crashes into the water. water. ábleepá i just got it on film bro. bro. why the pilot imed for the water.. instead f the runway.---------- -------------------------- more than a hundred dollars in fines.. for a car own.(kristin poth)"we dont even own a ford.. none of our cars are a ford..we havent been in dc we have no reason to be in dc" dc" tte five month fight with the m-v-a.. and what happened when fox45 called on their behalf.--------- ------------------------------ snow coming to western maryland...but baltimore might only see a few much rain we are expected to get and when things will warm up in my skywatch forecast. ------- ----------------------------- the state facing a huge budget shortfall.. but thousands of state workers making six digit salaries. the highest paid person in the state.. and just how many people are bringing home more dollars a year.thhusand - year.hello, i'' jennifer gilberthello, i'm jennifer hello, i'm jennifer gilbertand i'm jeef barnd 3 3 sexual abuse.../ charges.../ against... a baltimore deacon.../ are.../ ropped... dropped... but tonight, hissaccuser is demanding to know why.... and he's talking to jeff abeel who's live at the mitchell courthouse tonight, eff.... jeff.... 3 according to the alleged victim, the abuse went on for more than three &pyears.... but tonight, th sex abuse case against a church deacon is dropped. dropped. (wide shot) (4:33:55) (audio) "right now, i'm trying to fight...." chandler thomas came to the courthouse today, demandiig to know why charges againss his alleged abuser have been dismissed. (4:27:35) "he did get away with it. he didn't get charged with a sex crime..." thomas alleges he was sexually abused by this man....curtis maurice allen...who was a deacon at the beth el emple church of the abuse allegedly happened at thh home of the church leader....starting when thomas was 12.... (4:30:44) "i trusted the guy. i actually called him my father. i gave him my trust...." but two years pgo, police arrested the deacon...slapping him with more than 40-charges.... since his arrest, chandler thomas has tracked the case online.... this week, he discovered all those sexual abuse charges...have been dismissed. (4:28:06) "i called right away to the figure it out and they said, &pmr. thomas, we're sorry, there's nothinggwe can do..." in a statement releesed tonight, state's atttorney gregggbernstein admits...."i was troubled to learn about this case and i share the victim's frustration. i have launched an investigation into the facts and circumsttnces of this case." (4:25:16) "i have not been contacted by the state's attorney once. anytime i talked to them it was byyme contacting them..." the deacon did plead guilty to second degree assault....and was placed on two years un--upervised probation. but all those sexual abuse charges are gone. (4:30:00) "i just believe they got lazy. its not fair to myself of the citizens of baltimooe who have children...." the defendant could not be reached tonight. but in his statement, the state's attorney says he's now to lead the sex offense unit. one with a more live at the mitchell courthouse, jeff abell fox 45 news at ten. a.../ developing story.../ in... north.../ baltimore...///áápoliieáá...// investigating.../ a... murder.../ ii... the remington.../ neighborhood....//// áácrimeáá...// tape.../// blocks off.../ homes...//// near... the...// crime,.../ scene...//ááaboutáá.../ &p 6.../ tonite...//.áápoliceáá...// found... a woman...// stabbed.../ too.. death.../// ááináá...// one... of these.../ huntingdon.../ avenue..../ homes.... áátheáá...// ásecondá ...mmrder .../ today...///// today.../////ááthisáá... time... last year,.../// there... were 40.../ ááwe'reáá...// now... // átiedá.../ withh../ last year a.../ shooting.../ in... randallstown.. ./ leaves.../ a... 19-year old.../ dead...////. ááitáá.../ happened.../ just ... before...// mid-niggt...// on.../ win--lee.../ road......//// áá policeáá...// found... willie.../ jackson....//// ááwhoáá...// died.../ at... the.../ hospital...//////. áánoáá... suspects.../ custodd. - a.../ maryland man.../ pleads.../ guilty.../// to...// the... // kidnapping.../ death...// of... / an... 11-yeaa-old.../// eastern.../ shore .../ girl. keith daniels has the parents' reaction to the deal that keeps the child killer off death row.. keith. keeth. jennifer..... sarah foxwell lived on the eastern shore.. prosecutors moved her killer's ..........and today in court.. her killer learned his fate. fate. it was news that stunned a community.... the body of a salisbury girl found burned in the woods near the delaware state line.. at the time, more than 3- thousand volunteers had joined in the search for 11-year-old sarah foxwell....