing loccl police have ever seen.., criminals caught in the act... when tteir attempt to rob a long.... watch.../ as... these en... take a tire iron... to tte glass doors.... of... this... speedway store... in ohio..../ áthey'reáá un-aware... that their... big break.../ was... in front of... a live audience.../ ááanáá alarr company ...watching surveillance cameras...//. áátheáá company... calleddthe cops...// ááwhileáá these dunderhhads.../ continued... tryinggto... break... the glass...///. áátheyyá &ppinally... managed... to get &pa hole in the door.../ áábutáá they... couldn't reach the &plockk..//. ááthatsáá when... ...a... cruiser... jennifer gilbert

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