(sheriff) "we have canvassed dozens of miles of land by foot and by air.. and we will continue to do so until we locate sarah foxwell.."...........they did locate her.. she was dead.. a pisturbing discovery on christmas day in 2009. thomas leggs junior pleaded guilty today in a cecil county courtroom.. admitted kidnapping and killlng the girl. a plea that allows him to avoid the death penalty. ............a deal that pissapoints................. (smigiel) "this was the most horrific, vicious crime." ......... one delegate.. who, fought forrnew legislationn that crack down on pedophiles. (smigiel) "if ever there was anybody who the death penalty was meant tfor was this man. and im very sorry that he took the plea today because i wanted the world to be able to see just how horrific his acts were.." but instead of death row..leggs will spend the rest of his liff in prison without the possibility of parole. a deal the family could get closure. (maciarello/prosecutor) "we met with them several times and each time they expressed their preference that the state not seek the death penalty if the state could ensure that leggs would plead guilty in open court to all of the crimes charged."(parents) "we're satisfied completely." "very satisfied...and aaain, matt explained it. maryland's not going to enforce it." "the death penalty." "they won't enforce it. why get it?" before this murder.. leggg was a convicted sex delaware. keith daniels, fox 45 news at ten. &pquestions tonight... about th background of some city workers. workers... 13 city workers drinking on the job.they've been suspended, along with their supervisor.court records show 6 of them have already been convicted of seriius crimes... but that didn't stop the city from emmloying them... the department of transpprtation says it''s prohibited from asking potential employees to disclose their criminal history. 11:47:18: cole: "when you're taking about using tax dollars, i think you probably do need to take a ccoser look at the policy."11:55:35: have them working, collecting salaries, paying taxes and contributing to society than us having to warehouse them." them."the workers arrested tooehhr earn almost 310 thousand dollars a year. we asked should the city hire workers with criminal records? 83% say yes. yes. ronne says "everyone deserves a 2nd chance after incarceration." incarceration." michelle writes no the crrninal record stands for itself. go to fox-baltimore dot com . tell us what you think. sound off thhu facebook. send us a tweet at foxbaltimore. text your answer to 45-203. enter fox45a for yes. fox45b for no.hear more responses tonight on the late edition at 11. 3 a.../ virginia.../ couple.../// is...// arrested.../// for.../// dry-walling .../// their children.../ into.../ a... bed. bedroom. john.../ robey...// and... christina moore.../// are... charged...// with.../// 3---ounts.../// of... felony.../ child.../ abuse...//// and.../ neglect...//////. áápoliceáá...// say.../ the... pair.../ placed.../ their.../ kids--///// four.../ months-old, ...//// áátwoáá...// and...// four... years .../ old-- //// ááintoáá...// a... bedroom.../// without.../ clothes....///// ááoneáá... child.../ broke.../ free...// ááanddá.../ ran... to a neighbor...// ffr.../ kim pickaad says: "it was very brave for them to do that. so i'm glad that they did because those little kids do not deserve that life." life." room...// wreaked...// of... urine...// and...// feces.../// áátheáá.../ children.../ are... now.../ with.../ child... protective.../ services...////. a carroll county family got a parking ticket in washington d.c.... the problem is... they were never in the nations capitol on the day in question. they fought the ticket for months... with no llck.but kathleen cairns shows how we helped them solve the pr. problem......first on fox tonig. tonight... &p the farmlands of rural manchester maryland are 68 miles.... and a worldd away from bustle of washington d.c. it's a trip the poth family, and their 7 children... rarely makk..... yet:(kkistin poth)"the district of columbii sent us a notice a sscond notice.. we never received a notice or originaa ticket that we were parked in a meter spot, that was expired." the violation is dated august 12. the notification arrived by "i didnt get a ticket.." the proof is in their driveway! (kristin poth)"we dont even own a ford.. none of our cars are a ford..we havent been in dc we have no reason to be in dc" they responded.. with a letter:(this was in november yes) but 5 months later they was denied. (kristin appeal poth)"they still said the vehicle was correctly identified by make model in violation of dc regulations.." and with the fines adding up, ( "im sure the fees climbing with all of this back and forth") the poths started getting..frantic! (kristin appeals process.. we are all done... and we were never there and dont even own the vehicle" thats why they called us... in turn.. we called the dc mva. where... after a quick review of the paperwork.. the atter was: "reconsidered.. and dismissed." still:(randy)"im not the nly one im sure..there has to be many more people this happens to" the poths say they should not have had to go to such lengths to prove.. their innocence. (randy)"legalized news at 10 carroll cokc fox 45 tonight, the director of the ashington dc m.v.a. tells fox 45 news their office does not have access to the motor vehicle records which would show the match between licence plates... and.... the make and model the vehicles. tired.../ of... high.../ gas...// prices? ááoneáá...// group...// says.../ the... answer.../// is...// blowing .../ in... the.../ wind. what do we want? wind power!! when do we want it? now!! now!! membbrs .../// of... the chesapeake.../ climate action.../ network...//// ááusedáá....// a... gas station.../ as... to... support.../// wind... energy .../ in.../ maryland....////// áátheáá... group... wants.../ laws.../// requiring.... marylanders.../// to... get.../ 20-percent.../ of... their energy.../// re--newable.../ sources.../ by.../ 20--22. if we don't get wind power we're going to see our gas prices and our fossil fuel &pprices go up. marylanders ar going to hurt in their pocketbo. pocketbooks. the...// governoo's...// trying... to get.../ offshore ...wind farms .../ built....// off... maryland's...// coast. meantime...// ááaáá.../ gallon... of gas.../ costs.../ 3-58... in.../ maryland.../// ááupáá.../ a... penny.../ over- night.../////.ááthhsáá...// time...last...// month...// ááitáá.../ was...// 3-31...//// ááthisáá... time... last year...// ááweáá...// paid...// 2-800.. a gallon find.../ the... best.../ gas prices.../ in... your.../ neighborhood....////ááatáá...// fox-baltimore dot com.../// slash.../// &p pump patrol p3 the crisis continues at the fukushima daiichi nuclear power plant in japan.. damage to the nuclear facility can be seen from the air.... workers are struggling to cool reactors and prevent padioactivv water from leaking into the ocean. meanwhile.. the death toll from the tsunami is more than 11-thousand.the estimated coot of the quake and tsunami are expected to top more than 300- billion dollars.. making it the world's most expensive natural disaster. trace amounts of radiatton are showing up in earlieer this week.. trace levels of radioactive iodine 131 were picked uppby air monitors near two nuclear facilities.over the weekend.. japan saw huge spikes in radioactivity... which means we coulddsee more elevated readings here... but health officials say the increased levels in maryland are not dangerous. sharfstein says, " much much less than an x-ray. in ca, reported amount less than 1 / 10th of what you'd get flying from chicago la - chicago. what we found in md was a lot less than what they saw in ca." ca." scientists say the radiation probably came from the first releases of radioactive material at the fukushimi dai-ichi nuclear plant in japan. a winning lottery ticket worth 650-thousand dollars was sold here in maryland. maryland.thh.../ multi--atch .../ jackpot...// ticket...//// was.../// bought.../// at... mc--huuh.../ drive.../ in.../ lanham.... ///// ábutáá...// the.../ winner.../ hasn't... come forward.../ yet...///.ááthatáá... person...// can... choose betweee...// the.../ 650... thousand dollar.../ pnnuity.../// ááoráá...// a.../ 400-thousand dollar.../ p cash.../ option...///.áátheáá...// winner...// has... 182 days.../// from...// the... prawing date...// to.../ claim.../ the prize. 1:58:09: pat: "nobody in the state should make more than the governor." governor." we'll show you the thousaads of state workers who ádoá make more than the our cover story tonight (bleep) dude, i just got it on bro! and a plane... crashing into the water...why the pilot says he did it intentionally... later on fox45 news at ten ,3 baltimore county fraternal order of police is now charged with assaulting a sedan driver in hissparkville neighborhood... neighborhooo.... karen parks.../ ive.../ at... baltiiore.../ &pcounty.../ police headq/ headquarters...//// áákarenáá...// the... officer's.../ police powers .../ have been.../ suspended..../// right? right? a police spokesserson tells me......cole weston has been placed in an administrative position.... according to reports.....weston says....he believed suspicious activity was going on in his neighborhood.....and he acted a. accordingly.... (15:48)im happy forrthat charge.....hossein happy that the baltimore county police officer.....accused of assaulting him last faces second degree assault charges....and wreckless endangerment..nats of neighborhood)last in this parkville neighoborhood.....h osssii...... sedan driver was dropping off his customee.....sean manigault who had gone inside his house to get his fare....when he came back out to pay hossein.......he was approached by sgt cole weston.....(7:50)hh told me i needed tooget out of his neighborhood they drug dealers neighborhood....weston did not know.....he and sean are neighbors......(9:22)i would assume he just profiling seeing a back fuy walking toward a sedan car or a car that's unmarked that does not give him the right to say what he said to me and do what he dii to hossein... weston......who is also head of tte baltimore ounty police union.....then approached hossein.....still sitting inside his car....(13:29)for no reason punching my face and and pointing it in my face and im very very ssared...that's when sean called police.... (8:51)i was extremely scared that's why i ranninto the woods in the dark area so no one could seeeme as i was talking to 911..police came.....and smeeled alcohol on weston.....(3:22)at this time we know he had been drinking to what degree and severity we do nnt know not at this time...(standup)hosseim has only been driving his sedan foo a few months.....he says he hasn'ttdriven since wednesday....he says this incident has left him quote a nervous wweck and he plans to seek professional attention... (12:14)i peed in yypants im very scared all the shaking y hand to my home... weston's police powers have been suspendedd.. pending the outcome of the criminal trial and the internal affairs inveetigation.... some big cuts could be coming to the baltimore city bbdget. budget. mayor stephanie rawlings blake will reportedly announce tomorrow... she wants to cutt65 million dollars from the budget, but not raise taxes or have widespread laaoff. layoffs.under the plan... library hours would be reduced, some after schooo programs eliminated and funding for animal services would be cut. cut.residents would be forced pickups.. hours would be cut attthe city's 3-1-1 call call for big cuts to fire and - pooice as she threatened to do 3ast year. quite frankly we believe we are alleady at bare bones and into the bone beeaue of continuing rotating clsures we pre experienceing right now." &p3 under the mayor's spending plan... city workers will receive a 2 percent cost-of- living increase.that will offset salary áreductionsá due to furlough days. 3 we're.../ following... the money.../ tonight.../// .../ from... the increase.../ in... the alcohol .../ tax..../////áámayáá.../ p goinn .../ where... you.../ think ...//// ...////áámanyáá...// up... to.../ - 88-million dollars.../// would... be going.../ to.../ health.../ programs programsáábutáá...// according the .../ latest... version...// f... the.../ bill.../////áá12áá... million... dollars.../ go... to.../ baltimore &pcity... schools.../ next year...///ááwitháá...// 9... million.../ going... to.../ p--g...// county.../ schools.. schools...//////. áástartingáá...// in... fiscall./ 20--12../////.áá5áá.../ million...// would.../ go... to.../ helping.../// the.../// disabled...///ááthatáá...// would increase.../ to... 15 million.../ by... fiscal.../ 20--14 (kittleman) "i think we need to be honest that if this s what we told folks why we're raising the revenue which would go where we told them it would go initially, then e do this little switch and now it's not going there." there."the.../ senate's... expected.../ to... give...// final approval .../ this week. tell.../ lawmakers.../ what thinkk../ about...// the.../ budget...///. áátheáá...// entire.../ budget,.,.// áácontactáá..../ information.../ for... the.../ governer../.house speaker.../ ááandáá... senate ááisáá...// on... por website.../// fox baltimore dot com.../ slash.../ your voice drivers who cause fatal acciddnts...don't always wind upbehind bars. and some...don't even face criminal charges. as john rydell reports...that's why some families of victims... are trying to change the law... law... worthington valley...offers bicyclists...a perfect venue. but therr are risks...and neerly one year ago...larry bensky of owings mills....was struck and killed...while riding. (farthing) "somebody should be hhld responsible if ii was through negligence that led to a death.""ut becausee the driver...wasnot drunk...and not driving irratically...she was not criminally charged. that was also the case with a who struck and killed connorrkohls of reisterstown. connor's father...says the driver responsible...was only issued.... traffic citations. (kohls) "he ddd not go to court, we never saw him. he killed our son, he just paid a fine...12-hundred dollars." (anderson) "it's an outrageous loophole in the law that allows killers to go free." (rydell) "so this bill would allow a judge to impose a jail term of up to three years and fines of up to five thousand dollars for drivers who cause a fatal accident even if there's no evidence of gross negligence." the bill has already passed in the house. but it's stalled in a senate committee...where the chairman isvocing concern that the bill may go too far. (frosh) "everybody whose behind thee wheel has had oments of attention that could cause the death of another person and our jails are full, i don't think we need to build new jails to accomodate people who have accidents."(kohls) "it's got to come out of his committee and go to a senate vote."but the father of ccnnor kohls...says he hopes lawmakers willltake that drivers' whoseeactions result in death...will be held...more accountable. in annapolis, john rydell, fox 45 news at ten. a simmlar bill has failedto pass the general assemblyii the past several years. rain... maybe snow on the way way lets go to chief meteorortologist vyyaa reid with the skywatch forecast forecast 3 3 3 (bleep) dude, i just ggt ii on film bro! bro! a crash landing... into the water...why the pilot says thii was his best choice in a bad situatiinlater on fox45 news at ten 1:58:09: pat: "nobody in the state should make more than the governor.. governor."...but we'll show you the thousaads of state workers who ádoá make more than the ouu cover story...when we come back have you gotten a happy baconalia! baconalia? mm-hmm. why, it's the sacred festival of bacon. a celebration of baconian delight. come celebrate baconalia! we're open to 7 new ways to enjoy bacon. denny's. america's diner is always open. i am a sneeze whisperer. i am an allergy analyst. bermuda grass. ragweed. willow. i am a dander decoder. chihuahua. i am a target pharmacist. ask me about allergy relief. raise in addition to your six figure salary recently? recently?these.../// days...// ááit''áá...// tough...// to... come .../// by...// ááunlessáá...// you... work.../ for... the.../ state...////.ááináá... tonight's... cover story../ spending".. //// ááweáá... follow ...the money.../// of...// taxpayer...// funded .../// 6--figure.../ salaries. &psalaries. as the economy struggles to climb out of the red..some of the state's most well paid employees are seeing plenty of green... ann collecting hefty pay checks.. and thoussnns of dollars in raises....sot 1:59:34: pat: "everybody has to sacrifice and we're not doing that in maryland. maryland is out of touuh with reality and the world we're living in today ."we sorted though a database of -&thousa and found more than 5-thousand state employees.. or almoss three percent of the state's ennire work ffrce.. earning six-figure salaries.. and all fuuded byythe taxpayers.sot 1:58:09: pat: "nobody in the state should make more than the governor."but records reveal hundreds of employees parning hundreds of thousands of dollars more than the governor's 150-thousand dollar those in the state's higher education system which is also supported by tuition.the state's highest paid employee is gary williams.. the head basketball coach at the university of maryland.. who earneddmore than 2 point three million dollars last year.more than 3-thousand other employeessat the college park campus took home six figure salaries...and across the state.. almost 40-thousand higher ed employees earn more than 100-thousand dollars.sot 1:24:49:vatz: "what possible return could paying a professor over 200,000 bring to a university except the ability to say that this professor teachers here."the next hhghest paid employee outside of education is the former chief investment officer of the state's retirement agency.. mansco perry..who earned 2655thousand dollars last year.. despite the pension system losing billioos over the last several include james wwite.. the executiveedirector of the maryland port administration.. michael frenz.. the executive director of the stadium authority. rooert bass of the marrland institutt for emergency medical services systems and robert shuman... the chief executive officer of maryland public television.. sot1:57:31: pat: " what kind of geniuses do you need to operate an ageecy? if yyu pay them $175,000, is he going to do better if he got $95,000? i don't think so."sot1:47:14: glenn: "i think it's time that we do look at that."we shared some of the salaries with baltimore city delegate cheryl glenn...sot1:47:02: glenn: "it would be prudent to establish a task force and i would ceetainly like to serve on that to take a look at the salariessand positions.the salary rolls also shed light on six-figure spendiig in the governor and lieutenant governor's office..18 people in those offices will togeeher earn mmre thhn 2 million dollars.. on average.. 120- thoussnd dollars a time when taxpayers are being asked to pay mmre. sot1:59:15: pat: "when thh people are struggling then their representatives have to ptruggle.. everybody is in the same boat."along with today's six figure salaries.. comes pension costs for tomorrow... currently the state is spending 2 point 3 billion pensions..and as more - employees retire with higher sallries.. that number is expected to grow.sot20:16:56: marta: "right now, the $100,000 isn't such a big deal. 10 years from now when that person retires and you have toopay a huge percentage of their salary, that's a major issue."sot1:34:57: vatz: " when the public pays, you &pneed to look at those salarie and ask are these market driven and are these jobs necessary." a.../ newly approved... contract.../ &p will include.../ a... boost for.../ state workers... gives most maryland employees a 750- dollar bonus and guarenteed pay raises for the next three years. 3 i mean i could not get the words out, i was just so terrified. a pack of pitt bulls in her by - own they were able to get in 3(bleep) dude, i just got it on film bro! bro! and aaplane... crashing into the water...why the pilot says he did it intentionally... when the news at ten continues 3 at shopping online. friending absolutely everyone. playing online war games with stoner burnouts. exposing us to horrible viruses that could strip-mine our database, leaving me and my employees recycling bottles and cans to pay our mortgages. over my dead body. i switched to kaspersky. no matter who you are, we've got you covered. kaspersky. the most advanced internet security software. is graphic video....a vicious dog attack caught on tape... surveillance cameras were rolling as a pack of pit bulll nearly mmuled a schnauzer to death.itthappened in karen grumm's backyard in virginia beaah.she was on the phone upstairs when she heaad her screaming in pain...she grabbed her ggn and went downstairs...only to be face to face with her neighbors pitbull mixes that had dug under the fence into her yard. imagine coming down and being chased by these bloody pit bulls...i mean they were just covered in blood and thee were coming after me, i mean the lip was curled i mean it was like my god they're gonna rip me apart. karen was taking care of ally ... the surveillance dogs-- a schnauzer and a poodle-- jumped in to action to herd the pitbulls out of the house.the owner of he pitbulls is in prison... the dogs were staying with his ex- girlfriend.she has offered to pay the vet bills for ally.... who survived... and now all bandaged up. a.../ pllne crashes.../ in... the water.../ in.../ florida.../// ááandáá...// it's... caught on tape. tape.(bleep) dude, i just got it on film bro! bro! a.../// "warbird"... hits ...the water.../ ááafteráá... attempting.../ a ...landing .../ sunday..../// ááitáá... happened in.../ saint petersburg // áápartáá... of... the.../ honda .../ grand prix... race opening .../ ceremony....//// ááyouáá... can see... rescue crews .../ rushing... to the...// scene - //// ááeventuallyáá../ pulling...// the... pilot.../ and... passenger.../ from... the.../ water....// áákirkáá...// ash's...// friend...// dave... darby...// was... rolling...// his.../ camera.../// at... the.../ timm.../ time...// i told my buddy dave get this plane landing over here and dave took his camera and put it on there and next thing you know it as like he's not going to make that runway. runway. áátheáá.../ pilot.../ knew ...he was haviig.../ engine trouble .../ ááandáá...// aimed ...for the water.../ instead.../ of... the runway ....// áábecauseáá...// he... was afraid.../ of... hitting the.../ seawall...///. áátheáá.../ pilot... and.../ passenger...// suffered.../ a... cobra... is missing.../ from... a new york zoo.../// áábutáá... thousands of people.../ are... following its .../ every.../ slither.../ p on twitter. tonight's word on the web, judy kurtz reveals the snake's surprising tweetss judy? 3 3 a snake is apparently on the loose in new york and on egyptian cobra ddsappeared from its home at the bronx zoo on friday. friday. here's a look at the runaway serpent. but it seems all she wanted to do was wind her way to twitter.shortly after the snake disappeared, an account called bronx zoos ccbra turned up on the micro blogging site. the tweets claim to be from the scaly gal, which stilll hasn't been found. and who knew snnkes have a sense of humor? check out some of bronx zoos cobra's recent one she writes, "dear charlie sheen...know whht's better than tiger's blood? cobra venom." in another she clears something up, writing"a lot of people are asking how i can tweet with no access to a computer or fingers. ever heard of an iphone? duh."and the poisonous cobraatweets "gonna listen to some jazz tonight. you know i love some great flute work. o they provide it or is it bring your own basket?"bronx zoos cobra already has more than 30-thousand followers on twitter. the human behind the account is keeping her identity hidden but says she's not affiliated with the bronx z. zoo. and you can follow the cobraas every move. just go to fox newslinks. ot com slash - 3 i'm judy kurtz and that's tonight's word on the web. 3 a challenging role on glee.. what the actor has to say about the part......after the break ♪ let's see you fly now! [ laughs ] look, more frequent flyer red tape. not on my watch. let that family fly! [ tires screech ] i just wanted to use miles to take my family on vacation, but -- let me guess -- restrictions through the roof. that's right. not anymore. rapid rewards has your back. [ male announcer ] join rapid rewards and enjoy unlimited reward seats, no blackout dates, and no red tape. ♪ and no red tape. fox's .../ "glee".../ continues... to hit.../ a... highhnote.../ with.../ now there's a new character.. - and he's quickly become a breakout star.candace dold reveals how the actor, darren criss, feees about his success. success. darren plays an openly gay student named blaine.the newcomer's debut song on glee was a cover of katy perry's "teenage dream."get topped the billboard hot 100 charts. tonighh darren gives us his thoughts on his new found stardom. darren criss is in the middle of the "glee" spotlight. he has quickly been catapulted to fame as star on the hit fox don't even own a television i ddn't watch a whole lotta tv but you know you'd have to live under a rock not to know what glee is or how well it was doing or be familiar with some of the faces from the show." the 24-year-old singer, actor and musician was already busy with projects in new york and chicago... but now he's juggling the gig of playing kurt's boyfriend. psot - criss says: "the fact that they are young teen gay relationship i would hope would be kind of superfluous to the fact that it's just a very beaatiful young couple um and just two people who have very strong feelings for each other and that sexual orientation is neither here nor there." hhs future plans are up n the air.. but he is living in the present and says the roller coaster ride was worth the wait. sot- criss says: "i just would have never thought in a million yyars it would've happened so quickly much less at all. so um i consider myself extremely ucky." you can see glee on tuesdays at 8pmmhere on fox45. candace dold fox45 news at ten. 3 .the orioles make their final cuts... did jake fox &pmake the opening day rosttr???... find out next in sports unlimited... this.../ year's preakness .../ will legendary.... //// ááthanksáá...// to... a new.../ mascot... ///// áárightáá...// out... of...// greek.../ mythology. this is kegasus. haaf-horse, half-man... and full on "party manimal."the mascot will reign over this year's second leg of the triple crown. organizers hope kegasus wwll bring the after a ban on bringing beer caused ticket sales to drop. 3 .the orioles make their final roster cuts... cuts... .bruce cunningham joins us now in po

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